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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USED CARS P go SIIELTON--MASON OOITNTV ,T017I NAL--PublMlod in e"Cl ,r;,,, U.,q.AY, ghelInn, Washington KEE P Real Smokey The F,.om Th, " ..... i .,.' . /fttlnSHln(;TOn Baar Found A 'ler ' - ¢0 ' Fore Fire ' Courtly I,,uilding iermits ,fiMting ro(t and reel taken from ~~-,I'll~~ By Liz Senmrs Building permits approved by his garage. the Mas(m C()nnnission ear Pa I~.a llg'c,r Co/ nty A (h'ive,l bytk lly LIZ gONERS bat not nearly as much as the ba Monday were to Pa~a(tise lEst.ales, Richard Martin: swe~'ved to avoi.:t Did you kn()w ti~ere is ~1 real by bruin who had escalJed the dis- pump house, $159; A. F. Danie- hi:.llnLg :t deer and went into the Smokey the Bear? I usually ask a~ter, wicz, WoOft cabiH, ,~:500; Robert H.. .';'oh in the Lake Ctlshlll;tll viola- campers this question during myI NMOKEY llAS not only captnr- Nick,~is, -~.o,I lc::ide,lce, $2,500: ity. visit to each of our Mason County ed the hemts of ail Americans, l~,obe.t I,. Bah!, q]L wood cabin, Mrs. C;u'l Dick reported a trans- youth camps. I explain that Stuck- ba his mcstmge has been carried$600; John McCoy. woocl addil.ion i:,t,n' raq,) lak~,n f~om Minerva ey now lives in a zoo in Washing- to Mexico, Australia, Venezuela, to residence, 5800;E. t~obevt Stale Park. ion D.C. and I always leave Sine- and CaLa;da. In 1952 congress CauKhie, wa:d:,'onmsad uti!ity . , :,.: key comic books, telling his truc passed the Slllt)l,:~y Beat' Act roonl, $500; Lowell(;,,n~e',m:~l), SUPEI¢IOllCOURT story. Many, many youngsters which protects Smo2ey from mis-s'~orage shed, $100; \Vilford A. New Ca~es have sung Iris song an'd yet nei- use and authorizes tl~e manufac- (3recllfie~d, .a,lL $300 and' Ig L. State of Washington, Depart- ther the tune nor the wolds seem tllre and sa!c ~:f commercial ~iao- McChlnahan, addHion in re, sidvnc~~, D,t.!n[, el Labor amt In hnHrie:~ to grow ohl. It wouhl be difficult key items provided they are in ;1.000. axain:~t Mr. and Ml's. H. J. Croft. to estimate the extent to which good taste and cany a fh'e pre- ::: * * Washington Services Co. against his image rcnfinds evcryene about v~nti0n theme, l%rry Receipts Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chepmk "Keep Green" and usi~g caution Smokey in sow a grown bear, l{eeeipts fn,m the Harstine Is-. debt collection. in our/forests. The idea (ff n Sine- but he is still the greatest single hind Ferry for the week cndinK Verna Dennison against Charles key, the fire prevention bear, has contributor ill the fight against Aug. 8 wei'e Sac IVurphg, w~eate propcrty. enjoyed the greatest amotmt of .4£.. . • , • success of any "gimmick" of thisn'e. type. Smokey's fnessage is d,rected City Building Permits WASHINGTON STATE PATROL atainly toward the young folk, but Building permits approved by Two persons were injured, one The idea of having a Sthokey adults can also help Smokey by the city of Shelton during the past seriously, in an accident that hap- the Beat' was first botm in the being cautious in every type ofweek included to C. C. Cole andpened in Belfair, Aug. 7, at 2:20 mind of sn artist in 1945. How' weather, by being an example for: kyms, 'remodel building, $6,000: p.m. cver, the real Smokeydid not come their children--putting out camp- Olaf Johnson, enclose part of ex- irto the picture until 1950 when a fires properly, taking care of cig- isting porch, $150; Harry Kapeikis, Authorities said that a 1962 small bear cub sm'vived a 17,000 arettes and matches to be sure residence, 515,000; Arrow Slga t~o., Ford driven by Marion C. Morse, acre forest fire in Lincoln Nation- they'reout. Won't you please sign, $1,800; Esther Fawble, add 66, Bremerton, was southbound on al Forest in New Mexico. The fire . ,, to resi2ence, $2,000; Arne John- Highway 3, when a 1961 Plymouth had destroyed the smali cllb's help? driven by Pat K. Kindred, 41, home, family, and friends. He was I am now "recuperating afterson .residence, $11,000 and RoyBrcmerto~ pulled out of a park. a very busy and fun-filled week Caulfield, enclose porch, 10t in front ~)f the Morse ve- fightersf°und clingingwho rescuedt° a treehimbY andfire i}~ Seattle, I was proud to tepre- * * * hicle and was hit broadside. treated his wounds and burns. The sent the Forest Festival during Shelton Police Court Morse received head injuries. A forest fire rcceiw~d much pnbliciW, Greater Seattle's annual SeafairOn the docket in Shelton Police passenger in the Morse vehicle. _____ .... __~ ______ celebration, July 30 - Aug. 9. My Court before Judge Rolla Halbert act!re week began early Monday Monday night were David Pearce, Fraak E. Morse, 73, received mul WHERE FIT COMES FIRST moxning, Aug. 3, when I arrived no valid operator's license, $15 tiple rib fractures and other in. tin'hal injuries and was taken to along with 32 other visiting queens forfeit; Frank Ciarl{, parking vie- Harrison General Hospital in at the Olympic Hotel. lation, $8 forfeit. Bremerton by Belfair Ambulance. Seattle opens its arms in wen * * * come and takes a vacation for the Sheriff's Office Art~e~twDamage to the Morse vehicle wondetfful Seafair festival. I must: Booked at the Mason County was set at $200. thank Seattle as well as the Forest J Sheriff's office during the past Damage to the Kindred vehicle Festival for an experience I will week were Daniel W. Litzenberger, was set at $350. not forget, driving while intoxicated; Herb- The accident was investigated We attended Rotary and Ki- ert H. Williams, failm'e to appear by Trooper Robert Furseth of the wanis luncheons as well as a for trial; Daniel V. Hanson, Belle- Washington State Patrol. breakfast with the Commodores at vue, taking motor vehicle without * * * the Space Needle fox' the Tele-permission of the owner; Stephen ~ deer was the cause of an acci. scope television program. We took B. Cromwell, Bellevue, taking me. dent that happened 12 V.., miles pat~ in a zmmber of parades and~tor vehicle without permission of west of Hoodsport on the Stair. visited several hospitals of which the owner; Fred Pauley, reckless case-Buck Mountain Road, Aug one was the Orthopedic Hospitaldriving, failure to heed red light 8, at 8:25 a.m. which left a lasting impression. We and siren; resisting arrest; no op- Richard H. Martin was driving g~eeted the American Fleet at Pier crater's license and speeding,a 1962 pickup truck east on the 91 and were each guests for lunch * * * Staircase Road when a deer darte0 on board one of the ships. We also Shelton Police out in front of the vehicle. Martir took in the horse races at Long- A car found parked on John's swerved to the right to miss the acres which I ttxdy enjoyed. Of all Prairie Road was impounded when deer, and in doing so left the road. Don't pack your trunk the activities, however, I believe the owner could not be found and way and struck a tree. the Coronation Ball will be my the cat' was behcved to'be a traffic until you've seen , , fondest memory The decorations hazzard. Martin, who is employed at the • ~were especially beautiful. I had C.H. Anderson reported the lic- Staircase Ranger Station, suffered ~ ~~ar~s shoes a wonderful time and was most ease plates taken front his trailer a lacerati°n to the right eye. impressed with its splendor, home. Danmge to the pickup was es. I hadn't realized what a big A truck knocked over the de- timated at $1,300. at and petffectly planned celebration tour signs at Highway 101 and Trooper Robert Furseth of the Washington State Patrol was the Seafair actually is. It was wonder- Kneeland St. ful and I enjoyed every minute of Bob Aitken reported a tire and investigating officer. it. My only disappointment was a bumper jack taken from his * * * that Shelton was not represented stationwagon. Two persons were injured in a with a float or band, for we have Cars driven by Homer B. Foster single cat' accident which happen. a beautiful float and a terrific Belfair, and Stanley Zaniewislde cd one mile south of Allyn on the Managed and Operated by band and I kn0w we would have collided at First attd Turner. Grapeview Road, Aug. 8, at 10:30 CHRISTENSEN'S FOR SHOES, b'et~fl~: well Teceived. Maybe next Pete Krug'er reported a cat' stol-, .p.m. yeiii;~ an. It was recovered the next day The accident oeeured when the Remember what Smokey says: from a resort on Highway 101. driver of a 1958 C2tevrolet, John, "Only you can prevent forest * * * R. Wilson, 21, Seattle, was driv- Sheriff's Office ing west on the Grapeview road. Bremertan fires." Fritz Buechel, Dayton, reported failed to make a left-hand carve, Dipittheria is just as fatal as it a dead horse had been dragged slid off the roadway and hit a was 50 ~cars ago--but inmmniza-onto vacant property next to his. stump. tion can no~v prevent it. Vic Raisoni, Allyn, reported a Wilson was taken to Harrison General Hospital, Bremerton, with severe lacerations to the head an0 --' . ~ ... ~ m J~l~¢~r M ER m ultiple bruises. ~4i~ U A passenger in the vehicle, Dar. rell L. Easter, of the heavy cruis. er St. Paul, suffered a lacerated eye, and was taken to the Navy Hospital in Bremerton. The estimated damage to the vehicle was $1,200. BETTER BUYS! BIGGER BARGAINS! BETTER BUY NOW] Trooper Robert Furseth of the .......... Washington State Patrol was the i investigating :officer, Joseph A. Benson. 62, Tacoma, RTS WEAR wasdamageddrivingthe 1956 Oldsmobile$150he . pn to the tune of when he entered a one-way traf- SWIM SUITS---1 & 2 pmce sizes 8-16 ................... reg. $15.00 to $26.00 fie area from the wrong direction, suddenly realized his miptake, hit. 8-16 ...... ............... reg, $14.00 to $16.00 Benson the The brakes ,accident was and not happened slid injured.Nat° six a bank. mile~ TWO PIECE DRESSES--sizes SUMMER SKIRTS Cotton & Cotton Kmts---sizes 10-16 reg. $6 - $8 west of Belfalr on the North Shore, Aug. 9, at 6:20 p.m. STRETCH PANTS & COTTON KNITS---sizes 8-16 reg. $4.95 to $18.00 Trooper Hem'y Dean of the Washington State Patrol investi- KNIT T-SHIRTS---S. M. & L ................ ...................... reg. $3.00 to $5.95 gated the accide,~t.. LADY ARROW BLOUSES--sizes 10-18 ................. reg. $3.98 to $8.95 There were no injuries, but both vehicles were extensively dam- aged when an auto and a log' Garland Wool Skirts--sizes 8-16 ................................ reg. $8.95 to $13.95 truck got too chummy with eac Garland SWEATERS--Cardigan & pull-over 36-40 reg. $8.95 to $16.95' other. The accident happened 5 miles northwest o~ Highway 101 on the .Iarstad' Creek Road, Aug. 10, at Ladies 12:50 p.n/. A 1959 Chevrolet sedan driven WESTERN CUT JEANS byRichard C. Nelson, 26, Tacoma reg. $5.95 - $6.95 was southbound and approaching CUT-OFFS a curve. Northbound, and also ap- reg. 53.95 - $4,95 preaching the curve was a 1956 Mack log truck driven by Leslie T, ............. Smith, 25, Shelton. The two ve- hicles met and sideswiped. The Nelson vehicle was totally damaged. = 409 Railroad Damage to the log. truck was i estimated a~ $850. ' Trooper Henry Dean of the Washington State Patrol was the investigating officer. Nicki Burner! Is Pharm Injured In From N Au['o Acciden! c,,,,,t ho, h)ng it will be NicM Bm'llett, 22, daughter of [sonleone, yog Mr. and Mrs. Willis t~urnett, Shel- oned? How Ion, was reeul)erating in a Russell- time before ville, A~ h , Imspitai early this week after she was involve(i in a car-truck lrn ffie accident near Russcllville last Wednesday. Miss Btn'nett and Sharon Petrie, Kenl, Wash., had been hinting the east coast and the World's li'air in New Ym'k and were on theiz way back when the accideni oc.- cllrred. The girls' stopped small foreigr, ear was side-swiped from the rear by a logging truck ne ~r a road [construction project. The truck apparently swerved in an attempt to avoid the halted vehicle, but was unable to ntiss it completely. The Shelton girl received a slight head concussion and bruises. "The girls will be on their way home soon---by train", said Mrs. Btnnett. It is a barren kind of criticism FAIR BUILDINGS PAINTED---Gordon Bennett of the Benett which tells you what a thing is Painting Co. applies paint to one of the buildings recently ac- not. "--Rufus W.'Griswold quired by the Mason County Fair from the contractors at the Corrections Center when they moved out. The buildings were moved to the Fair Grounds where they will be available for use in the fair exhibits this year, The paint was purchased with fair funds and the painting company donated the use of spray equipment and labor to paint the buildings. The painting was done Satu____ rday~____ reach," To G, IC Salary In" crease ] If Funds The Shelt(m School Board Tues- day night took action which will result in a small salary increase for the district's teachers if funds ~re available. On the recommendation of Supt. Robert Quiggle, the board ap- proved alloting 76 percent of the district's budget, exclusive of the funds for operating the hot hmch program and transportation bud- program and transportation sys- tem, for certified personnel. The salary schedule will be left as it. is when the final bud- get is adopted, any funds in the 76 percent for teaci~er's salaries above the amount needed to meet the salary schedule and an allow- ance for substitute teachers and the adult education program, will be pro-rated to the teachers. It was estimated that this would amount to about $95 per teacher if present budget prospects continue. QUIG(ILE SAIl) that after meeting with some of the teach- era, hc had decided it would be best to proceed under the present salary schedule for the coming year, rather than to make chang- es he had suggested which would have raised lower end of the sche- dule, but not the upper, and would haw~ switched from the present $200 amoral increament to $150. How the additi, mal ftulds will be distributed to the teachers will be decided after the final budget is completed and it is known how much money will be available. The board, on Quiggle's recom- mendation, voted a $200 annual salary increase for the district*s six principals. Mrs. FonLelle Hamlin was ]fired as a first grade teacher. The board approved the release of Mrs. Marilyn Johnston, a tea- cher at Evergreen School, from her contract so she could accept an overseas teaching assignment. The board received a formal re- quest from Ernest Timpani, sup- erintendent of the Washington Corrections Center, asking that the educational program at the cen- ter be brought under the School Distri2t. THE BOARD withheld action until September meeting, at which they w'llrill make a final decision on the matter. Quiggie and the board members who can will meet with rep',re~.~ tatives of the state iu the mean time to discuss the question. B'dsic on fuel oil for the district's buildings from Acme Fuel Co. and Olymp'aiB Oil and Wood, both of Olympia were opened and read. The bids were held over for study and action at the September meet- ing. The board approved putting Mrs. Georgia Zatovich on a full time ba~sisin' the cafeteria, relieving her of the bus L!lriving duties she has been performing. The board approved a request from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wright of the Cloquallum area to have their two elementm~ school chil- dren attend the Elma School. Sixty years ago children were almost certain to catch whooping cough and every year thousands of infants died of it. Only 118 death~ from whooping cough were report- ed for the U.S. in 1960. Immuniza- tion has made this difference. Insurance The Shelton City Commission Tuesday awarded the contract for providing the city with liability insurance to the Shelton Agent's Association. The agent's associa- tion bid, submitted by the Mc- Comb Business Services, was $1,705. A lower bid was submitted by Farmers Insurance Group, ;1686.80. Mayor Frank Travis Jr. said ]tat the Agent's Association bid was bein~ accepted, even though it was sltghtly higher since sev- arm local agents, who have offices here and are in business here, will )articipate in revenue. The commission approved an ~asement at 12th and Bayview Streets for a retaining wall which sets a little way onto city prop- erty. POLICE CtllEF Paul Hinton and City Supervisor Pat Byrne were asked to look into getting a cross walk sign at G Street '~nd Highway ]01 and to look into other traffic problem areas alon~ the Highway as it passes through the city. The commission approVo;d'h con- tract for 38 new parking meters with the Rockwell Manufacturing Co. ,% 8el'lolls not make Medicine own and Why not do Open Dally Saturdays 4th & Railroad Come In LATI NEW '63 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4 dr. Sed. Radio - Heater - Std. Trans. - 6 CyI. REAL CLEAN! '63 COMET CUSTOM 2 dr. Radio - Heater - Automatic - Big Six - '62 PLYMOUTII Belvedere 2 dr. Radio - Heater - Automatic - V8 '60 FORD GALAXIE 4 dr. Sed. Radio - Heater - Automatic - New Tires '60 DODGE SENECA 4 dr. Seda Radio - Heater - Std. Trans. - 6 Cyl. '56 NASH RAMBLER Wagon New Engine Automatic '55 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4 dr. Radio - Heater - Automatic - Power Steering • • (: ~ tl,, The commission also approved UAI !i¢ the bnprovement of the creek ..,.U,; which rims throuKh the alley from Franklin ire Cedar Streets on Fifth '64 STUDEBAKER ½ Ton P] St. Byrne told the commission he had a'proposal for the, work, which V8 - Overdrive - 10,000 Miles will put concrete sides and bottom in a trouble spot in the creek. The REAL SHARP! cost will be about $2,000. Youth '61 hlternational Scout 4x4 Pick-l P Heater - Hubs - Lew Miieage '60 FORD Econoline PICK-UP ........ Radio - Heater - 3 Spd. Trans. A young Shelton man, who led '60 Internatiolml Ton PAN_E Sgt. V. J. Santamaria of the Shel- 240 Engine - Power Lock - Heater - 3 ~1 ' ton Police Deportment on a three- , mile chase last Wednesday night, was fined $100 and sentenced to '53 DODGE 2 Ton Cab & ChaSS : 30 days in jail in Justice Court Friday night: Twenty-eight days of 4 Spd. 2 Spd. - 8:25 Tires , the jail sentence was suspended. The youth, Fred D. Pauley, 21, '52 International Ton PICK had been charged with reckless driving, failure to heed a red light and siren, resisting arrest, having no operator's license and speed- '50 DODGE TON PICK-UP ........... : ing as the t'esult of trying to out- run the police car on l~is Honda. A 16-year-old girl, a passenger dining the chase, told officers she '48 FORD "V8" TON had tried to get Pauley to stop, She was released after giving of- ficers a statement. SGT. SANTA.MARIA said he first observed two Hondas passing other vehicles on the right at Highway 101 and Grove St. He AUTHORIZED DEALER attempted to pull the vehicles over, but, Pauley refused to stop. The cllase led out Park Street to Sev- enth and onto Raih'oad Ave., through two stop signs in the pro- ccss, the Sergeant said. The Honda proceeded out the Shelton Valley Road until Pauley finally stopped. Sgt. Santamaria said he needed the assistance of a passing motorist to get Pauley into the police car after he had stopped. 426-3433 707 So. First Chrysler~Plymouth._Vall#d International Trtjoldl III NOW AT I " B ilders & FIRST AT PINE • SHELTON •