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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.;' Shelton, We,bin Les Joslin SUGGESTS:' MODERN MEDICAL TREAT- MENT HAS INCREASED THE COST OF MEDICAL CARE. Property Taxes Average $985 NE%V YORK ..... How much of in most parts of the State of the real estate and other property Washington, which average $977 in Mason County is used as a base pet' capita. for local taxation each year? How The figures include all propc,'ty much is tax-exempt? How do lo- e×cept that which is publicly own- cal taxing practices compare with cd and that which belongs to those elsewhere? churches, non-profit hospitals anu Former Teacher VisitsatKamilche By Grace Petty IAttle Rock school reunion last KAMILCHE.--Mrs. Ann Carl former resident lnd teacher, was visiting in tile valley last Satur- day. Sunday. The Alex Smith, Jr., family vis- ited in Hnquiam Saturday at the home of Daisy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Page. Mrs. Alvin Nagel and Mrs, HAVE YOU ADEQUATE AC- CIDENT AND SICKNESS IN- SURANCE? COAST LIFE LIFE • ACCIDENT • HEALTH 1627 SUMMIT DRIVE • PHONE HA 6-6373 These are matters of financial concern to everyone who pays lo- cal taxes. To a greater degree than most other levies, the property tax is one that is felt directly and reg- ularly. ANSWERS TO the questions are provided by the U. S. Census Bu- reau in a new report basecl on data gathered during its 1957 Census of Governments. It places the gross assessed val- ue of all property in Mason Coun- ty, whether taxable at the local level or at the state level or both, at $17,142,000. It amounts, on a per capita bas- is, to $985 worth of property for every man, woman and child in the county. This is greater than the holdings educational institutions. Je'rry Moon of Tumwater ts Of the gross, states the Census spending the week with Marvin report, only $11,155,000 is in real Nagel. property that is locally assessed. Of all the assessed property in Mason County, real and personal, that is subject to tax, only 65.3 percent of it is used as a realty lax base. Nationally, the portion that is used for such purposes averages 74.4 percent and in the State of Washington, to 70.4 percent. TIlE REMAINDER of the tax- able amount is used, in most places, in the setting of personal property taxes and state property taxes. The tax rates applied by the va- rious communities across the coun- try against their assessed valua- tions vary widely. MR. AND MRS. Bill Metzgar and two children left Tuesday morning by car for home in Los Angeles, Calif., stopping to visit friends in Eugene, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dooley of Little Rock were last Friday af- ternoon gnests of the Alex Smith, Jr., family. The Ron Minks family moved into Shelton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury of Little Skookum, left Friday for a few days' smelt fishing and clim- diggig at Kalaloch. MR. AND MRS. Edwin Petty, both former pupils, attended the l Steve's MEATS Lamb Shoulder Roast o°:o: 49' Breast of Lamb Stew ::: ........ 19' Slle_ _ II I Carsten's I1t] uacon ,o,o- ...... 3 .,. '1.°° g 6eel Brisket 6oilin ........ 25' Fresh Ground Beef .......................... ,.. 39' H ISH • OANTALOUPE Med,um s,e 9 For 99 ¢ EBAB GREEN PEPPERS LaB, Bell ........................................ Each TOMATOES Ya,r,a ..... 2 Ls. 15* .CELERY LoeB, ............................ L. 7 € S € PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 13-14-15 ' 33' E - 25/9-OZ. TS =7 c ' lO...0 MAYONNAISE ' IE DRINK $ !''46-Ounce 4/I UAI+T +..o+.. ............ 59 .......................... +of++ 5/I PICKLES , € APRtCOTS 5/I ,,pLATES 79 c • 80/9" PLATES TASTESEALED, NO. 2 ½ TINS NOW .................................. , 111.OUNCE PKG" 59 ¢ LIGHT GLOBE 3'5 ¢ 60 WATT FOODS RRIES AND RASPBERRIES hur-Fresh 'Fresh Pack' 10-oz. Pkg. SPAGHETTI 2½ and MT. BALLS Chef Boy Ar Dee DENNISON'S CHIU 40-OU NCE TINS .............................. I .,,+ ,.at 49' 59 c BEEF STEW LIBBYS 24-OZ. 49 c [ FOR €+R .......... AM ...... 59 c C,0FFEE MANNINGS REG. & DRIP I-LB. 65¢ 2 LBS NOW ONLY Jir ,+tll 4/+1 Ralph's on Hillcrest Floyd Sternberg of Shelton drove to Washougal last Monday to pick up Marvin who had spent the past week visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fletcher and family attended the Simpson picnic at Mason Lake Sunday. Sally Rsnkin of Trinidad, Calif., came up by bus for a ten day visit, with her grandmother, Mrs. Annie Whitener, and other rela- tives. B. J. Whitener and Tony James are spending this week at the Silver Lake Bible Camp near Ev- erett. Ray and Tony James, Wes and Bob Whitener, Willie Tee, Randy Kri.qe and Bob Rutherford left on Friday evening on a weekend fish- ing trip to the Columbia river. Willie Tee was the only one eah- ing a fish. A Mrs. Lyle Alverson, Charles Wagner and Denny and Mrs. Dwight Goings of Seattle drove to Bend, Ore., last Tuesday. They returned Friday, having spent Thursday evening in Port- land, Oregon. Mrs. Clyde Fagergren enter- tained twelve guests at a luncheon and kitchen shower for Miss Ruth- ie Brown, who will marry Mr. John De Creekpaum of McCleary Friday, Aug. 14. A reception will be held at the Southside Grange hall at 8 p.m. The newlyweds will make their first home in Shel- ton. THE LYLE Alversons had a birthday dinner party for Carol Ann (Mrs. Jack Barnes) Sunday. Other guests besides the family including her husband were the AI Gahans of Elma. Mr. and Mrs. AI Nagel and family with about 20 more per- sons, partook of an outdoor steak barbecue at the Larry Durkin home in Shelton last Tuesday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty drove to Port Angeles Tuesday to spend the day with the Jack Pearce fam- ily. The Degree of Honor lodge will have a rummage sale at the P.U.D. building Friday and Sat- urday, Aug. 14 and 15. Grange News When MATTOCK Grange met last Friday evening they voted a lifo membership for Mrs, Augusta {Ma) Portman. We feel this was an honor she very richly deserves. They are preparing for the next gavel meeting which is not very far away. Short summer, wasn't it? The deed to their land has been cleared now and evm T one feels better. Leo Pierce was elected steward and May Pierce, Pomona to fill out the nnexpired terms of Lee and Katherine Gunderson. The Ehmderson's will teach in Trout- dale, Oregon this year. Lula Creamer is reported on the sick list. Qul,te a number of the Matloch people are considering entries in the Mason County Fair. IDUTH SIDE Grange will hold a series of card parties stalhlg August 22. This is a chance for all you card sharks to show what you can do. Arthur Cook was chosen to go to Juvenile Grange camp. Thank you, South Side, we are getting nearer 100 percent. There is still time to enter. They report seven officers were on vacation and still they had a very good attendance. They have obtained the Ray° enter film depicting the life of an oyster from its beginning to the end in cocktail or soup. This is a very interesting picture and well worth your time to see. The date is Friday, August 21. They will welcome visitors. TWANOH members are buzz* ing around getting ready for their booth at the fair. They had a sec- ond prize winner last year so thiS year they are reaching for that TASTY JAM + "..++, ,. o,+ o,,00o hospital and feeling much better, d • SHELTON VALLEY had as STRAWBERRY R A S PB E R R Y SHURFINE 12 OUNCE JARS ONLY ............ 4/,1 PEANUT SHURFINE - CREAMY, CHUNKY -- 18 OZ ..................... BUTTER 49* OHUNK TUNA STAR K,ST NO. ,/ ................ 33 ¢ Lilliwaup News By Mrs. Nell Vance Hood Canal Garden Club met last Thursday at the beautiful home of Mr. Tom Webb (there is no Mrs. Webb) on the Union side of Hood Canal on the Skokomish River. The picnic table was set in the yard under a large tree. Lunch was served at 1 p.m. with 12 members and six husbands mid the host enjoying a lovely lunch. Mr. Webb has one of the most beautiful places in the community. His large yard is a mass of all kinds of beautiful flowers and hts gorgeous hanging baskets all around the house were something to see. A short business meeting w+s held, called to order by the presi- dent. After the meeting the hus- bands of members modeled the hats made h the members. Those modeling hats were Harry Maw- son, Karl Linscott, Steve Ahl, Lud Andersen, John Shortsleeve, Ern- est Worl, Tom Webb and Nell Vance. Mrs. Christen Ahl's hat took first prize and Jenny Hoff's seclnd prize. MR. WEBB displayed one of the new flags which he had to get from San Francisco. It was a beautiful flag waving in the breeze with its 49 stars. Every- one attending th e picnic had a good time and the Garden Club wants to thank Mr. Webb for en- tertaining the club. He was a most gracious host. The next meeting of the Gar- den club will be a picnic at TWan- oh Park on the second Thursday of September. Community Club card party Fri- day evening, Aug. 14. Pinochle will be played to start at 8 p.m. Prizes will be given and refresh- ments served. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans, Mrs. Susie Evans, mother of Mr. Ev- ans, motored to Seattle Saturday to help celehrate the first birth- day of their grandson, David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ciff Nelson. They took Mrs. Florence Ross, mother of Mrs. Evans, home after spending a three weeks vacation with the Evans, Last weekend, Aug. 1, the Evans took their moth- ers on a trip to Hurricane Ridge and a complete trip around the Loop, ending up with dinner at Westport. They all enjoyed the trip very much. Mrs. Jack Catto had a few days of vacation at home this week and cnt,>rtained in honor of her hus- bswPs birthday. On Thursday evening, Mrs. Madge Erhart and Mr. Allie Robinson were dinner guests of the Cartes and on Sun- day relatives from Seattle came for the day. Mrs. Catto's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill of Seattle, with their infant son, were visitors FHday, spending the night in their "Camp- er." Mr. Catto's son and daugh- ter-in-law, the John A. Cattos, same Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Curry of Seattle and enjoyed a barbecue supper in the patio. In all three brthday cakes were cut for celebrating with. the various visitors. on Friday evening the 21st. The progTam has been altered and it promises to be better than ever. Booster tickets are on 'sale now. l g]msts Master and Mrs. Harola hdarnlS and Mr, and Mrs. Davi(i Spear of Rockwood Grange, Ore- gon. David Spear is a grandson of Pop Rutledge and they were Vis- iting at the Dick gimble home. They tell us that nearly half ot the 150 Oregonians who attended the skxth degree at the state ses- sion were from Rockwood grange. The valley people are planning to have mmtJmr barbecued beef dinner at t.he Mason County Fair. Now barbecued beef is good but when chef Todd barbecues it it is just out of this world. Anyone who has not sampled it has really missed a treat. I They report their dance was l well attended so they xqll contin- ue to' hold them and use the mon- ey to improve their hall. , IIARSTINE Grange and the La- dies Club are giving a free dance at the Community Hall. They will have for sale baked goods, aprons, fancy work, plants and white ele- phants. Also they will serve sup- per at midnight and an electrical ppliance will be awarded to some lucky person during the evening, Proceeds will be used to put water in the hall. The ferry will leave at 9 and return after the dance. The annual Grays Harbor-Mason County POMONA picnic was quite well attended and everyone seem- ed to have a good time. The ta- bles were heavily laden with ev- erything that goes with a picnic except the ashes and ants were missing. Grays Harbor won the tug of war, we thiuk that was be- CallS( "lhey ale ltlorc ice Cl'Calll (Masou Collnl,y was ]lost). 'rbc watel' Spol'l+ were well ac- cepted and we )Dive Danny 1Vood to thank for the capable ntsnner in wlflc.h tbey were conducted. Sharon Riclmrds was selected hy the Pomona committee to at- tend juvenile grange camp. Don't forget the Mason County Fair August 20-21-22. The 4-H glrl will hold thelx droa renew, 13 l"aAs. ,-,wooNsl By RALPH and HARRY "Ralph is always lining up NEW BUSINESS!" It's only "natural" that so many people appreciate our FAST SERVICE! $ COLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVICE • MOBIL TIRES • First and Pine Stre.t8 Phon. HA 6-3906 i i Keep Washington Green LET US BUILD YOUR FIRES WHEN YOU GO PICNICKING We have plenty of tables and a big community kitch- en in a beautiful letting. Enjoy... FISHING in a lake well stocked with fine trout. BOATING Plenty of good boats avail- able for rent, SWIMMING Dressing rooms, fine diving boards and floats. ALL AVAILABLE AT DELIGHT PARK On Lovely Lake Isabella Five Miles from Shelton i 'TIE ffAND-ENIT LOOE--OUR BILKY SWEATEPJACKET! Fascinating stitch-pattern makes this BIkieknit look like a hand-knit masterpiece. Casual, aristocratic character is emphasized by thebeautiful detailing. Ribbed moskoturtle collar adds charm. In rich Garland elora S 34.40, $12.95 Mr.& Mrs. Shop 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.;' Shelton, We,bin Les Joslin SUGGESTS:' MODERN MEDICAL TREAT- MENT HAS INCREASED THE COST OF MEDICAL CARE. Property Taxes Average $985 NE%V YORK ..... How much of in most parts of the State of the real estate and other property Washington, which average $977 in Mason County is used as a base pet' capita. for local taxation each year? How The figures include all propc,'ty much is tax-exempt? How do lo- e×cept that which is publicly own- cal taxing practices compare with cd and that which belongs to those elsewhere? churches, non-profit hospitals anu Former Teacher VisitsatKamilche By Grace Petty IAttle Rock school reunion last KAMILCHE.--Mrs. Ann Carl former resident lnd teacher, was visiting in tile valley last Satur- day. Sunday. The Alex Smith, Jr., family vis- ited in Hnquiam Saturday at the home of Daisy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Page. Mrs. Alvin Nagel and Mrs, HAVE YOU ADEQUATE AC- CIDENT AND SICKNESS IN- SURANCE? COAST LIFE LIFE • ACCIDENT • HEALTH 1627 SUMMIT DRIVE • PHONE HA 6-6373 These are matters of financial concern to everyone who pays lo- cal taxes. To a greater degree than most other levies, the property tax is one that is felt directly and reg- ularly. ANSWERS TO the questions are provided by the U. S. Census Bu- reau in a new report basecl on data gathered during its 1957 Census of Governments. It places the gross assessed val- ue of all property in Mason Coun- ty, whether taxable at the local level or at the state level or both, at $17,142,000. It amounts, on a per capita bas- is, to $985 worth of property for every man, woman and child in the county. This is greater than the holdings educational institutions. Je'rry Moon of Tumwater ts Of the gross, states the Census spending the week with Marvin report, only $11,155,000 is in real Nagel. property that is locally assessed. Of all the assessed property in Mason County, real and personal, that is subject to tax, only 65.3 percent of it is used as a realty lax base. Nationally, the portion that is used for such purposes averages 74.4 percent and in the State of Washington, to 70.4 percent. TIlE REMAINDER of the tax- able amount is used, in most places, in the setting of personal property taxes and state property taxes. The tax rates applied by the va- rious communities across the coun- try against their assessed valua- tions vary widely. MR. AND MRS. Bill Metzgar and two children left Tuesday morning by car for home in Los Angeles, Calif., stopping to visit friends in Eugene, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dooley of Little Rock were last Friday af- ternoon gnests of the Alex Smith, Jr., family. The Ron Minks family moved into Shelton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury of Little Skookum, left Friday for a few days' smelt fishing and clim- diggig at Kalaloch. MR. AND MRS. Edwin Petty, both former pupils, attended the l Steve's MEATS Lamb Shoulder Roast o°:o: 49' Breast of Lamb Stew ::: ........ 19' Slle_ _ II I Carsten's I1t] uacon ,o,o- ...... 3 .,. '1.°° g 6eel Brisket 6oilin ........ 25' Fresh Ground Beef .......................... ,.. 39' H ISH • OANTALOUPE Med,um s,e 9 For 99 ¢ EBAB GREEN PEPPERS LaB, Bell ........................................ Each TOMATOES Ya,r,a ..... 2 Ls. 15* .CELERY LoeB, ............................ L. 7 € S € PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 13-14-15 ' 33' E - 25/9-OZ. TS =7 c ' lO...0 MAYONNAISE ' IE DRINK $ !''46-Ounce 4/I UAI+T +..o+.. ............ 59 .......................... +of++ 5/I PICKLES , € APRtCOTS 5/I ,,pLATES 79 c • 80/9" PLATES TASTESEALED, NO. 2 ½ TINS NOW .................................. , 111.OUNCE PKG" 59 ¢ LIGHT GLOBE 3'5 ¢ 60 WATT FOODS RRIES AND RASPBERRIES hur-Fresh 'Fresh Pack' 10-oz. Pkg. SPAGHETTI 2½ and MT. BALLS Chef Boy Ar Dee DENNISON'S CHIU 40-OU NCE TINS .............................. I .,,+ ,.at 49' 59 c BEEF STEW LIBBYS 24-OZ. 49 c [ FOR €+R .......... AM ...... 59 c C,0FFEE MANNINGS REG. & DRIP I-LB. 65¢ 2 LBS NOW ONLY Jir ,+tll 4/+1 Ralph's on Hillcrest Floyd Sternberg of Shelton drove to Washougal last Monday to pick up Marvin who had spent the past week visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fletcher and family attended the Simpson picnic at Mason Lake Sunday. Sally Rsnkin of Trinidad, Calif., came up by bus for a ten day visit, with her grandmother, Mrs. Annie Whitener, and other rela- tives. B. J. Whitener and Tony James are spending this week at the Silver Lake Bible Camp near Ev- erett. Ray and Tony James, Wes and Bob Whitener, Willie Tee, Randy Kri.qe and Bob Rutherford left on Friday evening on a weekend fish- ing trip to the Columbia river. Willie Tee was the only one eah- ing a fish. A Mrs. Lyle Alverson, Charles Wagner and Denny and Mrs. Dwight Goings of Seattle drove to Bend, Ore., last Tuesday. They returned Friday, having spent Thursday evening in Port- land, Oregon. Mrs. Clyde Fagergren enter- tained twelve guests at a luncheon and kitchen shower for Miss Ruth- ie Brown, who will marry Mr. John De Creekpaum of McCleary Friday, Aug. 14. A reception will be held at the Southside Grange hall at 8 p.m. The newlyweds will make their first home in Shel- ton. THE LYLE Alversons had a birthday dinner party for Carol Ann (Mrs. Jack Barnes) Sunday. Other guests besides the family including her husband were the AI Gahans of Elma. Mr. and Mrs. AI Nagel and family with about 20 more per- sons, partook of an outdoor steak barbecue at the Larry Durkin home in Shelton last Tuesday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty drove to Port Angeles Tuesday to spend the day with the Jack Pearce fam- ily. The Degree of Honor lodge will have a rummage sale at the P.U.D. building Friday and Sat- urday, Aug. 14 and 15. Grange News When MATTOCK Grange met last Friday evening they voted a lifo membership for Mrs, Augusta {Ma) Portman. We feel this was an honor she very richly deserves. They are preparing for the next gavel meeting which is not very far away. Short summer, wasn't it? The deed to their land has been cleared now and evm T one feels better. Leo Pierce was elected steward and May Pierce, Pomona to fill out the nnexpired terms of Lee and Katherine Gunderson. The Ehmderson's will teach in Trout- dale, Oregon this year. Lula Creamer is reported on the sick list. Qul,te a number of the Matloch people are considering entries in the Mason County Fair. IDUTH SIDE Grange will hold a series of card parties stalhlg August 22. This is a chance for all you card sharks to show what you can do. Arthur Cook was chosen to go to Juvenile Grange camp. Thank you, South Side, we are getting nearer 100 percent. There is still time to enter. They report seven officers were on vacation and still they had a very good attendance. They have obtained the Ray° enter film depicting the life of an oyster from its beginning to the end in cocktail or soup. This is a very interesting picture and well worth your time to see. The date is Friday, August 21. They will welcome visitors. TWANOH members are buzz* ing around getting ready for their booth at the fair. They had a sec- ond prize winner last year so thiS year they are reaching for that TASTY JAM + "..++, ,. o,+ o,,00o hospital and feeling much better, d • SHELTON VALLEY had as STRAWBERRY R A S PB E R R Y SHURFINE 12 OUNCE JARS ONLY ............ 4/,1 PEANUT SHURFINE - CREAMY, CHUNKY -- 18 OZ ..................... BUTTER 49* OHUNK TUNA STAR K,ST NO. ,/ ................ 33 ¢ Lilliwaup News By Mrs. Nell Vance Hood Canal Garden Club met last Thursday at the beautiful home of Mr. Tom Webb (there is no Mrs. Webb) on the Union side of Hood Canal on the Skokomish River. The picnic table was set in the yard under a large tree. Lunch was served at 1 p.m. with 12 members and six husbands mid the host enjoying a lovely lunch. Mr. Webb has one of the most beautiful places in the community. His large yard is a mass of all kinds of beautiful flowers and hts gorgeous hanging baskets all around the house were something to see. A short business meeting w+s held, called to order by the presi- dent. After the meeting the hus- bands of members modeled the hats made h the members. Those modeling hats were Harry Maw- son, Karl Linscott, Steve Ahl, Lud Andersen, John Shortsleeve, Ern- est Worl, Tom Webb and Nell Vance. Mrs. Christen Ahl's hat took first prize and Jenny Hoff's seclnd prize. MR. WEBB displayed one of the new flags which he had to get from San Francisco. It was a beautiful flag waving in the breeze with its 49 stars. Every- one attending th e picnic had a good time and the Garden Club wants to thank Mr. Webb for en- tertaining the club. He was a most gracious host. The next meeting of the Gar- den club will be a picnic at TWan- oh Park on the second Thursday of September. Community Club card party Fri- day evening, Aug. 14. Pinochle will be played to start at 8 p.m. Prizes will be given and refresh- ments served. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Evans, Mrs. Susie Evans, mother of Mr. Ev- ans, motored to Seattle Saturday to help celehrate the first birth- day of their grandson, David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ciff Nelson. They took Mrs. Florence Ross, mother of Mrs. Evans, home after spending a three weeks vacation with the Evans, Last weekend, Aug. 1, the Evans took their moth- ers on a trip to Hurricane Ridge and a complete trip around the Loop, ending up with dinner at Westport. They all enjoyed the trip very much. Mrs. Jack Catto had a few days of vacation at home this week and cnt,>rtained in honor of her hus- bswPs birthday. On Thursday evening, Mrs. Madge Erhart and Mr. Allie Robinson were dinner guests of the Cartes and on Sun- day relatives from Seattle came for the day. Mrs. Catto's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill of Seattle, with their infant son, were visitors FHday, spending the night in their "Camp- er." Mr. Catto's son and daugh- ter-in-law, the John A. Cattos, same Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Curry of Seattle and enjoyed a barbecue supper in the patio. In all three brthday cakes were cut for celebrating with. the various visitors. on Friday evening the 21st. The progTam has been altered and it promises to be better than ever. Booster tickets are on 'sale now. l g]msts Master and Mrs. Harola hdarnlS and Mr, and Mrs. Davi(i Spear of Rockwood Grange, Ore- gon. David Spear is a grandson of Pop Rutledge and they were Vis- iting at the Dick gimble home. They tell us that nearly half ot the 150 Oregonians who attended the skxth degree at the state ses- sion were from Rockwood grange. The valley people are planning to have mmtJmr barbecued beef dinner at t.he Mason County Fair. Now barbecued beef is good but when chef Todd barbecues it it is just out of this world. Anyone who has not sampled it has really missed a treat. I They report their dance was l well attended so they xqll contin- ue to' hold them and use the mon- ey to improve their hall. , IIARSTINE Grange and the La- dies Club are giving a free dance at the Community Hall. They will have for sale baked goods, aprons, fancy work, plants and white ele- phants. Also they will serve sup- per at midnight and an electrical ppliance will be awarded to some lucky person during the evening, Proceeds will be used to put water in the hall. The ferry will leave at 9 and return after the dance. The annual Grays Harbor-Mason County POMONA picnic was quite well attended and everyone seem- ed to have a good time. The ta- bles were heavily laden with ev- erything that goes with a picnic except the ashes and ants were missing. Grays Harbor won the tug of war, we thiuk that was be- CallS( "lhey ale ltlorc ice Cl'Calll (Masou Collnl,y was ]lost). 'rbc watel' Spol'l+ were well ac- cepted and we )Dive Danny 1Vood to thank for the capable ntsnner in wlflc.h tbey were conducted. Sharon Riclmrds was selected hy the Pomona committee to at- tend juvenile grange camp. Don't forget the Mason County Fair August 20-21-22. The 4-H glrl will hold thelx droa renew, 13 l"aAs. ,-,wooNsl By RALPH and HARRY "Ralph is always lining up NEW BUSINESS!" It's only "natural" that so many people appreciate our FAST SERVICE! $ COLE & MYHRE MOBIL SERVICE • MOBIL TIRES • First and Pine Stre.t8 Phon. HA 6-3906 i i Keep Washington Green LET US BUILD YOUR FIRES WHEN YOU GO PICNICKING We have plenty of tables and a big community kitch- en in a beautiful letting. Enjoy... FISHING in a lake well stocked with fine trout. BOATING Plenty of good boats avail- able for rent, SWIMMING Dressing rooms, fine diving boards and floats. ALL AVAILABLE AT DELIGHT PARK On Lovely Lake Isabella Five Miles from Shelton i 'TIE ffAND-ENIT LOOE--OUR BILKY SWEATEPJACKET! Fascinating stitch-pattern makes this BIkieknit look like a hand-knit masterpiece. Casual, aristocratic character is emphasized by thebeautiful detailing. Ribbed moskoturtle collar adds charm. In rich Garland elora S 34.40, $12.95 Mr.& Mrs. Shop