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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 SHELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohristmasf6wn U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin \\;\u 111 " ,\\;,, l,L s,// ........ e I g , FOR SALE I)R TRAI)E for waterfront or war r-IBOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn  view! Herd of high quality chinchll- I ehoie of 1322 colors. L, M. DECOR- party salsa sand service. Local repre- Iris with equipment. H, Heaton, ]6606] ATING CENTER. 32:1 Railroad. sentative wally Anderson. Phone 109th Ave. S,E.. Renton, Wash. I 1129 tfn HA 6-6001. A4/80 tin Phone Alpine 5.e. 7/30-8/13 I6-N  A--a 4R: COl,OR FILM processing, direct deal- drive, $99,50, 16-Inch bar and chain, tors at Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 er, faster, more efficient. Also 24- Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8168, hour photo finishing. Try us. Zleg- Highway, South, HA 6"81661/13"1 ,tfn 2/20 tfn ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA 6-6163. 3/15 tfn FORS-A'-LE: Large selectlbn of-":  ton maw° 60 da.vs guaranteed chain. ................................................. comiithmed ranges, refrigerators, Bar-Din Marina and Power Ma- "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber washers, dryers. Fells & Valley Ap- chlnery. See themI! B 5/14___ stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 pltance Center. 615 tfn - equlp- _4,avl.l.i.__ .So= .Ith, .......... ):2/l._tfn R-CO,[G--a-nI- in-or--l----g---m  ment for rent. Makes rugs like new. 1,1 i,'T FIDERGLASS runabout, 35 hp. terials, nothing down, 36 months to L.M. Decorating Center, $21 Railroad. hand starting Evlm'ude. All ready to pny under FHA terms now available B 719 tfn go. Complete price $1100.00 and up. at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St,, Shelton Marine Sopply (formerly phone HA 6-4308. 615 tfn AMERICAN" BRARY of Sacred Rec- Hillcrest Hardware). 7/30 tfn TOP--SO[i', gravel, Tiii-dirt--F.---? ords. Aadio Bible studies, New Test- -R'L-j'-:=7-3-'p'i-]'-h's-te' Ogden. ttA 6-6156. 2112 tfn ament family devotions, sacred rec- ord albtmu Symphonic phonograph, carbine with peep sight. $50, One Ti- WE-Y--Y-OT--F-,QUITY, or "w-]-i| Call or see Harold B. Johnson, 1311 ton Sportsman's Power saw $35. on consignment, your boat& motors, Summit. HA 6-2464. Also home pre- Pitons HA 6-244, J 7/30 tfu trailers, etc, Shelton Marine Supply. entations. J 7/23 tfn 1209 Olympic Highway, South.HA PIANO FOR SALE: ne spinet, like 6-8163. /20 n COAL  Approximately seven tons, % m.w. Assume low montlfly payments, off. Lower Skokomish school. Pick Write Credit Manager, Box 923, Ida- FOR SALE: Used steel, plat, pipe, yourself. For more information, he Falls, Idaho. A 8/6-/3 pulleys and shafts. AlL types asl- 11 Hoodport TR 7-519 or TR 7- sage. Shelton Junk Co,, lret and 467. S 816-13 MIll, phone HA 6-6. 9t6 tfn 'WO MANUAL organ. Like new. Save 00.00. Easy terms. Johnny's Music x. 8/6 tfn SKINDIVERS -- Used aqua limes, new $11rplt -ln, Neoprene wet lint!s, tailored -tn. sklrdJvlng and water skiing sult or kits Newest in skin- diving equipment, 1951 Hillman Minx or sale. Phone HA 6-6877. Morgt' Diving & Marine, 4 miles East Arclla Road. 3/19 tfn BAR-DIN MARINA and Power Ma- chlner raington chain saws, Zeus gene .aore, . portable power. 1916 ! Olyn pi_.aa H. !Lnway o.  5/14 tin BROWSE AROUND at Bar-Din. There; is sure to be something :you wlll waist either ia the Thrift department i or the Gift and Hobby Shop where l there are artificial flower arrgge- ment of every kind and SI. Bar- Din. opposite the Armory, 5/31 tfn 1960 KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR . 9.5 Cubic Foot • 38-1b. Freezer • New Square Style • Full-Storage Door and your old $179 refrigerator tn operating condition Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 Sears Back-To-School Headquarters -. ORDER NOW @ Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 __.U .... n I nlarge Stock for Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Advertised Tyrex Cord Al/t Silent Cushion Tires From TIm MOtrNT Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Sqlmre Office: 116 N. 2nd" Shelton Ph. HA. 6.8201 r TM I I I l I I f I IJ/ J] FOR KLE  10 to hay. Phone aft- COVERINGS -- for walls, windows, er 6 p.m., HA 6-3756. ,,L 8/6-13 floors. Paint. wallpaper, d'gP, BLUEBERRI-:--Ic4.frtIt, .  per rugs, tile yardgoods. L. M. DECOR- ATING CENTER, 321 Pllroad. lb. or 14 ibs $3.00. Phone Olympia 1/ tfn FL 2-8031, Eberhardt Blueberry Nurry. 8/13 tfn TRL IS O-U-"S-IESS! Kr- B-LIf-B--I-FfS! You pick, 15€ pe'r-'- rangemcnts for all tom, ior- tation and reservations, at no gldi- Phone Olympia  2-031, Eberhardt tional cost to you. Clara Bell Angle. Blueberry Nursery. 8/13 tfn phones HA 6-4134 or HA 87. CLEAN CAR--E-T-S last longer. Spo-t 6/26 tfn clean with Blue Lustre. Keeps them looking new. Lumbermen's Merean- FOR SALE  One 5,000 watt light tile Company. 8/13 plant. See Mr. T. B. Belch, Brtnnon, BOATS, MOT'Rp- Wash. B 7/9 tfn ment at WaR's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- TRAVEL ACCIDN'T INSURA2C port TR 7-524. 1/19 tfn Do you know that you can be pro- -[NG'ODS-E electric bven.le ttt( by sccldent lmmurance while you travel. The end:ire family, on new. $19.50. Ideal for sununer cot- land. sea and air from one day to !age, Inquire HA 6-$52A. M 7/30 tfn 6 months. Polleie iu0d while you SM"A-1.TL- GA-I:'-EI tractor $50. i wait. Angle Agency, ph. HA 6-8272. HA 6-8516--no calls after 4:30 p.m. 7/ tf week days. H 8/6 tfn SONOTONE, latest model, hearing aid F..A.RMS now available o-n'-| eye glasses for sale. Used one month, building materials allows you to guaranteed. Phone HA 6-3818 after lump construction costs under one 5.'30 p,m, 7/30 tfn bill. For information inquire at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St. Phone 16 H.P. SCOTT Atwater-Ba-'n HA 8-4303. 6/5 tfn new. $250.00. Never been in the wa- ter. T. B. Baleh. Brlnnon, Wash. B 8/6-20 ' WL----SR-XC- Custom Tractor Work Do you know that you can be pro- teted by accident insurance while Rotovatlg or regular plowing, you travel. The entire, family on diane and harrowing, excavating, land, sea and air from one day to blgds leveling, road grading, road 6 months. Policies issued while you grvel. Well-agvd uwduet. Work walt. Angle Agency, ph. HA 6-8272, 7--ttn by hour single-handed. Jerome Burke, HA 6-8676. ½ I Water Wells Drilled Experienced Driller EVERGREEN DRILLING CO. Phone HA 6-8366 tfa I t DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-tfn Exclusively at Beckwith Jewelry SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marl" Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. I, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric loor Sanderw Sterling lectrie Portable Hand Sandr Reglaa E lece Floor P¢fllaher Hou Jaok LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. let Phone HA. 6-4808 2-1Ot.n Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or les (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 258 each. Rates for targer ads on request • Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, 1.00 or $2.00 per, column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t I c • s ;1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid befcwe the end of te month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when blling le FOR SALE NOTHING DOWN, 36 months to pay under F,H.A. terms on all building supplies. Lump it all under one bill. Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St.f Ph. HA 6-4303, 6/5 tfn HIGH POE--R--Lt Weight! -ut': est cutting at highest power! Rem- ington Saws. Bar-Dln's Marina, Mountain View. B 5/14 tfn Call TR 7-5583 or notify John Knee- land, 1620 Olympic Htghway, North. 7/9 tfn -- WA-£- -- -- "U--d-YT- ih-61 -.  %. model TV, good condition, % d guarantee. Phone IIA 6-3230. , , _ r Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' boate our specialty Any size or style boat on order WE FIBERGLdSS Fishermen and duck hunter& see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No. Telephone HA 6-6837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop IF YOU HAVE Solid Western Maple BEDROOM SUITE Double-Dresser, with 30 x 40 wall mirror, poster full-size or twin size bed, and nits stand $169 Buy several pieces now, add to it later -- it's open stock! • Convenient Credit • Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 Yes, It's a NEW KELVINATOR DRYER FULLY AUTOMATIC $149 FOR SALE THOMAS EI,ECTRIC organ like new with b('ll(!tl 11114 ear phon(!s. Cost $750.(R). will sell for $550.00. ph,me .... i ..6:a,= ..................... b_j2 u. FACTORY BUILT tear drop camp trailer, t'hone IIA 6-3067. L 8/13 tfn 8 CUBIC FT. REFRIGERATOR. sell for the best offer. Phone HA 6-2045. G- 8/13 1956 MOTOR BIKE for sale. $75.00. Phono HA 6-685. K 8/13 lngr cage, $10. Ph,mograph $6. child's table, chairs $.t. Phone HA 6-2379. H 8/13 FOR SALE: Baldwin upright piano. Excellent condition. $300. Wlll sell on contract with $50.00 down. Phone ._H. A_. 6-615&_ ....  _.8_/13: FOR SALE -- 300 ft. 3 ft. heavy wire fencing. Phone HA 6-8120. G 8/13 tfn OLD FASHIONED bathtub for s'a-. In good condition. Sell for $10. Phone HA 6-35o.26. P 8/1.3 tfn USED NORGE washer and -B-nci-ix dryer, both in working condition. $30.00 each. You pick up. John Pill, Potlatch, TR 7-5467. P 8/13-20 14 FT. FIBER GLASS boat with steer- ing control and 12 hp. motor, all in excellent condition. HA 6-4079 SEARS SUMMER SALE ENDS AUGUST 17TH Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 motor like new $100 and one IV hp. Briggs & Stratton air-cooled motor with attached centrifugal pump, $50. Phonc HA 6-8316. D 7/30-8/13 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 SEARS SUMMER SALE ENDS AUGUST 17TH Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergree Square HA 6-8201 Otd field general 8/13-1t | Shingling and Painting CONTRACT JOBS Free Etimates • Phone HA 6-3010 TWO TWIN BEDS for sale. Good con- dition. $40.00 each. Call HA 6-6078 aftra' 4 o'clock. S 8/13 FOR SALE FOR SALE ONE 12 hp. twin Wisconsin air-cooled RICH BLACK TOP SOIL, fill dirt, FURNISHED road and fill gravel, washed sand and two and gravel, drainage gravel and pea eonpletely| gravel for driveways. Norman An- merit Motel derson, phone HA 6-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. LAWTON 7/25 tfn units ideal for ............................................. en. Also EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR sales bedroom USED WOOD or coal incinerator, rea- s, mable, good conditiou. Plmne HA 6-3127. Mc 8/13-20 WRINGER TYPE Kenmore washer with pump, double laundry trays -- white enan|el with rollers. $50.00. Phone HA 6-8079. L 8/13-20 TWIN-SIZE BED with box springs and inner-sp,.ing mattress. Like new. $30.00. Phone HA 6-4834. P 8/13 FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. Phone HA 6-3231. C 816 tfn FOR SALE -- Two Guernsey heifer calves, 4 months old. Price $55 apiece. Inquire HA 6-3242. H 8/6 Men of Shelton, You Can Do Better Than You Are $425.00. Phone H 8/3 Doing In Your Present Job Young men from Shelton wanted for permanent work in Southwest Washingto close to home. Starting sal- ary $455 per month. Teacher-Coach 8/13-1t I USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES Speed Queen Wringer Washer, stainless steel tub, recon- ditioned ...: .......................... $69.50 3 - 40" Electric Ranges, fully reconditioned and guaran- teed .................... $49.50 & $59.50 2--Trash burners (p .......... $39.50 Speed Queen Ironer, console, like new ............................ $35.00 3--Electric Irons (q) ............ $5.00 2--Wood beaters ................ $39.50 1--Montag Wood Heater, like new ............................ $69.50 Oak Dresser with mirror .... $10.00 Full Size Bedspring ............ $5.00 3--Club Chairs v .............. $5.00 Firescreen ............................ $10.00 Davenport & Chair .............. $19.50 Davenport ............................ $10.00 Bunk Beds, complete ........ $50.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, BOx 119, Shelton, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6837 Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning Discontinued RUG SAMPLES 27" X 54" Anthony J. Florek Values to $19,50 ,150o o .,..,, While $5 JOBS FOR "   They Last Sears Back-To-School Headquarters - ORDER NOW a Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 I SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRINCAST SEPTIC TANKS 150-gal,, 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 6.18tfn - ,, , z CABINETS STY/ED TO ORDER J. H. Tice Bayshorc Road Phone HA. 6-6700 7-Stfn TEEN-AGERS THIS SUMMER We have listings to upply ur needn, ome with spec- ized experience. Ex-Shelton Man of Year, JUST PHONE MANLEY'S FOUNTAIN HA 6-3953 Il'fl r - - | I " -- l I ..... l ' • [ PRINT I.;INOLEUM 89¢ Sq. Yd. WALL LINOLEUM 49¢ Lin. Ft. BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square 321 R.R. Ave, HA 6.4332 nl BAR.OIN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHINERY Olsen Furniture 828 C0ta HA 6-4702 on your old refrigerator In /' working order On & Dew HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR EELLS I VALLEY I II 'I I I II 1 I CLEAN your own RUG or CARPET with a BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER It's as easy as using your vacuum cleaner. Your rug will look like new . . . $6.95 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 " l l I T [ 1 l , , I Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESmENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builder No job too large or too mall. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn , ! H BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn FOR SALE Eliot Blueberries BULK 25¢ LB. I LOCKER WRAPPED Si)¢ LB. Call HA 6-8337 Evenings 8/6-13 123 Se, 2nd HA 6-4663 See FRIGIDAIRE First • REFRIGERATORS • RANGES • WASHERS O" DRYERS alao for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M 1[ RCANTtLE NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 21 to 35 years old, high school or equal education, own auto in good condition, and be out of town Monday through Fri- day (but never more than two hours from home). ALL REPLIES CONFIDENTIAL Write Post Office Box 32, Olympia, Washington (with full resume of background and present employment; name of present fimn or employer not necessary). 8/13-20/2t I , I and service at Shelt(m Marine Supply. furnished 1209 Olyn|pic Highway, South, HA Phone 6--8163. 2/20 tfn WANTED FOR electric Reasonable. LEAVING fro- New Hampshire, Au- gust 29. Want rider, share expensc. (:all HA 6-2279 after 5:00 p.n|. A 8/13-20 HAIR LIPPER and shear sharpen- ing. 520 Arcadia Avenue. G 6/11tfn WANTED: large or small tracts of ROOM AND timber. Cash. Cruiser available at exeellenL our expense. Jones Tie & Lumber rooms Co., P. O. Box 472, Olympia. 6-2208. 9/20 tfn ONE LARG ', FURNACE CLFANING, repairing, in- reduced rent. stallations, oil conversions. Shelton child. Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial HA 6-2228. 6-6121. 5/1 tfn FOR furnished George. )NE FULL-TIME WATKINS locality available on Hood Canal. Earnings are better than average for person who m willing to work. No lay-offs. Watkins nationally known spices and extracts are advertised in Life, La- dies Home Journal, Good House- ___ keeping, McCalis and other maga- zines. For details write Watkins Products, 2109 East llth St., Brem-: erton, Washington, or phone ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Wat- ---- kins locality in city of Shelton. Work hours of your own choosing. $3.00 per hour and up easily possible. This is a wonderful opportunity for re- tired person who needs extra income. Write Watkirm Products, 2109 East llth St.. Bremerton, Washington, or call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn I WAITRESS AND COOK wanted, for I afternoon shift. Inquire Heinie's Broiler. 318 West Railroad Ave., (Evergreen Square). 7/30 tfn WANTED immediately -- man to sup- ply consumers with Rawleigh Prod- ucts. Many earn $50 weekly part time -- $100 and np full time. See F. Pet- tim R-1 Box 301, Elma (1;" write Rawleigh's Dept. 200, Oakland 23. Calif. 8/6-20 AVON CALI,1NG? Dependable lady wilh 4-5 hours 1)er day to service established Avon ter- ritory. Earnings to $10.00 per day. Wrilo Avon, 1051 Arnold St., Apt, 1, Aberdeen. Wash. 8/6-27 WESTINGHOUSE HOME FREEZER SALE Models from $189.00 and up SHELTON ELECrRIC 419 R.R. Phone HA 6-6283 Wore Bell-bottom Trousers Living Room Furniture Priced so You Can Afford It! • LATEST STYLES --- BEST SELLERS • DURABLE, COMFORTABLE FABRICS • WIDE RANGE OF COLOR SELECTION 'BILTWELL SOFA BED with storage compart- ment "and fully upholstered back and match- ing re.vo-rocker. A warm frieze upholstery in red, beige, rose, or green. $159 BILTWELL 2-PIECE SECTIONAL SOFA BED, coil spring constrtmtion, proven dura- bility, an ideal corner setting. Frieze uphols- tery in brown, red or light green. $179 R POWER SAWS 5 h.p, and 7 h,p. direct drive, 7 h,p, gear driven 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 BILTWELL REVO-ROCKER, high-back plat- form base rocker that also revolves. In uphols- tery that matches above suite, red, light green, brown, beige or rose, $69 SIMMONS SOFA-BED with Beautyrest cush- ion construction. Scandinavian modern low back style, ample storage compartment, steel frame. Upholstery in brown or red. $139 SOFA-BED WITH MATCHING MAN-SIZED ChaJr AND OTTOMAN. Low back, wide arm style, back reclines to form occasional bed. Available in brown or beigc. $289 DAVENPORT AND CHAIR SUITE, large foam rubber, zpper-T cushions, foam rubber cush- ioned back and anhs. Very comfortable--fine line, a suite you can be proud to own. Lux- urious frieze in Beige or Brown. $299 B/LTWELL DAY-'N-NITE SOFA, thin line functional styling, narrow arms, wide foam mb- her cushions. A sofa by day but a touch of the hand reveals a coil spring mattress for hlxur- ious sleeping. Either Red or Roc. $279 The qualily -f maLeriul and craflsmanship has not been sacrificed £or price alone Shop and compare. • VE HAVE A CREOIT PLAN FOR YOU. 01sen Furniture 328 COTA ST. PHONE HA 6-470"2 t t FOR RENT downtown, stores. Phone HA 6-4612 after FOR RENT: 1 718 No. 6th, 5p OVERNIGHT or you haven't to Lawton now month. Phons FURNISHED A at FOR RENT on sido -- tllrec : tage, by" weOk 6-3283 days. FOR RENT: 2 2436 HOUSE FOR working across the FOR RENT bath, for range. Phone HA WANTED TO with good on salt WANTED bank site. Write 260, Kent, WORK ,it in my people.- Phone AUTO paint hoUSes, mates phone 1202 Cota WE BUY scrap l.ors, copper. Shell,m Jonk Streets. phon, CHAIN SAW a(.c L1114e Ss|'ger Motor HA 6-46{}2. WANTED and piling. HANDY-MAN think it L, ndis, WANTED : Elma Inc. tonholes, and HA 6-2104. WANTED: Rubber WANTED at UlIUllel tober 1. TR 7-5429 WANTED from a WANTED crly lady week, pho plical ions clerical WO Box S. done Charg phone used will Y USED East K i 225 16 SHELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohristmasf6wn U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin \\;\u 111 " ,\\;,, l,L s,// ........ e I g , FOR SALE I)R TRAI)E for waterfront or war r-IBOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn  view! Herd of high quality chinchll- I ehoie of 1322 colors. L, M. DECOR- party salsa sand service. Local repre- Iris with equipment. H, Heaton, ]6606] ATING CENTER. 32:1 Railroad. sentative wally Anderson. Phone 109th Ave. S,E.. Renton, Wash. I 1129 tfn HA 6-6001. A4/80 tin Phone Alpine 5.e. 7/30-8/13 I6-N  A--a 4R: COl,OR FILM processing, direct deal- drive, $99,50, 16-Inch bar and chain, tors at Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 er, faster, more efficient. Also 24- Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8168, hour photo finishing. Try us. Zleg- Highway, South, HA 6"81661/13"1 ,tfn 2/20 tfn ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA 6-6163. 3/15 tfn FORS-A'-LE: Large selectlbn of-":  ton maw° 60 da.vs guaranteed chain. ................................................. comiithmed ranges, refrigerators, Bar-Din Marina and Power Ma- "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber washers, dryers. Fells & Valley Ap- chlnery. See themI! B 5/14___ stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 pltance Center. 615 tfn - equlp- _4,avl.l.i.__ .So= .Ith, .......... ):2/l._tfn R-CO,[G--a-nI- in-or--l----g---m  ment for rent. Makes rugs like new. 1,1 i,'T FIDERGLASS runabout, 35 hp. terials, nothing down, 36 months to L.M. Decorating Center, $21 Railroad. hand starting Evlm'ude. All ready to pny under FHA terms now available B 719 tfn go. Complete price $1100.00 and up. at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St,, Shelton Marine Sopply (formerly phone HA 6-4308. 615 tfn AMERICAN" BRARY of Sacred Rec- Hillcrest Hardware). 7/30 tfn TOP--SO[i', gravel, Tiii-dirt--F.---? ords. Aadio Bible studies, New Test- -R'L-j'-:=7-3-'p'i-]'-h's-te' Ogden. ttA 6-6156. 2112 tfn ament family devotions, sacred rec- ord albtmu Symphonic phonograph, carbine with peep sight. $50, One Ti- WE-Y--Y-OT--F-,QUITY, or "w-]-i| Call or see Harold B. Johnson, 1311 ton Sportsman's Power saw $35. on consignment, your boat& motors, Summit. HA 6-2464. Also home pre- Pitons HA 6-244, J 7/30 tfu trailers, etc, Shelton Marine Supply. entations. J 7/23 tfn 1209 Olympic Highway, South.HA PIANO FOR SALE: ne spinet, like 6-8163. /20 n COAL  Approximately seven tons, % m.w. Assume low montlfly payments, off. Lower Skokomish school. Pick Write Credit Manager, Box 923, Ida- FOR SALE: Used steel, plat, pipe, yourself. For more information, he Falls, Idaho. A 8/6-/3 pulleys and shafts. AlL types asl- 11 Hoodport TR 7-519 or TR 7- sage. Shelton Junk Co,, lret and 467. S 816-13 MIll, phone HA 6-6. 9t6 tfn 'WO MANUAL organ. Like new. Save 00.00. Easy terms. Johnny's Music x. 8/6 tfn SKINDIVERS -- Used aqua limes, new $11rplt -ln, Neoprene wet lint!s, tailored -tn. sklrdJvlng and water skiing sult or kits Newest in skin- diving equipment, 1951 Hillman Minx or sale. Phone HA 6-6877. Morgt' Diving & Marine, 4 miles East Arclla Road. 3/19 tfn BAR-DIN MARINA and Power Ma- chlner raington chain saws, Zeus gene .aore, . portable power. 1916 ! Olyn pi_.aa H. !Lnway o.  5/14 tin BROWSE AROUND at Bar-Din. There; is sure to be something :you wlll waist either ia the Thrift department i or the Gift and Hobby Shop where l there are artificial flower arrgge- ment of every kind and SI. Bar- Din. opposite the Armory, 5/31 tfn 1960 KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR . 9.5 Cubic Foot • 38-1b. Freezer • New Square Style • Full-Storage Door and your old $179 refrigerator tn operating condition Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 Sears Back-To-School Headquarters -. ORDER NOW @ Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 __.U .... n I nlarge Stock for Delivery - Lowest Cost per month for Nationally Advertised Tyrex Cord Al/t Silent Cushion Tires From TIm MOtrNT Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Sqlmre Office: 116 N. 2nd" Shelton Ph. HA. 6.8201 r TM I I I l I I f I IJ/ J] FOR KLE  10 to hay. Phone aft- COVERINGS -- for walls, windows, er 6 p.m., HA 6-3756. ,,L 8/6-13 floors. Paint. wallpaper, d'gP, BLUEBERRI-:--Ic4.frtIt, .  per rugs, tile yardgoods. L. M. DECOR- ATING CENTER, 321 Pllroad. lb. or 14 ibs $3.00. Phone Olympia 1/ tfn FL 2-8031, Eberhardt Blueberry Nurry. 8/13 tfn TRL IS O-U-"S-IESS! Kr- B-LIf-B--I-FfS! You pick, 15€ pe'r-'- rangemcnts for all tom, ior- tation and reservations, at no gldi- Phone Olympia  2-031, Eberhardt tional cost to you. Clara Bell Angle. Blueberry Nursery. 8/13 tfn phones HA 6-4134 or HA 87. CLEAN CAR--E-T-S last longer. Spo-t 6/26 tfn clean with Blue Lustre. Keeps them looking new. Lumbermen's Merean- FOR SALE  One 5,000 watt light tile Company. 8/13 plant. See Mr. T. B. Belch, Brtnnon, BOATS, MOT'Rp- Wash. B 7/9 tfn ment at WaR's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- TRAVEL ACCIDN'T INSURA2C port TR 7-524. 1/19 tfn Do you know that you can be pro- -[NG'ODS-E electric bven.le ttt( by sccldent lmmurance while you travel. The end:ire family, on new. $19.50. Ideal for sununer cot- land. sea and air from one day to !age, Inquire HA 6-$52A. M 7/30 tfn 6 months. Polleie iu0d while you SM"A-1.TL- GA-I:'-EI tractor $50. i wait. Angle Agency, ph. HA 6-8272. HA 6-8516--no calls after 4:30 p.m. 7/ tf week days. H 8/6 tfn SONOTONE, latest model, hearing aid F..A.RMS now available o-n'-| eye glasses for sale. Used one month, building materials allows you to guaranteed. Phone HA 6-3818 after lump construction costs under one 5.'30 p,m, 7/30 tfn bill. For information inquire at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St. Phone 16 H.P. SCOTT Atwater-Ba-'n HA 8-4303. 6/5 tfn new. $250.00. Never been in the wa- ter. T. B. Baleh. Brlnnon, Wash. B 8/6-20 ' WL----SR-XC- Custom Tractor Work Do you know that you can be pro- teted by accident insurance while Rotovatlg or regular plowing, you travel. The entire, family on diane and harrowing, excavating, land, sea and air from one day to blgds leveling, road grading, road 6 months. Policies issued while you grvel. Well-agvd uwduet. Work walt. Angle Agency, ph. HA 6-8272, 7--ttn by hour single-handed. Jerome Burke, HA 6-8676. ½ I Water Wells Drilled Experienced Driller EVERGREEN DRILLING CO. Phone HA 6-8366 tfa I t DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-tfn Exclusively at Beckwith Jewelry SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marl" Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. I, Box 476 If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric loor Sanderw Sterling lectrie Portable Hand Sandr Reglaa E lece Floor P¢fllaher Hou Jaok LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. let Phone HA. 6-4808 2-1Ot.n Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or les (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- sertions 258 each. Rates for targer ads on request • Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, 1.00 or $2.00 per, column inch. "Not Responsible" n o t I c • s ;1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid befcwe the end of te month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when blling le FOR SALE NOTHING DOWN, 36 months to pay under F,H.A. terms on all building supplies. Lump it all under one bill. Lawton Lumber, 420 S. 1st St.f Ph. HA 6-4303, 6/5 tfn HIGH POE--R--Lt Weight! -ut': est cutting at highest power! Rem- ington Saws. Bar-Dln's Marina, Mountain View. B 5/14 tfn Call TR 7-5583 or notify John Knee- land, 1620 Olympic Htghway, North. 7/9 tfn -- WA-£- -- -- "U--d-YT- ih-61 -.  %. model TV, good condition, % d guarantee. Phone IIA 6-3230. , , _ r Bar-Din Boats 8' - 14' boate our specialty Any size or style boat on order WE FIBERGLdSS Fishermen and duck hunter& see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No. Telephone HA 6-6837 formerly Martin's Boat Shop IF YOU HAVE Solid Western Maple BEDROOM SUITE Double-Dresser, with 30 x 40 wall mirror, poster full-size or twin size bed, and nits stand $169 Buy several pieces now, add to it later -- it's open stock! • Convenient Credit • Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 Yes, It's a NEW KELVINATOR DRYER FULLY AUTOMATIC $149 FOR SALE THOMAS EI,ECTRIC organ like new with b('ll(!tl 11114 ear phon(!s. Cost $750.(R). will sell for $550.00. ph,me .... i ..6:a,= ..................... b_j2 u. FACTORY BUILT tear drop camp trailer, t'hone IIA 6-3067. L 8/13 tfn 8 CUBIC FT. REFRIGERATOR. sell for the best offer. Phone HA 6-2045. G- 8/13 1956 MOTOR BIKE for sale. $75.00. Phono HA 6-685. K 8/13 lngr cage, $10. Ph,mograph $6. child's table, chairs $.t. Phone HA 6-2379. H 8/13 FOR SALE: Baldwin upright piano. Excellent condition. $300. Wlll sell on contract with $50.00 down. Phone ._H. A_. 6-615&_ ....  _.8_/13: FOR SALE -- 300 ft. 3 ft. heavy wire fencing. Phone HA 6-8120. G 8/13 tfn OLD FASHIONED bathtub for s'a-. In good condition. Sell for $10. Phone HA 6-35o.26. P 8/1.3 tfn USED NORGE washer and -B-nci-ix dryer, both in working condition. $30.00 each. You pick up. John Pill, Potlatch, TR 7-5467. P 8/13-20 14 FT. FIBER GLASS boat with steer- ing control and 12 hp. motor, all in excellent condition. HA 6-4079 SEARS SUMMER SALE ENDS AUGUST 17TH Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 motor like new $100 and one IV hp. Briggs & Stratton air-cooled motor with attached centrifugal pump, $50. Phonc HA 6-8316. D 7/30-8/13 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 SEARS SUMMER SALE ENDS AUGUST 17TH Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergree Square HA 6-8201 Otd field general 8/13-1t | Shingling and Painting CONTRACT JOBS Free Etimates • Phone HA 6-3010 TWO TWIN BEDS for sale. Good con- dition. $40.00 each. Call HA 6-6078 aftra' 4 o'clock. S 8/13 FOR SALE FOR SALE ONE 12 hp. twin Wisconsin air-cooled RICH BLACK TOP SOIL, fill dirt, FURNISHED road and fill gravel, washed sand and two and gravel, drainage gravel and pea eonpletely| gravel for driveways. Norman An- merit Motel derson, phone HA 6-3552. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. LAWTON 7/25 tfn units ideal for ............................................. en. Also EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR sales bedroom USED WOOD or coal incinerator, rea- s, mable, good conditiou. Plmne HA 6-3127. Mc 8/13-20 WRINGER TYPE Kenmore washer with pump, double laundry trays -- white enan|el with rollers. $50.00. Phone HA 6-8079. L 8/13-20 TWIN-SIZE BED with box springs and inner-sp,.ing mattress. Like new. $30.00. Phone HA 6-4834. P 8/13 FOR SALE -- Davenport, accordion, 111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. Phone HA 6-3231. C 816 tfn FOR SALE -- Two Guernsey heifer calves, 4 months old. Price $55 apiece. Inquire HA 6-3242. H 8/6 Men of Shelton, You Can Do Better Than You Are $425.00. Phone H 8/3 Doing In Your Present Job Young men from Shelton wanted for permanent work in Southwest Washingto close to home. Starting sal- ary $455 per month. Teacher-Coach 8/13-1t I USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES Speed Queen Wringer Washer, stainless steel tub, recon- ditioned ...: .......................... $69.50 3 - 40" Electric Ranges, fully reconditioned and guaran- teed .................... $49.50 & $59.50 2--Trash burners (p .......... $39.50 Speed Queen Ironer, console, like new ............................ $35.00 3--Electric Irons (q) ............ $5.00 2--Wood beaters ................ $39.50 1--Montag Wood Heater, like new ............................ $69.50 Oak Dresser with mirror .... $10.00 Full Size Bedspring ............ $5.00 3--Club Chairs v .............. $5.00 Firescreen ............................ $10.00 Davenport & Chair .............. $19.50 Davenport ............................ $10.00 Bunk Beds, complete ........ $50.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 HIGHEST CASH PAID For Timber Stumpage and Lands Interested parties call evenings collect. Bar-Din Enterprises FOREST PRODUCTS Star Rt. 2, BOx 119, Shelton, Wn. Telephone HA 6-6837 Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning Discontinued RUG SAMPLES 27" X 54" Anthony J. Florek Values to $19,50 ,150o o .,..,, While $5 JOBS FOR "   They Last Sears Back-To-School Headquarters - ORDER NOW a Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square HA 6-8201 I SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRINCAST SEPTIC TANKS 150-gal,, 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone HA. 6-3660 6.18tfn - ,, , z CABINETS STY/ED TO ORDER J. H. Tice Bayshorc Road Phone HA. 6-6700 7-Stfn TEEN-AGERS THIS SUMMER We have listings to upply ur needn, ome with spec- ized experience. Ex-Shelton Man of Year, JUST PHONE MANLEY'S FOUNTAIN HA 6-3953 Il'fl r - - | I " -- l I ..... l ' • [ PRINT I.;INOLEUM 89¢ Sq. Yd. WALL LINOLEUM 49¢ Lin. Ft. BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square 321 R.R. Ave, HA 6.4332 nl BAR.OIN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHINERY Olsen Furniture 828 C0ta HA 6-4702 on your old refrigerator In /' working order On & Dew HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR EELLS I VALLEY I II 'I I I II 1 I CLEAN your own RUG or CARPET with a BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER It's as easy as using your vacuum cleaner. Your rug will look like new . . . $6.95 Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 " l l I T [ 1 l , , I Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESmENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builder No job too large or too mall. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn , ! H BILL'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING Phone HA 6-2442 5/7-tfn FOR SALE Eliot Blueberries BULK 25¢ LB. I LOCKER WRAPPED Si)¢ LB. Call HA 6-8337 Evenings 8/6-13 123 Se, 2nd HA 6-4663 See FRIGIDAIRE First • REFRIGERATORS • RANGES • WASHERS O" DRYERS alao for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 M 1[ RCANTtLE NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 21 to 35 years old, high school or equal education, own auto in good condition, and be out of town Monday through Fri- day (but never more than two hours from home). ALL REPLIES CONFIDENTIAL Write Post Office Box 32, Olympia, Washington (with full resume of background and present employment; name of present fimn or employer not necessary). 8/13-20/2t I , I and service at Shelt(m Marine Supply. furnished 1209 Olyn|pic Highway, South, HA Phone 6--8163. 2/20 tfn WANTED FOR electric Reasonable. LEAVING fro- New Hampshire, Au- gust 29. Want rider, share expensc. (:all HA 6-2279 after 5:00 p.n|. A 8/13-20 HAIR LIPPER and shear sharpen- ing. 520 Arcadia Avenue. G 6/11tfn WANTED: large or small tracts of ROOM AND timber. Cash. Cruiser available at exeellenL our expense. Jones Tie & Lumber rooms Co., P. O. Box 472, Olympia. 6-2208. 9/20 tfn ONE LARG ', FURNACE CLFANING, repairing, in- reduced rent. stallations, oil conversions. Shelton child. Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial HA 6-2228. 6-6121. 5/1 tfn FOR furnished George. )NE FULL-TIME WATKINS locality available on Hood Canal. Earnings are better than average for person who m willing to work. No lay-offs. Watkins nationally known spices and extracts are advertised in Life, La- dies Home Journal, Good House- ___ keeping, McCalis and other maga- zines. For details write Watkins Products, 2109 East llth St., Brem-: erton, Washington, or phone ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Wat- ---- kins locality in city of Shelton. Work hours of your own choosing. $3.00 per hour and up easily possible. This is a wonderful opportunity for re- tired person who needs extra income. Write Watkirm Products, 2109 East llth St.. Bremerton, Washington, or call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 3/12 tfn I WAITRESS AND COOK wanted, for I afternoon shift. Inquire Heinie's Broiler. 318 West Railroad Ave., (Evergreen Square). 7/30 tfn WANTED immediately -- man to sup- ply consumers with Rawleigh Prod- ucts. Many earn $50 weekly part time -- $100 and np full time. See F. Pet- tim R-1 Box 301, Elma (1;" write Rawleigh's Dept. 200, Oakland 23. Calif. 8/6-20 AVON CALI,1NG? Dependable lady wilh 4-5 hours 1)er day to service established Avon ter- ritory. Earnings to $10.00 per day. Wrilo Avon, 1051 Arnold St., Apt, 1, Aberdeen. Wash. 8/6-27 WESTINGHOUSE HOME FREEZER SALE Models from $189.00 and up SHELTON ELECrRIC 419 R.R. Phone HA 6-6283 Wore Bell-bottom Trousers Living Room Furniture Priced so You Can Afford It! • LATEST STYLES --- BEST SELLERS • DURABLE, COMFORTABLE FABRICS • WIDE RANGE OF COLOR SELECTION 'BILTWELL SOFA BED with storage compart- ment "and fully upholstered back and match- ing re.vo-rocker. A warm frieze upholstery in red, beige, rose, or green. $159 BILTWELL 2-PIECE SECTIONAL SOFA BED, coil spring constrtmtion, proven dura- bility, an ideal corner setting. Frieze uphols- tery in brown, red or light green. $179 R POWER SAWS 5 h.p, and 7 h,p. direct drive, 7 h,p, gear driven 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY NORTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 BILTWELL REVO-ROCKER, high-back plat- form base rocker that also revolves. In uphols- tery that matches above suite, red, light green, brown, beige or rose, $69 SIMMONS SOFA-BED with Beautyrest cush- ion construction. Scandinavian modern low back style, ample storage compartment, steel frame. Upholstery in brown or red. $139 SOFA-BED WITH MATCHING MAN-SIZED ChaJr AND OTTOMAN. Low back, wide arm style, back reclines to form occasional bed. Available in brown or beigc. $289 DAVENPORT AND CHAIR SUITE, large foam rubber, zpper-T cushions, foam rubber cush- ioned back and anhs. Very comfortable--fine line, a suite you can be proud to own. Lux- urious frieze in Beige or Brown. $299 B/LTWELL DAY-'N-NITE SOFA, thin line functional styling, narrow arms, wide foam mb- her cushions. A sofa by day but a touch of the hand reveals a coil spring mattress for hlxur- ious sleeping. Either Red or Roc. $279 The qualily -f maLeriul and craflsmanship has not been sacrificed £or price alone Shop and compare. • VE HAVE A CREOIT PLAN FOR YOU. 01sen Furniture 328 COTA ST. PHONE HA 6-470"2 t t FOR RENT downtown, stores. Phone HA 6-4612 after FOR RENT: 1 718 No. 6th, 5p OVERNIGHT or you haven't to Lawton now month. Phons FURNISHED A at FOR RENT on sido -- tllrec : tage, by" weOk 6-3283 days. FOR RENT: 2 2436 HOUSE FOR working across the FOR RENT bath, for range. Phone HA WANTED TO with good on salt WANTED bank site. Write 260, Kent, WORK ,it in my people.- Phone AUTO paint hoUSes, mates phone 1202 Cota WE BUY scrap l.ors, copper. Shell,m Jonk Streets. phon, CHAIN SAW a(.c L1114e Ss|'ger Motor HA 6-46{}2. WANTED and piling. HANDY-MAN think it L, ndis, WANTED : Elma Inc. tonholes, and HA 6-2104. WANTED: Rubber WANTED at UlIUllel tober 1. TR 7-5429 WANTED from a WANTED crly lady week, pho plical ions clerical WO Box S. done Charg phone used will Y USED East K i 225