August 13, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 13, 1959 |
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<, ))
SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published tn "Christmastown U., .A., Shelton, Washin
lospitality i ;i; l
was' extended by the Don Pogre- ' i• i: l-
Iras this past Sunday afternoon to i i i!
te: Ed Okoneks, Fred Lutzes, ( , ,
lIoward Somers and Walt Clay- from his Army Reserve summer later than 1O:00 a.m. AugasL 19 Also sporting a "new" arriwI or
tons when the grotp held their
(lmost traditional?} an n u al
Iiathering to view on TV the ex-
alting Gold Cup hydroplane races.
tempting potluck "feast" was
erved buffet style providing the
group with "nourishment" with-
c]ut interruption' of some of the
nore exciting moments of the
rFce. Lucky winner of the "race
pot" was Fred Lutz who drew
Maverick, while Louise Okonek
came closest to guessing the av-
erage speed of the winning craft.
lroUant interpreter of the poten-
Ual capabilities of the competing
lydros in the younger set wlflch
qongregated at the H. Seiners'
lsidenco under the tender loving
aare of Jeanne and Lynn Stevens
was fifteen-month old Krlsti Som-
rs, who also drew Maverick as
winning boat.
i MEANWHIIAE, in their home
above this intent group, the Or-
Ville Kagers entertained a fair
mpling of the past and present
pulation of Butte, Montana.
Niece Bernadtne Kllloy and Kathy
and Paul (of Portland, formerly
of Butte) arrived Friday to spend
deveral days (and rejoin husband
Gene who has been spending some
time here) and brought along
with them, Gene's mother, Mrs.
gnes Kflloy of Butte, Montana.
onday, several members of the
family drove to the Tacoma Ter-
minal to welcome Mrs. Mildred
Ralph and sister-in-law Miss Thel-
ma Ralph, former Butte neighbors
and good friends of the Kagers
who also planned to spend the bet-
ter part of this past week with
them. Who said "All roads lead to
Rome"? ?!
The annual picnic of the Junior
American Legion Basebsll team
enlivened the Eckert-Eacrett
beach with an afternoor of swim-
ruing, boating, water-skiing ano
the inevitable lmprompth football
games on the sand this past Sat-
urday afternoon. Following the
picnic dimmr the team presentea
Coach Bob Eacrett with a beauti-
2ul clock-radio as a going-away
present {prior to his departure
from the Shelton area to take
over his new teaching-coaching
position at Oak Harbor this fall).
Present at the affair were Legion
Representative Bill Dickie, Coach
Bob Eacrett and wife Shirley,
Umpire (and host) "Eke" Eacrett
{aZd his favorite hostess, Ann),
team members Roy Kimbel, Den-
Ills Temple, Ray Neuneker, Ray
Manke, Ed Stock, ken Ellis,
.Vayne Carlson (and parents Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Csrlson), Bilt
D0lds {and Mrs. ken Dodds and
sister Pal,). Following the after-
laoon on the beach, tile "fellows"
joined by Roger Hermes and Bill
Fitchett drow to Seattle to see
tlae Rainier Ball Club trounce the
highly rated Sacramento ball
players. Needless to say, Ann and
/.Eke" spent Sunday relaxing in
view of their TV set letting the
Gold Cup festivities ply)vide the
day's entertainment.
MRS LAUitA Hansen spent
evcral very pleasant days the
past week (from Monday till
"Wednesday) visiting wilh Mr. and
Mrs. A. 'W. Zizz at their home.
The Zizzes are the frowner owners
0f Reach Island {now Treasure
Island, of course) and are now en-
oying retirement to their lovely
little home in Yakima.
Former school and college
mates of the Walt Claytons, Jr.,
:.:Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rlddell, accom-
encampment at Camp Irwin, CaN
ifornia( ironic in that they were
mrth on a business-pleasure trip
from their home in Santa Rosa,
California). Too late to greet the
guests, Walt arrived home safely
Saturday night, in spite of a sand
storm and flood in the Camp h'-
win area which threatened to de-
lay his departure for home.
Sunday afternoon guests to the
Walter Clayton, Sr. residence
wel Mr. and Mrs. Art Greene
and son Gordon of Aberdeen. Vis-
iting and fishing (dear to GoI:dy's
heart) were the order of the day,
and the wonderful weather more
than made up for the lack of co-
operation from the fish.
residents were very busy enter-
taining this past week. The C. W.
Campbells had as house guests
until Friday morning, daughter
Joan (Mrs. Dick Lewis of Taco-
ma) and three children, Colleen,
Bryan and Barry. To neatly round
off the week's activities, the
Campbells then entertained the
John Andersons, Mark Andersons
and the Harold Johnsons of Ta-
coma at a lovely dinner party
Saturday evening. After dining
they then showed their most in-
teresting and beautiful movies
taken while on their recent Eu-
ropean tour, much to the delight
of everyone present.
At "Bailey's -- No. 116" bn
Treasure Island, Mike and Colleen
Coles and children Shelly and
Michael of Tacoma are spending
a two-weeks' vacation. Convenient
and pleasant is their proximity to
their good friends, permanent T.I.
residents, the Dave Georges. Vis-
iting with the Coles' for this past
weekend was Mrs. Coles' mother,
Mrs. Bonniman and Mrs. Coles'
sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Giddings and their children.
The Waily Patnodes and sons,
David and Scott, who are spend-
ing the summer at their Treasure
Island residence, recently playea
host to the Lincoln Lions Club of
Tacoma when they provided the
perfect setting for the anmml club
picnic. About seventy-five or
eighty guests were present and
he success of the affair was em-
phasized by virtue of the fact that
all arrived early and many stayed
until midnight, several couples
even staying overnight. Games
were provided for the children and
water sports and delicious food
were enjoyed by all. Incidentally,
the Patnodes celebrated their 22nd
wedding anniversary this past
Sunday by holding an informal
open house for their ft'iends and
BDue to business pressure, the
tick" Prices have "moved back"
to Shelton, cancelling plans for
onmuting for the summer, but
tll still enjoy weekends here on
theh' Treasure Island summer
We are glad to )crn i:hat Mr.
Robert Pelan's health has improv-
ed sufficiently to permit his re-
turn to Shemya, Alaska where he
is employed by the Holert Electric
Company of Seattle. Mr. Pelan
left by plane Monday morning and
his next scheduled trip home will
be late this fall.
THE 4-11 Barnacles met this
past Monday afternoon at the
home of their leader, Mr. Bill
Spooner, with eight members at-
tending. The group decided to sell
tickets for the Mason County Fair
(held annually at Shelton Valley
(Vfedn csda y me rn ing ).
Sunday visitors to the John
Stevens' residence wer John's
niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Pabeliich of Aberdeen. tJiz
attraction of the aftcrnoon's oil;it
was the Paheltich's t iJy four-
month old daughter, R,)e Marie.
Word corne: to us that John
McGlothlin, who hzs bce[l visiting
with daughter ami f:tmily, the
Dick Cavanaghs of Coos Bay, Ore-
the f',mr-.wlw,d('d v;riely in l£ich-
ard ()k(m(q, who l'ceeillly acquir-.
ed ,, 1952 li}y b! Chew'olet
cltlb-collpe.. Phttming to join him
ill the l)l'ivih!gt of driving on otlr
pulHic highways ix Laurie Seiners
who finally reached his sixteenth
birthday thin pasi Tuesday. Won-
der how early the State Patrol
License-issuing I),:'partment open-
ed on Wednesday ?
Enjoying the Belfair Conmmni-
20 Years Ago
: MoConksy's Phaemeoy, serving Meson County residents for
more than 24 years brings you this oolumn taken from the
flies of yesteryear. We hope It is of intersst to you,
:mmm m mmmmmmommiimm m m m mmmmmmmmmmmmn mm
AUGUST 8, 1939--A brother and sister who had not seen
;each other in 35 year are enjoying a happy reunion in Shelton
this week whezt Mrs. Agnes Bergs Johamaon of Sweden is a
gst in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bergs at their Hill-
crest home.
Mrs. Adolph Richert, who with her husband and son are here '
for a short vacation' at the Rlchert home in Skokomish Valley,
was speaker at the Kiwanis club meeting, giving an interesting
story of the heart of Japan as they have found it after eleven
: years of mllonary service in that country.
Three Shelton Boy Scouts will be included in the 18 Turn-
water Council Scouts who will renew the so-called Titus expedi-
tion into the Olympic Mountains. The trio are Jim Nash, Mitt
Clothier and lgdgar Cole.
:. Mrs. Elmer Smith entertained Friday in honor o$ her daugh-
.tel Mary .CoIleen,s6th, birthday. Present were Donna and Patty
yrne, Jonn ana zm]rmy Dodds, Jean Simmons, Jean Barrett,
Dorothy Cormier, Gloria Swanson, Bobby Gtllum, Donna Jean
and Ruby Jane Paulson, Toni Viger, Mary Wilson, Gerry Tucker,
Bobby Feiser, Billy and Buddy Smith.
..... City attorney Charles R. Lewis solved a knotty city water
.system problem while digging for fishing Worms back of his
home Friday. Hearing running water where he knew none
should be, he discovered an 8-inch city water main broken wide
:open and gushing forth all its content. The discovery rettmaed
the water level in city torage tanks in a few days to proper
highs and ended a sprinkling restriction the break had cmsed.
TURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1939 --- The Phoenix Logging
: Cohapany, Mason County's second largest logging railroad oper-
.at.ion and the last on Hood Canal, recently hauled out Its last
logs and doed its camps for good. This now leaves the Slmp-
on Logging Company of Shelton the last remaining of a dozen
l Jgging road operations in Mason County which have come and
gone during the last fifty or more years.
,. Among the award presentations to be made in the 1939
ii,vimming and life saving progranl will be senior life saver
awards to Virginia Glenn, Adeline Pntnam, Bob Bampt(m, Harry
.:Greenly, Kay Vigcr, Robert Nutt, Boyd Cormier, Conrsd John-
son, Jack Pearson, Ralph Itlltgoss, Ltllian Brlggs and Gordon
(Dickinson. Junior life saver arwarda will go to Bob Pearson,
Milton Clothier, Kelly Nutt, John Ellason, Donald Weyand, Gall
i Robinson, Stuart Nutt and Helen Jeanne Glenn.
For Over 24 Years It Has Been
Phone RA 6-3456
Phone HA 6.4458
ty clmrch's annual B.Y.F. camp-
iIl) trip to lt)'a.v,'bt,rry lJay (t/t'II'
I.a['uh ) tlds \\;'c,r r. * I . (;) .: t ;)()-
viewiie T*)', al:d 1 ):iii S}IC('I],',
KoNI]:/ t:.t :l)'I!, ] )()uKlas I,llt;; and
,li(!k ;it](( (l.ll V',qls. 'l}! 1'()(! t)
colnl)l(:i.e with clI;:ti)t,i'olles, llll(Itil'
the dir(!ciion of lieverend Gier,
left; eavly la.-t Fri(lty lllOi'lling }tlld
Feturiled holIlc Stlrlday iliaIlL.
Joe and Sarah Tsehida. spent
this past Smlday with Sa)ah's son
tIld family, the Bob Hallsens, ill
Olympia and thoroughly delighted
them by sharing with them the
frtlits of Sara.h's efforts expended
last Thurs0ay. These efforts in-
volved a blackberry picking expe-
dition which Sarah made to Elms
wilh Helen Zelenak, bra.ving yel-
low jackets, rocks, sun and
to obtain the delicious I I
almost-out-of-season fruit, i
A I'[00SY BEACH h°me this | WWA?E)I Dril
:}t: weekend was that of tile
:him I,. Garners. Their weekend
?;est list included Tacomaites
Mrs. Lillian Itoss and Mrs. Hans
J()ll/1son (a former summer resi-
(enI of this area), and Seattle WELLS- TEST
residents Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Morgan and Mrs. Edna Standley.
Mrs. Standley, who stayed on for
a longer visit, is the former owner
of the fabulous Old Curiosity
Shoppe on Coleman Dock in Se-
Happy anniversary to Gene and
IJernadine Killoy this last Mon-
Journal Want Ads Pay
Phone HA. 6-4713
'Route 3, Box 170, Shelton
Yessir, We Feature None But the Finest of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables... They're Picked for Flavor. ,;I
Guaranteed to Satisfy or Your Money Will be Cheerfully Refunded.
Fancy Large, Leafy Heads "
Perfect for Summer Salads
Fresh and Crisp
[uIUmBER$ For Salads EAQ,
-- 7 to 10 LB. SHANK ENDS
BUTT ENDS ,b 45€
mgRGgRInE, Parkay
PEIIIHES ou0,,0.. Freestone
DRIHH ,u,,,
Orange and Grape
46 OZ.
sgtmon c mnvonnnlsE N00LEY'S QUART
TREET 43 00)tomato, soup GAMI00.ELL'S Tm
COFFEE )1" =,,,,e= .:,m,.,. '
DU i n cn Prints, 0u505 , LB.
COFFEE 75 • .
000000.hFL00ZES4,,-o,.,o,00sSl'i00PmneappleJulce 4,,o,,
Local Ranch
<, ))
SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published tn "Christmastown U., .A., Shelton, Washin
lospitality i ;i; l
was' extended by the Don Pogre- ' i• i: l-
Iras this past Sunday afternoon to i i i!
te: Ed Okoneks, Fred Lutzes, ( , ,
lIoward Somers and Walt Clay- from his Army Reserve summer later than 1O:00 a.m. AugasL 19 Also sporting a "new" arriwI or
tons when the grotp held their
(lmost traditional?} an n u al
Iiathering to view on TV the ex-
alting Gold Cup hydroplane races.
tempting potluck "feast" was
erved buffet style providing the
group with "nourishment" with-
c]ut interruption' of some of the
nore exciting moments of the
rFce. Lucky winner of the "race
pot" was Fred Lutz who drew
Maverick, while Louise Okonek
came closest to guessing the av-
erage speed of the winning craft.
lroUant interpreter of the poten-
Ual capabilities of the competing
lydros in the younger set wlflch
qongregated at the H. Seiners'
lsidenco under the tender loving
aare of Jeanne and Lynn Stevens
was fifteen-month old Krlsti Som-
rs, who also drew Maverick as
winning boat.
i MEANWHIIAE, in their home
above this intent group, the Or-
Ville Kagers entertained a fair
mpling of the past and present
pulation of Butte, Montana.
Niece Bernadtne Kllloy and Kathy
and Paul (of Portland, formerly
of Butte) arrived Friday to spend
deveral days (and rejoin husband
Gene who has been spending some
time here) and brought along
with them, Gene's mother, Mrs.
gnes Kflloy of Butte, Montana.
onday, several members of the
family drove to the Tacoma Ter-
minal to welcome Mrs. Mildred
Ralph and sister-in-law Miss Thel-
ma Ralph, former Butte neighbors
and good friends of the Kagers
who also planned to spend the bet-
ter part of this past week with
them. Who said "All roads lead to
Rome"? ?!
The annual picnic of the Junior
American Legion Basebsll team
enlivened the Eckert-Eacrett
beach with an afternoor of swim-
ruing, boating, water-skiing ano
the inevitable lmprompth football
games on the sand this past Sat-
urday afternoon. Following the
picnic dimmr the team presentea
Coach Bob Eacrett with a beauti-
2ul clock-radio as a going-away
present {prior to his departure
from the Shelton area to take
over his new teaching-coaching
position at Oak Harbor this fall).
Present at the affair were Legion
Representative Bill Dickie, Coach
Bob Eacrett and wife Shirley,
Umpire (and host) "Eke" Eacrett
{aZd his favorite hostess, Ann),
team members Roy Kimbel, Den-
Ills Temple, Ray Neuneker, Ray
Manke, Ed Stock, ken Ellis,
.Vayne Carlson (and parents Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Csrlson), Bilt
D0lds {and Mrs. ken Dodds and
sister Pal,). Following the after-
laoon on the beach, tile "fellows"
joined by Roger Hermes and Bill
Fitchett drow to Seattle to see
tlae Rainier Ball Club trounce the
highly rated Sacramento ball
players. Needless to say, Ann and
/.Eke" spent Sunday relaxing in
view of their TV set letting the
Gold Cup festivities ply)vide the
day's entertainment.
MRS LAUitA Hansen spent
evcral very pleasant days the
past week (from Monday till
"Wednesday) visiting wilh Mr. and
Mrs. A. 'W. Zizz at their home.
The Zizzes are the frowner owners
0f Reach Island {now Treasure
Island, of course) and are now en-
oying retirement to their lovely
little home in Yakima.
Former school and college
mates of the Walt Claytons, Jr.,
:.:Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rlddell, accom-
encampment at Camp Irwin, CaN
ifornia( ironic in that they were
mrth on a business-pleasure trip
from their home in Santa Rosa,
California). Too late to greet the
guests, Walt arrived home safely
Saturday night, in spite of a sand
storm and flood in the Camp h'-
win area which threatened to de-
lay his departure for home.
Sunday afternoon guests to the
Walter Clayton, Sr. residence
wel Mr. and Mrs. Art Greene
and son Gordon of Aberdeen. Vis-
iting and fishing (dear to GoI:dy's
heart) were the order of the day,
and the wonderful weather more
than made up for the lack of co-
operation from the fish.
residents were very busy enter-
taining this past week. The C. W.
Campbells had as house guests
until Friday morning, daughter
Joan (Mrs. Dick Lewis of Taco-
ma) and three children, Colleen,
Bryan and Barry. To neatly round
off the week's activities, the
Campbells then entertained the
John Andersons, Mark Andersons
and the Harold Johnsons of Ta-
coma at a lovely dinner party
Saturday evening. After dining
they then showed their most in-
teresting and beautiful movies
taken while on their recent Eu-
ropean tour, much to the delight
of everyone present.
At "Bailey's -- No. 116" bn
Treasure Island, Mike and Colleen
Coles and children Shelly and
Michael of Tacoma are spending
a two-weeks' vacation. Convenient
and pleasant is their proximity to
their good friends, permanent T.I.
residents, the Dave Georges. Vis-
iting with the Coles' for this past
weekend was Mrs. Coles' mother,
Mrs. Bonniman and Mrs. Coles'
sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Giddings and their children.
The Waily Patnodes and sons,
David and Scott, who are spend-
ing the summer at their Treasure
Island residence, recently playea
host to the Lincoln Lions Club of
Tacoma when they provided the
perfect setting for the anmml club
picnic. About seventy-five or
eighty guests were present and
he success of the affair was em-
phasized by virtue of the fact that
all arrived early and many stayed
until midnight, several couples
even staying overnight. Games
were provided for the children and
water sports and delicious food
were enjoyed by all. Incidentally,
the Patnodes celebrated their 22nd
wedding anniversary this past
Sunday by holding an informal
open house for their ft'iends and
BDue to business pressure, the
tick" Prices have "moved back"
to Shelton, cancelling plans for
onmuting for the summer, but
tll still enjoy weekends here on
theh' Treasure Island summer
We are glad to )crn i:hat Mr.
Robert Pelan's health has improv-
ed sufficiently to permit his re-
turn to Shemya, Alaska where he
is employed by the Holert Electric
Company of Seattle. Mr. Pelan
left by plane Monday morning and
his next scheduled trip home will
be late this fall.
THE 4-11 Barnacles met this
past Monday afternoon at the
home of their leader, Mr. Bill
Spooner, with eight members at-
tending. The group decided to sell
tickets for the Mason County Fair
(held annually at Shelton Valley
(Vfedn csda y me rn ing ).
Sunday visitors to the John
Stevens' residence wer John's
niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Pabeliich of Aberdeen. tJiz
attraction of the aftcrnoon's oil;it
was the Paheltich's t iJy four-
month old daughter, R,)e Marie.
Word corne: to us that John
McGlothlin, who hzs bce[l visiting
with daughter ami f:tmily, the
Dick Cavanaghs of Coos Bay, Ore-
the f',mr-.wlw,d('d v;riely in l£ich-
ard ()k(m(q, who l'ceeillly acquir-.
ed ,, 1952 li}y b! Chew'olet
cltlb-collpe.. Phttming to join him
ill the l)l'ivih!gt of driving on otlr
pulHic highways ix Laurie Seiners
who finally reached his sixteenth
birthday thin pasi Tuesday. Won-
der how early the State Patrol
License-issuing I),:'partment open-
ed on Wednesday ?
Enjoying the Belfair Conmmni-
20 Years Ago
: MoConksy's Phaemeoy, serving Meson County residents for
more than 24 years brings you this oolumn taken from the
flies of yesteryear. We hope It is of intersst to you,
:mmm m mmmmmmommiimm m m m mmmmmmmmmmmmn mm
AUGUST 8, 1939--A brother and sister who had not seen
;each other in 35 year are enjoying a happy reunion in Shelton
this week whezt Mrs. Agnes Bergs Johamaon of Sweden is a
gst in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bergs at their Hill-
crest home.
Mrs. Adolph Richert, who with her husband and son are here '
for a short vacation' at the Rlchert home in Skokomish Valley,
was speaker at the Kiwanis club meeting, giving an interesting
story of the heart of Japan as they have found it after eleven
: years of mllonary service in that country.
Three Shelton Boy Scouts will be included in the 18 Turn-
water Council Scouts who will renew the so-called Titus expedi-
tion into the Olympic Mountains. The trio are Jim Nash, Mitt
Clothier and lgdgar Cole.
:. Mrs. Elmer Smith entertained Friday in honor o$ her daugh-
.tel Mary .CoIleen,s6th, birthday. Present were Donna and Patty
yrne, Jonn ana zm]rmy Dodds, Jean Simmons, Jean Barrett,
Dorothy Cormier, Gloria Swanson, Bobby Gtllum, Donna Jean
and Ruby Jane Paulson, Toni Viger, Mary Wilson, Gerry Tucker,
Bobby Feiser, Billy and Buddy Smith.
..... City attorney Charles R. Lewis solved a knotty city water
.system problem while digging for fishing Worms back of his
home Friday. Hearing running water where he knew none
should be, he discovered an 8-inch city water main broken wide
:open and gushing forth all its content. The discovery rettmaed
the water level in city torage tanks in a few days to proper
highs and ended a sprinkling restriction the break had cmsed.
TURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1939 --- The Phoenix Logging
: Cohapany, Mason County's second largest logging railroad oper-
.at.ion and the last on Hood Canal, recently hauled out Its last
logs and doed its camps for good. This now leaves the Slmp-
on Logging Company of Shelton the last remaining of a dozen
l Jgging road operations in Mason County which have come and
gone during the last fifty or more years.
,. Among the award presentations to be made in the 1939
ii,vimming and life saving progranl will be senior life saver
awards to Virginia Glenn, Adeline Pntnam, Bob Bampt(m, Harry
.:Greenly, Kay Vigcr, Robert Nutt, Boyd Cormier, Conrsd John-
son, Jack Pearson, Ralph Itlltgoss, Ltllian Brlggs and Gordon
(Dickinson. Junior life saver arwarda will go to Bob Pearson,
Milton Clothier, Kelly Nutt, John Ellason, Donald Weyand, Gall
i Robinson, Stuart Nutt and Helen Jeanne Glenn.
For Over 24 Years It Has Been
Phone RA 6-3456
Phone HA 6.4458
ty clmrch's annual B.Y.F. camp-
iIl) trip to lt)'a.v,'bt,rry lJay (t/t'II'
I.a['uh ) tlds \\;'c,r r. * I . (;) .: t ;)()-
viewiie T*)', al:d 1 ):iii S}IC('I],',
KoNI]:/ t:.t :l)'I!, ] )()uKlas I,llt;; and
,li(!k ;it](( (l.ll V',qls. 'l}! 1'()(! t)
colnl)l(:i.e with clI;:ti)t,i'olles, llll(Itil'
the dir(!ciion of lieverend Gier,
left; eavly la.-t Fri(lty lllOi'lling }tlld
Feturiled holIlc Stlrlday iliaIlL.
Joe and Sarah Tsehida. spent
this past Smlday with Sa)ah's son
tIld family, the Bob Hallsens, ill
Olympia and thoroughly delighted
them by sharing with them the
frtlits of Sara.h's efforts expended
last Thurs0ay. These efforts in-
volved a blackberry picking expe-
dition which Sarah made to Elms
wilh Helen Zelenak, bra.ving yel-
low jackets, rocks, sun and
to obtain the delicious I I
almost-out-of-season fruit, i
A I'[00SY BEACH h°me this | WWA?E)I Dril
:}t: weekend was that of tile
:him I,. Garners. Their weekend
?;est list included Tacomaites
Mrs. Lillian Itoss and Mrs. Hans
J()ll/1son (a former summer resi-
(enI of this area), and Seattle WELLS- TEST
residents Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Morgan and Mrs. Edna Standley.
Mrs. Standley, who stayed on for
a longer visit, is the former owner
of the fabulous Old Curiosity
Shoppe on Coleman Dock in Se-
Happy anniversary to Gene and
IJernadine Killoy this last Mon-
Journal Want Ads Pay
Phone HA. 6-4713
'Route 3, Box 170, Shelton
Yessir, We Feature None But the Finest of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables... They're Picked for Flavor. ,;I
Guaranteed to Satisfy or Your Money Will be Cheerfully Refunded.
Fancy Large, Leafy Heads "
Perfect for Summer Salads
Fresh and Crisp
[uIUmBER$ For Salads EAQ,
-- 7 to 10 LB. SHANK ENDS
BUTT ENDS ,b 45€
mgRGgRInE, Parkay
PEIIIHES ou0,,0.. Freestone
DRIHH ,u,,,
Orange and Grape
46 OZ.
sgtmon c mnvonnnlsE N00LEY'S QUART
TREET 43 00)tomato, soup GAMI00.ELL'S Tm
COFFEE )1" =,,,,e= .:,m,.,. '
DU i n cn Prints, 0u505 , LB.
COFFEE 75 • .
000000.hFL00ZES4,,-o,.,o,00sSl'i00PmneappleJulce 4,,o,,
Local Ranch