August 13, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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I3, 1964
, TEI.T(SN--.MA, (SN C01 xv , ]0URNAE--- lbli hed {n 7m.¢ qq asTown, TL,¢.7Y, , l eKon, Wash n ori
page W
sin Up Last Year
Mason li~e counLry.
ahe'ld on NET EAI{NI N(L'g in Ma.qon
past year, Coan V \yore high during" the year,
on lhe ha- it sho~vs. AfLer allowance for" pc(-
released, sonal t'~xes, local residents had a
}YCere chalke(l net .¢;1)en(lalAe incmne of $'31,809,-
as local re- t600. ~is a~%ainst Iheir 19(;2 t(;l.:d of
Ia.oney :fl their $31,099,000.
111 lill'[~",,- '~cale
from a t}t0-
;tudy (roll!led
Pow,n'," i:~-
enlent. It
and spen-
How much this figured out to,I
at tip.' f:tnd~y level, was tieternlin-
ed hy l:~king the dollar amount
mid dividing il hy tile nunlber of
!onsohoh .~;, The ;iv(rage l,er llt)tlse-
'o"1 :~ame to $5.783.
tiow was the money used ? With
less of the self-imlm::.e(1 restraint
than bad been exhibited during
recoil|;' ye~/l'S. Pe(~ple ret.~cle,I lo the
favorable economic conditions by
gratifying lheir dc:;ire for .,:ome of
tht~ frills.
They went in for more expensive
clothes, fancier cars, thicker rugs
and belier cuts of meal.
Some stores, surplised by the
demand for bettor-quality mer-
chandise, found is necessary to put
in higher-price lines.
Retail business in Mason Corm-
ty, as a result, was at a high level.
Local stores accounte4, for gross
sales in the year of $15,908,000,
exceeding the 1962 figure of $15,-
THE SURVEY gives each com-
munity a rating, based on several
factors, to show the relationship
between the amount of money be-
ing spent in its retail stores and
N. Capitol
NOW ITS UP TO YOU--Sam Elmore of Seattle, Gare of Mason County Voiture 135 last Friday
Sous Chef de Chemin de Fcr (national vice-presi- night during ceremonies held in the 40 & 8 Club.
dent) of the 40 & 8, handed an over-sized gavel to Roy Clinton, retiring Chef de Gare, looks on at the
Jay Umphenour upon installing him as Chef de right.
the estimated anaount that might
have been spent. It is called theI 40 & 8 INSTALLS
"index of buying power." [
Tlie index for Mason County is--.-..--.' EVENIRG
.0076, indicating that it could pro-]
~ounties duce that percentage of the na-] New officers of Mason County
isan) tion's retail business. 140 & 8 Voiture 135 were installed
alker for Since less than that was accoun-~ Friday night at the 40 & 8 Club
John R. ted for last year, .0065 percent, :with national officer Sous Chef
it is apparent that some of the de Chemin de Fer Sam Ehnore ot
local business potential has not
yet been realized.
Seattle in the role of installing of-
Elmer( installed Jay Umphe-
hour as Voiture 135's Chef de
~Gare during a Ladies' Night pro-
gram as the 40 & 8 voyageurs will
have their wives and girl friends
as guests during the evening along
with widows of departed voyag-
A seven o'clock dinner at the
Timbers Restaurant preceded the
installation program.
In addition to Elmer(, also at-
tending the installation were Ray.
Petermeyer, inlmediate past Grand
hef de Gate, Bill Milligan and Vito
Lanza, both national 40 & 8 of-
fieials. All thrge are from Voiture
94, Pierce County.
During the installation Promen-
ade Voiture 135 voted support of
a movement to bring the 40 & 8
National Promenade to Seattle in
Other officers installed in-
chide Chef de Train Bill Dickie,
Correspondant Ed Faubert, Corn-
mis Voyageur Joe Rank, Commis
Intendant Chris Curtis, Chenlinol
(3 years) Har,)ld Lakeburg, Garde
de la Porte Buck Armstrong,
Lampiste Archie Calahan, Aunlo-
after Dr. R. W. Norvold, Medicin
Dr. B. N. Collier, Avocat Gleim
Correa, Garde des Prissonier Herb
Angle, DrapeAu Len Osterberg.
Yesterday and today Voiture 135
was being represented aL the an-
nual Voiture du Washington Grand
Pronlenade in Aberdeen by Umph-
enour, Diekie and Lakcbu~'g as its
official (lelegates. John Liflnn of
Voiture 135 also attended in his
role as Grand Correspondent and
Dickie had the additional accredi-
ration as Grand Publicist( and
Grand Impremeur (printer).
-T iL le cI sifl--
FOR SALE -- Wesiinghous,, automatic
washer and dl'ycl'. $.t0. "Good c,)lldi-
thin, Call 426-8'72.1 (Veilings.
..... L 8/13-20
FOR SC- ooL~v¢iN-(~ "_-7 (~0"' w00l
and w,ml-l)lend $1.50 1o $3.50 yd.
"mo-"-"o'-"-"-"''"-""1 0ounly Told Forest
| Fund Eslimale For
I This Year $ I 14,§9 I
II The MAson County Commission
: a, was informed Monday by the For-
'2 CI,OSlql) NEII'VI('i~:
Wii.hhl the D::sl week t;wo Shel-
ton se"vice .~;talions which had
heon closed fol sevelal nlonths
~,verc l'C-OllCllefl tllldtu' the nuulagc-
ments of local residents.
I Th:~'y are the Mobil st:ation at
]tii,'~( '~'~d Alder and the Maxwell
is',:,lion on llil!crest.
Alex TOIIC'y, ~1 well-known 1Tll~-
chanic wh¢* "has lived he,'e nlosi.
of hi'.~ life. tins re-opened the Mo-
bil station formerly operated by
]llarry Cole and wih offer a gen-
I erql nutomoDve repair service
( except for major overhauls)
ialong with l he service station.
i I.,(~,) Nault has lease:t tl, e Max-
~ v,e?l slalion at Cascade and Olym-
pit: highway on ltillclesl, where
he will uceepl All credit cai r?s alhl
nffe, s all nlnjor brands of oil for
qnick oil changes.
B,)~h station:l plan for grand
opcnin,~':~ sh(n'tly which '~v~ll be an-
noilnced ill the Journal when plans
are conlpleted.
~{ounted on tile nlarquee over
the stme entrance, the sigfi stands
above the top of the building and
is visibic from four directions.
Ronald W.
At, lea,st one vacatimling family
fronl the east has returned home
with pleasant; nlenlories (,f the
treatment received in Shelton
stores during a visit here last
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Masteller
and ti~eir four children, of Forks-
ville, Pa., while visiting at the AI
Wooldridge home, had much
praise fro" their courteous and
helpful treatment in three Shelton
business firms involving the cash-
ing of checks, handling of camera
,films, and special service with
!their lmmdry.
Masteller and Wooldridge be-
came acquainted while both work-
ed in the Bremerton Navy yard
during World War II.
M. Patrick MeGulre, seaman ap-
p/'entice, USCG, son of Mrs. J. E.
Stidd, Shelton, is serving with
the Coast Guard Group, New Of
leans, La.
The group is responsible for the
security of the Post of New Or-
leans, for supervising the unload-
ing and loading of dangerous car-
goes, inspection of 22 miles of
wharfs, and enforcing fedm-al mAr-
itime law.
l,lowell D. (3raves, seaman, USN,
sorl of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W.
Graves, Shelton, participated in an
operation called "Exercise I~ird
Dog" off the Coast of California
while aboard tile anti-snbmarine
warfare aircraft car~ier USS
York town.
The operation, held July 10-17
under simulate:t battle conditions,
is designed to test the Pacific
Fleet's comhat readiness ill strike,
anti-aircrAtt and anti-submarine
. Arnly Nffl. David A. Replinger,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. l¢.ep-
linger, Shelton, graduated today
from the Stenography Cour.'le, tit
the U.S. Army Adjutant General
School at FeLl Benjamin Itarri-
son, In(l,
Sgt. 1,~eplinger will return to the
82nd Airborne Division at Fort
Bragg, N.C., where he will b~gin
an assignment as tile private sec-
retary to Major General I{ol)eit E.
York, Commanding General of the
82nd Airborne Division.
Specialist Five Milton L. Sher-
wood, 27, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lynn M. Sherwood, Shelton, conl-
pl'eied a 15-week image interpreter
course at the Army Intelligence
School, Fort Holabird, Md., July
28. . .
During the course Specmhst
Sherwood received instruction in
photo-interpretation, use of the
stereo visual device and the analy-
est Service that the estimate of
Federal Forest Funds for the coun-
ty this year is $114,591, about
$10,000 higher than last year.
The money is divided between
the schools and the county road
The commission approved ar~ ag-
greenlent with David O.
Frank A. Failey, Jo~ph Sutter
and Thomas Maughan, which will
allow the installation of an raider-
ground culvert to correct a drain-
age problem on the North Shore.
The commission approved the
plat of Sherwood Tracts at Allyn.
The commission set 11 a.m. Aug.
24 for a, hearing on tile proposed
plat of Kamilche Shores. Virgil
Adanls appeared to ask that the
hearing date be set.
A sister combination in the
beauty business is now operating
in Shelton with the addition of
Lorna Hughey to the staff of
Elaine's Salon.
Mrs. Hughey is Eline Petzold's
sister and comes here from Mon-
ett, Me. She is a hair stylist and
specializes in tipping, frosting and
]high fasldon coloring.
Rand--Star arand--Calumet.-Shaw
to 14,99
Department No. 1
Mason - Thurston Counties
judicial experience as
Justice of the Peace,
Olympia Precinct
])0])gB B0~'~T~ESh1~ UP 81%
One of Shelton's most unusual
business sig'ns was installed last
week at the Olsen Furniture Corn-
pany at FoLuth and Cot a Streets.
hi the form of a .round lamp
shade, the sign stands 16 feet tall
over-all from base to top with the
shade part itself eight feet tall
and four feet ill diameter. It is
illuminated by interior neon tub-
ing and revolves with the store
name painted on it.
9:05 A.M.
(paid adv.)
RE-OpENED Under New Management
ON HILLCREST @ 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.
All Oil brands --- All Credit Cards Accepted
Nyio,s 29¢, pr. w/min. $1 purchase
Tires Batteries Accessories
Our Grand Opening Coming Soon
Black & Brown---Reg. to $10.99
:%,, i¸.
& Railroad Ave.
48" faked furs $3.5{) yd. Dress fab- sis of negatives and photographs
tics 3 yds. $1. 60" dae,'on and cot-
ton suitm s S] q fol lntell gence lnfolnlatlon
. ' g. ~' .,8 yd. [)l'al)(H'y slloI'|s * ' " " " ' ' "'" "
25}(: and tip yd. llates ];,)at, Top alld :;: :i:* ~¢
Seat Co., 2817 Pacific Ave.. Tacoma. ALAMEDA CALIF -- Gary
8/13 tfn_ Brownfi "'" " " " '
i--yd-a-~ ..... ~.v-:E ......... , .............. .-- ~ :ela,seaman storeKee-
~U~ --- TIII*!~ v,'eI?KS llgO. One green, U~,~ e -- - ~-,. ~-
female pa,'akeet. Mr. View vicinity, per, ~L~, son oI ~aarton ~Iown-
$10 ,'eward. 426-3217. T 8/13-27 field of Route 1, Shelton, and
F6~R--RENT L=Lm'ge 2-bed,'0om "qmrt- Trent E. Kallercon, chief boat-
n l glOUlld fh)ol ])OWll(Oi~.n h) ' a
".,~, "~ : .'.. ' - swain s mate, son Of Mrs. Gladyce
a,,}* oo,,t t tho i I TIDES OF THE WEEK [
DATED this 10th day of Aug'us, I !
1964, , | Computed for Hood Canal i
By TECKLA VERMILLION I ......... " f
..... ' ......... [ tmK,Rno I~av ttdea are 1 hr and
Deputy ulerK el sal(l ~ut.t ........ I .... '
ARTHUR & HANLEY ] 50 min. later and ph~ 3.0 ft
Attorneys for Estate r
400 Washington Fr"" - ~" ~ •
o ) s , on may, August 1~
Br me,'t(n, Wa.h'ngt - " W " "
8/1,%20-27 8t ~0 ............ 5:05 a.m. 2 3 ft
...... N~6--~ i~igwh .............. 1~.:27 a.m. 8:6 ft.:
" L " " ": ....... FINAI ........ ' 6 p I11 4 9 ft
RI,~PORT AND PETITION FOR Hlgh 7"'; ........ 10:51 10.4 ft.
1)lSTRIB1 TION Stuurday. Au,,~st 1~
IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF TILtE Low '(i'O1 .,~a~ .... 1 a Ct
• IS, ........... ° ........ *" *~
STATE OP WASHINGTON 1"(9 ~i.~h ...~ ' "
r~ s sz )u p m 8 7 ft
MASON COUNTY IN I REBATE _ " ...................
In the Matter of the Eslate of ED- l~OV,[ .............. 5:53 p.m. 6.0 ft.
WIN LANKESTER Dee(a~e(l Hi n 11'3° ,) m n n f¢
NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that Sund'|v. Au~:n,d IR
EDWARD A MUNSEN Exec'umr oz ., ' ,', ~- ......
tile Estate ()'f Edwin Lankester. De- .~O~'V .............. t):58a.m. 1.4ft.
ccas(d, has filed in the offi'( of the l-llgn 2.' 1 '
..... ..... 26 p.m. 9.3 ft.
Clerk of said C*mrl a Final Rol)ort :}~Jd Low .............. 7'12 p m 6 8 ft
the 1)r,)pe,'ty to the p ,'sins tl ?'~ , .............. :. ' ......
entitled and to discharge ll,e poti- Low ............ 7'55 a nl 0 9 ft
ttoner as Executor; and that said re- High 3:36 9.9 ft.
1)or( and petition will be he,trd on ..............
the 11th day of Sel)i.mnber. 196t. nt
10:00 o'ehmk in the f,,renoon of said
day, o,' as soon the,.oafter as the nlat-
t,!," " be heal'd at the (curl Penni
of t~n al),)\,e on(it od (u't, ill lhe
Colll'thollse in Sh(,lh~n. M,ls,)n Coun|y.
Washington, at which ti,ne and place
• "lily pePso,l inlert!.Med ill said Estate
lnay appear (i,1(1 file el,joe(tOllS thereto
l'll(t coati'st the s.ltllle.
DATED Ihis 7th day ,)f Augusl. 1})6.1.
(21erl( of said Court
l~y: To,!kla V(,rnflllioll, Del*tllY
Attorney for Estate
B~ll Building',
121 Snuth Fourth Street
SheItm~. W:tshington
8/13-20-27 9/3 4t
Low .............. 8:34 p.m. 7.1 ft.
Tuesday, August 18
High ............. I :11 a.m. 9.2 ft.
Low .............. 8:47 a.m. D,4 fL,
High .............. 4:27 10.6 ft.
Low ............. 9:39 7.1 ft.
VO~dm,sday, August 19
ttigh ............. 2:07 a.m. 9.2 ft
Low .............. 9::]3 a.m. 0.0 ft.
1-tigh .............. 5:09 110 ft.
I.,ow .............. 10:29 p.m. 6.8 ft.
Thursda.y, Augnst 20
High .............. 2:59 a.m. 9.4 ft.
Low . ............. 1.0:14 a.m. -0.4 ft.
High ............... 5:43 p.m. 11.4 ft.
Low .... : ......... 11:08 p.m. 6.4 ft.
• Straps Values eo 6.99
• Loafers O|
• Oxfords -1
• SUH ST@S "
Values to S,99
Ek '"'"
Reduced to
'~ I:TXxN Heel Hugger
~:;\ \ Amer;can Girl
\ Co..;.
|i [ Jolene Wllllams
II i k Values to 7.99
Including Fixtures as well as Merchandise
125 Railroad Avemm