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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18, 1959 CO(Ing&apos;CS and L 10/9 lfn heahd fur;- only. 311 I' '1/12 lfn PARK. alld downt,)wn and wa,'r. AI S 4/4 i In l'OOlH. 79. R 4/18 lfn V. 2214 Adams inns. 7/16 tfn apt.. Phone S8/19 tfn unfrll'- $30,(XI p,'r B 8/13 tfn furnish- wht- /'ot)nL C]()SC t() after 6:'d0 B 8/13 Ifa Phorte 1-iA N 8/13-20 tmfurnlshe(i school. 6-4848. 7/16 tfn 213 tfn K2/28 tfn Un- range. Ret'riger- HA 6-3283. 6/26-7/3 tfn room fur- re).- B 8/6-13 : Pru)n(, HA D 8/18 tfn house for furnace from Bof 6-460. W 7/30 tfn furnished. or phone HA B 5/7 tfn furnished B 7/9 tfn sell. Call HA D 7/30-8/13 known as i]ie Rte. 2. ]Box e, all Year and seh(ml Hildur Rochester. B'Rownlng C 8/13-27 for bust- 2 block, arett downtown. Paynmnt, Pim,as c 8/6-1.8 roon( honYte HA 6-3039. N 8/13 Home room, kitchen, breeze= '; large hot wa- ' Blvd. Price of C. C. ;" 7/9-tfn Owner HOME Cherry H6-11 tfn 00ALE Co. or 6-6553 ! 8ALE ' bank, gray= orchard and luse, could fur- • , $16,8o0. room and fireplace, loom, sep-i win- lots, double t : two-2 bed- hour, also 2 bed- lovely lo- any part a feet, gravel bank, cabin ,500.00: large well and close to i on Bay, 250 $30.00 per i fire. and pan- $350.00 to town, basement, berries, in- s carport-- area, heat, 1 lot -- C REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4-1'OOIll modern stucco horo with 2 bedrooms and utility room, is comIfletely furnished and can be s()Id t'm'nisimd if desired. Most of fnrntture is practically new. H(mm is priced at $5250 and mortgage cnn be assumed. Oweer is leaving for new job st) this will make a conlf(trtable hon]e for yOll. If you can use a good inexpen- sive subm'ban home with about 2J,, acres of good improved prop- erty, n good 3 be(h•oonl home with 6 rooms in all, exccllent drilled REAL ESTATE IP()H. SALE: ,l-room l'lilh'rest home, lav,U'*, f,'n('(•d h,l, $4900. Phone HA (;-t:,22 days, tIA 6-3559 aft,q' 6 D.I)L E 3/27 trn Ill)Isle, ele('lrh hi'lit tni "wal#r heater ]:tl'4t' :1111 r(,oDi, $|,E)0(I, 1715 |h)inlrln JOURNAL Published in "rChr.stmastmrn U.KA.Y Shelton, Waahin Legal Publications NO. 3117 NOTICI,: OF 1BALI," the RI,'.AL F,g'rAT. IN THE SUPEItI()I COUIUI' ()b' TilE STATE ()l v WASHINGTON FOR M A,q( )N C()[TNTY (in Proi)ale) In the M'aL1er of ihv (,'ond)Jnod E,q- lat*'s (,f F:ILIC O. GIIqRI!] .nd IA)I;lSG SI. Phone HA 6-3454. 33/12 tfi. (;II,'RI,L I¢oth 1),'(',,u>:('(l. Nt)TI(HC IS IIERIqI)Y (IVEN (hat SI('I(NIdSS Ii'()R('ES SAI,E --. 28(I ft. " .eNN F:. COItRI]A, iu i)is ('al)a(,ilv VVti|(.l'['l'i)ll[. ,'I i)'dr'(H)IH l|)od('l' ("g'- I :H III iri,'ql'a(oP of lh(' ,'lh()vo ('sltHI,,, (:('ill ]l(!ai, (d(h,r holll(! 2 wells f' it, W s,' nt )riyal(' .;ll O and. fill' cn.h f,'n('('(I, ('h'ar,!d. ()ulbuildi 4'. |111- Ii))')'sl(,,," llllq. F(,II w sign, at A t' le f()lh)win'A' descril)('(1 real (':q;ito: St.)'c. $12,500. $5,(X)0 (h,wtt. Tit(! N,)tqltcas[ (|uar|('r ,if the S()t Iwest qtlartcr (NI,') ,if SW' ) ........ II 8/6-13-20 in S,ct (,n Tidrt.v-one CH), T()wnship A]'PIt()XI=h-IATII,Y 6 ii:;ilV I'ir/)(I- Tw' tY ()) North, t.ane le, ulr t) with Cl'''k ',n I)htt'k|op, 1! 2 mile fl'oil V sl, "W M sit,tat '(i n M it*)I C(, n- city limits, Phi)n(: IlA 6:8,184, tY, State of Washlab"1on, , . ..... J 7/30 tfn h II , h ghost and br,st hM(ler, li(ls I.()VEI,Y FuItNisIiEi) (:i)mliaet two mustl), left be withSUl)ndlledthe admit!lstrah)rin wl:i}ing and at may 121 1)Plil'l)()lll ill'Ill(', (!(' ') 'r l it, 2136 I,au- S t It l',)urth Street, Shellc)n. Wash- r(,l Av(.., l)rived nl $6,500. Marian Ar- ington, Ilids wil I)(, rc('eved i}, (ale g*), R('altm', ())' H)ia FL 2-0323. Close to good new school. Check this property. Priced very reas- onable at $7950 with at least $2000 down. Owner may consider • t snlaller home on HiilcresL. 210 ft. on Lake Nahwatzel with vnr as (h,wn J)aynl(,nt. }"bone HA 6-t;871r 7/:{0_Lt 3 '( )U sA i,i-::::- (--)it,:-%;r/:.,,fi'-h; S87 oh'(:Irl(. }mat, come" l t, can be add- ed to, I-'h,)ne IIA 6-4389 after: 6 p.m. .................... S 6/18 tfn FOR SALE ...... --]5 UpTe x,'-8;ix28 q t ii - 10 (()Is. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone }IA 6-8150. N 7/23 tfn el' |]|*' salt'. The sale will he made m )r after Augu.'q 7, 1959. The udminislrator re-I tlu! rigilt tt) re.j('(' any und al! hhls, GLENN E. C()I¢.T'.I,,'A Adndnisl rater GLENN E. CORREA Att.rney for Eatales l-l).| l Rttilding 121 South Iotu'il r Street Shclton, Washingten 7/23-30-8/li-13 4t " 7/30 tfn well, several outbuildings and tt I,.(H  SAIA,,' ;Z Two ,2-r/)i;m b(,ustiS on 5 l]il'rllle drive frorll (.'it 3, cenlel', llilh'vest. Will hake good pick-ul) <,r i Legal Pubfications NO. 7627 SUM, MnN, BY PI:III,ICATION IN TH1,1 SUI'I,]TtlOR COIIIT el,' THE STATE Ole WASIt INflTON FOR MASON CftUNTY BETTY SOUT)IWICK. Plaintiff, vs. CARl, s(rI!TIIWIf?K, l)('ff,,n(lant. TIlE STATG ()I,' WASIIINGTC)N TO: CARl, S()UTHWI(?K, Defendant. Y()U ,X,E HE|?.EBY SIIIWbIONED to apl),'ar within sixty 460) days uftt,r lit*, dah' ,if lhe first" l>tll)lirati¢)n ()f this sut))nlons t(, wit: within sixty day :ll'h!r the 301h day of July, lind defcqd th,' nh,)ve eelilh,d acti,m in the ah(>ve entitled co)art and answer the cont- l)laint (,f the plaintiff an/.l s(,rv+! a c('I)Y d" .vour answer npon the uudersig'n(d ati(,rnoy for (ile ltl)rinliff at llis office i),'h)w slated; arrd ill taxi; (If your fail- I.II'O SO tO dl), ,jtldgnlo(li will Ie rPn- de)'ed ag:dnst yon hi.cording i,) the de- )llltrld (if the eOml:,laint, wtlich lilts bcen fil,'d witl ibm, clerk of said con).t. The object of (his acth>n i)y phtintiff is Io obtain It de(,re(, of dive)roe front the de/'(qrdalrt /)11 the gr'c)rtllds o[' CI'IJ- city and personal irrdignities. S/ C. T. tIATTEN AtU)rn,Lv for Plaintiff Offi,.e and P. O. Addrvss: 1 (h,v,'v Building Sh el t (-,it, Washing(on t)]u,ne: ItA 6"809230-8/6-13-20-27-9/37/ 6t No. 3072 about 800 ft. on oiled road, home XTI;i.R-SNT------E- _ Spen-c- with fnll basement, llas about 4 Lake. Year around )r sUmnmr llv= int. 9 miles from Shelton. :00 ft. acres of land with some timber, frontage. 3 bedrooms electric heat, 2 Located on sheltered cove., fireplaces. }tA 6-894.' H 7/2 tfn , F0R SALF, : sa'e-lqfic-lo-0-6-n|i|r-i: [ corner Cascade and Mason. 0x15. Herbert G. Angle i Terms. o,. win ¢o.lder trade on ] lale model est. 5103 N,E. Fremont, Phone HA. 6-g272 [ Portland 13. Oegon. F 6/4 tfn ............... ', . :' TE. 7-5265. ic6/4tfn n PROPERTIES PRICE REDUCEO • . • On this very comfortable 2 bedroom home. El- eetricaUy heated, it haa a dining room, roomy kit- chen with breakfast nook, attached garage and fully fenced corner lot. Now only $7,950. $250 down FHA. WANT TO LIVE DOWNTOWN? . • • Then this 2 bedroom home with large li¢lng room, fireplace, dining area, might be Just the place for you. Dependable hot water heat, insulated, and ' new roof. A very fair buy at $8,500 and ownet- will carry contract after low down payment. Better investigate this one today. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 ACRES, 2 MILI:'S . . . This very attractive 4 year old has just about cverything. Hardwood floors throughout, large liv- ing room with beautiful fireplace, mahogany built-in book cases, large dining room, a very practical kit- chen and utility. Loads of closet and storage space. Garage with excellent workshop. Price is truly a steal at only $11,000. Conventional financing. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM • • . This is a better thal average larger home with fireplace, dining room, wall to wall carpeting', base- .ment with good automatic forced air furnace. On fenced corner lot. Full price $:[3,500 and owner will carry contract. Leavhg us soon. WANT SECLUSION? . . . Then this charming 1 bedroom cottage near Totten Shores will give it to you. On 2 large lots, it "has a wonderful garden and an excellent well. Priced at $5,500 and owner will carry contract. You must ,e it to appreciate its value. 4 BEDROOM, 5 YEARS OLD, MT. VIEW . . . Owner being" transferred and must sell his very attractive Mt. View home. Lovely fireplace, built-in mahogany book cases, hardwood floors, birch kit- chen, 1 baths, and many more plus features to make this a very desireable purchase at $16,500. $750 will handle FHA. SQHOOL WILL START SOON . . . This 3 bedroom home with fireplace, dining room, all on one floor is located near Bordeaux. Can be yours for only $8,,950 with $300 down. Just the thing loT' the larger family. EXCEPTIONAL VIEW LOT... Beautiful view of the whole Olympic range, the bay and the city. 300 feet deep with very gentle slope, ideal for daylight basement home. Price is $1,250.00• WATERFRONT REALTY Call HA. 6-8535 Anytime 226 No. 1at SOME EXCELLENT BUYS! HERE'S A REAL BUY IN A 4 BEDROOM HOME[ • • • And it has 2 baths, sewing room, fireplace, and full base- ment. Only $7500 with $500 down $50/month. Hurry! ATTRACTIVE ANGLESIDE HOME ON 2 LOTS • • • This comfortable 2 bedroom home is nicely landscaped and has dandy garden, fruit trees, and berriee. Large garage and workshop. $9450. Call Mr. Huldcr. A CUTE DOWNTOWN 2 BEDROOM HOME • . . Fairly new home which has attractive fireplace with raised hearth, clean electric heat, small yard. Ideal for those wanting to live within walking distance of work and" atoru. $700, 2 BEDROOM HOME IN 8OUTH HILL AREA . • • Recently ldecorated and a very comfortable home for a modest price of only $4950 with $500 down $50/month. $800 DOWN ANI) THIS IDEAL HOME IS YOURS • • • Has 2 spacious bedrooms, bath has tub and separate tiled stall shower, kitchen is lovely with breakfast bar and many built-ins, 2-car garage, fine neighborhood, and near school. $9450 FHA terms. WANT TO LIVE IN THE "BANANA BELT"? • • • Out at Grapeview there is less rain and more sunshine, and the air is so fresh from the Sound. We have one of the ni0est 4 bedroom homes there with lovely view of mountains and water. So many fine features . . . grapes, fruit, etc. $15,000. NEWLY PAINTED AND NEAT AS A PIN . . . Here's a good 4 bedroom family home. The 2 upstairs bed- rooms are just what boys like. Nie fireplace, well-kept yard with berries and fruit. $7500. A LOVELY WATERFRONT HOME . . • For graoious living this 2 bedroom home on Totten Inlet with 180' bulkheaded frontage is just ideal. I.vely view from all 'windowe, 2 fireplaces, triple plumbing, cocktail lounge, hot water heat, 2-car. garage, nicely landscaped: About 12 minutes drive from Shelton. By appointment only. $2.50 DOWN BUYS A DANDY PHILLIPS LAKE LOT ... And the balance at $25/month--total $1595. You'll really enjoy this spot--ideal for cabi]a, vimming, fishing, etc. HAVE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED WATERFRON'P ON ARCADIA SHORE AND BEACH TRACerS. Call Mr. Hulder A. ROY DUNN ÁALYÙR Phone HA 6-6300 • Title Insuranoe Bldg NO. 3tfl NOTICE TO CItE|lITeRs NOTICI ] OF HEARING ON FINAL IN THE sUPERIOR COUItT OF THE' IEPORT AND PETITION FOK I)INTHIBL'TION STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE MASON coUNTY In the Matter' of the Estate of Lonnie STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY H P letnons Deceased ; " ;'' '=--ons "is the .... '-'^' In tire Matter of the Estate of rsrne[ Yl. -kle;" I MUIZlt¢ • ' and qualified Executrix of sai' eatate [ JAMIS A. HOWARTH, JR., Deceased. I-'" =-t--,n claims e',.ains*' s ":1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that All I)erso11 IIv  . g . u . uU , . a e .... uired to -/.) ..... ] Irma .q Howarth the Ex eutrlx of tile EleCt lSeU al'e l'tq  * ',' tll ' " " • - "" "e -'ul- ve 'ifie  --l estate of Jmnes A. Howartb Jr de- saule In 12tl Ileal. u y .r El, Oil S '  ' ' .- ..^ .(.{1 , her attorney -),,.* (:est. ed. has file4 with the Clerk of said ,salu lxr,,', ,,- ,v, --,, ...... e' " I' " I ( " f r • u.. a...., *he o,¢,),,,s ),,h,,, o*-+-d Court h r tlnal +pot lad p *tithm o ana"" ''.he'u+t2,.,. ....=-,)e wilh .... the C'let-,.. of ] dlstrlhutlon. , asking tit(', Court to set-I o.a o .... , * .... )her with m'oof of -,,eh tie and approve t!m same, to distribute ] ...... .'.'"'-*-"*..'.'( month's .¢e,.'Th'. the properly to the per'sins thereto en- ] • " ' - • ..-_.:- . ,, .,., ..... -.. titled and to diseharge said Ex,eut'lx date of fll'St pnnllctttlu,l ,)X tltl ,IOtlCt!, .,2 ........ ....... ' ...... k" :. "" '" ' harre-' ur*Cr, . l("u'J.'ltw, tl.tvJN taat I t)r tee sanre WJl I )2¢" %&" S ra,', .,¢ ;=) md)licalion. Jnlv  .aid final report and p)tltion for [S- .,,, ............ ' ....... tribution will be hem'd on Friday, the [ tu.)v. GARNET M. PLEMONS, 28th day of August, 1959. st tlu: hour =.0,,,,,. ,, ,0 o,:,o,:. ,,, .,. ,,,,. =,. ,. ='-veraJ ]h) hmiJies C,:,urtroom of said Com't in Simlton, i Rogte 1, Box 550, Shelton, Washingtou, Wash. DATED THIS 27th da of 3"uly, 1959. ROBERT L. SNYDER at Law HARRY DEYETTE Mason County Clerk ===" ='°'" Host Visitors Washington. 7/23-30-8/6-13-4t Govey Building Shelton, Wahingto Attorney for Execturlx CALL FOR BIDS (SEAL) 7/30-8/6-13-20 4t += .. = ,o,r00 o, .,. a'w'z ',atet Directors. North Mason Consolidated No. 3137 Mt N Sehool District on the following: NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO To Nell: North Minion Athletic Field. PRE.INT AND FILE CLAIM, • Bidder will supply the equipment IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE O1 WASHINGTON FOR By Mary Dawson and the labor and remove from desig- MASON COUNTY LAKE NAHWATZEL.---Lt. Col. hated area approximately 1400 yards (In Probate) of top soil. Soil will be moved from pit In the Matter of the Estate of D. T. and Mrs. Win, B. Watson and are approximately one quarter mile MORROW. Dec(rased. children, Dick and Susan, all of to the sile of the North-Mason ath- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Seattlel visited a few days last letic field. Material will be spread by the undersigned, Vivian Harper has trtick to an approximate dept of six been appointed and has qualified as week here at the home of Mr. a)d inch)s. Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- Mrs. Lawrence Hanson. They All brush, tree., stumps, roots en- ment and of the estat of D. T. Mof left for home on Sunday. countered in th( digging shall be row, deceam, d; and that all persons piled by the bidder in piles approxi- having" claints against the said estate MR. AND MRS. John Durbin mately en feet high suitable for burn- or the said deceased are hereby re- of Auburn, Wash., arrived Mon- Jng. " Top soil will be brtLh free, rock quired to serve the same duly verified day at the home of Mr. and MrK free and as neat" as possible root frec in duplicate with the necessary vouch- ers attactmd, upon the undersigned lx- Lawrence Hansen for a few days' when delivered to site of ati, letic ftehL ecutrix or' her Attorney or rcord at visit. Bidder must tour site of athletic, the law office of B. Franklin Heuston, field, pit site area, etc. with a school Angle Building. Shelton, Waahington. Thursday dinner gueats of Mr. district representath'e who will gve and file such claims together with an( Mrs. Archie Kelly were Mr. all pertinent facts not given in this proof of servi,e with the Clark of th and Mrs. Ralph Pauley and faro- bid call. above entitled Court within six (6) ALTERNATE BID No. 1 nnmths sft(rr the date of the first pub- iiy of 8helton, Rannie Kjellman Alternate bid No. 1 will })e taken on llcation of this notice, to-wit: 8 Aagust and Mr, and Mrs. "Hank" Chappell the moving of al)proxinmtcly 2600 1959, or all claims not so presented aud and family of Matlock. yards of top soil froth pit area des- f(led will be forcver barred. ignated above and material ntoved to VIVIAN I-IARPER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Menden- athletic field and sprcad where des- Execatrix of said Estate hall of Nahwatzel, Mrs. Joe Wat- ignated to a depth of approximately Ad, drem: 1412 Fairbanks ers (Elsie Krieger) and daughter six inches. Specifications as set down Yaklma, Wash. in general bid will be folh)wed. B. IRANKLIN HEUSTON of eattle, Mrs, Hank Chappel All bids must be delivered to the Attorney for said Estate and Shorty, Jane and Steve of board office on or before the 19th day Angle Bldg., Sbell•n, Wash. Matlock and Miss Gloria Pauley of August 1959 at which time they will 8/6-13-20-27 t of Shelton gathered at the Archie I)e opened and bid or bids awardPd. Bidder must cotnpleD the Job on or NO. 319 Kelly home for a birthday dinner bef(,re the 8th day ,)f Septc,nbtr. 1959. NOTICE TO CICEI)ITOR, in honor of David Kelly. A penalty of $30.00 will be levied on IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OIa' THE bidder after the 8th day (,f September. STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND Mr. and Mrs. Ralph IIilligoss Specifications available in /3elfair Sclmol Office. FOR MASON(InCOUNTYProt,ste) ...... of Eureka, Calif, called oil Mr. The Board of Directors, North $,Ia- In the Matter Of lhe Estate of El" and Mrs. L,ee Dawaon one day last son Consolidated School District re- NEST CAItLSON, Leecased. 'week. serves the right to rejvct arty and all Notice is hereby glw, n that the un- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne De Nune bids. derslgned have been appointed and ltENRY AUSTIN. Clerk bav, qualified as Executrices. of the and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth De North Mason Cons. School Dist. Estate of Ernest Carlson, deceased; Nttne have moved from the resort Bclfair, Washington 8/13 It that all persons having clahns against to a home at Tahuya. sai$1 deceased are herby requh'ed to Mr. and Mrs. William Cra'wley NO. 126549 ser'e tlae same, duly verified, on said  No'r[c¥; OF 4ALE OF Ex,cutriees, nr their attorneys of rec- of Spanaway were weekend guests REAL EITAT ,trd at the address below stated, and at the home of their daffghter and IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR fib: the same with the Clerk of said son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Everett KING COUNTY Court, together with proof of such In the Matter of .the Guardianship service: Within six molttbs after the Wagner. of REUBEN JASPERSON. an lncoat- date of fh'st publication of this notice, SUN DA'Y GUESTS at the home petent, or the santo will be barred, of Mr'. and Mrs. Ken Zillyette NOTICE IS HREBY GIVEN thmt Date of first publication August 6, Llllian Jasperson, in her capacity as 1959. were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peter- the above guai'dianship LILLIAi C. SHELDON man, Pinky Halverson and Gen- etate, wut sell at public sale and for ESTHE&R C. MAURY eva Bridges, all of Aberdeen. cash the following described real es- Executrices of said Estate tate: " " 202-206 Security Building Roy Anderson returned to his Tract 7, Patrieia Beach No. 2 includ- Olympia, Washington home near Matl0ck Monday fol- ing second ('lass tide lab:is, .as con- PEBBLES AND SWANSON lowing a vacation trip that took veyed by the State of Washington, Attorneys for Estate situate In front of, adjacent to or" 202-206 Security Building htm as far south as San Diego. abutting upon the upland, according Olympia, W#hiagton 8/6-13-20 t Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm to the official plat thereof, recordel : ., in Volume 4, of Plats, page 37. in NOTICF. OF PUBLIC ]tkh%RING [ and Marine Land were among the the office of the Auditor of Mason NOTICE IS ,HEREBY GIVEN, that I interesting places he visited. Real County, Washington. Located in Ma- pursuant to resolution adopted by the I hot down south, too, seys Roy. so County. Washington. Port of Shelton acting bF and through I Mr. arid Mrs. Ralph B. Pigg and to the highest and best bidder. That its Board of Commiseioners. a public [ son,.( Maury, of.Seattle visited on the sale will be had at the front door hearing will be held relative to tlc | of the Masntt County Courthouse, purchase from the United States Gov-] Saturday at the home.of the for- Shlton, Washington, at 11:00 a.m. On ernment of the Surplus Naval Depot mer's mother, Mrs, Lee E. Daw- Wedneaday, August 28, 1959. The located Northeast of Shelton, in 4ee- son, guardian reserves the right to reject tions 4, 5, 8 and 9, ToWnship 20 North, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allan and any and all bids. Range 3 W. W. M.. in Mason County, S/LILLIAN JABPERSON Washington and containing 406 acres daughter of Raymond are spend- S/WILLIAM L. IUTCHINS more or leu. Puhase is to be at fair ing this week at the resort. 5705 20th AvenueN.W. market value and when completed the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fry of Oak- Seattle 7. Washington area is to be declared and developed Attorney for.Petitioner 6/6-13-20 6t as an Industrial Development District ridge, Ore, were weekend guests aS provided by statute. At the fore- ,at the home of the latter's sort US]- CS' . , going hearing the cornmission shall and daughter,in,law, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Painter. Iear the learns of any taxpayer in the port district, for or against said puFchase trod declaration. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Diggle, Jr., 1930 MODEL "A" $50.00. 2 wheel trail- Said Public Hearing will be held in and daughter have moved into one er with stock rack $25.00. Ray Col- the Mason County Courthouse in Shel- lins. Phone HA 8-8/]88. C 8/13 ton. Washingtoth August 25, 1959 at of the cabins at the resort. They F'-()' _-. r'p'-t-tl-_. &:00 o'clock P.M. have been living in a trailer house Phone uelon 41L If 7f2tfn Date of first publication August 16, near Matloek. Welcome to our ...... ,  1989. (AHTNC)Army Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth L. LaMent (right) of Shelton, Wash., re,elves congratulation-and a letter of appreciation from Lt. Col. Herbert L. Haberstroh) dire,tel of the.. U.S. Army Ordnance School's Material Training Division, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. LaMent was commended for out- standing service as chief instructor of the divisien's msckinist seotion. The 30-year-old warrant bffle.,er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. LaMent, Star Route 2, entered the Aemy in Ap:il 1946. He is a 1946 graduat¢ of Dav|d MscKenzte High School, Detroit, Mich. (U.S. Army plbto.) Ch" t" ' serv no rm mn Science Ice An unced The spiritual relationship of God from the Bible present thea and man will. be set forth in the'. veres from: ps)dms (63:1,2): "Q Lesson,Sermon entitled. "Soul" at i God, tl!ol art ll0y God; early will hristiarr Science services Sunday, j I ssek .thee: my oul thirsl:eth for opening selections to be read thee, my ftetlh, longeth for thee hi a dry and thirsty land, where nO water is; To see thy power an thy glory, sp, as I have seen thee m the. smcuary." From ':Selence and Health wltll Key to the Sriptures" bF Mary ddy, this citation will be read (1£0,:6): "Boul, or Spirit, i| God, unchangsable and eternal[ and man €oexists with and re, fleets Soul, God, for man is Ood' image?' Ths Golden Tt is also fron Psalms (99:9): :"Exalt the Lord our God, and worahip at his holy hill; for the Lord our God is holy. "; tlavkl% l)hur=h (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar 6treetg Rsv, R01Nrt Bnner Eohollb Vioae JULY AND AUGUST: Sunday---8 a.m.--Saint David's. Sunday--9:30 a.m.--Saint An- drew's (Alderbrook). Pa FllIIT CHIIIt, ITIAN (HIltCH i,ewis E. Whitney, Pastor l)hone HA (;-3101 Bible school and Sundny school clnsses are held each Sundsy at 9:45 a,m., followed by tie m,)rI- ing worship at 10:55, with nursery services available for lhose wish- ins them. Vesper services are held f)'Olrt 7 LO 8 p,l't), Stlll(lt 3" evc)lill. The elders will be in charge of the church affairs for tiae nexl tw(:) weeks in tile a|)s,,nce of the minister. Next Sunday,, ]]ruce Schwarck will tn'irg the morning message and John Spiker will speak in the evening. Ladies Missionary meeting will be held on Angust 1.8 at 8 p.m. in the home of £X)ris P, egley, The In- ('lies sre reminded of the dish tow- el shower for the clhlrch. The Pug(t Sound area prea('ll- ing rally is scheduled for Salut:'- day, eptember 12, at I,incoh( Park in Taconm. Grove Men's nteet at the Cot- tago t3rove !n Oregon, will be heht heKInning Vednesday evening Au- gust 26 through 29. The Christian education conven- tion will be at the West Seattle Christian church, October 4 5, 6, for teachers and workers. FIRST BAPTIST CilURCIi Rw. E. C. Kimutz, l'at(r Phone HA 6-8481 Eunday ,e.hooi classes for the family are h e 1 d each Sunday morning af 9:45 a.m. WotShil .) services are 8:30 and 11 a.m. Jrn- ior church for primary age g'roups 'and nttrsery services are available :for those Wishing them. Junior, Junior High, and Senior High youth meetings are hld each Sunday evening followed by the evening service at 7:30. Mid- week Bibl study is held eat:h Wednesday evening at 7;30. Coming events include the Homebuilde.r mnorgasb6rd :dinner at Mr. a(l Mrs. Byron Deffin- baughs, August 18. Tle youth swim time and progre,,mtve bont party Aulust 21. Men's retreat at Dudley August 28-30 and Fisher- men's club trip to We)tport Sep- tember 12. First Chridian Ohuroh "New Testament Christianity  Lewis E. Whitney, MInisteP Odd Fellows Hall ECOND STREET Bible School 9t45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ts 9:00 p.m. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Full-Gospel In Message-Fundamental in Doctrine 130 East Pine St. Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School (classes for aH ages) ...... : ..................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ......................................................................... ] 1:00 a,m. Christ's Ambassadors .............................................................. 6:00 p.m. Revival Service .............................................................................. 7:00 p.m. Listen to REVIVALTIME, Sunday, 10:30 p;m. KIRO FISHERMEN'S CLUB P,U.D. AUDITORIUM , 3RD & COTA 9:15 a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 s.m. 0uest I@eaker-- RALPH IK)WEN, State Auditor's Department 10:00 e.m.Blbls )tudy ; / i i,Vlll _ FAITII LUTliEMI I]111111811 Ik)venth 8, Frenklln St=, .-. J, Bernhard Brethatmi Pastor Sunaay q01, $:a0 a.m. 'Sundy W0hlp 8:I a,m. tnd 11 a.m. Mid,week lwle--Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. ! "  , : ..... , . ,, ,,,, ',, , ,,, ..... -:- ........... :':'',.: '' IIIIl[]lr' '1 , I ........ TEtE IIETHODlaT 9iiLqi6M ; North 4th, and Pine Streets L ; i RORT R, ,R3Qf. Mlni,ter Meel#t@ Wohlp 8;30 an# 11;00 a.m. ..... i .... i Ohroh $cNo01 :4, a,m. BY OWNER -- 1957 Plymouth 2 door Board of Commissioners for the Port "Nahwatel" community, kids, sedan, std. sl)ift, 6 cylinder, low of Shelton. MR. AND MRS. Bud McK/nzie mileage. Excellent eondltio. Phoae By (]eorge Nichols, secretary, of Portlartd, Ore., visited here HA 6-2057.' )C /9 tfn . 8/13-20 2t OF 00IBItR; 00OIEIITIST .... 1948-'9'-H-VROL[' lianel In gbod con- over the weekend with Mr. and dition with good fire tot' . Good NOTII OF WATER ltGHT Mrs. Win. Wright and Bill Mc- [[ 1 AId St., Shelter. Wash,. ; I bed ._H_A 6-386. " E 8/6-13 STAT &P)P#CATION NO. 11/7 , Kinzie. t ' TON 1941 "C'-507}" • O WASHINGTON, OFFICE Mrs. Joe Waters and daughter [| l!Ild oOt 9:30 a.rn. (lrch 11 tim, : 'i | cash. Henry Rogers, 220 So, vl. OF'SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- Phone ,HA 6-206. ' R $/13-0 SOURCES. OLYMPIA of Seattle spent the weekend here )| Wednday evening tetimony meetings 8 p.m. = TAKE NOTICE: That Albert O. v|sitlng wlth Mr. and Mrs. Robert ll Redi, E nmm lttl L ohurclt, p. om hout 2 I • Mendenhall.. [I 4 p.n  &  e4. ,aning 6:45 to 7:45, ,: : : | - LosT-FOUND !'et, ol  *elte., W.shion o JUly , :19; tiled appIJe.atio for per= Int to dlVSrt the punltc Wlters 0r Friday and Saturday overnliht I' .... LOST -- O Canal. Saturday evening, Towne Creek trbu(a of Oaklmnd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tvelt ] blue paddle board wlth black No. 17 Bay. In tbc am0uht Of 0.01 seeoId foot, were Robert C. Berber and Ken- II FIIIST BAPTIST OHIIllCH I on bow. Reward. Call HA 6-6559 subJeet to existing rights, continuoqs- nath Johnson of Washouga|, Wash, dayUme. HA 6-4224 evenings, ly each year for the purpose of dohl- ' Mc 8/6-13 I eatlc supply; that the approximate Mr. and Mrs, Allan Hickscn and LOST on Hood CaroM)8 ft.---l point of dl, ersion is !ocate4 within cllldren enjoyed an overnight brown, nzne of "Wee Willy". Call I I.ot , BlOck $, Shelton'm Third Addl- ctmping tlflp last Friday on ,t,he 5th &iOot L , Rev, E. ¢, Kn0ut0, P0stoe ttA 8-6'262. Mc S/-_] tlo to the Town ot Sbelton ot Section beach at Oyehut. On Sunda F they EVERY SJN:DAY ..... MasonT°WnShlPcounty. 20 N.. Range 3 W.W.M., all attende the, Simpson loggers' $i445 a,m, SUIIa,] ttcb{ml MISCELLANEOUS Any objections must be.accompanied picnic 'at Mason Lake. ,. 8:30 e.d 11=00 a;m. Mornl,g W0h,p by a two dollar ($2,00) recording fee '  ---------- ' " ' and filed with the SMite Supervisor of Mrs. Dennis Reed, Steve and 8:30 p.m. Yoqth 'Goupg. Three Deli#tments. W.ILL TIADE 25-35 Sport carbine water Resurce Wlhl thirty (30) loberta Qnd Mrs. Clifford Ford 7;30 p,m. vsninG rvice of inspiration1, rifle with 1  boxe shelljL belt axe days from August 20, 199. left last Friday for a few days' and knife for good 12 ft. boat, strip- Wltnes my hand and official seal built m'. veneer. Phone Ho0dsport this 61st d&yof J'ulF 199. visit with relatives in eastern TRT"5434, NeilM. Vance, LlllIwaup, M.. WALKER Washington, MT VI[W ALUAIIOE C HUItCH :: Wash. 8/13 tfn State Supervisor of Water Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harper and TO GIVE AWAY -- Male kitten 2 Re, sources Howard Marrow of Yakima were months old. Phone HA 6-4157. (SEAL) 6/13-20 2t • S 8/6 tfn at the lak a few days last week. NO. 3tllS LEE E. Dawson and son, Eddie, Washington & J Sts. Eugene Breld, Pastor LA88IFIED SERVICE so,lc TO ¢IZIDITORS left Sunday on a camping t,p .... IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T E Sunday. School 9:45 a.m. -  ST'ATE O .7¢.&SHINGTON FJR that will take them to Ozette Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 ,m. ACCORDION prlvate eases tn your MASON COUNTY Lake, Ruby Beach all other in- A.Y.F. 8:30 p.lql. home. Stancato National School of In the Matter of the Estat of teresting spots around the I)op. " ........................................... .................................... Accordion. Mrs. Casada, phone HA JAMES F. MAHAFFEY. Deceased. Evening SePviee (Jeten Sisters Concert) .................... 7:30 p,.t. 6-6']. 1/1 ttn   , , . .......................................... .... . ..... '_._LL.. Mid-week service Wednesday 7:30 pint, Violet E. Mahaffey is the appointed rRES TOIFID, tetralmaa. W. and qualified Executrix of satd estate. I.rrY'S Tree Surgeon Service, H.A. IAII persons having claims against sald -J ::-t_ 'J ......... ,-- EVERYONE WELCOME ._6". , /18tfnJ deceased are required to serve the  A lieS[ (- R.]I'II, Ifl6wa i, Nl( wsef" lul -;same In duplicate, duly verified, on tlOl. Gual'ltll. lloaa  9/t17. I said Ex,cutrix or her attorney, Robert [ L. Snyder at the address beh:)w stated J and file the same with the Clerk of d.,: ,: 00,',such ,,°,ice, w,thln .i, mont,s a,ter MT. 0LI00 LUTHEItAN 0H00q@H erffreela dLwest tNle, Inc. , notiee, or the )ame will be barred. 'fli: ) T t=e, O'rllil k ]the date of flr.t publication of this 'Sclz00lule for Jtme, Suly and Mckinley, Shelton, {0.0 YI .It. - . - -- i2tf- [ 'WaShin ton - .................... ROBERT L. NIER WORSHIP 8ERVI(E &ND 6UNDAY SCHOOL : rap,ms,morn, I;mn ., ,® .. Govey Btlildlng Shel'ton, Washlnon 8/]3-20"27-/ lt /' Wedaeda¥, A,F,'l)peR-"5}16"tf!l" " ' -";::::" :":== '' - r ,I, 18, 1959 CO(Ing'CS and L 10/9 lfn heahd fur;- only. 311 I' '1/12 lfn PARK. alld downt,)wn and wa,'r. AI S 4/4 i In l'OOlH. 79. R 4/18 lfn V. 2214 Adams inns. 7/16 tfn apt.. Phone S8/19 tfn unfrll'- $30,(XI p,'r B 8/13 tfn furnish- wht- /'ot)nL C]()SC t() after 6:'d0 B 8/13 Ifa Phorte 1-iA N 8/13-20 tmfurnlshe(i school. 6-4848. 7/16 tfn 213 tfn K2/28 tfn Un- range. Ret'riger- HA 6-3283. 6/26-7/3 tfn room fur- re).- B 8/6-13 : Pru)n(, HA D 8/18 tfn house for furnace from Bof 6-460. W 7/30 tfn furnished. or phone HA B 5/7 tfn furnished B 7/9 tfn sell. Call HA D 7/30-8/13 known as i]ie Rte. 2. ]Box e, all Year and seh(ml Hildur Rochester. B'Rownlng C 8/13-27 for bust- 2 block, arett downtown. Paynmnt, Pim,as c 8/6-1.8 roon( honYte HA 6-3039. N 8/13 Home room, kitchen, breeze= '; large hot wa- ' Blvd. Price of C. C. ;" 7/9-tfn Owner HOME Cherry H6-11 tfn 00ALE Co. or 6-6553 ! 8ALE ' bank, gray= orchard and luse, could fur- • , $16,8o0. room and fireplace, loom, sep-i win- lots, double t : two-2 bed- hour, also 2 bed- lovely lo- any part a feet, gravel bank, cabin ,500.00: large well and close to i on Bay, 250 $30.00 per i fire. and pan- $350.00 to town, basement, berries, in- s carport-- area, heat, 1 lot -- C REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4-1'OOIll modern stucco horo with 2 bedrooms and utility room, is comIfletely furnished and can be s()Id t'm'nisimd if desired. Most of fnrntture is practically new. H(mm is priced at $5250 and mortgage cnn be assumed. Oweer is leaving for new job st) this will make a conlf(trtable hon]e for yOll. If you can use a good inexpen- sive subm'ban home with about 2J,, acres of good improved prop- erty, n good 3 be(h•oonl home with 6 rooms in all, exccllent drilled REAL ESTATE IP()H. SALE: ,l-room l'lilh'rest home, lav,U'*, f,'n('(•d h,l, $4900. Phone HA (;-t:,22 days, tIA 6-3559 aft,q' 6 D.I)L E 3/27 trn Ill)Isle, ele('lrh hi'lit tni "wal#r heater ]:tl'4t' :1111 r(,oDi, $|,E)0(I, 1715 |h)inlrln JOURNAL Published in "rChr.stmastmrn U.KA.Y Shelton, Waahin Legal Publications NO. 3117 NOTICI,: OF 1BALI," the RI,'.AL F,g'rAT. IN THE SUPEItI()I COUIUI' ()b' TilE STATE ()l v WASHINGTON FOR M A,q( )N C()[TNTY (in Proi)ale) In the M'aL1er of ihv (,'ond)Jnod E,q- lat*'s (,f F:ILIC O. GIIqRI!] .nd IA)I;lSG SI. Phone HA 6-3454. 33/12 tfi. (;II,'RI,L I¢oth 1),'(',,u>:('(l. Nt)TI(HC IS IIERIqI)Y (IVEN (hat SI('I(NIdSS Ii'()R('ES SAI,E --. 28(I ft. " .eNN F:. COItRI]A, iu i)is ('al)a(,ilv VVti|(.l'['l'i)ll[. ,'I i)'dr'(H)IH l|)od('l' ("g'- I :H III iri,'ql'a(oP of lh(' ,'lh()vo ('sltHI,,, (:('ill ]l(!ai, (d(h,r holll(! 2 wells f' it, W s,' nt )riyal(' .;ll O and. fill' cn.h f,'n('('(I, ('h'ar,!d. ()ulbuildi 4'. |111- Ii))')'sl(,,," llllq. F(,II w sign, at A t' le f()lh)win'A' descril)('(1 real (':q;ito: St.)'c. $12,500. $5,(X)0 (h,wtt. Tit(! N,)tqltcas[ (|uar|('r ,if the S()t Iwest qtlartcr (NI,') ,if SW' ) ........ II 8/6-13-20 in S,ct (,n Tidrt.v-one CH), T()wnship A]'PIt()XI=h-IATII,Y 6 ii:;ilV I'ir/)(I- Tw' tY ()) North, t.ane le, ulr t) with Cl'''k ',n I)htt'k|op, 1! 2 mile fl'oil V sl, "W M sit,tat '(i n M it*)I C(, n- city limits, Phi)n(: IlA 6:8,184, tY, State of Washlab"1on, , . ..... J 7/30 tfn h II , h ghost and br,st hM(ler, li(ls I.()VEI,Y FuItNisIiEi) (:i)mliaet two mustl), left be withSUl)ndlledthe admit!lstrah)rin wl:i}ing and at may 121 1)Plil'l)()lll ill'Ill(', (!(' ') 'r l it, 2136 I,au- S t It l',)urth Street, Shellc)n. Wash- r(,l Av(.., l)rived nl $6,500. Marian Ar- ington, Ilids wil I)(, rc('eved i}, (ale g*), R('altm', ())' H)ia FL 2-0323. Close to good new school. Check this property. Priced very reas- onable at $7950 with at least $2000 down. Owner may consider • t snlaller home on HiilcresL. 210 ft. on Lake Nahwatzel with vnr as (h,wn J)aynl(,nt. }"bone HA 6-t;871r 7/:{0_Lt 3 '( )U sA i,i-::::- (--)it,:-%;r/:.,,fi'-h; S87 oh'(:Irl(. }mat, come" l t, can be add- ed to, I-'h,)ne IIA 6-4389 after: 6 p.m. .................... S 6/18 tfn FOR SALE ...... --]5 UpTe x,'-8;ix28 q t ii - 10 (()Is. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone }IA 6-8150. N 7/23 tfn el' |]|*' salt'. The sale will he made m )r after Augu.'q 7, 1959. The udminislrator re-I tlu! rigilt tt) re.j('(' any und al! hhls, GLENN E. C()I¢.T'.I,,'A Adndnisl rater GLENN E. CORREA Att.rney for Eatales l-l).| l Rttilding 121 South Iotu'il r Street Shclton, Washingten 7/23-30-8/li-13 4t " 7/30 tfn well, several outbuildings and tt I,.(H  SAIA,,' ;Z Two ,2-r/)i;m b(,ustiS on 5 l]il'rllle drive frorll (.'it 3, cenlel', llilh'vest. Will hake good pick-ul) <,r i Legal Pubfications NO. 7627 SUM, MnN, BY PI:III,ICATION IN TH1,1 SUI'I,]TtlOR COIIIT el,' THE STATE Ole WASIt INflTON FOR MASON CftUNTY BETTY SOUT)IWICK. Plaintiff, vs. CARl, s(rI!TIIWIf?K, l)('ff,,n(lant. TIlE STATG ()I,' WASIIINGTC)N TO: CARl, S()UTHWI(?K, Defendant. Y()U ,X,E HE|?.EBY SIIIWbIONED to apl),'ar within sixty 460) days uftt,r lit*, dah' ,if lhe first" l>tll)lirati¢)n ()f this sut))nlons t(, wit: within sixty day :ll'h!r the 301h day of July, lind defcqd th,' nh,)ve eelilh,d acti,m in the ah(>ve entitled co)art and answer the cont- l)laint (,f the plaintiff an/.l s(,rv+! a c('I)Y d" .vour answer npon the uudersig'n(d ati(,rnoy for (ile ltl)rinliff at llis office i),'h)w slated; arrd ill taxi; (If your fail- I.II'O SO tO dl), ,jtldgnlo(li will Ie rPn- de)'ed ag:dnst yon hi.cording i,) the de- )llltrld (if the eOml:,laint, wtlich lilts bcen fil,'d witl ibm, clerk of said con).t. The object of (his acth>n i)y phtintiff is Io obtain It de(,re(, of dive)roe front the de/'(qrdalrt /)11 the gr'c)rtllds o[' CI'IJ- city and personal irrdignities. S/ C. T. tIATTEN AtU)rn,Lv for Plaintiff Offi,.e and P. O. Addrvss: 1 (h,v,'v Building Sh el t (-,it, Washing(on t)]u,ne: ItA 6"809230-8/6-13-20-27-9/37/ 6t No. 3072 about 800 ft. on oiled road, home XTI;i.R-SNT------E- _ Spen-c- with fnll basement, llas about 4 Lake. Year around )r sUmnmr llv= int. 9 miles from Shelton. :00 ft. acres of land with some timber, frontage. 3 bedrooms electric heat, 2 Located on sheltered cove., fireplaces. }tA 6-894.' H 7/2 tfn , F0R SALF, : sa'e-lqfic-lo-0-6-n|i|r-i: [ corner Cascade and Mason. 0x15. Herbert G. Angle i Terms. o,. win ¢o.lder trade on ] lale model est. 5103 N,E. Fremont, Phone HA. 6-g272 [ Portland 13. Oegon. F 6/4 tfn ............... ', . :' TE. 7-5265. ic6/4tfn n PROPERTIES PRICE REDUCEO • . • On this very comfortable 2 bedroom home. El- eetricaUy heated, it haa a dining room, roomy kit- chen with breakfast nook, attached garage and fully fenced corner lot. Now only $7,950. $250 down FHA. WANT TO LIVE DOWNTOWN? . • • Then this 2 bedroom home with large li¢lng room, fireplace, dining area, might be Just the place for you. Dependable hot water heat, insulated, and ' new roof. A very fair buy at $8,500 and ownet- will carry contract after low down payment. Better investigate this one today. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 ACRES, 2 MILI:'S . . . This very attractive 4 year old has just about cverything. Hardwood floors throughout, large liv- ing room with beautiful fireplace, mahogany built-in book cases, large dining room, a very practical kit- chen and utility. Loads of closet and storage space. Garage with excellent workshop. Price is truly a steal at only $11,000. Conventional financing. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM • • . This is a better thal average larger home with fireplace, dining room, wall to wall carpeting', base- .ment with good automatic forced air furnace. On fenced corner lot. Full price $:[3,500 and owner will carry contract. Leavhg us soon. WANT SECLUSION? . . . Then this charming 1 bedroom cottage near Totten Shores will give it to you. On 2 large lots, it "has a wonderful garden and an excellent well. Priced at $5,500 and owner will carry contract. You must ,e it to appreciate its value. 4 BEDROOM, 5 YEARS OLD, MT. VIEW . . . Owner being" transferred and must sell his very attractive Mt. View home. Lovely fireplace, built-in mahogany book cases, hardwood floors, birch kit- chen, 1 baths, and many more plus features to make this a very desireable purchase at $16,500. $750 will handle FHA. SQHOOL WILL START SOON . . . This 3 bedroom home with fireplace, dining room, all on one floor is located near Bordeaux. Can be yours for only $8,,950 with $300 down. Just the thing loT' the larger family. EXCEPTIONAL VIEW LOT... Beautiful view of the whole Olympic range, the bay and the city. 300 feet deep with very gentle slope, ideal for daylight basement home. Price is $1,250.00• WATERFRONT REALTY Call HA. 6-8535 Anytime 226 No. 1at SOME EXCELLENT BUYS! HERE'S A REAL BUY IN A 4 BEDROOM HOME[ • • • And it has 2 baths, sewing room, fireplace, and full base- ment. Only $7500 with $500 down $50/month. Hurry! ATTRACTIVE ANGLESIDE HOME ON 2 LOTS • • • This comfortable 2 bedroom home is nicely landscaped and has dandy garden, fruit trees, and berriee. Large garage and workshop. $9450. Call Mr. Huldcr. A CUTE DOWNTOWN 2 BEDROOM HOME • . . Fairly new home which has attractive fireplace with raised hearth, clean electric heat, small yard. Ideal for those wanting to live within walking distance of work and" atoru. $700, 2 BEDROOM HOME IN 8OUTH HILL AREA . • • Recently ldecorated and a very comfortable home for a modest price of only $4950 with $500 down $50/month. $800 DOWN ANI) THIS IDEAL HOME IS YOURS • • • Has 2 spacious bedrooms, bath has tub and separate tiled stall shower, kitchen is lovely with breakfast bar and many built-ins, 2-car garage, fine neighborhood, and near school. $9450 FHA terms. WANT TO LIVE IN THE "BANANA BELT"? • • • Out at Grapeview there is less rain and more sunshine, and the air is so fresh from the Sound. We have one of the ni0est 4 bedroom homes there with lovely view of mountains and water. So many fine features . . . grapes, fruit, etc. $15,000. NEWLY PAINTED AND NEAT AS A PIN . . . Here's a good 4 bedroom family home. The 2 upstairs bed- rooms are just what boys like. Nie fireplace, well-kept yard with berries and fruit. $7500. A LOVELY WATERFRONT HOME . . • For graoious living this 2 bedroom home on Totten Inlet with 180' bulkheaded frontage is just ideal. I.vely view from all 'windowe, 2 fireplaces, triple plumbing, cocktail lounge, hot water heat, 2-car. garage, nicely landscaped: About 12 minutes drive from Shelton. By appointment only. $2.50 DOWN BUYS A DANDY PHILLIPS LAKE LOT ... And the balance at $25/month--total $1595. You'll really enjoy this spot--ideal for cabi]a, vimming, fishing, etc. HAVE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED WATERFRON'P ON ARCADIA SHORE AND BEACH TRACerS. Call Mr. Hulder A. ROY DUNN ÁALYÙR Phone HA 6-6300 • Title Insuranoe Bldg NO. 3tfl NOTICE TO CItE|lITeRs NOTICI ] OF HEARING ON FINAL IN THE sUPERIOR COUItT OF THE' IEPORT AND PETITION FOK I)INTHIBL'TION STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE MASON coUNTY In the Matter' of the Estate of Lonnie STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY H P letnons Deceased ; " ;'' '=--ons "is the .... '-'^' In tire Matter of the Estate of rsrne[ Yl. -kle;" I MUIZlt¢ • ' and qualified Executrix of sai' eatate [ JAMIS A. HOWARTH, JR., Deceased. I-'" =-t--,n claims e',.ains*' s ":1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that All I)erso11 IIv  . g . u . uU , . a e .... uired to -/.) ..... ] Irma .q Howarth the Ex eutrlx of tile EleCt lSeU al'e l'tq  * ',' tll ' " " • - "" "e -'ul- ve 'ifie  --l estate of Jmnes A. Howartb Jr de- saule In 12tl Ileal. u y .r El, Oil S '  ' ' .- ..^ .(.{1 , her attorney -),,.* (:est. ed. has file4 with the Clerk of said ,salu lxr,,', ,,- ,v, --,, ...... e' " I' " I ( " f r • u.. a...., *he o,¢,),,,s ),,h,,, o*-+-d Court h r tlnal +pot lad p *tithm o ana"" ''.he'u+t2,.,. ....=-,)e wilh .... the C'let-,.. of ] dlstrlhutlon. , asking tit(', Court to set-I o.a o .... , * .... )her with m'oof of -,,eh tie and approve t!m same, to distribute ] ...... .'.'"'-*-"*..'.'( month's .¢e,.'Th'. the properly to the per'sins thereto en- ] • " ' - • ..-_.:- . ,, .,., ..... -.. titled and to diseharge said Ex,eut'lx date of fll'St pnnllctttlu,l ,)X tltl ,IOtlCt!, .,2 ........ ....... ' ...... k" :. "" '" ' harre-' ur*Cr, . l("u'J.'ltw, tl.tvJN taat I t)r tee sanre WJl I )2¢" %&" S ra,', .,¢ ;=) md)licalion. Jnlv  .aid final report and p)tltion for [S- .,,, ............ ' ....... tribution will be hem'd on Friday, the [ tu.)v. GARNET M. PLEMONS, 28th day of August, 1959. st tlu: hour =.0,,,,,. ,, ,0 o,:,o,:. ,,, .,. ,,,,. =,. ,. ='-veraJ ]h) hmiJies C,:,urtroom of said Com't in Simlton, i Rogte 1, Box 550, Shelton, Washingtou, Wash. DATED THIS 27th da of 3"uly, 1959. ROBERT L. SNYDER at Law HARRY DEYETTE Mason County Clerk ===" ='°'" Host Visitors Washington. 7/23-30-8/6-13-4t Govey Building Shelton, Wahingto Attorney for Execturlx CALL FOR BIDS (SEAL) 7/30-8/6-13-20 4t += .. = ,o,r00 o, .,. a'w'z ',atet Directors. North Mason Consolidated No. 3137 Mt N Sehool District on the following: NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO To Nell: North Minion Athletic Field. PRE.INT AND FILE CLAIM, • Bidder will supply the equipment IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE O1 WASHINGTON FOR By Mary Dawson and the labor and remove from desig- MASON COUNTY LAKE NAHWATZEL.---Lt. Col. hated area approximately 1400 yards (In Probate) of top soil. Soil will be moved from pit In the Matter of the Estate of D. T. and Mrs. Win, B. Watson and are approximately one quarter mile MORROW. Dec(rased. children, Dick and Susan, all of to the sile of the North-Mason ath- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Seattlel visited a few days last letic field. Material will be spread by the undersigned, Vivian Harper has trtick to an approximate dept of six been appointed and has qualified as week here at the home of Mr. a)d inch)s. Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- Mrs. Lawrence Hanson. They All brush, tree., stumps, roots en- ment and of the estat of D. T. Mof left for home on Sunday. countered in th( digging shall be row, deceam, d; and that all persons piled by the bidder in piles approxi- having" claints against the said estate MR. AND MRS. John Durbin mately en feet high suitable for burn- or the said deceased are hereby re- of Auburn, Wash., arrived Mon- Jng. " Top soil will be brtLh free, rock quired to serve the same duly verified day at the home of Mr. and MrK free and as neat" as possible root frec in duplicate with the necessary vouch- ers attactmd, upon the undersigned lx- Lawrence Hansen for a few days' when delivered to site of ati, letic ftehL ecutrix or' her Attorney or rcord at visit. Bidder must tour site of athletic, the law office of B. Franklin Heuston, field, pit site area, etc. with a school Angle Building. Shelton, Waahington. Thursday dinner gueats of Mr. district representath'e who will gve and file such claims together with an( Mrs. Archie Kelly were Mr. all pertinent facts not given in this proof of servi,e with the Clark of th and Mrs. Ralph Pauley and faro- bid call. above entitled Court within six (6) ALTERNATE BID No. 1 nnmths sft(rr the date of the first pub- iiy of 8helton, Rannie Kjellman Alternate bid No. 1 will })e taken on llcation of this notice, to-wit: 8 Aagust and Mr, and Mrs. "Hank" Chappell the moving of al)proxinmtcly 2600 1959, or all claims not so presented aud and family of Matlock. yards of top soil froth pit area des- f(led will be forcver barred. ignated above and material ntoved to VIVIAN I-IARPER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Menden- athletic field and sprcad where des- Execatrix of said Estate hall of Nahwatzel, Mrs. Joe Wat- ignated to a depth of approximately Ad, drem: 1412 Fairbanks ers (Elsie Krieger) and daughter six inches. Specifications as set down Yaklma, Wash. in general bid will be folh)wed. B. IRANKLIN HEUSTON of eattle, Mrs, Hank Chappel All bids must be delivered to the Attorney for said Estate and Shorty, Jane and Steve of board office on or before the 19th day Angle Bldg., Sbell•n, Wash. Matlock and Miss Gloria Pauley of August 1959 at which time they will 8/6-13-20-27 t of Shelton gathered at the Archie I)e opened and bid or bids awardPd. Bidder must cotnpleD the Job on or NO. 319 Kelly home for a birthday dinner bef(,re the 8th day ,)f Septc,nbtr. 1959. NOTICE TO CICEI)ITOR, in honor of David Kelly. A penalty of $30.00 will be levied on IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OIa' THE bidder after the 8th day (,f September. STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND Mr. and Mrs. Ralph IIilligoss Specifications available in /3elfair Sclmol Office. FOR MASON(InCOUNTYProt,ste) ...... of Eureka, Calif, called oil Mr. The Board of Directors, North $,Ia- In the Matter Of lhe Estate of El" and Mrs. L,ee Dawaon one day last son Consolidated School District re- NEST CAItLSON, Leecased. 'week. serves the right to rejvct arty and all Notice is hereby glw, n that the un- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne De Nune bids. derslgned have been appointed and ltENRY AUSTIN. Clerk bav, qualified as Executrices. of the and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth De North Mason Cons. School Dist. Estate of Ernest Carlson, deceased; Nttne have moved from the resort Bclfair, Washington 8/13 It that all persons having clahns against to a home at Tahuya. sai$1 deceased are herby requh'ed to Mr. and Mrs. William Cra'wley NO. 126549 ser'e tlae same, duly verified, on said  No'r[c¥; OF 4ALE OF Ex,cutriees, nr their attorneys of rec- of Spanaway were weekend guests REAL EITAT ,trd at the address below stated, and at the home of their daffghter and IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR fib: the same with the Clerk of said son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Everett KING COUNTY Court, together with proof of such In the Matter of .the Guardianship service: Within six molttbs after the Wagner. of REUBEN JASPERSON. an lncoat- date of fh'st publication of this notice, SUN DA'Y GUESTS at the home petent, or the santo will be barred, of Mr'. and Mrs. Ken Zillyette NOTICE IS HREBY GIVEN thmt Date of first publication August 6, Llllian Jasperson, in her capacity as 1959. were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peter- the above guai'dianship LILLIAi C. SHELDON man, Pinky Halverson and Gen- etate, wut sell at public sale and for ESTHE&R C. MAURY eva Bridges, all of Aberdeen. cash the following described real es- Executrices of said Estate tate: " " 202-206 Security Building Roy Anderson returned to his Tract 7, Patrieia Beach No. 2 includ- Olympia, Washington home near Matl0ck Monday fol- ing second ('lass tide lab:is, .as con- PEBBLES AND SWANSON lowing a vacation trip that took veyed by the State of Washington, Attorneys for Estate situate In front of, adjacent to or" 202-206 Security Building htm as far south as San Diego. abutting upon the upland, according Olympia, W#hiagton 8/6-13-20 t Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm to the official plat thereof, recordel : ., in Volume 4, of Plats, page 37. in NOTICF. OF PUBLIC ]tkh%RING [ and Marine Land were among the the office of the Auditor of Mason NOTICE IS ,HEREBY GIVEN, that I interesting places he visited. Real County, Washington. Located in Ma- pursuant to resolution adopted by the I hot down south, too, seys Roy. so County. Washington. Port of Shelton acting bF and through I Mr. arid Mrs. Ralph B. Pigg and to the highest and best bidder. That its Board of Commiseioners. a public [ son,.( Maury, of.Seattle visited on the sale will be had at the front door hearing will be held relative to tlc | of the Masntt County Courthouse, purchase from the United States Gov-] Saturday at the home.of the for- Shlton, Washington, at 11:00 a.m. On ernment of the Surplus Naval Depot mer's mother, Mrs, Lee E. Daw- Wedneaday, August 28, 1959. The located Northeast of Shelton, in 4ee- son, guardian reserves the right to reject tions 4, 5, 8 and 9, ToWnship 20 North, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allan and any and all bids. Range 3 W. W. M.. in Mason County, S/LILLIAN JABPERSON Washington and containing 406 acres daughter of Raymond are spend- S/WILLIAM L. IUTCHINS more or leu. Puhase is to be at fair ing this week at the resort. 5705 20th AvenueN.W. market value and when completed the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fry of Oak- Seattle 7. Washington area is to be declared and developed Attorney for.Petitioner 6/6-13-20 6t as an Industrial Development District ridge, Ore, were weekend guests aS provided by statute. At the fore- ,at the home of the latter's sort US]- CS' . , going hearing the cornmission shall and daughter,in,law, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Painter. Iear the learns of any taxpayer in the port district, for or against said puFchase trod declaration. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Diggle, Jr., 1930 MODEL "A" $50.00. 2 wheel trail- Said Public Hearing will be held in and daughter have moved into one er with stock rack $25.00. Ray Col- the Mason County Courthouse in Shel- lins. Phone HA 8-8/]88. C 8/13 ton. Washingtoth August 25, 1959 at of the cabins at the resort. They F'-()' _-. r'p'-t-tl-_. &:00 o'clock P.M. have been living in a trailer house Phone uelon 41L If 7f2tfn Date of first publication August 16, near Matloek. Welcome to our ...... ,  1989. (AHTNC)Army Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth L. LaMent (right) of Shelton, Wash., re,elves congratulation-and a letter of appreciation from Lt. Col. Herbert L. Haberstroh) dire,tel of the.. U.S. Army Ordnance School's Material Training Division, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. LaMent was commended for out- standing service as chief instructor of the divisien's msckinist seotion. The 30-year-old warrant bffle.,er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. LaMent, Star Route 2, entered the Aemy in Ap:il 1946. He is a 1946 graduat¢ of Dav|d MscKenzte High School, Detroit, Mich. (U.S. Army plbto.) Ch" t" ' serv no rm mn Science Ice An unced The spiritual relationship of God from the Bible present thea and man will. be set forth in the'. veres from: ps)dms (63:1,2): "Q Lesson,Sermon entitled. "Soul" at i God, tl!ol art ll0y God; early will hristiarr Science services Sunday, j I ssek .thee: my oul thirsl:eth for opening selections to be read thee, my ftetlh, longeth for thee hi a dry and thirsty land, where nO water is; To see thy power an thy glory, sp, as I have seen thee m the. smcuary." From ':Selence and Health wltll Key to the Sriptures" bF Mary ddy, this citation will be read (1£0,:6): "Boul, or Spirit, i| God, unchangsable and eternal[ and man €oexists with and re, fleets Soul, God, for man is Ood' image?' Ths Golden Tt is also fron Psalms (99:9): :"Exalt the Lord our God, and worahip at his holy hill; for the Lord our God is holy. "; tlavkl% l)hur=h (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar 6treetg Rsv, R01Nrt Bnner Eohollb Vioae JULY AND AUGUST: Sunday---8 a.m.--Saint David's. Sunday--9:30 a.m.--Saint An- drew's (Alderbrook). Pa FllIIT CHIIIt, ITIAN (HIltCH i,ewis E. Whitney, Pastor l)hone HA (;-3101 Bible school and Sundny school clnsses are held each Sundsy at 9:45 a,m., followed by tie m,)rI- ing worship at 10:55, with nursery services available for lhose wish- ins them. Vesper services are held f)'Olrt 7 LO 8 p,l't), Stlll(lt 3" evc)lill. The elders will be in charge of the church affairs for tiae nexl tw(:) weeks in tile a|)s,,nce of the minister. Next Sunday,, ]]ruce Schwarck will tn'irg the morning message and John Spiker will speak in the evening. Ladies Missionary meeting will be held on Angust 1.8 at 8 p.m. in the home of £X)ris P, egley, The In- ('lies sre reminded of the dish tow- el shower for the clhlrch. The Pug(t Sound area prea('ll- ing rally is scheduled for Salut:'- day, eptember 12, at I,incoh( Park in Taconm. Grove Men's nteet at the Cot- tago t3rove !n Oregon, will be heht heKInning Vednesday evening Au- gust 26 through 29. The Christian education conven- tion will be at the West Seattle Christian church, October 4 5, 6, for teachers and workers. FIRST BAPTIST CilURCIi Rw. E. C. Kimutz, l'at(r Phone HA 6-8481 Eunday ,e.hooi classes for the family are h e 1 d each Sunday morning af 9:45 a.m. WotShil .) services are 8:30 and 11 a.m. Jrn- ior church for primary age g'roups 'and nttrsery services are available :for those Wishing them. Junior, Junior High, and Senior High youth meetings are hld each Sunday evening followed by the evening service at 7:30. Mid- week Bibl study is held eat:h Wednesday evening at 7;30. Coming events include the Homebuilde.r mnorgasb6rd :dinner at Mr. a(l Mrs. Byron Deffin- baughs, August 18. Tle youth swim time and progre,,mtve bont party Aulust 21. Men's retreat at Dudley August 28-30 and Fisher- men's club trip to We)tport Sep- tember 12. First Chridian Ohuroh "New Testament Christianity  Lewis E. Whitney, MInisteP Odd Fellows Hall ECOND STREET Bible School 9t45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ts 9:00 p.m. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Full-Gospel In Message-Fundamental in Doctrine 130 East Pine St. Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School (classes for aH ages) ...... : ..................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ......................................................................... ] 1:00 a,m. Christ's Ambassadors .............................................................. 6:00 p.m. Revival Service .............................................................................. 7:00 p.m. Listen to REVIVALTIME, Sunday, 10:30 p;m. KIRO FISHERMEN'S CLUB P,U.D. AUDITORIUM , 3RD & COTA 9:15 a.m. Coffee time. 9:30 s.m. 0uest I@eaker-- RALPH IK)WEN, State Auditor's Department 10:00 e.m.Blbls )tudy ; / i i,Vlll _ FAITII LUTliEMI I]111111811 Ik)venth 8, Frenklln St=, .-. J, Bernhard Brethatmi Pastor Sunaay q01, $:a0 a.m. 'Sundy W0hlp 8:I a,m. tnd 11 a.m. Mid,week lwle--Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m. ! "  , : ..... , . ,, ,,,, ',, , ,,, ..... -:- ........... :':'',.: '' IIIIl[]lr' '1 , I ........ TEtE IIETHODlaT 9iiLqi6M ; North 4th, and Pine Streets L ; i RORT R, ,R3Qf. Mlni,ter Meel#t@ Wohlp 8;30 an# 11;00 a.m. ..... i .... i Ohroh $cNo01 :4, a,m. BY OWNER -- 1957 Plymouth 2 door Board of Commissioners for the Port "Nahwatel" community, kids, sedan, std. sl)ift, 6 cylinder, low of Shelton. MR. AND MRS. Bud McK/nzie mileage. Excellent eondltio. Phoae By (]eorge Nichols, secretary, of Portlartd, Ore., visited here HA 6-2057.' )C /9 tfn . 8/13-20 2t OF 00IBItR; 00OIEIITIST .... 1948-'9'-H-VROL[' lianel In gbod con- over the weekend with Mr. and dition with good fire tot' . Good NOTII OF WATER ltGHT Mrs. Win. Wright and Bill Mc- [[ 1 AId St., Shelter. Wash,. ; I bed ._H_A 6-386. " E 8/6-13 STAT &P)P#CATION NO. 11/7 , Kinzie. t ' TON 1941 "C'-507}" • O WASHINGTON, OFFICE Mrs. Joe Waters and daughter [| l!Ild oOt 9:30 a.rn. (lrch 11 tim, : 'i | cash. Henry Rogers, 220 So, vl. OF'SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- Phone ,HA 6-206. ' R $/13-0 SOURCES. OLYMPIA of Seattle spent the weekend here )| Wednday evening tetimony meetings 8 p.m. = TAKE NOTICE: That Albert O. v|sitlng wlth Mr. and Mrs. Robert ll Redi, E nmm lttl L ohurclt, p. om hout 2 I • Mendenhall.. [I 4 p.n  &  e4. ,aning 6:45 to 7:45, ,: : : | - LosT-FOUND !'et, ol  *elte., W.shion o JUly , :19; tiled appIJe.atio for per= Int to dlVSrt the punltc Wlters 0r Friday and Saturday overnliht I' .... LOST -- O Canal. Saturday evening, Towne Creek trbu(a of Oaklmnd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tvelt ] blue paddle board wlth black No. 17 Bay. In tbc am0uht Of 0.01 seeoId foot, were Robert C. Berber and Ken- II FIIIST BAPTIST OHIIllCH I on bow. Reward. Call HA 6-6559 subJeet to existing rights, continuoqs- nath Johnson of Washouga|, Wash, dayUme. HA 6-4224 evenings, ly each year for the purpose of dohl- ' Mc 8/6-13 I eatlc supply; that the approximate Mr. and Mrs, Allan Hickscn and LOST on Hood CaroM)8 ft.---l point of dl, ersion is !ocate4 within cllldren enjoyed an overnight brown, nzne of "Wee Willy". Call I I.ot , BlOck $, Shelton'm Third Addl- ctmping tlflp last Friday on ,t,he 5th &iOot L , Rev, E. ¢, Kn0ut0, P0stoe ttA 8-6'262. Mc S/-_] tlo to the Town ot Sbelton ot Section beach at Oyehut. On Sunda F they EVERY SJN:DAY ..... MasonT°WnShlPcounty. 20 N.. Range 3 W.W.M., all attende the, Simpson loggers' $i445 a,m, SUIIa,] ttcb{ml MISCELLANEOUS Any objections must be.accompanied picnic 'at Mason Lake. ,. 8:30 e.d 11=00 a;m. Mornl,g W0h,p by a two dollar ($2,00) recording fee '  ---------- ' " ' and filed with the SMite Supervisor of Mrs. Dennis Reed, Steve and 8:30 p.m. Yoqth 'Goupg. Three Deli#tments. W.ILL TIADE 25-35 Sport carbine water Resurce Wlhl thirty (30) loberta Qnd Mrs. Clifford Ford 7;30 p,m. vsninG rvice of inspiration1, rifle with 1  boxe shelljL belt axe days from August 20, 199. left last Friday for a few days' and knife for good 12 ft. boat, strip- Wltnes my hand and official seal built m'. veneer. Phone Ho0dsport this 61st d&yof J'ulF 199. visit with relatives in eastern TRT"5434, NeilM. Vance, LlllIwaup, M.. WALKER Washington, MT VI[W ALUAIIOE C HUItCH :: Wash. 8/13 tfn State Supervisor of Water Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harper and TO GIVE AWAY -- Male kitten 2 Re, sources Howard Marrow of Yakima were months old. Phone HA 6-4157. (SEAL) 6/13-20 2t • S 8/6 tfn at the lak a few days last week. NO. 3tllS LEE E. Dawson and son, Eddie, Washington & J Sts. Eugene Breld, Pastor LA88IFIED SERVICE so,lc TO ¢IZIDITORS left Sunday on a camping t,p .... IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF T E Sunday. School 9:45 a.m. -  ST'ATE O .7¢.&SHINGTON FJR that will take them to Ozette Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 ,m. ACCORDION prlvate eases tn your MASON COUNTY Lake, Ruby Beach all other in- A.Y.F. 8:30 p.lql. home. Stancato National School of In the Matter of the Estat of teresting spots around the I)op. " ........................................... .................................... Accordion. Mrs. Casada, phone HA JAMES F. MAHAFFEY. Deceased. Evening SePviee (Jeten Sisters Concert) .................... 7:30 p,.t. 6-6']. 1/1 ttn   , , . .......................................... .... . ..... '_._LL.. Mid-week service Wednesday 7:30 pint, Violet E. Mahaffey is the appointed rRES TOIFID, tetralmaa. W. and qualified Executrix of satd estate. I.rrY'S Tree Surgeon Service, H.A. IAII persons having claims against sald -J ::-t_ 'J ......... ,-- EVERYONE WELCOME ._6". , /18tfnJ deceased are required to serve the  A lieS[ (- R.]I'II, Ifl6wa i, Nl( wsef" lul -;same In duplicate, duly verified, on tlOl. Gual'ltll. lloaa  9/t17. I said Ex,cutrix or her attorney, Robert [ L. Snyder at the address beh:)w stated J and file the same with the Clerk of d.,: ,: 00,',such ,,°,ice, w,thln .i, mont,s a,ter MT. 0LI00 LUTHEItAN 0H00q@H erffreela dLwest tNle, Inc. , notiee, or the )ame will be barred. 'fli: ) T t=e, O'rllil k ]the date of flr.t publication of this 'Sclz00lule for Jtme, Suly and Mckinley, Shelton, {0.0 YI .It. - . - -- i2tf- [ 'WaShin ton - .................... ROBERT L. NIER WORSHIP 8ERVI(E &ND 6UNDAY SCHOOL : rap,ms,morn, I;mn ., ,® .. Govey Btlildlng Shel'ton, Washlnon 8/]3-20"27-/ lt /' Wedaeda¥, A,F,'l)peR-"5}16"tf!l" " ' -";::::" :":== '' - r ,I,