August 14, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 14, 1947 |
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" Thursday, A 9
...... ".! .... ' ............................................... :i i ".i. .......... i ....... --+--,i ++' ................ ' .................................................... "- ........ -:i:i"
-- [ i:::i•': " '•:::i•!!i • :,:i:/!i:•! I SGa2im;uDl.YasSalmonDerb tl AL'S WELDING SHOP I
]b4 r A¢:L1PN .... WE MA FA TORE ...... ..... The Hood Canal Salmon Derby . Heavy and Light" Welding" [
., l.=.. -- Acetylene and Are- I
• =€ (IS 1 1 Square and Bu I-nose Corne's | ports. [ | " "
01Is .... -- sa... . , Tbe qualifying period for the | FOR SALE: A dandy two-wheel Utility Trailer, all alumi- |
l]'O[a']J' N¢t'ti-*¢¢ O€111.-O J I derby will continue uutil October [ I num body, all steel frame, new tires and tubes ............ $145.00 |
T. /i ll TS,, --JOllllE; LIIILItlE; IIUtILO II 26, "1947 and on that day the I .......
xLx t-8**, ,.u .... h It Jfinals wlaieh will determine the I| One BLOCK North of Pines auto ar J
a0X453 Shelton Phone 19-F-3 ' • ' . . • " ' [ .
It i wn, of the Reme]l inboard boat: I Top Q.a,,ty Guaranteed Work-- Rea,onab,y Priced I
lilllB Ill mill[ l[ W1JL De run. | I
1 =M I'- DI'- '! Other prizes will be offered to .... q
IlVllta tm , runners-up, including s p e c i al
b'Neill Building, First & Railroad
anual Shelton Aerie
gles Piq=='
Iembers and Families Be S 1
ome and Join in the 1
It's Years 01d
Lp'elt ]= I-each'!-" .u, we+ +ow, w+ we
i clean a garment--it looks brand new.
It gives you longer wear and better
: appearance.
NDAY, AUGUST 17 ' ' 2n st. Phone s
d was in error last week in placing
picnic site at Delight Park) ,
Entertainment from 11 a.m. on
tests for All Ages---Prizes for
Potluck Picnic Dinner at 1 p.m.
ray, because every item is
g trip you can add to your
shelf and in every section
priced to save you money.
food dollar buys more at
REG. 2 If
3amp's, 6-oz. pkg ......... f°i
UP, Campbell's, 10-oz. ,
"Won-up," healthful.- "
i, "Shady Oak" ........
ap. (Case 48 $5.28) ...... ;'
m., ecOnomical .............. "
R, Tasty.Pound, fresh.--
;EEZE, Cheese food ..... $7 i
SITTING PRETTYRIGHT NOW--One of the most rugged of all sports, riding a half.wild Brahma
bull, will be one of the top attractions at the third annual Elms Horsemen's club rodeo at the Grays
Harbor fairgrounds at Elms, August 16-17. 'Old Sprinning Wheel,' one of the greatest Brahmas
in the business, will be on hand with anyrider offered $50 for riding him eight seconds. Some of
the best cowboys of the west will be there to try.
Yippee Hi-yay!
Elma Rodeo
Starts Saturday
Elmfi, August 14: (Special)
5t's r.odeo time at Elma.
Once again the West's best
bronco-busters are converging on
this Grays Harbor town to com-
pete in the third annual Elma
Horsemen's club's two-day round-
up, Saturday and Sunday at the
county fairgrounds.
Record-breaking crowds of more
thah 10,000 rodeo fans are ex-
pected to attend the contests and
the, cowboy dances.
Highlight of the Friday night
dance will be the crowning of the I
queen, yet to be decided from the
field of five. The.candidates are:
Janet Thayer, Elms; Betty Bray,
Montesano; Joyce Mann, Aber-
deen; Anne Bevandich, Hoquiam;
and Phyllis Hanna, Willapa Har-:
Many nationally known cow-
pokes and bulldoggers are on the
scene already and other are ar-
riving daily. Such competitors as
Joe Stenson, Wally Squires, A1
Whorton, Jiggs Durham and Ed
Reynolds have sent in entries,
OUr life is your own clay, so act
(Note: This is the first in a
series of articles explaining the
workings of YOUR SOCIAL SE-
CURITY. Others will follow in
later weeks.)
Does your wife know what she
might receive under the Social
Security progTam if you should
die tomorrow?
The chances are she doesn't,
unless you find out and let her
Many younger workers with
small children do not realize
that Old-Age and Survivors In-
surance may provide monthly
cash benefits for the widow and
children in the event of the hus-
band's death, regardless of his
You may have insurance
worth $10,000 or more that you
didn't know about The 1 per
cent taken from your pay check
each week is your "premhmf'
on this insurance.
Write to the Social Security
Administration, 121 State Ave-
nue, Olympi, trod they'll be
glad to answer your questions.
Then tell your wife.
The program calls for bronco- .v,v,,,,,w-,vw,,,v,vv,vv,
v,hould make sure . bus:ing, bulldogging, wild cow Ally
r0t get OUR MILK, so fresh and pure milking, wild calf roping, Brah n
_(This is No. 28 in Mason County ma bull riding and trick and fancy .,v,,,v, ...... -:-,v--
reamery scrapbook contest for $60 roping and riding. Green'and
" cash prizes.) A feature of the show will be tbe Mr. and Mrs. G.H. of
riding of "Old Spinning Wheel," a Kirkland, Wash., visited Mr.
Grahma btfll who has thrown ev- Mrs. Ernie Greenwall last meek
cry rider but one in the past five end.
years. Any amateur who can stay Mrs. Harold Cleveland enter-
on the bull for eight seconds will rained the Birthday Club in honor
be $50 richer. .. of Mrs. Harry Dove at an outdoor
A gala parade, with all the con- party in her summer house last
testants participating', is planned Thursday afternoon.
here before the Saturday show. Mrs. Dove was also celebrating
her wedding anniversary and re-
ceived many lovely gifts.
Use the Journal Want Ads-- Mrs. Howard Turner and son
they really get results! Dennis, of Bremerton, 'Mrs. Min-
nie Zahler, of Retsil, Mrs. John
Tuten and Mrs. Ardis Dove, of AI-
lyn, were guests. Mrs. Ernie Blair
won the draw prize.
Art Calder, now of Rathdrum,
Idaho, spent several days here last
................ week on business and visiting with
his mother on the Bar J Ranch.
-ms, •We're not very good at giving marriage He returned home last Monday.
SHE C.F. Ream is home on a five-
NEV advice but we can advise you on your day leave. He is stationed in Oak-
Ts heating problems. We're always glad to land, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sullivan, of
WTH- give you friendly advice' and free esti- Los Angeles, are here on an ex-
Hoodsport School
MoyeYhIncreasedosts '
the City of Tacoma, has signed
new contracts with Hoodsport
school district No. 312, giving
them $4,000 aid each school year
instead of the $2500 formerly al-
During the coming school year,
there will be five students attend-
ing Hoodsport grade school and
one student attending Shelton
High School from Cushman plants
one and two,
Teaching staff at the Hoodsport
school for the coming school year
beginning in September will con-
sist of: Richard K. Sparks, prin-
cipal; Mrs. Helen Cook, fifth and
sixth grades; Richard Bates, third
and fourth grades; and Mrs. Min-
nie Lee Wiggs, first and second
Let us welcome our new prin-
cipal and teachers and all make
an effort to see that they are made
happy at Hoodsport so they will
wish to stay a long time.
The Hoodsport chool building
program costing approximately
.:26 000 was completed early this
summer and our sch001 is one of
the most modern in the county,
We have our own deep well which
supplies an abundance of good wa-
ter, four-up-to-date classrooms,
play-basements, and a first class
gymnasium-auditorium with stage
for class plays and such.
Directors on the school board
during the building of the new ad-
dition were Emmett Williams, Mrs.
Frances Radtke, Clifford Reader,
and Neff Simmons who replaced
Mr. Reader when he moved away.
A teen-age party was given
Thursday evening at Twanoh state
park, in honor of the birthday of
Martha Lou Palmer. Swimming
was enjoyed by the 20 guests in
attendance and a wienie roast fol-
lowed. Delicious cakes baked by
Mrs. Gladys Lockwood were also
Guest of the Dave Anderson
family this week is Glenn Hogarth
of Tacoma.•
Mr. and Mrs, tester Dickinson
returned to their home in Orville,
Calif., Thursday after a month's
stay in Hoodsport.
prizes for tourists not competing
in the finals and for the winning
Following is the list of rules
for the derby:
Auspices of
Olympic Peninsul Sportsmen's
Club, Hoodsport, Wash
Anyone may compete except resort
operators, their immediate' families
and employees,
2 *n entry fee of $1 for enlry ticket
will be required front each con-
Derby rnns from July 12 to Octo-
bet 26, 1947, inclusive. This will
be the qualifying period for the final
day's contest Sunday, October 26.
4 Registered resorts are a. follows:
Linger Longer Lodge, Seal Rock
Resort, Beacon Point, Traveler's Rest,
Hidden Cove, Stetson's Resort. Rest
While Park, Dusty Rhode's Resort,
Holman's Resort, Gateway Inn, The
Grove, Clar iVIcl, Madrona Lodge,
Shako Cabin Camp, Alderbrook Inn,
Calm Cove, Twanoh Marine and Bald
Point Resort.
l Private boat owners may fish from
their own boats by registering
them for the $2 boat registration fee.
Catches must be checked in at the
Boys of High School Age . . .
Get ready for the start of school by a
selection from our complete stock of
Slacks and Jackets. Fine designs, ex-
cellent materials and correct stylings.
(Formerly Needham's Men's Wear)
123 Railroad Phone 494
registered boat house nearest their
moorage, and placed on the sepa,'ate HOMES INC
ladder for private boat-owners. The
same percentage of these fishermen
will compete in the finals as there
are contestants "who rent boats. I
To compete for the Grand Prize,
($500 Rcinell inboard boat) and ma-
jor prizes, on final Derby day, con-
testant must be on the qualifying. .+"
,ladder of one of the registered resorts NOW HAVE
or on the private boat owner's ladder.
A $2 fee will be required on tlmt day
to fish in the finals, plus the boat
rental. Two contestants will fish from
each boat.
• To Veterans •
Here Tuesdays, Thursdays
for Personal Consultations
£00e=ml00 TYLE BORD
Tyle-Bord for Your Bathroom
and Kitchen Walls
Delightful to look at . . . easy to clean
In ease of a tie in the finals a
coin shall be flipped to de(fide the
winner, and the loser shall accept next
prize in line. No contestant shall be
eligible but for one prize in the finals.
There will be a special prize for the
lady catching the largest salmon ,in
case no lady qualifies for one o/ the
major prizes. Another special prize
will be sent to the tourist reglstere'd
for the derby who catches the largest
fish din'InK the season but could not
return for the finals.
To allow contestants to fish wider
area they may turn their catch In
at another registered boathouse, but
must,be in by 1.2 noon and have fish
taggeu with thmr name.
9 Registered boathouse epcrators
shall accompany fisherman and
his catch to Dusty Rhodes Resort for
the weighing in and the,awarding of
the prizes. Fish shall be dressed after
weighing in.
10 On final derby day, October 26,
fishing time almll be % bour be-
fore sunrise to 12 noon.
"1 All fish shall be caught with a
- rod and line in a sportsmanlike
manner and ny qucsth)nable entry
will be passed On by the board of
trustees and their derision ahall be
final. • '- ............ .; .'+ ............. ...... ,
12 Th0 Olympic Peninsula Sporta-
men's Club and all resort con-
nected with this derby assume no
responsibility for any loss, injuries, or
damage growing out of this contet.
Fish shall be displayed at one of the
sponsors' place of business uon re-
quest and good care of catch shall be
Derby Chairman.
95,000 Acres
In Forest Fires
The Forest Service of the I5. S.
Department of Agriculture reports
that in the first six months of this
year there were 4,474 forest fires
on National Forests or on adjacent
land the Forest.Service protects.
The flames burned over almost
95,000 acres and preliminary esti-
mates put the cost of suppression
in the neighborhood of $2,000,000.
All were man-caused except 519
which were set by lightning.
First-half year fires in 1947 on
the 229,000,000 acres under pro-
tection in these forests totaled
about 100 less than the number
SPEAKINfl! martens on your problems. Depend on our, tended visit with his brother, John Mrs. Mary Jane Kilby and Mrs. for the first half of last year, but
quality merchandise for money-saving Sullivan. Katie Abbey dined with Mr. and were above the average for the
Howard Woodai-d left "vVednes- Mrs. C. A. Pickering at Potlatch corresponding periods in the five
( years 1942-1946.
values, j day morning by plane for Denver Monday evening.
where he will visit until Sunday A no-host picnic was held last,] ._
LET US PUT YOU ON OUR REGULAR ;I and then return by car with his Thursday at the Adventure Valley[
DELIVERY LIST wife.and children. Ranch of Mr. and Mrs. Herbi Use the Journal Classlfieds
A large crowd of Allyn folks t Boeck which is located on FinJh they really get results!
"WA Y VAv '
.................................. gathered to eharivari the newly- Creek west of Hoodsport.
weds, Mr. and Mrs. William Brun-
'" Lge. DOZ. Mrs. Wright" . inK, last Tuesday evening. At an outside barbecue, de,or- l,
s..$i' RyeBre After much n°ise and merriment ati°nsc°nsisted°fwag°nwheels' GUARANTEED
they were invited in and treated baskets of native ferns and flow-
; €) .... DOZ, Nob Hill De to refreshments and a piece of !ers, and rustic benches clew,,rly
ff wedding cake. Everyone reported made from moss covered logs A
75€ ' .C" ee ' '" a very pleasant evening, delicious supper was served the 14
• • guests in front of a huge bonfire.
€ fee ° °° ' and Joan, of Honolulu in company
22 Cof r.
with Mr. and Mrs. James Glacken,
EELL' S A UTO MOTIVE MACH N [ SHOP wild°fclamguestsTheyGigblackberryCh°wder'°fenj°yedHarb°r'the HaroldfreShpie,SteamingWerenoneShrimpsMtllOS.ofbOwlsM°ndaYwhich;andOf R PA
they had ever tasted before.
: They were delighted with their
:side trip to Cushman dam and ....
=uts o, you g ,k.,o ":° (Now Owned by Eells Auto Parts) ;especially enjoyed seeingthe log- :::'@O
t#i :King trucks dumping logs from
LOCATION 00o+ooo00 0oc00
Mr. and Mrs. William Blatler
HAS MOVED TO A i anddaughterBtllielaee, wereSun- O
NEW , 'day guests of the Ed Deschamps.
They brought bueille home from
WIENEr " , a week's visit with them and will
r ' ] leave Billie Lee for a week's stay:
They're sure to be te "' 11) in Hoodsport,
YOUN FRYE-."0: at 227 South First F.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and
family are week-ending with rela-
Full drawn, cut up, P ass" 1 tires in Centralia. ReosonobJe charges ac-
PORK ROAST ....... ::'d o (former location of the Economy Drug Store) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hill of Se-
Round bone shoulder cu I fib attle were guests of William Gil-
our Standvrd
• bert over Friday.
....................................... ................ ..+ I1, )€ Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Daniels and printed Ist. You can save
Adj EELLS AUTO PARTS +son of akima ero vising in
.......... .................................. ......... i .... h i oining , =1Hoodsport the past week. Mr. Dan- money by bringing your
Ibm'+ AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE 'SHOP NOW urr'l¢ S i' |'is'is was f°rnaerly H°°dsp°rtUi'l°n r°di° set t° °ur shop .!+ off representahve.
_____-. Gerald Lunt was a Tuesday vis-
ta • S I IPROVED SERVICES°r with his mother, Mrs. Ella'
NO SA L E U N R CE N Mr. and Mrs. Henry McClana-
"+ visited the Bill Dyer's at Aber-
,,/i, fff:;_.,.. ETEMOT:RRBILDI G, ELECTIC, A T:LE E AND COLD deen during the week end and
IrE REPAI made a trip to Quinault wher0 RIIDIB ELEffRit
INs, 'AND OT ER AUTOMOT R SERVIC S. - they met Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ad-
Prices = : ,
ust::; ?:'! dleman who were with the Floyd
-.fl S .... Dickinsons of Queers. Friends will
"="" .... bc interested to know that Floyd
. Dickinson is park ranger at
' QUtts.
I Ill'
You will love the lustrotm, clean, colorful effect that TYLE-
BORD brings to your home. Genuine TYLE-BORD is a plastic
enameled-coated presd-wood, simple to apply over present
walls or in new construction.., it comes in panels 4 feet
wide, in 4 foot and 6 foot lengths. Genuine TYLE-BORD is ideal
for kitchen, bathroom, utility room, play room, summer cabin,
or wherever colorful, watertight walls are wanted.
for Your Doors and Wiudows --
are a Warm Weather protec-
tion from insects. We have ,----
measure.Stock sizes or build thent to .
Owned and Operated by Everett Dillon and Joc Simpson