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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 2020
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there, while they were cleaning their nets. (It is how Page A-24 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020 Good News! carries farther? Jesus was smart to do this, because there were so many people trying to hear Him! When He was done speaking, He told Simon Peter to go out where the water was deeper, and let his nets down, so he could catch some fish. “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard, all last night, and didn’t catch a thing. But, if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” He could have argued with Jesus, even refused, BUT he said he would, just because Jesus told him to, even though they hadn’t gotten anything all night. They had been cleaning their nets already! Well, there were SO MANY FISH that his nets were starting to tear, and he had to shout to his partners to come out with the other empty boat. Soon both boats were so full of fish they were almost sinking! When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me— I’m such a sinful man!” He was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the other two with him—his partners, James and John, sons of Zebedee. “Jesus replied to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!’ And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.” They were the first three disciples—Simon Peter, James and John. And they quit their fishing jobs to become fishers of men with Jesus! Can you think of another word for that? That’s right! Evangelism! 0’ ‘_ ‘ . . 9 KIDS MESSAGE by Theresa Murray “Jesus replied to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!’ And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.” Luke 5:10-11 NLT Do you like to go fishing? Do you go with your parents or grandparents? Do you like to go with friends? It’s so much more fun if you aren’t all alone, right? Well, Jesus preached to a lot of people, but He was doing it alone at the beginning of His ministry. One day He was preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Lots of people, crowds of them, were trying to get close to Him, so they could hear the word of God. He saw two empty boats at the edge of the water, because the fishermen had left them God, we evangelize! ~ Every time we cast our nets in faith, they will come back overflowing! So, next time you go fishing, remember to invite Jesus along! You never know if it is fish or men you will be catching that day! they earned their living-it was their job.) Jesus stepped into one of the boats and asked the owner, who happened to be Simon (Peter), to push it out in the water, and He taught from there. Did you know, if you are on the water, your voice St. David Of Wales I a turf EI’ISCOPAL CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES ‘ Join Us for Online Worship at 10:30 a.m. Go to wwwsdow org for live streaming information. Will Preach for Food Podcast @ 1212 Connection Street, Shelton 0860.112686] 1 Rev. Doug Peterson Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) 360-426-8472 0 324 W. Cedar Street in Shelton f-“ae‘ New Community Church of Union \m" 951 E. Dcrlby Rd, Union 2 Au lin SERVICES AND ARE CANCEqu UNTIlfURTHER 1mm. Join Us Streaming Live on Facebook Sunday Mornings 0 8:30! B To learn more, please visit our website, or on Facebook at f/nccunion St. Germain“: Episcopal Church (“the Church on the Hill") We are nonoan Ior in-ponon am Sunday 3:10:30 am EVERYONE to welcome horn! about. Culhmnn M. Just'k mile upnouie 119nm Hoodsport 30877-879 nimoonnninhoodsportfigmfloom minimum Piano 3 guidelines. Plus: In. your mash. ’ 360-898-785 www.thenccu.r HELTOZ w. CA 210 w.Selton Vlle Rd. . FIRST BAPTIST Please Check Our Website for Updates 360-426-8461 an‘dizt hall ’b‘e‘gzv‘en’jm‘u;Seek,77:» » find'yegshhllfinwd; knock, and it"shall (deepenedjiOiiffFozr/every‘ one tnSIéiéthre’céiveth; and he that Every time we talk about Jesus, and the Kingdom of ‘4. Adventist Church Join Us Saturdays for Live Bible Study and Worship Service! Group Bible study w/Discussion: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 am. y *Following Covid-19 Protocols Visit Ourwebsite or on Facebook at Shelton Valley Christian Fellowship 426-2776 0 _. CALL-426-412 TO LIST YOUR CHURCH BIBLE TRIVIA by Wilson Casey 1. Is the book of Simeon in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. Whose first chapter begins, “Then Moab‘ rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab”? Exodus, 2 Kings, Iob, Proverbs 3. In Luke 7, where did Iesus raise a widow’s son from the dead? Amos, Nain, Lystra, Philippi 4. From Genesis 4, Who is considered the father of all musicians? leremiah, Ioash, Iubal, Job 5. In Luke 1, whatwas Elisabeth and Zacha- rias”child named? Elisabeth, Zacharias, Thomas, John 6. From Genesis 12, Where did Abram go after leaving Ur? Iconium, Nineveh, Haran, ’ Salem HARVEST F0 Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. at Harvest Foursquare Church 910 E.Dearborn Avenue in Shelton Pastor David Wilson 360—426-3305 4,. Lutheran Church gm Missouri Synod We are 'Holding Live Services Again Sunday Mornings! Contemporary Service 8:30am Traditional Worship 11:00am '3 Also streaming 11:00 service Live on Facebook! 200 East Wyandotte AVON“) www.mtoliveshcltonorg Office 360-426-6353 Daycare 360-427-3165 Check our Website for Updates! Gethsemane Ministries (nondenominational) (360) 898—27 52 Live Contelnpormy Worship Meets 7pm Saturdays 2320 Washington St! Shelton Gethsemane-Ministries.c0m Seventh-Dav