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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Robinson Buys Quick Repair A new owncl---Neal Robinson. formerly cOniieced with the Carl- son Shoe Repair of Olympia--is now operating the Shelt(m Quick ShOe RepNr at 320 South Nirst street, which he recently pur- chased from Carl Bh)mgren. Mr Robinson has ctmnged the namo of the shop to Ncal's hoe Repair and h,s marie ald intends to make additional improvements in the shop's equipment and ser- vices• MALL Power Chain Saws Available for Immediate Delivery Demonstrations Arranged See .your Local Dealer or Write POWER CItAIN SAW CO. 2245 Fourth Ave. South Seattle 4 ,Wash. EL 0748 I ..... q I I]] NOTICE We have a new P.-I. carrier on the down- town route. Hereafter you'll receive your paper early and regularly. Due to confti- s|on resulting from change of carriers sev- eral customers haven't been receiving their P.-I. Please telephone 186-R so that we can start your paper again. i I ,I ................................... ] FOR Pasteurized and Homogenized Milk TRY LATZEL DAIRY SILELToN-MAS0N .r CAROL AND PETER KENNEDY, the "Kennedy Kids," are shown here in a repi'esentatlve pose on their ice skates. More than 300 Shelton people filled the Masonic Temple to overflowing Tuesday evening to see colored slides and mOVieS of the oareer of the world champi6n ice-sk.ting "kids." Dr. M. E. Kennedy, father of the "kids/' gave a running com.mentary on the films which showed the early poses and alSd scenes from the Kennedy young- sters' trip to Sweden and returh last year. SIDELINE SLANT by BILL DIUKIE -- WE DELIVER {}We protect the quality of the milk we han- dle by modern methods in our modern plant. GRATSINGERS' and SONS TELEPHONE 215-J-2 To Our Customers and Friends for THANK YOU SINCERELY Your Years of Patronage and Friendship We were forced to suspend business temporarily until we can secure a new location for the-- ECONOMY DRUG H. G. BERG Phone 9-M WATCII OUT FOR HOQUIAM be playirg four more years of ju- With a bunclt of Rids in tlteir nio.r legion ball if all goes well. swaddling cloths, fipm a base- That' the same sort of record ball standpoint', rotund John Gable both Bill 'iaylor, alid kefiny °L'ath- W0il the' 10th District Jiinior le. am enjoyed, in'Sheiton a few years gl0n diamond cr0@n Tot ttoquiam ago. this sda.oh, hlch is just by way And still another name to tuck of warning that you'll be hearing from this same Hoquiam bunch for the next couple of years both in junior legion and prel5 baseball competition. Sltell,on fans wlio saw llo- qulam lose tlmt 4 to J verdi(!t to Norm Hlllyavfl's local leglott tine saw a young ball club foi' Gable will ]ive that ntirt3 teat hark next ytr With tim two ex- cci,tloh"' o[ opbr LaCrOlx, NO. 2 pitcher who stalled the game, and Chuck liillstsJL rangy first baman who shifted to catcher in the late InningS. Out in rightfield Gable used 13- year-old Jackie Hartough regular- ly all season, so there's a lad who'll Thank You! TOTEM CURIOS ON BEAUTIFUL HOOD CANAL W,M.o souh n. Wesii4 of Union INDIAN BASKETS NAVAJO RUGS INDIAN JEWELRY HAND TOOLED LEATHER MYRTLEWOOD 'Hours: 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. Daily Except Monda),s , We of Olsen Furniture Company take this oppor- tunity to thank all our many friends who helped make our Open House Saturday such a Grand Success, also for the lovely flowers and the mes- f sages of congratulations and other expressions of good will and friendship. Thanks a million. Olsen Furniture Company away in your memory for future reference :on Hoquiam baseball teams is Tommy Histings, a tiny lad of ten yes, rs who worked out at .second base during H0qulam's lieldi0g practice and playel an inning at that post to end tile g'a'ith-- a! .tlmt tMent return- ing for nxt year's junior legion temn t Gahle looks like a gOOd| bet for anoiher 101h. Distrr|ct title In 1948., and probably more, for IIoql!iam went to the Wast side finals tl!ls year before suf- fering t!m same one-rua fate Shelton did at: Bremerton's hands, a, id "it x,;a., l|oqntam's own er- rors rather than BI;embrtonis goo d ,play which beat the har- hot titlists, BeSides their jhnior legion elig- ibility, Cable'S players have for tle nloSt part tWo more years of high school play ahead of them. They won the SoUthWest Washington prep diamond crown this spring, defeating the Highciimbers in the inter-division playff by 5 to 4. 8o look for more basebal titles at Hoquiam these next couple of seasons, mates. WIIAT'S BECOME OF . . ,' , Jack Cole southpaw pitc, her who hurled Shelton to tie, junior le- gion state title in 1939 and the Hlghclimbers to an imposing high school record in 1938 ahd.1939, is now living in Columbus, Ohio, where he is working as a bartend- er in a night chlb, Jack isn't playing any ball now, so fat' as his dad, Sheriff Jack Col% knows, IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING Stan Armstrong certainly runs iht0 odd Sittlatiolm aM an umpire. Last spring it was balks commit- ted by Centralia high school's pitcher Which aroused a furor, last Thursday it was Hoquiam play- ers' tendency tO step on the plate while attempting to bunt.. Three times Start called Hoq.uiam junior- legion batters out for stepping on or across the dish while bunt- inK, arousing the ire of Coach John Gable no end. But the rule- book very clearly states that a batter ii out anytime he steps on or across the place While a pitch ts being delivered to him. Fans got their first lop k last week ih the Aberdeen and Ho- quiam games at a lad they'll prob- ably be seeing much of the next year or tWo in high school and junior legion athletic competition. He is Jack Chrlstmsen, a trans- fer from Stadium High Of Tacoia, who is catcher tn baseball and a mlfbaek in football. Sheln fats tked his hustle as he caught Ken Cavl)n's pitches in the Aberdeen game, the ex-Tacoma youth show- irtg he knows the fundamentals of the job by the way he handled his big mitt and the way he backed up first base on infield pMys. Switching to, rightfteld against Hoquiam while Carl Sundsten took Raomy 12'x22" size turdy h'aming and rafters JI parts precur for assembly- nails includ=d Spting.bolaflced overhedd door w/th Stanley hardware Fine quality aluminum salh C0tNTY JOURNAL --'W" - Fb .... --= ;.-2:.  -:'- -- '. c.-- Thhrday, COME ONE  COME ALL GOOD CLEAN FU AT MEMORIAL HALL Every Saturday Night Dancing 9 P.M. to 1 SPONSORED BY GENERAL WE 2 i ...................... LOGGERS PLAY Air Planting of 100,000 Fish AGAIN FRIDAY The Shelton Loggers will play the Olympia'town team at Loop Fiehl at 8:15 Friday, The game is being played to determine if the Olympia team will go to the playoff tourna- ment of the Evergreen League• It was postponed last Friday be- cause of rain. Olympia must Win the game Friday in order to be eligible for the playoffs. II i I II ii I II I i over the catching assignment, Ciu•istensen agqin demonstrated his hack for beinff in the right spot at the right time by backing tip all plays on the r]git side of the diamond. Jack moved to Shel- toll just too late to be include(l on [he 1947 Shelton junior legion ros- tel', but he is eligible for the 19.t8 season and should be a valuable ddition to the three holdovers .... IVayne Clary, Gelle Veells, and |rloyd PrisOner from this year's 4th District champions as a nuc- leus for nex year's squad. He will be eligible for Norm Hil|- yard's 1947 Highclimber football squad and may be considerable help ill f.illing the vacancy created in the backfield by Gene White's gradtmti0n mshe plays left half, according to the dope. A slight ease of mistaken iden- tity in a front page story in las week's Journal, recounting the program at the 40 & 8 Society's banquet for tile juriior legion bail team, caused Ken Carlson some embarrassment, which this corner hastens to attempt to relieve. The story stated Carlson "in answer to some eritieisr of Coach Hill- yard's choice of a pitcher for the Bremerton game, said that the en- tire team approved of the selec- tion and was behind the coach to a man." The statement at the banquet was really made by Team Captain Mary Cart:wright.  The embarrassment over the mistaken Credit for the statement lies in the fact that Carlson was the pitcher referred to. STRETCHING IT TIGHT If it's any satisfaction (and it shotlld be), Shelton was eliminated from junior-legion title conten- tion by the champs for Bremer- ton went on to win the state crown last,week, whipping Yaidma in the finals and now will rebre- sen Washington in the regional playoffs at Lewiston, Idaho. Bremerton lroved itself to be a ball club with plenty of courage for its route to tim state title was no bed of roses. One-run victor- ies were frequent in the Navy Yard City juniors' marct to the championship, and winning the tight ones is one of the acid tests of a champion. First Bremerton beat Port Orchard. 4 to 3, for the 3rd DistrLct title, then Shel- ton, 2 to 1, Bellingham, 6 to 3, Hoquiana, 6 to 5. for the West Side title, then tackled Yakima in the 3-game state chanlpionship series. Yakima won the first, 2 to 1, but the plucky Bremerton club came back to will the second, 11 o 2, and then the finale, 4 to 3. All of which could be piece(l BLUE OX Dine and Dance Club OPEN EVERY NIGHT Except M.ond dy with Orehestra Saturday in the former AIRWAY DINE-DANCE Club Location 6 Miles Southwest of Bremerton on She]ton Hiway Catering to Dinners. Parties L. K. KEATING Phone Bremerton AIRWAY 4 for 'eservations ................ Illl [ ..... (OMPLHE, Reudy for Assmbly--lildde of light tver,W,#ne FamousReynolds Aluminum Siding Norpac s al(.:aluminom tlllty building ls the qulck, @conomlcal answer to building material shodages easily ere€red--no need Io paint it unless you wish good for c lifetime! It cn be used for dozens of different purpasesand is priced below most going figures for ardinary prefabricoted garage and service buildings. Reserve one for yourseli -ow. As Low as $13.10 per montb NO DOWN PAYMENT MISKEEA SUPPLY CO. (1"ormerly Miskella Refriger'ation) See Our Sample Garage Set-up at Our New Show.Room 5 Miles West Of Olympia at She/ton ',y,, Just Completed The airl)lane-l,ianting of 100,000 ['ish fry has just been comlMetcd by the Washigton State Game department, Fi:;l lioh)gist Alex McRea told The Journal this week. The "very large fry" were planted in the two Dry Bed lakes. ttaven lake. Jefferson lake, all in z[as()n COllnty, al(l it] Lower Iena and I)evil's lakes, The use of airplanes for fisi] plahting is a coml)arativcly new nwtho(t, and will be used extens- ively in the future for pl'nting t, he high, hard-to-get-to lakes, Mc- R('a said. The fish were planted in the ten- day period fronl Jnly 22 to July :ll, and took only three days of actual flying'. The rest of the. tin3c was spent in waiting for" good fly- ing weather. McRea said that tile game de- partment plans to use fist from. the new Skokomish river hatchery and. fly them from the Shelton Airport next year. He added that his department is interested in hearing reports from any. fishermen who happened to be on any of the lakes planted by air at the time the fish were dropped. Sentence Deferred Officers Appointed Sentence was deferred for six months and a probation order was signed by Judge D. F. Wright in the case involving assault with a shotgun brought against William G. Insel last week. Insel admitted shooting Albert Bel with a twelvergauge shotgun a year ago, and changed his plea from "not gnilty" to "guilty" when he came to trial August 9. togttlter to prove that a nal)kin wotihI cover ]Bremerton, Shel- ton, lloquialn, Port Orchard, Bellingliam and Yakima insofar as their relative capabilities go, all being of almost equal st ren gtlL Anyway, perhaps some of the sting of defeat can be soother by th knowledge it tool( the ultimate champions to put Shelton out of tlle running for the titte, VANILLA Guaranteed JUICE Orange aId 3'frIt ,0oz 26, CAN .............. HONEY Bradshaw 1.98 AN Pre-School '•- ,7" Sale Opening at the Shelton Printing & Stationery Sto00 "YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLY STORE ' STENO,GRAPHER'S NOTE BOOKS PRE-WAR AND SEWED -- WHILE THEY LAST 50 ,,E. S€ WIRE BOUND  10€ and 15€ Each Drawing Equipme00 t SLIDE RULES---S1.25 to 1 ', PROTRA,TORSIO¢ to $ 5'u BEVEL RULES TRIANGLE RULES T.SQUARES;---75€ TO $3.50 TRIANGLES FRENCH CURVES DRAWING BOARDS - stl0 R U LERSWo0d a • AI, Mechanical FOUNTAIN PEN BALL POINT PENS PEN & PENCIL sETS ' DICTIONARIES SLIDE RULE IN BOOKS GENUINE LEATHER ZIPPER NOTE BOOKS 2 and 3 RING Note Books FILLER PAPER o PUNCHED THEME BOOKS MUSIC & SPELLING BOOKS [ r ART PAPER Assorted Colors DRAWING TABLETS COLORING PENCILS COLORED CHALK • WATER COLOR PAINTS TEMPRA SHOW. CARD PAINT DRAWING INKSALL COLORS cRAYOLAS & CLAYOLA SPEEDBALL PENS IF YOU ARE AWAY TO HAVE YOUR ON A RUBBSR TO MARK Y CLOTHING. , , ' ' • A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY BOOK--OR ANY EVERsHARP PEN AND E. B. SUTTON on Cots Street Shelton Printing MR. AND MRS, Graham Theatre Bldg. MEET t Wtlliams will be Dayton Ladies at the Dayton A potluck luncl BAP Re, ary t will l night Re pictu: ice, £ MA MA PE] COl Open Eve ALL G Ph0he 5 See the HOME on displa also N REFRIG OIL FURN/i OIL CI KRESKY BUt OIL-O-MATIC SIMPLEX IR( GAS RAN WATER ] i immediate inst, TON GAS C. C. COLE, I 8OUth Third St. COAT DR] I BEE UPSTA] YOUR E Ba cabinets ALI roll- adj sink or Tracy bru, and top glas Re $13. 8AL] EE