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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 18 SITELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chris{masCoTs, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Th -, ii i IH H For Sale F( )R SALE Go.d used FrigidMrc range. Inquire 426-3525. • S 8/6-27 iLtiEh K lli', -i;iTK- ihg---::--25- c 'nt,q pound, 14 tt)s for $3.9,5, IV,., ~lil(is off |'i'eeWIt y on ~|l!ltnlboat'" Isl Sli(.| rfhq(l. Eberhardt Itlueberry Nursery, Phone Olympia 352-8031. 8/6 tfn TV - An(i~nn'h--B~;(;;i(ei:--iiniiJli'fi)~s --sigiia[ 16 tbn,~s u{ a dis{ante of Ul) to 1000 fi. Cost $100 asking $50 Excellent (.umdilion. 898-2311. , S 8/6-20 Po "till) e T. V. excellent condiilon $75 each, evenings 426-8134. M8/6-20 7i'() l:U SX fft, -i i 7 ( i t i: ii: tii p o w ,i ," pack renlote controlswitches. Call ,i2 -40s9 8/6-13 i~4()i( gh i:~E -z2-716-fL-M~ji;ffe-iiow/~- ~'{th awning, rendy to livc in. Coach~Post Trailer Court, 352-3044, Olympia. D 7/30 tfn ed lens, guaranteed. Regularly $34.50, NOW $29.45 at Ziegler's Camera Shop 3/26 tfn bags° exclusive. The Wax-N-Wool shop, 1303 Olympic Highway South. L 4/30 tfn 426-8781. C 12/5 tfn grade 31A: tt.P. vertical shaft re- plac/;,ment engines for mowers or tillers, $32,95 exchange. Cooke's, 219 Soulh 1st, 426-2412, C 6/4 tfn camera -- Sensational camera at a' sensational $139.50. Ziegler's Camera Shop. 2/18 tfn ~VOR A-I~'REE-HOUR--of-b(ianty-call for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem- onstration. Elalnes phone 426-4582. E 6/4 fin! :V()i~ SXi.E L:Y--7-d-oz]-i;fift-r,:uit-jiirL~ wllh rings, 65e per doz. Hand mow- O1" lind grass catcher,Garden etii't alid tools. 426-6471, I 8/13-20 1,'Ol:t sAI:E .2;•. i)r~:"i,;i d,;Ubli;= oven range. Maytag autoniatic wa- sher lall practically new). Crosley Shelvador refrigl~riltor. Phone 426- 45,tl. F 8/13 UN USff}( E- P:iXi~b--+-hUY ,.~S-ffb%i~iiiiiii I!(tliity fre(L nearly new piano. Res- t)onsibh' party illay asSllllle snnill IIionthly l)aynieats. Can be sl!i~ll I)y al)lillhihu~qll. IJ~cir dctalls l)hone (11" wriie Talllillin'.~ Piaoo-Organs. .1759 University %Vay N.E., Seatlle. LA 2- ..... .................................. T._8/13:27 FIIR SALE- 120 [3~ISS Frallchli Ital- i;lU han(I-I lllldo tlc, eol'd hjn. Phoiil* Hi).dsl)ort 877-5713, B 8/13-20 .Ii'OR SAI,E ...... Mal Jga ~y dining rooni st'i. "l h'a;'t!S, six chlih's,good con- 426-20.19. B 8/13-20 St{ELTON VALLEY HAY ~-- 45c' bale in J:h'td, Phf!n,:. 42{}-64g{: ......... S_.8/13 FOR SALE (lh-l's bike, fine c.ondi- li(,n. Call 426-2497. It 8/1:1 TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt, F. E. Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn pc," cord. Delivered Shelton and vie- BOOTH For Sa]'e Pets, Livestock --i Miscella, neous For Rent I Real Estate Real Estate SPINET-CONSOLE' I IANO --- 'rills SIAMIT~E~' TTENS, hous+, b l en, APPLmATION ar,, now ,g t,ken I THREI' m++DROOM HOUSE unfu,'n- FOUR m DaOOM H()USE on a,,no. TIIREE BEDROOM HOUSE, garag area nlust b{~ sold, Irnnla('.Hlatc eou- . , c.. ...~.c aa(l lelll~lle l'nlJne ) "L,e o~.o ' ' ' ;; g ........ X ]l( r enq)h)yment at M.lnor s A & W [ {shed. Carl),,rt. Located at 2328 Ad- and Arcadia, one acre $3,000 cash.barn, creek, 43 acres. Approximatel~ dltion, cash or assume snmll month- . ;¶,~u20?Vo: ............................... ~.-.-(/-Ot{-P/-~? I Drive In, For gppointm,mt and in- I ares St. Phone '126-,1238. Balanee $4,800, Transferable G. I.20 cleared, Dayton a,'ea. Phone 426- ly paymenls. Phone credit ManagerAT STUD -- Registered Arabian -- terview piton( 426-2002. ] P 8/13 lfn loan, 41tz%, $56.00 per month pay-8329. R 4/9 tfn LA 2-5859 m" write Tallman Piano IBN Nat{f, chestnut, 15 hands, top M 8/6-13 FORRENT i:Mtl Vigw'Ci)i:amunity ClubTents. 426-8632 or 426-3204. ~-~R~~l~(~-~-~iTd~ attle,St()"(" Wash.50th and University WAY,7/30 8/13Se" blood line, will take grade mares ................. ~J~:ROMi)-]-Ii~]tKF .................... House anytime. For infornmtion call H 8/6 tfn plaee, l,lastered tiled basement. Good ~"6iC'SXEE-2"ibg6"gk-yi]iiehodhe.-trail- w!,t!} vget, Ce~:t., H~O; Ro~2, Rtjo2, GARDEN r0"tovating, field' plowing, I 426-3959 or 426-2406. ~-~ ~- ~.-~ .....~.~ v--,~. ~.~- pit-run gravel, Minimum charge us- __ M 6/18 tfn2 BEDROOM house with 5 acres 4 location. Phone 426-2283. G 8/6 27 er, 27 foot, furnlsimd, vcry good _?~,o . ................. ?/., u_nde,' four hours. Anything over four IF OR ~t-E~-~-~--2bedroom: niiles out on Johns Creek. $5200 with condition. $1250. Phone 426-6091. terms. Phone 426-2337. N-I-(~E-~i~r-0--~D--R-0-~--~e:-~71ec-t-H{ R 7/9 tfnHORSESGeldings~ORand oneSALEmare.-- AIsoOne severalC°lt 3 hours is by the hour. 426-3678.B 6/25 tfn I unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- S 8/6-27 heat, fenced yard, patio and garage, F-b-ff---gRL-g--~---N';.__iS'--5=biifi---Dbiwg saddles and bridles, including Junior D-R-IV--E~-I~Dara't~on-f~)r ] 4836.Biss°niere Agency, 426-4666D 8/29°r 426-tfn LOST LAKE 2 bedroom mmmmr il(]i~, newly painted 428 Bellevue. 426-8546. field chopper. $600. Phone 426-6091. ~addles, Contact H O Rowe Rt , ~ ,- , - 50x140 view lot. LE 3-2700 Aberdeen. F 8/6 tfn _. R '?79 tfn 2 ........ ~ .... " " . ..4~ +." written and driving tests, Private HOUS'~K-E~'P~G'-~_ W 8/6-20 G-60~-TS-'-I-N'-~B-IocKff"~2~ S~WMI%]:g'agd-TK(TciT.~s~-~'~iKbi~fflo~. ' ., - .... * lessons beginner and refresher cour- rooms and 2-room apartmev's. Lin- ~.~i~=~-l~Tr-~,~--~--b-~c~--~2~ and 27 and north half Block 11, HORSE SHOEING done In Mason ses. Pick up service. Call ely. 357- ens, dishes, utilities supplied. 426- Phone 426-8113, Also 30 Caterpiller Seattle Syndicate addition to Shclton. engine and TD 9 Crawler traetors, County,your place or mine. Jim 6131 collect anytbnc. 2081. ~ 2/2~ tfn 650' partly wooded hit. HammersleyW,'ite or call Patrick Sutherland, Inlet, Gentle slope to beach, $7,140. 1814 Eastwood Dr,, 943-2833 ~ly~)~)!~ B 712 tin Hills. Call 426-6064 or 426-8876.C 6/25 tfn GAT]~IT~-~--A-i~A--R6M~-Ni;S---i----i~u-:n] Tern,s. Call Sheiton 426-4307. ~U-CEI)-~--i~S00~-a"~-ibZ}nm 5/14 tfn~ WOMAN wllh Shelton eXellange tel(-islied modern apartments. Downtown D 8/6-20~E~t--h~)'me. slide projector with remote control. JOHN'S POODLE PARLOR -- Corn- phone. Good pay. Send name, ad- area,Taler and heat furnished. Regularly $84.95, NOW $69.45 at gio- plete poodle grooming, address 106 dress and phone nu nber tBox P tm'front, newly decorated. Small hardwood panelling, floors. Arcadia gler's Csmera Shop. 8/26 tfn Arcadia St. Appointments only.' Call e/,', Journal. P 8ira ~du, l~ ~nq41'~'::ig19. East C~d6aA.1 Pt~ LARGE THREE hedroom home, wa- -'+ow baak, wl'tTl tidelands. Unh!ue EE'-MI-fNff-T-'ON~in--~cut~t-= 426-8546. J 2/3 tfn ..... ' .................................. . ....... down payment, reasonable monthly Point 426-6811. B 8/13 tfn ............................ YOUNG MAN interested in pubhe re- L-A-WToN---AP-A-I~-T~-N-Ts~--Bache-~or i)a:¢ments, Will accept trade. Fred T'-HR-E-E---BED~.--O-0-M---H-OfJ'S]g--wi-th-ihr~ last 'em all. Cooke's, 21~ So. First FOR SALE -- AKC registered Austral- lations work. Send name, address and unit~, suitable for one or two. Corn- Stock, 426-4951. St..ahone 428-2412. 8/29 tfn tan Terrier puppies, males or re- phone number to Box P c/o Journal,pletely furnished. All utilities in- S 7/30 8/20 acres, 2V- miles from town, $6750. FOR SALE -- Round'0ak tables, old stoles. Teann Kennels, Stm. ate. 2, P 8/13 eluded. Reasonable. 7th and Pine.TH-RE---E---B~-(3~in--~, ct--~=- Terms. Call 426-2098, R 8/13 Clflna closets, boats and motors, Box 137, Shelton. Phone 426-6940,2= ......... 7-----2--7--2-';E.--& "-; F 6/11 tfnFREE -- One gases i;)[ 2. ~ w ~oot Phone 426-2121. 5/16 tfn net of McKinley St. Lot 100' x 120', boat trailer, refrigerators, washers, ~E_~;__7~7_:~__ Beer tn C. B. Niemeyer, 137 Deleware FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- beautiful view of Olympics. $9,950. bicycles, Articles of all kinds includ- w .~urr,,x or turues ann nsn are at Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mr. {shed apartment. Hot water heat, Call Brite Star Realty, 877-5439 or ing antiques. Herb's Second Hand in. Also greeting cards of all kinds, ~'i(w 8/13 city utilities, range and re~rlgera- 426-6227. B 7/30 ALLYN Store, half mile North of Shelton on 5c apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378. ' tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Ph. Mt. View. 426-3532. H 3/12 tfn V 3/19 tfn W_na.A..~ 426-6593. B 5/18 tfn AI~GLI~SIDE~wo Cute one bedroom, modest home T'~--O~-A-ff'-0"RGA'N~]J~s'-ch'Erd? I&)P~--SAf)~-()-i~-~'R-A-DE--~- B-u-rr~a-ch{ _.lib IA2U P-()~rER-L~ff--R~b~KE--f~pm~e'~ fireplaces, large family room, dining situated amid towering firs. Less $250. Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota. fo,' year or more old beef. The "Gen- _ .................... moss and dead grass, quick and room. all electric, w/w carpet, patio, than 1 block to the bay. Walking , ' 4/16 tfn eral" is in A-1 (audition, tlu'ee years LAI)X _WANT~ wu~-~ el any Kraft. easy, $2.50 per h. Cooke's 219 South fenced yard. F.H.A. terms $15.800 distance to shopping, full price BRAND NEW COLOR pack Polaroid old. Blue-Grey with the Spanish . __~a_ti _~;~243"18._ ........... v.~/!6 ,t n 1st, 426-6389, ' 3/26 tfn by owner. 426-4400 after 5 or week- camera. Price reduced to $189.50. eros,}, Marie Kukik, 205 E. Pine,JOB WANTED -- Caretaker, wa[eh- itOOD--CANAl~--LZ'-Ti:a]le~tc--nc'arends, , O 6/18 tfn$5,150. Zie~ler's Camera Shop. __._1/23 tfn K 8/13 man, ym'd nmlntenance, Canal area Union for rent or lease by year. L-ARG~E~---o'~vl--ew Call Julius Stock 426-6705 T-i~Y ()UR-"CATALOGr'~-'EVICE-~'-~ .............................................. 'l)referred living quarters needed. Will aceonunodate trailer up to 35 lot overlooking water and moan- Many thousands of items to choose TO GIVE AWAY -- Six puppies, Small wa,',es fl ~'~,*ihle roferone.~' p O BOX ft, Water. sewer, electricity ready tains. Three bedrooms; two baths Evenings 426.6911 from. Large descounts. We p~,y breed. Five weeksold. Phone 426- ~'~,'U'v},~,:,;;'(~',~" w~(~h ........... to hook up. Call owner 426-4478 days and den, carpets, garage with work- freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hi:i- 49]0. T 8/13 -,,o ..~., ..............I 8/6-20 426-6476 evenings. M 7/23 tfn shop. Phone Union 898-2163. ~~ Cla,llsifled ServleJe rurnislled home to pernmneut resl-in excelh+,n~, down town locatlou. T~p-l~--e--(-~-l~- stamps for sale at the Journal,ll,25 ............... _--- dents. Would consider lease option. Partly furnished. Water, sewer and crest. Double lot, fruit trees, gar- each. 227 West Cola. ,, 12/1 tfn la Call 426 4742 garbage inehlded. $85. Call 426-8277. • -L-E-~ROLUX SALEIg, service and WE D'Y scrap Iron, 1)arteries, radiao • ' " '" ~ ~/a ~ den area. Near atores and schools. P.O. Box 401 Ph. 857-2121 supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6)08. tors, copper, salvage of all kinds ................... -_ ................... 7__".~'~(-_~'~ W 7/30 tfn 941 E. Cascade. Phone 426-6190. Gig Harbor, Wash. after 2:00' p.nh Demonstrations. Shelton Junk Co. First and Mill WANTED -- Large' wood h rating st )ve ~E~q=~]7-~t{~dt-7~ool}i'-fUi'hisb(~d S 7/9 tfn Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfnIn good con(lit{on. Write Smith's CI- al,artnlent, one bloek from super- ~-~L-~-O~-~-AD--~--~-~l~0~-~lu.i~y-~n R 1/7 tfn ~--RN~I~,~'SIING ~--~- gar SUwe 114 Cuta. Shelton. WasiL market. Mt. View. Water. sewer and , P , " 8/6-13 ~OU CAN PUMP more wa~ stallations oil conversions. S~lton ................. ~---~ ............ ,,.- garbage fu,'nishcd. $50. Call 426-8277. house at 208 E. Piue. Balance of longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps, Sheet Meial Co 321 So Third Dial PART-TIME worK. women overzo, W 7/30 tfn Contract $:1,800, $25 a month. Con- SeT them at Shelton 1mice{Tie Oo., ~ma.aT,, "' " ~ ~,'], t,n sider good car, pickup, small trailer 0Dc 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn house, Calves, farm equipment or ---=-;~ "% .... '" :"_i"ground helpful. Phone ,126-84.50 be- Mt. View, newly redecorated, $60. E'eR SALE ~ Used steel, plates, pipe; LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For tween 9 a.m. and ,5 ll.m. Phone 426-3210. Mc 8/13 anything I can use. Also have $i000 He ANAL equity in ~V., acres nine miles out pulIeys and shafts. All types sal- expert painting and wall papering, H 8/6 tfn i;~(:)R" RENT -2:--i~)lili''ii,!(ll:o(';i'll hOlil( toward Hoodsport with 530 ft, high- SOUTHSIDE vage. Shelton Junk Co., Iflrst andcall Bennett Painting Company, ~ER-TIFii~D---r]ayU-(;~ll-;((--Fen(ii(d y~trd, nlostiy furnished. Angles{de $50 per way frontage, lots of spring water. 426 8248 B 1118 tfn Phon( d26 :Mill, phone 426-8626, 9/8 tfn ~=u-~-.o --_~____ avalablc after Augus*t 30. ~ ' '- month..126-6692. S 8/13 tfn Baianci~, on thLs acreage $600, $25 a Call Union 898-2263 ~~ PREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. 6632, N 8/6 tfnFREE-'AI)A'I~TMENT"fii-r~,iial)]c e0u- nmnth. Trade or make cash offer. ennditioned ranges, rofrigerators,Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- ADULT-'BAI~Y-SiT-day 0i:-iiiglfl, your pie fro' light sl'rvic,,s .t26-2081. Phone 426-6953. D 7/23 tfnThree bedroom, 2 creek, beautiful washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap- 4823. 2/13 tfn llome or mine phone ,126-4304. B 8/13 Ifn F-0--R--S~Lifl~W--N-E--R--~h-~ee mountain and canal view, 130 ft. plianee Center. 6/5 t.fn ~x-PE_R~r----C~-I.~i~E~I_T-RY_._~)RK~.-~ S 8/6 tfnTi~XiLERT--HOUSI~--]'0{;-r~nt[-Plmh({ ~EE OUR FINE stock ot fireplace 1)cdrooni house, Hiller(st. Dinette, beach, near Union, $13,500 terms. equipment. From fir(glow to Frank- Wanted, Summer homes, remodeling WANT-"ro-reni--i)iiih- trailm'. 17 ft, ,t26-3169. B 8/13 tfn sun poreh, full basement, fireplace, lin stoves, grates to gla~s doors,or new cunstruetion.Very reason- 1000 lb. calmcily. Phmm 426-4224, extra large yard with outside fh'e- Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. able. Phone 426-2401. H 4/9 tfn D 8/6-13 ! place. New double carport, 426-2277. Four bedroom on Calm Cove. View. , 11/15 tfnEXPERT ADTO GLASS Installation. ir~.~g--DYl_d mobile homes! Quali~ Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. at apractical price! DeTray's Mo- Phone 426-8281. 4/28 tfn bile Homes, 1617 Fones Road, Olym ............................................. pla, Wash. Phone 352-2907. GRACE PIANO SERVICE -- Tuner 2/21 tfn and technician. "Regular Care Pre- .................................................................. vents Costly Repair". Call Olympia 8tLIGGS and STRATTON replacement 943-3712 or 357-6622, or Shelton 426- engines, short blocks, parts in stock 8267. G 3/12 tin Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. First. Phone 426-2412. 3/28 RE~i~IGE-~-~()-~ and f,~ezers, re- tfn conditioned, reasonable. Jhelton Re- WOOD FOR SALE ~ Any length, $16 frigeration Service, 815 tots, phone 426-8082 day or nlgbt. 1/18 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool Insula- WA'NTE}J BABY silting;- fUlliinlo my Real Estate liome, for working nloliiers, Call i 426-4186. E 8/6-20LARGE 2-BEDROOI~ ?loin(, h)cated on ' WILL BABYSIT DAYORN]GltT -- Hillcrest, hdl basement. Will sell F, nccd y3rd aud phiy equilmlent forbelow appraisal. Call 426-4673. children. Phone 426-8490. S 7/16 tfn ............ S 1/23 tfn ~Nb~-~l-$1_.N--~'-Ohd-igbSi--ii-y-oti 100' x 150' COUNTRY-biiildingsi{e~ think it can't be fixeU call Henry four lni]es southof city CelltIH'. Landts. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn. Call 426-2120. Me 7/30 8/1:/ W~,ffEEi-__'-[(i~j-r+~ca+p~g~--tires.-(jl¢- FOR SA LE OR TRADE = ;- Th re( bed- Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn r(~l)nl hen{e, partly furnished, near tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn brick, 2 bedroorns main fh)or IRONING DONE -- 90c an h6ur~-oi4.o full basement includes rcc. room F---O~E-X-P-E-~T-~IA-SO~:~i~-/ir-e-P]ac-C~, day ~ervico if des,~red. Call 426-4593. thai, can b0 nsed for bodroonls, deep- chhnneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, L9/19 tfn drilled well, exeelh:nt Taler supply, 426-2278. 8./1 t/n ~_ii~H--S~H~6L-.l~y-~-an~.s--W(~i:l(.-dUi:Z 5 acres, (31/~ pasture), l~/a mereh- ~-Av~--GoN-'Wti~L'~:lb~Y]--~'i:el'lt'r ing summer. Yard and lawn Turk aniabh] thnber, young fruit trees, and interior. Free estimates. Work or w.hat-have you? Phone 426-62:17.berries and fine garden spot. 426- guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. E 6/18-8/27 8563, No Saturday calls, /)lease. Phone 426-°8245/. 5/10 tfn ................................ WANT TO RENT ,w lease with ol)tion. A 5/21 tfn Three i)edl'o(llo i)r lWO with /'(I(!['1!/1- CHiN SAW SHAR 3N , accurate precision grinding. NoW at ~aeger Motor ShoI~. HiRcre~t. Phone 426-4602. 1/1,5 tin tiou room in Shclton. No small chil- dren. 877-5249 ltoodsport. F 7/30 8/6-13 WX~'P~i3-TU-Bti~/-::-il--qt.- ic'}/-{:rean, freezer, phone 426-3153. P 8/13 HIqLP WANTEDI+" Bal~yMi{iii{~, one chihl, Anglcside area. Starling Sept. 8. Phone 426-320(.), W 8./13 tfn BABY SITTER t0-~it-'-f}iT- two small children in my home starting Sept. 15. Call 426-3288 after 5:30 p.m. C 8/13 tfn B-Y- OWNER-~ "F~i:+od{ii/ig/mcy in S{x' luontllS, Threc })edroolll, lhree year old lionm, on beautiful 109 x 130 view lot, Well ci)nstructed, w/w carl)= (~t illff, large w(irk shop, garage., fireplace, fenced yard, woodshed, near schooland store.Phone 426- 8559. M 7/2 tfn ~:1ssION-LAKE-~ Two-lJcdr(i0nl ll6iiT~ 127' x 660'. Sale or trade for Shelton waterfront houle, Phone Belfair CR 5-3057, Star Rt. 1, Box 993, Bremer- ton, B 5/14 tfn B 7/2 tfn Beach, dock and float access. $19,- ANGLESIDE CORNER rot, 90 x 120 500, terms. for sale. Phone 426-8563. No Satur- day or Friday night calls, please. A 7/4 tfn WESTSlDE FOR SALE -- Five acre tract ~ mile from Olympia Highway on Arcadia Two bedroom, basement, 200 ft, Road, Three bedroom home, sand- On Hamma Hamma River. 2Vz stone fireplace, wall-to-wall carpet in livingroom, wood furnace, double acres, $15,750, terms. ARRIVING SOON from factory, 10' x 56' two bedroom Admiral mobih~ CONSTRUCTION CO. h