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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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14, 1947. SHELTON-IASON COUNTY JOURNAL Page 3 nd Luffs 5d Show owboys and plenty in store for the helton at 1 o'ch)ck the ,1. C. Penney Show hits the Or:l- l'eel'l. a genui]e "Kid's Anderson, nlanagor Pen]ley's store re- available at tile youngster who will he added. eature and specie{1 ion are scheduled. UICK I'1" it's quick fits you economic is the been looking own locality. sonnel earn f --sol3e, Write MR. Room 2, Cell Seattle 8 1,4"/ BEST BUT LORETTA I I C]NT-- f I ' r" I +?.. k i 17 OUR SHIRT LAUNDRY first stop for a fun-filled picnic at the L.M. We've a grand assortment of g you'll need for all-out good eating.., all the picnic pleasers and smacking snacks that are the high spot of any outing. So come fill your basket with delicious foods picked for picnic packed with pleasure . . . and fill it with our g prices that give you a good start on a high time in the cool outdoors. ,EANERS We Feature NALLEY'S Pro>ducts Nalley's  TAN G Quarts frouble$ a BEANS Hunt's - 2 FOR 1 new ND 47= BUTTER Peter Pan,,.37 ¢ • 41= S Extra Large CAN CHEESE,+L...o29 = SNAPS 29= 1-LB. PKG. wo o.n00 0000es,,o0000ou 9]= Por,o.l,es =',ares- 2.0,,LES 27 ¢ /o MORE NON-SKID MIIEAGE AT A '2 % LOWER PRICE* ,w 14 .40 p,ustax 6.00 x 16 .LESS TRADE-IN cut lOVz% on all popular Dthers also lower. dS AS LOW AS ,€i .25 Mell i ¸ } B. AND M. PORK & BEANS 2 Jars 49 ¢` BEEF HASH c,,,.73= / ,match the "heart" &flY AT Nalley's BEEF STEW LARGE CAN 63 c NALLEY'S POTATO CHIPS LARGE SIZE PACKAGE Del Monte EARLY GARDEN PEAS Cans € AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS ¥ This has been a week of inau. gurations in Shelton with the of- ficial opening of The Cabin In the Fir and the open house celebra- tion at Olscn's Furniture store. Another inauguration, less her- alded, is the temporary fill-in job of writing "Among Year Mer- clmntx," while Bill Dlekie relaxes on a much-needed vacation. The writer today is the newest mem- ber of The Journal staff, and a comparative stranger to Shelton and its merchants. We will en- deavor to "get acquainted" as rapidly .as possible and fill this column with tid-bits of local news from the commercial front, with welcome help from Tiff Jessup. * * '4: Die Olsen, the happy owner of a brand-new furniture emporium, wa s greatly pleased at the over- whelming reception given his new store at the opening Saturday. The new building at 4th and Cota was crammed full with flowers a short time ago from Ray Mit- chell) to a new and more con- venient location in the space ad- joining the Cells Auto Parts for- merly occupied by tim Economy Drug Store when Los took sick and had to go to the hospital for treatment of a light attack of pneumoma. Such a job, such a job!! at the Shelton Printing Co. have a fine stock of those supplies that are required in connection with study. Most anything that may be necessary for shcool work can be found at either of the estab- lishments. Prepp's Rexall store is now in- stalling new fountain equipment for improved service to their many satisfied customers. The fountain was closed Tuesday night, and will be dark for a week until new refrigeration parts and a new dish sterilizer can be installed. M. S. Preppernau, the owner of the store, just returned from two days' fishing at Sekiu with a 20 and a 35 pound salmon. Mrs. Preppernau lost a couple, and they report they would both like to go back to try it again. G/no Burgoyne, who last week moved his photographic salon to a new location on Railroad Ave- * * :I: Now that Bob Vfalson is back on tile job at Safeway, assistant manager Glen Rlehert is taking his vacation with rabbit shooting in Eastern Washington as his main recreational objective. Glen was accompanied by lIerl) Baze, who formerly lived in the Inland Empire and knows where there's some especially good rabbit hunt- ing. Bob Eliot, who assisted him fa- tiler, Craig, with the electrical service business here, has re- turned to school in Portland. And incidentally, this column com- mitted the unpardonable journal- istic sin recently by re,spelling a name in reporting the presence of :Mr. Eliot's new assistant. The name is Lloyd Pecolte, not Lloyd Peacock. Beg your pardon, Lloyd. By Experts from well-wishing friends, and the telephone lines were kept hot with telegrams and calls of congratu- lation. Die was heard to say that the display of friendship had sur- passed even his loudest hopes. The Cabin In the Fir is oper- ating full-blast this week, after two weeks of "sneak preview" when final completion of the dec- orating and fixtures was still un- der way. Mrs. Bill Cartwrlght, manager of the new fountain in the Fir Drug store, has stated that her policy will be one of "providing what the people want." She has been quite succusgul so tar, judging by the crowds. * * * Helnie Hllderman who divides his time between an affectionate finesse in the preparation of good 'Lhings to eat at his Chatterbox Cafo and trying to attract the wily salmon to his trolling spoon or plug has been a participant in most of the salmon derbies held hereabout for several years. His cooking has been accompanied by success and the satisfaction of those who daily rub their knees against his counter, but not so with the fishing. However, he now believes that the jinx has been broken with four nice ones landed in the boat that carried Mrs. Hll- derman and himself at the Canal. Heinle warns all salmon derby hopefulls to look out for him from now on in. It is getting about time when the youngsters start thinking of the end of summer vacation, with a return to school and the various elements of gaining an education that bring an end to carefree re- laxation of the season. To make the lot of the individual student a bit easier Joe Finn at the Mason County Stationers and Ed Sutton ........ iSn[;; ........ It is now Grandma and Grandpa Last week they received t happy message from their son, "Bill" that 'wife and baby doing fine." The grandparents and Miss Jane went in to see the little girl, Jean Dianne. Mrs. Aldrich stayed in for a few days. Mr. and :Mrs. Louis McGhee, Louis, Jr., :Mrs. Earl :Munroe, :Mrs. Eugene Avey and their chil- dren have been on a several weeks' trip in northern Canada. :Mrs. Rose Rob,son returned on Friday from a month's visit in Seattle and Blaine. Dick Buechel and Vern Wyatt spent several days in the Olympics last week. They went via Sol Duc into the Seven Lakes Basin which they report is very beauti- ful country. They brought out hue, is putting the finishing touches on the decorations and furnishings in his new studio this week. He is planning to have a lush, plushy new carpet laid by the end of the week which will take care of the resounding echoes of heels on bare floors. The three-tone wall and ceiling color scheme in the new salon has at- tracted "oh's" and "ah's" of ap- proval. :1: * * As any housewife can tell you, moving is a deuce of a job any way you look at it, and that goes for moving a business from one site to another, too, as Roy Cells and, L2 F.u! af the Cells Auto Parts can tell you. Roy and Les were in the midst of moving their newly purchased automotive machine shop (bought The most delicate move- ment can be repaired by us for precise timekeep- ing. We can replace all parts and guarantee the finished job. Rapid ser- vice. RAY'S JEWELRY 117 Cota Phone 633 SPECIAL PRICE BKerr-Mason Fruit Jars and Lids  Clotlms askets  Panther and Gold Seal Asbes- tos Roof Coating and Electric 15 to 30% 0FF,,7 at l O  Ould  T FRP COl Graded Good--Blade or Arm Cut BEEF POT ROAST Graded Good VEAL LOIN ,CHOPS 65¢ I,B. BACON SQUARES Lean Streaked FRESH PACK • ld's Champion Valve-in-Head Design! MEAT 57 = , CAN PAPER T0WELS,00o.4]= SANDWICH BAGS FACIAL TISSUE PKG. OF 40 LGS. PKG. their limit of fish and some fine SAUERKRAUT botanical specimens and of course Photographer Dick took pictures. £Ullll II1 € This was his first mountain trip this year but Vern had scaled Mt. woo00 over ..= treacherous trail we have heard so &3 jLrnn. 1€ much about. With him were:Mrs. • 31 Wyatt and Mr. and Mrs. :MeDer- znid who are visiting her parents, the Bapons. HONEY S.W E ET GRAHAM CRACKERS PEANUTS Planter's Cocktail in Sealed Can SPERRY'S PANCAKE FLOUR :Mr. and :Mrs. Ted Skelsey and BONELESS two daughters, Natalie and "Jack- BEEF CUBES ie" are here from Long Beach, California. They are at Oln- 1 pus Manor for a month and very happy to be back on the Canal. Mrs. Skelsey WaR principal of. the I11€ school here several years ago and LB. having lived in Shelton for memy years, they wil renew acquaint- i noitoiB l ni ances with many friends. The'attractive home of the Don Walkers was the setting Thtrsday evening for the wedding of E. Irene Thomas and Dale "Bob' Walker. The ceremony took place 2,.b ,ox 43= ,a, I before the fireplace banked with 0'Brien'sL Z'ittlein led Ca sll: ILL PICKLES 3'h"  flowers. Sliced or in the Piece 39: Io.e.fprlce,t(2) billion, ofmlle, Nutty :: : Reverend William Albaeh of the 39 ¢ .,o o_ on, ,,,- o, D " Shelton Lutheran'Church .offic- LB, erved. In fad, this sturdy Chev-  3 QUARTJARS ' iated. A few close friends and rel-her Mrs. Harold Hart, an8 " '  i i ve-in-Head Engine has delivered' i " atives of the couple, Mr. and Mrs. LB. .,, for more owners, over o longer CORN 51 Start Parker' :Mr" and :Mrs" How" 1 " ard Knutzen, "Bill" Wtnne, :Mr. han any other automotive engine , [{E" MINTS ox "¢ Rockdell Cream or Whole Kernel3 CANS and :Mrs. Jack Catto of Shelton, lay, l regardles$ of type, size or V[rs. Leona Walker of Ogden, You ,.." .hkh Chevrolet, BIG- SP QO k r Puff Wheat - P G, sister, }, ' the Don Walkers were the attend- CAR COMFORT at Iowe=t ants. . ,.;:>:, , .... either-the outstanding com- The newlyweds are living at the .... :::: ',:'.: fort of Its Knee-Action ' '::';',,":?" .... Gilding Ride--for Durkee's present time at Don &Valkers. this, too, h exclu- E Log Cabin Mrs. Don Walker is in Portland " MAYONNAIS with :Mrs. Leona Walker and :Mrs. slve to Chevrolet" ' Hart. ' , in it, price ronge, S Y R U P :Mrs Betty Ross Graves, who was hostess on a plane from An- ;:.,..,.:' Be wile =. Keep your Pint Jars chorage, is here for a week's visit running condition by Jar with her parents at their summer skilled service, now and a' 47 = 28= .Drop Henry Allen was "Boss Man" until you secure delivery for a few days this week building Chevrolet, Come in--todaY I a fireplace in the new Francis MEAT DEPARTMENT - Wright home. :Mrs. Edwin Dalby, Jr., wlm re- ' CHE cently returned from a trip East, is spending a few days at the Waterwheel witl her two girl  • Mr. and :Mrs. R. :iV[. Hacker have l returned from a week's trip to Yellowstone. With "them were , son, Bobby, Mrs. Hausler of co- Established 1895 palls BeacWand :Mr. Hacker's Sis- Established 1895 '>t ter, Mrs. Yerkey of Baltimore who has been visiting here. " PURE LARD , o,27 € LB. WEINERS