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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FOl vvvvvvvvvvv,.-vvvvvvvvv . . ...... . NO. 1833  • , "",: .-. , • " NOTICE OF ]II',ARING ON" fINAL -as hostess LUO| K, LUttm   ] 4"A.':rl ...... IIT..:..LI.I l ...... U[l(g.$vl:¥I / UUN LigJ| - DymNlg DISTI%UTION. I'ETITION I"OR ...... ' a* _ -- hi. ;  II/IdlJLOi Ill l "LIi-IIIiI.4! ldU U-lllS.a Sat.&lS m.|-Jstat/, vvvvvvvvvvvvv'q, vv'rvvvv',,/ , • ' ... IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT UP TIIF,  m li g P ,I.' given ,L - r.¢ ) ,LtJL..1,.lb lit I CILUIttLt ,, I,||llktq.l.L .n.,WLUT,O / " ': STA E OF W A HINGTON FOR I I !| ILl I = L all imnoring' &mazlng anIly Ibi: " " . ......... /-,, 1 -r Mr. and Mrs. M. J Robinson co- I IA g'A"11"ltkl -Ir'i k/1" MAN COuNSslinls Down FigU I '" xr,., c. D. W.IL, Toxa.., wrIK-, i} {7. , ::: , AU persons mrerestea m ue nn-- I h .ffir m n.-tc ...... r an  Mrs A C ' "'')' Vr tM | It. gl: /I |u|r- '':" I. Pr'd)ale m m ,m mm m ,c. _ key industry are invited to attend UI! DOIly I dlliiD owners witn ,t .¢,,;u nl've 'are |  , -, w ,,, . e =,  . In the Mattei • of tim Estate of Edwin m  m • • m w;t, COltt inually tx ving different W: unlblella of l,ODlnsn oi Llle ........ V ..... Ohlnd. Decaased.  • I • • V on the mare to,,.e;ah,t,,educ,',170pomidmThenltrle4bUt 4•it), mt succea lhe second annual meeting of the Serious damage to raspberries, building a summer place here. The FOR. MILLIONS OF AMERICANS SUMhtlE. iS THE SEASON NOTICE IS I1EREBY GIVEN that gifts placed AVDS Vitamin Candy R eu VVashington Tin'key federation, boysenberries and other kinds of M. J. Robinson's have toured the OF VACAT#ONS--BRINGiNG A RESPITE FROM rtobott N. Oland, Administrator of ],, ....... ,h,st s2, ....... d,. ro. WinthroI, hotel, Tacoma, At]g'ust cane berries has been caused in country in their trailer house since EVERY mer flower wcit:h only 118." Your experiI WORK-A'OAY CAR'S  A CHANC TO SEE N'W SigHTS,  the estate." of EOwin Olund• deceased, has filed with the. Cb:rk of the abov0 )mpletcd ttlc mayormaynotbethcsameaS- :15, according to Fred Frasieff, ex- Washington this veer by till insect ,]llne and are now parked hehind TO DO NEW I'HINGS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR RNEWAL entitled cotlrt itiB Ffnal Report and wavWellSThousabut w u y ofothcrhave°t try the A tension poultryman at Washing- pest believed to "have been intro- tile A. C. Robinson OXmp. OF PHYSICAL. AND MENTAL. VIGOR. Petition for Distribution, asking the ,vJ)S]q ......... -,h,,vtooa.d.i i " ton State College. dueed into this state from the com.t to settle and approve tilt, same, ret, Mesdames ' '""';'a"'Ogden ......................... I .................... ' ......... " .... ¢, =..r'6 desire Among the highlights of the. orange gro,'es of Cal/fornia, where It is interesting to hear that distribate tim property to the per.ons SATURDAY ,.,o,........o-*..i": ill program will he a diseussmn of the insect is known as the "orange Frank Palms son of Mr, and Mrs. tlereto entitled, and to digcharge the .iley, Amelia ***, a, the SOS V,*=' ] P"•: . the rise of stflfa drugs in controll- tortrix." The tortrix which has h'a Palms is stationed at Seho-) said Administrator. , emke, Tavy c,,a,oa,,,,,,,*,, iW[:•:Saiilt; "NOTICE is FURTHER GIVEN that WiththiaPhmyoudon't;. "  " it in K turkey diseases. Reports will been known in Washington f(,r field Barracks in Honolulu, the i DistributionSald Y'inal RepOrtwlll be andheardPctltlOnon Satur-l'°r ...... l ........... Dot ......... me's: R!:here t: butter. Yottsimp|y cut them dot' ' i}, " ' 1 L'S i llDle adld easier when yet, zlK delicious AYI)S a dll!Ct|:r  :r ' ' drugs No laxatl es No  xerclse.q' " " s ge Ab'ohltely harltllet,.#l ot delighted wi,h remflts, vz';.Xn t BACK on the very first boy xu--- ; I ... , County Clerk, Mason FIR DRUG STuCHAS' R, LEWIS, e  .... " "" Attorney for said Estate, }tions. Shelt°n' Mamm County, Washington. 8-7-14-21-28-4t lianas, Fern be given of the National Turkey several years, has only in the last same barracks which housed his day, the 6til day of September, /947, )we. Arehic the C- federation meeting held in Cleve- year or so become a serious pest father after the first world war. at the hour of 10 o'clock In tile fore- ffm'd, Rose Junior Palms is at Camp Cook, noon, at the Court Rom, in the Court er. Robert S a u e e s land, Ohio, July 21-24. National of cane fruits here. Calif, Ivan is driving a truck at House. in Shelton, Washington. Dated this lnd day of August. 19,t7. Goldy, Mary Turkey federation directors of the Among the berry-growing coun- Salinas. Calif., and likes it very (Seal) HARRY DEY'ETTE. • Rose Beers, Of cook- Vashington Turkey federation are ties that suffered serious tortrix much down there. Tom Brown. Redmond and Robert damage this year are Clark, Pierce isses Berna- ted thing Mitehel, Oak Harbor. Also on and King'. The insect was also Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johanson ,emke, Lois ores Dennis (Tear Out This Ad as s the program will be a panel dis- seen in several other counties, ill- have purchased the Wesserling m Lou Lem-  or din- TE THE DIFFERENCE• ,',;i WHOLESALE and RETAIL ,.tld Railroad cussion on turkey management eluding Whatcom, Cowlitz, Sno- home next to the school house. lu'0blems by members of the poul- homish and Grays Harbor, ac- They moved in last Saturday ( try council of Washington State cording to David Brmmon, Exten- Mrs. Winnie Felton, in the old' College. stun Entomologist, Washington Pomeroy place, has had her well All turkey growers are invited State College•  cleaned out and concrete sides and • 'top installed. Mr. Zizz is having to attend the banquet for 'both "It; is a highly destructive pest his well fixed tip, also. , tur!.-.ov and chicken men scheduled which hides itself in the berries, at the Winthrop hotel on Thurs- making them unfit for market,"l Sunday callers at the L. Wren said Brannon, who visited one tor- home were Mr. and Mrs, W. R. day evening, August 14. ] trix-infested field of boysenber- Wren, Billy and Sharen Wren and - ries in which 20 acres of*the bcr- Runny Waynmn, Mrs. W. R• Use the JOUrnal Classifieds-- ries were ruined. Wren's nephew. [ Mr. mtd Mrs. John Brakefield of', ;abinets Now Available to De and POPSICL00 COCONUT. NNS ICE CREAM jr rilE STURDY TIPPED wINSI]00II [ / "oUr IIEATER - CIRCULATOR - t 0IL STOVE - FURNACE BE THE SMART FELLOW! PHONE 196 full oil tank and be able to keep your set for constant comfort. a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS No fully satisfactory means for [combatting the tortrix has yet been found, according to Brmmon although experimenters have tried such insecticides as DDT, DMT, DDD, cryolite, and benzene hex- aehloride prior to blossom time. The DMT--dimetoxy dichloroeth- ane--gave the most promising re- suits, with cryolite second, Re- search to find a more satisfactory control measure is continuing at tile Western Washington Experi- ment Station. under the directiml of E. P. Breakcy, Associate En- tomologist. "The life cycle of tile tortrix appears 1o he ratlmv short--not Inure than three weeks or a monlh. HOME •LOANS • * Convenient Terms "k Reasonable Rates |:, to 1,000 gallons for new oil burner installations ",.N [] * NO DELAY i ken Oil Co. , ' , i, ......  .... . • : ' Mason County Savings oeiated Oil PdU & Loan Association )ouble.soled for long, long ndsomely rendered by ManSfield' U.round, year round favorite. Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Anderson and children of Coulee Dam visited at the home of their nephew, Charles F. Lombard. Mr. and Mrs. Lombard called on :Mr. and Mrs. Florek at their Shelton home. Jean Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Merritt's grandddaughter, who has spent the summer, here, will leave next €Sunday for her home in Los Angeles. She will at-' tend the Brown School for Girls' at Glendora, Calif. [ Freddie Schwinn and Paul Wren') took the Wren inboard out for a' two-day trip. They slept at the! north end of Harstine island the  two nights they were gone. I The trip included visits to Hat Island, Heron Island and finished off at Vaughn. From the huge amount of groceries consumed, we[ suspect the boys spent just about ali of their waking hours eating. We hear that Gene Eldred and Buck Atldnson expect to take a similar jaunt. The latest is that we may have dial phones before too long--our line and I-Ioodsport will be the first to make the change. This here correspondent will be happy about this as it is difficult to get ;r s Men s 5h 0MPLETE MEN'S APPAREL _. ton Building phon (i any of you' by phone on Monday morning, central is extra busy at that time. Alden Jones of Seattle is spend- ing a few days with Paul Wren. Robbie Spooner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Spooner, celebrated his first birthday by visiting :Mrs. 3ane Andrus and to make the 'OC- casion more auspicious, he walked all the'way there and back. DUAL OCTANE QUALITY GASOLINE FOR "FIRST CLASS TRAVEL" WHEREVER YOU GO '!ateyer your choice of vacation spots, one thing , uo Want is easy. carefree drivin on the way. il: Starts, sluggish, uneven power, knocks or gs, apor-iock have no nlace 'in a leasure tri 'r : ...... - P P" :,km any drivinz. So, use AROTANE Associated's ,tnig Dua'I Octane Quality gasoline--for I i balanced road performance.AROTA, will bring out all the power and smoothness your car can deliver, under all conditions. Travel first class this summer with AROTANEit costs you no more than other premium gasolines. Let's Get Associated !. TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY AROTANE MAKES ANY CAR A BETTER CAR TO DRIVE 99 "Flavor Headquarters, k rou the fresh ne'w paC ,le Treasure Pickles • • " esses and chefs. Crisp, hart ever... Treasure the flavor treat of the Bet H TELL ¥0U8 A SSOOIATIED DEALER YOU WANT A NATIONAL CREDIT CARD VACATION TIME GIVES MAXIMUM BENEFITS WHEN WE CAN ENJOY THE; FREEDOM THAT COMES FROM KNOWING WE HAVE MADE PRO.VISION FOR OUl FUTURE SECURITY THROUGH U.S. SAVINGS BONDS, LIFE INSURANCE AN[:> SAVINGS ACCOUNTS-- ANO "THE SAT/,FAc'r/o/V THAT COMES FROM A JOB WELl- #ONE. m i i n I Snaps Make Care Of Shoulder Pads I A Simple Process Making shoulder pads remov- )able is one way to keep dresses and coats from looking dowdy, says 'Marjorie Lusk, extension clothing speciallst for the State College of Washington. That swagger look about the shoulders that comes from a good fit depends a lot on the care given shoulder pads, Mrs. Lusk says in listing the following pointers on protecting the pads. , Pads are bllky, hard to clean, difficult to press over, and seldom keep their shape when washed or cleaned. So instead of sewing pads into clothes, attach them with small-size snaps. Snaps do not show if hidden un- der seams. And by this simple device, pads can be taken out eas- ily when dresses or coats are cleaned and pressed, packed, or( hung on hangers. They can be snapped in just before wearing the garment. For travel, removable pads have many advantages. Dresses pack more easily and fold more smooth- iy without them. Using one I)air of pads for all dresses of similar style will save both trouble and expense. Keeping pads clean is much eas- ieF than cleaning them. This can be done by tacking a *piece of washable material over the side of the pad that goes next to the skin. When this beaames soiled, it can be removed 'and washed. NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE SAVE TIME ! TAKE A FERRY BREMERTON- SEATTLE $12::15 A.M. 1:10 A.M. 12:55 5:00 VVVvvVVVVVVVVV Belfair ,evvvvvv vv r, vvv,v v vv",tv'qr vvv v'qP • The Evergreen Garden Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. J. Huffman on Tuesday. An outdoor luncheon was served and the afternoon was spent completing plans for the club's an- nual fall fair  to be held at the Belfair school on the afternoon and evening of September 13. Mrs. R. W. Cady, general chair- man for the 'fair, appointed her committee chairmen and reported that this year they will haqe the cooperation of the various Clubs and organizations of Belfair for the event. The members attending the meeting were: Alma Bard, Hulda Bailey, Evelyn Beck, Flossie Cady, May Henningsen, Margaret Cros- sen, Alice Pope, Irene McKnight, Harriet ttolcten, Irene Hill; Viola Newkirk, Addle Jones, Rachel Freelin, Georgie Oklmd,' Jane Marsh, Maud Paxtonl Laui'a Beck, Enk' Roessel, Lavlna  Wi|liams and visitors Vera Shepard and Pearl Allen. The members of the Gorst Com- mercial Club enjoyed a potluck picnic at Scribners Beach on the South Shore Saturday night. Those attending the annual Ma- son County 4-H camp at Twanoh state park last week were: Lee Hunt, Barbara Newkirk, Mary Bland, Betty Gay Henningsen, of Mrs. Henningsens' group, also Norms and Karen Rasmussen, Mary Ann Newkirk. Betty Lewis, Bernadine Cowel, Marilyn Moll, Katlfle Kohl and Ruth Mickels. Mrs. Newkirk is their leader. Day instructions included tex- tile painting, plastic weaving, na- ture study, stencil cutting, with the new subject "sporting lure" taught to both girls and boys, claiming that women should know thls art to be good companions to husbands that like to fish. Wednesday's lesson was in out- door Cooking, where the barbecu- ing of two huge salmon was de- monstrated and served with baked potatoes to the members of the camp. Following this unusual sup- per, every one gathered at the beach for the impressive candle light services. Rev. LeRoy Fraser will be at Belfair August 24 and 31 He will conduct morning and evening ser- vices at the Community Church on these dates. Special music has been arranged. • The Belfair Improvement Club l met at the schooi house Friday, I Due to other activities the hum-I ber present was very small. It is[ the hope that the September J meeting will be well attended, to get the general opinion of the peo- ] ple of the community on proposed t *5:45 *5:45 public facilities, of which Belfair has first cboice, if they desire it, 6:15 6:15 Belfair was well represented at *7:00 *7:00 7:30 7:30 the first annual meeting of the Mason and Kitsap Fire Associa- 8:15 8:10 lion at Winslow on Bainbridge Is- 8:45 8:45 9:25 9:30 land, Saturday. Fire instructions was the program of the day. Those 10:00 10:00 attending this picnic gathering 10:45 10:35 11:15 11:15 were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mickel- 11:50 12:00 son, Mr. mad Mrs. Larry Adair, 12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Henningsen, 1:15 1:00 1:45 1:45 2:15 2:30 3:00 3:00 3:45 3:30 4:15 4:15 4:55 5:00 5:30 5:30 6:15 6:15 6:45 16:45 7:30 *7:00 8:00 t7:30 *8:30 8:00 1"8:45 '1"8:45 1"9:15 *9:00 *9:30 t9t15 1"10:00 10:00 lp :30 "H 0:30 lrl :i5 "11:00 1"11:45 "11:30 11:45 '12:00 *Daily Except Sundays and " Sundays & Holidays Only t 12:40 on Monday morning (Sunday night) BLACK BALL LINE Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cundiss, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Eddy, Mr. and Mrs, W. WaN baum and Bob Boyd. Mrs. Pearl MOor, of California, has been a houseguest of Mrs, A. B. Tilden of Belfair the past week. The state tourist bureau of this district assembled at The Oyster House for a banquet Saturday night. The turn out at this won- derful dinner was very good. Pro- jects discussed were the proposed bridges to be erected across the Puget Sound waters, the comple- tion of the, Tahuya road to Silver- dale. and the possibilities of devel- oping permanent winter sports in this area• Some of the distingxfished visi- tors seen at this meeting were: Sen. H. ]yI, Jackson, Sen. Jack Rodgers, :Mr. Morgan of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, F. M. Mathias, secretary and man- ager of the Olympl Chamber, Roy Ritner of Sholton, and members Port Orcha'd. Thi next meet- ing" will be at Lake CresCent, |wia sure tpllent s.d iat*lelde. 8o plmtect yaur home thll only 8ale" way. 8|ftm" Carat 0e vp iZkl=[ql,! -_1e]7,1] =1;1 MASONIC TEMPLE UNION Mumc by The E00q00ires Dancing 8:8 to 1:1;0 , n 00organ & Eac00e# Lumber Go. OFFICE QUARTERS AT 1824 0LYMPIO HIGHWAY PHONE 656 for ?ITTSBURGH FAMOUS PAINT •@ tlAULING D BUILDING SUPPLIES Millions of temperate people enjoy BEER, the refreshment beverage "'It's the Water" THE 0RI61NAL LISHT TABL| BitR THE OLYMPIA BREWING C(MPANY, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, U.$.A, No Charge For Experience in H?e0 M' E F '!can C' N' you g t, cost free, benefits of years of experience in handling home loans. Come to this institution for advice in financing the buying, building or refinancing of your home. Join the many families who have achieved worry-free home ownership through a hoe loan at this Association. Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Security Bldg., Olympia,, Waqh. DIRECTORS CARLTON I. SEARS V. BRIDENSTINE G. W. DRAHAM K.L. PARTLOW L WALMER FRED HOL H.C. KODIE