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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 .*TL ....... _L _' ._:? .... ' : ' ' Auto Parts-Accessories Automotive Lacquers- Enamels TOOLS--BRAKE LINING--MUFFLERS SEE US FOR YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS ENGINE REBUILDING  BORING -- LATHE WORK Brake Shoes Relined K Appl Cold eep es , Keep Them Better . To keep.a good apple good, keep it cold. With "Washington's apples roll- ing to market, that reminder to homemakers was issued this week by Eleanore Davis, extension nu- tritionist of the State College of Washington. Apples, like eggs and milk, Miss Davis declare#, should be popped into the refrigerator just as soon as they're picked or purchased, A chilled apple, she says, stays crisp and crunchy and juicy. Too Complete Automotive Machine Shop few people understand how im- portant storage temperature is in __   safeguarding apple quality. And, because of that fact, there are a WESTERN SUPPLY CO lot of people who probably don't know how a good apple tastes. An apple ages four times faster at room temperature, or 70 de- • grees, than it does at 40 degrees, or refrigerated temperature, the Automobile Accessories, Oil, Tires, Batteries extension nutritionist points ou. That means that apples left in WHOLESALE AND RETAIL bags on the table or in bins soon lose,,, their crisp and crunchy rex- 218 N. First St. Phone 126 ture and get mealy and tasteless. Washington is famous the coun- try over for its high-quality ap- ples. 3rd Annual ELNA AUGUST Featuring Many of the West's Best Cowboys 16-- 17 Under Auspices Elms Horsemen's Club , ELMA FAIR GROUNDS BRONCO BUSTING -- BRAItMA STEER RIDING BULLDOGGING -- CALF ROPING -- WILD COW MILKING-- AND OTHER WESTERN SPORTS SIIELTON-MASON COiJNTY JOURNAL ........ ,lr ,vp* v,vv, qvv ,qp-v v tP, v'qlr v'v vv v vv 'V'WLr'V Lake Cushman Mr. and Mrs. E. Radtke return- ed Sunday morning from  week end vacation trip to Moclips and Pacific Beach, They also visited Eatonville and called on former employee at Cushman, Joe Kent and farhily, who accompanied then] to inspect the City of Tacoma plants at LaGrande and Alder. John Laramie was host to 19 teen-agers Saturday night at his home at Cushman. A swimming party provided entertainment for the evening and refreshments were served. Everyone had a lovely time. Mrs. Alice Hill entertained the ladies of the Cushman club Friday afternoon at lunch. There were 13 ladies in attendance and four chin dren. The afternoon was spent at cards. Prizes were won by Mrs. Maxine Peterson and Mrs. Iva Col- lins. The first regular Cushman pary of the season will be given at the home of :Mrs, Blanch Radtke on October 24. Guest of Mrs. Otto Radtke over the week end was Mrs. Hilda O'Connor of Seattle. Mrs. O'Con- nor has been secretary of the Latmdry and Dry Cleaner's Un- ion, Local 24, in Seattle for. the past 30 years. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott left Sunday for their nut ranch in Ore- gon where they intend to start con- struction of a fireplace in their house. Mr. and Mrs. John MIele and Maryann were Thursday visitors at Cushman from Tacoma. A1 so visiting at Cushman Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. John Neudorfer of Chimicum. Mrs. E. A. Iverson and daugh- ter Carol of Tacoma were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs, Del Lara- mie. Bill Iverson has spent the en- tire week fishing at Cushman. Other guests of the Del tara- mies on Friday were Mrs. Bill Dean and Jim of LaGrande who remained to dine. Bill Kirk was the victim of a motorcycle accident Tuesday when" his cycle skidded on loose gravel and caused him to fall. He bruised himself in several places and sprained an ankle, which made it I necessary to spend Wednesday in! the Shelton hospital. He will be unable to work for several days. Gordon Dickinson, Cushman em- ployee, also had bad luck this past week when he got a piece of steel, presumably, in his eye which caus- ed infection. He also has been un- able to work for several days but returned to work this Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton and family of Tacoma, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins spent several days last week at Sekiu and returned with 9 salmon. Mrs. Robinson caught a 38-1b. King, Iva Collins a 29 pounder and Allie, among his three had a 29 and a 19 pounder. THE O00TIMER RECALLS Recollections from 50 Years Ago By Lafe Redafe These here youngsters With their speedy auto-mobiles --- hot-bars they calls them, I reckon--sure are a danger to life and limb. I rcc'lect, back fifty years ago, they wuz a lady-wheeler, name of Lizzie Glow, who established a speed record the safe and sane way. On a race track. Rode 27€ miles in one houx, back in Toledo, Ohio. Thet wuz fast going, them days. Even the men had a hard time beating that. Them wuz the days when the gold fever had taken the country. Everyone had it. They wuz streams of rip-rarin' young men high-tailin' it fer the Klondyke. Them gold-hunters wuz causing a lot of headackes fer the auth- orities, too. The Canadians wuz stopping trains and puttin' off all the gold-sick fellers who did2ft have supplies fer a year, or money to git 'era. The Canadians also wuz causing a lot of belly-ackin' about their tarriff charges and duties and cet- era. Some of the gold hunters in Victoria wuz about to declare war when t4ey deescovercd the/d have to pay tax on any goods com- ing from the Puget Sound bound fez' the Klondyke, Even The Journal declared war over that, I rec'lect. They wuz one good thing about the gold rush, though. It shore made jobs plentiful, and reely made good-times come back with a rush. That's a pun, son. I rec'lect that Henry Thompson, Frank Wandel .and Will Getty went to Seattle fer jobs in the ma- chine shops there, and they wuz a lot more jobs waitin' around the Sound because men had took off fer Alaska. Wages went up, too. Employ- ers wuz forced to raise pay to keep their men and get new ones. Some credited the general pros- perity to the election of McKin- ly. Others said'it wuz just that crops wuz good. They wuz as many politicians claiming credit fer prosperity as they wuz grapes at Grapeview. Even the loggers wuz leavin' the country fer Alaska. Joe Duraad pulled out of his operations at Lit- tle Skookum, bound fer the North- land. They wuz even city mayors lear- in' fer better pickins. Mayor Shorter tendered his resignation to go North, and Seattle's mayor Wood organized a transportation company which required 'him to give up his city job. Not evezwone wuz so her up about the gold rush, though. I rec'lect Henry Parish ignm'cd the Northland to take his moter back to Wisconsin to live. That wuz the week John D. Riley left fer Colorado to live, and Arthur Necdham left fer a vay- cation at Dyea. He claimed he poohed til"et idee. The weather wuz warn] as Luci- fer's mule thee summer. The boys even worked up a sweat over their checker gnme at the store. Noth- ill but rain beads the brow this year. Times has shore changed. I ree'lect the oysters wuz the comin' thing around here them days. Hunter & Eaton, the town's leading mercantilists, started a company with Ralph Harris over ou the bay opposite Skookum Point. They'd cleaned out a fiat !place and diked it to keep the wa- ter in. i I rec'lect R. S. Graham, who 'wuz a former superintendent at the Skokomish reservation, quit the Indian bizness to go into the mattress-bizness in Seattle with a couple of other Shelton men. Names of C. M. Brooks and Dec.tot Bailey. They had the ShipI;ing n-en a-laying at their feet, on their mattresses of course, beggin' fer more of the same to put in the ships being outfitted to take rush- Heating and Plumbing Supplies 650 Dearborn Ave. ers to the goldfields. Tom Frazer came into town from a trip to Nova. Scotia that summer, and ree-ported thee the East wuz wild fer gold. He also mentioned iheL the Shelton boys, who had took oft" fer the bz'ight adventure the week before WUZ still keepin' bright in Seattle, waitin' fer ships. Of the local men, only Chas. and John Kin_nv. Joe Crockford and Jack Morgan wuz fortunate enuff to git passages out right away. Use the Journal %Vane Ads-- they really get results. Thursday, Stand at Station - SPENCER Individually Designed 00ou've Find Out WHAT A SPE Can Do BERNICE SCHREIBEI Phone 799-J DEALER 1416 summit (Closed August 22 to Sept. 2) ACT TODAYSee before you purchase, a SPENCER cangiv LOVELY LINES, rest against tired backs. ELECTRICAL SUPPL 2 SEPARATE BUT ALLIED FIRMS UNDER ONE ROOY QUALITY ELECTRIC WIRING , Guaranteed Material --and Workmanship --C. P. Eliot Registered Electrical Engineer Title Insurance Building, Shelton WE HAVE IT--OR WILL GET IT A WEE BIT CHILLY THESE MORNINGS AND How About a ' PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER ........................ See th NEW SUPER-VAC VACUUM CLEANERS -- Complete with Attachments .................. A FEW RANGE AND ENTRANCE £ i. Quality Fixtures"  Appliances  Supplies F Two Great ..... .... ' Names ,," I • • Box Spring Special! Matching FURNITURE DEPARTMENT F.,.,.,,..,,,. 29so Stripe Ticking Cover a p ' N i ,rn,,.. SIMMO S 'M programs and • standard broadcasfS ) INNERSPRING MATTRESS Rose or Blue Matching Box Spring .... s39.S0 INNERSPRING MATTREAS Blue or Dusty Rose LUMB),00R Box Spring .... '39.50 ,P_H I LCO ' 200 ' Tremendous buy for your money I PHI LCO 200. Utmost performance in a co rn` pact plastic cabiaet I Powerful supethetero. dyne circuit, dectro.dynarnicsp©aker. HEady built.ia aerial. AC.D¢. Truly' ouutandiag value I PHI LCO 1227. Gloriou s ductioa of radio and music! No needles to Featherweight Tone record wear. ConCert Dynamic Speaker for fi! and performance I Smtt : :: Tilt-Front cabinet. AqTOMA'rlC RECORD'CHANGER PLAYS UP TO. .A_ECORDS Wodd's Largest.Selling Play= on Planes, Trains PHILCO 350. Needs nO special new war.devdoped miniature exueme sensitivity ;.. thfillitg fomza¢€. Play= oa batterY, hC / HARDWAR = DEPARTMENT ii. , i , : EN'S NERCANT/LE L • , ESTABLISHED 1895 PER' 6:J I' NGS M "what about, study and out." !Washington, which who live east river, means country in will be follow- of two circula- The publicity, of the Ever'- beautiful colored is carried in cur- of "Holiday" and and the them so that ,people will certainly things around appeared to e in connection story and and the call- to the many at- is the sec- en over to Shelton industry that of the state ' a navy mate of old friend, has make his name country about A recent Land," Washington by space to Mason crediting program to their reali- s a growing and will al- eld of products security of its reason or an I taken a Ilk- county and done here and His recent a Mason county bringing rec- of Washing- means and great benefits Without a cent importance section is of the beauti- cm depicting the Sh, bestowal e made through of two Mason tie and Bob Spring, vm [ hrs. ElliotL B. on or death hangs by the difference ym |mmediate re- th{ or ambu- lira vic most efficiencYlt is co= is newspaper servic action possibility of neglect. ch of criticism ser- of azTival accident being is but one a wide area the at the same of v contribute B.' one of them. for operated par its op- tion onal bur- A of that city appear that :r the serv-  of 1 to C ing. from Mr (ity funds. Tue a main tray- ton of which ten( consequently Am tragic high- i the community I O hospitaliza: Mr bulance set- [ S,I )peration of, cd I be in the :-lar re depart.. I will ment should [ for instant  siov o be an ob- t incl '. to provide ] Tay Ltion of the :IV[el elton offic- ] burl SOme re- Ver connection. [ Jac: been no ern lIve)  tom Till F; E,E IT ' BRC E HEATEF Warmfi gas station • Wheneve in Coal @ St, .... R ORD