August 13, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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13, 1964
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Page 3
bo encouraged Siudenls Win
are short cuts
--'ertrand Russe, Ribbons In
Reading ,Club
~d/k Two hundred and ninei,y child-
ren are taking part in the Sum- liy Betty Crlss or Mr. Dane on the occasion of
mer Reading Club at Shelton Pub- (Held From Last Week) his 80th birlhdav. Many of those
• 'present n 'e tv.~ill, r ne]g'lbols of
lic Library. Thc Club this yea," has BELFAIR ..... Belfau' Boy Scout I .......... ""
Tzoop No. ,513 held a) Pan= lhe: Dane's. where they. . wi,ter i]
as its theme "Big Game Animals cake Feed Saturday from 9 a.m. Arizona. Five of Mr. I):lne's six
Ha ne F u r n-of North Anlerica". Beginning ,^ ~ ....... + ,. D';. ..... m ...... ,.., I children were present including his
ishing is our when school ended for tile summc,', ~u u p.m..c~ tu ~upt: s ~--t'Pu'~ " ) ...... . '
business. Like every child who ~ead one library Center. Ha,cakes. hanl, milk and only son. Bill. Also attending were
any other spe- heal( was eligible for his member- coffee were served for breakfast I daughte)s Nornla ¢Mr. and Mrs.
cialist, we areship card. For each book read, one hulch, .............. dinner or snacks. I BettyBill LuSh)and husb~mdand theirDr Mdaughter'L Per-
familiar with sticker with a picture of one of .~t a specml meenng o~ theI .. '.... . ".~ .... '. ". ' _':
the problems the big ganle animals is added to ............ no,t, Taeulla ,~ ills Jxooerta (Mr
IN or[n Mason l:soa,'a oi Dl,'ecl.ors I . .. " ... '.?.. ...... "
that arise in the card. If by the end of the .... ~ i 0,7 t-h DIll1sirs l.)~lnny Hem) ann Klta
on Monday evening-, ..lhy ..... e: .. ._ *. .... • ,.-' _ ..
Selecting indi- sumnler the memher has read 18 .... ' - . " ' • . : [MI'S. I:~()O l-lUzISnllLn} ant1 I~AILnlo
un'ecrors votes to ut a s ecru
..... ' .' . P . "P ' ,lid Jimmy Huffsnlitl{ A fifth
Vid/lal pieces boot(s, he will win a red ribbon; mvy ~or maintenance ann opel'It-~ r-- "-= ", " "1,
of furniture or12 books will earn a blue ribbon. " . flaugnter ~la,'Jolne a'no~anu,)
tmn rn the anmunt of $26,000 onI ,o ' ..... ' •
achieving aMany readers are not stopping the Sept. 15 ballot. This iv the l~ .re unaom 1o atten(l.
pleasing decorat 18 hooks, however. So far 48 same levy amount that was de-I .............................................
feated in a special spring election. ]~ _ __ !I___1_ ._
in the entire boys and girls have passed that At the same time, they voted to ,IAV...~^.~ Vl- por-
home. Many of mark, and are continuing to read
for fun. The Club will continue un- tahle for further stndv the bond I ~ ~ w, v
~.e to us with til September 12, so that even now issue for $160,000 tha't was also I • I in
decorating.., it would be possible for someone defeated in the. spring. In other l I l~lqtllll~ ~I~V ~1~11~I~
,her3 arequestions.that you ReadingWh° joinSClubtO earncardsa andribb°n'ribbonsThe i :i : resolutionhUSiness' theYto plaCeV°tedp.u.D.t° adoptin.lieu[a I R.~V~ iUI BIUI||~
ve us tile idcawill be given out at school in the of tax funds ill the building fund. I Ilrn ||i In
Column. We'll fall when the Librarian visits the r -- [ . They .lso approved pl,,'chase of i I ITTI~W' |ll~gT
'Stions that are classes, a washer and dryer for athletic;ll11L~| II|~|L
asked of us, THE FOLLO~VING boys and use in tile amount of $280, with
~e various waysgirls have now read more than new replacements each 5,eat" at: By Mabel Kidd
n have a home no further cost ~ (Held From Last '~Vec ¢
eolnfortable tothe 18 books they need to earn *'~"'l ...... - .......... DAYTON ..... Mr. and Mrs O. K.
'leets you," good their red ,ihbon: Bradley Aitken, fa;;'i~;lr;.~aell'~o~"~8?~2~erJa~s : Schooler, Hamlin Tcx. left. Ml)n-
Katie Antonsen, Correne Ashley,
of "" ......... ~- , "_ ~ 7, .' .: " Iday for homc after a weeks stay
Lori Auseth, Bill Barren, Cathy vvt,'m war ~ alto tne t~anles i .' .. .) ...... " ;.
heard it said Barren, Elizabeth Batstone, Roh- - .......... ~at t;ne I annanaie bake nonle ([
AUXnlary was nela last ~nnaav his sister and family Mr and
re as in most ert Bednarski, Patricia Ann Brew- at the Masonic Temple with a pot- I .;: .... R "~ ' ' "
What you pay
~vns wnn umptt
er, Sans Brewer, Bobby Christen- luck hmeh at noon followed by ....
) Substitute fo'r sen, Leona Dahman, constance El- their business' meeting. : Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
is is ccrtainly
Sofa of qualityiason, Fate Eliason, Resa Everist, .~ • , ............ ,Mrs. Seal) Comhs were Mr. Clyde
Christine Frank, Shari Gruver, Jill wa~ianllI~t ~2:tat~ne~lme ~:l°°£~s i McClu)idy of Fillmore, Calif. 'an
- C'nm~,,~';*,, Oh,), ~,,~ e ^~a.- :old friend and his daughter, Wan-
'Ill'lYre 12"n~)'~'e~l'clT"(t'a: *':)'Onll.~OUlai da Andelson of Everett, Mr. ann
V times, paying Johnson, Laura Lee Johnston,
)rafort, service, Anne Kamin, Danny Knutson, h.V tile American Su~ta~ SchoolM's" Cliff Combs and Keith.
Pride you cm) Debbie Knutson, Douglas Kmltson, Union. - Friday Mr. and Mi's. Seab Conlbs
it is With most Alexis Kuhr, April Kuhr, Joseph ............ ,,let daughter and son-in-law Mr.
Losacco Jr., Melody Lyon, Mer- Aoout ~lO Irlen(ls, relatwes ann . .. ;L; • • T,~-', ,. n-.' ..-.~
nci-h'-o ........ alia 2gtl'S. t_;lla l'lCs 1:uuw aft,s }t,,(,
Selection and gene Lyon, Marilyn McNeil, Pat- pic~ill~St ~I*'n~a;aa~°[lll..~ o^..,,, o,.~._ ~.2°t't~ g':s;d:°~Sse'M/:;u":~e'TuL;~)$l:Ye,'a~(~:
.~lp You createricia Melena, Marilyn Okano, Lyle
Renecker, Tena Sandoval, Tad ~sid:lt~eM°n 6~)l.;;'Ui~all~llt;"~lo;;~- salldwiches to bid gheln goodby as
is. We'll try to Scales, Judy Sheffield, Flay Stern- " • "' ~' they left for their new honlc in
that selection berg, Daniel Stewart, Diane Stew- Glendale,, Calif.
these columns, art, John E. Stewart, Genell Stock- Ladies Club will nleet Tuesday,
'ou have other well, Jan Turner, Margie Tylczak, at Panhandle Lake for a picnic
tee to come in
,OVer with us Jennie Van De Riet, Cathy Wit- regardless of weather.
) help. tenberg, Janice Wittenberg, Mary Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson
Welcome at Wittenberg. and child)'en were Sunday dinncr
so,,,,o .ltno"'r"'ay ,,,o.,,, of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
College teachers of business and Spending a week at the Resort Last Friday evening Mr. and Anderson at Agate.
with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper Mrs. Amel Tveit motored to Ag- LIJNCIIEON (;UESTN of Mrs.
aconomlcs are attending a series were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Seemann ate Beach and enjoyed a few clays. Pete Roberts Tuesday of last week
of summer refresher seminars atand daughters, Karen, Gina and • By Betty Dean were Mrs. John Gates of Kirkland,
the University of Washington, un- Bridget' and nicce, Mary Hernan-Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence UNION .... Mrs. Gladys Dilworth Mrs. Con Parsons of Harrison,
~t., Shelton der the sponsorship of the Forddez, all of Covina, Calif[ Hansen last Saturday was Mrs. was pleasantly surprised on he," Neb. Mrs. Nena Roberts and Chris
Mrs. Clifford Ford entertained Hansen's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Har- birthday Friday ew ning when Mr. Roberts, Shelton.
Foundation. last Snnday at a fanlily "reunion" via Papsworth of Issaquah. and Mrs. Frank Dean took Mr.
for 26 people. Guests were: Mrs. Last Thursday Irrank Cooper, and Mrs. Dihvorth to Millo's in
Earle Ford, Mr. and Mrs. RobertJr. receivcd orders to Viet Nam. Potlatch for dinner. On arliving
N COUNTY,S Lamb and children, Mr. and Mrs.He left last Thm'sday evening. His home she was surprised to see
INEB (__.~ Dale Yost and children, all of Shel- children had been visiting Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pearce and Mr.
) ton, Mrs. Ike i,'ard of Matlock, Mrs. Frank Coopcr. Cooper re- and Mrs. Max Dean and children
Mr; and Mrs. Joe Peterson of Lost tin:ned tile children to their honle there nlaking hence,made ice
Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnce Mil- in Spokane last Saturday. cream to go with the two lowdy
---EAT OUT OFTEN--~ let and daughter. Donna, of Olym- Visiting tile Coopers last Sun-birthday cakes nlade by Mrs.
RR~ pia, Mr. andMrs: Vernon Mussing- day were Hans Mak and Miss Pearce and Mrs. F. Dean.
i.. ,II,T, 1934 Olympic Highway North er of Hoodsport, Mrs. Fran Mc- Susan Bower of Seattle. , lisMrS'and NinaMrs. Miller,ina WivellMrS' FA,.,attendedWil-
I'l~ -'-~-" on Mountain View Nell. of Las Vegas, Nev., Mr. and Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. E.a three-day conservation workshop
~, "~AK-FAST --- LUNCH -- DINNER Mrs. Richard Booth and son, of Hewson motored to Goldendale tosponsored' by thc Washington
Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brooks Memrial Pal'l( faro family Federation of 'Women's Clubs, at
I )~ners Daily ---. Fried Clams -- Oysters Hdlisell, of, the lake, and a "deal" picnic. They returned bringing Holden Village near Lake Chelan.
Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime . friend" of the Ford family, Mrs.grandson, Kenny Hewson of Gran- They found Holden Village to be
WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES!~ Mrs. L-'Iifford Ford missed attend- intel'esting and were thrilled with
~! , GOOD COFFEE Alfine Messer of Portland, Ore. ger.
~'~ ing.the ):eunion at his home. i, cis I therug edhea.tyofthcnlonn-
;U~,~.. stlll in the Veterans' Hospital at Fra ue tai,ls and with ti, e sto,'y ,,f the
~MA~T ll)]l~d~]l~rl~ 4 miles from It)odsport Portland: copper mine which had "operated
...... .~ l~__l~-~__~Ia~_~- on Lake Cushman SUNDAY DINNElt gmests at Dales Ranning Meel holdingsthere frOnland1900thetO buildings1957" The minehave
01~e Over The Water in the Panoramic Dining Roomthe honle, of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
• CHAR-BROILED STEAKS Hickson were Rev. and Mrs. Rich- ' Election of officers and plans been owned since 1961 by a Luth-
~0~k. • SEAFOOD • CHICKEN ard Myers and children of Beaverfor the 1964-65 season now rapidly eran organization and el)crated as
~ai/s in the LIARS' DEN Banquets --- Parties Creek, Ore. The Myer's son, Stan- approaching w!ll be main item'sa religiol:s school and retreat, but
~e rations if'desired, ley is spending a few weeks with on the agenda when the Fraternal individuals and groups are wel-
the Hicksons as guest of Mike. bowling leaguc haMs its pre-sea- conic for a day or as long as de-
l))~-~ Spending the weckend with Mr. son nleeting August 27, Presirlent sired. A bus "meets the boat. at
~11.~]~ On Hood Canal near Potlatchand Mrs. Archie Kclley was Mrs.Don Johnson announced yesterday. Lucerne to transport the guests to
the Village 12 miles up Ra.ih'oad
~~--:.~" on Highway 101 Kelley's sister, Mrs. Clara Pear- The session will be held at tile creek and into tile heart of thc
~KFAST LUNCH DINNER sall of Seattle. Timber Bowl starting at 7:30 p.m. nlountain area.
; [~Oa,.-- --Our Specialty- Saturday dinner guests at theAll team managers and sponsors
"~rED CHICKEN (finger-lickin' good) Kelleys iwere Mr. and Mrs. Janles are especially re-quested to attend, so,-Dr'ofEdmund'Augustanaa geologycollege profes-ill I1-
-a)~" We feature SEAFOOD, tool Leggett/and children and Miss Bet-ty Kelley, who stays with the Leg- 0 BH-U-hR Y linois was at the village and gave
One 877-9488 --- Take-Out Orders! the club women an instructive and
getts ill Hoquianl while she is era- interesting talk about the mine,
played at St. Joseph's Hospital
the ores and the rock formations.
in Aberdecn.
The ladies camped at 25-mile For-
D~lIiOxd" ~t-~TTI~I~'~$221 North l.t St Visiting the Kellcys last Sat- " R,* estry camp, on Lake Chelan and
z'~al~l ~t~tJl~l~.t~ in Shelton urday atternoon were Clyde Peal'- Graveslde es st Squilchuck State Park at We-
sall and daughter of Eln~a.
Recognized as THE place for thick SHAKr$ Monday visitors at the Kelley For Goes Infant tolmtchee'the endTheYof thet°°klakethCandb°atontriPre-
and smooth SUNDAES, told NOW from home were Clyde Pearsall and son ,,, tun~ trip thcy stopped at the
DAIRY QUEEN'S kitchen-- HAMBURGERS of E~ll~a. • A graxeside service for Tamara Ohme gardens.
and FRIES. ' Phone 426-8091 M'. ld Mrs. Jam(s Bleeker me- Marie Goes, infant daughter of
~ tared to Olympi,x last Saturdtty to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Goes, MRS. NINA entertained hcr
do sonic shopping. Hood:sport, was held at 2:30 p.m. grandson Raymond Miller of Ev-
HOUSE RESTAURANT Snnday, the Bleekers were vis- Monaay at the Shelton 1%enlorial erett and his other grandmother,
Mrs. Ray Bailey of Shelton Fri-
tted by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Park. Father Mark Weichman of- 0ay. Raymond Was thrilled when
aii~-0{i}"--~ ~i-iiiil~-~W~cston Hood OtcanalBclfair Epps of Shelton. , ficiated.
hc caught his first perch whilc
nd PASTRIES Enjoying a few dass at their The child, who died of natural fishing.
place on the Lake were Mr. aald causes, was dead on arival at Shel-
!ete Variety of DINNERS
')O )S 21 Mrs. Louie Lawson and children o~ ton General hospital Saturday. Dorothy Mercier came home
ne Crestview 5-53 Aberdeen. Visiting the Lawsons ,Sle was born July 4, 1964 in Shel- from tile Shelton Hospital last
over the weekend werc Mr. andw,,, Thursday and is feeling much'bet,
Mrs. Robert Snlith and family, Survivors besidcs hcrparents in- ter.
DRIVE INNext to Twanoh State Park Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Crawford and clude a brother, Troy E., and aMr. a~d Mrs. Herb Allen and
on Hood Canal family and John Turner, all o17 Ha- sister, Teresa, both at the family ~l-. and Mrs. Danny Johnson me-
car or in the Dining Room quiam, llome; grandparents, Mrs. Johntared to Discovery Bay to spend
rdcrs in---Phone Clg 5-2354 MRS, LEE DAWSON was vis- Kneeland and Mr. and Mrs. Jim the weekend with the Cccil Mc-
UTS EVERY MORNING ited by Mr. elnd Mrs. Mac WhyteDatley, all of ShelLon. Henry family. ~Vhile they were
AND CHIPS • FISH AND CHIPS of Toutle last Thursday. ......................... ll, ere, Cecil took thenl up inLo the
iBO DELUXE BURGER Olympics sight-seeing.
NNERS FOR ONE OR FAMILY While working ill the yard last
week L. O. Aldrich fell and brokc
his amn, and had many bnfises.
9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 'til 10-SUll. 'til8 • • • • He spent a week ill the Navy Has-
I)ital in Bremerton but is home
~- GROUP MEETINGS --- BANQUETS ilOW recuperating.
~ef Waldo says, "Bring The Family" They're Dependable.)
of the Famous Roadside Inns of America Another fall last T'uesday eve-
by LIFE MAGAZINI~, ning left Eddic Keenan with a
ieAn_¢..,,., hroken leg, While nlnning down
a driveway lie slipped and fell.
:[395 LIL UPDYKE ,,,as happy tn
1962 DODGE LANCER cl. sed ......... $have her mother, Mrs. Janles Seid-
6 cylinder, r & h, automatic, solid black ehan)el and sister, Mrs. Theodore
~),~ Tontic and son 'T. J.' with thenl
1962 DODGE DART 4-dr. sed.. s1395 a ,.eel(. They are fronl C,eve-
....... land, Ohio.
6 cylinder, r & h, automatic Mrs. V, rendall (Patty) Lane is
& COFFEE BAR to 1961 CORVAIR staying with her parents, Mr. ,'lid
...................................... "~'=='~ Mrs. Harhul Blake this week anx-
men and Early Risers Stick shift, r & h
~r Breakfast - Luncheon Special Daily iously awaiting the arrival of her
hushand ~Vendall whose Navy ship.
~hing__ Storage" Any Tide 1957 FORD STA. WAGON .................. sS4S ,he Bennington, will dock at Sail
owners Phone 877-5362 V-8, automatic Dicg'o this week. He will then
come to Union by bus.
Gar To Tow Trailer? M,.. and Mrs. ae. Mows,,,) of
On Highw,y 101 De' You Need A Heavy a Wh.c ock, D.C. ,.'e spen,li,,
CAFE 6 miles So. of Shelton the week with Mr. and Mrs. Har-
~295 ry Mawson. They arc enjoying thc
8-0z. New York Cut Steak $1,75 1955 CHRYSLER ..................... ume fishing.
ade Pie ~ Manila Clams --- Fresh from Bay Ed Hanfilton seelns Lo be Lhc
the small fry one to consult about how to catch
P.m. Phone 426-8501 1950 CHRYSLER ................$145 ;,I,e big ones (Fish that is) he came
tin with another 25 pounder Man-
& WAFFLE HOUSE Several older model cars at real low prices! hedaygotYetonetOdaybeatthisthCsummer.35 poundcr
There will be pleasure boat rac-
~e Water, one nlile North of I-Ioodsporl; cs hcre Aug. 23. The Hood Canal
) house 7, to 8, Marathon races will start at noon.
7 days a week I~.eferce will be ILon Reynolds.
~HOWDER FRONT & RAILROAD PHONE 426-8183 Race course five nliles approxi-
Dess & Echm Haines umLely 10 laps. Trophies will be
awarded. Drivers meet at Hood
0anal Marina at 11 a,m.
i:~ }~4:4::'
~i' ): . :ii:
¢~ /' NO boy should be without
~~ i;:at least one! Let him
~~~!/::, choose his back-to-school
:2 .i' jackets now, from our
;: .i ~;: complete selection of
~' < Pacific Trail's newest and
most-wanted styles, fab-
}" rics and colors.
Many are reversible and
almost all are easy-care,
wash 'n wear. Choose
yours while the selection
is greatest. Use our con-
venient lay-away plan,
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Penrson
and family spcnt Saturday in Seat- :::x
tle and (lined in thc hom~ of Mrs. ~:i~,,5
Joyce F'isher a niece. Also visited
Mrs Pearsons sister and family, ~i~ii~
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGinnis. '
Teddy, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Doyle Howard celebraLe(t his
fourth birthday Sund;ty, July 26.
Dropping in to wish him a happy ~'.).:~i }
day were grandparents, Mr. an'd ";'!'!~i
Mrs. Ted Berry and a/tnt and
uncle, Mr. and'Mrs. William L. ~?,~* ~
Brown and cousin, Shelley. I - ~
Mike Hulbert underwent an _ I .cur_ "~: I
emergeney appendectomy (m Tues- f .; | ~¢~"7",~IZI I
(tax,, July "28, HC is bali1({ nov.r all(] ~ .':" ,~ =~ i~ [
doing fine. [;;" / ~ |
Sunday overnight guests in the t'" " ~ :~..~~'|
Ran Mom'e home were Tony Mis- ; ~ ~ |
net and boys of Puya]h,p. / k "::'"'J
Thursday, Mrs. Pete Bloomfield [ "~-
snd Susie lunched with Mrs. Les
Bishop and her houscguest, Mrs. •
Bert Wood. ~I ~
The ~[erlin l~ickal(ts family vi- my W~
sited on Saturday afternoon ill the ~ ~ ~ ~
homes of Mrs. 'Alnlie Whitener, ~ ~.
Kamilche and Mrs. Nels Lund and , ~ ~
Mrs. ~7. S. B.aveding, Oapitol Hill. ~ • ,if ,,~,~
PIENNIE LEE MOOHE is spend- ~ ~ ~" ~l~r •
ing this week in Spanaway ,(,ith ~ I ~ll~~41
her grandparents, Mr. an(t Mrs. ~ • ~ ~'~ ~ ~"
AsltleC?le~';son is attending Junior A Subs,d,ary of the P. N. H,rsch & Co.
Canlp at Sunset Lakc at Wilkinson MEN'S DEPARTMENT
this week.
| G G" th
The real .... o ,age ers...
li .... 4! •
classm ,
\ !' skirts
:i skirts for fall
.., lithe,
lovely designs
hat double your
back to school
city wardrobe
with the whisk
of a sweater or
shirt. In the
season's most
mosL important
'and of course, in
the famous
pure virgin wool
that is a
Pendleton hallmark.
a. The *'neat pleat" skirt, ~oftly slimmed in a
classic highland tweed. 8-20, $14.95. Will, a classic
slipover of fine gauge wool. 34-42, $9.9,5.
b. Menswear flannel skirl with eased lines, 8-20,
$14.95. Witi~ long sleew~d classic cardigan of mo-
hair and wool, 36-40, $9.95.
c. Straight pocket skirl in a de(~l)-hued herring-
bone, 8-18, $13.95. With the long sleeve turtle
~mck slipove~ of fine gauge wool, 34-42~ $12.95.
A Subsidiary of the P. N, Hirsch & Co,