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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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13, 1964 , i Soft Good Some ROBIN !( ift Shop. Canal AUg, 12 - 18 NAVY J,oe Flynn, ~V Cast THE DOCTOR Fonda Aug. 19 - 25 ) !i( SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington on ar " ............. BPW To Sp sor He t' Boo,h At Goun|y Fat! ::: ........ I] The he.on t usiness ,to- ! s'Jr a. display oll family heart I Aug. 21-23. The display booth is heing prepared with the assistance of the Washington State Heart Association and this year features Johnny Heart. Chairman of the BP~V booth cammittee is Maybelle Daniels, as- sisted by Mary Dobson, Susie Pat,- ley and Phy~'lis Tembreull. Pamphlets on congestivc heart failure and other heart health to- pics will be distributed. Displays will emphasize the need for heart research. A traffic light will warn of the need to stop and go to a physician for regular check-ups. Mrs. Mae Smith is president of the club. Members have been ac- tive in supporting work of the Heart Association thz;ough spon- soring the annual Heart Fund Drive in February. YOUNG SHELTON CAMPERS--Thirty Shelton area youngsters returned Monday after spending a week at the Salvation Army's Camp Lake B,oren near Seattle. The camp, which is set up for boys and girls nine to 14 years old, is owned and oper- ated by the Salvation Army. Over 100 youngsters from western Washington were schedqled to at- tend the camp last week, the first of three reg- ular camp sessions. At the far right are Mrs. Merle Hamilton, Salvation Army sdrvice extension agent and Salvation Army committeman Irvln Mc- Arthur. Box Office Opens 7:30 Show Starts At Dusk Cartoon Carnival at 9 p.m. KITSAP LAKE Wed. - Sat., Aug. 12- 15 55 DAYS AT ,PEKING Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner STRAITJACKET Joan Crawford gun., Men., Tues., Aug. 16- 18 BYE BYE BIRDIE Second Feature to be announced By Mabel Kidd DAYTON --- Sandi Rietdorf ar- rived home on Sunday from Alas- ka and surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf. Stmday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson were Mrs. Dorothy Ryder and children of Longview and Mrs. Charles Baird, Allyn. The Rev. and Mrs. Richard Mey- ers, Beaver Creek, Ore., H. A. Be- zley, Bill, Allen azld Tina were Sunday callers in the lmme of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson. Montcsano visitors Sunday in the Scab' Combs home were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Boybanovich and children. Mrs. Darl Goldy arrived home. last week after a three-week stay Journal Want Ads Pay Relain Jim DEMOCRAT • 24th DISTRICT He was instrumental in getting a modern high- way from Olympia to Shelton. He also is a member of the institutions committee, was a factor in getting your new institution. (Paid Political Advertisement) in Kodiak with son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mt~s. Robert Goldy and children. Dining Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts was Mrs, Ncna Roberts of Shelton who also spent the night. Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf had as Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilmoth Sr., of Ta- coma, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest May- nard and children and Mr. and Mrs. Howard ]:)uffcy and son of Shelt0n. MRS. ALLAN Tibbits and Mrs. Clyde Norris spent a naonth in Evansville, Ark. visiting relatives among them Mrs. Tibbits' parents, ]V(.r. and Mrs, Jack Cosby. Clyde Norris and Randall motored back to pick them up and bring them home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman add childrcn called on Mr. and Mrs. Ivyl Chapman Monday eve- ning and got to also visit with Mr. and Mrs. Grove Chapman who were up from Oregon. Mrs. Bill Johnson and children of Forks, Mrs. Les Bishop, Ka- milche and Mrs. Claude McI1Tin of Shelton were visitors Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield. Monday dinner guests o~ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Johnson of Aber- deen. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adams, Shelton, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd Friday evening. Steven and Stephanie Bloomfield spent from Thursday through Sun- day with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield while parents, Jerry and Nancy were on a vacation trip in eastern Wa- shington and Oregon. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and i~ ;i~iii~ii: :iiiiiii~i :~ i:i i!i!ii~i!!iii!i¸ ;ii~i!i!il/i ilii CLEVER FOOTWORKI i:;:~!~Fi:!i.; " dlng f,,,, J,oe illa . q.eesee a.d , olc tIlat maI~e ;t )sl, t to Stfik;,,s F.II', ,,,,,a,'t sportswear! $1199 I~d of p. N. Hirsch & Co, and Operated by CHRIsTENSEN'S FOR paradise Gazelle Glove leather White Glove leather ..... :: SHOES, Bremerton Mrs. Allan Tibbits were Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tibbits and girls of Lost Lake. Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Alvin Hulbert and Donna and grand- d~tughters, Lurene an(1 Marlene motored to Tumwater to visit Mrs. Sarah Lozier. Eldon Todd called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd Stmday afternoon. ay By l)ora Hearing MATLOCK ..... There will be a dance at, the Matlock Grangc Hall this Saturday cvening and Halvcr- son's orchestra will furnish the nlusic. The Registration books will be closed by August 16. So anyone in this precinct can register with Dora Hearing and those in thc Satsop precinct register with Mel- ba Trenckmann. Diane and Mike Chamblin of Aldcrwood Maner spent the past week with their grandl)arents, M,'. and Mrs Max Cash. Mr. and Mrs. James Filyaw and son of California have visited their folks, the Ervin Sleevelands, last week. James had to return i:o do Navy duty. His wife and son are staying a while with their grandmother, Mrs. Lloyd House, Tacoma. Mrs. Dorothy Petersen of Van- couver, B.C., has been a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hear- ink for a wcek returning to her home on Monday. The Arthm- Sharp family, Mrs. Lucy Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rossmaier and Mrs. C. Kolsted, all of Olympia, and the Carl Good- burn family of Shclton werc Sat- day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lu5 Rossntaier. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman attended the 50th anni- versary of Harstine Grange Sun- day afternoon. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman were hmcheon guests of Mr. and Mt's. L. D. Portman of Shelton Sunday evening. MR.. AND MRS. I. C. Ford, Mrs. J. R. Singleton and Tyler and David Boothe motored to Vancou- ver Wednesday to spend the day with Mrs, Singleton's sister, Mrs. William Magill. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nye and childish, Shelton, spent Thursday :evening at the Lud Rossmaier home. The Ford faintly reunion and picnic was held at the Clifford I Ford home on Lake Nahwatzel. Those attending were Earl Ford, Mr. aud MrS. Bob Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Dale ~'ost and children Mike, Lori and Mitch, and Mr. and Mrs. Venmn Stockton, all of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller and daughter Donna of Olympia, Mrs. Frances McNeil of Las Vegas, Nev., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petcrson of Cloquallum, and Mr. and Mrs. Latu'ence Hansen and Mr. and Mr& I. C. Ford and the Dick Boothe family of SeatLlc. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier are grandparents again. A daughter wan bolm to Mr. and Mrs. Artlmr Shat~ of Olympia Monday morn- ins. WE ARE SORRY to say Ralph Rothrock is back in the Shelton General Hospital again.~, We are sorry to report Mrs. Nolen Avery had tlae misforttme to get quite badly burned last week by seahling lint water and is in the Shelton GeneraF]~ospital. Mrs. Edward Valley and son David spent Saturday evening with the Clarence Creamer family. We are lmppy to report that Don Hanson is home from the McCleary Hospital after major Sul'gcry and is doing fine. Mrs. James Clmrehill find so, Charles of Dayton and Mrs. Sam Digglc and family, cal!cd on Mrs. Augusta. Portman and Carl Port- nlau Monday. MR.. AND MRS. Edward Tho- inlts of Yakinta were Tuesday guests of h~[r. and Mrs. Earl \Val- ker. .Mr. and Mrs. Harry H, icl¢crt of Hoqlliaul were Sunday (tinuer guesls of the I,:enneth l-toward l'anlily, The Gene B,'own family were Sullday di,uler gllesls of Mr. alldl Mrs. Olc Anderson of Shclton and thcn they called on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Minkler of PickeHng. Mr. and ),it's. R. Iq. Bradbc,'ry and Mr..and Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Mrs. Dorothy Peterson calle.d at the Harold Clift home Saturday cresting. Page 15 on the R. E. Bradberry, Elvin Hearing and Walter Shaw fanti- lies, and enjoyed dinner with the Shaws. Mr. and Mrs. Don Steward ano Joe front Bremcrton spent Sun- day evening with the R. T. Cock- burns of Simpson Salmon Hatch- cry. Larry Durgin and buddy of Fort Lewis spent Wednesday evening with the Dick Cockburn family. MR. AND MRS. ELVIN Hear- ing picnicked at Schafer State Park Sunday with the former's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Duckwitz of Rochester, Mr. ant Mrs. James Fredenburg of Ho- qtfiam, Mrs. John Fredenburg ot Olympia, Mrs. Goldie McQuinn el Canada, and Mrs. Norms Jacob- son of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry attended the wedding of Mr. Bradberry's cousin Sue Ruffin ant Donald Walker at Junction City, Ore., Sunday a~ternoon. Mrs. Augusta Portnmn and Carl Portman spent Tlmrsday with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shel- ton. Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano called at the R. E. Bradberry home Friday afternoon. MRS. HAROLD Clift spent Thm'sday afternoon with Mrs. F.. E. Hewson of Lake Nahwatzel.. Mr. and Mrs. William Avery spent Thursday evening in Elnm aud Denise and Mrs. Rebman spent the day at Sequi with the Joe Avery family. lVrr. and .Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman. Mr. and Mrs. Davc DeFoer ant son Ricky left for Idaho Friday to visit the fornler's folks. Tyler Booth of South Bend m spending this wok with his grand- parents, the I. C. Fords. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford ant Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier ant the Edward Valley family attend- ed thc sahnon bake at Panhandle Lake Friday evening. MRS. EDWARD VALLEY an,q son David, Mrs. Sam Diggle an(1 children and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier attended the Nye pic- ,tic at Kneeland Pa.rk Sunday. Mr. and 1Wrs. Lud Rossmaier were overnight guests at the Lar- ry Chambcrlin home Friday. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. MR. AND MRS. Howard Chap- man of Shelton were Sunday vis- itors at the Andrcw McGarvie home. Mrs. Ernest Adams and son ant Mike Faren of Enumclaw were Tuesday overnight guests of her sister and brother-in-law, the Lud Rossmaiers. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown and family spent the day with Mr. Brown's folks at Au- burn. Sunday the Gene Brown family picnicked at Port Townsend with the Merle Potter fanaily. Mrs. Clarence Barker and Miss Edith Mayer' ca,l led on Mrs. Ros- coe Crowell Sunday. The old Clarence Barker house burned Saturday evening. There hadn't been anyone living in it for some time. So no one knows what caused the fire. YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE Your home is your castle and like all castles it must be defended. Your ene- mies are very destructive; they include fire, wind, vandalism and many others. For the best de- fense against financial loss from such "enemies," get one of our Package Policies for homeowners. Angle Agency Herb Angle Dick Angle Phone 426-8272 ,62.,63-,6, LATE MODEL ,62.,63.,64 CHAMPIONSItlP SUiHDAY TIME TRIALS - 1:00 ]{ACES - 2:0t) GATES OPEN 12 NOON • See 1964 Fords - Dodges -Plymouths - Mere • See 1963 NASCAR Champion Ron Hornaday • Pacific Coast's Top Drivers and Cars • 6 Thrilling Events --- 50 Lap Feature GRAYS HARBOR FAIR--ELMA Reg. $1.25 5-piece Reg. 98¢ 10-quart 59¢ 1,000 69¢ SPRAY Reg. $3.59 5g-foot ~2.inch Vinyl Plastic Hose $229 100 tablets McKesson O (100 mg) Reg. $3.98 one gallon $299 Reg. $5.95 3-quart Reg. $1.29 75-foot plastic Reg. $5.95 battery-operated Reg. $1.49 2-piece rubber Reg. $3.98 Squibb chewable SPEGIAL GLOSE-OUT TABLE IN EVERGREEN SQUARE