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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I I ""e ss °°,, "*s"'e'" Sea e00esdensuccumb,00here "*°°'e"°''"°P'°'" School Sewer Service Money ,n F. Lindah, died SHELTON MOTOR CO. Primaries and "' " be studying the A check for $756,336, covering college activities buildings, Saturday in Seattle at the age of adsMe,"in Daily The Evergreen State College's grading of the mall and service 32. tte was born on August 9, 'oulre Paying Too Much II ¢hool at the First share of costs for extending City roads to the library and activities 1937 in Seattle and was a resident during the week  of Olympia water and sewage buildings, further work on the of Seattle for the past threeand ' II J 2, from 9 a.m. to facilities to the newly-developing entrance roadway, plus some one-half years. ' t from age five campus, was presented by college drainage facilities. M r . L i n d a h 1 w a s a fade. weeklypresident meetingCharles J. McCannthe Cityt° ConstructiOnbuilding,Of the library will Churchheavy'equipment operator, lie  . . Mayor Nell McKay at today's begin next January, with work on was a member of the Lutheran contests, Bible of the activities residence m" ; A ,""- [ handcraft, Commission. halls, lecture hall and central lie is survived by his parents, good time all ng all who SChedule will run earlier than the School schedule. this year will for mothers, Larson from facilities at 7:30 p.m. the Will be presented an added feature call 0 • Picn,c are to hold Sunday at Walker Park for children going to lunch will NOTES PROM NEIL SHOWN RECEIVING A DIPLOMA of the 1969 CUNA School for Credit Union Personnel sponsored by CUNA International at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, is (at right) Ronald F. Sanford, Shelton, Washington. Presenting the diploma is Dean E. A. Gaumnitz (left) of the U.W. School of Business. This year, the graduating class numbered 56 out of a total attendance of 215 students. The school is designed to give credit union employees or officials improved skills and a deeper understanding of the needs and future potential of credit unions. To graduate, a student must attend three, two-week summer sessions in Madison. MERCHANTS ARE READY FOR SCHOOL-BOUND KIDS I)owntown Shelton stores have stocked their shelves with a great offering of wanted merchandise for Mason County boys and girls who are now cotmting the days until school opens September 2. Just about everythin[ in style-wise wearables is on hand, including shoes, slacks, jackets, shirts, sweaters, coats, dresses, blouses, skirts, and accessories, plus cosmetics and other grooming aids to set ot't' the new outfits. For the serious business of getting those grades, a wide array of needed items is offered, such as binders, filler paper, typewriters, we file Paper a drawers Per Would rld in copies it will .k 426-3327 to 7:30 6:00 MAXIMUM / reading lamps, desks, and alarm clocks. Sixteen merchants are grouping their advertising of back-to-school F.S.L.I.C. IHSURAHCE PROTECTION A FAMILY OF THREE Individual ...... $15,000 Individual [ ...... $15,000 Individual ] ...... $15,000 ...... $15,000 ...... $15,000 ...... $15,000 $15,000 CHILD ] . $15,000 $15,000 CHILD I " $15,000 Total $150,000 M: & RAILROAD, 8HELTON Boxes "N Drive-l,n Window MuE OFFICE: Olympia Ieu Fifth & Franklin -.- 943-133t offerings in a special 8-page section of today's Journal on Pages I1 through 18. Just turn to those pages and you'll find just about everything you could find anywhere right here in Shelton. Participating are: Lloyd's Men's and Women's, Eells & Valley Appliance Center, Nell's I'harmacy, Coast-To-Coast Store, Sears, Evergreen Drug Center, Sprouse-Reitz, Miller's, Mode-O-Day, Penney's, Shelton Printing & Stationery, Bob's Shoe Tree, Miller's Shoe Department, Stella's Beauty Salon, Mason ('ounty Robinettes, and Johnny's Music Box. PLYWOOD PLANT GETS NEW FLOOR Concrete is being poured to replace the old wood flooring at Simpson McCleary Plywood Plant. Completion of the concrete flooring this month is one phase in a modernization of equipment and plant facilities now underway. A new 6-belt sander and five-sort grade line representing an investment of more than $350,000 were installed this spring at McCleary Plywood. Replacement of the wooden floors with concrete began several years ago as a fire preventive mea:ure.s Some of the plants original floors date back to the tlenry McCleary Mills of 1911, reports Del Orrin, plant manager. Under terms of a contract between the city and the new college, initial water will be supplied to the campus northwest of Olympia by June 1, 1970 and sewage facilities will be extended to the site by June 1, 1971. Design work for the utilities extensions is expected to begin immediately. Meanwhile, college officials are studying plans for developing utilities facilities on the campus. Construction work for utility distribution systems, internal roadways, sidewalks and campus lighting is expected to begin in the late spring or early summer of 1970. Initial site clearing work for the library and college activities buildings, central mall, parking areas and the main entrance road to the interior campus is nearly completed. Bids will be issued soon on a project calling for excavations for the library and Forest Laws Book Is Out The 14th biennial editions of the Industrial Forestry Association's "Pocket Manual On Forest Laws and Practice For The Douglas Fir Region," prepared to promote more effective forest fire prevention, has been mailed to 837 logging operators and 604 certified West Coast Tree Farmers in western Washington and Oregon. Separate editions have been published for Washington and Oregon to help manual users comply with state forest laws, as well as to follow good practices aimed to protect and manage forests. Single copies of the pocket manuals are available without charge from Industrial Forestry Association, 1410 S.W. Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon 97205. Smith Is In Honored Unit U.S. Air Force First Lieutenant Michael D. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith of Shelton, Wash., has been recognized for helping his unit earn a best-of-its-kind citation. Lt. Smith is a fuels officer in the fuels management branch of the 67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, that was named the best such organization in the Tactical Air Command. The lieutenant, a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School, received his B.A. degree in 1967 from the University of Washington. He was commissioned there upon completion of the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps program and is a member of Phi Upsilon. His wife, Judy, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Rowe, Laguna Beach, Calif. MINI MITT CAR WASH ONLY MINUTES FOR COMPLETE WASH ONLY $1.00 PER CAR FREE WASH With 12 Gallons of FREE WASH Gas With Lube and Oil Change, Open 10- 8 p.m. BL All at BobKi b l 'hf' Id m e's RIC le ON HILLCREST heating plant to follow during the spring of 1970. Tides FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 Low ....... I: 17 a.m. 5.2 High ....... 6:29 a.m. 10.0 Low ...... 12:59 p.m. 0.9 High ....... 7:47 p.m. 12.0 SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 Low ....... 1:47 a.m. 4.3 High ....... 7:17 a.m. 9.9 Low ....... 1:35 p.m. 1.8 High ....... 8:11 p.m. 12.0 SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 Low ....... 2:29 a.m. 3.4 l|igh ....... 8:11 a.m. 9.7 Low ....... 2:11 p.m. 3.0 High ....... 8:35 p.m. I 1.9 MONDAY, AUGUST 18 Low ....... 3:05 a.m. 2.5 ltigh ....... 9:11 a.m. 9.4 Low ....... 2:53 p.m. 4.3 High ....... 8:59 p.m. 11.7 TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 Low ....... 3:53 a.m. 1.7 High ...... 10:23 a.m. 9.3 Low ....... 3:35 p.m. 5.7 High ....... 9:29 p.m. 11.5 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 Low ....... 4:47 a.m. 1.0 lligh ...... 11:47 a.m. 9.3 Low ....... 4:29 p.m. 7.1 tligh ...... 10:05 p.m. 11.3 THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 Low ....... 5:41 a.m. -0.6 High ....... 1:23 p.m. 9.7 Low ....... 5:41 p.m. 8.2 ttigh ...... 10:53 p.m. 11.0 Youth Given Deferred Commitment A 17-year-old Shelton youth, who admitted breaking into Beckwith Jewelry and the city shop buildings last month was ordered to pay restitution, placed on indefinite probation and given a suspended commitment to the Department of Institutions, Probation Officer Gary Wood said this week. The youth and his family were also referred to the Bremerton Child Guidance center. ,m... // gNEMIES! / [/ K ?. Which one of these will It be? mmm / gl,, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris F. Lindahl, of Shelton; one sister, Mrs. Laurene Hatton, of Portland. Graveside services were held Monday at 10 a.m. in the Shelton Memorial Park with Pastor Carl Carlsen officiating. Nellie Hutchins ft. ft. Dies In Montesano ft. ft. Nellie E. Hutchins, Rt. 2, Box 848, died Tuesday at the Woodlawn Terrace Nursing Home ft. in Montesano. Born on December ft. 17, 1879 in Sweden, she was 89 ft. years old at her death. ft. She is survived by one son, H. Taylor Hutchins, of Elma; and ft. one daughter, Mrs. I)orothy L. ft. ttulchins, of Fort Meyer, Fa. ft. A memorial service will be held ft. in Anoka, Minn. ft. Oregon Resident ft. ft. Dies In Shelton ft. Maxine L. Temple, of Tillimook, Ore., died August 6, in ft. the Mason General ttospita[ at the ft. age of 63. She was born on ft. August 22, 1905 in Eagle (;rove, ft. iowa. Mrs. Temple is survived by her ft. husband, Walter C. Temple, of ft. Tillimook; two sisters, Mrs. Curtis ft. Lee, of Lilliwaup, Mrs. Fred ft. Cassman, of Long Beach, Calif.; and numerous nieces and ft. nephews. No funeral services will be held. ft. The body will be cremated. ft. f t. ----- "------ - ---------'-- Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in Mason County this past week were: Gary Valk, 22, Shelton, and Rochelle ltaskell, 17, Shelton. Robert Matson, 22, Anacortes, and Jeanne Osborne, 19, Shelton. Earl W. Beaman, 29, Kirkland, and Karen Steyer, 19, Kelso. , James E. Johnson, 22, Elma, and Jody Moore, ! 9, Elma. Ted Alexander, 34, Bremerton, and Teresa Hake, 43, Bremerton. '67 Buick Wildcat 4-Door Hardtop V-8, auto., P.S., P.B., air conditioning, 6-way seat, power windows, tilt wheel. This car sold new by us. s2795. Buick 9-Pass. Wagon Sharp, Formerly s!395. was $1495. Now ................ '62 Plymouth 9-Pass. Wagon Economical family s695 transportation. 22 Cars - 1961 to 1964 Take your pick. $lla=. Priced from .................. '68 GMC 'A-Ton Pickup Custom cab, V-8, auto, P.S., P.B., H.D. rear bumper, split rims, was $2395. Now ............ s2195. '66 GMC ½-Ton V-6 P.U. 3-speed, custom cab. Was $1595. Now ............... 1495" Call... Burl Nye or Geo. HasBrouck SHELTON MOTOR €O. Used Car Lot 426-2264 Are Here Again! "Have Fun at the Mason County Fair" J AUG. 1S-16-17 That Good, Old.Fashioned County Fair This Message Sponsored " i as a Community Service ' • by, SIMPSON TIMBER €OMPANY SH;oLuTONED , N ;H ELTONMNC LIEs;:Y Thursday, August 14, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 5