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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18 Skilled TV Repairs By Top Technicians Only the tops In TV service oan guarantee the best in picture enjoyment, Let us provide both for you. Just Call On t LEROY'S SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Hoodsport Community Church Sends Children to Panhandle Bible Camp nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab. subjects at hand ready to serve them. Judging from the sched- ule, Queen Andrea was on the go fr)m very early until quite late working to represent Mason confl- tYThis was the second year that the Mason County Forest Festival Queen has attended Seafair as visiting royalty. It is an added experience that any queen would enjoy. The presence of our regal queen was added frosting for I sored by Rayonler Incorporated I and Simpson Logging Company, in connection with the Keep Grays Harbor Green committee. When you visit the fair, please stop and see us. One nore small brush five last  Saturday, August 8, brought the total number of fires so far this year to 21 with 8.1 acres burned. This compares to 55 fires and 41.6 spending this week at Lake Pan- handle attending the Bible Camp. They are joining groups from churches in Shelton, Olympia, and Skokomish Valley. Teachers from here include Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Bates, Mrs. A. Scott, and Mrs. Erling Eastgard. The children range in age from eight years old through the seventh grade. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Addleman, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Addleman and Dwight, and Sharon Robin- son, of Tacoma traveled to Swiss- home, Oregon where they spent several days visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Addleman. Miss Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, and niece of the Addleman's has been spend- Television Servl ing a week visiting in Hoodsport.  She will leave Friday for New : MT. VIEW York and then will go to Germany where she will be an exchange student for her senior year in high 2218 Olympic Hlway No. PHONE HA. 6-3172 Smedldq mm,...e @ L=,k Msme ekQm which we kepe ye, ,rill Mn7 w i yN dwsW; tkey My ']* kokk; #ks se e4 s beplF Mey yew L,I, M* d=go Cka kdng 1Mm : INN# glowing &r.m d ' bepp|neea Ose Lecky Merde Ckarm vHI be fovMI b 4,ler d  o Im, H,Hom  eeaouncomewt MmpJe4 Let our society editor w -ddbt. THE JOURNAL DIAL 6-4412 school. She has prepared for the trip by taking several years of high school German as well as a Summer school course In Conver- sational German. Denny O'Nefl tm home for a month's leave at the William Gil- bert's after finishIng a Pacific tour on the U.S.S. Ranger. He will return to his ship in San Fran- cisco for duty in California. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stout and family, of seattle, were visitors in the Otto Radtke home. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Scott have returned from a trip which took them as far south as Aden, Cal- ifornia, where they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parrett and family. They al vis- ited other friends along the way, only missing a stay at Roseburg, Oregon on the night of the ex- plosion by a change of plans. Andy also enjoyed trying the fish- lng in all the good looking spots they saw. M AND MRS. Jim Shumate and daughters and a friend, of Olympia, spent the weekend at their home in Hoodsport. Drop-in guests in the Kenneth Connelly home were his cousin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pratt, of Olympia, who were on their way for a cantping trip at Elk Lake. Mrs. Art Indahl traveled to Mount Vernon to get her son, Ter- ry who has spent two months vis- iting relatives. He also visited In the home of Mrs. Walter Andrus, in Marblemount, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Sutton, in Rockport. Mr. and Mrs. George Borovesky and daughter, Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jarvis enjoyed a Sunday picnic in the cabin home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kokrine on Big Creek. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Thwaites enjoyed a week's visit of their son d faintly, of Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams, and Buck Reed, of Retail were callet in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Kokrine, on Wednesday. MR, AND MRS. Jim Howard and family, of Northridge, Cali- fornia are spending two weeks visiting in the home of Mr. ana Mrs. W. G. Mohrmann. A nephew, Butch Klein, of Los Angeles, also accompanied the Howards on le 00D-SUMMB CLr00IIAHCE OF 00TERIA00, T00LS, EQUIPME00, AND GARDEN NPPUES LIMITED SUPPLIF- WHILE THEY LAST Long Handled, round pointed Shovels ............ $2.50 4-lb., single bit Axes .................. $3.50 Bernz-o-matic Torches ............. $9.95 50-ft. length plastic Garden Hose .... $3.25 &-lnc.h 4' x 7' exterior plywood $2.95 panel %-in. 4'x 8' random planked V mahogany Plywood Paneling .... $105 mbf 2"x 6" V T & G Hemlock Car Decking .... $129 mbf 80-rod reels Barbed Wire .... $6.95 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray and daughters spent the weekend vis- iting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nye and family, in Vancou- ver, Washington. They enjoyed a ball game between Portland and Phoenix, and a visit to the Oregon Centennial Exposition. The eighth birthday of Cheryl Rennet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Renner, was celebrated at a luncheon party for the eight Brownie Scouts in her grade. The girls enjoyed a lunch which fea- tured hot dogs as well as cake and ice cream. A walk to Lake Cushman was followed by a swim in Standstill Lake, supervised by Denny Sandvig. Girls who enjoyed the party as well as the prize Brownie combs given to each of them, were Jody Cnmb, Kim Mi- chaels, Debbie Rollevson, Winnie Tweed, Darleen Gray, Peggy How- ard, Mary Anne Engels, and Jeanne Peterson. Mrs. Sid Jarvis and Mrs. Hen- ry Kokrine spent several days of last week visiting in Seattle and enjoying the Seafair activities. While there they were guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Busche, sister of Mrs. Jarvia. Ron- nie Busche returned home with them to Hoodsport where he is spending several weeks visiting in  the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis, and Mr. and Mrs. George Boro- vesky. Mrs. Mabel Ferris and Dick, of Tacoma, were visitors in the Em- ery Winters home on Sunday. They enjoyed a picnic In the Duckabush River area. Overnight guests in the Carl Lee home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benson and family, of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dailey and Jimmy, of Skokomish Valley shared a beach picnic with Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winters, Jr. on Sunday. The occasion was the birthday of Jim Dailey. The group enjoyed a boat ride across the canal during the day. " II[L AND MRS. Johnson, and Hazel Haines, of Texas spent sev- eral days visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Carpenter. Miss Haines and Mrs. Carpenter taught school together in Texas. While here the visitors enjoyed a side trip to Victoria. Other re- cent visitors in the Carpenter home were Mr. and Mrs. Golmer Brewer, of Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison DeVoe and family took several short trips this week. One day was spent at Hurricane Ridge. Steph- en Evans and Tom Riker accom- panied the DeVoe's on a trip to Twin Harbors State Park on the ocean beach. Sunday guests in the home 9 Mr. and Mrs. William Ing were Major and Mrs. John Davis and friends, of Fort Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barger, of Oregon, were visitors in the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Anderson, of Lake Cushman. Other guests were Mr. and Mxs. Dan Tough, of Toledo, Oregon who came to get Heidi and Danny, who had spent a week visiting with their cousins, the young Andersons. Mrs. Jack Rodman, David, and Jenny, of Sbelton, are spending the week visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Scott. Captain and Mrs. William Con- ners and four children spent sev- erI weeks visiting in the home of Mrs. L. M. McEvoy. They also vis- ited other relatives In the area, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DiUon, Mrs. Lulu Hunting, and Mr. and Mrs. JemT Dillon, of Agate. The Con- ners traveled by boat from An- chorage, Alaska, where he has been stationed for four years. They had arranged for delivery of a new car and trailer here and will travel to Tennessee and then to Mitchell Field, Long Island, where he will spend the next four years. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Llndgren had just returned to their home in Mossyrock, Washington, after a month's stay in the Sid Jarvis home here, when he had an emer- gency appendectomy. He is con- fined to a Chehalls hospital. SIX EXPLORERS of Hoodsport Post 11 enjoyed their first try at a hole in one at the Bayahore Golf Club this week as AdviSor Ray Peterson and Norman Gray intro- duced them to the game. The group included Jim Brown, Jim Smith, Mary and Vic Barley, Ger- ald Jasper, and Harold Young. =_ No. 1 Farm Chain Saw B8 low $169so • 3-pc. (lavatory, closet, tub) 8' x 7' overhead Bathroom Set $136.95 (with hardware) NBW White -- Gallon : Garage oors $51.95 HOMELITig House Paint .... $3.95 0-oot • Unstained cedar Extension --m-. Shakes ...... $12.50 sq. Cords ................ $2.50 0. up for homo improv ont 5o Oee • free domomtml qmhie ginwoal INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY 1ST & PINE ST. PHONE HA 6-4393 SAEGER MOTOR SHOP H I LLC R EaT Phone HA 6-4602 Andrea Kneeland, 1959 Forest Festival Queen, was a guest ot honor at Seattle's Seafair last week along with 38 other visiting queens. Queen Andrea also at- tended in her role as Queen of Keep Washington Green. As Queen of Keep Washington Green, Andrea rode on the Keep Washington Green float in two parades, one being the Grand Pa- rade on Saturday, August 1, where her float received the judges prize or cond place in the en- tire parade. The long float carried the theme "Smokey's Birthday." A very much alive Smokey sat near the back on a stump waving to all. Behind him were modernistic fi- berglass trees. Queen Andrea sat in front of Smokey with a large birthday cake to her left. Small children with birthday hats were there to celebrate the party. Even Smokey's animal friends from the woods were there in lifelike real- ity. The float was a popular par- ade entry to old and young alike. From the children who shouted, "Smokey, Smokey, Smokey," to the adults who appreciated its beauty, the float won enthus- iastic approval from the crowds as it passed. Participating in the parades was only a small part of Queen An- drea's busy schedule. On one par- ticular day, along with the other queens, she had breakfast with the Commodores. Then she attended the University District Kiddies Parade. Lunch was at Fort Law- ton followed by a tour of the base. In the afternoon they had sea- plane rides from Lake Union. That evening, our yoking queen, fresh as a daisy, attended the Corona- Lion Ball. Other exciting moments were meeting the celebrities  Blng Crosby, Phil Harris, and Bob Hope. We always thought queens were allowed to sleep late with their Smokey's birthday cake. Who could refuse such a lovely remind- er to "Keep Washington Green?" * * $ KEEP WASHINGTON GREEN visits the Grays Har- bor Fair this Thursday through Sunday, August 13 to 17. The Keep Green booth will be spon. acres burned during the same per- iod in 1958. We have been fortunate so far this year that most fires have been discovered early and extin- guished quickly. The Class oi Day has remained between a high Two, which is moderate, and a low Three, which is high. YOU SHOULD KNOW... IK HA 64189 CLINT WILLOUR UNFORTUNATELY FOR M A N Y FAMILIES THE TRUE VALUE OF LIFE INSURANCE IS TOO OFTEN NOT APPRECIATED UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. NV,NATI 0 HAL at your THRIFTWAY PRICES FOR NOON THUR8. FRI., SAT., AUG. 13-14-15 Limit Rights Reserved FLOUR SHURFTNEALL- I 0 PURPOSE POUND BAG r FOR Meat James Henry Thick Sliced SUCED BACON LB PKG. € Whole Bodied, Local Grown, Processed Stewing Hens ,0029c Diamond Tutor Cut-up Pan Ready Fryers Rabbits TUNA SNOW-MIST CHUNK STYLE CANS PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 46 OZ CANS HI Fresh Frozen Foods MINUTE MAID (12 OZ. TIN 45’) ORANGE • • • RATH CHOPETTES Dean Is white and Saturda: only 99€. 5 x 7 prints able If you appointment Studio. Produce Extra Fancy, Sweet Seedless GRAPES t B S € Red Haven, Washington Grown PEACHES Danish Squash 7 € RADISHES or 310' GREEN ONIONS Veri-Fine Oregon Grown Carrots | I0 c FOLGERS COFFEE 65' $1.29 TIN SNOW MIST TUNA 5/,1.oo HILLS. BROS. INST. COFFEE 10€ Off Deal Pack Jar.. ENERGY LIQUID DETERGENT 22-OZ. ,i. 39' Shur-Fresh SALAD DRESSING Quart 2G’ 4ar... J BEEF, VEAL OR PORK 80Z. PKG. 5 4 CARNATION TALL TINS BAP MILK • ,lilli li CARNATION INSTANT DRY MILK ..: ........................  GALLON JUG ENERGY BLEACH.,, CRISCO SHORTENING 3 CHUM KING CHICKEN --2/ LB. TIN CHOW MIEN....... DENNI$ON  40-0Z. CAN CHILl CON CARNE CHEF BOY-R-DEE -- 40-OZ. CAN SPAG. & MEAT .. TO HELP YOUR 18 Skilled TV Repairs By Top Technicians Only the tops In TV service oan guarantee the best in picture enjoyment, Let us provide both for you. Just Call On t LEROY'S SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Hoodsport Community Church Sends Children to Panhandle Bible Camp nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab. subjects at hand ready to serve them. Judging from the sched- ule, Queen Andrea was on the go fr)m very early until quite late working to represent Mason confl- tYThis was the second year that the Mason County Forest Festival Queen has attended Seafair as visiting royalty. It is an added experience that any queen would enjoy. The presence of our regal queen was added frosting for I sored by Rayonler Incorporated I and Simpson Logging Company, in connection with the Keep Grays Harbor Green committee. When you visit the fair, please stop and see us. One nore small brush five last  Saturday, August 8, brought the total number of fires so far this year to 21 with 8.1 acres burned. This compares to 55 fires and 41.6 spending this week at Lake Pan- handle attending the Bible Camp. They are joining groups from churches in Shelton, Olympia, and Skokomish Valley. Teachers from here include Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Bates, Mrs. A. Scott, and Mrs. Erling Eastgard. The children range in age from eight years old through the seventh grade. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Addleman, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Addleman and Dwight, and Sharon Robin- son, of Tacoma traveled to Swiss- home, Oregon where they spent several days visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Addleman. Miss Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, and niece of the Addleman's has been spend- Television Servl ing a week visiting in Hoodsport.  She will leave Friday for New : MT. VIEW York and then will go to Germany where she will be an exchange student for her senior year in high 2218 Olympic Hlway No. PHONE HA. 6-3172 Smedldq mm,...e @ L=,k Msme ekQm which we kepe ye, ,rill Mn7 w i yN dwsW; tkey My ']* kokk; #ks se e4 s beplF Mey yew L,I, M* d=go Cka kdng 1Mm : INN# glowing &r.m d ' bepp|neea Ose Lecky Merde Ckarm vHI be fovMI b 4,ler d  o Im, H,Hom  eeaouncomewt MmpJe4 Let our society editor w -ddbt. THE JOURNAL DIAL 6-4412 school. She has prepared for the trip by taking several years of high school German as well as a Summer school course In Conver- sational German. Denny O'Nefl tm home for a month's leave at the William Gil- bert's after finishIng a Pacific tour on the U.S.S. Ranger. He will return to his ship in San Fran- cisco for duty in California. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stout and family, of seattle, were visitors in the Otto Radtke home. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Scott have returned from a trip which took them as far south as Aden, Cal- ifornia, where they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parrett and family. They al vis- ited other friends along the way, only missing a stay at Roseburg, Oregon on the night of the ex- plosion by a change of plans. Andy also enjoyed trying the fish- lng in all the good looking spots they saw. M AND MRS. Jim Shumate and daughters and a friend, of Olympia, spent the weekend at their home in Hoodsport. Drop-in guests in the Kenneth Connelly home were his cousin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pratt, of Olympia, who were on their way for a cantping trip at Elk Lake. Mrs. Art Indahl traveled to Mount Vernon to get her son, Ter- ry who has spent two months vis- iting relatives. He also visited In the home of Mrs. Walter Andrus, in Marblemount, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Sutton, in Rockport. Mr. and Mrs. George Borovesky and daughter, Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jarvis enjoyed a Sunday picnic in the cabin home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kokrine on Big Creek. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Thwaites enjoyed a week's visit of their son d faintly, of Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams, and Buck Reed, of Retail were callet in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Kokrine, on Wednesday. MR, AND MRS. Jim Howard and family, of Northridge, Cali- fornia are spending two weeks visiting in the home of Mr. ana Mrs. W. G. Mohrmann. A nephew, Butch Klein, of Los Angeles, also accompanied the Howards on le 00D-SUMMB CLr00IIAHCE OF 00TERIA00, T00LS, EQUIPME00, AND GARDEN NPPUES LIMITED SUPPLIF- WHILE THEY LAST Long Handled, round pointed Shovels ............ $2.50 4-lb., single bit Axes .................. $3.50 Bernz-o-matic Torches ............. $9.95 50-ft. length plastic Garden Hose .... $3.25 &-lnc.h 4' x 7' exterior plywood $2.95 panel %-in. 4'x 8' random planked V mahogany Plywood Paneling .... $105 mbf 2"x 6" V T & G Hemlock Car Decking .... $129 mbf 80-rod reels Barbed Wire .... $6.95 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray and daughters spent the weekend vis- iting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nye and family, in Vancou- ver, Washington. They enjoyed a ball game between Portland and Phoenix, and a visit to the Oregon Centennial Exposition. The eighth birthday of Cheryl Rennet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Renner, was celebrated at a luncheon party for the eight Brownie Scouts in her grade. The girls enjoyed a lunch which fea- tured hot dogs as well as cake and ice cream. A walk to Lake Cushman was followed by a swim in Standstill Lake, supervised by Denny Sandvig. Girls who enjoyed the party as well as the prize Brownie combs given to each of them, were Jody Cnmb, Kim Mi- chaels, Debbie Rollevson, Winnie Tweed, Darleen Gray, Peggy How- ard, Mary Anne Engels, and Jeanne Peterson. Mrs. Sid Jarvis and Mrs. Hen- ry Kokrine spent several days of last week visiting in Seattle and enjoying the Seafair activities. While there they were guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Busche, sister of Mrs. Jarvia. Ron- nie Busche returned home with them to Hoodsport where he is spending several weeks visiting in  the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis, and Mr. and Mrs. George Boro- vesky. Mrs. Mabel Ferris and Dick, of Tacoma, were visitors in the Em- ery Winters home on Sunday. They enjoyed a picnic In the Duckabush River area. Overnight guests in the Carl Lee home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benson and family, of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dailey and Jimmy, of Skokomish Valley shared a beach picnic with Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winters, Jr. on Sunday. The occasion was the birthday of Jim Dailey. The group enjoyed a boat ride across the canal during the day. " II[L AND MRS. Johnson, and Hazel Haines, of Texas spent sev- eral days visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Carpenter. Miss Haines and Mrs. Carpenter taught school together in Texas. While here the visitors enjoyed a side trip to Victoria. Other re- cent visitors in the Carpenter home were Mr. and Mrs. Golmer Brewer, of Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison DeVoe and family took several short trips this week. One day was spent at Hurricane Ridge. Steph- en Evans and Tom Riker accom- panied the DeVoe's on a trip to Twin Harbors State Park on the ocean beach. Sunday guests in the home 9 Mr. and Mrs. William Ing were Major and Mrs. John Davis and friends, of Fort Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barger, of Oregon, were visitors in the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Anderson, of Lake Cushman. Other guests were Mr. and Mxs. Dan Tough, of Toledo, Oregon who came to get Heidi and Danny, who had spent a week visiting with their cousins, the young Andersons. Mrs. Jack Rodman, David, and Jenny, of Sbelton, are spending the week visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Scott. Captain and Mrs. William Con- ners and four children spent sev- erI weeks visiting in the home of Mrs. L. M. McEvoy. They also vis- ited other relatives In the area, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DiUon, Mrs. Lulu Hunting, and Mr. and Mrs. JemT Dillon, of Agate. The Con- ners traveled by boat from An- chorage, Alaska, where he has been stationed for four years. They had arranged for delivery of a new car and trailer here and will travel to Tennessee and then to Mitchell Field, Long Island, where he will spend the next four years. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Llndgren had just returned to their home in Mossyrock, Washington, after a month's stay in the Sid Jarvis home here, when he had an emer- gency appendectomy. He is con- fined to a Chehalls hospital. SIX EXPLORERS of Hoodsport Post 11 enjoyed their first try at a hole in one at the Bayahore Golf Club this week as AdviSor Ray Peterson and Norman Gray intro- duced them to the game. The group included Jim Brown, Jim Smith, Mary and Vic Barley, Ger- ald Jasper, and Harold Young. =_ No. 1 Farm Chain Saw B8 low $169so • 3-pc. (lavatory, closet, tub) 8' x 7' overhead Bathroom Set $136.95 (with hardware) NBW White -- Gallon : Garage oors $51.95 HOMELITig House Paint .... $3.95 0-oot • Unstained cedar Extension --m-. Shakes ...... $12.50 sq. Cords ................ $2.50 0. up for homo improv ont 5o Oee • free domomtml qmhie ginwoal INDUSTRIAL AND BUILDERS SUPPLY 1ST & PINE ST. PHONE HA 6-4393 SAEGER MOTOR SHOP H I LLC R EaT Phone HA 6-4602 Andrea Kneeland, 1959 Forest Festival Queen, was a guest ot honor at Seattle's Seafair last week along with 38 other visiting queens. Queen Andrea also at- tended in her role as Queen of Keep Washington Green. As Queen of Keep Washington Green, Andrea rode on the Keep Washington Green float in two parades, one being the Grand Pa- rade on Saturday, August 1, where her float received the judges prize or cond place in the en- tire parade. The long float carried the theme "Smokey's Birthday." A very much alive Smokey sat near the back on a stump waving to all. Behind him were modernistic fi- berglass trees. Queen Andrea sat in front of Smokey with a large birthday cake to her left. Small children with birthday hats were there to celebrate the party. Even Smokey's animal friends from the woods were there in lifelike real- ity. The float was a popular par- ade entry to old and young alike. From the children who shouted, "Smokey, Smokey, Smokey," to the adults who appreciated its beauty, the float won enthus- iastic approval from the crowds as it passed. Participating in the parades was only a small part of Queen An- drea's busy schedule. On one par- ticular day, along with the other queens, she had breakfast with the Commodores. Then she attended the University District Kiddies Parade. Lunch was at Fort Law- ton followed by a tour of the base. In the afternoon they had sea- plane rides from Lake Union. That evening, our yoking queen, fresh as a daisy, attended the Corona- Lion Ball. Other exciting moments were meeting the celebrities  Blng Crosby, Phil Harris, and Bob Hope. We always thought queens were allowed to sleep late with their Smokey's birthday cake. Who could refuse such a lovely remind- er to "Keep Washington Green?" * * $ KEEP WASHINGTON GREEN visits the Grays Har- bor Fair this Thursday through Sunday, August 13 to 17. The Keep Green booth will be spon. acres burned during the same per- iod in 1958. We have been fortunate so far this year that most fires have been discovered early and extin- guished quickly. The Class oi Day has remained between a high Two, which is moderate, and a low Three, which is high. YOU SHOULD KNOW... IK HA 64189 CLINT WILLOUR UNFORTUNATELY FOR M A N Y FAMILIES THE TRUE VALUE OF LIFE INSURANCE IS TOO OFTEN NOT APPRECIATED UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. NV,NATI 0 HAL at your THRIFTWAY PRICES FOR NOON THUR8. FRI., SAT., AUG. 13-14-15 Limit Rights Reserved FLOUR SHURFTNEALL- I 0 PURPOSE POUND BAG r FOR Meat James Henry Thick Sliced SUCED BACON LB PKG. € Whole Bodied, Local Grown, Processed Stewing Hens ,0029c Diamond Tutor Cut-up Pan Ready Fryers Rabbits TUNA SNOW-MIST CHUNK STYLE CANS PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 46 OZ CANS HI Fresh Frozen Foods MINUTE MAID (12 OZ. TIN 45’) ORANGE • • • RATH CHOPETTES Dean Is white and Saturda: only 99€. 5 x 7 prints able If you appointment Studio. Produce Extra Fancy, Sweet Seedless GRAPES t B S € Red Haven, Washington Grown PEACHES Danish Squash 7 € RADISHES or 310' GREEN ONIONS Veri-Fine Oregon Grown Carrots | I0 c FOLGERS COFFEE 65' $1.29 TIN SNOW MIST TUNA 5/,1.oo HILLS. BROS. INST. COFFEE 10€ Off Deal Pack Jar.. ENERGY LIQUID DETERGENT 22-OZ. ,i. 39' Shur-Fresh SALAD DRESSING Quart 2G’ 4ar... J BEEF, VEAL OR PORK 80Z. PKG. 5 4 CARNATION TALL TINS BAP MILK • ,lilli li CARNATION INSTANT DRY MILK ..: ........................  GALLON JUG ENERGY BLEACH.,, CRISCO SHORTENING 3 CHUM KING CHICKEN --2/ LB. TIN CHOW MIEN....... DENNI$ON  40-0Z. CAN CHILl CON CARNE CHEF BOY-R-DEE -- 40-OZ. CAN SPAG. & MEAT .. TO HELP YOUR