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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1964
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:l.Og4 gHELTON--MAg0 COUYq*V JOURNAL--Published in "OheLq/ma.qtmlm, U.,q.A.".',,,gh°ltcm' W,a hington , ,, , ,, ,,, ,, Pn 0 ol i r .................... " i~ " :~ 'i ................... e ........ A TEAMTAKES B LINE-UP WINS ..... : :.: ,: ...... 5-4 BEGISI0N BY 6-1 SGORE : By DENNY HINTON By DENNY IlINTON ~: The South came frmn behind South -swingms pounced on with t.h~ee big runs in the seventh ion three North hurlers for five inning at MeCleary Tuesday eve- runs during a uild seventh inning ning to clip by the North 5-4 into earn a 6-1 triumph for the sou- a down to the wire diamond dual the|'u boys in the annual Twilight and win the Twilight A League P. League All-Star hasebal[ game All-SLar b'lseball game. under thc lights at MeClealy l;'l'i- Both the North tall-stars,from day night. Mt. View, Brinnon and one h'om Except for tile shalcy top half MeCleary) and the South (all-stars (ff the seventhwhen 10 South bat- from Hillcrest, Southside and Me- ers (all-stars from MeCleary Cleary) displayed awesome power Hillerest and Southside) x~;eut [o at the plate, rattling the oUtfiehl the plate, the "little guys" staged fence boards on several occasions, a fine exhibition of baseball. Five of 14 safeties garnered by Although there were only eight !the two teams went for clear-cut hits in the game. five by the No,'tl', extra bases, including four doubles (Brinnon, Mt. View and Skokomish and a triple. It was a regular nine all-stars~ and three by the South, inning contest, the boys, all 9-12 years old, put FOLLOWING the regular con- on a good offm~Sfve and defensive test, the A League championship show. Only five erroi's Were com- .~se are the members players must be in the 9-12 age bracket. Shown in trophy was awarded Mr. View and mitted in the seventh inning tilt, SOUTH B ALL-STARS--Winners of the Twilight Southside, Hillcrest and McCleary• Coaches in back lue North All-star team back row (L to R) are coaches Don Corey, Brin- was l:eeeived by the Tigers' Coach two by winning South. B League All-Star baseball game at McCleary last row (left to right) are McCleary's Jim Cole, Friday night were these members of the South Hillcrest's Floyd Cole and Charles Bracy, Southslde. iSkokomfr°m leagUesh AI championB league Brin-ball. ley,n°n; Mt.J°evicw.B°urgault' Skokomish ;and Ray Dens- wereWallYcarriedalSOtheAnders°n'madehighestto thePresentati°nSaveragebatter dur-Wll° LeagueFOi'LOIVlNG TllEchampionship game,trophythewasB All-Star team composed, of five players each from The Sou*n won, 6-1• presented to Brinnon Coach Don ink the regular season, McCleary's Corey, whose Hood Canal nine fM- Steve Moody (.531); to the isheci the regular season with a league's winningest pitcher, Mr. 12-0 recrn.d for the top spot. Brin- , , , • . , ( V~ew s Terry :Ioshn (7.1), and t) non hitcher Jimmy Corey was also Skokomish went winless in two I the inning were Charles Frank, ~ tended rally like it had the day the winnin itcner ot tne nil-star , ,- ': . •.. : , ,, ~ ..... , , ' • ~" .... game, ~ance'"" g P;edson~ of Hillclest" . gzven, a specml award, tor u~e nut's-. Northwest~ I/mian, League baseball. . I Miller,~ Ha~mn Sparr and ~iom l~efore. . re boat race, ~. • with the best win-loss mallcgames over the ~eekend, dtoppmg[Gouley. Skokon~ish made single runs m ~t' of its kind di: g to Hood IN MASON COUNTY out Moody lashed a single to cen- , ' ~ " " ' " Y •" Y" " "" '" ; .... • ' ter Moo~ly swung all the way The successful South seventh The pair of loses leaves the]ler doubled in the third to send on Bud Frank's single in the fifth, :Randall Up- = = ~ ~ around to tllird when the ball was started when Jim led offValley Indighs with a three-threelhome RobertMiller,who had and Tom Gouley hustled home on on a course be- FISHERMEN HITTING Channel Run near Bremerton. thrown into center field as he v;ith a walk, Nell White was safe league record this season. [singled. a wild pitch i~l tile eighth after (at Union) and nttomntefl to steal second An otit on a fiehler's choice and Young Oueets broke a nine-all tie in l DAVIS' Indian crew controlledsingling and going' to third on an ae race will con- THE JACK-POT NOW The Sealswon the event in both ....... ~- . • . ~ . . . . ., . .. Wherever the,, are at home or men and ~omen's divisions last later Dave Puhn walked and stole contumed all tl.~e wayto, third base the bottom of the tenth frame told 9-8 edge gems into the bottom emol and heldet s chome. ,und this course, afield, Mason County' and visiting year. Phylis Shefler, the only mere- second himself. Moody came homewnen Norm p)tener ~vtuce ~pa.rl~s win the verdict. The winners corn- ~ of the ninth, but couldn't hold . R n E ,th}ew tt e ball rote center fZel(1 sin le sactffme and an tile hosts Skokomlsh ut across Skokom~sh 201 005 010 0 .q l, 4 Pleasureboat fishermen are striking it rich, pis- ber back from last year, was sine- when North catcher Eddie Adams ". ~' " c, • '..bined a g , " ' " I • " • ". P ' • " ' -' " catoriallv sneakin~ lined with a cold Sunday. toss in an attempt to get him at t~'yu)g to forc~ Yo~n.~ at secolm: other run-scoring one-baser by] its last run in the eighth when Queers 320 300001 1--I0 13 2 t*.;.n ,, ~. ' v zoum r~ext man up ureg Jomes ermines Rich Hicks for the deciding tally [ Rick Millet- tripled home Tom Gou- l~.oh hi ," u~d Spar" It ks and ~e area are in- _. . ~ ¢.. ~" - ..... The Mudsharks of Seattle, en-_,,..~ ..,~... o erth . ' ". ' d " "' " " '" " "' ' te and asked to 'rne two pictures ShOWn on tm~ . . ,rtgdid most[err r ~Y °nly[leYo wh°the ~ueets nor~st p_ "ljad"g°ttens'a l!feo°n an thralls. "" - "" nee in -)art termg nine teams, made a clean :or race details, page ~ooay are evme i sweep of the top three positions, pitPc~h~leWx~n~atget~'ide°~la~'Y';ld °2:cl~l:dV~i't:~esthilly b'~l~e~ ~ile ~211 si:~i?yO~lhISIf~'rsY;annag R H E lal there are toof that situation ~. , .... he: ictules thou-h bnelton s Bill Johnson and aen- a waik also and made it to second was•held to keel, Y(nmg from go- of it.v'scoring in one i;ig frame I Sk.okomish and Nisqually eachSkok,,mish !00 0!0 010--:~ 7 8 ~ses ill the corn- ~sioe Irom t p". , g , h ozth not llskU'l ins nome unat loaned tne sacks ot el ht hits in the Sunday ame Nmqaal ~ 00o ]0l 0tx l0 8 0 Under the aus- ~nere ......... m tins mrtner e~mence:, .... ny• Mason were the only. two to on a steal (t e N .... • ' g '" " " " ""'(a five-run sixth) while Queetslg g ': " . g • ' .' " : '" ...... ' tion ! Outboard i " ' make any points for the Seals•a throw to second with Puhn on With the bases full z~o outs and :picked up three runs in e'~ch of ] b}tt the Mason County could- T. G,mley. R. Poterson and Span'; LmBcl Leman Albmt Bell and • ,., ° Dtek Fuller took the largest fish third) Then big Mark Schmidt un- two balls the count on South's Bil-the first and third'cantos two l n t buueh the safetie's for an ex-IBlacketrr 0.nd ]hi:ks. ~e: 40-50, 50-60Nelhe' Bell chpped the ocean• of the meet, but it was not one loaded the lumber on ~ 5an Don ly Daniels, Don Donalds(~ came . • n sin 'le'coun [ ........................................................... '~ . ~ " ' ~uns m the second a d g ' ",, ' ..... i tch motors. [ P ....... ~ d ~ers ... _he n..1Al an 0. n ~ o~.,, waters off WestportAug. 8 and of a recognized class and was not aldson ~tch w~th a hard hit two- in to relieve Sparks Daniels walk- t~ in t i~ t d 1 th i n'n~s /I ~hould be as in-9 for four kings of 33~,~, 32~.,, 20 counted rhndouble todeep left-center field, ed along with Bob Jacks(n an .. ............ II ators as it will and 10 pounds; " * * * Donaldson got the next man on Jim Kimmerly to force in three m;V~es~gav~s. ~lll~nestti°Z~h~g°~t~ I I ~ I [ieipate, Updyke Bobble Jean Lambert, 10 caught l~ ..... ~ ~ :~ " .~'., . , . . " .... , . .. ,.. . w't a e" - ". . Y stlikes tallies before Donaldson fanned V'h" "l adi)ff honker The'onl I ..... ' d that the bestthe first sahno~ of her life off [~: ~,~ THE SO.LTHS h.z'st two count- Dan Boslet fol the fnst out. other hit in the imfingwas a single [ Alex Toney [ for spectators the north end of Harstine island [ :": ~ .... ~~ ers came m the tnn~ wnen the THEN NORTIi coaches sent Billby Guy Miller but Skokon~ish put [I ~i~!'~t~:~~ ] ~Union and Me-lVfonday and weighed it in at 1O !ii!ii iitiiiii :i !!ii !iji! ii ,!ii ; !i!! i I is sbow in lbs t t t e indicated that Mrs. Dusty Rhoades, a former [ ;g~ .~ ~ t 1 of speeds up to Hood Canal resident now living in ~* ~ " '- ~ " " g' ~ - " ..... ' ..... : : ~lce several exhi- Pasadena Calif returned to her ..... ,:~: ,~ i ~ ..:~ /:/ ~2~ Thums,A" belted a long double in put an end to the long thing byi~.~ ~|ll ] ~'7 ] c6m-se ', former fishing haunts and fought .£.~. ~,~ .~ ~.i¢~ .~ betweenand right.° thebrmOUtfielders. "rag acrossin center'Buck_, ~,-whiffing 'the n(-xt .... tw( South b'tt- ~,T__I,.:ll~-- 1,~ ~1~1~1~1~=II ~1~ 11 ~2 • ' .................. ' • ~I~" ~t~ ........ ~j ............... ' ~ ........ U ........ 4* ]l ng sponsored by a successful battle with a 30-lb. , ~ , ,.,, g ~Is. Marina, Alder:-King last Thursday, using kelp- ~ ~:~ )~t;d f(T)lectTYiy~W:cl! soO,;e:l~,ann; 7~ligtdSO~::(l)~ J(alCk: PIGK :FOR ISA [[ [ need Lodge and eutte," and Hicks special; '~/!:i~ laeyri J°e~l~l~'it~ral " i~*;;: .... "" "1 ""-,::"'~ ..... ases'cram ne prated on a tao-out clutc, h ~|~|~ ~fll~T [I the former COLE'S MOBIL SERVICE [ G. H Barber, Hiram, Me. used ~i::~' kel whzcl] b~ought Donaldson to. • . '. , ...... tln nloun¢l, V~ltll tilt=. ~ ) II m herring and dodger to take an llV, ~~. : ~ .... - single by Bosler ~outh s 1-0 leas ~====-~ ,,~ II I reed. The ng ....... om d~dn't last long, however, as Don- Dick Fuller, instructor for theII _...~ :.,....... : ..... I SEASONS lb. King off Hoodsport;; . ~ ~ :~1~£:. '" httmnded fastballer . ° • " " WOlKect up a iUli cOUnL sn 1 olth tttet u , Ot ~ll;ll[| llg ~ 11~ ll~0bllilll~ ~tl~;~ :SET Jim Shumate Hoodsport, n~d ~1~[ ~ ~ " " " ...... i~ aldson the first N ' b~ .' p Northx~cst School of SCUBA II " I • ..... in the ~)ottonl of the a~xth, x al- Shelton has been nhmed to fill L! ' [ Persons are in- the kelp cutter-Hicks special corn- / ,:~ ~ Simmons beiore ne iannea S n- ~'" '" " ' v " moils lO Cn¢l l;lle laity " " " • " vlllch sitled " ' - " /" "; .... " ' ' -" cohlnm lopeo a mug nonle Fun ~, " .'~" a vacancy on the Board of Di-/I r~ig~[ll~ll~ lll~B~|l | meeting of th~ be foran 11-lb. King Saturday off I '~ ~ ,~ ln~?tT:i2~;e~leii~n~nii~;2ii~blel~, .cAd iiiTllhl i Vqle@2~l~e:lt:~lf~l:.~! i~oh,[~ld [~,[vCteO]~S2), 1.11t~,lll,ttl()l'l,II Skin /I I ~ission at tile Hoodsport; l',~ 1UB~I ~ IgUBIL ~CUVI~I Seattle Aug. 2.,, Jim Rosin, Seattle found the /"}~ irl,~ i: i d r Adam s Since bec(nnmg a nationally ~irne the setting herring-dodger set-up good for a 1 '~ ~n "tha catcher (tiDt)inl~ : .... "" ' ". ~ " ' . [I at First and A der --- where Highway 101 bends [ I and waterfowl 7-lb. King Sunday off Hoodsport; / ~ ; .... ~,,~. ,,,,h h~¢ ,,~t~ went to sec- The North filled the b'lses after certified instructor m 1961 ~ uller]| ] 9 ~" ' rind ira" Donaldson's sfn~lethirdDonahlsons score-tying chmt, but has advanced to the position ot|| 1~g~11~11 rll~ll~ll~ &1~Jl~ ll~&rlWIPlh'~l~llh~ | 6o fishing sea- Be~ Reeb, Olympia, baited a 6- l~ ~[ ~. : ...................... " " ' ' .......... • - , m , " • " S " " -- " • li ±VlXJIL.PlIL~ I IZI~.ZU~ .Z-:LJ,-~ JJ JL.~Z~JL JZ ~Caa~,X~L~,.~ 1 om with eouldn t pushanotn(t lun acres lb. King with herring Friday off ~\.~, ~' :~" - ......... d ball and h e ( ' .' ~" ' '.'.. Regional Examiner for the m-li I • ,- ,~ v ........ S inks ~ot abomd on a walk stole t ) , o , a~ Will open at Hoodsport; ~~~" ' two outs) when a throw was madeP '= "~ , 1" 'to thi;d an '~ ~c s.ruct¢,? through t,t W,ashingto ;[i MECH~kNICAL REPAIRS [ IS Who wish to A F Wurm LaCanala Calif., /-:.2, .~ ,,,, n,,,,.~dsnn's steal of second A second anu x~el ~. ' ~ ,~ " The ]~A was star,co m ~.~a6i/ " I ;e, to voice their used a jig for a 4~.,-lb. silver /~:!~2~ ' pot~n'[i~ti•"So't~th';.aily was halted rifice bunt; by 1)on. Ha.rris. Bobby and is recognized as the first|| • Motor Tune-ups ] st: ed seasons a| catch last Wednesday off Hoods-~~ .. in the same frame' on a first- Turner, a. lcfty, wno nan singma group to attempt to standardize// B~ak Ad'ust n = G .n~e Dept. will port; ~~ baseman Cliff Anderson-to-second- to h! ~Ceonnat~x~olga~,; diving instruction o~ the nat,o. )q/ Carb:reto~s Cl::nt:d / chome (holdm S aIks on tlmd) Geore'ea t)air ofBabc°CkKings Union,at 20 andPicked10 ';~,i!:::~ "'~"~'Andcrson- ......... tossed" Rene ....- " ,' .. ~,' er '"'" "-" "~tlt g' P' ~ : '|| Y " g " I ckez s hne ~, P zou s ~re the YMCA and NAUI • Nearl Anythm But Major Overhauls anti IV£1Ke l:$ouigault WalKeo lbs. off Union Sunday. -4. drive to Swisheic who made the tag S a, ks wa- called out on at :I}:, is the aim of these three bed-|[ I Y COURSE Salmon aren't the only salt- ;s . . on Buckley, caught off Second. . P ", , ,~ . , : _ . '."i(,s that skin and SCUBA• divingl| --- -- :---- ~ ] eclteln ~ed two ou~ steal eL nome to LICENSE water 1)roducts, either. Harstine'~ . .:'~ _ . Ken ward ,rod JosUn romp p - ,.. the same safe and sane rep.tationl| WATI]H OUR GRAND OPENING I ' hr ~t i/ ..................................... I lnder the age Island, Oaldand Bay, Hammersley _...aeh,~- for t n.'e North in third'' on end. the t e; ". enjoyed" by swimming in general. ....... Adams' double to center. Ward Besides the singles by Mutt and The ISA now has directors ill|[ .... c~ ....... | ng to hunt in Inlet (off the mouth of Mill .............. e a f~ur-hour Creek) have been yielding excel- COMBINED EFFORT--It took was on base after an error and Bosler, "he only ()tiler .South safe- Washington, Florida, New York,|| uOlnlllg lOllg noruy I rearm safetyleut sea-run cutthroat an'(l silver a combined effort of I~ouis Jol- Joslin.had singled, ty was a one-baser by Kimmerly in Holland, Netherlands Antilles, an(l|l ] a bunting 1{- catches. Mrs. Gordon Simmons isliff, above, and his salmbn fish- THE NORTtI'S other run came the fourth. Kimmerly was robbed Australia, || ] one who can attest to this state- Went into ment. Person 17 orAnd in fresh water action, hunting li- youthful Dave Wood, Louis Jolliff and suc- (see adjoining picture), Pat Smith minimum and Joe Etch knocked off 48 cut- " throat, and silvers in Summit Lake, "'wh0 have not where Dave and Lou have been : urged tohaving fine luck all summer. the Mason ' * * * in the SEAL DIVERS NINTH and pigeons IN ,CHANNEL RUN : ~ept. 1 anaShelton s Hood Canal Seals Div- seasons open ing Club placed ninth in a field of 23 Sunday in the Bremerton ing partner Dave Wood to take this 30-pound, 1-ounce King near Warfield's (above Hoods- port) Sunday• Louis h¢>~ked the lunker on his Pearl Pink Plug lure, but it took Dave's expert netting to boat the fish. The sal- mon leaped all the ,way out of the water when frightened by the net near the boat, so Dave, combining quick thinking and musole placed the net under the fish and held on when the big salmon returned to the water. (Verle's Sport Shop ph,oto). Sheltonians and a compan- a fisherman's dream come British Columbia. After a "most fabulous fishing" estimated 500 pounds repre- of King salmon they hadn't m they knew 15 of them ~ree were above 50 pounds. caught the biggest, • ~rguson is George Valley Beckwith (front) and member of the party was Mel Good of Quilcene, who had already taken his ~are of the catch from the "mess" pictured above when the happy anglers reached Shelt~n last Sat- urday morning. They left Shelton the previous Sun- day and drove to Kelsey Bay, B.C., where the charter boat Carlisle III, operating o/Jr of Comox and skippered by E. F. Nelles and E. A. Allison, picked them up for a 17-hour run to Rivers Inlet, That's where the fun began, and for about 40 hours (less sleeping time) they never had it so good, in the fifth When Anderson's in- field single brought Donaldson to the plate. Donaldson had singled and gone to second and third on a passed ball and wild pitch res- pectively. Donaldson paced all swingers with three singles in four trips to ~he dish. Although the losing pitcher, he whiffed 13 South bat- ters in 5 1/3 innings. South's Fred- son, twirling the final three in- nings, tossed nifty no-hit ball while striking out five. Three South bat- ters---Buckley, Moody and Thum- ser each registered two safe blows. each. The box score: North ab r hISouth ab r h Jeslin p-3b2 1 1[ Iterrol ss 4 0 0 Myers 31) 1 0 0tBuekley e 4 1 ~. Crossette ss 5 0 0]Renecker lb 3 1 0 *Adams c 3 1 llNelson rf 1 0 0 J, Donaldsoa IMoody 31) 51 2 3b-p 4 1 3[Tl)un~er p-rf 4 0 2 knd ~rso 4 0 llPnhn cf 3 I 0 :lay s If 4 0 01Hartwell 21) 1 0 0 ~whhc 4 0 l[Chtry 2b 0 1 0 ~,ae cf 4 0 01Northness If I 0 0 of another hit when his second in- ning line-drive was caught by North's Donaldson in left. NORTII'S TURNER and Don- aldson each picked up two hit:s and Jimmy Corey, who pitched the first five ,imlings for the North, got the other hit, a single to cen- ter in the second. Cory advanced to third on Turner's single but died there. Turner reached third base in the fourth after a single solen base and fielder's choice, but was stranded there also, when Ander- ~on flied to Brian Lovgren in right to end the frame. All 30 all-stars, 15 from the three teams making up the North and 15 from the South, saw action in the contest attended by ap- proximately 150 people, The win- ning Soutl~ nine was coached by Floyd CoIe (Hillcrest), Jim Cole (McCleary) and Charles Bracy i(Southsid'el. North tutors were ! Don Corey (Brlnnon), Ray Densley (Mt. View) aud Joe i~ourgault ( Skokomish). Ward rf 2 1 01Schmidt p-lb 1 0 1 The box score: New rf 2 0 0[Simmons If1 0 0North ab r hi South Totals 35 4 7[ Fredson If-l) 2 0 0Gregory cf 2 0 0t Reynolds 2b Totals 30 5 7Buechel cf 2 0 0i Young 2b * Awarded 1st on catcher's inter-Rut Corey c2 0 0tPearson ss ference in 1st. Frank e 1 0 01White s~ Score By Innnlngs Ra. Corey 2b 4 0 01Joines p North .................................. 102010000--4Dnaldsn. lf-p 3 1 21Daniels 3b-p Hits .................... 103021000--75. Corey p 2 0 ltCole lb South ................................ 00200030x--5Sparks p 1 0 01Jac.kson lb Itits .................. 011 11021x--7Schm?dt lb 2 0 01Kimmerly If SUMMARY: 3b-Swisher. 2b-Adams ttarris lb 0 0 0]Carlson cf Thumser, Schmidt, Buckloy. RBI- Turner ss 3 0 21Bosler cf SchmidL 3, Thumser, Adams 2, Ander- Bourgault 31) I 0 01 Anderson c son. E-Moody 2, t~.enecker, Cosset te 2, Reeder 3b 0 0 0tNutt e Adams 2. SB-Adams 2, Donaldson, Cossette rf 1 0 0}Lovgren rf ' Buckley 2, Moody 2, Hartwell 2, Puhn, Andrson. rf-p 2 0 01Bacon rf Herrol. IP-Thumser 3. Sehmidt 3, Tetals 26 1 51 Totals Fredson 3, Joslin 2 2/3, Donaldsoa Score by Innings 51/3. Winner-Fredson. Loser-Donald- WP--Schmidt 2, Joslin 2, Fred- ~on, Thumser, Donaldson. PB-Buektey 3. DP-Anderson lo Swisher. HPB-Ad- ares by Pehmidt, LOB-North 9, Sonth 11. --- PROTECT YOUR FORE - EEP MASON COUNTY ab r h 30O 110 3O0 110 310 310 2OO 020 201 100 201 100 201 100 2OO 27 63 North ...................................... 000001 0--1 Hits ...................... 02!010 0--5 South .................................... 000001 5--6 Hits ......................... 000 101 1---3 Samlnary : IIr--D,>nalds[m. RBI--- Donahlson, Bosler, Nutt 2, SR--Turnor Donaldson, Sparks. SAC--Lovgren, Harris. E--Reynolds Carlson, Schmidt J. Corey, Sparks. IP-J. Corey 5, Sl)arks i plus, Donaldson '1/3, Anderson 2/3, Joines 5, DaBiels 2. SO--Joines 7, Dan- inls 3, J. Cm'ey 6. Sparks 2, I)onahl- son L, Anderson 2. WP--Spark.~- 2, Dalliels 2, ttBP--Nutl I)y Corey. PE-- Frank, LOB~-North 10, Soalh 9. WOMEN'S BOWLING ASSN. TO MEET A. gea~eral meeting of the Shel- ton WomeWs Bowling Assn. will be held Wednesday in the PU-D building, Vice President Bobbi Burnett announced this week. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. o.) • n; IT'S A FACT- OUR '64s ARE THE BEST-SELLING FORDS EVER! NOW WE OFFER YEAR-END BARGAINS ON 'EM,,, SO OUR BiG SELECTION WON'T LAST LONG! ~i HE'S A LOCAL GOOD MAN TO DEALER! KNOW: 501 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Washington I V q ): ;i i!( i;