August 13, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page 12
Hospilal Auxiliary To
Have Candy And Gift
Booih At Gounly Fair
Home nade easdies and articles
regularly sold at their gift bar will
b(' on sale by the Ladies' Altxiliary
of the Shelton General hospital in
their booth at the Mason County
Fair August 21-23.
The eonnnittee working on the
project includes the Mesdames
Gary Nieloy Jack Bishop Larry
Schecl Helen MeCann Lawrence
Community Club
Contest Winners
Winners for the contest spon-
sored recently by the Mountain
View Community Club were: Jim
Durand, Leievision seL; Ole Rams-
field, frier; and T. W. McGuire,
( ', anl e ra.
The ch;b will hold a card parLy
at 8 p.m. this Saturday at the
communify hall, "K" and Laurel
streets. The public is invited.
First place winners for the
August 1 party were Nell DaM-
SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in 'Christmasiown, U.S.A.", Shelt on, Washington
Winter Vacalion
Friends Gel T oge|her
For Summer Pc|luck
The Hood Canal home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey C. Aker was the
site Aug 2 for a potluck dinner
held for a group of people who
meet at Palm Springs, Calif. each
winter. Enjoying the day together
were Mr'. and Mrs. C. C. Ccitt
Mr. and Mrs, Art Bennett, Mrs.
Marie Smith, Mrs, Leona Elliott,
and Mrs. Anna Runaeres, all of
Fair Booth Plans
Made By Members
Of Local WCTU
P1 q.rl s for the Mason County
Fair booth were disetlssed and ar-
rangenlen|s were lllg, t(-le for a rum-
mage sale to he held Sept. 4-5 at
the PUll building when the Wo-
man's Christian Temperance Un-
ion met for a picnic hmcheon at
the home of Mrs. Manilla Gallo-
way last Friday. The picnic was
enjoyed under large trees sm'ronn-
Republican Women
To Sponsor Dinner
A spaghetti dinner will be spon-
sored by the Mason County Wom-
ens Relmbliean Club beginning at
6 p.m. next Wednesday in the
Memorial hall. A dollar donation
will help defray expenses.
All Republicans and t h e i r
friends arc cordially invited to at-
tend. A program has been planned
and Mason County Republiea:t
Munson, Cal Hopper, Frank Heus-
lon, Eber Angle, John Connolly,
Sam lOritz, George Grisdale and
other members who will eontrib-
ale their time in staffing the
A number of jtmior girl Candy-
stripers will assist at the booth
throughout tile three days,
A lie has only tree Olance of
successful deception---to be ac-
eolmted true. -..Mary B. Eddy
man and Art Hazelquist; 2nO
place went to Cora Hill and Roy
I,anning. Mar,ha Dunbar and
Charles Dahlman held double pin-
The regular meeting will be held
at 8 p.m. Monday at the ehtbhouse.
A lie, turned topsy-turvy, can
be prinked and tinseled out, decked
in plumage new and fine, till none
knows its old carcass.
--Henrik Ibsen
you can, when
you borrow,from
f, helton, Mr. and Mrs. Art Gil-
more of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs.
Flliot B. Spring of Lym~woo(l, and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowe of
Also present were Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Schlunegger, cousins of Mr.
Aker, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Mutschler, all of San Bernadino,
Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cole
and daughter's from Miami Shores,
Florida. The Coles are touring
the Pacific Northwest. Mrs. Cole
is a cousin of Mrs. Aker.
Past Matrons of Welcome Chap-
ter, Order of Eastern Star will
meet at 12:3'0 p.m. next Tlmrsday
at the home of Juanita Potter for
a potluck picnic.
ded by beautiful flowers in the
Galloway's back yard.
The business meeting was con-
ducted by Miss Marian Johnson,
president, after which Mrs. Mary
Turner gave the devotions.
New officers elected mchtded:
President, Mrs. Mary Turner; vice
president, Mrs. Manilla Galloway;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ka-
thryn Eells; recording secretary,
Mrs. Nena Roberts; and treasurer
Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove.
State president, Mrs. Charles
Budde of Seattle, will attend the
September meeting to be held in
the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack.
Miss Johnson was presented a
beautiful birthday cake by Mrs.
Pahner Roberts while the group
sang "Happy Birthday" to net.
Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412
TCF offers you a complete home loan
service .... a service designed to make home
buying easy as well as pleasant.
TCF makes FItA, GI,: and "MAGIC"
loans as well as conventional home loans.
Friendly home loan experts tailor your loan
to fit your exact requirements.
There are three convenient TCF offices
to serve you. Stop in this week.
o Lv M p I A/LACeY/OH,' LTON
Homa OIIIGo ~F IBrlmoh d~r Ilrsnob
MR. AND MRS. Gordon Stewart (Carolyn Marshall) following
their July 25 wedding ceremony in the First Methodist church.
in Shelton. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Chester, L. Marshall, Shelton,
and Mrs. Dorothy Ryall and Jack Stewart, Londonp England.
Miss Carolyn Marshall became
the bride of Go,don Glen Stewart
July 25 in the First Methodist
clmrch in Shelton. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
L. Marshall, Shelton. The bride-
groom's parents are Mrs. Dorothy
Ryall and Jack Stewart, both of
London, England.
Rev. Horace Motmts officiated
at the double ring ceremony be-
fore an altar flanked with pedestal
baskets of white gladioli and pink
stock. Ronnie Whitener, accom-
by Mary Ann Folsom at
the organ, sang "Oh Perfect Love"
and "Because".
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a bouffant
gown of embroidered nylon organ-
One, Two,
.... • : .!:¸
Throe, or
No Extra Charge,
No Age Limit!
All work finished in
Seattle by Tiny Tim
Studio, and satisfac-
tion guaranteed.
v ; 9¸¸¸
za designed with a tightly fitted
basque bodice which came to a
)oint at the center front waistline.
A scalloped edge of embroidery
outlined the sabrina neckline and
the long sleeves. The skirt, worn
over hoops for added fullness, was
fashioned with panels of embroid-
ery running from the waist to
hemline. In the center back an in-
serted panel of organza was
canght into folds and topped with
a fabric rose at the waistline. The
skirt extended into a chapel train.
The elbow-length veil of net fell
from a crown centered with rhine-
She carried a bouquet of pink
rosebuds and stephanotis upon a
white Bible, a gift from her moth-
er. The traditional, "something old,
new, hot'rowed and blue" was ob-
Matron of honor, Mrs. Joseph
Quintana of Seattle, wore a pink
taffeta dress styled with three-
qua.rter length sleeves and a full
skirt and a circular veil decorated
with pink flowers. She carried a
bouquet of pink daisies.
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Jack
Barnes and Mrs. Troy West. Their
dresses were identical to that of
the honor attendant and they car-
ried bouquets of pink and white
Cousin of the bride, Terri Mar-
was flower girl, and her
brother, Mike Marshall, acted as
ring bearer.
Glenn Parker, Seattle, served am
best man. Ushers were Gary Mq,r-
shall, the bride's brother, and her
cousin Donnie Whitener. Candle
lighters were Monte Ma!'shall, bro-
ther of the bride, and Jerry Mar-
shall, her cousin.
Mrs. Marshall chose a two-piece
brocaded blue sheath dress with
white accessories and a corsage
of white carnations and baby pink
Following tile ceremony the
bride's parents were hosts at a
reception in the church parlors.
The bride's table \van (teeorate(l
with pink carnations and white
sleek. Tile whit.e five-tiered wed-
ding cake was topped with white
satin hells.
Assisting wilh the reecpl.i(m
were the Mesdsnws Irene White,
Don Whitener, Ralph Aclair, Tony
Ellison and Bra.dy Ma)':dmll, aunt.s
of the bride, and Mrs. Walt Austin
and Mrs. 'l'om "Will,el'son. Mrs.
Sehnaekenberg of Ehna took
charge of the guest book.
The bri(le's choice of Jiffy 25
for her wed(ling' day was hi ttollor
of her nmlher's birth(h~y. Mrs.
Ms]'shall wss fe/.e(I with ;t birth-
day party following the reception.
13ol.h of the newlyweds are ent-
?loyed by the /BM Corporation
in Seattle where they will make
heir home. Miss Marshall is an
Irene S. Reed high school grad-
uate and attended Metropolitan
Business College in Scat.tie. Her
bridegroom graduated from high
~cl~ool in Tokyo, Japan.
the spring. She will enter the
September where she will major
The dramatic arts interested
Jayne Grisdale, a 1964 graduate of
Shelton High School, during her
high school years. She has de-
cided to use this for her minor
and major in education when she
enters the University of Puget
Sound in the fall.
Jayne, the only child of Mr. and
Mrs. George Grisdale, was born
Feb. 18, 1946 in Seattle but lived
almost all of her" life here. She is
5'9" tall, has green eyes and red-
dish brown hair.
Knitting, swimming, and water
skiing are pastimes she enjoys
when she isn't reading. She is a
senior lifesaver. Her smnmer has
:been spent looking forward to
!school starting in' the fall and
waiting for the weather to get
During her senior year Jayne's
schedule at, SHS inelltded journal-
ism, civics, English, business law,
workt affairs, drama and speech.
She wan an office worker.
Extracurricular activities on her
list were Thespians, Future Tea-
from Shelton High school in
University of Puget Sound in
in education.
chers of America and Pep Club.
She was treasurer of the Latin
Club and a member of the High-
climber staff. She was chairman
of the Tuberculosis drive.
Activities outside of school in-
chtded Rainbows and the Candy
Visitors Enjoy Cool
Weather And Seatood
The cool weather and availabil-
ity of seafood were especially en-
joyed by Mr. and Mrs. Walt Hart-
man and family of Barstow, Calif.,
and Mrs. Hartmsn's mother, Mrs.
Juliette Guerrier of Verdun,
France when l.hey visited in the
Jim Shrum home several days last
Mrs. Guerrier, Using her daugh-
ter as an interpreter as she speaks
no English, said the Pacific North-
west is similar to her part of
F'ranee. Boating and a trip through
the Join'hal off'ce on "paper (lay"
further entertained the Shrum's
Catching up
was the
when 98
family met
picnic at "
Park. Eating
lock food
:of the family F
second. .(
ornia were alI.~
tMs fourth
has been
candidates will be invite.d to make Sunday in
a ten minute presenta,tion, future
your sewing
Get reedy for haok to school sewing...
No matter what make you own, a
SINGER expert will put new life into
your sewing machine. He'll give it a
thorough inspection, cleaning, lubri-
cating, and in.home adjustments.
;- 7-point
1. Adjust and balance tensions.
2. Adjust fabric handlin| mechanism.
3. Clean machine and de-lint threId
hIndllnz mechanism.
4. Adjust belt tension.
8. Check wirinz for safety.
6. Lubricate machine.
?. Inspect end lubricate motor.
If in-shop repairs are needed, yeu'll
get a complete estimate for your ap.
proval.., and SINGER will lend you a
courtesy machine- absolutely free-
while yours is in the shop.
What better time than now? Call us
today. Let us send a SINGER expert to
.your home at a time that's right for you!
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