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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ Thursday, \\; 14, 1947. r ERLY SHELTON C 320 SOUTI Open New Owlmrshi Employee of Carlson'= OPEN DAILY 9 WE NEEI We Will Will Sell Y SHOP OL Llk fro Tht's is a Nut Grove AISING NUTS on a commercial scale is one of Mason County's minor agricultural endeavors, but one of ever growing importance and volume -- and one which could and perhaps someday will match this community's most important seasonal crop- grapes. +-:: . _ ,, ,... ,u, t , i t , - .... - . . +_ Climatically and geographieaUy. Mason County is ad- vantageously positioned to develop a large and prosper- ous nut orchard acreage. Much of Mason County's land is ideally suited for just this type of use, and Mason County already has the facilities set-up for shipping nuts to market as a natural tie-in with its already siz,;att export of manufactured and agricultural products produced here, and co+ ld 'thereby become'another example of the development of related enterprises which this series of messages on the American Way of Life has endeavored to point out. This "industrial" expansion--for indeed it is actually that even though it is growing a product from the soil- would benefit +everyone in this entire area. It can come and it will come. It requires only foresight and initiative and the "right" business conditions. So long as men are free to invest their time and their money in enterprise, such development will follow as day follows night For the nut raiser is an "industrialist" even as the factory owner. + + He must invest in the land upon which he will grow his nuts, he must invest in the trees from which his "industry" gets its beginning. He must hire help, he must sell his crop- and he must have something "left over" for himself after he pays for all these things. It is as simple as that. Whether a man is a nut raiser, a winery operator, a re- tail merchant, or a factory owner, he requires this basic, fundamental assur- ance before he will feel free to start a new enterprise or expand an existing one. Nut growing -- like any other industry- depends a great deal on wedth er' A nut grower, as any farmer, must consider, actually, two kinds of weather,':..-7" natural weather and the man-made "weather" of political and economic •lave. The latter is perhaps the more important for it determines the conditions udcr which all industry and all business must operate. If this man-made "weather" is favorable, men will go forward, Men will new sources of wealth for themselves and for the co.mmunity. Mason County--and all Amerlcawas founded and built on the fandmettal trinctple that any man or woman should have th ttb work--should hve the right to start a business of "his 0 anal to enjoy the fruits of his labor. As a result, no other nation in the whole+world can approach the industrial might of America. In no other nation hs the standard Of living Hsn so lflgh for the indivViua! willing to work for it. This resu|ts from the Amertca Way of Life, and is the pathway to an even greater America. Why change it? r The + sponsors of this series of advertisement devoted to com- munity betterment are + Citizens of this community. They own homes hePe. nel' children go to school here. They have a deep sense of responsibility to the individuat citizen§ and to changes which Will affect the commur.W. They are interested in devel- oping a" healthy commmdty iollowlng the American Way of Life, and thus keeping America and Mason County strong for the generations to come, t Throughout all America, this political-economic "we has always been such as £o give men courage and assur" ance. That has been the American way of life- the waY, which allows any man to take a job of his own choosing or start a business of his own, and build it, and enjoy the fruits of his honest efforts. ' With this same spirit- with this ideal which has made America great- every citizen can face the future coafi" dently. Here in Mason County new industries will be borza. Establishing industries- like nut growing--will create new opportunity. The whole community, and the whole nation, will receive the benefits. I;IMPSON LOGGING COMPANY One of a series of advertisements devoted to community bettermenL • RAYONIER INCORPORATED • LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE • ROY KIMBEL ENTERPRISES • "GEO. M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY COMMERCE • AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR LOCAL UNIONS OF SHELTON • 8HELTON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNTY I 8HELTON CHAMBER Of: €