August 14, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 14, 1947 |
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'L. Marble"
nting" the
Phone 709-J
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gruvcr,
I)eeg'm Apts., became parents of
a baby boy born to them at Llw
Shelton General Hospital, Aug-
ust 12."
Journal Want Ads Pay!
ARE YOU aware that
bons for all ribbon writ-
ing machines, carbon pa-
pers for all purposes,
bookkeeping supplies and
all types of Office Equip-
ment? Whether it's a
wstepaper basket, office
chair or desk you need
we have them at a price
you can afford to pay.
Stop in today and let us
show you.
. Use the Convenient
Factory Approved
Plymouth - International
ted Finish
plating will
tweet the
ck c 1. ?, IlZ o 1
L Yor panel
.,,'y,Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild
All Makes of
:ars. Truck - Tractors and Heavy
Logging Equipment
In Our
Brazing 1 PHONE
Welding i 601
by the Latest Sunmaster Method
the Road
amen gold
ish. :Power,
v Style</
chrome plating.
stripes. Gfives
Trout Re-planted
The largest lake poisoning and
replantinK project yet attempted
by the State Game Department is
'chednled for Spencer lake on
September 6th, Alex McRea, State
Game department fish bioloKist re-
ported this week,
With the help of 50 to 80 volun-
teers from the Shelton Sports and
Skeet ehlb using 25 outboard mo-
tor boats, the lake will be cdm-
pletely poisoned by Game depart-
ment men from Mason, Grays
Harbor, Jefferson and Clallam
I The men will use Rotenone in a
five per cent solution which kills
fish and weeds but is harmless to
other animals and humans•
Scrap fish, including perch,
Spiny rays end bass; will be par-
alyzed and suffocated from the
rotenone which will be put di-
rectly Oil the weed feed and towed
in gunnysacks behind the boats to
contaminate the water for all fish
He added that the lake will be
ready to receive fish in about two
months when the feed will begin
to grow again, but that the Game
department will wait for the new
hatching season before replanting.
The Game department also is
completing plans to establish a
public picnic grounds and lJark-
ing space on the lake to facilitate
fishing for the sports fans.
The land for the project was
donated by H. H. Halbert, own-
er of a resort on Lake Spencer,
aud was chosen from land offered
by both Halbert and Frank Gib-
ler. another lake property owner,
for a 150-foot right-of-way to the
Lake Spencer to .......................... Shelton Sports,
Be Cleanedand Air Dirft Skeet Club Meets
The Halbert property was chos-
en when it was decided that it
would provide a parking spot more
accessible from the highway•
Two meetings of vol.unt'eer
workers for £he Saturday morning
poisoning session will be held be-
fore that day, McRea said
The meetings, which are being"
sponsored by the Shelton Sports
and Skeet club, will be held Aug-
ust 22 and September 6 in the
Odd Fellows hall.
McRea emphasized that all vol-
unteers must attend the second
meeting in order to learn the area
to which they will be assigned and
to get final instructions.
If the lake is not completely
covered with the rotenone in one
day, the whole project will be
worthless, since .the surviving=ofish
will soon propagate again and fill
the lake by spring.
Anyone interested in the volun-
teer work is invited to contact
either Horace Skelsey, or R. R.
Sleyster before August 22. About
12 more boats and 22 outboards
will be needed for the Saturday
An unusual case was reported
by Dr. Collier at the Clinic Hos-
pital August 9.
F0ur-month old Richard Buf-
fington son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Buffington, was brought In to the
Clinic with a fractured arm..-
His parents did not understand
how the mishap happened.
Speedy 1 "
Ight ttro engine red witl. Ogi
;able seat and handle.
liting for such a letter, we want
speeding this year's record-
for the Pacific
ags, central office
• .. about two hun-
gs needed
everyone who wants it.
ars ... Millions of ' I "'
to build buildings , "v
more telephones and
not come from tele- k,
I !!
!: //3
i::::;i iii!iiiii
' ii 'i:;
• :: i::
Starts like this: "We will soon have facilities
to care for your telephone service". • • So far
this year we were able to send out these letters
to thousands of peopleprovide 125,000 more
telephones for Western homes and businesses.
But memxwhile.thousands of new orders came
in, which awalt their proper turn.
There will still be a ¢lelay--in some cases a
long delay--be£ore we can take care of all who
want telephone service. But we are hurrying the
day whenour Service Representatives will again
be able to promise you a telephone the day you
want it. Tiat's our goal.. • and we're working
all-out to .achieve it.
phone bills. New dollars come from
people who are willing to put their say.
rags into the business. We must earn
enough to attract these ne working
Illll 60,000 people working together to fm'nlsh ever*be.or telephone service tO the Welt
130 So. Third St. Shelton Telephone 497
SHELTON AIRPORT NEWS Mernhers of the Mason County
Spur'Is and Skeet Chib were timot-
hy Wilma Shafer and 'Kurt Mann ed to barbecued salmon prcparecl
..i.'.......... by Chief Cook Mr. Gasco of tilt, The First Econonli.M Th(, at'('i(h'ni ITItc is high. Once
Breakfast f I i g h t s, breakfast \\;Vcstern Washington Hospital lit As cvcryhody knows, Paul luu- a f,)rcst t,c.ollt)nis| pilecl up to
their last meeting, yan was the first and y>reufosi, much pap(,rXA, Oll( thai, \\;vholi tilt.
flights---almost as common as fly-
ing discs these days---this past The excellcnt 30-lb. King, with of the race whi(,h is now as nu- pile caved in on him iL took a crew
week's breakfast was ill Wennt-, all the trimnaings, was brought morons as hark beetles in tP.(. of llliacrs 7,1 hoar5 to dig' him ()tit.,
chee. Participants: Ken nnd P.ay over by Senator Baraey Jack- woods the, race of economists. Anyhow, that's what I've heard.
Enslcy, Frank Davis, (flying the SOil, muin sl)ealeer for the cw;- When Paul Bunyan lax, coted lt's not too unlikely, when you re-
Club Ship), Rollie Converse, ob ning. Senator Jackson, of the pub- logging he used to mnkc rough member that, for the whole (,oun-
Short, Norris Rau, Rea Howry, lic rchltions Qfficc, gave members drawings of items he wanted try, the paperworl¢, t'ore.,ters have
George Wolfe, At'itold Tohja, Joe a very interesting evening talk freighted np from headquniicrs over 600 nlilli(m acres of forest,
on the operation of the fisheries Paul couldn't write words, ()nce 1,600 billion board I'ccL o!" sttnid -
and Harry Anderson, Chirence department, their problems and hc order a now grindstone that ing timber, ;rod simihtr L>unyan
how they are trying to develop way. figm'cs on secorld-growLh, forest
The Flying Club, with an ai- hatcheries to replenish the slip- But it was a cheese that was fires, forest products production,
most completed membership, has ply of salmon iu the Puget Sound brought back to camp. Paul had and on many other items, to jug-
decided to let you readers choose, area. Much discussion ell sport Tel'gotten to draw a sh:lft-holc in gh,.
a name t'or it. Cleverness and salmon fishing and commercial the c.enter of the circle and the I'erils of Palierwork
originality will pay off with it fishing tool( place, headquarters clerk couldn't fig- They've figurcd it. (air tllat 13,-
free plane ride, so take a deep • Main business handled at the urc the drawing out as meaning 507,118 and ,:. pcrsons live, di-
brealh, pull yhlr bralnstogeiher meeting was the club's decision anything but cheese, A blizzard reetly or indirectly, wholly or in
and make with the ideas! En- o build and maintain more phcas- closed the canlp road. So Paul's part. off the forests. 'l?he'h. per-
t, rants Italy call 674-W or 25-J to ant feeding stations, The ehlb choppers had to roll houlders down son is a forest economist who was
turn in their own names and members have been given a hand a hill all winter, and run beside run by accident into r super rninl-
selectiona for tile contest, by the state for its excclhmt them to grind edges on their eographing machine -and lost his
We are sorry we forgot Pearl work. Last winter's results were axes,
Davis' name on that Breakfast very good and one of the main The next spring Paul Bunyan legs bcfore it could bt* throwu
- int(i reverse.
.Vlight to Chehalis--her first cross- reasons for the county eetting got him a lifetime grindstone---it
country with husband Frank too! additional plantings in matur was so big it made only one revo- A gyppo logger nowadays has
This week produced What you birds this spring and summer, lution between paydays. Then to-keep legal and bookkeeping tel-
• eat on tap to do Lhe work that he
mig'ht call a solo solo, with Keith Harold Mead, chairman of the Paul hired" Johnny hkslinger to
Crabtree taking the bows and buy- duck food planting committee, re- write proper words and figures used to handle on his hip with
lng a ronnd of cokes--a recently orted excellent showlng of dif- for him, time and tally books. Even a whis-
established tradition at Shelton ferent types of foods planted in There has never been another tle punk has forms to fill out.
Air Service. several areas in the county• Club forest eeonomist like Johnny-he And we "ain't seeu nothin' " yet.
members plant ood provided by used a barrel of ink every time he The forest economists, the papc'r-
The new crop of private licenses the Simpson Logging Company dotted an "i" and two barrels to work foresters, have htws,on deck
this week were issued to Phil Dur- oil a five-year plan, cross a "t", which, it' passed, will pr'obalfly
and, Alvin Lee, Frank Gratzinger, The club has promises of get- Would Johnny Inkslinger have boost big-timber paperwork a good
H:arold Wilson, Ray Ensley and ting slreams cleaned llI) in this fun nowadays, back in Washing- 25 per cent. ;If this goes on, in
Mark Chium. area after repeated requests, ton! Boy! time there'll have to be an adding
CommereiiM Clais I is well A survey of property for the T|le First Juggler machine Ol] every sttlnip r:tuch.
under way with 14 students, and skeet range was completed and But an economist has to be tour,,.
as nelghbo ut the airport: ean members ore awaiting word from than % man of figures--he has to '£% 'W I.5 ff "2¢' All--'
probably testify, considerable owners of land for the go ahead, be a juggler of figures, to boot
night flying Is being done. We according to Bill Sallee, chairman Paul Bunyan comes in again at atom,.,
were told, and no levity in- of theskeet committee, this point, for he also was the in- ' .......
*ended, that one observer ae- Alex McRea, game. fish biolo-renter of juggling. "' -'" •/')]Li IDr6 iill. ill iii. /
latally thought she was seeing gist, will speak at the Paul Bunyan was able to juggle
shooting stars. Wired for sound, ing on the poisoning of Spencer logs---in hL .prime he could keep
no doubt! Anyway, the course Lake. It will be the biggest lake seven fir butts tossing in the air ptt#,r ,.
veqnires 9 mbltths regular at- tackled so far and will take a at one time with his left hand,
tendanee at ground school, plus larger crew of sportsmen to hen- using an ax in his right to slab
150 hears flying time. Of eoiil'se, idle the job. Hopes for 50 men and square each log as it came
dual tinle counts for the In-. "] to volunteer for the job were ex- down,
struetor, the theme song pressed by Mr. McRca. But Paul was puny compared
emerges ."My Time is Your ] 'All,, interested s0ortsmen are to the forest econommts of out"
Time." asked to contact Roland Sleyster, day, who can sit at o desk and
Add to the fast-growing list of Sleyster's Bicycle Show, A. W. juggle hundreds of billion of
enrollments: Pat Wick, Glenn Wright, secretary Mason County board feet and hundreds of mil-
Millet', Leonard Mclnnelly. Sports and Skeet Club, or H. J. lions of timberland acres without
The ew club members seem to Skelsey, president, raising a bead of sweat.
be racing to a photo finish; latest, **,..vv..,.***.....v.,-.-...--...v. By Remote Control
Jack Ra-wding, Who decided, in a Shelton Valley What is more woncrul, this
hurry before leaving for South tremendous timber juggling is
Dakota to shoot rabbits---of all .v.....,..v.... done by remote control, in offices
things! Hey, haven't wc got rab- The Slaters gave a lovely party far, far from the woods, It's truly
bits? for the 4-H children, and some big stuff. It uses up carloads of
We thought an eagle's-eye view Who were not, attended also. t paper and tanks of ink every
of the instructors might be of in- Mrs. Charles Cooke spent a few week.
terest, so after gleaning the fol- days of last week visiting with The figuring is done by electric
lowing facts, we present them as, friends down the bay, power, and at a rate so furious
of, and to wit: Mrs. Walter Hiester's mother, that hardly a day goes by but
George Wolfe---former Army who is here from Utah, and her what a fire alarm is rung because
Link Trainer Instructor in -a sister from Olympia, were over of an adding machine hot-box, it's
Combat Sqnadron In England. last Saturday to spend a few hours the main reason for Grand Coulee
George is the studious type, but with the Hiesters. Dam.
has been known to take off his Mrs. Hiester is doing relief work
glasses, at the telephone office and we ...............................................................................................................................................................................
Rollie Converse---Veteran of hope while she is there that a .... ::.:;i;:::.::;:::;:;.;:::;:[:;.•!!
5000 bOUl of flying the Pacifle good word will be spoken toward iiii!iiii !!$i-i-i ii
in B-32s, Also the "C" in C & our getting a line into Shelton .:!!:.: i[i ::::::::::::::::::::::?:::::::;i:;:.:::::;:::i:::.:::/:M:::/M:?:C.::::g::i::?j?h iiiiiiii:,iiiiiiiiiii!i::iiiii!!iiii!ii i i!
acrobatics. Mrs. Signe Kneeland was an I
Bob Conine--former Army overnight guest at the Townsend! i.iiiiiii[ t
B-24 pilot, with over 2000 hours home on Anglesidc last week, i
"to his credit.' Stationed ]8" Mr. and Mrs. James Vincenl:! :,i![ ..... " " !ilili
months il Italy. lie's the Con- were dinner guests of Mr. and' !i!.
ine whose canine story hit: page Mrs, John Vincent on Tuesday of iiiii:?::i ; > )
, last week." last week• , ii,00i00i00i[
Bob Short--The latest addi- Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Smith, Mr.
tion to the local personnel, for- and Mrs. McConkey and Mrs. Fay
merly a combat pilot on Navy Bennett were at the Highlands
SaturdaY evening. They picked a
J. L. "Tiff" Tiffany--whom few tame black berries and later
most 'of you know, with a record in. the evening pl-yed some piu-
of 2000 hours on Army C-46 and ocale, r' "
-47 transports; also P-47, -51 The Glovers called at the Spit- i
and -63 pursuits, When you see seth home in town and also at the
that Amphlb Seabee tonring the Tom Kneeland lmme on Saturday
blue yonder, It's nsually Tiff lt
the controls, of last week.
Ken EnsleyThe "E" In C & Miss Peggy Slater, accompan-
E Aircraft; former Navy A.F., led by Eddy Harden of Tacoma.
Sq. T, and has flown practically were guests of the Slatcrs.
al navy types. (Of aircraft, that Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Browa.
is.) Back barnstorming the cir- who have been occupying one 6f i::i
cults td bumps, Converse and the Deegan cottages in lower Shel- :ii:::i::i
Ensley were known, amidst ton Valley, have moved up to the i.
headthakinr and trepidations. Charles Baker place where they
as The Gold Dust Twins. " plan to build in the near future.
The chewed-up prop that hung There was better attendance at
before Ballard's very eyes at the the first meeting of the Grange
office, has finaly -been removed, and they decided to have a party
Let us hope it served its purpose, the last Saturday of the month.
Finis for now. for The lunch ladies and will to bring bring something the men. YOU can live in more comfort
They also decided to have the
;M. Sergeant and ;Mr. Cunning- Home Economic Club meet at
ham and children Willeen and Winsors place in town the last when your hum e is modernized
Kenny were callers at the home Wednesday of the month at 728
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker. Franklin St. , i
Finish the attic.., add that extra room .. bring the kitchen
Another IMPROVED SERVICE up-to-date.., redecorate and paint.., whatever improve.
ments the old home needs, you can finance them through an
.,:. i::; :,.-.i..;:::.;::i.:::.,i!i. f .......... , = .......,...,, !;!
,,;7':,7:1: 'i,;;:ii:,.,,, FHA TITLE 1 LOAN
;.[ ,, ;< ': .
!i! ,
iii NsI< your contractor or building materials dealer to finance
iI!: [ii your improvements through an FHA Title 1 Loan arranged
.}J * by the Seattle.First National Bank. Or consult the most con-
7: .... "": " ' :};
venient of our 42 banking offices.
You Can Borrow up to $2500
, n raise as much as 3 years to repay the loan on convenient
ili monthly payments. It's simple . . . no complicated details.
Let Your Bank help you to BETTER LIVING
Enables Us to Deliver SHELTON BRANCH
In quantities up to three cubic yards in a
single load, as well as In i}i
by keeping the mix agitated while In iil
transit from our plant to your location.
Polio Precautions::
tll! ecessary, .
Doctor Warns ,:
Although m, scri,ms outbrca,ks
of polio havo ;;trllck %V:lshingtTOn
SO f,qr' this suninler, Dr. Arthllr
L. Ringle, state health (liretd0r,
recently catltioned that ('cl'{£1U
1)rotectivc nloRstlrcs .should st.ill
bo take, n durlng thc warln n]c)nths
Dr. Ringlc said the majority of
polio cases this year, through the
WC('I erlding :\\;llgllsl. 2, have been
reported from the Puget Sourid
area, Here t\\;venty-one out Df
twenty-nine cases for the state 8s
a whole have occurred. Six of this
year's polio victims \\;v(,r( rcsi(h,nts
of eastern Washington qnd ode
CaSO if; OII record from the SOllth-
wl:stcrn part of the ,tate. '°
The director said although thdi'c
are n(') known assllrcd preventive
neasures against polio, certaill
precautions are wise durlng polio
;it is generally agreed that be-
coming over]y-tired makes a per-
SOIl nn easter victim, ns well as
strenuous physical exercise, and
chilling on yery hot days.
Any polluted waters in the state
stlould be avoided. Polluted areas
are noted all(t warned against by
the h)cal health deI)artment , Take
their advice.
ynlllloms of pollo inehlde
lietillache, nausea, sorl.ness anli
stlffnes of nnlsele, and ilnex-
plalned fever. In ease of these
or nnexlflaiaed illness, call your
family doctor immediah,ly, Dr.
lingle said.
. "Your Friendly Bank"
ii ..... " Member FDIC
i iI!!ii!i i!i!!!!i!iii!!il i I! ! ii!!! 7!7711 !!7!!!!i 7i7 ! !!i 117! 7!7!! iT!i i!i! ! ! i ii i !: i! ! ! i i i ! ! i !i i i ! i ! :i i ! ! ii i ! i } i i i i !i!7!! ! ii!i!!!! ! ! ili ili i i ii ! i !
f" . ' ,,