August 14, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 14, 1969 |
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C0unty-City Record
the docket in
before Judge
night were:
general delivery,
lying while
the scene of
fine, $1 O0
costs; Allan
)x 185, Shelton,
5, $2.50 costs;
S. 92nd,
; Thomas
1, Box 354,
stop, $15
drunk in
$2.50 costs;
407 S.
to use due
violation of
300 Cushing St.,
orfeit; George
Box ! OOD,
$17.50 fine,
Roush, 5 i 1
vandalism to
fine, $2.50
Rt. 5, Box
Speeding, $18
a, 1925 Hay St.,
$22.50 fine,
I). Workman,
drunk in
officer, $50
Wman, 1735
red light and
reported a
reported a ski
Ilarker reported a
reported she
bag. It was
e Police
was claimed
Castle I11.
reported items
a car.
reported his
a car.
t by Robert
Jene Strom
Ming "Free
Yen by Nancy
and Leonard
Calif., were
in the
reported he
View School
reported a
ported at the
in which
Were taken.
a bicycle
reported at the
boat sunk.
reported mag
reported the
to a summer
rported a tire
a set
two ten
a boat
reported a dog
reported a
was later
rePOrted a boat
reported a
reported a
rl ovel
Earl Gillette reported a
monkey found in a chicken coop.
Charles Parker reported
windows in a car broken.
Douglas Danford reported a
white, male Poodle lost.
A sign was reported torn down
at the Sherwood Creek Motel.
Mrs. W. K. Broughton reported
a magnetic sign taken.
James Bart reported a break-in.
Don Bruemmer reported a
wallet lost.
A Dr. Bright reported a water
ski lost.
Jesse Cates reported glass
bIoken in a gas pump.
A. N. Neubert reported a
Oliver Kelly reported someone
dumping brush in the bay in the
Cedar Grove area.
Gerald Twidwell reported
fishing tackle and money taken
from his car and garage. The
fishing tackle was found later and
returned to the owner.
Ed Hankins reported a car and
truck ransacked.
Building permits approved by
the Mason County Planner's
office during the past week were
to: Star Lake Community Club,
public bath house, $2,700; Star
Lake Community Club, tool and
storage shed, $1,200; Robert
Stelzer, roof over mobile home,
$1,500; Flora Thorniley, cabin,
$1,650; Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Richmond, cabin, $1,650.
Ralph Fowler, cabin, $1,650;
Verald Oakley, cabin, $1,650;
Edison Anderson, cabin, $1,500;
Reid Realty, cabin, $1,650;
George Curtis, cabin, $1,650;
Raymond Kraut, cabin, $1,000;
Carl Leon, cabin, $1,000; Mrs.
John Watson, residence, $60,000;
Mrs. Lucille Vernon, cabin,
Ben Kuwaja, cabin, $1,650;
Noel Skube, summer cabin,
$4,000; llillman and Norma
Gwinnett, weekend cabin, 500;
Reid Realty, sales office, $1,650;
Raymond Morse, residence,
$24,000: Russell ttansen,
dwelling, $4,000; Walmar Co., 24
carports, $4,800; Purdy Realty,
summer cottage, $2,000; Ray
Scammahorn, residence, $5,000;
Ronald Miller, recreation cabin,
$4,500 and ltazard Adams, cabin,
Aug. 11, 10:45 p.m., Mrs.
George Lebokie, 1332 Ridge Rd.,
reported a fire at the old LDS
Church at Ridge Road and
Eilinor. Firemen found about a
gallon of stove oil had been
poured outside the building and
Aug. I I, 8:55 p.m. a brush fire
on Spring Road just off the
John's Prairie Road.
Aug. 9, 3:05 p.m., a dryer fire
at the Ted Frazier residence, 317
West "'C" St., caused $20 worth
of damage.
Aug. 9, !:20 p.m. fire in brush
and the siding of a vacant house
at Laurel and "J" Sts.
Aug. 8, 9:55 p.m. overheated
motor in washing machine at the
Econo Wash.
Aug. 8, 11:25 a.m. wood chips
and sawdust caught fire at the
Eugene Howard residence, 1606
Mason St.
Appearing on the docket in
Mason County Justice Court
before Judge Glenn Correa during
the past week were Edwin
Arnold, P. O. Box 173,
lfoodsport, failure to yield
right-of-way, $15 forfeit; Victor
Ilall, Brinnon, speeding, $15
forfeit; Jennifer Heaton, 1075
Mason Lake Dr., Shelton,
speeding, $15 forfeit; Velma
Kramer, 5930 178th SW,
Lynnwood, no operator's license
on person, $30 forfeit; Surain
McConkey, 8601 Vashonview SW,
Seattle, speeding, $15 fine.
Michael Schuller, 704 High
Ave., Renton, following too
closely, $15 forfeit; Marie K.
Taylor, 19852 124th Ave. SE,
Renton, speeding, $15 forfeit;
Michael Frank, 1339 Olympic
Itighway N., Shelton, speeding,
$15 forfeit; Rex J. Hamblin, St.
Rt. 1, Box 95, Shelton, speeding,
$15 forfeit; Garold Taylor; 1295
4th, Shelton, failure to stay
right-of-center line, $15 forfeit;
Lewis Curtis, P. O. Box 114,
Hadlock, defective equipment, no
valid operator's license o€ person,
$30 fine, $15 suspended; )arleine
Gallinger, 225 W. t]arvard,
Shelton, driving while
intoxicated, $95 fine, five days in
jail, suspended, license revoked 30
days; Steven Marley, P. O. Box
2 12, Shelton, defective
equipment, $15 forfeit.
Building permits approved by
the city of Shelton during the
past week were to Dorris Nelson,
garage, $1,584; Michael Byrne,
residence, $12,400; George
Welander, mobile home, $8,110
and Glen Watson, fence, $250.
New Arrivals
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Fuller,
Rt. I, Box 222, a boy, August 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Banks,
226% So. 7th, a girl, August I0.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pierce,
! 313 Cota, a boy, August 12.
LAKE TROUT are usually
found at depths where the water
temperature is between 45 and 55
degrees. Rainbows and browns
will usually be found at depths
where the water temperature is
between 60 and 70 degrees.
Small engine failures?
New RPM Out-
board Motor Oil
Super Red adds
power to 2-cycle
and small 4-cycle
motors. Extends
plug life.
C. C. COLE & SONS, 426-4411
*Standard Oil Company of California
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Save 2S°on
Latex House Paint "" ""°'
it, trent j
Th " " treLches "" "
e paint that s 'nes .
and shrinks wah your house.
Many paints crack and peel when your
house stretches and shrinks with
variations in temperature. SUN-PROOF
LATEX expands and contracts with the
hous#. Tough. Long-lasting No primer Gallon
necessary over most repaint surfaces.
Summer Sale Price
Reg. $8.97 °
Summer Sale Savings on SunJ)roofOiI-Base
House Paint,too! $6A7 PerGallon !
=---------------------------------" Former Welder Alonzo Robinson Fred L. Sauer [ S=ok s,,y,, 1
Weatherprecip. DieslnHospital Succumbs At 85 Succumbs At 83 [00l:lnEi
--'---------------'----------------- Oran B. Lee, Star Rt. 1, Box Alonzo E. Robinson died last Fred L. Sauer, 2023 Olympic
liigh Low 115, Hoodsport, died Tuesday in Thursday in the Fir Lane Terrace Ilighway No., was dead on arrival
August 7 73 50 0 the Mason General Hospital at the at the age of 85. lie was born on to Mason General ttospital
August 8 70 50 0 age of 70. He was a retired welder January 5, 1884 in Minnesota and Sunday. 83 years old at death, he
August 9 78 52 0 and had lived in this area for the was a resident of Shelton and was born on January 30, 1886 in
August I0 78 58 0 past lOyears. Mason County for the past 44 Chambersburg, Ohio. He resided
August 11 75 52 0 Mr. Lee is survived by his wife, years, in Shelton for the past eight
August 12 79 56 0 Emma, of the home; two At one time Mr. Robinson was years.
August 13 67 56 .01 daughters, Mrs. La Verne ajanitorforlTTRayonierlnc. He Mr. Sauer was a member of the
Readings are for a 24-hour Duttacovoli, of Seattle, Mrs. was a member of the LDS Church Union City Masonic Lodge, the
period ending at 8 a.m. as Donna Maaf, of Tacoma; one in Shelton. Order of Eastern Star, Skokomish
reported by ITT Rayonier Inc. brother, Curtis Lee, of Lilliwaup; He is survived by two sons, Grange and a Royal Arch Mason.
weather station, two sisters, Mrs. Florence Cleave Robinson, of Shelton, Neal He was a retired carpenter.
FIVE-DAY FORECAST Rassmusson, of L.A., Calif., Mrs. Robinson, of Missoula, Mont.
Temperatures Thursday thru June Speck, of Stanwood; six one daughter, Mrs. Walter (Zula) Mr. Sauer is survived by his
Monday to average about four grandchildren and two Kelly, of Brinnon; nine wife, Minnie, of the home;four
degrees below normal. Normal great-grandchildren, gr a n d c h il d r e n a n d .1 0 sisters, Mrs. Crystal Spensley, Mrs.
high 79, normal low 48. Rainfall Funeral services will be held great-grandchildren. Marie Huff man, Mrs. Neva
should be little less than normal, today at II a.m. in the Batstone Funeral services were held Shearer, all of Seattle, and Mrs.
Funeral ttome with Rev. Wesley Monday at 1 p.m. in the Shelton Nell Purdy, of Enumclaw.
Chance of a few showers Gain officiating. Burial willfollow LDS Church with Bishop James Funeral services were held
Thursday, Friday, and again in the Shelton Memorial Park. Farrintond officiating. Burial Wednesday in the Batstone
about Monday. followed in the Shelton Memorial Funeral tlolne at 1 p.m. with the
Park. Union City Masonic Lodge
A BOBCAT is tied far more officiating. Cremation followed.
FIRES ON FARMS cause three closely to a specific environment , A BOBCAT'S FOOD is The family requests that
to six times more damage per fire than a fox or coyote, which may predominantly rabbits and small donations be made to a favorite
than city fires, range almost anywhere, rodents - if it can get them. charity in lieu of flowers.
Tired of Paying Rent?
Too many oils?
RPM DELO Multi-Service Oil
is the one oil best for both
diesel and gasoline engines.
C. C. COLE & SONS, 426-4411.
*Standard Oil Company of California
You can buy a 3-Bedroom Home just like those pictured below for as little
as $100 cash outlay. Sound unbelievable? It's really true! You can paint for
your closing costs.
i i
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Aug. 22 FRIDAY 6p.m.-9p.m.
Aug. 23 SATURDAY 10 a.m., 9 p.m.
Two new 3-Bedroom Homes, with view, fully carpeted, fireplace,
attached garage. Dearborn Street, Shelton. Follow "Open House"
signs from Ellinor and Highway 101 South.
Value $150
You need not be present to win.
You can own a home like these
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I,ttle as
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w,qe ,a¢ Ree¢¢ M,e¢ iiocr col
Eacrett Lumber Co 121Railroad Avenue S,.lton.w.,,. : PHONE_
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Thursday, August 14, ]
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