August 13, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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1,2, 1959
"Ship - Bus
• H()TI]I,S
HA 6-4134
,gTFELTON-MA?,0N C01rNTY JOURNAL- libltshed tn "Chri,tmtown, U.,¢.A.," 9helton,
Picnic Slated At Wailin Beach
B F Manette Moore
l{enlember the community club
picnic to be held on tile Bob WaN
]ill's t)e$1(!h Snn(lay, Augnst 16, for
(!]lll) nlenlbers lind their friends.
[i'llll slarIs with a p+)thick dinnt!l'
at I :30 1).m.
I,AI)IEN (!LIII is being held to-
day at: the lmme of Mrs. Paul
I,eeKe on Arcadia Point.
A new arrival has been added
lo Ihe community. He is Thnothy
Bruce McMiltin, baby son of Mr.
and Mrs. Dave McMillin. The lil-
tle l elhw arrived August 3,
weighing 7 pounds, 3' ounCes.
l{e .joins two isters and a broth-
David R o u n (t t r e c, who left
Thursday for Seattle where he
was given his phvsical exam|ha-
lion for the Air b;orce, is now in
San Anlonio, Texas where he will
t'tlce his basic lraining.
Thursday, Mrs. Ray Sharpe at-
tended the Navy Mothers meeting
with Mrs. At Lord and was an
overnight guest at the Lords'
Saturday, Sunday, August 14-15-16
Dean lDlns
0e another like "LIFE BEGINS AT
the battered SEVENTEEN"
'd gunfisted
all called
re all here in
picture called
Starring Mark Damon, Dorothy
Johnson and your favorite
"Kookie" of T.V. Fame from
77 Sunset Strip, Ed Byrnes.
Joan Woodward and Joan Collins, and "THE
D JAV' with Kenneth Moore and
August 28-29-30: "HERCULES" and
The Lords, along with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Sharps, drove to Pick-
sting Pass Sunday where they
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Wildey.
A weekend trip to the ocean
featured camping out and suc-
cessful clam digging and smelting
for Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury,
Mr. and Mrs. Lehmd Hudson and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson. The
group camped in the state park
at Klaloch and reported fair
weather and an enjoyable trip.
AI,,O SI'ENI)IN(; a day at the
ocean this weekend was the Bill
Price family who drove through
Hoquiam to the beach Saturday
where they spent the morning
digging for clams and the rest of
the day enjoying the ocean and
Sunday visitors at the Price
home were Mrs. Price's sister and
husband, the recently married Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Blenz.
Dr. Ryan's sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. McThail and family
and Beverly Ryan, all of Seattle,
spent Sunday at the Ryans' home.
A day of visiting and boating was
enjoyed. Beverly Ryan will be
spending two weeks visiting at
the Ryan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Relays at-
tended the birthday celebration of
a close friend in Olympia Sunday.
ENJOYING AN afternoon of
boating add water skiing this Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Al-
len and their guests of the day,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Benoit o
Seattle. Mr. Benoit who tried the
art of water skiing for the first l
time, did surprisingly well.
Dropping in at the Allens' later
that day were Mr. and Mrs. Chip
Gauthier of Bremerton and Mr.
and Mrs. Davis Chappel of Aber-
deen who were returning home
from a trip to Mt. Rainier and
stopped to pick up their daughters
who spent the week with their
grandparents, the Aliens.
Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Btamstad of Hoquiam called on
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wolf.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mason, Grays Harbor County Grange
Picnic Draws Large Crowd '
By Dora Hearing
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason county auditor's of-
fice this past week were:
William H. Allen, 21, Winlock,
and Carol Dayton, 16, Matloek.
Harvey E. Chappell, 23, Brem-
erton, and Jeanne Arveson, 17,
John D. Creekpaum, 21, Mc-
Cleary, and Mildred Browh, 18,
Stereo Bliner, 19, Shelton, and
Karla Shonkwiler, 17, Shelton.
Wolf on Wednesday were Mr. and
Mrs. Earle Bland and grandchil-
dren of McCleary.
SATURDAY the Wolf's were
delighted to have their son, Robert
Wolf, his wife and son and two of
their friends visit them. Their
grandson, Greg and a friend will
spend this week with them.
Arriving Sunday at the home of
1z'. and Mrs. Bill McFie were,
Bill's aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Espy of Long Beach,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Denny of
Olympia spent Saturday evening
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie Braz.
The Jim Shrum family along
with Sondra and Harold Charlson,
motored to Ashford for a weekend
with the Larry Jeschke family.
During their stay the men and
boys made a 50 minute hike to a
high lake in Mt. Rainier National
Park and returned With an im-
pressive catch 0"f fish.
Terry Shr]m who spent last
week with the Jeschkes returned
home with his parents.
Overnight guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore on
Friday were LeRoy's sister, Mrs.
Eddie Barrett and her small son
A dinner featuring seafood wa
served to the guests of Mrs.
Frank Bishop Saturday evening.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
MATLOCK. -- Those who at-
tended Mason and Grays Harbor
Counties Pomona Grange picnic
at Panhandle Lake from Matlock
Grange Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Lud Rossmaicr and daughter,
Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Blain
Bunts and family, Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Bradberry, Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest Green, Mr. and Mrs. L.
D. Portman, Mrs. Augusta Port-
man, Carl Portman, Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
"Hearing, Mr. and Mrs. Leo S.
Pierce and Mrs. Bob Trenckmann
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Sharp and son. Those who
joined the Matlock group were
Mrs. Marie McKay, Mr. P. J.
Nordwell and Mr. and Mrs. George
Duff told.
Mrs. Edna Peterson and son,
Bill, of Shelton were supper gnests :
of Mr. and Mrs. W'tyne Evers
Monday evening.
TUESDAY OF last week, Mrs.
Girth Calktns had a birthday par-
ty for her daughter, Sandra's 7th
birthday and had many small
friends in for ice cream and cake.
The new superintendent of Mary
M. Knight school is Mr. Eugene
French of LaCenter, Wash.,
Supt. French and his wife and
three small children will move
here next week.
MR. AND MRS. Wlllard Adams
and two sons of Tacoma were din-
ner g'uests of Mrs. Augusta Port-
man and Carl Per(man Wednes-
day evening.
Wednesday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rose-
maier were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Sharp and son, Steve, Mrs. Lucy
Sharp, James, Paul aud Margaret
Rosmnaier, all of Olympia.
Mrs. Dennis Reed and children,
Roberts and Steve, and Mrs. Clif-
ford Ford left Friday by car for
Spokane where they will spend a
week visiting their sister and
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Per(man were Friday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Marvin Jackson, houseguests of Portman of Shelton.
Cal. and Mrs. Morgan of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
were luncheon guests Tuesday
Mrs. Bishop attended a lunch- evening of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
con in Seattle on Wednesday. Nye of SheRon.
LAST THURSDAY Mr. and Miss Louise Dyer of Spokane
Mrs. John Sells made a business was a house guest last week of
trip to Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin.
On retttrn home the Sells found Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barrett
they had houseguests. They were and daughter, Virginia, of Port
Mr. and Mi's. Bill Kelly and Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Will
daughters of Wo0denviile who Valley of Shelton called on Mr,
spent the night at the Sells. and Mrs. I. C. Ford a week ago
Sunday the Sells were among Sunday. Mrs. Barrett will be re-
the spectators of the Gold Cup membered here as Josephine Vale
Panel--S11.10 • 34x120-1nch Panel--S13.90 • 34x144-1nch Panel--$16.6S
race in Seattle.
SPENDING a few weeks at the
home of Mr. Walter S. Allen, is
his brother, Carl Craven of Des
Moines, Iowa.
Nellie Sullivan and daughter,
Vivian of Inglewood, California,
took time out from their travel-
ing to call on Mr. Allen, Monday.
Vacationing Mr. and Mrs, Hen.
ry Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Tuppr of Long Beach, Calif. vis-
ited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Silva, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Allen and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Moore Monday and were over-
night houseguests of Mx'. and Mrs.
Fred Silva.
Mrs. Tupper and Mrs. Shepard
are the twin sisters of Fred am
Joe Silva.
Bd Air "& Be¢ , sleet Body bY Figure..
smoothest ride/
One of the 7 big bests Chevrolet lies you over any other car in.Jts field
who's ever taken a Chevy
choppy country road can
how lightly , Chevrolet's
suspension handles rough
co// springs never
never need grease l Try
way of going for your-
you do, you'll find your
of saying what MOTOR
,gazine puts this way:
the smoothest, most quiet,
riding car in its price
But the happiest part of it
that this Full Coil ride is
Oe of seven big bests--all
by published opinions
and on-the-record facts
ROOM-0fficial dimen-
qeported to A.M.A.* show
evrolet sedans offer more
head room than all but
; high-priced cars--more
hip room (by up to 5.9
the "other two" of
the leading low-prlced fllre
BEST ENGINE-Chevrolet en-
gines have long won expert praise
from virtually every automobile
magazine, and, just recently, Chev-
rolet received the NASCAR? Out-
standing Achievement award for
"the creation and continuing de-
velopment of America's most effi-
cient V-type engine"
Chevrolet sixes with Powerglide
won their class in this year's Mobil-
gas Economy Run, topping every
other full-Mzed car. And the win-
ning mileage was a whopping 22.38
BEST BRAKES-Chevy's bonded-
lining brakes are the biggest in
their field, built for up to 66%
longer life. In a direct competition
conducted by NASCJkR, Chevy out-
stopped both of otll leading
low-prlcl-cars In a tolP,+,
pealed stops from highway s]da,
BEST STYLE-It's the only
of the leading iow-pMced $ tttl
unmistakably modern in every iin.
"In its price els," says POPU-
LAR SCIENCE magazine, "a ne
high in daring styling•"
N.A.D.A.$ Guide Book eml
you the fleurw on Cis xtra
value• Yom,ll find that Chevrolet
used ear prices last year averaged
up to $128 higher than comparable
models of the "othe two." Yr
Chevrolet dealer will be hppy to
tell you about a whole host of other
advantages beide thane seven,
Why not drop by hi showrooms ?
*Atomobib M +
A dvateemt$ mg
utomobil D
your local authorized Chevrolet dealer and see how much more Chevy has to offerl
First and Grove Streets Phone HA 6-4426
THE FORD family reunion and
picnic was held at qehafer
Park Sunday. Those who at-
tended were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Ford and family of Kennewick
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and
family of Olympia, Mrs. Hazel
Adams of Tacoma, Mrs. Elizabe
Yoft from the East, Mr. and Mrs
LeRoy Booths and family of He.
quiam, Mrs. Georgia Lonsbery of
Tacoma, Mrs. Leona Elliott of
Shelton, Mr. and .rs. Floyd Borst
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
White and Earl Ford, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Lamb, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Yoft and family, Charles
Ross, all of Shelton, and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Hansen, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Gribble, Mr. and Mrs
I. C. Ford and Mr. and Herbert
Brehmeyer, Jr., and family and
Jolm Singleton.
MR. AND MRS. Edward Val-
ley and son, David, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dig-
gle, Jr., at Lake Nahwatzel Sun-
day evening. The Diggles moved
last weeRend to Lake+Nahwdtzel.
LeRoy Valley spent the week-
end with Clovis Creamer.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lzier of
Olympia brought their aunt, Mm.
M. E. Crowell, home Saturday af-
ter she spent three days with her
sister, Mrs. Lozier of Tumwater.
Skippy Bunce Went home with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
W. E. Bunce of Pasco, for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Brem-
erton'brmght their mother; Mrs.
John Singleton, home Sunday af-
ter spending a week with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Blain Btmce and
family spent Saturday in Seattle
with Mrs. Bunce's brother and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
TUESDAY, AUG. lgth, will be
'open class entry, day at the Mason
County Fair from noon until 9
p.m. Anybody wishing to enter
please contact Mrs. Blain Bunce.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and
family, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Truman Meyers of Melbourn,
spent the weekend camping at
Mr. and Mrs. David DeFoer
and three Sons of Presser moved
to Mary M. Knight this weekend,
He is the new maintenance man
here at the chool and Mr. and
Mrs. Garth Calkins and family
will move near San Diego, .Calif.,
SOOn: ,
Here During July
There were no traffic deaths in
Mason County during July, State
Patrol Chief Roy A. Betlach re°
ported today.
"At the end of the first seven
months of 1959," he said, "one
death had been relorted in the
county. This is four less than re-
ported during the corresponding
period in 195&"
"The traffic death toll in the
state continues to run slightly less
than the 1958 toll," he, added,
"which is a credit to the drivers
using the streets and highways of
the state."
There can be no relaxation on
the driving habits of highway us-
ers, he pointed out, if we are to
continue to have les fatal mis-
haps. The weekends, he said, have
been the periods when most fatal-
ities occurred.
On Augmt 25, 1843, the USS
Missouri Put into Gtbralr, the
first steam-driven Navy ship to
cross the Atlantic.
Dayton Youths Enjoy Outing
By Mahel Khld
DAYTON--A four county meet
of the older 4-H groups was held
on Saturday Panhandle Lake
from 2 p.m. lmtil 10:30 p.m. There
were discussion groups and for
entertainment game and square
(lancing. A potluck supper was
served to members from Thurston,
Grays Harhor, Lewis and Mason
There will be a State Grange
Youth Camp in sessio}l at Pan-
handle Lake from Sunday, August
-16 throtkgh Friday, August 21.
happy to have with her, her son,
Jack who is spending his vacation
from radio station KIDO of Boise,
Ida. where he is employed as disc
jockey. Friends will remember
hint as a former Shelton resident.
Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. T.
A. Tibbitts are her brother and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Swearlngen and chihtren of Bliss-
field, Mich. and her sister, Mrs.
Herb Reed and sons of Kansas
City, Me. who arrived Tuesday,
August 3.
Mr. George King left by bus for
Sheridan, Wyo. last week Wed-
nesday to spend some time with
his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Davis.
Spending a very successful day
fishing at Westport last Friday
were Beatrice and Ernie Na)n,
and relatives, Walter Eash, Jr.
and Walter Eash, Sr. of Olympia,
CUntol and Douglas Eash of Ar-
kansas, Kin. and a friend, Mrs.
Warren Williams.
On Saturday, Edward Bunnell
made several local boys happy by
taking them for a climb up Mt.
Either. This was the first peak
any of the boys had climbed. En-
joying this outing were, SamLhi
Rietdorf, Richard Roberts, Dar-
rell Cochran and Rodney LgGarde.
Accompanying them were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Sutherland and .son, Glen
of Shelton. The: had lots of fun
playing in the snow and acquired
some nice sunburns.
Little Sheri Chappell spent last
week with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Anderson of Clo-
quallum. Also a housegut was
Sharon York of Satsop.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Harry Hale of
Port. Angeles are visiting for a
Mrs. Eugene Holt.
Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Bunnell are her niece and
nephew, Jndy and Dong Stoker of
Luncheon guests on Monday of
Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons were
Mrs. Roy Lamont and David of
Lucita Maynard of Shelton
spent the weekend wit h her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Rietdot:.
Tuesday callers in the Harold
LeOarde home were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Yon Bargen of Shelton.
MR. AND MRS. Dick Kelly ana
children of Tacoma spent Sunday
visiting in the home of her par-
ents, M,'. and Mrs. Dell Adams. In
the evening, M,', and Mrs. J. C.
Tibbitssand children dropped in to
visit with the Kellys. Mrs. Kelly
and Mrs. Tibblts are sisters.
Morris Puderbaugh returned to
his home in Agate on Sunday aft-
er staying a week with his cous-
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Robelq Goldy.
Mr. and M. John YOung antt
family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
LeGarde and children attended the
Simpson picnic held at Mason
Lake on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers of
Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs,
Gary Cole on Wednesday eye, inK
and they spent the time playing
Lorna LeGarde was Friday ov-
ernight guest*of Wendy Clark of
tv service
nl00,S SERVE
HA e,463a • 114 $. Md
(Timber Applianoe lldg')
ProlenaZ Ore /
For the Olothea You :Wear
Pantorlum Cle aners
ZIEGLER'S StedJo & Camera Shop
...... 124 N. 2nd HA 6-6163
Electric dye raa&es seuings [or you/
At last you can have o completsly automatic movie camera
with electrlc.eye exposure control--at an amazingly low
pricel No settlsgs to make -. u just oim and shootjn sunot
shade,., e,en |ndoors with photoflood lamps. The electrk:
eye sets the exposure (lutomatically. Hos lost f/2.3 lens, easy
loading. Uses thrifty Smm film.
W, th Past $74 SO Co,venient
f/2.3 Lens... S Terms
son, and in MS. Vernon with old
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Art Calkins,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tracey, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reinhard. Mr.
Reinhard has built a miniature
Space City at hk home which is
really an interesting attraction
with missiles and beautiful build-
ings which are especially lovely
wher they are lit up at night.
There is a small pool in the center
of the city which Mr. Reinard cov-
ers with a film of oil and it pro-
duces many delightful lighting ef-
fects. The Dillenbergs also called
on Mr. and Mrs. White Bailey of
Mt. Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and
children spent Sunday and Men-
,day visiting in Seattle in the
homes of relatives. Sunday night
they were guests of hls grand-
mother, Mrs. Edith Cole. They
visited wlth another grandmother,
Mrs. Emma King, and cousin
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Harris and
family and an aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Verle King. On the way
back home they called on Mrs.
Sid Villines and daughters of DeS
Moines. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs
Robert Goldy and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McNulty
and family and Morris Puder-
baugh spent an enjoyable day on
the Chehalis River rock hunting
and picnicking.
Mrs. J. W. Stoner spent Sunday
in Bremerton visiting Mr. and
few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mr and Mrs. Bill Kirk of Cush- m: ( g
,nan were Sunday callers In the
home of Mz'. and Mrs. Harry Kidd.
Mrs. Pete Roberts and son Bil-
ly, Tom Bunnell and Sugar Town-
send attended the Mason County
Bell Riders picnic held on Satur- * IN PHOTOGRAPHYI
day at Mason Lake.
ON SUNDAY, Mr. aid Mrs. Ray
Dillenberg and children visited at H|!
the home of his co',sfns in Gran-
ite Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Stin-
1,2, 1959
"Ship - Bus
• H()TI]I,S
HA 6-4134
,gTFELTON-MA?,0N C01rNTY JOURNAL- libltshed tn "Chri,tmtown, U.,¢.A.," 9helton,
Picnic Slated At Wailin Beach
B F Manette Moore
l{enlember the community club
picnic to be held on tile Bob WaN
]ill's t)e$1(!h Snn(lay, Augnst 16, for
(!]lll) nlenlbers lind their friends.
[i'llll slarIs with a p+)thick dinnt!l'
at I :30 1).m.
I,AI)IEN (!LIII is being held to-
day at: the lmme of Mrs. Paul
I,eeKe on Arcadia Point.
A new arrival has been added
lo Ihe community. He is Thnothy
Bruce McMiltin, baby son of Mr.
and Mrs. Dave McMillin. The lil-
tle l elhw arrived August 3,
weighing 7 pounds, 3' ounCes.
l{e .joins two isters and a broth-
David R o u n (t t r e c, who left
Thursday for Seattle where he
was given his phvsical exam|ha-
lion for the Air b;orce, is now in
San Anlonio, Texas where he will
t'tlce his basic lraining.
Thursday, Mrs. Ray Sharpe at-
tended the Navy Mothers meeting
with Mrs. At Lord and was an
overnight guest at the Lords'
Saturday, Sunday, August 14-15-16
Dean lDlns
0e another like "LIFE BEGINS AT
the battered SEVENTEEN"
'd gunfisted
all called
re all here in
picture called
Starring Mark Damon, Dorothy
Johnson and your favorite
"Kookie" of T.V. Fame from
77 Sunset Strip, Ed Byrnes.
Joan Woodward and Joan Collins, and "THE
D JAV' with Kenneth Moore and
August 28-29-30: "HERCULES" and
The Lords, along with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Sharps, drove to Pick-
sting Pass Sunday where they
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Wildey.
A weekend trip to the ocean
featured camping out and suc-
cessful clam digging and smelting
for Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury,
Mr. and Mrs. Lehmd Hudson and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson. The
group camped in the state park
at Klaloch and reported fair
weather and an enjoyable trip.
AI,,O SI'ENI)IN(; a day at the
ocean this weekend was the Bill
Price family who drove through
Hoquiam to the beach Saturday
where they spent the morning
digging for clams and the rest of
the day enjoying the ocean and
Sunday visitors at the Price
home were Mrs. Price's sister and
husband, the recently married Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Blenz.
Dr. Ryan's sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. McThail and family
and Beverly Ryan, all of Seattle,
spent Sunday at the Ryans' home.
A day of visiting and boating was
enjoyed. Beverly Ryan will be
spending two weeks visiting at
the Ryan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Relays at-
tended the birthday celebration of
a close friend in Olympia Sunday.
ENJOYING AN afternoon of
boating add water skiing this Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Al-
len and their guests of the day,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Benoit o
Seattle. Mr. Benoit who tried the
art of water skiing for the first l
time, did surprisingly well.
Dropping in at the Allens' later
that day were Mr. and Mrs. Chip
Gauthier of Bremerton and Mr.
and Mrs. Davis Chappel of Aber-
deen who were returning home
from a trip to Mt. Rainier and
stopped to pick up their daughters
who spent the week with their
grandparents, the Aliens.
Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Btamstad of Hoquiam called on
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wolf.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mason, Grays Harbor County Grange
Picnic Draws Large Crowd '
By Dora Hearing
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason county auditor's of-
fice this past week were:
William H. Allen, 21, Winlock,
and Carol Dayton, 16, Matloek.
Harvey E. Chappell, 23, Brem-
erton, and Jeanne Arveson, 17,
John D. Creekpaum, 21, Mc-
Cleary, and Mildred Browh, 18,
Stereo Bliner, 19, Shelton, and
Karla Shonkwiler, 17, Shelton.
Wolf on Wednesday were Mr. and
Mrs. Earle Bland and grandchil-
dren of McCleary.
SATURDAY the Wolf's were
delighted to have their son, Robert
Wolf, his wife and son and two of
their friends visit them. Their
grandson, Greg and a friend will
spend this week with them.
Arriving Sunday at the home of
1z'. and Mrs. Bill McFie were,
Bill's aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Espy of Long Beach,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Denny of
Olympia spent Saturday evening
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie Braz.
The Jim Shrum family along
with Sondra and Harold Charlson,
motored to Ashford for a weekend
with the Larry Jeschke family.
During their stay the men and
boys made a 50 minute hike to a
high lake in Mt. Rainier National
Park and returned With an im-
pressive catch 0"f fish.
Terry Shr]m who spent last
week with the Jeschkes returned
home with his parents.
Overnight guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore on
Friday were LeRoy's sister, Mrs.
Eddie Barrett and her small son
A dinner featuring seafood wa
served to the guests of Mrs.
Frank Bishop Saturday evening.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
MATLOCK. -- Those who at-
tended Mason and Grays Harbor
Counties Pomona Grange picnic
at Panhandle Lake from Matlock
Grange Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Lud Rossmaicr and daughter,
Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Blain
Bunts and family, Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Bradberry, Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest Green, Mr. and Mrs. L.
D. Portman, Mrs. Augusta Port-
man, Carl Portman, Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
"Hearing, Mr. and Mrs. Leo S.
Pierce and Mrs. Bob Trenckmann
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Sharp and son. Those who
joined the Matlock group were
Mrs. Marie McKay, Mr. P. J.
Nordwell and Mr. and Mrs. George
Duff told.
Mrs. Edna Peterson and son,
Bill, of Shelton were supper gnests :
of Mr. and Mrs. W'tyne Evers
Monday evening.
TUESDAY OF last week, Mrs.
Girth Calktns had a birthday par-
ty for her daughter, Sandra's 7th
birthday and had many small
friends in for ice cream and cake.
The new superintendent of Mary
M. Knight school is Mr. Eugene
French of LaCenter, Wash.,
Supt. French and his wife and
three small children will move
here next week.
MR. AND MRS. Wlllard Adams
and two sons of Tacoma were din-
ner g'uests of Mrs. Augusta Port-
man and Carl Per(man Wednes-
day evening.
Wednesday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rose-
maier were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Sharp and son, Steve, Mrs. Lucy
Sharp, James, Paul aud Margaret
Rosmnaier, all of Olympia.
Mrs. Dennis Reed and children,
Roberts and Steve, and Mrs. Clif-
ford Ford left Friday by car for
Spokane where they will spend a
week visiting their sister and
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Per(man were Friday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Marvin Jackson, houseguests of Portman of Shelton.
Cal. and Mrs. Morgan of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
were luncheon guests Tuesday
Mrs. Bishop attended a lunch- evening of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
con in Seattle on Wednesday. Nye of SheRon.
LAST THURSDAY Mr. and Miss Louise Dyer of Spokane
Mrs. John Sells made a business was a house guest last week of
trip to Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin.
On retttrn home the Sells found Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barrett
they had houseguests. They were and daughter, Virginia, of Port
Mr. and Mi's. Bill Kelly and Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Will
daughters of Wo0denviile who Valley of Shelton called on Mr,
spent the night at the Sells. and Mrs. I. C. Ford a week ago
Sunday the Sells were among Sunday. Mrs. Barrett will be re-
the spectators of the Gold Cup membered here as Josephine Vale
Panel--S11.10 • 34x120-1nch Panel--S13.90 • 34x144-1nch Panel--$16.6S
race in Seattle.
SPENDING a few weeks at the
home of Mr. Walter S. Allen, is
his brother, Carl Craven of Des
Moines, Iowa.
Nellie Sullivan and daughter,
Vivian of Inglewood, California,
took time out from their travel-
ing to call on Mr. Allen, Monday.
Vacationing Mr. and Mrs, Hen.
ry Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Tuppr of Long Beach, Calif. vis-
ited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Silva, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Allen and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Moore Monday and were over-
night houseguests of Mx'. and Mrs.
Fred Silva.
Mrs. Tupper and Mrs. Shepard
are the twin sisters of Fred am
Joe Silva.
Bd Air "& Be¢ , sleet Body bY Figure..
smoothest ride/
One of the 7 big bests Chevrolet lies you over any other car in.Jts field
who's ever taken a Chevy
choppy country road can
how lightly , Chevrolet's
suspension handles rough
co// springs never
never need grease l Try
way of going for your-
you do, you'll find your
of saying what MOTOR
,gazine puts this way:
the smoothest, most quiet,
riding car in its price
But the happiest part of it
that this Full Coil ride is
Oe of seven big bests--all
by published opinions
and on-the-record facts
ROOM-0fficial dimen-
qeported to A.M.A.* show
evrolet sedans offer more
head room than all but
; high-priced cars--more
hip room (by up to 5.9
the "other two" of
the leading low-prlced fllre
BEST ENGINE-Chevrolet en-
gines have long won expert praise
from virtually every automobile
magazine, and, just recently, Chev-
rolet received the NASCAR? Out-
standing Achievement award for
"the creation and continuing de-
velopment of America's most effi-
cient V-type engine"
Chevrolet sixes with Powerglide
won their class in this year's Mobil-
gas Economy Run, topping every
other full-Mzed car. And the win-
ning mileage was a whopping 22.38
BEST BRAKES-Chevy's bonded-
lining brakes are the biggest in
their field, built for up to 66%
longer life. In a direct competition
conducted by NASCJkR, Chevy out-
stopped both of otll leading
low-prlcl-cars In a tolP,+,
pealed stops from highway s]da,
BEST STYLE-It's the only
of the leading iow-pMced $ tttl
unmistakably modern in every iin.
"In its price els," says POPU-
LAR SCIENCE magazine, "a ne
high in daring styling•"
N.A.D.A.$ Guide Book eml
you the fleurw on Cis xtra
value• Yom,ll find that Chevrolet
used ear prices last year averaged
up to $128 higher than comparable
models of the "othe two." Yr
Chevrolet dealer will be hppy to
tell you about a whole host of other
advantages beide thane seven,
Why not drop by hi showrooms ?
*Atomobib M +
A dvateemt$ mg
utomobil D
your local authorized Chevrolet dealer and see how much more Chevy has to offerl
First and Grove Streets Phone HA 6-4426
THE FORD family reunion and
picnic was h eld at qehafer
Park Sunday. Those who at-
tended were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Ford and family of Kennewick
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and
family of Olympia, Mrs. Hazel
Adams of Tacoma, Mrs. Elizabe
Yoft from the East, Mr. and Mrs
LeRoy Booths and family of He.
quiam, Mrs. Georgia Lonsbery of
Tacoma, Mrs. Leona Elliott of
Shelton, Mr. and .rs. Floyd Borst
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
White and Earl Ford, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Lamb, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Yoft and family, Charles
Ross, all of Shelton, and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Hansen, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Gribble, Mr. and Mrs
I. C. Ford and Mr. and Herbert
Brehmeyer, Jr., and family and
Jolm Singleton.
MR. AND MRS. Edward Val-
ley and son, David, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dig-
gle, Jr., at Lake Nahwatzel Sun-
day evening. The Diggles moved
last weeRend to Lake+Nahwdtzel.
LeRoy Valley spent the week-
end with Clovis Creamer.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lzier of
Olympia brought their aunt, Mm.
M. E. Crowell, home Saturday af-
ter she spent three days with her
sister, Mrs. Lozier of Tumwater.
Skippy Bunce Went home with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
W. E. Bunce of Pasco, for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Brem-
erton'brmght their mother; Mrs.
John Singleton, home Sunday af-
ter spending a week with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Blain Btmce and
family spent Saturday in Seattle
with Mrs. Bunce's brother and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
TUESDAY, AUG. lgth, will be
'open class entry, day at the Mason
County Fair from noon until 9
p.m. Anybody wishing to enter
please contact Mrs. Blain Bunce.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and
family, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Truman Meyers of Melbourn,
spent the weekend camping at
Mr. and Mrs. David DeFoer
and three Sons of Presser moved
to Mary M. Knight this weekend,
He is the new maintenance man
here at the chool and Mr. and
Mrs. Garth Calkins and family
will move near San Diego, .Calif.,
SOOn: ,
Here During July
There were no traffic deaths in
Mason County during July, State
Patrol Chief Roy A. Betlach re°
ported today.
"At the end of the first seven
months of 1959," he said, "one
death had been relorted in the
county. This is four less than re-
ported during the corresponding
period in 195&"
"The traffic death toll in the
state continues to run slightly less
than the 1958 toll," he, added,
"which is a credit to the drivers
using the streets and highways of
the state."
There can be no relaxation on
the driving habits of highway us-
ers, he pointed out, if we are to
continue to have les fatal mis-
haps. The weekends, he said, have
been the periods when most fatal-
ities occurred.
On Augmt 25, 1843, the USS
Missouri Put into Gtbralr, the
first steam-driven Navy ship to
cross the Atlantic.
Dayton Youths Enjoy Outing
By Mahel Khld
DAYTON--A four county meet
of the older 4-H groups was held
on Saturday Panhandle Lake
from 2 p.m. lmtil 10:30 p.m. There
were discussion groups and for
entertainment game and square
(lancing. A potluck supper was
served to members from Thurston,
Grays Harhor, Lewis and Mason
There will be a State Grange
Youth Camp in sessio}l at Pan-
handle Lake from Sunday, August
-16 throtkgh Friday, August 21.
happy to have with her, her son,
Jack who is spending his vacation
from radio station KIDO of Boise,
Ida. where he is employed as disc
jockey. Friends will remember
hint as a former Shelton resident.
Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. T.
A. Tibbitts are her brother and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Swearlngen and chihtren of Bliss-
field, Mich. and her sister, Mrs.
Herb Reed and sons of Kansas
City, Me. who arrived Tuesday,
August 3.
Mr. George King left by bus for
Sheridan, Wyo. last week Wed-
nesday to spend some time with
his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Davis.
Spending a very successful day
fishing at Westport last Friday
were Beatrice and Ernie Na)n,
and relatives, Walter Eash, Jr.
and Walter Eash, Sr. of Olympia,
CUntol and Douglas Eash of Ar-
kansas, Kin. and a friend, Mrs.
Warren Williams.
On Saturday, Edward Bunnell
made several local boys happy by
taking them for a climb up Mt.
Either. This was the first peak
any of the boys had climbed. En-
joying this outing were, SamLhi
Rietdorf, Richard Roberts, Dar-
rell Cochran and Rodney LgGarde.
Accompanying them were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Sutherland and .son, Glen
of Shelton. The: had lots of fun
playing in the snow and acquired
some nice sunburns.
Little Sheri Chappell spent last
week with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Anderson of Clo-
quallum. Also a housegut was
Sharon York of Satsop.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Harry Hale of
Port. Angeles are visiting for a
Mrs. Eugene Holt.
Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Bunnell are her niece and
nephew, Jndy and Dong Stoker of
Luncheon guests on Monday of
Mrs. Pete Roberts and sons were
Mrs. Roy Lamont and David of
Lucita Maynard of Shelton
spent the weekend wit h her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Rietdot:.
Tuesday callers in the Harold
LeOarde home were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Yon Bargen of Shelton.
MR. AND MRS. Dick Kelly ana
children of Tacoma spent Sunday
visiting in the home of her par-
ents, M,'. and Mrs. Dell Adams. In
the evening, M,', and Mrs. J. C.
Tibbitssand children dropped in to
visit with the Kellys. Mrs. Kelly
and Mrs. Tibblts are sisters.
Morris Puderbaugh returned to
his home in Agate on Sunday aft-
er staying a week with his cous-
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Robelq Goldy.
Mr. and M. John YOung antt
family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
LeGarde and children attended the
Simpson picnic held at Mason
Lake on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers of
Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs,
Gary Cole on Wednesday eye, inK
and they spent the time playing
Lorna LeGarde was Friday ov-
ernight guest*of Wendy Clark of
tv service
nl00,S SERVE
HA e,463a • 114 $. Md
(Timber Applianoe lldg')
ProlenaZ Ore /
For the Olothea You :Wear
Pantorlum Cle aners
ZIEGLER'S StedJo & Camera Shop
...... 124 N. 2nd HA 6-6163
Electric dye raa&es seuings [or you/
At last you can have o completsly automatic movie camera
with electrlc.eye exposure control--at an amazingly low
pricel No settlsgs to make -. u just oim and shootjn sunot
shade,., e,en |ndoors with photoflood lamps. The electrk:
eye sets the exposure (lutomatically. Hos lost f/2.3 lens, easy
loading. Uses thrifty Smm film.
W, th Past $74 SO Co,venient
f/2.3 Lens... S Terms
son, and in MS. Vernon with old
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Art Calkins,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tracey, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reinhard. Mr.
Reinhard has built a miniature
Space City at hk home which is
really an interesting attraction
with missiles and beautiful build-
ings which are especially lovely
wher they are lit up at night.
There is a small pool in the center
of the city which Mr. Reinard cov-
ers with a film of oil and it pro-
duces many delightful lighting ef-
fects. The Dillenbergs also called
on Mr. and Mrs. White Bailey of
Mt. Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and
children spent Sunday and Men-
,day visiting in Seattle in the
homes of relatives. Sunday night
they were guests of hls grand-
mother, Mrs. Edith Cole. They
visited wlth another grandmother,
Mrs. Emma King, and cousin
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Harris and
family and an aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Verle King. On the way
back home they called on Mrs.
Sid Villines and daughters of DeS
Moines. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs
Robert Goldy and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McNulty
and family and Morris Puder-
baugh spent an enjoyable day on
the Chehalis River rock hunting
and picnicking.
Mrs. J. W. Stoner spent Sunday
in Bremerton visiting Mr. and
few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mr and Mrs. Bill Kirk of Cush- m: ( g
,nan were Sunday callers In the
home of Mz'. and Mrs. Harry Kidd.
Mrs. Pete Roberts and son Bil-
ly, Tom Bunnell and Sugar Town-
send attended the Mason County
Bell Riders picnic held on Satur- * IN PHOTOGRAPHYI
day at Mason Lake.
ON SUNDAY, Mr. aid Mrs. Ray
Dillenberg and children visited at H|!
the home of his co',sfns in Gran-
ite Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Stin-