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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos; AUgtls|" ]4, ]947, Page 14 ' ,. SIIELTON-MASON COVNTY J OURN/(r; ....... Thursd,.y, Au- :: / , ....... -. l WANTED Classified Service Classified Service Classified Service REAL ESTATE REAL N00IilP lilY[ [ i i mini g f g ......... , ..... -- ............... __ ...-........ .... .-n..... --- _- ......... -- ...... ]i.= _- ...... | . _ I II:|00Qalllttl00IHI IHIQ HLP .WANTED: Girl to assist at USED TmES:_p*-seng.r and trusk " __ BU.aGESON SADIe REPAIRING set- FOR SE: -hedroom l,omo and 2 FoX--SPIRIT I  I iis'''L'lili ii founta)n ranch. Apply High Scnool capl_ ann _repmnn_g% am__ . TdT].T• ('TT• .(' vzce on all makes home and auto apartments. Income property Phone an'd -. e.) 'a. | ] I v ----,--,-,-,  .qorvice Shelton 8 14 remain o., a.gma an aerry .La.L.,.,..,...,.,.....*., ......, radios Across from J.nlnv Wl,,h  V In ft. , e,:': -,,u | l I ExPRIENC COOK wants pa,'t- Ol%paiteriPehOns T/SB. U. % lens " chool 1221 Fran.klin. Phone 11''. , w,i ll)TTMr ,, I .I  • , " • - , rm up ann uenvery, uiosea ac- Creek el ,mplc ,,- -atUl • time work, lar  or small dinners ....................................... '  " ' t II and luncheons an also serve Phone PRESCRIPTION SERVIC on medl- ICHFIELD FUEL OIL urday.s, or leave work at Killmer M / aU.[. ! I 76°-J-2 " B8 14 28 cal contracts old age ass,stance or mlectme, ll-Ttfn. 3 Ooice buiIdin r lots Olvmnic ......... " ..... i. a • I-- WAyoNToEIDii Cil.dhreTdv," bhrCa2d7R.n °driCrillrirteohPa'.Ys°)r° °u:e. :Cen " Nf}W Fuel Tanks .... V*ew additmn'a'll'for $750 ° a" FiO:iLi I of God [ ........ 814'.28 WrL-ff D-EEi-G- Wo- -d -hY- (Any Capacity) SAVINGS Nice 6room pous% at HoodspyLt pav,l;ents ra acle | ovemooKng ood tanai, aDou z 27-A Shelton O • |'i On ALL needed repairs to your acres with fruit trees, berries and Hall)'. hone 476-M  F---6-ff -SL-- Pastor ! ! FOR SALE FOR SALE PHONE 26 for home milk delivery. Mll-14tfn, FOR SALE: new ll0-volt AC. 75¢ rial guaranteed. Vern Davidson. 903 watt light plants, with kit of re. Elllnor. Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tfn pair parts, $250. Western Supply Co., 218 North First St. Phone 126. HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard, also KU-- 3-6tfn. tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadis and ' "' ' " ' Boundary Streets.) 2-26-tfn FOR SALLY; see Olympic Motor Sales for auto part and accessories, First and Mill Streets. nhone 595 7-dtfn '(3" R T - "YO UR K I T CH FA'RA'N G E to oil. See the new Therm siT,rot Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B, Smith Co., Legion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. U-15tfn. F()R SALE:Dry old growth fir wood, not slab wood, any length, 1 load or a hundred, prompt delivery. C. R. (Cliff) Borden, Star Rt. 1, Box 95, Shelton, Wn.. Phone 216-J-3. 6-19-tin FOR SALE: Sherwln-Wllllams out- side house paint, $5.50 gal. Carte Hardware, 85 Railroad, Phone 48. 5-22-tfn NEW YHEs now Vi}b)?2h- ununff Whee Balanced On Your Car New Stewart-Warner post- war electronic balancer• $1.50 per wheel Bob Ervin Motors 633 S. 1st Phone 673 ited quantities at Moll Chevrolet. Car sizes 4:40x21. 5:50x19, 5:50x17, , 6:00x16, 6:50x16, 7:00x16, 6:50x15, 7:00x15. all truck tire sizes, and FOR SALE: tubes of all sizes. Also usad tires in all popular sizes. Mell Chevrolet, First and Grove. Phone 777 or 778. FOR SALE: Map--Gxfol;d--grey suit, size 38. Excellent condition. Also 1 pair grey checked and 1 pair grey sport trousers, size 34 waist. Phone 623W. H7-24-tfn .'--f,E'i Gas :II]-v-a " donkey, new throughout. Cecil Morse, ulleene, Wash. 8-7-21 R'-S:kLE: One standard equlpm'elt trailer with 1000x20 tires, all good conditl0n. Cecil Morse, Quilcene, Wash, 8-7-21 ii[ 'SALE"7-()ne-"bix:yea-r old- pinto ssddle mare. One 4-yr. old bay mare with saddle and bridle. Both gentle and safe for children. Mrs. F. D. Wetters. 645 Elinor, Phone 190-M. 7-31--7-14 "C)CI'R-MEA-TS  and beef stock for sale. Inquire 621 Ellnor Ave. 7-31/8-14 ,, 9 7/10 h.p,. completely reconditioned, new pistons, rings, coils and con- densers, and 10-ft. seasled, $215 or motor separately $170. Motor can l:v seen at Hillcrest IIdw. 8-%14 dltion, $10, Mrs. Charles Flsk, 338 Cookson St. 8-7-14 UR- sX IS :-" -2- H:-i; -J d |G -6b-a-ird: - cau 789-W. 8-7-14 Sherwln-Wllllams out- side house paint, $5.50 gal. Catto Hardware° 315 Railroad, Pitons 48. 5-22-tfn i i FOR SALE WESTERN FURNACE No. 25 Complete with Jacket, Fan and Pipes Also Oil Burner $100 for outfit G. C. ANGLE ii WANTED: 3 P. 1. carriers, Hlllcresl. Jr. High age, at once, Phone 580-1 or 42. M8-7-I€ tie farm horse, 1300 to 1400 lbs. wt. John Zott, Rt. 1, Elms, Wash. 8-7-21 RELIABLE OLDER woman will care for children nlght, 50c hour, Phone 227-R. D7-31--8-14 openings for refined ladles to show new fall line of beautiful guaranteed p n . p ils e Mrs. Yvonne Johnston, 3717 G. St.. Bremerton. Wash. 8-%21 WANTED TO BUY: Used electric or treadle sewing machine, Call 718 be- tween 8:30 and 4:30. $8-7-14 COMBINATION -BODY -- a/ii- fcnde{ man, also painter, looking for steady Job. Phone 2286-J, Bremerton. 7-31--8-14 'rA-N'TE'D-? Salesman tO ta, ke-V-acuiiiii Cleaner agency. This is an excep- tional opportunity for a live wire. Sewing machines will be in line wnen available. This could be handled on a Dart time basis, Must be flnan- cis]ly responsible. Write or phone ]or appointment. House of Palmer, 632 Washington Avenue, Brclnerton, Washington, Phone 2576. 7-10-tfn LOGS WANTED SECOND GROWTH PREFERRED Prevailing prices paid by Enitai Lumber Co. FOR'--SXf]E- New Bearcat Garden Tractors and Gas Engines. New and' Mill located at Minerva Park used water systems, home-fr6ezers0 Reach-in Refrigerators, light plants and many other hard-to-get items Phone Hoodsport ll-W-3 at REDUCED PRICES. Stop 'N SEE MISKELLA REFRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Olympia Hiway at Aberdeen 'Y". Ph. 9690 Olympia or ........ write Rt. 1. Box 148. ]-l'-tfn WANTED: dead stock, prompt free, FR'E'iI---Sec growth d fir poxes, courteous service. Pitons us collect• free for cutting. Accessible. Angle- Elma 21-J-13. Grays Harbor Render- side. See II. G. Angle. 4-24-tfn lng. Inc. -27tfn. b--R'--8"A-L-E-{ John I)e--xC hay-loader, A-1 shape, $210. Light weight drag saw, complete overhaul, $75. Double harness with_ 21-in, collars, $20. FOR SALE: Rocking chair, over- Phone Shetton764-R-1. R8-7-14.21 stuffed elmlr and hassock, all for $8-7-14 ffiL'-iiE--;iVlYVifi'id---ih'-t"woi-i sl0. Can 358-3'. en's apparel in our store, including FOR SALE: One boat, trailer and 1,10- house dresses, blouses a few suits, h,p. motor. Inquire 1618 Ridge Road. rayon dresses. Women's Apparel, W8-7-21 1416 Summit Drive, Phone 799-J. 8-7 , n , , , , 'OR SALE: ]500-watt Kohle, r light plant, AC current, practically new, FOR SALE K. N, Anthony, Rt. 2, Box 120, Just 400-lb, Ice Box ...................... $24.50 off 14-A on Mason Lake h/way. 8-7-1 .. -])R"SALE: 14-ft. semi-V bottom in- I h.p. Frigidaire comp ..... $165.00 board boat hull, $125. 1933 model 3 h.p. 3-phase motor ............ $49.00 "B" -ton panel, good shape, $175. Keith Hurst at Walker Park. Phone BINNS ICE CREAM 3-F-13.  8-7-21 8th & Franklin Phone 49-M ,,h--gA--Y-TS-5"tiiih- Lake. u , C. A. ltlll. 8-14-28 FOR SALE: Stop and nee ou," beautl. -FO-R--SX-IE-dfffff,SYfiif-j-Ph,,no ful Gladiolus, fine for any occasion, 251-J. ' ' 88.14 pany colors now blooming. 1, miles .FOR--S'A--:--M6fi[gRit]iei--i.ange south on Olympia Hlway, Earl's excellent condition. FloYd Cole, 511 Gladiolus Farm. 7-24-tfn Areadia St,. Phone 135-J. 8-14 l'0t-Sk-L-/.':-Sm'ffl]-eT(cicq-'l'--h' wcod. $9,00 large load, delivered. suitable for small business or coun- Shelton Valley Lumber Company, try home. ll0-volt motor. Gas driv- 108 So. 12th. Phone 548-J, ?-178-13 on. Inquire Dusty Rhodes, 1 mile FOR SALE: 26-ft. trailer hopse, good north of Hoodsport 8-14-21 condition, complete with sfoves and FOR SA,--aby buggy and P-a'leh ice box, Inquire 1/]12 Thomas St., or in good condition. Phone ll-F.S2. Phone 814-5. E8-7-21 1-14-28 [ I i i ill NEW BOATS.FOR SALE V-Bottom, 14 Ft. Outboard Runabouts $150.00 WANTED: women to worR u oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis. tance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn Apply Hotel Shelton Caff Shop. 6-4tt WAN TO BI: old horses for Mink feed. Myers and Hanson Mink Farm, 01ympla. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1t:f LOST ANI FOUND LOST: Ladies black gabardine rain- coat at Delight Park, badly needed by owner. Reward for retmn to Journal office. 8-14 FOUND'.: Golden Cocker Spaniel, male, Seattle license. Owner may claim by identifying and paying for ad. Inquire Shelton City Police. D7-31/8-14 LOST: Shopping bag filled with clothes, about 6:00 Monday between Skokomish Valley and Union. Mrs. Ted Rtehert, Star Rt. 1. Box 86, Phone 764-R-1. 8-7-14 MISSING FROM DOCK ,at Madrona Lodge, Union, boat No. 30F-1922 or 80F-1921. Reward for information leading to recovery of boat• Phone Union 333, 8-14 LOST: Blue-'/)''ral¢et," Will-anyone having lnfm'matlon on same please pnoae 'orrest Flowers and Glft. 8-1, . ] Classified Service I I I Silva Bros. Boat Shop i DRY SLAB WOOD Route 3, Box 233 Shelton, Wash. I $1 per cord (8 miles out, on Cole road} Shiplap and Shingles 77 ......... i ............................. ,--5,' ................... , ......................................... l ALF I'RICE on all remah, ing worn- SOIL PIPE and fRtings, all yoU wsnt. KAMILCHE VALLEY en's apparel in our stock, including H{lierest Hardware, Phone 499. 8-14 house dresses, blouses, a few suits, "FOR SAL'E'i We(or h6afifigir.Slfbubii- rayon dresses, Women's Apparel, or. 1000-watt Wessix, and Hot Point LUMBER CO. J416 Summit Drive Phone 799-3'. 8-7 I water heaters, asbestos hot water b"SALE:'5:ft." ieebox-.- hblds60-"lbs, tank insulation, Phone 538-M, [ Route 1, Box 60 $30. Inquire 608 Franklin. M8-14 M7-318-14 I She£ton WANTED : Experienced bartender for OR--SA'LE .:-" P(6-w}iF--fr'}iite-" eiiiifi6f hcal club, White Box "M" c-o Jour- Quick-Meal. wood range with hot hal office. M8-14 water coils and tank $85, Phone ..................................................................... Foil" SALE: New I-/ailpliri; r?d pul- 6-F-22, oz" see at Route 2. Box 277. LADIES. have you tried SaIW's Style let, ]1 weeks old, $1,.50 each. In- H7"318"14 I Shoppe for that new Fall dress? ..... qulre Rt. 3, Box 231, Cole Road. FOR-'"SXiE'i'"-R'e's'(atii:'an't-'equipmelit: Blacks, browns, greens, All sizes up ' $8-14 Super-cold ice cream machine, foun- [ h) 52. 12th and Bayview, Ang]eside, taln, large meat display ease, milk Phone 219-M. 8-4-28 OR-StLE']'",i!b(il¢ bt,lcdidfidf/{"lay? cooling case, used davenports, beds, FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and See us for price direct from ear. stoves, other furniture for home or Supports, phone 799-J for appoint° Wagner Feed Store 19 So, First, restaurants. Rainbow Lodge, 2 miles mmat or call at 1416 Summit Drive, Phone 28,  8-!.4-tfn north of Bz'lnnon. 7-31--8-21 $9-28 elutling gas motor, pressure task, spray gun, 2 extension ladders, ndx- tng ladle, etc, Leo Gunter, Rt. t, l0x 37 (6 miles south Olympia High- way). 8-11-28 "TYPEWRITER- FOR-- SALE i-" - L. C/ Smlth upright, $27.50, May be set.n at Journal office. $8-14 FOR SALE.'" Safrhih-/f/fi-lGfC-€-h/:= ..... SEWING---MACHiNE-REPAiRs-- r|age, ball bearings on carriage, EXPERT WORK. Reasonable charges, roller bearings on arbor, carriage Estimates made in your home by a opening 16 inches, 406 Sylvester St., courteous, bonded employe. No ob- Olympia. O7-24--10-16 ligatton. a ea;d or pllone "iOR sALEi2i:ff:-6abin-bb-at725.h:'i): Olympia 7586. Universal motor. IIandy Andy 1I may SINGER SEWING MACIIINE CO. be seen at Minerva Park, Phone I 510 E, 4th Ave. Olympia 474-M. A7-24 8-5-tin IIGS "FoR SALE:'Ca]I Suiidays-only ':KP-.']T-F-I-T'fING-- and alterati6n-ff H. I. Clay, Spencer Lake. 8-7-21 done. Mrs. M, McCann. 222 So, 4th specia/ varlety, proven to be the very best kind for either canning or freezing, the beans are 100% sirtngless, Call or come to tle ranch, 6 miles from Shelton on Bay- bore Road any time after 5:80 n.m., all day Saturday and Sunday. W, L, Price, Rt. 2. Box 108-A, Phone 10-F-13. 8-14 ,,r feet. At his price we only order it for you, cash on delivery. Hillcrest Hardware, Phone 499. 8-14 white enamel in(inerator. Rt, 2, Box 24 {Capitol Hill), Charle Staler. 8-14 "=dk--'SALE'Y i,'z'-Woi:Zd - btk b :- gdi,a condition. Inquire 611 Arcadia Ave: . M-8-14 1.95, marked uown to $25 and $26, ltilh;rest Itardware., Phone 499, 8-14 HXI.FPRICE on-al! -l:bmaining ",on{: ezl's apparel in our stock, including hole dresses, blouses, a few suits. rayon dresses. W:omen's Apparel, 1416 Summit Drive, Phone 799-J. 8-7 ]Y)R SALE: Good Gravenstein apples $I.00 a box. You pick. II. A, Loert- seher. 5 mf/es out on Lost Lake Road. 8-14-21 "5'R'-SAL]'- S'etlahd pon; frith 'ad- die and bridle, will trade for good cow or young tock. One drg SRW, will trade for gun or what llave you. Philip) Hardie. Rt. 3, Box 249. 8-14 stein aples, Bring containers. Rt, 2 Box 102.A, Lawrence (testier. Phone lo.F.4. 8.14 ''g E-' bu  I t trailer, almost new, Also on,". light camping trailer. Both 2.wheel. In- quire Rsy's Jeweh'y, J17 Cots Sl. 8-14-23 FOR SALE:-- Young saddle ll(lrse, ,lerey hctf,,r. C. M, Mercm', Rt, 2, Box 8-A, Shelton (Bays]lore), 8.14-21 0"i:ri<s ifi-'fi-6tSg  -VXi N  -id ilbi?d -0- $4,80 per gal. /n five'S: $'t,95 per gal. in one, Hillcrct tlardwarc, I'holm 499. 8-14 NOTICF. on and after l|fia dale, August t4. M7, I will not be responsible for any debts othez, than those contracled by myself. Cecil R. Mcttcnry, $-14-2,1 FOR SALE: Lmg stove in good con- dition, $17.50. Inquire M. W. Mc- Guirc. Rt. 3, Box I6.'L 8.14.21-Z8 CA|tD OF THAN]KS We wih to ,.xpz, es in thls way our ,. sincere thanks t0 our msny friends. neighbors, also the fir tz'uek for their ,]clp dring the recent loss of our home. C... IIHL 8-14 FtS].t-SXLE.-Bst'-ffei;-th-k-:-iav St.. Phone 489-M. 6-10-tfn duty drag saw. Thre.e nearly new S-EWIN---ff--"-INI--tEi'A--IiI-N-G, - hlades, perfect condition. W. 1), also parts for all makes of sewing Listen, Rt. 3, Box 211, 8-7-14 machines. Phone 596J. B10-3tfn SPEcI'AL:-P-eiw6r lawn ZnOWUi;.- hand lawn mowers, fertilizers, Insecticides, garden and lawn supplies, roofing paper, Olympia Feed Co. O'Nlel We Deliver ,Bldg,, Phone 378. ' 8-7-21 -R--S Z E ---5 =l. Y - aWa--ff-rt Wt= I board motpr, $85 cash. Inquire Chat. MILL WOOD tcrbox Cafe. H8-7-21 lights, two 14--inch plows. Priced FOR SALE , reasonable, Wn}. Degler. Rt. 1. Bo),l 3. olympia. Phone 465O. 8--Ii I Enitai Lumber Co. WI HAVE stock fenci'ng elm dollar l less than marked, while it lasts, I I-i llerest IIardwsre, Phene 499 8-14 I Miherva Park FOR SALE: 2 saddle borscs, y(ung, gentle, souud, $100 eaelz. C, M. Mer- Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 eer, Rt. 2. Box 82-A (Bayshore) 6-19 25-FOOT RUBBl,,R'-g;a-{d7-h-o'g -2 ular $II.65, while it lasts $3.25. IIill- ' - _crest Hardware,. Phone 499..__8:4 " ,..v vv.v..,.-..-n....,.......,,, ,.-.-....,.-.v...... (Corsetiere) Miscellaneous BERNICE STEWART ,,,,,.,,.v v .- ,- .,,..,. ,-.-.,.,  .,.v,.,.,,,,, (Charts), CAI ABLE BOY wlshes work on lawns, Established Clientele garden or as general helper, Phone 787. F7-10-tfn cal or modern piano, contact Mzss B, Dornbaugiz. 910 East Dearborn, "phone 153W. Special interest glven to children. 7-3tfn, NOT|CE On and after this date, August 14, ]947, 1 will not be responsible for ally debi, oi, hw than those contracted by 8-14-21 myself. John B(.rnrt. FOR SALE: New Hampshire red fry'- ors, Phone 62-J, J8-]4.28 FOR SALE: 18.ft, cabin boat. reas- onahlc, PIlone 315-J. W8-14-21 F()R SALE: 29 nzodcl A Ford coupe. See Ilarry Daniels at Nash Ga g!;-'-l CAR1) OF APPRECIATION M.Y we extend in this way our sin- cere appreciation for the kindnesses, sympathh,s and beautiful fh)ral pieces offm'e.d Us during our b(reavomenl of our be/eyed husbsnd and father. Gu- taf Alfred Booker. Mrs, Myrtle M. Beclcer and Famils., WE :ItAVI a few C.rmac kiteh,,n dnks marked down $5 from regular P rlee while, they last: Single and (IOUDIe. Hillercst Haraware, Phone 499, 8-14 FREE FOR THE TAKING: Old shin- gles. 628 Franklin St:. M8-I4 TURPENTINE, new low priee $].45 per gallon, ]rlllg your own contain. ez',-Hillcrdat 1lardware, Phone 499. $-14 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone 372-R 616 N. 1st St. II For Prompt Delivery STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Phone &7 STANDARD HEATING OILS Distributed by SHELTON GAg COMPANY C, C, Cole, Mgr. 122 So. Third St. Phonc 87 I I i i I PLEASE CALL Stoehr & Richert Mo- tors for carpenters. Phone hours will be Mondays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m., Wednesdays from 1 to 4 o'clock p.m., and Fridays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m. Phone 212. S. A. Torkelson, Buslness Agent. 5-22-tfn FLOORS SANDED and REFINISHED: New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes. J. A. Schlange, Box 28. Belfalr, Phone Sol fair 552. 7-17-47--7-17-48 I Cabinet Work and Upholstering General Carpenter Work Park Street Cabinet Shop MARK FAY 518 Park St. Phone 284-R UNDERSEAL Protects against rust, ping- spots from flying rocks and gravel. GUARANTEED for the life of your car. $35 and $40 Available at Bob Ervin Motors 633 S. 1st Phone 673 I SHARPENING Lwnmowera, Knives, Sciasors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Keys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cots PHONE 243 I BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING Ralph Danielson RT. 1 BOX 12A • Phone 2t8 R2 tfn For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W ROBERSON & FONZO Heating & Plumbing Everything in Plumbing and Heating Supplies Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large or Small 222 S. 2nd Phone 85 I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-R 620 Cedar St. Prompt Service I CALL Carl J. Arney Co. OLYMPIA 5865 219 N. Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done I I SOME ONE WANTS THE ARCTICLE YOU NO LONGER NEED Call CLARK'S 2nd HAND-STORE 201 E, Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL I i If / HOWELL ROOFING CO. LOCATED AT Shelton Sheet Metal Works 321 South Third PHONE 105 Shingles -- Flat Roof -- Miscellaneous Asbestos Asbestos Gutters Thickbutt Built-up Dutq Top Tar and Downspouts Hexagon Gravel Coating ASBESTOS SIDING BRICK SIDING SPRAY COATING FOR LARGE AREAS ROOF REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Estimates Furnished Free I I I II I CONSTRUCTION WORK Fill and Basement Digging Roads Graveled TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS -- Prompt Service H. ALLEN & SONS Union, Washington Phone Union 354 I BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING  UPHOLSTERIN LONG'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Phone 162 GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK J. M. SCOBEY I I TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason. Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE I r I I I  I I I I III TYPEWRITEIS, ADDING MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS Sold and Repaired -- H. D. BAKER CO., INC. 114 W.5th OLYMPIA Phone 8046, O£ficc Furniture, Files and Fireproof Safes car Flat Rate Means  More Money IN YOUR POCKET A set price for EVERY JOB Free estimates FURNISHED at Bob Ervin Motors THE BUICK AGENCY ?hone 673 1st & Mill SL ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and %upplies. Free pickup and delivery. daek Maaze¥, only authorized fac- tory representative in Maon Coun- ty. Phone Hoodport 2W2 or Shel- ton $64. 7-18tfn. I I I ONE WEEK CLEANING SERVICE RUGS, WALLS UPHOLSTERY V FETIA2 BLINDS in She/ton Every Thursday Leave Calls With Pantorium Cleaners She/ton Phone 86 Or Call RIPPLEY & BERTRLr Olympia 7118 i FOR PAINTERS PAPER HANGERS SIGN PAINTERS Phone 212 FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 334 il I Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason County Medical Assn. Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2rid & Railroad Phone 89 I I PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer 105 Front Street Shelton FIX.IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair O Appliapee Repair 0 Cabinets Built or Repaired 0 Free Estimates 0 Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, ,Box 192-A Phone 462-J BI CAIINET WORK PLATE GI.ASS SETTING REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys [L II I lUW See our Display of, HOME APPLIANCES COOKING HEATING REFRIGERATION OIL--GASELECTRIC Imlncdiate Dellvery SHELTON GAS COMPANY C. C. Cole, Mgr. 122 So. Third St. Phone 87 II outbuildings. Modern house 4 acres more or less including 50 feet of water- front, $4650. Block and a half excellent Hill- crest view property, close in, $3500. 6-ROOM HOUSE, 2-car garage, 50 ft. waterfront--on Hood Canal. Unfurnished $6875, furnished $7875 H. L. Olstead Agency Jl I FOR SALE: Summer and winter home on Lost Lake. well constructed, 9 miles from Shelton. Harry Callow, _ FAma, Wash, 8-7-21 FOR SALE: About 8 acres waterfront tideland, with house, good water also electric by owner, 4 miles on Al'cadia um: Victor Johnson, Rt. 3, BOX 206. 8-79-11 FOR SALE: By owner, 2-bedroom house on Hilcrest. Inquire 621 Eli- nor Ave, 7-31--8-14 FOR SALE: 7 lots on Mr. View, one block off the hiway, all cleared. Inquire 1st house to left on Ceme- tery road. H7-31--8-14 l)R SALE: Modern 5-rm. home, with bath. fine oysterbed, 60-ft. frontage. 600 ft. deep, garage, chicken lmuse, oil heat, wired for range, with or without furniture. Star Rt. 2. Box 487, Belfair, Wash. C8-7-28 WATERFRONT For Sale by Owner OPEN HOUSE SUNDAYS Priced for Quick Sale Newly subdivided beach tracts with 3,000 foot frontage, including tidelands of clean, gravelly beach. no mud, no poison oak, good trout fishing, good road in rear. Choose your lot Sunday. See this at low tide. Priced at $8 per front foot and up. 12 miles east of Shelton on Shel- ton-Allyn highway, follow signs at point one mile to beach. Owner on grounds Sundays. Write C. P. RUSSELL Gig Harbor, Wash. 8-7-284t. FOR REAL BUYS in Real Estate HOMES- FARMS WATERFRONT BUSINESS LOTS Always See Shick & George 125 First Phone 46 FOR SALE 2-ROOM HOUSE and lot on Park St. House just moved .on property ready to set up. $1750. * * $ 10-ACRES of good land witl some under cultivation new 5-rm. home nearly completed. $3600 $ $ $ NEW 4 ROOM modern hon]e with hardwood floors, electric auto- matic hot water heater and floor furnace. Good utility room and car port. Good lot well located. Will G. I. $7150 * * * Herbert G. Angle LOTS OF LOTS Any Size up to A Full Block Cleared, ready for a GARDEN or A HOME Immediately Excellently located within city limits• City water and light. Ralph Stockwell Wyandotte and 7th - PHONE 133-J 5-8tfn. IF yOU HAVE a lot, I have a house for sale, must be moved; furnished complete. $2250. On Dayton-Matlock road4 miles from town, Star Rt. 2. W7-24----14 iOR---S*LE: Lot on Isabeffa--lk-. t partly cleaycd; 18-ft. Inboard 2 a& awson m.otor; also will trade equity in 40 Pacaru, n goou condition for '37 or '38 moael car. tester in- Marsh, 1st road left after Mill Creek , Bridge, Cabin No. 2. 7-24--8-2I OR-"-SA---L'. -'l:r.. house with com- letely electric kitchen 2 nice lots rge fenced lawn..garage, and large worksnop,~aanswue roofing, siding on nouse, ec owner at 1411 RaiIroad, IFOI , 5-29---8-23 [ lots, one 2or in MIll Creek Add'n,', with 4-room house. O. C. Wilkie, Phone 575-J after 5 or before 8, 8-14-21 't"'SAiE house, furnished or unfurnished, 60xl20-ft, lot, auto- matte oil burner, l'owler tank fire- place, laundry roo!n. Phone I31-R. D8-14-28 FOR--SAIE: 10 r---'s-wifl 5-room un- finished house, good well, near school aml. store, in Agate Dist., at a bargain oy owner, R. Prescott, Rt. 2, Box 242-A, SheZton. 8-14-28 O--'-0"-R"-S--E, 40 acres timber icl.- .iartly fqlled and bucked house un- nlshed, logging equtpnent Includ- ing large donkey, power chain saw, box bed trailer; creek running thru property, large peat moss bog. % mile past Grange hall. John Vincent, Rt. 1, Box 230, 8-7-13-21 FOR, SALE: 5-room nzodr-K--fmn"" With glassed-in front porch and util- ity p0reh. Large frult room and Iols of out buildings, Star Rt. 2, Box 5. FOR SALE: 24 acres river bottouz land at Skokomish Valley, mostly cleared. House, 4 I'OOIIS and bath partly fur- nlshed. Barn, '2. broodel" }loue. 2 chicken houses. 36 chickens, 3 milch cows, 1 heifer 15-raPS. old. small or- cimrd, raspberries and strawberries. Inquire or write Star Rt. 1 Box 10,q, Shelton, WaslL ' B8-1t Fb-R--'SA V, F i-- 3-b'¢di"-o'6il'f " h0nic_ guest ch)set, mirror door, largo front al;d dining room, lovely steel cabinet kitchen, breakfasl room, l bedroom downstairs and 4-pc. bath, 2 boil- rooms upstairs, closets, utility r,)cm. part basement, automatic hot wat,:r ell furnace insulated, Venetin blinds, curtains, drapes, sonze furn- iture. $Ii.000. 1.018 Cota, M8-14 FOR SALE.'--'{)-mres. over half cleared ]3 nziles from town on Elma road. Buildings and 2 acres sirewborrle, Ternzs. G. R. Johnson, L.L, Route, ox 54, Ehua. 8-14-21 house, Road E. Z. Phone 278-R. NICE Walker Park, -OR SALE: Easy terms, 160-J. FOR SALE : miles west on cleared. finished. electricit FOR SALE : over Solne - sale. ness. Call Route 2, Wash. First Baptist ovee, Pastor F 9:45 a.m. -- Young Morning Worshi] Evening Service Luth00 The of the L WORTH - HIGHWA it' ', >.. Tel ," ephone 395-M ACRE TI.:. SChool 9'45 a m SEVEN- 7.Ai'i' : .... town, 2-acres clea house, with bath;  - tric range; good €.  e snd  ,, :,': " - pump; garag ._ ',:/ fruit and SlmUV .... ':ilFtO* B--d,t----JJ terms. , Y.¢ Methodi JG-,TT; ward Elma, v+mbef,, Sunday School at ance saieam y.._..¢ , _ Morning Vvorshi with eleC rzc*,,and°thertbul*a'id ermon Topic: "How SI ; . ,, e! ', ,' ' 'WAYNE WRIGH: farm. - * * I/"'. ' ge 320 N. dth ON city side home compl Y tkj',' ing electric raegl'* mclne00t00oL00 Church of C SHELTO Priced for qm, Ca,i Branch € NICE NEW Church, The First CI Boston, M utility room Subject Next .€ completely furniture; , 66T  ] FINE way in Mt. SUNDAY SCHOO another lot MORNING SERVI ft., city EVENING ME maintained by this homes on except Sunday, from 6:, .to attel the Reading CHURCH AT 302 AL NEAR 180 feet sloping modern pletely fu mile to a liw ....ONE FULL i ] O1ymplc ono THIS HAN