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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 I-rELTON-AflON COTJNTY ,T0tmNAT, Thm:cta, 14 .ason County Post o. ,.+ Adjutant General Farm Machine Harstine Island Gustaf Becker, cowboy and LaFfs For Free Kid Show QUICK Veterans of Foreign e xp wan s repare(p n .......................... n e oi, Ft riding cowboys and plenLy T II Ki i P Soil i ,s R+,ehel O ol bo d I Sh It 21 of laughs re in stoo +or the + ts.oi0 I! t War Singl atio y p +o, ngste,+ in Shelto at+oct+Is +its .. +. Mr. O.K.  Wars e ec s e er n daughter of toslyn spen 1,st ears, asses Saturday when the J. C. Pem, ey economic Thursday on the island visiting" . . Says Regular :Meeting Brigadier General Ensley Llwel- Willow Run, Mich. (Special)-- old friends of hers that she made Gustaf Alfred Beeker, a rest.. Co. free Kid&apos;s Show hits the Ch'a- is the By R and It Friday, August 15 -- 8 p.m. lyn, adjutant general of the State The new Rototiller farm machine, when she taught school here in dent of Shelton for the past 21 ham theatre screen. . been looking of Washington and by virtue of now in prodnctton by Graham- 1929. years, passed away at. the Shelton This will be a genuine "Kid's own locality. Memorial Building his title, head of the state's no- Paige Motors Corporation at Wil- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Robinson General Hospital followiDg n. brief Show," S. B. Anderson, manager sonnel earn tional guard components, was the low Run, is expected to revels- and friend of Puyallup visited at illnes.% on An,Aust 7. of the Shelton Penney's store re- --some, tionize tillage methods on snmll Mr. Be<:ker was an employee of ported. Hnwdy Fnlk,: A i'n'ett.y fair pr,ol W.T..Jackson, Commander regular weekly guest speaker o i VJrite that money taflk.q is in the fact thai the Hugo A. Glaser home last the Slapssou Logging' Company "Tickets are available at tile Girly wc+lnelfs h++t+0 o Phone 697 the Shelton Kiwanis C]nb at Mem- P and mediuln-size farms. Thursday alld also railed on some sil}ee lg:lJ, add ,vtls h pr(,vious store for any youngster who will MR. c,i,.. Home gardeners find wide use lof their other friends. . , J. H, Gray, Q.1VL Adj. orial hall on Tuesday. noon. [ for this self-powered tiller which I resident of :Marion Hill, Kansas, ask for them," he added. Room 2, Oet +Vheo money talk, everybody Phone 352J onThethe state'SprospectsmilitarYof theheadnextSp°ke'war, I in a single operation prepares [ Mr. and Mrs. John Chamber- where he w:ts confirmed in the A cowboy feature and special Seattle grounl for immediate planting by [ lin 'lnd family of San Diego, Cat., Swedish Lutheran Church in 1896. comedy attraction are scheduled, : • , . were gnests last week at the home I' Mr. Broker was born in Mer- Ilul.en. in a talk entitled "Push Button churning and crumbling the earth io f their atmt and uncle, Mr. and ides, Iowa, May 5, 1880. His Out" neighbor says the1, tunney Warfare." stopsw°rk<° way.+. It talks and it tlauling Experts nowHe beingt°hl Ofmadethe p 6greSSin the develop-that is withidly,,TheinSteelpaddlewheelRototilleredge tineSmachinefashion.ratating raP-willl berlinl Mrs. J.isC.a of Mrs.Mr" Ctmm-Jessie parentSsurvivorsWerearenativeShis wife,°f Sweden.Myrtle; lWEa R/Joss, S£yOuRSUREBEsT.TO BEST SUtT Dawson. hLeland and Harvey,  Suit TO THE • * * ment of new weapons, and also make the plow obsolete for cer-] two s n The kind of money that talks gave as the impression of the At- rain tasks," Joseph W. Frazer, [ The J. W. Mills and Chuck WiN both (t'3 " elton; four daughters, k, PARTY TONIGHT. most is hush money, roy's leadership that the next at- president of Graham-Paige Motors liams families of Maryland are Mr.'. Hazel Tindall, Mrs. Gwen- ''--""-- ....... tack would come over the roof of[ Corporation, says. +'It is not only [living in the Gerald Needham dolyn Osborne and Miss hiois At- G,+  . One lady realarked that many a the Arctic ice cap. He said in the a thne and work saving aid to the ] home. Tlley are relatives of Mr. leih Becket', all of Shelton, and girl nlarrt++s t< make ha' dr,+am future there will be no time for [ farm(r, b,t a means of applying and Mrs. J'im Archer. Mrs. Marie Adams, el! Boise,  ,,+. come thrntJgh, lengthy preparation as in the past a new ln'lnelple in tillage." t Mr. and Mrs..T.P. Smith and Idaho. ':' ':: + When we had been'nafeguarded by I The tiller works the seed bed lMrs. Maxine Waite and daughter Also surviving are a brother, While an the ubjeel of raooe.,¢, two oceans and long distances. [ thoroughly from top to bottom, I were Sunday guests at the Archie ' George, of Bremerton, and three we ¢ouhI say that pin mooey +loes,'t araaa,t to muelt unlea General Llwellyn gaveas his be- leaing no lumps or air pockets to I Halloway heine at Ollalla. sisters, :Miss Helen L. Beeker and land,Mrs" Alore.,fri edaandSmith.Mrs, bOthAliceOf Port-  ;'.: tho pin is u diamond pin. lief that war would come to us as interfere with moisture absorp- I. - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer and Jon-  i  i il ' ...... soon as an enemy, who he frankly tion. Soft can be worked earhet, daughter visited at the Henthome son of White City, Kansas, tir-  ;-- :' Ad <)f course, th¢ expression stated to be Soviet Russia. believed permitting air to penetrate the hmne in Ollalla Sunday. tees grandchildren and five great- "dollars to doughnuts" doesn't it was ready with their softening finely crumbled earth. In one op- Mr. and Mrs. John L, Hitch- grandchildren. TlY OUR SHIRT carry the odds It .+,d to. tlp of our internal life and when leration the new tiller produces a cock Were Sunday supper guests Fnneral services were held,at ...... that nation had accumulated su-[more thoroughly prepared need bed at the home of Mrs. Hitchcock's 2 p.m. Monday from Witsiers Fu- LAUNDRY The odds are In favor of rOIt petter weapons. [ than is obtahied in Several opera- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whaley neral Home. and burial was in the u.lng our Infra-ray tire treaD- The speaker told of an hnag-[ tions with plow, disk and harrow, of Shelton. Orid Fellows Cemetery. pn.' ytem over anti over if Our clean, de luxe trucks inary attack on the State of I In addition to its primary par- you II i,t glvP it ,, tr.v ow+., will move your furnishings Washington, which ire said eould lPose of tillage, the Rototiller: Mr. and ]rs. Carl Matters of ............................... safely to a new home, anGer be captured easily today. He fur- serves as cultivator, and will have Tahuya entertained Sunday at a Graveside Rites for lll_,llF&,p insured carrier handled by ther stated that the regular army.numerous special attachments in- birthday party for their dough- hauling experts at reason- dt.++.¢lI$,,..,,llrUg-:. --I able rates anywhere In the of the future will consist largely eluding lawn mower, field mower, ter, Carol, and those attending Torger Lee Infant state, of technicians who will develop, planter or seeder, snow plow and were. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ander- Graveside funeral services will test and prove up new weapons, a power take-off to operate saws, son, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Ander- be held in Everett this afternoon lAU'SClR  SON ............................... grinders, pumps and other farm son and Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar for David Bryan Lee, three- Commission machinery. Johnson and son, Ronny, of the months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. CLEANERS 1528 Oiympio Hiway (HlJlcrest) SIIELTON ers The unique machine, invented in Island. Torger Lee of Shelton. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Upright of He wag born in Shelton May G 3 Li Switzerland. has bee,, available in PHONE 585 TRANSFER rant censes this country only in limited quan- Tacoma spent Sunday at their :l. 1947, and passed away here Island home, the old Henry Lor- Monday. tity. During the last year inter- Two liquor licenses were re- est in the new method of tillage enzen place. Survivors are his parents, and newed in the county and a public which the machine offers has Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Housen his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. dance license was granted by the mounted rapidly and Graham- and family of Seabeck were Sun- L. J. Lee of Everett, and Mr. and .... County Commissioners last week. Paige has received nearly 100,000 day guests at the Ed.Wilson home. :Mrs. \\;V. O. Pinney of Los Vegas, Lulber The liquor licenses were granted orders for farmers, greenhouse Mr. and :Mrs. Earl Gillette and N.M. Shellon ++, attended a family reunion Coincidence; 2 .g to Thomas J. Kennedy for the and nursery operators. Peek Inn tavern and Harley E. at Point Defiance Psrk Sunflay. Johnson for ttte Golden Pheasant Tell Phone, Road :Mr and Mrs: Earl .art.+. Sisters Have tavern at the Commissioners' are the proud grandparents of a ++"'J fi'Amnanw m+t,,g st  Plans at Chamber new daughter at the home of :Mr. Appendectomie ¢UTlOl-"r-'*p. The dance license was issued at and Mrs. Albert Otterstad of Ab- the Commissioners' continued ses- erdeen. They also entertained . S sign last week on August 6, and Meeting Tonight their other daughter and children, was a three-months I i c e n s e , :Mrs. Nellie Hile of Hoquiam and Talk about coincidence, or what- granted to Warren Haddock for I Members of the Shelton Cham- Mrs. June Jameson and children ever .... D elightPark. [ber of Commerce will hear what also of Hoquia m, o ver the week Lois King went to Shelton hos- UVV D /'/ Marriage Licenses I plans for road construction and end pital early last week for an ap- on new I repair and also what projects for Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.W. Briggs pendectomy. Two days later, her :Marriage license applications were filed in the County.Auditor's extension of rural and city tele- of Portland wer guests last week sister. Mrs, Anita Clothier, study- office last week by the followlng phone service are in tire making at the John L. Hitchcock home. ing at Western Washington Col-  l+l couples: a their regular monthly business .................. loge of Education at Bellingham, Harry Robert Wiles, 18, and session at Hotel Shelton coffee AC Program went to tim hospital in Belling- shop tonight. Dinner is to be , ham and had her appendix te- L , ,, ,, Anna :May McAferty, 19, both of served at 7 o'clock with the bust- moved (,/-7>€ ---:_: = ........................................................................... S h  ] ':O"' gost + Renewed Her T I $ FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT Allen v. Schaeffer, 27, and Nora ness session following immediately e aviationMrS' Clothier'SradiomanhUSband.(firstMilt,class)an Blankenship, 21. both of Port An- afterwardg, i' Conservation activities by :Me-tationed on Kwajalein with tle - gcles, August 7. :Members of the .Mason County son farmers under the 1947 Agri- U.S. Navy Air Corps, contacted 4% MORE NON-SKID ' ,, , ,, ,, , 3ohn D. Keyzers. 19, and La- board of county commissioners cultural Conservation Program (A an amateur radio operator in MIIEAGE AT A Verta Calhoun, 16, both of Shel- will be present to detail what their CP) have been resumed according Vancouver. B.C., who obligingly + ton, August 8. road project proposals will do for to Chairman Bert Ran of the made a trip to Bellingham to visit 10Vz% LOWER PRICE* In Our Location on Kenneth,. :M. Brones, 23,. and improvement of the county sys- county Agricultural Conservation Anita. got all the details, and re- Dorris M. Haeger, 20, both of Gig' tem. 14 ° Harbor, August 9. Slleiton Manager D. E. Smith committee.  .40 plus tax Uncertainty in the amount of Joyed the reassurmg word hack to NOW 6.00 x 16 Mountain View Richard. J. Klein, 23, Sedro of the Pacific Telephone and Tele- funds available for use this year Milt in the micl-Pacific. Woolley, and Laura F. Stuck, graph Company, will be on hand necessitated suspension of the pro- Ilm ,LESS TRADE-IN  She]ton. August 9. to detail plans for telephone exten, l , gram for a period of several weeks. ! " |Falrbanks'M°rse *,tee, cut 10/ % on all popular Charles R, Wood, 21, and Dolor- siGns in :Mason County and Shel-, This situation has now been cla.ri- ON THE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY es L. Womach. 19. both of Seat,. t°ni;resilcnt Roy itner.urg+s tjat ' fled.and CP aetivities have been M P S .i..s o,,o., ol.o loo. : August,. "! afulIfittendance be°n handt°' resurhedi" he: stated' I PU I -+,..sA, ,ow .s :, ,', MAILING ADDRESB---- P.O.' BOX 598, Shelton Donald L. Parr, 25, and :M'y In order to assure maximum con- .. * ' Charles Weirauch PHONE 657 O. Nehl, 23, both of Shelton, Aug'- greet and listen+to the Chamber's servation activity during the re- I . 1 ust 11. guest of ths evening, maining months of the year, Chair- I For Every | Ernest F. :Makela, 30, Seattle. Shop man Rau urges farmers to carry I I Mell and Wilma S. Yate.% 18. Bremer- Mitchell out all practices signed up for on Purpose ton, August 12. their farm plan. B. Bo ght by Eells Chairman Ran pointed out that L PORK one of the biggest problems farm- I SI-I'E TON I Purchase of the Mitchell Auto- ers face in resumption of prac- I ELECTRIC CO. I 1St and Grove motive Machine Shop and removal tices will be in ,obtaining nd ! Govey, Bldg. Phone 154-W I of the equipment of that concern spreading conservation materials to a new location, next to the such as lime. phosphates and other • _ _ _ _ _ -_ Eell's A.uto Parts at 227 South materials. First, was mmounced today by Roy Farmers are urged to get their .................... [ $  Eells the new owner, purchase orders at once and con- The shop, equipped with the most tact their dealers and arrange for "OR ANY MADE modern machinery for the per-delivery of lime and superphos-!:..  .... formance of highly skilled auto- phate as soon as possible in order • +©.rv.or RIGIIT motive work, is now ready for to insure delivery in time for fall + You can't match the "heart" business. I application. You .r+. FITS RIGHT +he new shop will give the Eells  concern a rounded out service tot Annraisers Named = ASH the motorist. Gdore ++' WO ffl " LASTS • Eell's shou will offer imnroved I -r.. g. N. Adams, Phil Bayley I q14 $!ii  - ana l-lerert G Angm were a - " = services in complete motor rebuild- ointed " " .... "P rld's Cka p apprmsers or ne estate ing, electric, acteylene and cold of G D -- + _plon IO i+ m . awn rummona m an or-  Volve-m-Heod !  Ferg's welding and other auto otive re- - r s ........... YOU  ...... ae zgnea oy Juage ) J' wrlgnt pair serwces, au perormea Dy n ,m ..... ,,+ e.^, , , :+, J, . t< specie:lists in that line of work. " -v,- .... . ....... s-- ,,. , of Items in Sl00k . shop Is next the Eell'S Divot-- '" Deslgn! ,,oro ° P P AP "  [ An interlocutory divorce was We have all kinds of Genuine Chevrolet Parts for all MATLOCK GRANGE granted to Emo'gene Dickinson ER T make and models--Care and Truok--try us first for The Matlock Grange held their from Burton F. Dickinson by any part you need. picnic Sunday at Shaffer State Judge D. F, Wright in Superior King Pin Sets Wheel Cyllnders Spark Plugs park. A fair crowd attended and Court Saturday. Wheel Bearings Master & Wheel Valves a good time was had by all. Next She was also given custody of Running Board Cylinder Kits Fan Belts Orange meeting will be the first their child and granted $100 for Mouldings Tire Chains Saturday in September. its support. Thermostats Radiator Grilles Radiator Hose , , Brake Drums Fenders Rooker Arms w,.dsh,o, we hook A.rer. .o+k.r*rm h... Rototiller i tlo Motors Wheels Chrome Wheel Rings I11 Opero n ( Axle Shafts Steering Parts Hoater Hose Rear Axle Houslngs Ignition Wires Front & Rear Springs Propeller Shaft Mufflers Shackles "/; ' 5 Housings Clutch Discs Sealed Beam Units 8teertng Wheels Clutch Pressure Carburetors BETTE. Ik Brake Shoes Plate Assembly Carburetor Kita .... Brake Master Distributor Points Condensers LAST Fling Gears Ditrlbutor Assembly LONGER Cyiindera Our Stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts in Complete Today ( . The new Chevrolet is the Ioweshpriced ance of /owef pricest (2) billibn of miles  Brlen,s Nutty Britth DON'T gP- SA00ISPIB motor cor with  Volve-ln-Heod Fngine-- of se,vice to owners, .nd (3)number of LUMPS the type of cor engine wh/cb holds all owners served. In fac% this sturdy Chev- records for efficiency--for givlng maxi- rolet'Valve.ln.Head EngiPle has delivered , O "I'MBIIIIIMII THE mum power from every ounce of fuel. moreml|es, formore owners, overalonger Moreover, Chevrolef's Valve-in.Head En- period, than any other automotive engine , ] gine is the "cbamplon of champions" on all built today, regardless of type, size or M these counts: (1) Valve-in-Head perform- pricel You ca,'t mhtch Chevrolet'$ BIG-  " Chevrolet glves you the BIG-CAR styling of Body by CAR COMFORT at lowest cost #  Fisher--exclusive to ChevrOlet in the Iowest-prlce range, elther - the outst andlng 1# We Invite :he owners who do their own Chevrolet also brings you fhe safety of Fl=her Unlsteel fort of Its Knee-Action repair work to come to us for their parts body construction, the Knee-Action Ride and Positive- Gilding R/de-for Dur] Action Hydraulic Brakes--a combination of safety factor= this, too, is exclu- slve to Chevrolet `+ E0LET P'S found only in Chevrolet and h[gher-iced cars. in its price range, , MAYOI Be wise! Keep your ' ,.,. -+ Pin Is Our Business---Not a Sideline running condition by supply independent skilled service, now and d We I Chevrolet. Come in--todaY!,,, CHE The new ]gototiller farm machine, produced by Graham.Paige Motors in the giant Willow ]gun plant, prepares soil for planting In a single operation, mtking unnecessary the three operations of pl0 w, disk and harrow, tThe five-horsepower tillage unit, which churns and crumbles the soil o a depth of nine incheS, has attachments which g Mell Chevrolet Co. Ill Nell ChevrOlet adapt tt to a score of other farm tasks such as bulldozing, seeding, , i _  mowing, snowplowing and other operations. i] Fi GPove Ph ne 8 II rst and o 777 or 77 Available from S. L. PEARSON & SON PARTS DEPARTMENT OPEN 8 a,m. to 6 p.m. r : !. 120 EAST PINE .(Pai[Adv.)+STREET -- PHONE 676 First & Grove -- Shelton  Your first stop t you'll need snacks that are delicious foods l g prices t & BEANS Hun BUTTER I Extra Lal CHEE5 SNAPS We Grind it Fresh f( For Jellies & dart