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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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OME ONE -- COME ALL 10D CLEAN FUN AT MEMORIAL HALL Every Saturday Night  ;; acing 9 P.M. tO 1 ,ORED BY GENERAL WELFARE LU MEET Williams will be Dayton Ladies at lho Dayton A potluck lunctl BAPTIST MISSIONARY ItERE Reverend Priehard a mission- cry to the Indians in New Mexico will be at the Baptist Church to- night at 7:30 p.m. Reverend Prichard will show pictures of his work in New Mex- ico. 's Beauty Shop Specializing in MACHINE AND MACHINELESS PERMANENTS also COLD WAVING Open Evenings by Appointment ALL PERMANENT3 I GUARANTEED ,. Phone 563 404 Franklin CHICKEN  XAH t_ ,---- I0] -X (:,: See the hOME FREEZER /). :: on disPlay # .... Shortening . Pli ' (F__ a!so O00ACES , 1€ 3002; 1,23 om CIRCULATORS  .....  KRESKY BURNERS • .,xTy TiAIL-O-MATIC UNITS • .u-, .., - SIMPLEX IRONERS uit Bradshaw  = -- .............. € m-LB • d  FL:A¢ ,..,,' ' ' ..... --_ 2 .... Pa;, GAS RANGES ! "mmediate installation d K 'D TON GAS COMPANY C. C. COLE, Mgr. ,1 SOUth Third St. Phone 87 chool Lg Sale he " r Statlone y Store UPPLY STORE 'S NOTE BOOKS -- WHILE THEY LAST € EACH 10€ and 15¢ Each Drawing Equip .o ,o.,2 °-'° PROTRACTORSlO¢ to • ' BEVEL RULES TRIANGLE RULES T-SQUARES-75€ TO $3.50 SIIELTON-MASON COUNTT ffOURNAL Golden Wedding Celebrated By S0CI00I Union Couple Mr. and Mrs Joseph Wright, Pink and Blue Shower - v-[0unle Wed Here 12-year residents of Union, cele- brated their 50th wedding mini- Honors Mrs. Dodge 'By Re Wright versary last week-end. The C. O, Troy home on South- V. To begin the two-day celebra- side Hill was the scene of a pink Mary Lee MeCartcr. daughter tieR of bheir golden nnntversary, and hlue shower Friday evening, l of Mrs. F. S. Me.Carter of Pori Mr. and Mrs. Wright were hen- Augbst 1, given in honor of Mrs. !land, Oregon, became the bride of ()red with a picnic at Twanoh Marjory Dodge by her sister, Miss Robert H. Atilt from ActOR In- State Park Saturday afternoon Pat Troy, and Mrs. Nina Itarris. diana. AUgUSt 5 at the First followed by a dance at Union in • Games were played during the Methodist Church in a double the evening, ovening with rpzes going to Peg- x'in ceremony, officiated over by The beloved elderly couple gath- gyRiee, Ilma hamilton and Edna Reverend Wayne Wright. ered four generations of the Richards. Afterward the gifts The bride, given in marriage Wright family around them Sun- were wheeled in in a baby buggy by her uncle, Donovan Palmer, day for a happy (las of eompan- and presented to Mrs. Dodge, wore a white street length dress ionship. At tim close of the evening re- and a white lace cap. Her cos- Among the out-of-town guests freshments of cake and coffee tume was accented by a pink was Mrs. Wright's sister, Hrs. were served and each guest was rosebud corsage. Dollie Morris, Yakima. her grand- expected to do some stunt or tell The matron of honor. Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Avis Manning, and a story. Grant Packard, was gowned in a children, Harriet and Barbara Those present were Mesdames pink linen suit with a gardenia Ann, of Bremerton, another Ilma Harilton, Elsie VanderWal, corsage. granddaughter, Mrs. Be r ni c e Dolly Dandurand, Alice Hovind, Dale Palmer, cousin of the Smith and son, Bobby Lee, of Gertrude Pringle, Gertrude Beese, bride, acted as best man. Olympia, and a grandson, George Edna Riehards, Hazel Slmtler, The mother of the bride chose Wright of Sentinel-Butte, N. D., Nona Aggas, May Troy and Vera a beige linen tailored dress and a wlto has just returned from 11 Troy; Misses Peggy Rice, Margar- corsage of red rosebuds. months of duty with the army in et Hamilton, Colleeit Mast, Virgin- Mr. Ault is a Fireman 1/c in Japan. ia Dodge, Barbara Shutler, the the Navy and is now stationed Other guests among the 89 who hostesses, Mrs. Harris and Pat at Coronado, California. attended the party included four Troy, and the honored guest, Mrs. The newlyweds spent their hen- of their five children----Mrs. Min: Marjory Dodge. eymoon in ShelteR and on Hood hie Neldan, James Wright and Canal. Frances Wright, all of Union, and PRIEST POIN--T-PARK A reception was held following Lillie Alfano of East St. Louis, PLA(,IE OF GETTY REUNION the wedding ii the Palmer garden Ill. George Wright, Sr., of Sen- A Getty family retmion was for the wedding party and guests. tinel Butte, N. D., was .unable to held, at Priest Point Park in olym-I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ault plan be present. , pin Sunday, August 10: i to live in California, ' On Sunday the couFJle cut a The Gettys had not been to- handsome the:re-tiered birthday gether for about seven' years, l Navy Moth--er's to Serve cake, topped ith a gold bell anal ThoSe present in . the family decorated with yellow roses. They group were Will Getty of AubUrn, [ Kiwanis Club Tuesday were the recipients of many love- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. iied of Port The Navy Mother will serve the ly gifts. " Orchard, Mrs. May Cline and next meeting of the Kiwanis Club daughter, also of Port Orchard, luncheon August 19, :Mrs. Ethel CoWling, Mr. and Mrs. All helpers are asked to report BANGERS ARRIVE IIERE Forest Parse and son, MelVin, and by 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Barger Mr. and Mrs. Sid cowling, .all of Picnic Planned and daughter, Lola, of Grand Olympia, arid Mrs. Clara Getty of The mothers are planning to Coulee arrived Saturday e#ening ShelteR. have .their picnic at Maple Beacl to visit with their daughters, Mrs. next Thursday, August 21. A pot Sid Anderson and Mrs. Cal Mor- V.F.W, AUXIL MEETS luck supper Will be served, an, and other relatives in ShelteR. The V.F.W. AUxiliary will hold Those planning to attend the Mr. Barger and Lola returned its regttlar meeting at the Mere- picnic but haveno means of trans- home Sunday but Mrs. Barger orial Hall tomorrow, AUgttst 15. portation are asked to meet at stayed fox" an extended visit with All members are Urged to attend, the Shelter Traisfer company on her daughters and sisters, Mrs.  Second Street at 6 p.m. Trans- Wallace Kneeland and Mrs..Tom RETURN TOIOUX FALLS portation will be furnished from Myers. Mr, and Mrs. D. R. DeBries and there to the beach, Mr. And Mrs. L. E. DeBries re- FRIENDSHIP CLUBMEETS turned to their homes in Sioux The Friendship Club met last Falls, SouthDakota, thlSweekaf- 4. mbe Wednesday, August 6, at the tel' visiting at the home of ]V[r. H Me rs home of Mrs. Charles Chase. and :Mrs. R. M. Horton. Back From Twanoh Fourteen members Cud one guest Mrs,. . R. DeBries is the were present, daUghter:of Mr. and Mrs. Herren. Mason County 4-H members Luncheon was served by the hostess in her outdoor livingroom, and leaders have just returned The next meeting will be a pot- Cub Scouts Pack 10 from the annual 4-H Camp at Twanoh State Park. luck picnic at the home of Mrs. Hold Supper at Twanoh  total of 130 members and Castle August 20. The Cub Scouts of Pack 10" to.. leaders attended the camp with %VEDDING DATE CHOSEN I Miss Barbara Groshong, daugh- ter of Mrs. Florenee Groshong and tim late Mi'. Van Groshong, has 5hosen September 5 as the date for her wedding to Mr. Glenn Raessel, non of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raessel. Reverend Wayne Wright of the First Methodist Church will offic- iate. FAMILY REUNION IIELD A family reunion was held at Yehn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Harstad last Sunday. Sheltonites present were Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schuffenhauer and children, Vern and Arlene, Miss Marie Schuffenhauer, A. O. Cllarl- son. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charl- son and family find Mr. and Mrs, James Shrum and family. Returns to School Lucille Adams returned to Ta- coma General Hospital after a two-week vacation with parents, Mr, and Mrs, Del Admns, aud family. Use the oournai classifieds- gether with their families will many parents visiting club camp. they really get results, meet at the Twanoh Stat Park on The camp was divided into four Hood Canna Friday, August 15, groups named for marine life. for another potluck supper., Mel Newman was chairman of the • A favorable tide will make crab group, Pat Hart, chairman swimming a feature event provid, of tlte lobsters, Betty NeWman, FALL ARRIVALS ins a favorable arrangement eaR chairman oftheclams, andViola be made With the weatherman, Knudsen, Chairman of the shrimp. Eats are slated to be served at The above members were respons- 6 p.m. Those who are able will ible for their respective groups arrive earlier and enjoy swm- and the general operation of the We have Just Received ming. camp. Cub Master Claude Percy re- The following leaders attended ports tile pack having recently re- camp: Mrs. l. M. Petty, Mrs. C. Big 0000"pmen °  eeived the Highclimber pennant M. Mercer, Mrs. OrVille Moran, a which was awarded the group for Mrs. Howard Bailey, :Mrs. Ted achievements of the past year. Ritchert, Mrs, Paul Hunter, Mrs. Much credit for these accomp- Eric Sjoholm. Mrs. Mary Ellis, New lishments go to Dr. Maurice Kin- Mrs. Marion Newklrk, Mrs. May sey, cub master, and to Mrs. Fran- Hennlngsen, Mrs. Ted Hovind and ces Kinsey, Vrs, Helen Simmons, Lee Huston. Mrs. Helen Hanson, Den mothers, The members and leaders eR- ror that period, joyed the delicious food prepared by Mrs. Eugene Brown and Mrs. Fall Merchandise ...,v, SHELTON Charles Hunter. Mrs. Claire Brisson and daugh, -  ters, Jean and Joyee, arrived her Mason tounty last Thursday for a visit with including 00rs: Brisson's mother Mrs W D Goods Asked for Listen. The Brlssons are from Lum,o00to,, North Carol,ha Puyallup Fair COATS- SUITS- HATS use the Journal Want ADS-- Mason county will again be they eallt get results! represented among the county ................. ""--"-'" booths this year at the Western DRESSES- HANDBAGS Farmers' Union :Washington Fair, September 14- 22. Da--nce o make this possible the coop- eration of the Mason county folks will be needed in providing mater- ial to make up the exhibit. The ¢00ANE'S APPAREL ' --AT-- forf°ll°wingcannedthe booth,pr°ducefruits of Willallbekindsneededin 00No.. * Harstine Island jars, also fish, meats and vloo tg vegetables. Two dOZen standard glasses of AUGUST 16 preserves of any and all kinds. Sweet. and dill pickles in pint Ferry at 9 p.m. and Return Jars. TRIANGLES EVERYONE WELCOME Fresh fruits in these quantitie3 FRENCH CURVES ,=_=-_==:=: ..... :== and varieties, eigh trays of ap- DRAWING BOARDS -,tiO rl RULERS--Wood and *4 .. --:-:[[-1 .......... ples; foul' trays ?f pears; two BIG WEEK " trays of orange an( pear quince4; , lt00tu p'©" plus; two trays of peaches,, two S, pel00 [] IVl h 1 l"ec-an'ca" 0l trays Of crabapples; one tray of huctUebr'ies, and all the grapes that can be spared. FOUNTAIN PEN S Field crops needed are squash and pumpkins of all varieties, car- BALL POINT PENS rots, mangles, a tray of each var- PEN & PENCIL sETS ]re 00UO. DICT ONARIES .,'ION :'' ' ' iety of green beans, parsnips, beets, celery, turnips, rutabagas, dill, a gallon of each nut grown SLIDE RULE INSTRU'" in the county, garden seed in BOOKS BEEN ADDED TO OUR GREAT STORE-WIDE SALE!! SHOP OUR pints, field seeds in gallons, eight trays of potatoes, two trays of GnIl.,. UPSTAIRS AND DOWN, FOR GENEROUS SAVINGS ON BEAUTY AND onions, two trays of green and ARE IF YOU YOUR HOME. ripe tomatoes, two trays of ripe SfT_00  I or mature corn, two trays of cu- AWAY TO N _  A M; t --I ' ten cumbers pers, dozen and eggs, two butter, traySpure of hen- pep- HAVE YOUR Kit Bed Room Suite 2' 4' Rag Livestock products needed are ON A RUBBER SR/I 1 chen Bathroom Cabinets 5-PC. WALNUT, includes 8- X Rugs ey and beeswax. A quantity of T O M A R K y O drawer vanity, huge, round oysters would also bedesirable. Flowers of all varieties can be CLOTHING. cabinets ALL METAL cabinets with plate glass mirror, air foam THE FINEST rag rug we used. roll- adjustable glass shelves, ra- padded bench, 3-drawer stand, have seen. Pattern rugs in all The products should not be too sink or blade dispenser, tooth double bed, 5-draWer chest, colors. Your choice of all ripe when they are collected ad sh6uld be selected so that spoll. Tracy brush holders and a plate well styled plate glass mirror wool, all rayon or all cotton age will not occur dUring eXhibi- tion at the fair. Vegetables that HOLD ANY and top glass mirror door. Regular. dividers for shirt , drawer, at $2.95. Multicolor at $1.95. are firm are, desirable and fruits Reg- $13.95. NOW $11.50. built-in cedar chest, center that are Just turning ripe make gP PEN AND SALE  guide drawers. Regular $31.5. [ good exhibits. Anyone interested or who can NOW $265.00. contribute any of the above items for the booth please inform your • county agent's office what you 00Oi,, t Miss It! Savings Up to 2(])% can furnish. MPIC FURNITURE CO &Stati0ne" r Mr. Victor Burgquist of Brem- • - :'i' erton, a GiddieR speaker, will be guest speaker at the Baptist Church Sunday, August 17, at the 11 a.m. service. All are welcome E. B, SUTTONon Cots Street • [] to come. ,,al,r0,a_._,, Phone ,---a A daughter was born to Mr. ]and Mrs. Angus Ellison, Route 1, E E U S F O R C O M F O R T A B L E L I V I N G 57, at the Shelton General August 9. 195 At Annual Dairy Field Day One hundred and ninety-five breeders and dairy men from Ma- son, Whurston. Grays Harbor and Western Washington cotmties en- joyed the annual dairy field day held at the Chas. Wiveil Jersey farm recently. The program for the day was iudging demonstration by M. B. Nichols, State Extension Dairy- man. After the demonstratiou all dairymen and wives partici- pated in judging of four classes of milk cows. Irving Slater, the Western Jer- sey field man, gave a demonstra- tion on classification of Jerseys. k delicious pothlck hmch was served with ice cream and coffee furnished by the Mason-Thurs- ton County Jersey Cattle Club. The winners of the judging con- test were C. A. Wilson and Ches- ter Rieehel, tying for top honors, .he winning lady judge was Mrs. Miss Adams has completed her Chester Riechel and the wuming first year of nurses training in :t-H club judges were Lester and 4 Tacoma. Lloyd Riechel tying for top hen- ta_4[#l ors. ':fHllCG.,,. IIOLY DAY MASS,TIME The Ivy Climbers 4-H club sold __ ,uS 6:30 A.M. AND 9 A.M. ice cream and pop during the day.  , Father Mark Wiechmann Of [,,Aja Saint Edwards Catholic Church  mmounced that Friday, August Legion Pic-w SundaYnd " 15, is a holy day Of obligation, Galnes, prizes, conte, t U.. being the Feast of the Assump- three hours of dancing will mark ' tieR of the Blessed Virgin Mary. the Legion picnic which will begin rl Iu" e#| Masses will be said at a special . . . .4 -.€ at 11 a.m. Sunday at Dehght Paxk G.. hour for that day only. The on Lake Isabella. . -'"ut4ttO first Mass begins at 6:30 a.m. and The amily is invited, along with the second at 9 a.m. No fast and abstinence is re- Legion members, and everyone will  quired on the Feast day but on share in the ice crealn, drinks, hot 'hm'sday fasting is required as a vigil of the Feast on Friday. dogs and Dutch lunch. S "q'-'"--*"ra'*' Dies --" '  ' Hazel In Shelton August 8 Hazel Sylvester, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William . • Sylvester of ShelteR, died here Bring the Family August 8. She was born in Montpelier, Vt., June 20,1942, and is survived by Legion Picnic her parents, her. eight-months-old brother, William L. Sylvester, and hr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs." Adrian Sylvester of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Luther H. Morse, of Ducksbury, Vt. Funeral services Were held at :10 a.m. Tuesday in Witsiers fu- nerah home, with the Reverend .,ames A. Goble, of the Four- SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 Square Gospel church officiating. SON IS BORN A son was born to Mr. and :Mrs. Starting at 11:00 a.m. Ralph Jones of Rt. 1, ShelteR, August 7, at the Clinic Hospital. @ ...... DELIGHT PARK AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED RIDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED NOW LOCATED AT Mr. VIEW NeXt to Mr. View Grocery Ph'one 610 ON LAKE ISABELLA LOTS OF GAMES AND CONTESTS PRIZES, FREE ICE CREAM, DRINKS, DUTCH LUNCH, HOT DOGS Dancing 6 to 9 WHY PAY MORE,? -- SOMETHING NEW EACH WEEK with WAR SURPLUS-- / ! WHITE SHINGLE STAIN BE PROUD OF YOUR HOME-- Why wait to paint? Finish your Home with a High Grade Material at a LOW COSTI You'll be proud of the good results! 100% Lead and Oil, Zinc Base-- Outside Top Grade Surplus .................. Chrome Green, Red .............................. CLOTHING -- Check These Sweater, 100% Wool, Button, sizes 36 to 44 ................................. 5.95 Sweaters, Wool, Button, boys' sizes 1.49 Sweaters, Wool, Pullover, boys' sizes 1.95 T-Shirts, Colored, all sizes ............ 1.39 Suntan Pants, New ............................ 2.95 Suntan Shirts, New ............................ 2.95 Dress Sock, O010t% patr ................ 49¢ Work $0X, I.lght W0ol and CottOn, 3 fop ................................. : 1.00 So CUshion FOOt, 3 f0r .................. 1.00 Whtte Duck PantS, all sizes, pr ......... 1.49 SHOES--Work and Dress Navy Oxfords, pr .......... 6.95 100% Leather  Top Mfgs. Navy W)rk Shoe, pr ....... 5.50 ARMY FOOT LOCKER Size 17 x 29" -- 11Yz" deep, metal bound with all hardware. Ideal for steamer trunk, tool chest, etc. 7 95 See these--EACH ........ --. ........... • Miscellaneous and Hardware Bargains 100% Wool APmy Shirts ............................ 1.95 100% W001 Army Pants ............................ 2,50 untan Shirts .......... ...................................... 1.35 Jack Knives, good steel ................................ 79¢ Stalnlees Steel Trays .................................... 49 Flashlights, all metal, with battery ............ 89¢ Paok Boards .................................................. 2.95 MUssette Bags ................................................ 39€ Life Raft. one man ...................................... 9.95 Folding Camp Cots, without ends ........ -.. 1.25 Rain parkas$2.50; Pants to matoh ...... 1.95 Nylon Paint Brush, 4-in ........................... 4.50 Sun Glasses, ground lenses .......................... 39¢ Mattresses, cotton filled ............................ 3.95 Aersol Bombs, 5-lb., for mosquitoes ........ 3.95 Dividers ................................................ 1.00 8-in. Lineman's Pliers, Krauter .................. 1.75" 14-1n. File for metal ...................................... 45¢ Push Brooms, 14-in ..................................... 1.25 Screw Pitch Gauge ...................................... 50¢ Claw Hammers ............................................... 1.25 TARPS-OUR SPECIALTYSizes 5x7 -- 6x7 --8x10 -- 9x12 -- 10x12 -- 9x15  14'5"x21'5" 20x25Heavy Treated APmy DuokINQUIRE  LOWEST PRICES in Townl Servicemen's Mercantile "Buy With Confidence---Our Aim is to Serve You" Stoehr, Richert BidS, First and Railroad