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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ESTATE room home and 2 me property. Phone F7-10-tfn ng lots, Olympic [1 for $750. use at Hoodsport d Canal, about 2 trees, berries and &apos; ]4, ]947, h [' ' "1 :-h00X[0000ttIP HIM ""'"' SPIRIT f' SPIRIT FORESTS and 1-room , and trees. w,,odcreel,, s¢azp• ,% TRUTH Marks. at F of God Yll::0]: 476 - M -SA,  CGill Pastor FOR 14 mi  q, ' ' crosS roan i ThompSOn,  house, 14': Road across 4 acres more or :L P "t - E. Z. Phone i0 feet of water- 278-R. 00ICE00WATE00 " "t Ch h Walks IS urc df excellent Hill- FOR SA : eW,.'}, Bovee, Pastor  Fifth and Cota Streets Easy termS, perty, close in, 160-J• - hOol " DR--SXIEq --*,,., p.:i 9:45 a.m. -- Young Peoples Meeting 6:45 p.m. miles west o.n':$roto,, '' Morning Worship 11 a.m, cleared, ne, 5r' Evening Service 7:45 p.m. , 2-car garage, 50 finished, gooa,,l'$  -on Hood Canal. electricity, inqu famished $7s75 FoR over 5 acres la , , ' sonle ilnproVte' / ad Agency  sale.  Route hess. Leavln'Se:"Jn/ Call Olive Lutheran Church mr and winter home Wash, . "; : constructed, 9 ': well lton. Harry Callow, 8-7-21 ,rd. The Church of the Lutheran Hour ,t 8 acres "w---c-ff-fit IH']:T  u0Ull':, iLLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE use, good water ares vv JJ- _..n ';,d ' y owner 4 miles on TN'lv ,'v: ....... ictor Jolnson Rt 3  . Telephone au-w and 230 'hiway. all cle'ared tric range; g dl'- ----=" sc to left on Ceme- numn" arage an ;:il': ' .... ...... frmt and s ' : , rn 5-rm home with  0"ft frota e terms. Methodist Church H731-814 b00de :_ed, 6- • g . , * :.  ' ,----:'. . . . rage, chicken .l}ouse, _ .t e dl0mrnunity,, zor range wm or ..n ACRE 1*"  .*. ---.-" •  -- 5't 2 Box ..u- _^ ., . Fourth ann Free s." ...... d8-7-2 ward Elma,^m'oo [ .at 9:45 am• r ray" O-- N ARCAdI . ', i):', ar -- F R O N T farm. ' , 20N. 4th "Telephone 276 , by Owner _.*. B0  r SE SUNDAYS side city limitS,-a!' , ,,, ". •  home completely0" €t ' Clmrch of Christ, sci st " Qumk Sal_ • • rang • • • :ted beach tracts ingieeCtroir; wel enti frontage, including full basement i': gH I'LTON " , g ^ .h of ChrisL Scientist, ad in rear Choose NICE NEW "Y'lon, ass_ ...... ' ........... • • n(l '" Bostorl wlass g See this at low it room a , $8 per ron zoor completely :'  " ............ ' 5,70v. , i  i furniture; $ , , 'i" "TTT " f Shelton on Shel- _NC  '. ' k.l.9 J 1.J my, follow signs at]FINE RESIDI ;flAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 , - r • 1t View ,  NDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 . to beach: Owne [way. m "-'"n l'e :T9:45 o':cLoG=_K mays. wne anomer m.',o r G AT 8 O'CLOCK I ft., c,ty w?;t  sidey 2 At ed rStreet, • holnes on e , -  " sail ' l .USSELL , 'c}o_ck. • hv Wash _ 45 to 7:45 o'clock. -' "" " NEAR G t.r ' ' 'u eordiall - i 8-7-284t ...... " -- , ,: • y attend the services and vis t ltu iee the Reading Room. sloping CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET modern IAL BUYS L1 Estate -- FARMS ]RFRONT ESS LOTS ys See & George Phone 46 , SALE pletely mile to ton; a ready to live .... ONE Olympic ;E and lot on Park moved .on property . $1750. * $ sod land with some )n new 5-rm. home d. $3600 modern home with xs, electric auto- r heater and floor ;tiltty room and car well located. Will .* * G. Angle OF LOTS lze up to 11 Block ready for a or A HOME radiately )cated within city water and light• Stockwell / )tte and 7th " NE 133-J 5-8tfu. a lot, I have a house be moved; furnished }. On Dayton-Matlock from town, Star Rt" W7-24--8-14 gt- on Isabella--1-6k-, ; 18-ft, inboard 2 also will trade equity in good condition for dol car. tester ta- t left after Mill Creek No. 2. 7-24--8-21 :m. house with eom- kitchen, 2 nice lots, wn garage, and large mvlIle roofing, siding ,wrier at 1411 Railroad, Stewart Addition, 3 n Mill Creek Add'n.', house. O. C. Wilkie, ftcr 5 or before 8. 8-14-21 sore house, -fu'.nisbed i, 60x120-ft. lot. auto- el •, Fowler tank, fire- roo!n. Phone 431-R. D8-14-28 acres with 5-room un- e, good well, near ,re,. in Agate Dist., at ,wner, R. Prescott, Rt. Shelton, 8-14-28 l0 acres timber lan(l- lid bucked, house un- ng equipment includ- ey, power chain saw, r; creek running thru peat moss bog, V. ge hall. John Vincent, 8-7-13-21 room -fiJir-K--lg,i  front porch and util- e fruit room and lots s, Star Rt. 2, Box 5. te,'es river bottom land Valley, mostly ch!ared. s and batil lmrtiy fur- 2 brooder ilOUSCS. 2 , 36 chickens, 3 milch I5-mos. old, small or- Ties and strawberries. te Star Rt. 1, Box 105, B8-1t door. large front sod lovely steel cabinet fast room, I bedroom d d-pc. bath, 2 bcIl- , closets, utility roolll, , autonlatic hot wat,n' insulated, Vc.nethm m, drapes, some furn- 1018 Cota, M8-14 town on Elma road. 2 acres strswbrries, Johnson, L.L, Route, 8-14-2 uncl able; an priced for ON MT, house with and ing 6-ft. For Realty Buy.6 M.C. Phone 157 or see 279. 1505 S 120 THAT AMERICA LETS THE -- BEE00, ALE AND WlNF/ So | , 00le.c/Z>00.,vra a pove#r00'." ....... "_ ............... ' ...... ". -'L _'_ ..... LEGAL PUBLICATIONS NO. 1922 NOTICI,," TO ('ltI,:DITORS TO I'RESENT AND FIL|'; CLAIMS iN THh] SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASIIINGTON I,R:)R MAS()N COUNTY In Pr.I)ate In tit(, Matter o( the Estate of 'Wyatt Ivyl Daniels. Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlat the undersigned May Daniels .has been ap)ointc'd and has qualified as Ad- nHnlsir'atrix of the estate of tim above named WYalt Ivyl Daniels, dec.eased: and filet all persons having claims against the said estate or the said deceased t)Fe be,'eby required to serve the same. duly verified with. the nec- essary vouchers attached, upon tile undersigned Administratrix or her at- torney of re('ord, at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis. Bell Building,, 119 So, Foul:tb Street, Shelton, Mason Coun- ty, Washington, the same beihg de- s'ignated as the place for the transac- tion of the business of the said estate• and file sucll claims toget, her with proof of service "with the Clerk of tile above entitled court, within six months after' tle date of. the first publication of this notice, to-wit: July 31, 1947, or all claims not so served and filed shall be forever barred: MAY DANIELS, Administratrlx of the estate of Wyatt Ivyl Daniels deceased, Bell Building, 119 SO, lnurih Street: Shelton, Mason County, Washington, CItAS, R. LEWIS, Attorney for Said estate, Bell Rulldlng, 1t9 So..Fourth Street, Bhelton, Mason Cotmty Washihgton, 7-318-7 .I4-21-4t NO. 1926 . NOTI E TO CRF ITORS IN THE S(ERIOR eERT OF THE STT OF WSmNGTON FOR MASON COUNTt" , ' , ' ' • (In ,Probate) In the Matte,. of the Estate of Rex R. Kidd, D,chhsed. , ' - Notice is he' given that tile un- dersigned, Esther May.,.Kld¢l, '.ha been appointee and has qualified as .Ad nlinstra.trlx of the est0,te Of Rex R. iaa, ueceased; and.4ha¢ All yersohs having claims ' agaiast the s$iO' ?de- ceased or the said -estate are.hereby req.uired *to' serve the same, duly Veri- fieti wlth 1he .neeeSsary vouchers at- tached upon. the -undersigned' ,A'dmin- istrafrix or her attorn6y of record 'at the law office of.B. ranktn "Heuston, Coux't :[ouse, Sheltbn,. WasUlhfftolt, and file such claims together wih proof of, service /ith the Clerk of .he above entitt'ed Court.within six (6} months after the date of the first publication Of tlis notice, to-wit: the 31st day. of. Jl, 1847, or all claims not so presentedaridfiled will he"for- ever barred. . • . • ST.HER ?MAy KIDD.. Admlnlstratrix of' the Estate of Rex R. Kldd, deceased, • Address : • Shet0n;. Washington. B FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for. said egrets,' Court House, Shelton -Washington, , , 7.31._43.7.14o21.4t NO. 4986 SUMMONS lvOlt I*IRLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MA0 CO'JilTS", " ' Gloria Jeanne Armstrong Plaintiff, Robert James Armstrong, • Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said' ROBERT JAMES ARM STRON'G : • '" You are hereby summoned to appeal" within sixty days after the date of the first publication offihis summons, to-wit within sixty das after the 17th day of July, 1947, and defend the above entitled action in.the above eta- titled court, andanswer the complaint of the plaintiff, Gloria Jeanne &rm- strong, and serve a copy of your' an- swer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, 'at Ilia OffiCe below stated and in ease of your failure so to as, judgment will be rendered against yOU according, to the-demand of the complaint, whic has been.fil?d witl_ the eerk o sate cmrt.. The,'onect e' bringing this action is to secure a di- vorce, CHARLES- T, WRIGHT Plaintiff's Attorney P,O: Address: Angl Bldg., Shelton, Mason County, Washington; , 7-17.24rJl8-7-14-21-28-7t SHELTON-IV[ASON COUNTY JOURNAL ............... ' , ...... " ,,, ....... -- ..... m_ .......................................................... ' .............................................................................. Da :Olmson, ]Palitlff, , '.'. [ th std IDRED OR'4"0H'NSN: Yot ar.e .ereb ' unm@ned' tone, pear WR,hin slx,:,',eudma.t( Of %he first pqblicatton.fflhia • tureens, t,wtt.: lhn .s. 'da7e .atr_, the 17th <lay f. 'Jw, l 7  fend the aoye entttled',acttn 4' the aoove plaint f tie  lntt  tn J'ohnon, al =ser e a col - 01 r'. rOUt "answer tSpon theundet$g,'e I t%' '8 '{or ainiff, at his office 'b{ ,, € St ad; d',In ease of,,your ftlure  :, o, :][d$'rn1 ,lll h .lee t'lle rth lhe.!¢k oraid ur.., The'oh  t ! .brLng this ac- tton, zs tO 'ec= a±4 V__,_=::- ,. ' CHA2 - ,,:T :WI.T , i , ':i"'  • ..Mito   n .: , ..., W.dshi t ", ;, ' .... : ,.131--?-l-2Z=2S-7t ' -, ,,, .,'  : .BE}Tr .AND ''  . : ' O I. the er .of.  state ee R. Clyde ,mo; v. vI =- "h'ta 'NOTICE. Z{. HR$]Y : t N' t Ma 'La'ur:j.,'L.b "cu fiX/of the has filed Wtth" tb:toz ne aove entitled Cout ../.j:(Kal repprt and etiti0n .for llr)lon, asking the Court to 'settle ,asfd,'_PP_/ve said final vepoPt .nd,.bittO. or,d)atribUtio, to distribute the'; RroP _er o, te ;perimns thereto enttl':htl tie :,'diSCharge, the :! | ,R GIVEN that _%itbn for dis- ,, 19', at the [  ftnooti,, at .ou, in .' r, :uiy, 19'/. :' /1-,4]-7-14-1-4t 'of Vern- Bonis Non of the 0,: service entitled ,ifter the this Journal Want Ads Pay.! NO. 1871 William /, int. and Soren Jessie £ NOTICE OF IIEARIN(I FINAI• RE- i int.; S%V::, NEU Jess e Sw(,ns V.z PORT AND I'ET|TON FOIL ])1-I inlerest) See. 10. TwI). ]9 N.. R. 5. TRI]UTION. W.W.M Year in Cerli(ivate 19d] /:er- tificate $2.44. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE (')riginal Certificale No. 19. I¢oli 4. STATE OF WASHINGTON l,'t)R Page 6. Line .I. Ass'ss,'(1 Io Sorin. MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of tile Estate (,f Jo}lll William 5fi mr. and Soren, Jessie - int.; SE..I NlilU €.T,,ssi,, S,n',.n's !!: F. Stotsbery, Deceased. interest). See. 111. Twp. 19 N.. V.. 5. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that W.W.M. Year in Certificnle 1941. C,,r- Alice Stotsbery, Administralrix of the tii'ieate .2.72. Estate of John F. Sh,tsbery. de.(.easd Original Certificate No. 2(1• Roll ,1. has filed in the office of the Ch,rk of Page 6. Line 13. Assessed to Seven. said com.t her final repor and petition William , ml. an(l Sin's,n, Jessie w. for distributi(m as¢ing the court to int. NE SEU, (J('ssJ,' Ror(,n's t. settle said report, o d str )ute lhe interest), Secti,n 1{). Twp. I ) N.. R. i-'. property to the persons entiih,d, t.h,,r,,+ W.W.M. Year m Certificate 194t. Cer- to and to discharge saici Adu]nnstra- lifieale $2.4.i. ,, ,' trix and tlmt said report and petition, Original Ceri fieato No. 21, Roll 4, will I)e heard on the 6th day oi' S(' )t. i Page 6. Line 16, Assessed to Soren, 1947, at the hour of 10 o'eh)('k a.m, William /:, lnL. and Soren, Jessie fi at the ('surf house in Shelton. Vasll- int.; SEA " SEA (Jessie Sm'en's , ington, interest), Sec, 10, Twp. 19 N., B. 5, Dated this 2nd day of Aug., 19.t7. W.W.M. Ye:)' in Certificate lIH1. C,,r- HARRY DEYETTE, l tificate $2.42. (Seal) Clerk of aid court, J. W. 'GRAHAM,'Attorney for [ Original Certificate No. 22. Roll 4, Page 39, Line 11, Assessed to Jove,', Adm|nistratrix. Gooey ] Thomas; S)/.) NWA SW%4, Sec. 2, Twp. 20 N,, R. 5, W.W.M. Year in Bldg., Shelton, Wash. 8-7-14-21-28-dt Certificate 1941. Certificate $3,2. Original Certificate No. 23. Roll 5. [Page 57, Line 6, Assessed Io Deya, NO. 193t John: Lakcwood Plat "C'. Lots L;I-l(;, NOTICE ELk. 9. Year in Certificah, 19.11 C(.rti- fieate $1.,t7. IN TItE SIFPERIOR COURT OF TIlE Original Certificate No. 24, R,ll 5, -STATE OF WASItINGTON FOR Page 67. Line 17. Assessed o {heII- MASON COUNTY' -- fendsnts parcel of land assessed to you, or in , e . : which you have an interest as here- You, and each of you, are h.reby inabove stated, judgment will be ren- notffj.edthat_the.aoove nam.e.a l.uamt- dered against you and against the iff, Mason 0unty, a mumclpal rio.r- lot, tract, or parcel of land, foreclos- poration, and one of the lawmny Ing thereon the lien of Mason Coun- organized and.ex!sting counties of th ty for its certificate of delinquency, St:a%e •of :Waehlngon,fls the o.wner an which includes all taxes, penalties, holder,z a certificate o. aplmquency interest, and costs against each of issued,in one certificate In nQ.OK o:ra said lots, tracts, or parcels of land an.datd the 12th dab.of Jmy, ±s;, up to and including the date on Dy tn.e. Treasurer or aiq mason uoun- which said certificate was issued, "ty, wadhingta, ana zssUea to me Any pleading, answer, appearance, said 'Mason, County or the severer or process, shall be serves upon toe amounts.due and owing for taxes on undersigned attorney for the plaintifL each auq every mr, ract, or. parcel Mason County, at his office bei0w of,land}aeveinafter more .p,ayucularfy stated, and a copy thereof filed with destrtbba anu et forth, sam amount the, Clerk of the above entitled court, being set oUt opposite each pirtlcular  MASON COUNTY, description and being the amount que A Municipal Corporation, and delinquent upon each particular I BY S. E. SMITH, Treasurer lot, tract, or parcel o tuna respect- B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Pmsecut- ively for taxes forflhe.year 1941, for ing Attorney, and Attorney for which said Mason wounty claims mgn Plaintiff herein. of foreclosure ap. will more apeciflcal- Office and Post Office Addrcss ly appear by re]e_renee to eacn pazt.ic- of Attorney for Plaintiff: ular description herein, together vltnw Mason County Court House, all interest, costs, a} pe.nalties there- Shelton, Washington. on up to and including, ne 12th day No. 31 Pub. July 17, 24, 31, Ang. 7, of July, 1947, the name o, um person 14 21 ]947. fir or €orporation to whom or which ' ' 7-17-24-31--8-7-14-21-6t said-property iS aSsesSed being set forth with each,particular description, all of said property being situated in .......... Meso Courity, Sta of Washington, J lJ, and being more particularly described NOTICE TO (}REDITORS. " as ?flM1dvs., (b-Wit:"  " IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOB. MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estates of Mary Hand-Feeding of Very Small Pigs Proves Practical llam W. Cooper or his attorneys of record at the address below stated, and file the same with tle Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service within six months afte,' the date of first publication of this no- lice, or the same will be barred. Date of first pmhlication July 31, 1947. WILLIAM W. COOPER Executor of said Estate. Address 1255-59 Dexter Horton Building, Seattle 4, Wash, BELL, McNEIL & BOWLES Attorneys for Estate, 1255 Dexter Horton Building Seattle 4, Wash. 7-31--8-7- 4-21-4t Page 1,, USED CARS TI{ATLI;]R II()I.'SF] i()r s:m'. I!}il moch,I |]X'7' ,'tISZOHi |llii} electric h(':LUV fllZt| hoilflatc sleeps LOLU', ,I)O. ]ll{}UIYe " 5112 FairnhuII. Ph,mo 'i.I-J. I8.-I•i ]0()It SALE (,r tra(h': 1931 SIiitie}tk]tt'P st•dan. 4ood ('l)u(|i[ion ll)d _'tnHI }lrcs, ,u" :t %Vilh'. with it;" tic: (?,all 35S-,T. SS-7-1,1 I,'(H SALE; 1.1;{9 :qt.ld,,h;tt;,'r (2haln- ])1(111 s,din. ItIOIOV OVel'haui,'(i. tM)(t tires and i'u,d,v i'i)il', VI'Fy FO;[.H a:zt)le. l'iu,m' 278-M after 5:(10. ITS.-7-21 l,'() R SALE: \\;Vh Jt e logging" 1 t,n¢'lG ood clan(litton, 752 heavy (JULY l'e:lr ,'U(l. I]I'O'U [tlt t i'llnSiltJSSi(iE WOl'l<in':'' %'ery (Lty. ('*q'i| ],IOI'SP Quih.ene, Vtash. S-7-21 1:()t't SA]ali]: ]!)¢]1 t"oVLi "1-5 ylLrd (JUlep" t rtlck 8:25 tires. 27sPeed ]*hit on. 1]vown Lih [l'aiz,'41111SSll)n. IA |'[)" Sa|ith. I(t. '2. Jh,x 325 12{)3 {murel)• 8-7-14-21. ]i'OT SALE: lh,use traih,r q({x,-lt., el{ heatt,r, sluel,S :we. exe(,i],n{ DU]](!r, beats D IV[ Z i't'nt. 550. S,%l [iail "- • nIin I'. SS-I:I-2t In the Matter .of lhe Adopthm .f stad, Frank; Lakewood L'[at "J" Lots Stanley, Vernon Freyler, A Minor. t 45-,18 :Elk, 2, Year in Certifie'tte 19,tl, TH]L STATEOF WASHINGTON TO [ Certificate $,90. GEORGE H FREYLER: , Original Certificate No. 25, oll 6, Page 31, Line 10, Assessed to Olyn|- You ,are hereby'notified to appear pia Invest. Co,; Hlllcrest Addition, wi0fin fifteen days after the date of, the .first publication of this notice, to- E 10' of Lot 1, Elk. 23, Year in Cer- wit: within fifteen clays after the, 7th tificate 1941 Certificate $2.57. day'of .August, 1977, and defend 1he [ That any of the foregoing .lots, above entitled .aetion in the above en-  tracts, oz' parcels of land hereinb(ffore titled c(mrt, rnake appearance .hereto I descrll)ed and having been included and sezTe a c0py of ymn' appearan.e I in the Certificate of Delinquency here- upon the undersigned atlorney for tim  tofore issued to Mason County will i)e petitioners, at his 'office below stated; ' sold subject to any local improvement case of your failure so to do, assess|||enls for l)aving, drainage, irri- an order will be made and ente|'ed gation, or an)' other kind o|' sort of according to the prayer "el' the peti- local improvement assessments law- t, ioners said netltion having been filed folly asses.ed, ith ,the clerk of said court. The oh- That all of lhe several amounts [ARRO RESEARCH FARM PHOTO Ject n'f bringing this action is to se-, hereinabove set opposite the several cure an order of a40ption, # f descriptions of each particular lot, This pl, orphaned at Mx day of ass, soon hseamo o pet for be 8sthtol children, ' ' 'A-RY 'IEYETTE, tract or l)arcel of real property bear Pig kept worm in a homemade brooder heated by a 40-wail tamp, ' Clerk of .] e slpcrior Court interest at the rate of tweh'e per(,nt (12%) per annnm from and inchnllng CHARLES T, WRIGHT- ] the 12th day of July 1977 until the A.tobney .Yor Petilloners Angle Bldg., Mason ,County,. payment thereof be made. or a .iudg- Shelton,, Washi:ngton. ment entered herein, ( ) Equal parts of cow's milk and of aside without getting established on answeetcned condensed milk proved one of the sow's teats. By the sixth 8-7-17-2t You, and each el' you, are her d y I to be a good formula for feeding young day after farrowing, this pig had be- summoned to appear within sixty I orphaned pigs according to Dr. H. come extremely thin, cold and inactive r- days (60 days) after the date of. the t Ernest Bechtelof General Mills tarts almost to the point of death. Rather first publication of this summons and I Research Farm. A pinch or so of dry than discard the pig a this stage, he NO. 365 notice, to-wit: within sixty days after I NOTICE AND SJMMONS IN COUNT the 17th day of July, I947, excqusive t feed should be added to the milk as was warmed temporarily in an *m- " TAX IN>RECISJRt o'f swid date, and defend the above soon as it can be gotten into the mersion bath and fed the milk formula NO; 31 entitled action in the above entitled mimal. Thereafter, dry feed can be given above, plus dry feed after the IN THE SUPER,IOR OURT OF THE court, and serve a copy of your an- ] STATE OF , 7¢ASHINGTON FOR first few days. swer upon undersigned attorney for l ed in gradually increasing amounts MASON COUNTY : " During the following 20-day period, plaintiff, at his office address here- m a free choice basis and milk, feeding .M,ASOq COUNTY, WASHINGT(N, a tnbelow gLven, or pay the amount as I :an be eliminated eventually: this pig incx:eased in body weight from Municipal Corporation and .one of the hereinabove set forth upon ca(,h of Counties of ,the Sta.te of rashington, 1 lb. 6 oz. to 8 lb. 12 oz. He was then said tracts or parcels of real prop-[ Recently this method worked sur- .... v Plaintiff, erty of which .you arc the owner o,'l xisingiy well with a slx-day-old male returned to the sow and since has been d Lind¢luist, et ux all Persons here- reputed "owner, or in which you own lnafter'*mmed as owners of eny of the or claim to own o," have, or claim to pig. This pig was born a runt and, able to compete on more than equal have, an" right, t Itle or inter,.st [ eing one of a large litter, was pushed [ terms with his litter mate. herelnafter : described real property, , therein, together with all costs, inter- { t-1083-? end ll', pez,solas unknown owning or est or penalties attached thereto, [ claiming to )wn, .or having oz' elatm- In the event of your faihu'e to ap- i ing to' have, any right, title estate, peru" and defend such action and pay interest or equity in and3o said prop- the amount due on such lot, tract, or ert'y or ahy part thereof. NO. 1925 Medals in Tacoma NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRI,;SENT A.ND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR CO[JRT OF TI-(E For Marin Vets STATE OF WASHINGTON FCR ,e MASON COUNTY In l'rol)ate Marine veterans of World War In the Matte|' of the Estate of Ida II from the Tacoma area may West. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' that make application for their World the undersigned. W. A. Witxiers. War II Victory Medal and tlle has been appointed and has qual- American Defense Medal by pre- ified as Administrator of tile es- senting their discharge apd filling fate of t lie above nanled deceased: and that all persons having claims ollt an application blank at the against the said 0slate or the said Marine Corps Recr'uiting Office deceased are hereby required to serve Located a 780 Commerce Street, the san|e, duly verified with the nec,- essary voucim|'s attached, upon the in Tacoma. nde's gned Administralor or his at- In the event medal applicants torney of l'e(,ord, at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis Bell Building, i19 live in an isolated area, where it So. Fou|.tb Street, Shelton. Mason is impractical for such persons to County, Washinglon. and file such (.lain|s t¢,gethe|' with proof st servic.( come to the ReeFuiting Office, ill with the Clerk of the above entitled their vicinity, they may send their court, within s)x months slier the discharge to the Comlnandant of (late of the first i)ublication of this no- tice. to-wit: August 14. 1942". or all the Marine Corps, IqeadqHarters, claims not so served and filed shall )'. S. Mariue Corl)s, Washington be forever barred. 25, D. C., and their medal, with W, A WITSIERS. their diseimrge, will be returned Administrator ,I' the estate nf Ida West deceased, to them, "Bell Building. 119 So. Fou|'th St. Shelton Mason County, Wash- The Victory Medal shows oil its ington fbce a fig tu'c of liberation hloR- Or4ginal Certificate No, 1, %olI 1, CHAS. R. LEWIS ' ing to the dawn of a new day, Page9, Line 3, Assessed to Lindquist, Attorney for said egtalc. ux; Tax No. 652 A-l, Sec, l, Bell Building. 119 So. Fourth St. rigtt foot resting on a hehnet, tie Twp. @1 N., R. 1, W,W.M: Aflsessor's Lee Phipps and Edward T. Phipps, Sbelton, Mason County, Washington. hilt of t broken sword in her riKht Tax No. 652 A-1 is descrioea as oi- Deceased. 8-14-21-28--9-.I-7t hand and the blade in her left. lows,: All tide lands of the second class, lying between: the line of mean NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That letters testamentary and letlers with .................................. The inscription reads "World low ¢idd andAhe line of extreme low the will annexed "on above entith, d RI,;OLIVrlON War II.' The ribbon suoporting tide ,in .front o{ that part of Lot 2. estates were granted the undersigned 1,]:TAIUASHING STOCK Section 8, Twp.'21 N,, R.1 West W.M. on the 2nd day of August, 1977. ItEW['P, ICT'EI) AREA it hag  strip of solid red down meard along,the meander line as Notice is further given that all per- WHEREAS, a petition baying been the center flanked on each side follows: lelnnt;ag .at: the point q sons having claims against said estates filed with the Board of County Corn- by a rainbow effect of blue, yellow, interection o'Stlth" line, of Lot.2, or either of tiem, are required to missiopers, petitioning the esiablish- alld red. With:.said m6a,derlln 'nd runnin'g serve them with necessary vouchers, ment of a Stock Restricted Area co- lhence north 45. East 5,57 chains more upon the Administrator oz" upon the ering the following described area: .... The bronze American Defense or. less to an angle point In tmld attorney of record for said estates, bounded on the north by "Little meaffder line thence North 38% de- Room 5 Gove Building. Shelton, Skookum Bay," frmn amih'he Service Medal shows on its face g rees East 7.13 chains, more or less, Washington, ()ffl(,.e of J. W. Gralmm, Point to Highway 101, thence ('x- a Grecian 1'igure carryinK a war tending south al()n' Highway 101 tOts ,inersectedthe' .point ,whereby thethesouthmeanderlinelln'eof placethe samefor havingthe traaactionbeen designedof thcaSbusi-the tl, the Oyster ]Jay Road, following shield ill her left hand while State Oyster Reserve, Plat Nu. 98, ness of said estates, and file tile same same to a pine' called "Hards(:rab- brandishing a sword in her right and 'having a frontage of 12,'./0 lineal with the Clerk of said court together bh," on Ovster Bay tt|enc,, ex- hand. Arollnd the top is li:e in- chains, more or less, measured along with proof of service, within six (6) tending along tit(, st{ore of (pyst,,v scription "Americsn Defense," the eander line. Year in Certificate months affer date of first publication Bay to Kar||ih:be Point, tho l)lace The ribbon su )porting it is solid 1941, Certificate $,22, of tlll notice, to wit, August 7, 1977, of beginning, yellow with el thin ')in stripe of Original Certificate No. 2, Roll '1 or said claims will be forever bar|'ed. WHEREAS, a date of hearing was DELPHIN J, LE DOUX. Page 60, Line 16, Assessed to Evans, set for June ]{), ]947 at 2:30 P.M. and red, white, and blue on either James; SW% SW. Sec, 12, TWO,, '20 Administrator of the, estate of later pestponed until June 16, 1947 al N,, R. 2, W.W.M. Year in ceruneate Mary Lee Phipps and Adminis- 10:00 AM, and subsequent h|,arings side. 1941,' Certificate $7.80. Crater with the will annexed of having been duly held on July 14th Medals will De delivered to ap- Original Certificate No, 3, Roll 1, the estate of Edward T, Phipps, and Aug. 4th, as set forth in Chapter plicants at a later date after pre- Page 65, Line 10, Assessed to Heath, J. W. GRAHAM, Attorney for 40, Laws of 1937, and Hehry; N. and W. 20 Ft. of W. 38,80 Administrator, Suite 5 WHEREAS, all persons appearing sentation of suitable evidence of acres of Lot 2, Sec. 20 Twp. 20 N., Gooey Bldg,, Shelton, Wash• were heard for or against establish- eligibility and completion of ap- R, 2, WW M. Year in C'ertificate 1941, 8-7-14-21-28-4t ment of said stock restricted area and, plication blanks. Certificate $.44. . WHEREAS, the majority of resi- Certificate No. 4, Roll 1, . dsnts of the area had signed the In:q|- Area, campaign medals have not Line 31. Assessed to Dicker- Tract 2 of NW: Original Page.ll9, : NO. 1929 tion. now therefore, yet been cast and will not be dfs- son, '7¢m. B,; IW NEZA, NOTICE TO CREDITORS BE" IT HEREBY RESOLVED that tributed at this time. Sec, 9, TWp 22N, R. 2, W,W.M, _As- the Kamilcbe Point area be declared sessoT's Tract No 2 is decribed as IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE to be a stock restricted area wherein follows: Beginning at a point .80 ft. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR livestock will not bc l)ern|itted to ran South of a point upon the Section line MASON COUNTY. at large. between Sees. 20 and 29 and 1320 ft. In Probate Effective October 4, 1947. on said line West of the See. post In the Matter of the Estate of Nora DATED this 4th day of August, :917. between Sees. 20, 21, 28 and 29, Twp. J, Cooper, Deceased, BOARD OF CoU'NTY COMM1S- 22 N., R, 2 W., thence ,Southerly 10 Notice is hereby given that the un- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, roOst•thence Westerly 80 rods; thence dersigned has been appointed anti nas WASHINGTON Northerly 10 rods; thence Easterly q,ualified as Executor of the estate of H. R, DICKINSON Clud|'n|an 80 ,rods to the place of beginning• Nora J. Cooper, Deceased' that all LYLE O'DELL Contkintng 5'acres more or less. Year persons having olaims against said de- ROY CARR inC'tificate.1941, Certificate $1.00, ceased are hereby required to serve ATTEST: Orlginal Certificate No. 5, Roll 2, the same, duly verified, on said Wil- SUSIE E. PAULEY. Page 90, ,Line 38, 'Assessed to Horne. Cle|'l (,f tile Boarcl.. SW exee t Gilbert Britton NW  el) NE andS, Sec. 32, Twp. 21 "N•, "R 8. "W W.M. 'Yearin Certif|ate 1941, Certificate $1,81:. ' Or|g]nal Certificate No, 8, Page, 90, Line ,49, • Assessed to Gilbert =Britton: Trat l o NWK,' ec." 32 • Twp. 21 N., W..M. ,Assessor's Tract 1 scr!led as. SW NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTN1CRSDII' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Benjamin H. Ingrain and Einar D, Reiton heretofore doing business as co-partners in Shelton, Washington, under the firm name and style of lngram-Reiten Motor Company, have dissolved partnership as of August 6, 1947. That lhe said Einar D./ Reiten will pay all c aims and bill." against lhe said l)artnership up to and including August 6, 1977, and all accounts re- ceivable by the said partnersidp will be collected and retained by the said Einar D. Relten. Dated tills 7th day of Autmt. 1!}77. BENJAMIN H, INGRAM EINAR D. RETIEN. 8-14-21-28--9-7-11-18-25-7t NO. 1932 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OP WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the'Matter of the Estate of John MeNeice. Deceased. Notice is Itercby giwm that the un- Poultry Pointers List for August List of Poultry Pointers for tle nmfith of Aug-ust: 1. Lay in your supply of hy- drated lime if you plan to follow a lime-litter program in your lay- ing houses, 2. Get your copy of Poultry Pointers No. 20, "Feeding and Management of Layers" from your county agent. It gives informa- tion on vitamins, a feeding; pro- gram, rise of light, directions for litter management, and laying mash formulas• 3, Make or purchase what new and additional laying house equip- ment needed. Poultry Pointers No, 23, "Laying House Equip- ment" will help you. 4. Selecting and blood-testing ,breeders will be started in Aug- ust. Valuable bulletin that can be gotten from the county exten- sion service on these topics are these, Poultry Pointers No, 25, "Feeding and Management of Breeders: and USDA Miscellan- eous Bulletin No, 349• 5, When new laying pullets are dersigned has been appointed and put into the laying house, clean has qalified as Executrix of the above OUt the litter three times a week entitled estate; tlmt a I persons nay- for two weeks as a precaution ing claims against said deeeased are hereby required to serve ttte same. against laying house coccidiosis. duly verified, On said M. Hildreth See Poultry Pointers No. 6. Horn or Charles T. Wright, attorney 6. Vadcinate five month old tur- of record at the address below stated, i and file the same with the Clerk of keys, Poultry Pointers No, 28. said Court. together with proof of "Fowl POX" will help anyone plan- such service, within six months afte'," ning to vaccinate turkeys. the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. 7. Breeders and hatcherymen Date of first publication Angust are encouraged to attend Pullorum 17th. 1947, and Flock Selection schools at M. HILDRETH HORN Executrlx of said Estate Hatcherymen's and B r e e d e r ' s Address: Shelton Masoll Coun- Conference, the week of August CHARL!S Washington.T. WI.IGHT II, Get more information about Attoy2 for Estate them from your county agents. Angl, Building, Shclton, g. Turn eloctric lights on hens Mason County, Washin'ton that are being kept for egg pro- 8-14-21-28--9-7-4t duetion, This should be about August 15 in order to give a full 13 hour working day. Poultry Dressed Pointers No, 20 will give addition- R A B B I T S al information, 9, Be sure that laying closets 60¢ lb.. ar¢ fairly well ventilated. Poul- Phone 272-M i try 'P°inters No, 29. , 10; Keep good poultry records. I I • 31: ' rtli ;, Roll 2 .4 ¢ , j H¢ne, in ; z ,:S, K 32,  R; 3, ess  is de- follows' Beginnin at the run" hence N on the 'se'ctiort line 208 ft. i thence East parallel with the .South l|ne  of said Forty 416 ft.; tlence South parallel with the ection line 208 ft.; thence West on the South line A16 ft. to the Southwest corner Of the said SW NW% and .the point of beginning. Year in ceruzi- rate '1941, Certificate $•73,. ', Orlginal Certificate No. 7, Roll 2; Page 154, Line 12, Assessed te BUol Logging Co.; SE S,, See. 18., Twp 24 N., R. 8; W.W.M. year In Certificate 1941, Certificate $31,94. OMginal Certificate No. 8, Roll 2, Page 160, Line 5, Assessed to Buol Loging Co.: NE NW, Sec. 30, Tw., 24 N., R. 8, w.w.M, il00: ,n Cer4ficate 1941, Certificate $6.,t., , Original ertificate No, 9, .Roll z, Page 160, Line 6, Assessed to BuM Loging Co.; Lot 1. See. 30, TwP. 24 N., R, 3, W.W.M. Year In CertiHcte 1941,,. Certificate $54,91. Original Certificate No 10 Roll 2, Page 160, Line 7, Ase;sed' Ow2'?I Logging t;o,; Lot 2, .S , 30, _ , . N,, 3, W.W,M. Year in csrtlfl- fate 1941, Certificate-$49,84, Original Certificate No. 11, Roll 2 Page 160, Line 11, Assessed to Bust Logging Co.: Lot 4, See. 30 TwO. 24 N., R. 3, W.W.M. Year in ertiLcate 1941, Certificate $65.86, Ortgtnal Certificate No. 12, R011 2, Page 160, Line 12, Assessed to .Bl:l Logging o • SE SW, Sec. , TWp, 24 N..' R. '3 W.W.M, Year in Certificate 1941, Certifloe$74, 1 "" Original Certificate ,' 115,. q .1 8, Page6 Line 3 Assessed' tb EaUYI, G, P.SW NWSW4 See.. ti.= T:p.. 19N.. R. 4. W.W•M. Year n ,erun- ate" 1941, Certificate $2,03. _ . Original CertifiCate No. 14, lotl 3, age 49 Line 16, Assessed to Calktns u ; EM E Sec. $1 rw . d;¢., CeiU-Afl $.71. -oll 3 OIPlllkal Certlflbat¢ .lo. 17. 1. , ' . Li ",'L ., "' sed t( ,_._..o Ohman, ].44. Original Certificate No. 18, R011 4, 'age 6, LLne 3, Assessed to Soren, NOTICE TO CREDITORS: Dissolution of Partnership: E. R, Krona and R, F. eekeY, ,doilg us[ness as the Mason Count Steam Iandry and D*,y Cleaners, have diesmved their partnership as of August 1, 1947. Mr, R, F. Becket is continuing the business under the same trade name. and has assumed all the outstand- ing obligations of the co-partnersnw. g-7-21 NO. 1826 NOTICe] OF HEARING ON FINAl, REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUT|ON. IN :HE ]tfP]RIOR COURT OF TI{l STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In Probate In the Matter of the Estate of Ida M. Chappell, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mary ChapRell, Admlntstratrlx of the estate of Ida M, Chappell, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court her Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the court-to settle and approve the same, distribute the property to te persons thereto ntitled, and to lisclarge said Kffmn|stratrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be heard on Satur- Qay, the 13th day of September, 1947, at the nour of lu o'clock in the fore- noon, at the Court Room, in the Court ]Kse,tn elton. Washington. . Datel thi  day of August. 1947, (SkL) HARRY DEYETTE, ,-" (Jounty Clerk. Mason uounty. ' Washiton. CHAS. R LWIS, AttOrney for said Estate. Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street, Shelten, Mason County, Washington, D'I 8-14-21-28--9-4-4t , E READY FC)R TItE STATE CAR TEST Lights ..... P.,rakes ..... Toe :n TESTED FREE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON NECEBSAI-.Y REIATRS BOB ERVIN MOTORS First and Mill Streets PHONE 673 FOR--SX t :FJTJ.:fc-;- \\;:id ] ,|i--f--tVll inotorcych,, hl(luire l'(W'  Jeweh'v 117 CoAt Street. ' 8-14-8 FOR RENT FOR RENT': Beautifully located on North Bay and state highway 14A at llyn, Washington, lcnown as Bayside Apts, Management furn- Ishes usual furniture and furnish- ings, hot and cold running water. refrigeration, electric lights, " oil burner and laundry facilities. Apartment prices from "$25 to $32,50, Cabins $15 and $17.50. W. A. :Beak. Icy, Manager. -2g-tfn FOR B.ENT: Large .l-r,[,m nlodern honle, fireplace, hardwood floors. ,:- |) h past Uni,,n. Long h,ase to right party. Write P.O. :[ox 3{)5. Shelion. 7-3 t.--8-14 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: Teaeher wishes house for family as soou ,'m possible, Phone 403-M, O7-2,1--8- PROFESSIONAL CARDS HERBERT ROTTER PUBLIC ACCOUNTING SERVICE Gooey Building Shelton. Washington PHONE 720 Virginia C. Malloy Lawyer City Hall Phoue 1,2 Shelton, Wash. B. FranMin lleustou ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Courthouse, Shelton Phone 312 A. K. McCampbell I Personalized Accounting Se vvice Address: Shelton, Wash: Rt. 3, Box 54A Phone: Shelton lllW CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 CHarLES R. LEWIS ! ' A'TYORNEY AT L&W } 11'9-121 South Fourth St. [ Bell Building 1 Shelton. Washington .1 ,, | ALDEN C. BAYLEY ] TTORNEY AT LAW ! / Title Insurance Building Opp0ttta First National B,nk i nn n' 'hon 2 3 " " Sh' t O" L __t ELLIOT,. SPRING ! l Aou,tlng Tax Beryl€el Bkkeeplng System| [ 123 4th L Ph0na 155§ I I INBURANCB H:ERBERT G. ANGLE It Offica at AllKIe BuIIdln I . Dr. John R. Dodge VETERINARIAN 2 Miles South of Shelton on Olympic Highway Phone 766-R-4 Shelton, Wash. UNERAL HO ! w. A. w,t,,er00. . , Phone 180"" She ,  ]