August 14, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Horse Club Slate
Activities For Fair
One of the largest and most
active groups at the Mason
County Fair this weekend @ill be
the 4-H Horse Club members.
Leaders anticipate that the 45
stalls in the two horse barns will
be full and that there will be
additional horses which will be
brought in Friday for the 4-H
The young horsemen and
women are members of three
clubs, the Evergreen Wranglers,
the Valley Vaqueros from the
Skokomish Valley 'and the Green
Acres from the AIlyn area.
Three events will provide the
activity Friday, all for 4-1t
members only. Starting time is
9:30 a.m.
They include the equitation
classes, fitting and showing classes
and the practical horse
Saturday will see a play day/'or
4-tt members only.
Both the F'riday and Saturday
events will be held in the horse
arena at the back of the
Saturday events, which get
underway at 10 a.m., are the tire
race, musical tires, pole bending,
barrel race, keyhole race, egg race,
tandum bareback, sack race,
• ride-a-buck, working pairs,
English equitation, stock horse,
color classes and hacking.
The young participants were
reminded that if they plan to
enter the sack race, they should
have some old clothes along to
put on for it.
Sunday, some of the young
riders will join members of the
Silver Stars Riding Club for a play
day at the riding club's arena to
the left off the road to the
fairgrounds before reaching tile
main gate.
The Sunday events include:
showmanship, junior western
pleasure (18 and under); senior
western pleasure (18 and over)
stock horse, working pairs
(English or Western horse),
hacking, musical tires, ribbon
race, barrels, pole bending,
keyhole race, walk, trot and get,
flag race, rescue race and boot
The Sunday activities will start
at ll a.m.
School Bus Routes
For Shelton Tol(J
Shelton School District buses
will run at the same times and tile
same routes as at the close of
school last year, according to
Lewis Taylor, Supervisor of
Transportation for the District.
The buses, drivers and the general
areas they cover are:
Census To
Ask About
A sample of residents in this
area will be included in a
nationwide survey of employment
and unemployment to be
conducted during the week of
Aug. 17 by the U. S. Department
of (k)mmerce's Buneau of the
Census, according to John E.
Tharaldson, Director of the
Bureau's Regional Office in
The survey is made each month
for the U.S. Department of I.,abor
to determine the number of
:.,persons with jobs, the number
{i rooking or }ob, and the monthly
unemph)yment rate. The survey
furnishes a basic nleastlre of Ihe
Nation's economic health.
Information obtained in the
survey can be used only to
detern|ine statistical totals, and
facts about each person and
family are kept completely
Bureau interviewers who wilt
visit households in this area are
Mrs. Alene F. Riehle, Tacoma,
and Mrs. Polly A. Swayze,
Burners Resigns
As Demo Head
Willis Burnett has resigned as
Mason County Democrat Central
Committee chairman.
Burnett, who is county
assessor, has served in the position
for almost two years.
Vice-chairman Janet Fisk will
serve until a new chairman is
Bus I -- Phyllis Brown, driver-
()yster Bay Road, Kamilche Point
and ilighway 10IS.
Bus 2 Dale Evans, driver -
Dayton Road to Sharp's Corner
and back.
Bus 5 Jane Maschner, driver-
Island I.ak e.
Bus 6 l,cwis Wysong, drivm -
Cole Road.
Bus 7 Martha Cole, driver -
Beverly Ileights, Capitol ltill and
Bus 8 Fay Warren driver -
Fredson Road, l)elight Park and
Mill Creek,
Bus 9 - Denny Davidson,
driver - Ilarstine Ferry and Agate
Bus I0 • Lucille MagnetS,
driver Skokomish Valley,
Northcliff and Airport.
Bus I 1 - Barb:ira Ward, driver-
Panhandle Lake and Little Egypt.
Bus 13 ...... Zola Keever, driver-
Kamilche Valley, llighway 101S.
Bus 14 - Lois Pearson, driver-
McReavy Road, John's Prairie,
Spring Road.
Bus 15 Veta lloltorf, driver -
Lost l..ake.
Butt 16-: Rea Brown, driver-
Potlatch and Hoodsport.
Bus 18 llarriet Pierce, driver
- (,rapeview and Bayshore.
Bus 20 .... Eugene Holman,
driver - Arcadia Road.
Square Dance
The Salty Sashayers will hold
their annual Fair Dance at the
F'air grounds this Saturday night.
The Fair button is the only
admission required. There will be
no charge for the dance. Bennie
Berndson will be calling.
Short pumplife?
Chevron EP Hydraulic Oils
protect your hydraulic sys.
tern against wear. Increases
pump life.
C. C. COLE & SONs, 426-4411
*Standard Oil Company of California
;tern Washington
:his last
week week TITLE ARTIST
1 5 Color Him Linda
Father Martell
2 1 Me & Bobby Roger
McGee M iller
3 6 A Boy Johnny
Named Sue Cash
4 7 That's A Lynn
No No Anderson
5 3 Working Merle
Man Blues Haggard
6 8 Invitation To J.L.
Our Party Lewis
7 2 The Jeannle
R ib C. R Iley
8 40 Sweet' West-
Memories Gibson
9 18 That See Me Bonnie
Later Look Guitar
" ]0 11 No Sign Of Ira
Love for Me Allen
All 'the hit songs are available at
205 Cota 426-4302
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 14, 1969
Adoptive Parents Group
Has Picnic On Weeker :1
A get-acquainted picnic wak Samoan and Korean.
held this past weekend at the Another attraction of the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. afternoon was the opportunity to
Engen on Hammersley Inlet. Six meet socially with Miss Louise
families from Pierce County, Guenther, minority specialist for
three from Mason County and the state and Miss Helen
one Thurston County family Robinson, state adoption
attended, specialist. Miss Robinson and Miss
The Tacoma area families Gunether rarely have the
represented the Open Door opportunity to see their "paper
Society for families who have work" in action.
adopted children of different or The Shelton area families
mixed races, present were invitied to attend a
Activities such as splashing, September Open Door Society
swimming and marshmallow gathering at the home of Peter
toasting entertained the many Coleman inTaconra.
youngsters present. *I'he adopted Information about minority
children represented several races adoption may be obt,ined from
and racial mixtures such as Marvin Saxlon at the Pulqic
Eskimo, Indian, Caucasian, Negro, Assistance Office.
GOP Heard McReynolds
At Picnic Last Week
i ii: • 411
EVA HANSSON, Swedish exchange student sponsored here
by the Shelton Rotary Club, made her first official visit to
the club last Thursday. She had arrived earlier in the week to
begin her stay here during which she will attend Shelton High
School. She was accompanied to the Rotary meeting by Mrs.
Sel VanderWegen. She is staying with the VanderWegen
family for the first part of her visit.
College Given Money
For Student Loans
Charles J. McCann said, "Mrs.
Parry's gift provides the base for
what we hope will be a broad
program of financial assistance for
the governmental studies we will
emphasize at Evergreen. We are
aware of her late brother's deep
interest in government, and are
very grateful she has chosen to
memorialize him in this manner."
Mr. Watts' survivors include his
wife, Alice, a reporter for The
Daily Olympian, and his
daughters, Soosi and Cindy.
Mrs. Florence L. Parry, an
employee of the United States
Corps of Army Engineers on
Okinawa and sister of the late
Richard C. Watts of Olympia, has
presented $500 to The Evergreen
State College for establishment of
a student loan fund in memory of
her brother.
Mrs. Parry specified the gift be
used to establish the Richard C.
Watts Memorial Loan Fund, to
provide loans to stqdents of
government and public, affairs.
in acknowledgment, President
Nell L. McReynolds, press
secretary to Gov. I)aniel J. Evans,
accompanied by his wife, Nancy.
and two children, attended the
annual picnic of the Mason
Cotmty Republican Picnic, Aug.
7, at the Simpson Recreation
Area on Mason Lake.
tle spoke about the Governor's
('onference recently held in
Seattle, and the proposed tax
Warren l.!dinger, Sr.,
Republican County Chairman,
Commission Gives
Road Job Contract
The Mason County
Commission awarded a contract
to Mourer Construction Co.,
Tacoma, for constr||ction on the
Mason Lake NW Road.
The Mourer bid of $14,212.12
was low of four received on the
Other bidders were J.D. Dutton
Inc., Olympia; Ronald Wilder,
Olympia, and Excavators Inc.,
The commission voted to
vacate portions of the unused
right-of-way on the old Grapeview
Road after a hearing at which no
one appeared to object.
A speed limit of 25 miles an
hour was set on the Craig-lnsel
Road west of the freeway.
Smokey Says:
Only You Can Prevent
Forest Firesl
:|nnounced there would be a
Republican booth at the Mason
County Fair. Bernhard Winiecki
and Merle llall arc in ch:n'ge of
construct ion.
The Women's Republican Club
will serve coffee and cookies, on
all three days, I;riday, Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. Lorna lirickson, vice
president, of the Mason ('ounty
Women's Republican Club,
announced the fall It|nchcon will
be Sept. 17, at Lake Limerick
Lodge. Mrs. Alma Pettersen,
Third District 1)irector, will bc in
Anita llall, vice chairman of
the Mason County Republican
Central Committee, was chairman
of the annual picnic. She was
assisted by Margc Talhnan and
Vivien Olson.
Blacktop protection
Chevron Seal Coat protects
against petroleum spills and
erosion, Provides long last-
ing, jet black surface,
C. C. COLE & SONS, 426-4411
Standard Oil Company of California
Holt Sentencing Is
Delayed By Court
Sentencing of Charles R. Holt, wrong
19, Union, on charges of factor inhiSl
possession of marijuana and petit He state<
larceny was delayed Thursday accepted at
after a conference between his School and pbt
attorney Ralph Swanson, if he is given t
Olympia; Prosecuting Attorney deferred
John C. Ragan and Judge Hewitt Ragan
ttenry, not oppose
The sentencing was delayed but, r
one week. suspended,
Holt had earlier pleaded guilty sentence be
to the petit larceny charge after be required tc
the charge was reduced in an oral time in the g
motion from one of second
degree burglary by Ragan.
in reducing the charge, Ragan
told the court that Holt had
testified earlier in the trial of
David Miskinis on the same
charge. Miskinis, Ragan said, was
found guilty of petit larceny.
}toil had entered a guilty plea
to the marijuana charge earlier.
Swanson told the court that
Iloit had not been in any trouble
since his arrest on the burglary
charge in June, 1968. Chevron
At the time of that arrest, he
was out on bail after being
arrested on the marijuana charge.
Swanson said a pre-sentence
report, which had been ordered
after tloit's plea to the marijuana cALL V(
charge, pointed out that the OIL MJ
youth was easily led and that the
Shelton "
of wanted Summer ifem
Solids & Plaids NOW
Boys' Now 1.44
Solids & Plaids NOW
Boys' Now 1.88
1 and 2-pc. Styles
"11-11 IE:
Solids & Plaids NOW
Assorted Prints
Cottons & Nylons NoW
That Good, Old.Fashioned Fair €orroa DHSStS
Gate Prizes Awarded Daily
@See and Hear Stan Boreson, Recording Artist
Q Hot Cakes, Ham & Eggs-Saturday Dinner & Sunday Breakfast
Salmon Bar-B-Que
Airplane Rides
Teenage Dance
Square Dance
Blue Echo's Band
Betty Orrick and The Crackerjacks Band
4-H and Open Class Horse Play. Day
Horse Shoe Tournament
Pig and Chicken Scramble
Motor Cycle Races
• Plus Many More Contests & Exhibits For All Ages
They're ALL at the Good Old.Fashioned Fair!
Turn W. off Hiway 101, just South of Shelton Airport
All Washable
Shorts & Bermudas
3-6x & 7-14 NoW
Solids & Prints
! 36-Position
Avocado NOW
One Group
Shop Daily to 5:30pare.