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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I II III P Ill I I SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH' DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Sir. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight via tr. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daffy, except Sunday at 5 p.m. for Olympla and Shelton &rrives Sheiton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER. resldent PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES I I I I . _ SOUTHSIDE GRANGE The Southside Grange ]net Aug- ust 1, with 25 members and 5 vis- ito2: present. The visitors in, eluded :Mr. Collins and Mr. Swan- son of Shelton Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krniswyk and :Mr. Anscth of Agate Grange. County Agent Kruiswyk gave a tall( ell soil conservation, land clearing and the use of good old barnyard manure. Lecturer Fern Phillips prepared the program. Several new members have en- tered the Grange recently. The charter will be dropped for Mr. Able who was a charter mem- ber. Mrs. Leilah Hootman was taken to the new clinic hospital sudden- ly for an operation. We miss the Cooks and their good music. Mr. Cook also has been on the sick list. Our next meeting will be Aug- ust 15. Tom, Tom, the piper's son Stole a car and away he run. But he was caught, as it came to pass, 'Cause the cruising cop used Union gas! Union 7600 is' an entirely new product, not just a "souped:up" version of an old formula. 7600 pals up with the new Triton Motor Oil--the oil you change but twice a year--to form the perfect fuel and lubrication combination. You can always be sure of better performance with UNION products. THE SHELTON GARAGE Official Wrecker Service General Repair by Phone 52 Expert Mechanics I OLD MR. BOSTON,SAYS= Whisk00y.0000ise Old Sah00 would envy Rocking Chair's flavor! To give their whiskey this same mellowing motion ashore, these skippers lashed a keg beneath a rocker, And today, my Rocking Chair %Whiskey xecaptures that mellower and deeper. flavored smoothness1 When American dipper ships llke "The Oriental" were beating Eng- rh land's best ia the China tea trade % races, Yankee skipperS took along a _'-., keg of whIky, The " rock and r611 l/rbduced   x ,2 , a moo/her, rJcher tans/ The secret is rantrolled agltatioff in my s lee LI blending process. You'll notice immedhtely t: te € r. for,see =si,. i. know you'll l.e, e Sinooth and Mellow ,,,. of m, .o,ktn, Ch.'r.' as Ocean.Reeled Vhlskm of Old ($L97 /$aaa ',',ii[//Im lm Plus lO War Liquor Tax [ TItlN005 THEY SEEM (Continued From, Page :t) strike this nation with super-sonic speed and with weapons that could lay waste great cities, manufac- turing center and transportation systems by a single bomb. Of course the Adjutant General is "tooting the horn" for the Na- tional Guard, because it is to his isterest, prestige, position and authority to bring development to that corps, but everything that he says is possible and could happen Zo this nation as did destruction of the American fleet at Pearl Harbor when all leaders, govern- mental, displomatlc and army and navy thought it would be impos- sible. l @ HE state's military leader, for purposes of illustration placed himself in the position of chief-of- staff for the Russian Dictator, with orders in his hand to destroy the United States. His first move would be to inject agents in American institutions, labor or- ganizations, service, fraternal and social groups, for the purpose of destroying faith in our govern- mcnt and to create confusion. With that executed to the degree, thought necessary, he would then unleash his modern weapons of war to complete the disaster. He described what could happen in the state of Washington, a prime target, in his mind because in our land-locked harbors perfect bases could be secured for consolidation and organization of invading forces. First a bomb would be dropped on Grand Coulee dam, wiping out that monument and unleashing its high wall of water that would go raging down the Columbia basin, bringing death and destruction to all cities in its path as far as the ocean at As- toria, carrying along obliteration of the atom plant at Hanford. Then a bomb dropped on Seattle would complete the devastation to industry, shipping facilities and airplane factories with one dropped over at Bremerton for good measure and an end to a- base that could give service to a fleet. With all of this would come a general scrambling of the pop- ulace, seeking some place of relief and grubbing for food. It is not a pretty picture and has some- thing of the dramatic and thea- trical about it as General Llewel- lyn pictured the possibility of de- bacle, but there is some founda- tion for his statements, because he speaks from knowledge of of- War y:g00rty:2t t00i200i2. % LEGAL PUBLICATIONS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Scaled l)roposals for the furnishing of five (5) Timber 60'x8". Arch Tcco roof Trusses, or equal, as per bidders design F.O.B. (with supervision fox' cre.ction) Shelton, Washington, will be received by the City of Shelton, Wash- ington, until 8 P.M, August 25, 1947, at which time the will be opened and l'ea4 aloud. Trusses to be assembled and to in- clude struts between lower cords of Trusses. cross bracing between Trusse, s in alternate bays and Truss Anchor- ae te the wall. Lumber to be Par. 215,219 or better according to W,C. L,A, grading rules. . certified check ill the amount cf 5%' of the total ]aid .must' acc6mpany each proposal. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated this 12th day of August, 1947. ALMA If. CATTO, City Clerk. 8-14-1 t r SHELTON.000N COUNTY JOURNAL Published every Thursday morning Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association and National Editorial Association Entered as second-claus matter at the postoffice at Shelton. Washington WILF01D JESSUP and WILUAM M. DZCKZE, Publishers Bessie Hall, tusiness :Manager Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year -in advance: 6 months $1.50: outside Maon County $:6.75: Matlock Mrs, Augnsta Partman arrived home Thursday after spending the past two months visiting her sis- ters in New York. :Mr. and :Mrs. Bill Black are the proud parents of a baby boy, Gary William, born Friday; Aug- ust 8. Nirs. Lloyd House and daugh- ter, Gloria Valley of Tacoma spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week visiting friends and rela- tives. Mz. T. Ward' of Tacoma and her grandsons are here for awhile with her daughter, :Mrs. Lillian Portman. :Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adams of Eatonville brought back the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Sam Nye, who has been with them the past week. Mr. and :Mrs. Don Nye, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nye and son, Bill, Mrs. Rachel Valley and Mr. and Mrs. L. Rossmaier and family attended the funeral of their brother and uncle, William Hye, in Centralia Wednesday. Notice of Sale of National Forest Timber Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 278, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132; 16 U.S.C. A. 583-5830, and the Cooperative Agreement for the Management of the Participating Forest Prop- erties in the Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of America and the Simpson Log- ging Company, dated December 12; 1946, all live timber marked or designated for cutting and all merchantable dead timber located on an area embracing eighty-five (85) acres, more or less, in Sec- tion 36, Township 22 North, Range 8 West, Wynoochee River water- shed, Shelton Cooperative Sus- tained Yield Unit, Olympic Ha- tional Forest, Grays Harbor County, State of Washington, will be sold to the Simpson Logging Company, ' Shelton, Washington, September 15, 1947', in estimated amounts and at appraised stump- age values as follows: Approxi- mately 600,000 feet B.M. Douglas Fir, appraised value $11.70 per M feet; approximately 20,000 feet B.:M. western redcedar, appraised value $8.15 per :M feet; approxi- mately 10,000 feet B.:M." Sitka spruce, appraised value $5.10 per :M feet; approximately. 100,000 feet B.M. western hemlock, and other species, appraised value $4.00 per M feet, In addition to the appraised values, $0.15 per :M feet B.M. will be collected for the Shelton Lodge No. 65 I,O.O,F, Meets Eei.Wednesday I.O.O.F. HALL V'-t .......... ceived in the office of the Fdrest i-,ng emoers wm oe r' ' " - -'i ........ Supe vmor Post Office Building, uora ally welcomea ,,,,m,io xXr.shin÷^n _ ^. ^r W S R^XXDI x ,v  "-',a v ....... s ............ v .............. ust 47 GTy OvV.  .... *,.., Aug 30, 19 . Dated August ,--r--- 12, 1 47. T. G. Watson, Acting Ruby Rebekah Lodge fftesm Forest Supervisor, Olympic Ha- econd and Fourth Frlday innal Forest Mary Dobson, N.G.  ..... . Elizabeth Butler, Secretary _ 8-14-21-28--9-_4-4t Lamon's Trail and Guide Service Headquarters 1019 Cota, SheIton  Phone 77i Trail Trips Into He,rt of Olympics BASE CAMPS: Staircas6 Resort, Lake Cushman, and Waumlla Lodge, °oft Angeles Discuss Your Hunting Trip Plans With Us Now FOUR 10-DAY ALL-EXPENSE ,'rTRIP'S SCHEDULED NEW FRAZER00MANHATTAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GUARANTEED N AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL AUTOMOBILE t2€, 'Tzt*l' , NO PREMIUM ASKED NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED otal cut of timber to be deposited into a cooperative deposit to be used by the Forest Service for paying the cost of slash disposal. If requested by the State of Wash- ington or by Grays Harbor Coun- ty or by any person deemed to have a reasonable interest in the proposed sale, or in its terms, a public hearing Will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 15th day of September, 1947, at 2:00 o'clock, p.m. Requests for public hearing will not be considered unless re- COMPARE THE RIDE 120 EAST PINE ST, 676 S. L. PEARSON tt SON Too Late to Classify FOR SALE: Wood range, practically __n(hw_ R.t:. 2,_ Bc?x_75: .......... $8.-lJ-21 FOR SALE: Small furnished home. will accept cheap cm" In trade. $1.000 for quick sale. 400 E. Pine Street. $8-14-21 F-OR---SAL- Wood or coal circulating heater, large. Mrs. McAloon. 505 Fairmont. ' 8-14-21 "FOR SALE : erie Mal/ogaiiy-gidss pan L" el door. Phone 171. (28-14 FO'I-'--SAL'J i--16-in-.- V-g--whehls." Per- shall's Associated Station. 3/. miles Soutt on Olympia Hiway. 8-14 FOR" S/ LF --A-e'ricaiV sad d l/( /'ol, i ng mare. new saddle, bridle. $235. P. D. Griffiths. Star Rt. 2. North Shore. Belfah'. Wn. 8-14 FOR SALE: Flat rim sink. 20x30. and track. $10. Phone 403-R. K8-14 WANTED: Secretary for Lincolu School. Phone 537-R, Dick Hud- son. 8-14-28 WANTED: Man with saw to fall and cut several second growth. Cash or share. Inquire W, D. Listen, Rt. 3, Box 211. 8-14-21 WANTED: 2 or 3 loads manure, also bred does, prefer White New Zeal- and. W. D. Listen. Rt. 3. Box 211, Shelton. 8-14 FOR SALE: 2 Jersey cows. Star R. 2. Box 97. S8-14 WANTED: Capable woman or giftfor part time housework and care of child. Stay nights. Inquire Journal office. \\; tfn FOR SALE: One Ford 60 engine, ra- diator and transmission, $60. needs some repairs, but is complete. 120 E. Pine. Kaiser-Frazer. B8-14-21 "SECONI)-H-A-ND man's bicycle with 2- speed gear. Also 2 water tanks 30 and 40-gal., large porcelain baQ1 tub. Phone 231-W. 8-14 a FOR SALE-'6 acres on Hood--¢a-l - mile north Twanoh Park, 200 ft. waterfront with tidelands, gravity water. 2-bedroom furnished home, 2-story double garage, concrete con- structed, full size room above. Own- er, Rt. 1, Box 347, Union. evenings, Saturday and Sundays. 8-14-21 ,I I I I FOR SALE 5-room modern home with 3 bed- rooms, oil heater, automatic gas hot water heater, gas range. Dou- ble garage and nice yard with lawn and flowers. Also has new build- ing on property suitable for store or reconversion to rental dwellings. Located close in and ready for im- mediate occupancy. Better check on ,it at once. $9,000.00. 2,000 ft. of waterfront, 60 acres of land partly under plow, about 500,- 000 ft. of timber. Fine home with outbuildings located about 3 miles east of Shelton by water. This property can be subdivided into tracts. $22,000.00. 4-room modern home with large Unfinished upstairs, full basement furngce, hardwood floors, good lot and garage. Also extra lot with property. Located 5 blocks from center of city. $9,900.00. 40-acre farm with 5-room house and outbuildings, about 20 acres under plow, with some stock and machinery. About 9 miles west of Shelton. $4,000.00. Herbert G. Angle Hood Canal Waterfront Houses Thursday, Lots Only o 110 ft. wide by 350 ft. deep on the. water side of highway. Spring water piped to lot, 'beautiful se- cluded cove with fine gravel beach, $3,30-0-00. 250 ft. bulkheaded waterfront next to State Park, $15,000.00. 154 ft. waterfront, vicinity Happy Hollow, $4,000.00. Several 100 foot waterfront tract, $4,000.00 each. * $ * Several fine resort properties. d Frank Nosworthy UHION, WASH. Telephone 441 8-14-28 You Save Budget Plan. Pay Li A Cadmium.Plated Finish The cadmium plating will greatly outwear the ordinary black enamel commonly used. :For lmnel trucks. Commands t[e Road Single TRUMP)ET 34, 1947. Marble " (m M :ing Deei LIFE a b COMPANY Shel Accident ust lnsuraneec Phone 709-J [O| KIMBI MOTOI Factory App Plymouth SALEs PARTS ,eAre Equipped to Re All Makes " Truck - Tract Logging Equ: In Our SERVICE FIRST AN] $1.89  Brazing i Gives Testing I rea, .  Welding : by the Latest Sunm: Means No Gue: Money' 'firest00' * III CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful flor- al offerings given us during the loss of our loved one. William Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Farley Mrs. Phyllis Clayton. M EMOItl ES No longer, we follow tim upland streanl No longer, the trail through the :Purple Heather Or pause to rest on tle rocky beaclI Our al'nl In arm together We loved those scenes of ancient Lore Oil nlountain, glen. aud rugged shore You travelled many a 1)leasant mile On your beautiful path through life But now. like a snowflake on the ' river A In0ment whltq then gone forever Your time has conic and we won't forget Tide happy laugil, and enddaring smile That gift so rare In human llfo I know you are resting, safe in your little niche , When life fails me you will find me at you)" side Our spirits united which none can divide Our al'nl ill a|'l]l together for ever- lllur0. W. 2., L.M.Wttestos¢: 7, .... the" 60,000 people worklr $ 130 So. Thi rs... Millions of to bulld buildings to meet the telephones and not come from trie- r t to everyone who w for such a lett speeding this y, fol Has Sixteen.Inch Fro.t whee, V StreamlM¢ ELOCIP:j | It's got everything! Easy.r011ing ha,t1 rubber tires, Rubber grips and pedals, The beautiful Symons" home, corn- Vorite iett pletely furnished, 215 feet water- An entirely front, 5/, acres, live stream. $26,- Beautiful Roman gold start yourC metalustre finish. Power. 500, terms,  • • smoother ( W" ' ful, well-built. Air-electie say0 gasoline, Hice home with fireplace, oilheat, ton.  . to you some furniture, 100 feet water- front, 2/fi acres, exceptional view of Olympics, ,$10'000'00", • Large, Retire'° ':'Jr  New home, fine view, good gar- den spot, near school, furnished, Smor, F St¥]t  €\\;\ // no waterfront; $5,250.00. ' € Partly furnished home, fine view, GRILLE " 200 feet waterfront, vicinity State Park, $10,500:00. * GUARD0000 New roadside restaurant, all mod- ern new equipment, living quar- ters, 400 feet frontage on state ]]] highway; also includes 24 acres st . ,.--"Se upland with estimated 200 M b.f. v ag 0 t standing timber. A real good buy . l:[ea Y g ...lsd at $6,500.00. Ouaraned chrome plating, htghl..^,, uPlate[10** ;-2 ]god enamel strip0s, Gives ......... .€ good pxotectLo. "- all tall pipes,