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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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intended to serve as a worlcshop, boat port and two-car garage, but the broad expanse of cement floor archi- proved to be too inviting to re- Joe En- sist and hence the evening of fun lding is ev_ ely_cal.~ ...... Juve lile Correctional I nnstitution UPON NOVEMBER 3, 19G4 OPrlCE OF VICTOR A, MEYERS, !$~ ~ECRETARY OF STATE, STATE OF WASHINGTOI~, Concern. ~the State Constitution, find the Extraordinary -~rty'eighth Legislature of the State of Wash- ~@eby Published for the consideration of the Washington, the following Referendum Bill: ilq RENDUM BILL NO. 13 !~7, Laws Extr~ordins, ry Session, 1963) I IClAL BALLOT TITLE 0R [UVENILE CORRECTIONAL [ ]iNSTITUTION . [ .hlg for the issuance and sale of state I e honds up to $4,600,000 to financeI state corrections! institution in King [ Luther Burbank and Martha Wash: [ fer care confinement and rehabilita- i + irls committed by juvenile courts [ the department of institutions; and.] ent of bonds f am unpledged reta | ]. ::i L+ ISLATIVE TITLE [SENATE BILL NO, 25] ' ~._A:L INSTITUTION FOR JUVEN!LES:~- AIILDINGS~FINANCING. 1 i!q the ~tate ouerated charitable educatlona [~tt.... ~ J '.~uuon • ' " g "sst a e .ad~d 0bh- s, authomZmbonds then .t nc --...shalel°f' i ~...g.ati0n to provide Ior nee ful - i~venile+U correctional institution situated in ~ the vicinity of Echo Lake" roviding ways "~a - ' p ,_ ~" Y said bondS; making an appropriation; ' ittbrnission of this act to a vote of the people. .the Legislature of the State of .Washington: the Purpose of providing needful buildings astitution for the confinement and rehabili- situated in King county in the vicinity of ~tituti.on was established by the provisions ts of 1961 as amended by chapter [165], e Bill No 32) the state finance committee 1 to issue,'at any time prior to January 1, Lion bonds of the state of Washington in the "!x hundred thousand dollars, or so much required to finance the program above set. nd discharged within twenty years of the e coramittee is authorized to prescribe the and the time of sale of all or any portion ads, and the conditions Of sale and issuance at none 6f the bonds herein authorized shall !he pa.r val+ue' thei+eof, nor shall they bear xcess of four percent per annum. ledge the full faith and credit of the state ~ta!n an unconditional promise to pay the When due. The committee may provide Y of them, may be called prior to the due ach terms and conditions as it may deter- ace committee may authorize the use of x the issuance of.the bonds. ~s from the sale of the bonds authorized all grants donations, transferred.funds Which the state finance committee may arer to deposit therein shall be deposited eCtional institution building construCtion ~d in the state general fund. :four million six hundred thousand dollars, may be necessary, is appropriated from al institution building construction ac- ral fund to the state finance committee committee for the payment of expense rand] issuance of the bonds authorized Lotments made when requested by the as approved by the budget director for ~tmg such buildings at said correctional nement and rehabilitation of juveniles. e correctional.instltution building bond eby created in the state treasury, .which Y devoted to the payment of interest on )Onds authorized by this act. The state , on or before June 30th of each year, ~Urer the amount needed in the ensuing bond retirement and interest require- ;reasurer shall thereupo~ deposR such e correctional institution building bond ,~Oneys transmitted to the state treasurer and certified by the tax commission to ~nd such amount certified by the state atate treasurer ~hall be a prior charge • X revenues o£ the state of Washington, ~O ~: f heretofore pledged for the payment lterest. :r of each of said bonds or the trustee ay by mandamBs or other appropriate ,COmpel the trahsfer and payment o@ • re may l~rovide additional means foe ~aYment of the interest and principal ~erein and this act shall not be deemed ~ethod: for such payment. authorized shall be a legal invest- or for funds under state control art4 be submitted to the people for the~ or rejection, at the general election the Tuesday next succeeding the first l, m accordance with the provisions of the state Constitution; and in of section 1, Article II of the and the laws adopted to facilitate ~, 1963. 6, 1963. Aprll 17, lSe~. ~I~RTIFICATION of State of the State of Wash- above is a full, true and correct , Passed by the Extraordinary Session ~lature of the State of Washington, U of said measure now on file in my the Seal o~ the State of Washington • )ie, are home once again and, as I ~__ , [ m | [of this weekend, the family is all, wl~_~r I i | together for the first time in three ] /~t~U| • I monlhs. Following her return from . I Among those able to be pres- I h ....... +--de¢l trio ~(, *l~- e,ts~ coast ] Perhaps before the fall aetlvi- sent", a day by day record of one ent to help •h)e and Shirley in-i"~', "."~"~ +.,. ~ ~ ~,..~ ;_~.,,~,'n~,~er ties get into full swing, lhere will l)eriod in Senate history. ] it,ate the new area were Bili and ~an~ll.)ec~t+i~v°~k'~,til~l'~e~.~'grand-' b;~. time lo do some reading an(] Foreign aid is st bjeeted to a ] Judy Staudt with their house- mothe' Mrs Lee Pearson in Ab- t raking in preparation for the critical scrutiny in "Where did t guests Mr. amt Mrs. Di(:k Moore erdee~ ' Mrs.' Pea~'son will be with the coming elect:ions. There are a your money go ?" by Andrew Tul- [ and Mrs. Tva B,'o,,ghton, the Fred tha+l~iiners llere iti Gl•apeview this number of Dew books ill tile li!)- ly. "Taxpayers' Hayride" discus-[ Lutzes, the Don Pogrebas, Georgeweek " rary wnien wih give goo¢l t)ac~-scs "The, farm problem froln the[ and Ruby Lewis, Ed and Louise ,~,+., ~xa ........ ,. ,..~ ..... k]ground about some of the m~port-:New Deal to the Billy Sol EstesI Okonek,. Russ.. . and. Ruth. Wells, Ju-I aL'~"~onesome ............. ~,ve~':~t"~"~on ~'~,',,, "~,~:~ ] ant~..~, countrPr°blems confronting the case", written by. Julius Duscha~ , . [ I I I IEFFECTIVE bm and Vngm~a Hmks, Re(! a! dllsland as a gncgt of the Ted Mid- .. Y" . ....... I Tile PROI~LEMS between thel ~ylvla l~anson, l-low%roe 511(1 Ntllrlal [ ,~,~+.., ¢~.~hr Une of the DOOI~S. wnicn is. worth [ .nee. ~-+...n _....a+. • , ~, [ • ..... , . ,,,o o o news ,i]GU $T 13-14-I§ Seiners and Walt and Salli Clay- "~" ~" '"" " " ....... r l e°nsidering iv not new, although I n .... • '~ ton Providinw entchv dance rh~'-I ~ount.y Agl,ictnttn-al Agen¢ ma "in new cony iv on the shelves--it Ia o lnany people seem to zeel tired thins was Dick M~r~ ~t lhe niano [ old Van de Rmt made a vm~t t was written in 1835 --"Democracyo the whole subject but some [ + Joe 'i(is electric [ Grapcvicw and the Balmacles 4-H in hme :ica'' The' '-oun l rench"- 'thoughtfulreading about it would [ gt'~itar and, needless to say, a gooc{ Club's tl~t)ee gardeners 1.ast W.ed- [ man, Alexis "De Toc"quev~ille, tray- probaljly help to. put the daily[ time WaS had hv "ill " I nesoay atternoon, r~ece,vlng pomp- I ellinr~ ~ ith his friend Gustaw~ de [ news Into perspecuve. "Tile 2~egro I ........ • --"~--" ' ' + ~ ~ +" R V .... .... " : ~ I ers on their hortmultural efforts ] Beaumont observed life i- the Un- [ e olutmn m Amerma", by Wfl- I A nngnty Welcome mall arouna " o lel ' t Sin' ' + " ' " " . " . . were Leshe Ok I ~ Ga •y ~ fib, ~.a ~,_~ .... a ....a ...... ¢ ~h,~ ]ham Brink, m based on the sur-[ the family hearth is Art Zene wno ^..a r~.....~a ~,,n]el's ' " t .... ~a~=~ ~,,~, ,. ................... vev mad- h,, ~J~,,,~, ..... t. ~.~.~...~ t h .....r~l~f,~rl hl............... inn [ ~"~' ............... freest penetrating comments on thel .... a ........ e.......... s,~Zh,~I ... lb. X 0¢ .......... v ................................ • . .. - • ... .- , ,. . m 1963. "The Peaceable Revolu- - " " at Eastern \Vashington at Cheney The.aehvity an d_build!nggoh~g] Ares, man from of govelnment [tion,, is thc story of non violent] and has returned home as of last on ~us~ soutn.m .e ~oume ew~.~lmaae .y a zoreign oDselwer. [protest• fron~ Thm:eau and G, andhi[ Thursday.. n ' [~m(~n~euirl:stl~ h'~ve" s~ret°[t;tli~e' cl•eB~ARRYnee of GOI'D~VATER S//C°a~d [ t°a censer satire Martin Luther King " [ ifl01Ne:: E:;I ::;m ,. During the ~ven weel~s .spe t,a bit of time here at their place.[,,Why not victory'," have bccome I "The Negro Protest contains[ ... /29' there nis curricumm incmaea Test .. "-ents at th tes ' • intezviews wi ........ . " ~ . ..... .~ ~ vancouver resin e p • " | very tonical again "A time for [ • • th James Baldwka, [ Measurement an(~ ~valuauon., ~ .... h McGuires ho-e to" " ..... ' Malcohn X 1 " " •" " ' ' , • " 1 ~ and en~ ume, t.e .... . p action' is a collection of speeches . , al ¢1 ~artm l.,uther Elemen~uy School C urrmu t m[complete tlns project by spring-[and wriq-~s 'b,, L,,-don B John-]King. "When the Word is Oiven" ] ~v~atcrialSorganizadons.a short worksho, ot mstmiction. Of p OnpartiemarPrOfesmonal.' as. weU.note,aSl, ',dents.'L""e .......... ...... u,,u uc c^meu ,.--ernlanent. res|- L/ S0nTh f ....... ....... rom~"~'1953.t¢ v~'"w~,, ao .... 19.64 ,., ..... "°shin~'e,- [ Malcolm' iS a rewolld PT~eOrtx, e°nandEli'a-"-~theJ nBlackmUnammacI,Mushm• -'./ CE[IRY S.-...+'~l~-.._...._. .......... Each 2 / 29i' is ~he honol conferred upon curl l~eturning tO Alontain rictus,,ton is the subject of three books: [in "'~e" _.n .s are tne newest popKs/ ' " ' .... Dann'" Ewait whos l"lans' ................. e-i" 'xr"sh At special~l°rary on tne subject,in °ut/[ AaVOQaID , ' ' " in loano IS .y " p tJuu~las ~RL~I'~ "l-uw t' . vva~ - + • head teacher,.wh° ~as. m'tmted.-.~- Ix~ni ..... t~ ~nmnletev . his .schoolin~o and' -.-~"c~t'~'~' .............. .... h~,~h ae ..... ...... the .sent- ] several others can be recommemt- to the honmary socm~y oz ;. • • cd hi hl Beta Kappa Thursday, J'uly 30, inlgra,duate ~,th hm.frine~:dS ofltoho~[ arate holders of power--the pres- g Y' S 2 / 29 .,~o-, ,,~.~ ne hl- o;~,~,m~ nab-i~.ine years ne a~ 11 idency, Congress, the political par- question interna-/ ................. Each / .... ~'"'t~ ..... " ................ / there Danny will be living with| ties, the pressure groups, the press, I tional relations which is of inter- [ ievemems, the zehe's]l°ng'~ime friends of the family• /and others, and the coalitions be-lest is the relationsl!ip between] Weekend guests at m~h[;iii[~;[i[i£;i[ [[iii,[[ilni[ Dally ....... a.~,o =,o~,~; x~. c~n,., ~4om [ Celebrating her seventh birth-] tween groups of tl,mm; "The Sen-[ Russia and China. Three books ex-| ..~..+ ..... s ..... , ...... .-=" +- _" ~ no., last Wednesday was Miss Bee-| ate Establishment , by Joseph H. [ amine this question "Mac against areer' withon theirS°nSwayLanCehomeanatoTimDetlWn° [ k~a QuerYo,t, [. = Joining-her. for. an af- " Clark/ ...... and other ~senators, the rec- Khrushchev",, . by David. Floyd;][ ~-+-;~.. ^.('~ mother Mrs ! ~ernoon o~ games, nm ann ymnmy| era or a aerate neld in the Senate I ' Tsars, Mandarins and Commi-| ........ ~'~"; ~"~ ~ . • " -- "/birthda.~ cake and ice cream were! in February of 1963; "A Senate[ sars", by Harry Schwartz; and[ [ m rederick Zehe an~ nis t)rotnerl, =~ • - " .... ~- ' • ' [11 IV ...... ~ ............. rd|Janie t~ogreDa, Kriqti Seiners and,| Journal, 1943-194~", by Allen Dru-[ 'Peking and Moscow', by Klaus[ ann ~amuy, mr. ann ~vns. ~uw?-~lof course, Becky's" sisters Cathy[ry, author of "Advise and Con-'Mahne~,t. [ Zehe with Larr ann ,Anoa au o~/ . • • " L _~~ M _ .. Y l ann Virginia and. brothers Jamie/ ' :'. .......................................... [ I BUSINESS DIRE(TORY/ k + M,l 'i,i ii MR AND MRS tlALL Shepard " • ha a few net h The A V~ Richards were sur- " " , ' ~v:,r2 aPlnedasf, d::ds ~zCOPo i~tl S~e~ PoX~i, ns~dr ~n:atdelingh:;db:~ ~vel~°nm: Fred Nelson treated themselves to [tihf:l,~aft:,.." b~n,, so wYrm that| ] | ]=' • Top soil, tllltng, leveling | | ---, ~;n::d j , dinner out at Hood Canal s beau- [ the., we~.e able to eat dinner out / | JIM PAULEY, INC. I I . Free estimates | [ l-lb. Ctn. I~| tiful Alderbrook Inn. | o;d~ "/ | 5th & Railrqad Ph. 426-8231 I ] SUNSET LANDSCAPING I | hat ~" "- .... H r We are pleased to learn t | ...... ,,1 .... *~r~ 4".... ~r~rt T..... / | | [• bert Baze 426-4718 | | Bill Staudt, Sr, was able to re-" r~v,,,s ~v ....... 7 .... ..... ."'"I,~ ..... " 1. t ! " turn home from the Bremerton[~fT~enScdeaY~aAugs ~;.~vt~'~z~e[ ........ / ...... 'P ........... ~.i. he ! vate ~anny l~omnson. A water/ ~uuttu~v ....... I fawn aop . / is oen, gn~e~ ~u u~, ~,~ ,~ ...... "/purification specialist, Danny wflll I ...... I I . Mone- Loaned I 1 lovea Trait ~nas again•!| ~ rea sore time 'hi/Ill . Compm~e l-Ja,r uare II a I/ -- gAN [!D 11+ ~ouse~u~ts o~ the B,ll ~audt~; L:t~ntA~ ~'°p;cts toe be th r,' . ~er, e ~ormao Oo~m~t,c+ . ~te~s ~o,d and husband, Mr. and Mrs. uick[ ~_ .~'^--^antime occu""in~'/[ .... - " - ' | | . ~at.- I~ a.m.- lu p.m.| [ ~ nd Mrs Iva xzt Luu ,.u , ~,y 8 ~-iame st~eauty~alon Moore of Hollywood a • ' ' ' zeas , Is SHELTON PAWN BROKERS BroughLon of Fairfield, Calif. T~o I,oO+""Y.. ~.o~ ~0u~o,o. ,,,o°" oo~oo+~"° • ~+~ ecso,;[ I6th & Laurel 426-4.~ I I ,~ ~o. +ooo,~ =. I / M oo, es reluctantly dep arc ccl ~ un-?~"~;.-" "~=,_"" ~'_" =_ "CZ=_" :i~_~' .~.~: .| " ' ' ' '-! '/ -- / Cain? t;on ~ ; - = - otni'n • after a 10 da'" visitItamny" The l~aa~;~un~ uttuL~t~t[-- ' aay m " g - Y • • . ............ h*~n a lon~ timeIhve children are former Seward,| ..... | wnue wtr~. ~,-uu~ ~ , ~S.-..I .... 1.. residents. / l Ull{IOZlnff .'D__=-4-=-~. ] ~ Tall "l'i~s ~ E R ;m friend, plans to stay on unci~ mis[~'_~,~_~._ .............. / , ~" Irrl.~=..IK ..... , 1 weekend. I_ ~'