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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ambulance Meeting Held Monday RoY. mso, IJRocky Hembroff 7th Who&apos;s Who ,,_., At Ally iJIdenhhed By 29 Tough Ci ueso...oo..o., n to Raise Needed Funds i Chrysler.Plytneuth Car, I icontefft was 6' 4' Tacoma-biKed i International Trucks I |I(OSCO John ]tem.broff, bitter , i I |knoveu as "Rocky", the gay wilh , , /the natinn chow, i, ls door at h,s i i i ["!ffl(i, ll6)lNbl2n(ttenlified him in " , tim first half dozen clues you spot- IT WAS I IECII)FI) at a public The monttl of July was very en- FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A. SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 ted but <lid you find all 29 giving him a capmile biography of his life! It took that: many to have a perfect entry this week. We've al- ready repeated seven of them in the, opening" paragraph of this story. Recognize ,Item all ?' For instance: 6' 4" was in the Law,on Lumber ad on page 4; Ta- ma-i}m'd was in the Lawton Lumber ad on page 6; Hey Romoc was in the 20tll Century Thrift- way ad on page 16; middle nmne Joim, L. M. ad, page 5; the nathm above his door, Ritner's, page 10; • ....::::!:I:!I .... .:::!.::I::I::::!:::" .:: ::.: ;.,.::: ; :;." ??!:?!¢!::i:!:i:i:!:::" ...... • . :; p: ... / .:i::!:!,'::?:::!:i:! / / :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,:, ::.;. ,,." The day we have to"BAll" FOLKS... with discounts that are NOT... is the day we "throw the towel in"... and close our jewelry shop ... ! . . , we tidnk VOLl'll enjoy shopping wImre I)rh'es are ALWAYS r'ck bolhmi . . . where uour inlelli. genre . . . and the old fnMffotwd truth  arc givim pr respect . . , ! , If0 "phony discounts". No "hysterical claims". No "conle-ons. ] J:::lry ot its nest . . . for fhoss who C2£ . . . ! Convenient budget term . . . I arid office, 116 N. 2nd, Sears, page 10, he Shelton insuraneeman, who member of the Chamber of I,ommer(,e (Waterfront Realty ad, page 15), past J,C. preshlent (Shelton Union Service, page 10), l)at Kiwanis preshhmt (Budget Shop, page 10) Odd Fellow (Coast- to-Coast, page 10), golf c,)ur veep (Boon's Sbeet Metal page 10), assistant scoutmaster (Shel- ton Hotel, page 10}, and ex-Shelton man-of-the-year (MartIey's Foun- tain, page 141, is also a guy who likes golfing, boaiMtg, camping (Waterfront Realt, yi page 15}, is of European lineage (20th Cen- tury, page 16i, average weight 215 pounds (20th Century, page 16), has three children named Johnn:', ttsle and Nancy lL.M., page 5), and wea.ra glasses (OK Rubber Welders, page 101. He is a $0uthsl,le resident (Mc- Conkey Pharmacy, page 9) who has lh, ed in $helton 10 years (Sae- ger Motor Shop, page 2) and was a Ltberaee Facsimile (Johnny's Music Box, page 4) in the Jaycee "Wee Pots" show a few years ago. The "hem" section of Hembroff gives you the chm put up part of last name in the Western Auto Parts ad, page 10. He attended Tacoma's Stadium (L.M., page 5) his wife's name Marion (LeRoy's Television Serv- ice, page 3), and during his war- time stint in the Navy he was an tvlatiotl metedsmilh 1st class in VWlI (Kitsap-Mason Dah'y, page 12). That nick-name of Rocky gives him a hard first name (Evergreen Fuel, page 10), and as an insur- anceman policy Is his policy (An- gle Agency, page 14), he helps people protect themselves (Angle Agency, page 12), and he insures many thhngs (Beckwith Jeweh'y, page 4 }. There are the 29 clues. Now let's see how many yell can dig on, of today's edition £or the eightb mystery character. You're getting harder to fool every week and we're having, to meeting August 6 to raise Imp(Is for a new vehicle which will be convevted lilts a first aid cq]', us- ing equipment fz'orH the ohi abzl- lance. Any people wire wish to donale to the emergem'y first ai(I service who ilave not been called itp, m may contact their representativeJ in lheir area. I The representative for Benson[ and Mason Lake in'ca is JudYl Staudt; Grapeview area, Merge[ Hell; Victor area, BettY" Edwards; I and AIIyn area, Jeri liaison ] MR. AND MRS. L. A. Allyn recently returned from a two week fishing and camping trip in- to tim northern part of Montana. Accompanying them were Mr. and Mrs. G. H. R.gers of Seattle• As they returned they came back by way of Flathead Lake in Missou- la, Mont. They had good fisher- man's luck and caught their full limit of rainbow and other trout. They also saw man)' moose arid deer as well as other wildlife where they were camped. Last Tuesday, Mrs. M. W. Boy- er had the joy of greeting her sis- ter, Mrs. Richard Ryder, whom she had not seen for several years. Mrs. Ryder arrived by plane from Chatham, Mass• for an extended visit with her sister and niece, Mrs. Dorothy Claa'k. In honor of Miss Ryder's visit; to make the most of tlm nice weather, Mrs. Clark drove them Thnrsday and Friday on a scenic tour of Mt. Rainier. They spent the night at the "Ohanopecosh Lodge". The flowers about the Chinook Pass and Sunrise side were said to be beautiful now. Miss Charlotte Jolley has been spending some time in Yelm vis- iting her cousin Jeanne Jolly who is the daughter of Mrs. Kenneth Baker. MLS SANDRA McKean has been spending a pleasant week or get slyer and slyer about hiding the clues to keep up wilh you. The (leposit boxes for your en- try forms for the 8th installment of the 30-week contest will be found this week at OK Rubber Welders on Mt. View, Evergreen Texaco Service at 1st and Frank- lin, Kimbel Motors at First & Mill, Manley's Fomttuin al 125 Cola, Shelton Union Service aL 332 South First, and the Shelton Ho- tel. j()y:ibly spent by M)'.q. George l.:alat with t he Girl Scollts at Camp I,yle McCle()d near Tahuy:t. Mrs. Kalat served ;is leader ()f a unit. SI'ENi)ING Sunday afternoon ill tile home of Mrs. ][al'g:tl'et Davis was hel' brotller and wife', Mr. and Mrs. Harr,v lVolcott of Shelton and her two sisters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Vie Rai- soni and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mo- je:ln of Taconla. Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thm'man will be sorry to lose them as neighbors now that they are moving to Shel- ton this week. Mr. Angus Smith was glad to have his nephew and wife, Mr'. and Mrs. H.ay McDougall of Toronto, Ontario, Canada spend awhile with lain} one day last week as they were pasing through. Sue Bellamy of Allyn spent last week with her brother and wife, ] Mr. and Mrs. George Chapin at! Lilliwaup. From Iilliwaup, Sue went on a boat trip to Dewa,to Bay with her brother and wife• Also enjoying the cruise with them were, Mr. amt Mrs. Johu Anderson and their four children and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Huey and their children. Mrs. Hobert Painter and her son Wesley from Portage, Alaska, spent the weeltend with her sis- ter, Mrs. Edith Baird and hus- band. The Painters were on their way to Wihnington, Calif. where they will visit her daughter, Ellen who is Mrs. Bill Harper. MILS. EDITH W a 1 k e r and daughter, Betty and her two chil- dren of Klamath Falls, Oz'e. visit- ed Mrs. Walker's mother, one day last week, at Sarah House. Attending the horse show Sun- day at lhe Silver Spurs grounds were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peter- son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson, Yh'. and Mrs. Rod Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan. Simday, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Edman celebrated their birthdays at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Harper of Se:tttle. The event was a. happy family reunion with one of her brothers having return- ed from a business trip in Africa as a highlight of the occasion. Tues(lay tieii' so, Brian Ed- man, who is serving in the navy anti has fi[dshed his boot training, will leave Seattle for Treasure Is- land where he will be assigned to his ship• 2226 I .... OK Rubber Welders N. Olympic Hwy. HA 6-4832 I I Leroy's Television SERVICE Motorola Television & Radios "You Get Guaranteed Quality In lales and tvto" 22111 N. Olympic Hwy. HA 6-3172 llex Floor Coverings  Ploor, Wall & Counter Coverings HA 6.2292 1723 Olympio Hwy. N. helton, Washin This past weei( Betty Jo Wolfe h.m been visiting he,: atmt and Check Passer grandparents, Mrs. LeRoy Dishon and Mr. and Mrs. Fred IJ(:)el<wood. SIINI)AV WAS a big(iavin,the Gets Deferred imlne of Mr. and Mrs. b'z'el Lock- wood as tile), celebraled the 95th birl}iday of his father, Mr. Elton o, ..o,k 2 Year Sentence wo)d as he is nlol'e fon(llv calletl. Aboul sixty-two relatives friends and neighb'ors gathered to do him ,, ," ,. , • '., ;, '5. ., ,'" - great-great- deferred sentence on the condition g,'andchildren with one present. W'e extend our greetings to Grandpa Lockwood, too! Last week Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith took her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks to Yakima in celebration of their fifty-seeond wedding anniversary. They visite(l that Sechrest nmke restitution for several bad checks he cashed in the Belfair area, that he pay for the cost of his prosecution and that he spend an additional 30 days in the connty jail. Everett E. Cmis, 36, had a bail of $1000 set on him by the COllrt Mrs. Brooks' sister and husband, as the result of charge of grand Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Darland and larceny by forgery. Cruse is cur- their friends, Mr'. and Mrs. Don rently on probation from Oregon Lutzke of Yakima and Mr. and on the same charge. Mrs. Forrest Wilson of Tilton, Edward Marcou, 75, of Matlock Wash. From there they called on was brought before the court for their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. F. V. the purpose of identification. He Simmons in Portland, Oregon. is charged with attempted grand 'rItUItSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Earl larceny in connection with the Smith and their sons Charles and shooting of a cow last week near Don called on Mrs. mith's aunt Matlock. His bail was also set at and family Mr. and Mrs. Tom $1000. O'Shaughnessy of Indianola, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson Try a Journal Want Ad and their children, Sandy, Scott and Kirby of Portland, Oregon have been spending their vacation in one of the cabins at her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izetts'. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Iz- ett were glad to have their other i daughter and faintly, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adell and their chil- dren, Karen, ChelTl and Julie and his mother, Mrs. Willia2a Adell, spend the weekend with them. Sunday Mr. Johnson and Mr. Adell met a fz'lend, Mr. FrancLs Leaver and his sons, Don and Bob in Olympia and together they at- tended the Gold Cup Races in Se- attle. MR ELLA It|CE has been hostess to her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Pose Lamping of Denver, Colorado this past week. Mr. and M. Rioe will be enter- taining six of their grandchildren while their parents, Mr. and Mz;s. Darrel and Mr. and Mrs. George Rice go on their vacations. We know this will be a week of fun for both grandparents aBd ehll- dzn. Monday to start the week right was scheduled for a trip to Pt. Defiance Zoo. FRIEND OF Staff Sgt. Toby Vasbinder and wife Shirley and their children, Kip and Holly, will be interested to learn that they are now in Honolulu where he is stationed at Wheeler Air Force Base and is a cryptograph opera- tor. Shirley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rice. Last Fri- day Mrs. Rice received a gorgeous orchied lei from Shirley. It was sent via airmail and came through beautifully. AN A situati¢ be more could be disablin suit. yOll, ward if yoU /Etna Call us I A 4th & ! [Tnt tlFI IAIIf@' I MONEY Scotts Lawn Scotts actually guarantees to rid your weeds, grubs, moles and give you the kind of or your money back! Hit left, threw right. TWO PRDGRAMS OF SAViNt SMALL LAWN $4.95 . Family Grass Seed $4.75 ...... Turf Builder ..' $16.95 ..... Scotts Spreader .'.; $26.65 ........ Total ...''! $19.65 ..... Together Now • • Shipping slabster • 7°° You Save Better see for yourself. We've got us show you how everyone can have using the few right produots, at the right time, Forrest "s Flowers 313 RAILROAD HA WHO's WHO IN MASON COUNTY CONTEST Shelton Hotel "If YOU Can Find A Better Place To Eat  Try It!" • Banquet Faoilities • Sat. Nite Smorgasbord • Blue Ox Corral Ph. HA 6.3341 I Les Fields Auto Parts INC. Complete line of parts for all cars 4, trucks Automotive Machine 8hop Tools  Batterlel 229 S. First HA 6-3351  Deport- merit 8tore "Friendly Service Since 1885" J & $ gerviee "The Best Friend Your Car Ever Had" Mt. View HA 6-39S9 I I Evergreen Texaco FIRESTONE TIRES Motor Tuneup, Generators, Starters, Lubrication, Brake Relining 1st & Franklin HA 6-3031 II III II Sears Catalog SALES OFFICE "$atisfaotlon Guaranteed or Your Money Back" Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 I imber Appliance Authorized Dealer B Sales & Service 'IM" Electrical Contracting Heating  Wiring HA 6-4633 114 8. 2nd • 1 ii i Kimbel Motors CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH RAMBLER METROPOLITAN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 S. First HA 6-3433 I IIII "LOOk to the Finest First" at Eells & Valley APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2rid HA 6-4663 Bill $ohnson'S Shell Service "Service First  Satisfaction Always" Goodyear Tires t Nio-L-81Jver Batteries First 4, Cota HA 11-3903 Manley's FOUNTAIN LUNCH "Shelton's Favorite" For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner or Just a Snack 126 Cota HA 6-9953 • [ IIII Forrest's Flowers AND GIFTS Cut Flowers'- Plants Floral Designs Flowers and Gifts for All Occasions Flowers by Wire 313 Railroad HA -6513 Shelton Union Service Wingard's Sport Shop Gemplete Flshin0 and Hunting Supplies "TakS Along A Buddy" All Resident & Non-Resident Licenses 2210"Olympic Hwy. N. HA 6-8572 THE BEST IN In|uranoe Coverage & Service Angle Agency Insurance- Real Estate - Travel 4th & R.R. HA 6-8272 ** Evergreen Fuel CO. Quality at Budget Prices • First in tire---U. S. Royal • Economy Car Waah • Vacation Trailer Rentals • U Drive Trucks 332 S. First HA 6-8002 Kitsap-Mason Dairy "Good Milk is Good Food" • Milk & Cream • Ice Cream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove • HA 6.4473 C. C. Cole & ons DISTRIBUTOR Standar Oil Products "Trouble Free Fuel Oil Service for the Home" 118 S. Third HA 6-4411 Beckwith's Exolus]ve Dealer, for Saeger's Motet Shop • Johnson Outboards • Homelite Power Saws • 8kagit Boats Sales & Service HillcPst HA 6-4602 20th Century Thriftway "whir, Bvery Customer Is important" HILLCREST MODE O' DAY Evergreen Square HA 6-8293 Waterfront Realty featuring 'PREFERRED PROPERTIES' Developers of Highland Terrace Marden M. Stroud, Broker 226 No. First HA 8-8535 128 Railroad HA 6.;1263 *t DAIRY QUEEN "with that Country Fresh Flavor" 1st & Cedar i Dleel Oil & Stove 0el Automatl Refill 8srvice 319 S. First HA 6-11103 BOON'S Fessler's ICE CREAM CENTER "YOU Can't Better The Best" Premium Ice Cream At Less than Popular Prices 422 N. First HA 6.6575 Western Auto Supply "THE FAMILY STORE" WI2LJD The Name for Quality 315 S. First HA 6-6183 Wheatley & Keary Co. "Ser¢i¢ and QJality First" In Plumbing  Heating Paper  Paint Contraoting 317 S. First HA 6-4553 BOWLING 18 FUN for the Whole Family Practie Bowling - 3 Lines/S1 Gale and .oli Albrecht Shelton Recreation 128 N. First HA 6-6252 Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Contraoting  Plumbing Suppliea  Oil Burners Furnaces 623 8. First HA 6-3483 Prepp's Rexali Store 'In Business for Your Health" SHELTON, WASH' M. and S. Food Store Quality Food  Low Prices Free Delivery 120 Cota HA 6-4892 For over 2 years it has been MoGonkey's ,o, Drugs "Two Locations to Serve You" 306 Railroad 329 Railroad HA 6,3456 HA 6-4456 Ritner's Broiler "For Fine Foods at Reasonable Prices" lp2 S. First HA 6-4223 Shelton Electric 419 Railroad HA 6-6283 Westinghouse Appliances The best cos no more Budget Shop and Decorating Center Across from Evergreen 8quare Sr Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 Pianos • Organs Accordion Lessons Band Instruments Sheet Music 2nd & Cota HA 6-6311 Lawton Lumber Co. • C & C Paints • Building Materials • Tools Rentals 420 S. First HA 6-4303   Thackeray Electric CO. "Electrical Contractors# Lighting Fixtures Electric Heat Wiring Supplies , and Repairs 217 Cota HA 6-6477 Where Io Look for Clues,,. Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights Clues may be hidden I ANY ad in this group appears in any of these ads, it means that that merchant appears elsewhere in thle issue of the tional clues may be hidden in any of those ads also! Clues will be scattered.., there may be from one t0 any ad  or none. "riaLs is a contest of skill  and our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best ]gULES 1, This lea famUy ftm contest. :En- tries welme from every member of the family old enough to flu out hl or her owe. You MAY submit one eG- try per perso at any or all of the Spouoring M.rchattts Whose ads are in the row that Is heavily bordered this ek -- but only one entry per peon at ant' one store (more than one will dieqtlalify all entries of that person for that week). nyone may eazter unless a member of your family • i employed by the 30AL., Spon- ring erehant and their families (and their employee and families) are most welcome to enter EXCEPT during the week that the Bponsortng Mer- chant's store is featured. 2, Nothing to buy. Use any slip of paper for entry blank. DO NOT put your entry in aa envelope. Not" neces- sary to be present at the drawing to win. Not necessary a subscriber to the 3OURNA.L to PrtLelpateo 3. 11IO'g WHO may be arwone tn the Ma.qon County area. Clues to his (or hr) Identity will be hidden ONLY In ads of Sponeortng Merchants (this means any ad in this secUon or any ad of th same merchant elsewhere In the paper). When star(e) sppear in any d in this section, it Is your warn- ing that other ad(s) of the came mer- chant (in which there may be clues) appear eleewhere in the paper. Clues will be seattered--many ads will have no clues, while others may have as sny ss five. This is a contest of eklll, d we intend to do our best to outwit you. We'll be delighted if you success in outgueesing us, in spite of our best efforts 4. If by coincidence, the name of the WHO'S W/dO (or other faete about him) happen to appear in news items, editorial matter, or other places In this newspaper, these will not count as clues. 5. To enter, write' down the name you think the WHO'S WttO is. List all the clues you can flnd in all the ads of the Sponsoring Merchants In thts issue. Don't forget your own name and address!! Then, drop your entry It any Sponsoring Merchant whose ad is between the r beee¢'l Issue. Tou may wish! There are Bo entries will he tries will not be bar of the family tries for that 12 must be 6. This week's you receive this p.m. Monday  ' that time (5 p.m. drawing will be drawn that WHO'S WHO will entry also lists ads of N'US of .00 ever this BONUS added to next will continue to Winning the FECT list of ber, and all 7. At. the contest, a held to MY$'IRY will take place lrawtng is regular drawing" for the drawing 3A CKPO.' 3ACKPOT will drawn (after drawing) whlch rect identification and a perfect list will not be. held for POT every week. 8. Every aken to hat might be rrorless GUARANTEED llsher of the Judge in all s final. Family tr chance to wlfe. husband, or youngster MAY" mssl Got any perry Think YOU can • . Remember, don't enter! Ambulance Meeting Held Monday RoY. mso, IJRocky Hembroff 7th Who's Who ,,_., At Ally iJIdenhhed By 29 Tough Ci ueso...oo..o., n to Raise Needed Funds i Chrysler.Plytneuth Car, I icontefft was 6' 4' Tacoma-biKed i International Trucks I |I(OSCO John ]tem.broff, bitter , i I |knoveu as "Rocky", the gay wilh , , /the natinn chow, i, ls door at h,s i i i ["!ffl(i, ll6)lNbl2n(ttenlified him in " , tim first half dozen clues you spot- IT WAS I IECII)FI) at a public The monttl of July was very en- FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A. SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 ted but <lid you find all 29 giving him a capmile biography of his life! It took that: many to have a perfect entry this week. We've al- ready repeated seven of them in the, opening" paragraph of this story. Recognize ,Item all ?' For instance: 6' 4" was in the Law,on Lumber ad on page 4; Ta- ma-i}m'd was in the Lawton Lumber ad on page 6; Hey Romoc was in the 20tll Century Thrift- way ad on page 16; middle nmne Joim, L. M. ad, page 5; the nathm above his door, Ritner's, page 10; • ....::::!:I:!I .... .:::!.::I::I::::!:::" .:: ::.: ;.,.::: ; :;." ??!:?!¢!::i:!:i:i:!:::" ...... • . :; p: ... / .:i::!:!,'::?:::!:i:! / / :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,:, ::.;. ,,." The day we have to"BAll" FOLKS... with discounts that are NOT... is the day we "throw the towel in"... and close our jewelry shop ... ! . . , we tidnk VOLl'll enjoy shopping wImre I)rh'es are ALWAYS r'ck bolhmi . . . where uour inlelli. genre . . . and the old fnMffotwd truth  arc givim pr respect . . , ! , If0 "phony discounts". No "hysterical claims". No "conle-ons. ] J:::lry ot its nest . . . for fhoss who C2£ . . . ! Convenient budget term . . . I arid office, 116 N. 2nd, Sears, page 10, he Shelton insuraneeman, who member of the Chamber of I,ommer(,e (Waterfront Realty ad, page 15), past J,C. preshlent (Shelton Union Service, page 10), l)at Kiwanis preshhmt (Budget Shop, page 10) Odd Fellow (Coast- to-Coast, page 10), golf c,)ur veep (Boon's Sbeet Metal page 10), assistant scoutmaster (Shel- ton Hotel, page 10}, and ex-Shelton man-of-the-year (MartIey's Foun- tain, page 141, is also a guy who likes golfing, boaiMtg, camping (Waterfront Realt, yi page 15}, is of European lineage (20th Cen- tury, page 16i, average weight 215 pounds (20th Century, page 16), has three children named Johnn:', ttsle and Nancy lL.M., page 5), and wea.ra glasses (OK Rubber Welders, page 101. He is a $0uthsl,le resident (Mc- Conkey Pharmacy, page 9) who has lh, ed in $helton 10 years (Sae- ger Motor Shop, page 2) and was a Ltberaee Facsimile (Johnny's Music Box, page 4) in the Jaycee "Wee Pots" show a few years ago. The "hem" section of Hembroff gives you the chm put up part of last name in the Western Auto Parts ad, page 10. He attended Tacoma's Stadium (L.M., page 5) his wife's name Marion (LeRoy's Television Serv- ice, page 3), and during his war- time stint in the Navy he was an tvlatiotl metedsmilh 1st class in VWlI (Kitsap-Mason Dah'y, page 12). That nick-name of Rocky gives him a hard first name (Evergreen Fuel, page 10), and as an insur- anceman policy Is his policy (An- gle Agency, page 14), he helps people protect themselves (Angle Agency, page 12), and he insures many thhngs (Beckwith Jeweh'y, page 4 }. There are the 29 clues. Now let's see how many yell can dig on, of today's edition £or the eightb mystery character. You're getting harder to fool every week and we're having, to meeting August 6 to raise Imp(Is for a new vehicle which will be convevted lilts a first aid cq]', us- ing equipment fz'orH the ohi abzl- lance. Any people wire wish to donale to the emergem'y first ai(I service who ilave not been called itp, m may contact their representativeJ in lheir area. I The representative for Benson[ and Mason Lake in'ca is JudYl Staudt; Grapeview area, Merge[ Hell; Victor area, BettY" Edwards; I and AIIyn area, Jeri liaison ] MR. AND MRS. L. A. Allyn recently returned from a two week fishing and camping trip in- to tim northern part of Montana. Accompanying them were Mr. and Mrs. G. H. R.gers of Seattle• As they returned they came back by way of Flathead Lake in Missou- la, Mont. They had good fisher- man's luck and caught their full limit of rainbow and other trout. They also saw man)' moose arid deer as well as other wildlife where they were camped. Last Tuesday, Mrs. M. W. Boy- er had the joy of greeting her sis- ter, Mrs. Richard Ryder, whom she had not seen for several years. Mrs. Ryder arrived by plane from Chatham, Mass• for an extended visit with her sister and niece, Mrs. Dorothy Claa'k. In honor of Miss Ryder's visit; to make the most of tlm nice weather, Mrs. Clark drove them Thnrsday and Friday on a scenic tour of Mt. Rainier. They spent the night at the "Ohanopecosh Lodge". The flowers about the Chinook Pass and Sunrise side were said to be beautiful now. Miss Charlotte Jolley has been spending some time in Yelm vis- iting her cousin Jeanne Jolly who is the daughter of Mrs. Kenneth Baker. MLS SANDRA McKean has been spending a pleasant week or get slyer and slyer about hiding the clues to keep up wilh you. The (leposit boxes for your en- try forms for the 8th installment of the 30-week contest will be found this week at OK Rubber Welders on Mt. View, Evergreen Texaco Service at 1st and Frank- lin, Kimbel Motors at First & Mill, Manley's Fomttuin al 125 Cola, Shelton Union Service aL 332 South First, and the Shelton Ho- tel. j()y:ibly spent by M)'.q. George l.:alat with t he Girl Scollts at Camp I,yle McCle()d near Tahuy:t. Mrs. Kalat served ;is leader ()f a unit. SI'ENi)ING Sunday afternoon ill tile home of Mrs. ][al'g:tl'et Davis was hel' brotller and wife', Mr. and Mrs. Harr,v lVolcott of Shelton and her two sisters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Vie Rai- soni and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mo- je:ln of Taconla. Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thm'man will be sorry to lose them as neighbors now that they are moving to Shel- ton this week. Mr. Angus Smith was glad to have his nephew and wife, Mr'. and Mrs. H.ay McDougall of Toronto, Ontario, Canada spend awhile with lain} one day last week as they were pasing through. Sue Bellamy of Allyn spent last week with her brother and wife, ] Mr. and Mrs. George Chapin at! Lilliwaup. From Iilliwaup, Sue went on a boat trip to Dewa,to Bay with her brother and wife• Also enjoying the cruise with them were, Mr. amt Mrs. Johu Anderson and their four children and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Huey and their children. Mrs. Hobert Painter and her son Wesley from Portage, Alaska, spent the weeltend with her sis- ter, Mrs. Edith Baird and hus- band. The Painters were on their way to Wihnington, Calif. where they will visit her daughter, Ellen who is Mrs. Bill Harper. MILS. EDITH W a 1 k e r and daughter, Betty and her two chil- dren of Klamath Falls, Oz'e. visit- ed Mrs. Walker's mother, one day last week, at Sarah House. Attending the horse show Sun- day at lhe Silver Spurs grounds were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peter- son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson, Yh'. and Mrs. Rod Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan. Simday, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Edman celebrated their birthdays at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Harper of Se:tttle. The event was a. happy family reunion with one of her brothers having return- ed from a business trip in Africa as a highlight of the occasion. Tues(lay tieii' so, Brian Ed- man, who is serving in the navy anti has fi[dshed his boot training, will leave Seattle for Treasure Is- land where he will be assigned to his ship• 2226 I .... OK Rubber Welders N. Olympic Hwy. HA 6-4832 I I Leroy's Television SERVICE Motorola Television & Radios "You Get Guaranteed Quality In lales and tvto" 22111 N. Olympic Hwy. HA 6-3172 llex Floor Coverings  Ploor, Wall & Counter Coverings HA 6.2292 1723 Olympio Hwy. N. helton, Washin This past weei( Betty Jo Wolfe h.m been visiting he,: atmt and Check Passer grandparents, Mrs. LeRoy Dishon and Mr. and Mrs. Fred IJ(:)el<wood. SIINI)AV WAS a big(iavin,the Gets Deferred imlne of Mr. and Mrs. b'z'el Lock- wood as tile), celebraled the 95th birl}iday of his father, Mr. Elton o, ..o,k 2 Year Sentence wo)d as he is nlol'e fon(llv calletl. Aboul sixty-two relatives friends and neighb'ors gathered to do him ,, ," ,. , • '., ;, '5. ., ,'" - great-great- deferred sentence on the condition g,'andchildren with one present. W'e extend our greetings to Grandpa Lockwood, too! Last week Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith took her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks to Yakima in celebration of their fifty-seeond wedding anniversary. They visite(l that Sechrest nmke restitution for several bad checks he cashed in the Belfair area, that he pay for the cost of his prosecution and that he spend an additional 30 days in the connty jail. Everett E. Cmis, 36, had a bail of $1000 set on him by the COllrt Mrs. Brooks' sister and husband, as the result of charge of grand Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Darland and larceny by forgery. Cruse is cur- their friends, Mr'. and Mrs. Don rently on probation from Oregon Lutzke of Yakima and Mr. and on the same charge. Mrs. Forrest Wilson of Tilton, Edward Marcou, 75, of Matlock Wash. From there they called on was brought before the court for their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. F. V. the purpose of identification. He Simmons in Portland, Oregon. is charged with attempted grand 'rItUItSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Earl larceny in connection with the Smith and their sons Charles and shooting of a cow last week near Don called on Mrs. mith's aunt Matlock. His bail was also set at and family Mr. and Mrs. Tom $1000. O'Shaughnessy of Indianola, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson Try a Journal Want Ad and their children, Sandy, Scott and Kirby of Portland, Oregon have been spending their vacation in one of the cabins at her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izetts'. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Iz- ett were glad to have their other i daughter and faintly, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adell and their chil- dren, Karen, ChelTl and Julie and his mother, Mrs. Willia2a Adell, spend the weekend with them. Sunday Mr. Johnson and Mr. Adell met a fz'lend, Mr. FrancLs Leaver and his sons, Don and Bob in Olympia and together they at- tended the Gold Cup Races in Se- attle. MR ELLA It|CE has been hostess to her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Pose Lamping of Denver, Colorado this past week. Mr. and M. Rioe will be enter- taining six of their grandchildren while their parents, Mr. and Mz;s. Darrel and Mr. and Mrs. George Rice go on their vacations. We know this will be a week of fun for both grandparents aBd ehll- dzn. Monday to start the week right was scheduled for a trip to Pt. Defiance Zoo. FRIEND OF Staff Sgt. Toby Vasbinder and wife Shirley and their children, Kip and Holly, will be interested to learn that they are now in Honolulu where he is stationed at Wheeler Air Force Base and is a cryptograph opera- tor. Shirley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rice. Last Fri- day Mrs. Rice received a gorgeous orchied lei from Shirley. It was sent via airmail and came through beautifully. AN A situati¢ be more could be disablin suit. yOll, ward if yoU /Etna Call us I A 4th & ! [Tnt tlFI IAIIf@' I MONEY Scotts Lawn Scotts actually guarantees to rid your weeds, grubs, moles and give you the kind of or your money back! Hit left, threw right. TWO PRDGRAMS OF SAViNt SMALL LAWN $4.95 . Family Grass Seed $4.75 ...... Turf Builder ..' $16.95 ..... Scotts Spreader .'.; $26.65 ........ Total ...''! $19.65 ..... Together Now • • Shipping slabster • 7°° You Save Better see for yourself. We've got us show you how everyone can have using the few right produots, at the right time, Forrest "s Flowers 313 RAILROAD HA WHO's WHO IN MASON COUNTY CONTEST Shelton Hotel "If YOU Can Find A Better Place To Eat  Try It!" • Banquet Faoilities • Sat. Nite Smorgasbord • Blue Ox Corral Ph. HA 6.3341 I Les Fields Auto Parts INC. Complete line of parts for all cars 4, trucks Automotive Machine 8hop Tools  Batterlel 229 S. First HA 6-3351  Deport- merit 8tore "Friendly Service Since 1885" J & $ gerviee "The Best Friend Your Car Ever Had" Mt. View HA 6-39S9 I I Evergreen Texaco FIRESTONE TIRES Motor Tuneup, Generators, Starters, Lubrication, Brake Relining 1st & Franklin HA 6-3031 II III II Sears Catalog SALES OFFICE "$atisfaotlon Guaranteed or Your Money Back" Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 I imber Appliance Authorized Dealer B Sales & Service 'IM" Electrical Contracting Heating  Wiring HA 6-4633 114 8. 2nd • 1 ii i Kimbel Motors CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH RAMBLER METROPOLITAN INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 S. First HA 6-3433 I IIII "LOOk to the Finest First" at Eells & Valley APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2rid HA 6-4663 Bill $ohnson'S Shell Service "Service First  Satisfaction Always" Goodyear Tires t Nio-L-81Jver Batteries First 4, Cota HA 11-3903 Manley's FOUNTAIN LUNCH "Shelton's Favorite" For Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner or Just a Snack 126 Cota HA 6-9953 • [ IIII Forrest's Flowers AND GIFTS Cut Flowers'- Plants Floral Designs Flowers and Gifts for All Occasions Flowers by Wire 313 Railroad HA -6513 Shelton Union Service Wingard's Sport Shop Gemplete Flshin0 and Hunting Supplies "TakS Along A Buddy" All Resident & Non-Resident Licenses 2210"Olympic Hwy. N. HA 6-8572 THE BEST IN In|uranoe Coverage & Service Angle Agency Insurance- Real Estate - Travel 4th & R.R. HA 6-8272 ** Evergreen Fuel CO. Quality at Budget Prices • First in tire---U. S. Royal • Economy Car Waah • Vacation Trailer Rentals • U Drive Trucks 332 S. First HA 6-8002 Kitsap-Mason Dairy "Good Milk is Good Food" • Milk & Cream • Ice Cream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove • HA 6.4473 C. C. Cole & ons DISTRIBUTOR Standar Oil Products "Trouble Free Fuel Oil Service for the Home" 118 S. Third HA 6-4411 Beckwith's Exolus]ve Dealer, for Saeger's Motet Shop • Johnson Outboards • Homelite Power Saws • 8kagit Boats Sales & Service HillcPst HA 6-4602 20th Century Thriftway "whir, Bvery Customer Is important" HILLCREST MODE O' DAY Evergreen Square HA 6-8293 Waterfront Realty featuring 'PREFERRED PROPERTIES' Developers of Highland Terrace Marden M. Stroud, Broker 226 No. First HA 8-8535 128 Railroad HA 6.;1263 *t DAIRY QUEEN "with that Country Fresh Flavor" 1st & Cedar i Dleel Oil & Stove 0el Automatl Refill 8srvice 319 S. First HA 6-11103 BOON'S Fessler's ICE CREAM CENTER "YOU Can't Better The Best" Premium Ice Cream At Less than Popular Prices 422 N. First HA 6.6575 Western Auto Supply "THE FAMILY STORE" WI2LJD The Name for Quality 315 S. First HA 6-6183 Wheatley & Keary Co. "Ser¢i¢ and QJality First" In Plumbing  Heating Paper  Paint Contraoting 317 S. First HA 6-4553 BOWLING 18 FUN for the Whole Family Practie Bowling - 3 Lines/S1 Gale and .oli Albrecht Shelton Recreation 128 N. First HA 6-6252 Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Contraoting  Plumbing Suppliea  Oil Burners Furnaces 623 8. First HA 6-3483 Prepp's Rexali Store 'In Business for Your Health" SHELTON, WASH' M. and S. Food Store Quality Food  Low Prices Free Delivery 120 Cota HA 6-4892 For over 2 years it has been MoGonkey's ,o, Drugs "Two Locations to Serve You" 306 Railroad 329 Railroad HA 6,3456 HA 6-4456 Ritner's Broiler "For Fine Foods at Reasonable Prices" lp2 S. First HA 6-4223 Shelton Electric 419 Railroad HA 6-6283 Westinghouse Appliances The best cos no more Budget Shop and Decorating Center Across from Evergreen 8quare Sr Johnny's Music Box 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 Pianos • Organs Accordion Lessons Band Instruments Sheet Music 2nd & Cota HA 6-6311 Lawton Lumber Co. • C & C Paints • Building Materials • Tools Rentals 420 S. First HA 6-4303   Thackeray Electric CO. "Electrical Contractors# Lighting Fixtures Electric Heat Wiring Supplies , and Repairs 217 Cota HA 6-6477 Where Io Look for Clues,,. Copyright 1959 by B. Reinhardt. All rights Clues may be hidden I ANY ad in this group appears in any of these ads, it means that that merchant appears elsewhere in thle issue of the tional clues may be hidden in any of those ads also! Clues will be scattered.., there may be from one t0 any ad  or none. "riaLs is a contest of skill  and our best to outwit you. We invite you to do your best ]gULES 1, This lea famUy ftm contest. :En- tries welme from every member of the family old enough to flu out hl or her owe. You MAY submit one eG- try per perso at any or all of the Spouoring M.rchattts Whose ads are in the row that Is heavily bordered this ek -- but only one entry per peon at ant' one store (more than one will dieqtlalify all entries of that person for that week). nyone may eazter unless a member of your family • i employed by the 30AL., Spon- ring erehant and their families (and their employee and families) are most welcome to enter EXCEPT during the week that the Bponsortng Mer- chant's store is featured. 2, Nothing to buy. Use any slip of paper for entry blank. DO NOT put your entry in aa envelope. Not" neces- sary to be present at the drawing to win. Not necessary a subscriber to the 3OURNA.L to PrtLelpateo 3. 11IO'g WHO may be arwone tn the Ma.qon County area. Clues to his (or hr) Identity will be hidden ONLY In ads of Sponeortng Merchants (this means any ad in this secUon or any ad of th same merchant elsewhere In the paper). When star(e) sppear in any d in this section, it Is your warn- ing that other ad(s) of the came mer- chant (in which there may be clues) appear eleewhere in the paper. Clues will be seattered--many ads will have no clues, while others may have as sny ss five. This is a contest of eklll, d we intend to do our best to outwit you. We'll be delighted if you success in outgueesing us, in spite of our best efforts 4. If by coincidence, the name of the WHO'S W/dO (or other faete about him) happen to appear in news items, editorial matter, or other places In this newspaper, these will not count as clues. 5. To enter, write' down the name you think the WHO'S WttO is. List all the clues you can flnd in all the ads of the Sponsoring Merchants In thts issue. Don't forget your own name and address!! Then, drop your entry It any Sponsoring Merchant whose ad is between the r beee¢'l Issue. Tou may wish! There are Bo entries will he tries will not be bar of the family tries for that 12 must be 6. This week's you receive this p.m. Monday  ' that time (5 p.m. drawing will be drawn that WHO'S WHO will entry also lists ads of N'US of .00 ever this BONUS added to next will continue to Winning the FECT list of ber, and all 7. At. the contest, a held to MY$'IRY will take place lrawtng is regular drawing" for the drawing 3A CKPO.' 3ACKPOT will drawn (after drawing) whlch rect identification and a perfect list will not be. held for POT every week. 8. Every aken to hat might be rrorless GUARANTEED llsher of the Judge in all s final. Family tr chance to wlfe. husband, or youngster MAY" mssl Got any perry Think YOU can • . Remember, don't enter!