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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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age 8 SIIELTON-ISON COUNTY 3OURNAL Thursday, 14, :1947. .............. .......................... ............. 7-_. i);.; 7_.._.Z ,..._.- :=-:k-_ =. , ........... , I -- - ., , ...... , III III ................... Ill] JayceBuy i, Dress.uppar.  GrapeviewTops I SPECIAL PRICE i . .... :.::+:. Amphfler For Scheduled Friday Shelton With ::: [ tuild for Perm :&apos;  - 2 'Tans', I A variety of costumes is ex- Cloudy Weather wi: .......... e " - A $150 amplifier and public ad- I the "Dress-up Parade" which will Grapeview lms done it again! r'7;::, -<.,'-:, .,,, . , . . pe ted to be seen Friday, when @"   Hydrotex. Aero .... Safet¢ -- Mot0t :, ..i: aress system was purcnasecl DYlwin d up the summer playfield pro- Walt Eekert, postmaster at i V :::1 ,, U FAC. . i 8 x 8"16" Stanaara - ,, JImm, the nelon Junior t:namoer .oi igram for Shelton youngsters be- Grapeview and official weather ob- seIlesC°mmerce-' of "TeenYeSterdaYAge fOrDances.USe ,,at its I s 'the" de il a ..... server there, reports that his fig- 01is 72 Era|.  ,Square and Bull-no • pard w I st it at 1.30 widely from those reported by Bob In 50-gallon Drums ' !'/;17)...  'The pu.rchase.wasauthorlzed.atlFridayafternoon, and wilt pro- ares on the weather for July vary I ayslde Concret J  C°]°nial H°use Tuesday eventng'ithe Sc°utbaiI' d°wn First street woa<,,e,- ,or ! Oi.¥MPi&FEieD¢ and was made through the Taylor [to Railroad avenue then tip Fifth July was eight clear days, two ..)¢1j ..---B I ! t Radi° Electric c°mpany'The croP''street t° C°ta' an'd back t° the el°tidy days and 21 partly cl°udy" ii: lifter was owned by Jackie Stew- Ipark Shelton weather in the same per- art. . | Th'is parade will provide a glow- ted included 23 clear days reported, . The electronic equips lent in-!ing finish for the extensive play- making local residents feel they O Neill Building, First & Railroad ':i!  .... eludes a pnonograpa turntame zortgroun d activities conducted in were "in California." and will be used to replace the I younger generation varied somewhat from that in ":"--------- ' "i. . playing records anna microphone She 1 ton this summer for the Grapeview's precipitation also ()Tt phonograph loaned by Taylor Ra-I---- ...................... : .................................. Shelton, with a total of .79 inches • ,zm 'i .-[,-ZJ  %;4"a'mi'"' brought up at the ::" i rl../v .;*%,,,, die Electric for the series of l recorded there in eight days, and AlSo meeting I 50 Cent Dividend to most oo uly  with . -= " " =: inches falling. '," k" was lengthy discussion of a pro-|1"1 FI • grapeview's temperatures rang- ............... ' .......  _"_L-" I ,'iIYli' posed memorial building to be used l tn ltavonier ed fro,n <, t, ig of  o,, Zuly 17 S-. ').3 as a ctvic and youth center. ,[.( "] c.t. , to a low of 46 on July lst. Eagles Picni4 k "=:" Tile niemorial committee chair-t )mmon toc Mr Eckert is curious to know .._ _...._."  --*'1 _-..l  / man, Carroll McElroy, was asked t ..............  what happens to all of Shelton's .,  7h ffd to prepare a detailed report oat-] Rayonier IncorporatetZ mal u- fine weather after it blows past the lining the .method of paying forlfacturers of wood cellulose, on city toward Grapeview. Do you the new building and maintainingl August 11, 1947, declared a dirt- know? it after its completion.  dend of 50 cents per share on the I The matter will be br°ught uoi c°mmon st°ck °f the c°mpany PARENTS OF GIRL MTm -" ...... : -- -'--" -- ' I again at the next meeting': SeD"):' payable Oct°bet 15' 1947' t° the Mr' and Mrs' D°n Smith became Eagle Su]  ----(---2.    tember9'atTheC°l°ntalI°use-[st°ckh°lders °f rec°rd Septemberof parentSital, of a baby girl, August . . • I The club also voted to continue l 30, 1947. berN and Families e meeting at the Colonial House and | "The company's excellent carol- 12, at the Shelton General HOB- to return to its winter schedule of ] lng record during the first half P ' iN , .,,,.#,,,y .,-ILlumeetings twice a month , the 3ear and Indications that cur-  O K,. c,,.< • =.. - I If'sit -,v:. :: =:'.,t YearSg,ves yo,, 01d-, __ ............... | rent operating results are likely to " I'r i • • ,. i [be maintained for the batllCe of .W ii!il'lllil(i. It:he year, warranted the declara- ............... Itlon at this time of a dividend on . This is the first dividend that ,E/AA 17 e UMt.C. ON ISABELLA .- -" 2nd Annnvmalia [the common stock for the last half mm ala ,),, .... There's a treat in store for you! Its at the CABIN THE FIR--and ot 1947," President; Bartsch an- lY__,,m .. \\;|: ap]arano, e-u'"g..=.." vvw{ nounced. we're making it the best "soda stop" you ever saw! Yes, you'll like stop- Group to Meet LAKE :P&TORIUM CLEAN] LEAN] ping in at the CABIN. You'll like it because we have a grand variety An or aniza has been paid on the common g tional meeting of ' ' " 17 ::" ls s st Alcoholics Anon me s h stock since 1943 and m m keep- of nil the flavors of ice cream you enjoy . . . all the sundaes and y u as been " k. schedule o • ing with the statement made at d t take place ln.Olvm- . ........ sodas masterfully prepared to give you the "tops" in taste delight . . . pin Labor Temple on Wednesday"- the annuat., mee:mg o ..s°cKnom" and because we have a selection of salads and sandwiches to tickle every evening, Au,,-,st 2n o*o,*i,, o* ers m April, that a dividend on • "" v "t c ' Cli*_f'en  the common stock would be paid ei ht-thwt o clo_k ......... " 1-er •his ear jective of the meeting is to dis- a t n: y ._ ............ " +lat :om a ''.-.  € palate. So come on down to our CABIN IN qHE FIR- enjoy the pleas- r,  ,,, cuss the f , ,,,. ,=,.,,, ,, ,,,,,o,,,,.,, ure of your favorite taste treats in our knotty pine surroundings that ' sou rous ni T.._°rmati°n of Alcoholics ... ...... ... K I L LE R LeisAn nv  n ' h]rtnn 1 iS expeeced tna early m ±van bring you the fir-laden scent of the great outdoors! 'andSMasoncounties. - ..... twl]? 1 c%mm°a::ck pf:hec°!nPalY IN PELLET FORM Everyone interested in the AA . . P: . .. " g " Positively Kills Moles. Money Potluck Picnic Dinner at 1 p.m. ;i :.iwl__ iilll m-lilil  obj'ectives, or methods are urged quarterly, dividend oasis, back guarantee. Compounded i'll.j;,i, '"' ....... I[IISHELTON AERIE  to attend the Olvmnia re,oH-- The directors also declared the from the moles natural food. ICE CREAM FURNISHED BI : Speakers from the A" organiz'-" regular quarterly dividend of 50 • Used successfully for 30 years. I tions in Seattle and Tacoma wfl) cents per share on the $2 cumula- For sale and recommended toc-I .......... tire preferred stock, payable Oc be on hand to talk on the prob- ' - ally by OLYMPIA FEED CO.,I lems involved and explain the tober 1, 1947, to stockholders of O'Neil Bldg., Shelton. I inside the DRUG 213 RAILROAD FIR Photo by Burgoyne WHERE YOU'LL FIND THE FINEST CUP OF COFFEE IN TOWN BECAUSE WE USE ROYAL CORONA COFFEE who program. It was stated that many persons from this area had written to New York, Seattle and Tacoma asking for the formation of Al- coholics Anonymous groups in the three counties. This is one of the reasons the Olympia meeting has been edited. Everyone is cordially invited to participate in the dis- cnssions August 20. The excellent work being done by Alcoholics Anonymous is so ev- ident that the Olympians calling the meeting here said they felt the central location of Olympia in the three counties makes this the logical site for the organi- zational gathering. It is hoped that AA groups will be formed in all the communities of tI:e tlree counties involved. Enoch Nelson Dies in Shelton Enoch Nelson, a resident of Un- ion for 42 years, passed away Monday at Shelton. Mr. Nelson was born in Smo- land, Sweden, January 2, 1887, and came to the United States ahd settled in Union in 1905. He became a member of the Ma- sonic lodge in 19/1, and war a past master of the organization He also was a member of the Car- penter's union, and was on of the first commissioners for Mason County Public Utility District No. He is survived by his wife, So- phia, a daughter, Mrs. Margaret STORE Forman, of Shelton, a step.daugh. ter, Mrs. Luctlle Mason, of Union, a brother,-Bill Nelson, of Seattle, who is now in Shanghai, and a brother in Sweden. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Nasa Thompson, of Seattle, and three grandsons. The funeral will be held from the Mr. Moriah Masonic Temple, at 3 p.m. Thursday, and will be followed by cremation. Reverend Paul Sweeney of the Hoodsport community church will conduct th( services. • • • o O Best Wishes to the CABIN-IN-THE-FIR from Shelton-laid Diry Products ' made by Mason County Creamery Those Delicious Sandwiches Served in the CABIN-IN-THE-FIR Are Made with MORNING FRESH TENi)ERCRUST BREAD Made Fresh Daily in Sllclton By the Tendercrust Bakery MAGNESITE Installed by Don Rucker In the CABIN-IN-THE-FIR PLASTERING -- LATHING STUCCO  MAGNESITE PHONE 624-W t024 E. Ellinor Street ALL CABINET WORK hi Constructing the CABIN-IN-TIlE-FIR [)one by JACK DREW of the Sheltoli Cabnlet Shop Bclfitd tim Bowling Alleya) PLATE GI,.ASS SET REPAIR WORK Homes Cut To Blue Prints Mayor Invited To Inspect Navy I'nstallations Mayor" F. A. Travis has been invited to inspect naval installa- tions in Seattle by the U. S. Navy," August 20. lHe will De flown to Seattle in a DC-3, where he will inspect the Naval Air Station and the Armory Building. He will then board the U.S.S. Rombach and return to Olympia. If unable to attend the mayor may send a representative. Inspection of the U.S.S. Rein- bach will be open to the public on the 20th of August in Olym- pia with buses leaving Shelton at 12:15 and 6 p.m. Any navy man may receive his mcdqils while aboard the ship, but he sbould bring his diaeharge pa- pers. New Students Can Register August 25.28 at School The principal's office of the Irene S. Reed High School will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Ahgust 25 to 28, inclusive, so that new senior high selmol students entering may reg- ister hefore school begins, prlnci- George Hermes announced I Tuesday. Any students in the 10th, llth or 12th grades who wish to change their schedules should do so at this time also, Hermes said. To ease opening-day headaches when school starts September 2, any students with changes to make should complete them dm:inff the last week in August when th Of- rice will be open 'for that purpo, principal emphasized, record September 12, 1947. TUNA FISH Grated Style• Ideal for Salads! Try it! 6-OZ. CAN ENRICHED FLOUR or 86 Snow (50-1bs. $3.90) € 1O-LBS. Safeway. Worthwhile savings are easy at Safeway, because every item is priced low every day. On each shopping trip you can add to your savings. Right down the line--on each shelf and in every section of the store--you'll find quality foods priced to save you money. Compare prices. You'll discover your food dollar buys more at CALIFORNIA WATERMELONS.. lb. 2¢ Black seeded, guaranteed melons YKIMA TOMATOES ................... crate 89¢ Selected tomatoes for canning. 16-lbs. LOCAL CELERY.. ......... lb. 9¢ Sweet, crisp and tender. All green variety GOLDEN BANTAM CORN.. lb. 9¢ Local. Tender young ears LOCAL CUCUMBERS ...................... lb. 6¢ Smooth medium size. For pickles too! GREEN BEANS ..... .............. lb. 7¢ Local Kentucky Wonder ............... CANTALOUPES, Luscious Yakirda ............ lb. 6¢ PEARS, Yakima Bartlett (crate $2.79) ........ Ib. 10€ PRUNES, Italian,' ripe .................................... Ib. 10€ POTATOES, U. $. No. 2 Yaktma Gems.. 50-1bs. 89€ 1-LBo CALO, NUTRITIOUS DOG FOOD 12c M.C.P. POWDERED 3-OZ. PECTIN 3 for 25c LIQUID POLISH PINT U &l SUGAR (100-LB. BAG $9•18) AEROWAX 29c 10-LBS, sNOWDRIFT CAN SHORTENING FOR COOKING AND BAKING. FELS-NAPTHA 2 BARS LAUNDRY SOAP, EXTRA. WASHING VALUE. TENDERONI, Van Camp's, 6-oz. pkg ......... BEEF-NOODLE SOUP, Campbell's, 10-o. GRAPEF'T JUICE, "Won-up," healthful.. PLUM PRESERVES, "Shady Oak" ........ l-lb. CHERUB MILK, Evap. (Case 48 $5.28) SU-PURB SOAP. Gran., ecOnomical. CREAMERY BUTTER, Tasty. Pound, VELVEETA OR BREEZE, Cheese food ..... SAFE WAY Wash. Co-op, "AA" Lge. DOZ. Mrs. Wright'S Fresh Eggs., 82 ¢ Rye Reg, Jars (Qts. 87¢) DOZ, Nob Hill Oe Kerr Pints.. 75€ Coffee. ,. Kerr Regular DOZ. Airway EconorY Jar Caps .... 22 ¢ Coffee U. S; Inspected, Graded "good" shoulder cuts of young milk-fed veal fro herds--guaranteed finest quality available. Veal Shoulder Roast Ib, VEAL SIRLOIN ........ lb. 69¢ Skinless WIENERS;; U.S. graded "good" steak They're sure to be tender" ll VEAL ROUND, ......... lb. 79¢ YOUNG FRYEI-'.'7: U..S graded "good" (also cutlets) " Full drawn, cut up, P ap° ], FRANKFURTERS.:.. lb. 49¢ POIK ROAST ....... .:.o7 0 Swift's "Premium, tender, juicy Round bone shoulder cu., FRESH SALMON, Red King Steaks ....................................... ................. I;;i HALIBUT STEAKS, Medium size ........................................................... I  FILLET OF SOLE, Delicious ......................... : ................................................ Acme, Hormel "Dairy," Armour's "Star"  ., fe Is your own clay, his real important f GOOD HEALTH, make sure get OUR MILK, so fre., This is No. 28 in Maser teamery scrapbook contes' ia cash prizes.) EELL'S 9< SKINNED HAMI • • lb, ,, -S 1"0 ,. RALEIGHS, LUCKIES, etc. CTN. NO sALt" , It!: ,-;-es star.-t t{ r., bj $1.5 °'<" , cha"geS'a" ( HAS (f( A AUTOMOTI I01tIPLETE MO LI)ING, 'AND O