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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iL:: Page 4 gh'EL 0N--MASON COUNTY 30URNAU--Published in ':Che . tma own, ghelfon, Washin ton Thl]1%qdffv, Tile legitimate aim of criticism is to direct attention to the ex- cellent. .... Christian N. Bovee FIREPLACE TROgRLES? Balky Screen? Smoke Problem? Unattractive Hearth and Face? Need Remodeling? Fire Hazard? Losing Precious Heat? We Have The The Glassfyre door will answer most of them. Consult us for the other solutions. TILE & FIREPLAGE Mr. View Phone 426-2057 ENGAGEMENT REVEALED MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL STEVENS announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Sue, to John Orr, son of Mr .and Mrs. Fred Orr, all ,of Shelton. Miss Stevens, a 1964 graduate of Shelton High school is employed at the Shelton Branch of the Seattle First National Bank. He is presently employed at Simpson Timber= Co. and will return to Olympic college to continue his studies in the fall. No date has been set for the wedding. While we are procrastinating life speeds by. --Seneca Come See What's New at SEARS o • 0 0 • we're ready t0 help you wiih • AUTO • HOME OWNERS • LIFE • HEALTH • BUSINESS • JUST ABOUT ANY KIND OF . . . i H S U R A N G E BY CUTTING RED TAPE WHEREVER POSSIBLE WE CAN GIVE YOU TO,P QUALITY PROTECTION AT LOW COST Drive over and talk to one of our friendly, experienced ALL-STATE AGENTS, or phone and-,he will gladly come t~ your home. PHONE SEARS IN SHELTON • 426-8201 For full information concerning Founded by Sears, Roebuck & Co. SHS GRAD IS HI-YU PRINCESS RENEE FAIN, 1963 graduate ,of Shelton High school, has been chosen as one of the princesses of the 1964 West Seattle Hi-Yu celebration. ,Selected as one of the three winners from 50 girls, Miss Fain was sponsored by the Exchange Club of Seattle. The Hi-Yu queen and two princesses will begin their reign Sept. 1 and continue for a year. Their duties will include being a part of Seafair festivities, taking part in ribbon cutting cererr~onies and other civic activities. Miss Fain is living in Seattle and work- ing there as a dental assistant. Success in life depends upon per- sistent effort, upon the improve- ment of moments more than upon any other one thing. ---Mary Baker Eddy IIIIII ,,~ .. I I For Your Home -- Economical, Practical For only a few cents a night you can light up your front yard and driveway, you can install a modern efficient light near your house or garage, you can banish the darkness around your patio or recreational area. ,.v Here's What You Get: • An efficient and modern lighting luml- nalre designed for all outdoor areas. Visualize YOUR home with one or mort of these modern, efficient lights. Think o~ the many advantages you will enjoy an0 the peace of mind you realize if your property is effectively illuminated after dark, * A built-in photoelectric cell which turns on the light as darkness approaches and turns it off next morning automatically. * All brackets and hardware necesssry for complete Installation. * All electric power used during the oper- ation of the light, * Free maintenance and replacement of burned out bulbs. The Low Cost Will Surprise You --- Oct Details Today From [] JACK COLE TOM WEBB ED TAYLOR JERRY SAMPLES President Vice President Secretary Manager LIVE BETTER KEOTRIGALLY O' Today, Thurs., Aug. 13 Golden Age Club potluck lunch- con, llOOn, Memorial hall. Rotary Club hmcheon, noon, MinK Tree Cafe. Friday, Aug. 14 Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., IOOF halt. Belfair Job's Daughters' rum.. mage sale, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., PUD No. 3 auditorium. Saturday, Aug. 15 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. police station. Belfair Job's Daughters' rum- mage sale, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., PUD No. ;; auditorimn. Sunday, Aug. 16 Shelton clmrches invite you to attend the church of your choice Monday, Aug. 17 PUI) No. 3 commismon meet- inK, 1 p.m., PUD commission roonl. County commission meeting, 10 a.ln., courthouse. Shclton Bridge Club. 7:30 p.m., PUD Imilding. Mt. View Community Club reg- ular meeting, 8 p.m.. at the com- munity hall. Tuesday, Aug. 18 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon Memorial hall. City commission meeting, 2 p.m., city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Ameri- can Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Wednesday, Aug. 19 BPW picnic, 6:30 p.m., Turn- water Falls Park. Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police ~ation. Shelton Women's Bowling Assoc. meeting, 7:30 p.m., PUD auditor- ium. Mason Co. Women's .Republican Club spaghetti dinner, 6 p.m., Memorial hall. Thursday, Aug. 20 Rotary Club luncheon, noon Ming Tree Cafe. Past Matrons of Welcome Chap- ter OES, 12:30 p.m. luncheon home of Juanita Potter. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor': office this past week were: Joe Lewis, 38, Shelton, aria Carol June Carlson, 30, Shelton. Donald E. Paul, 45, Shelton, ana Marion Wilson, 38, Shelton. James E. Sisson, 21, Shelton and Katharine A. Mills, 17, Shel- ton. Franklin B. Meeker, 36, Brem- erton, and Dorothy Liebmann, 33 Bremerton. Elmer C. Edwards, 58, Lilliwaup, and Lucille Studeman, 59, Seattle. OPEN HOUSE TO FETE CALIFORNIA NEWLYWEDS An open house honoring Mr. and Mrs. Daymond Speece will be held at the home of his mother, Mrs. Speece, this Sunday from p.m. The Speeccs were mar- June in Califoi-nia and will be spending a two week vacation here. The open house Sunday will give the new bridegroom an op- portunity to introduce his bride to his many Shelton friends. RUMMAGE SALE SET BY BELFAIR JOBIES A rummage sale has been slated from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Fri- day and Saturday in the Shelton PUD Auditorium by the Job's Daughters, Bethel No. 43 of BeN fail'. WILL WED THIS: WINTER THE NOVEMBER WEDDING plans of Miss Elnor Lyn Buck and Harry J. Hyland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Hyland, Miami Beach, Florida have been revealed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Buck of Shelton. Miss Buck is a graduate of Shelton High school and now lives in San Francisco, Calif. where she and her fiance are both the Home Insurance Co. Final Play Set In Current Bridge Series Monday Monday night's play for the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club pro- duced the following winners in the north-soutil for the current series. Rex Umphenour and Gordon Ben- nett, Dick Souliere and Bill Lu'cke, Mrs. Mary Keller and Jim Thomas (both of Olympia) and Mrs. L. C. VanArsdale and Percy Bean (Olympia). East-west winners were Marden Stroud and Bob Bennett (Bremer- ton), Mr. and Mrs. Pat Byrne, Jay Butts (Olympia) and Mrs. Mabel Butts (New York), Mrs. Rex Umphenour and Mrs. Gordon Ben- nett. The final night of play in the' current series will be held next Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD audztorium. DIVORCES Default divorce decrees granted in Mason County Superior Court Friday were Dorothy Rundquist: from Ingvald Rundquist; Edward Fluckinger from Margaret Fluek- inger; Carol June Carlson from Wayne Carlson; Darlene McCord from Michael McCord and Linda Hill from Eldon Hill. • in • tl gO DAVID AND NAOMI Carlsen pose with their mother, Helen Carlsen, in the above Journal photo. Helen's recipe for Salmon Mold can be used either for a main luncheon dish or a dinner salad. Helen is the wife of Carl Carlsen, pastor of the Faith Lutheran church. A Salmon Mold that can be used as a main dish for luncheon or as a salad for dinner is Helen Carls~n's contribution to this i week'~ Journal recipe file. i Helen is the wife of Carl Carl- sen, pc=tot of the Faith Lutheran church. They have four children, the oldesL of which is Elliot, 13. Terry is 10, Naomi, five, and David the baby, is nearly two. The Carlsens came here from Minnesota about five years ago. Their first parish was in North Dakota where Carl was raised. From there they were transferred to Minnesota, Helen's home state, then to Shelton. Since living here many of their friends in the min- istry have been moved to this area so they have had a chance to renew old friendships. Helen and Carl enjoy living in the Pacific Northwest and have no complaints about the weather in spite of our "sunless'~ summer. Reading is one of Helen's fav- orite ways to spend leisure time. She also designs and sews clothes for the girls. Weaving is a hobby she plans to take up soon. Helen is secretary of the Ever- green PTA and active in several women's organizations in the church. Sahnon Mohl Combine one envelope gelatin and 1A cup cold water. Let stand while you cook the following mix- ture over boiling water until thick: 2 slightly beaten egg yolks 1 tsp. salt l~fi Tbsp. melted butter 3/4 cup milk 1 tsp mustard V~ tap. paprika Add softened gelatin to the cooked mixture and stir until dtsslved. Add 3 Tbsp. lemon juice and two cups canned or cooked salmon separated in flakes. Fold in ~ cup cream, whipped stiffly. Chill. Unmold and garnish with ripe olives and sliced cucumbers, ff desired. NEW ARRIVALS ae//evue YoutlTs Charged With Taking Vehides A yen i(, he cat Mdnners led two Bellevue youths, bolh IS, intr~ Ma- son Cmmty Sul)crior C(,urt Friday intoning to face charges of taking a motor vehicle withoul pernlis- sion of the owner. Steven Cromwell and Daniel Hans(m were charged in court wi~ h :aking two tread-type tractors be- hinging to the G and l!] Logging Company and driving them arotmd last Tuesday night. The boys tnld Mas,~n County Sheriff's officels they wanted to be eat.skinners. They have been employed by tht~ Siml)son Tilnber Co. at Camp Govey this smnnter. During the time they were op- erating the tractors, the clutch was buvned out of one and the hydraulic lift arm of the other was damaged, lVhen the boys left the scene, they took a hard hat and mine rain gear which had been on the tractors. A RESIDENT of near the log- ging operation heard the noise while the tractors were being op- erated, officers said, and went to investigate what was going on. He was able to get the license num- ber of the car, and, the next morn- ing, contacted the owner of the tractors. The witness spotted tile ear parked and the hard hat which was still in the car was identified. Sheriff's officers were sum- moned and arrested the boys when they got off work Wednesday eve- ning. Cromwell was represented in court Friday by his father, a Seat- tle attorney and Hanson by B. Franklin Heuston, Shelton attor- ney. Both boys were released to their parents pending further court ac- tion. Laughter means sympathy; good laughter is not "the crackling of thorns under the pot." --Thomas Carlyle Journal Try FAT Av,