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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t&apos;age 12 SHELTOD'-MASON COUNT JOURNAL Thursday, A tlgU:St ]4, ]947 YA.....  1 tJ UIIUtllllHt - , " . '  el. s ...... ,., ..., .....................  , •  . , avlls Jta,Jl=,L4. a.aJLL ,.aLaLle. , ' , .,. JA r ' v , ' t'onL'iet Mrs' L.:narles laen1z Dy d A llrUS 19 I 11l 1 DeauLilUL canlellt cerc- ' ' ': " " • to'reduce but <vitlmut succesS.  l.JF " ' . " ' ' . ' )norlin * 2ou- vv ,.,v ,,,..u;ty, . . , n,on ltrlly, 2,.tt ul: o, <- /G Jr: . • . . , , . . ,. ; . . . .; e T ' " •  . . a-gta ta.;b a.o. • . tyLVllle DuIIeI', UatLI,IILUI' t)j. 4¥JLI.  qtllltl .... . .  " Fum anu lost oa ollnuu. Io l ' " " ' I ............. ,r I " " q .... , '. "''''4 ...*,,. ua ... ,,. ........ ,.-.p . . • .  lll[lyorlnaynotbetll(=sameaSs ehil ...................... , . .  [t.# £'ki r;ll.t; %,llO. I'IL=D aLlllO.lIr' ', *'O[]  ' " AXt/J) ]'liII SIlCCt'SSII.IIIy {ooa:t ' '.{)s,,• " TA P, '1!1, r BALLROOM, ACROBATIC and All Styles Every Wednesday 12 to 5 p.m. Shelton Eagles Hall ' r 'Phone Union 385 " ton State College nnd Whitman College were discllsscd. Assisting Mrs, Scott will1 hos- tess duties were Alpha Phis frona Sllelton including Mrs. LotiJs Keg- set, :Mrs. areal Anderson, Mrs.. t{. H, Fletcher and Mr.'L Dinty Moore. 3 will hold their next regular meeting at 408 Cote Street. The business meeting will begin at 8 p.m. when a report on the District Council meeting" in Olym- pia will be given. Refreshments will follow the meetiug. Everyone m invited to Use the Journal Classifieds--, attend, I Penney's LowPrice Other officers of the Mason comity group are Miss Mabel Wy- lie, vice-president; Mrs. J. R, De- Bard, 2nd vice-president; Miss Emily Babcock, treasurer; Mrs. lorman Hulbert, coz'responding secretary. A secretary is to be appointed by the board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs, Charlotte Gardner. ]flood Canal Garden Club Mrd. W. G. Peterson rill enter- tain the ladies of the Hood Canal Garden Club on Friday, August 22. All "the ladies are requested to; wear flower hats as is the nn. noal custom. Prizes will be given for the most beeomtng and the most comical. Lunclleon at noon will-be potluck and ladies, don't'forget to bring your own dishes and silverware, L!!liwaup C!ub Supper About'35 were presen't' for the potluck supper held by the Lllli- waup Community Club for its meinbers and thcir families Aug- ust 4 at the. 'C. E. Hill home' on Indian Beach Supper was served buffet-style from the porct 'of the guest-cab- in, the picnickers seating them- .selves around tables or around the beach fire., The club will hold its first fall business meeting in September. 198 Bright as 'Fail Itself! Women's BLOUSES you work waist- g'ay'ste autumn colors, line wonders with our large assort- In sent of belts and buckles ia a gen- these fine rayon crepe blouses] Jewelry neck- lines witl dainty em- broidery trim, Whites, too, and tailored styles. Gaymodes Are Best! FINE NYLONS 1.15 erous variety tff sizes and shapes. • Hemstitching, Buffonholing, Picot. ing, pinking, Buttoii ahd Buckle €overln8atl done'to y6ur +indi- vidual taste at your SEWING CENTER. PRO PPT SERVICE SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. r il I Fall dresses that combine both qualitY and style! Cham- brays, poplins, ginghams from the finest mills in Amer- ica- and every one wash. able. Vivid colors in new combinations! 3-6, %14. TO i ' HiiME CANNII [ST i-pie<, metal lid i • Use this newest development ia 2: ] piece mete[lids! TherCs no doubt of JUST aeofe seal for 'your PRESS h0mi.canned foodl, Just p¢lu to feet .,w If DOME is down, jar is leahldl Fits any Mason. lar. ,'e to use be. laoll li'i lure. ¢an lOll the eal' way-- Wlth BALL JARS AND DOME LIDSi ' r The name tells you they are the finest nylons you can buy! Very sheer, but long-wearing 45 gauge in sun shadow and ro- mance beige, 8 to 10'. ....... ' J | ,, ,ca, ! , ,5 .oi •, M;SSi9 i I Balk't° $ch°°' ''" in+Class!   Vgarm, Smart, Mens' Cable s{itcl 'design in | We're all set forths rush 3 d .Ave at Yes e Way pure" worsted! A bright l for coverts, flannels and array of warm new" col. / smooth s0ft blends t . 325 Fireproof--Outside Rooms ors ....... blue and lnaize, l Plenty of wear . . plenty All 'WlthRadlo Whopper for value, l of savings. Wide selec-; 'stopper for style, ] tion in brown '0r blue. "" . ' 24 Hour Gel:age Service .: < MENs' .Childrens' ; " 0  POliO SHIRTS SWEATERS Private Dining Rooms and Knitted cotton in blue C&rdigan tfid'Slipovers " CoffeeSh0P and yellow. 9 nd3 +' 1.98 2. 8 a a98 Located within the Seattle PENNEY'S FREE SHOW!! [ o clock agust 16 Get your . g'ge +limll 15 years, PENCO PILLOWCASES Industrial, shopping and Theatrical dlstrlots Directly across the street from the County-CRy Bldg. Reservations Assured First, Metlmdist Chttrch by Rev- erend Wayne Wright• The altar was decorated with large baskets of dahlias, gladioli, sweet peas and ferns. The bride was gowned in an aqua crepe and lace street length dress. She wore white accessor- ies and a corsage of white glad- ioli and rosebuds. The maid of honor, Miss Judy IJoller, sister of the bride, wore a dress of yellow with white acces- sories, a corsage of white carna- tions and a garland of flowers in her hair, Joe Edmiston, uncle of the groom, eted as the best man while Frank Beret and Melvin Phillips acted as ushers. The music from the new Ham- m0nd organ flowed through the church as Mrs, John L. Dotson played Lohengrin's Weddin g March and accompanied Jack Stewart in "Because." Mr, Stew- art sang the "Lord's Prayer' as the couple knelt before the altar after the vows were spoken, Mrs, Boller chose for her daugh- ters wedding a dress of black and white jersey With black accessor- ies', e/ corsage was of red rose- budS, The groom's mother wore a suit of black gabardine, a beige liat with bldck accessories and a cor- sage, of red rosebuds. For her traveling costume the bride, chose a yellow linen suit and white accessories, Upon their return trom a week's trip to Victoria they will make their home in Shelton. A reception was held in the church parlors for about 90 in- vited guests following the cere- mony. The bride's table was centered with a three-tiered cake topped of lhe "Back Fence" arid heard (,hailer ahout visits, visitors and vacations this week. Mrs. E. E. Bradley arrived last week by plane from Portland, Oregon, to visit her grandson, granddaughter and great-grand- children, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Chisnm and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers and family returned recently from a trip o Los Angeles, California. They visited frmnds and lelahves there and in Oregon, Dorothy Turner recently re- turned froth ,% wtcation trip to Portland, Oregon, where she vis- ited with an aunt, .Mrs. Mable Vaughan. From Portland Miss Turner visited friends on the Har- bor and with 1]cr sister anti broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Dickie of Shelton. :Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Calla- han of Alameda, California, will be visiting .Mrs. Callahan's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hutclin- son, for about a month. Mr. Cal- lahan is a Navy Chief. Also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy utehinson and other friends in md around Shelton last week was h's. George Prince, Mrs. Prince s a former resideut o Shelton but is now residing in Tonasket, Wash. Miss Aileen Collins a n d daughters, Pearl and Patty, vis- ited the Bruce Thorpes last week. While here they also vis- ited with Mrs. H. L. Alexan- tler and Mrs. Marvin Carter and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard a. Chis- nm m]tl son, Max, with Mrs. Chlsunx's mother, Mrs. Daisy Wright, arrived last Thursday from Kansas to visit Mr, Chls- mn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. ft. Chlsum of Ci0quallUm. They with a miniature bride and groom, also visited with his brother and The silver laden table was also Chlsum. decorated with three-candle crys- Mrs. MacRos Jr., Jennie Louise, tel candelabra and napkins with ary iV[argaret and John Ale':an- the names "Gene and Peg." Stl- der returned recently from a trip ver urns at each end of the table to Victoria, Vancouver, and Pit completed the setting. Meadows where she helped her Miss Katheryn Graham and Mrs. father celebrate his 72ncl birth- Lee Thrash, aunt of the groom, day. His brothers and sisters poured. Mrs. Sid Anderson and also were in attendance. Miss Dorothy Turner cut the .cake while Mrs. Joe Edmiston had :Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ander- charge of the guest book. son of Hood Canal left Sunday The new Mrs. Lindberg is a for a week's visit in Spokane and graduate of Lewistown High Chewelah, Washington. School, Montana State College where she became a member of Delta Phi Delta, National Art Honor and Alpha Psi Omega, Na- tional Dramatics Honorary. She has been teaching at the Shel- ton Junior High for the past two yea rs. Mr. Lindberg is a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School. Out of town guests included Mrs. Earl Boiler and :Miss Judy Boiler of Lewistown, Montana, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Skerbeni Mr. and Mrs, Bud Hires, Mrs. Lee Thrash, and Miss Bobby Williams, all of Gig HarBor, 4-II Owned Camp To Be One of States Best South Bend, Wash.--The com- pletion of a new mess hall, and installation of showers and plumb- ing will soon make Pacific coun- ty's 4-H owned Camp Morehead' one of the best equipped camp sites in the state, says Helmer Basso and Jean Jarvis Keh6e, county extension agents. The new mess hall, planned at the 1946 county 4-H camp, will be completed within a few days when the last shakes (handhewn shingles) are nailed into place by volunteer workers. Plans are al- ready made to install showers and plumbing during the coming year. Camp Morehoad, located on Wil- lapa Bay near Nahcotta, has been owned by the county 4-H clubs for about a year. It is the first 4-H owned camp inthe state. Stevens county 4-H'ers also' own their own camp now. ' Camp Morehead was donated to the Pacific county extension-spon- sored youth group 'bythe  More- head family. Donors include Mr. and Mrsl John Morehead, Mr. a'nd :Mrs. T. Treason and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Peterson. The camp site--about as large as two city blocks and shaded by spruce and laure'Va:4ncludes a small beach frontage on Willapa Bay. It has been *meal as a camp side for about 8,+years by 4-1'ers and bthegrous.: ''' . ..... ' ' other" .prospeCtive "camp im- provement/' "iritflue. re/krrangifig the present cabind'And'addingnew ones. The completed -camp, wilt billet 150 persons,: the extension agents say. ' .' ' The neW 4 by 50-foot mess hall, built wfth cotigretc floor 'nd. sid- ing, was +'this ydar's' nain: proect of pacific e011ntys executiv:0un- cil of 4-H clubs and of the 4-H adult leaders council. Civic and service clubs in tle' county also assisted. ' va Hurley Willipa is chairman of;.th'd 'building 0himit a tee. ".. Money for the mess hall was raised by an auction sponsored by the 4-H'ers. It netter, $,68. Do- nations from individuals  im cV¢ic and service groups :addetl'- 0i, e than $100 to this sum. "In'additori. much of ,the building material was donated, including sand and grav- el, lumer, and shake bolts, Most of the building kS done by supporters of the, prbject 'o at special work days. + : Shower Honors Nely Married Dayto Codifle On the evening o u'gfi'', a miscellaneous shower .was given for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 7Phi|- lips rec.ently married couple, at the Dayton an. " ' A luncheon was served after the gifts were opened, to about 50 friends and neigqlbdrs . The tables were decorated with summer flowers;  '+ ,  Mrs. Charles Ogg,. Mrs. Mary Chappell and Mrs. StVh Beers acted as hostesses for the show- er. Raymond Hoaz was admitted to the Madigan General Hospital at Fort Lewis, Washihgton, August 12th. I Dr, and Mrs. T. H, Dirstine were I visitors at the home of Mr. and[ Mrs, H. G. Berg last week. Dr.' i Dirstine is Dean of Pharmacy at W.S,C. Danny Yarr returned recently from a trip to Richmond, Califor- nia, where he visited with his sis- ter and family, Mr. nd :Mrs: Se- welI. He flew home and enjoyed the plane trip very much. $ :Mrs. Andy Hays visited for a few days with her daughter and son-in-lave, Mr.: and Mrs. Ray Stevens. Mrs. Hays is foam Oth- ello, Washington. Herzog Reunion Held Last Sunday The annual Herzog reuni.on was held this year at the home of George A. Herzog on Lake Isa- bella Sunday, August 3. Those present were :Mr. and Mrs." Louis Herzog of Doming, Wash., former residents of .Shel- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herzog and daughter, Louise, of Belling- ham, who also resided in'Shelton several years ago; Wm. Enderlin and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest McMur- chie of BeUingham; Mr. and Mrs. John ChrisIen, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Myers and son, Michael, of Arlington; Mr, and Mrs. Ed Carl- son of Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schleigel, their niece and nephew of Seattle. Mr. Herzog's two .sisters, with their families, were unable to be present owing to illness. R0blnsonso Tacoma " Mr." a/id  Mrs. John W. Robin- son, who sold their Portland home this spring, have recently pur- chased a house in Tacoma at 4703 South J Street. A large yard with fruit trees is an attractive feature of the new home for the three, small Robin- Sh sisters the youngest of whom arrived' June 14. " i ...... I " I I I HEAR' "+.I 00now wha00 is, not to it HEAR well." .... Out of years of exporience ] r O r E has come, a+tly intelligont I better ,aring. ead Ior the i . free bookletl , ' I Send ttearmg Through the Years to I |  Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .t i :: ...................... i Hearing Test at Your Home By Request soNoToE THE HOUSE OF HEARING 810 Cogean Ave. BPemerton IIII Ann Wolden, Margaret Ogden, Belle Walden. Ben Bailey, Amelia desire ill Herring, Marguerite Lenke, Tavy Plan. = 'a*aa+e l=elough, Hazel \\;¥illiams, Fern With this Planyoud0n'tcutotr t ,,,, ....... + Bunncll, Mildrcci Lowe, Archio lt's ainlIIl .... 1 easier who I Yoffl the ae- rccted Vaughn, Emma Clifford, Rose deliciotm AYDS a,q d|. '"o' l+r&'4 k ' .en,,i.. Leo Wickic,'. obe,'t :,,::::<o:,=,,a::,;,%::,;:,.,  t]t s a u c Swearingen, Dorothy Goldy, flary d ..... .,,l. of ..d.o.,. $C! l/:l "' e S " " not delighted w|th remlltS. I ' , ']]B.. g't .r,,.l IChappell, Joyce Scott. Rose Beers, UACo. thito=.- IA" v UU- ose Phillips, and Misses erna- MCDNKY P"7 "----" dine egg, Betty Lemke, Lois -.- -T0n=!1 uli £ning F I R .D R U O -o <]illi/_?+ + ..... Swearingen and Dolores Dennis . . /bT5 aU|l or aim (Teat Out This Ad as a r a and honor guest, Donna Lou Loln- " L ,i. t -"  Y d., , , + .... %; DIFFERENCE ":  amA N'S TASTE THE L!ilRBOX:,, "  ' to att¢ BIN NS ICE ' turkCYat the day ev( WHOLESALE and RETAIL iiroad Use New Cabinets Now Available to Dealers they re BARS and + POPSICLES Try Some New Flavors--PEPPERMINT, 10N , ?i CARAMEL, BANANA, TUTTI FRUITI, ¢1( ,.. BINNS ICE 8th and Franklin Phone 49-M ..-._-+ - +.7+-.--_.++.?T. + o.+ +...T. _ ,i A WING TIPPED WINI00 I ....... * ;0u: r HEATER - CI !! THE STURDY 'QIL STOVE- lLT] '@ " BE THE SMART FE by ,. • PHONE 19( a full oil tank and be al caxGstat set for constant cc ,re  SUPPLY of ST' ,  0 to 1,000 gallons for new oil + ,!Sken 0 : . +:Y Distributor for Assc $10,95 Double-soled :for long, long wear. Itandsomely rendered by Mansfield' An all-round, year round favorite. Miller's Men's Sh@ COMPLETE MEN'S APPAREL 0 phone 6, Hotel Shelton Building THE EXTRA ODe EVe# ,E, FROM "Flavor Headquarters,; brings you the fresh ne'w paC delectable Treasure Pickles • • • of hostesses and chefs. Crisp better than ever... Treasure always the flavor tieat of the tOR "FIRST ttey er your choice of v+ o ,Want is easy, careft :t:tr,ts, sluggish, une S, apor.lock have no I any driving. So, use c]!gg Dual Octane AROTANE