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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1969
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t ' .... i Harstine Q i * Grange ,0000akes Plans For Harvest Festival Di By CARMEN YATES this event will be forthcoming as map. Then the corresponding some possibilities for keeping anniversary they develop, number was written on the board litter under control on the Island. Agate grange. HARSTINE - At their August Also discussed at the Friday in the approximate area where the The next event' coming up will be observing its meeting, held last Friday, the meeting was the future of the individual resides. But in the be the Labor Day Dance which State Master, A members of the Harstine grange orange's Map Board. First of all, future the membership felt that it will be sponsored by the Social be guest of honor I voted to have a Harvest Festival the Map needs to be relocated might be more in keeping with Club. Music will be by one of the gathering. Dinner. This August meeting was nearer the bridge. After this the times to simply name and Island's favorite bands, the Due to the fact o { held one week early this month discussion, it was the consensus of number the major areas of the country western music of the was gallavanting because the regular meeting date those present that the way the Island, such as the State Park, Walt Allen Band. weekend news 0 of the third Friday would fall Map hasbeenhaudled in thepast Marina, Bellow and the Grangers also have another residents wasrl" during the Mason County Fair. is rapidly becoming out-dated due development areas. Thus if you event scheduled for early in available from The dinner to be held Oct. 11, to the rapid increase in the were givingfriendsdirections, you September. This will be the at the Ben will be similar to a Smorgasbord Island's population. As most of could give the name of the nearest friendship meeting with two other Tacoma. with a choice of ham or turkey the readers know, the individual general area and give them more granges. It will be Sept. 12 at When the with all kinds of good food to name along with a number has specific directions from there. Agate. Also to be combined with Island their accompany them. More details on been put on a shingle next to the The members also discussed this regular get-together will be an Norm Island to From there ++++": d VA R O Lit f' i+ii00= - Arca ia eports n e Insurance ca,lonthe On Monday ........  'r " ' + Glenn's doctor P+ " +++ .......... ............ Road To Be John B. Kirsch, Managerof the more to begin with, but the whereas term policies do not. • " Seattle Veterans Administration premium rates for permanent Veterans can obtain detailed Olympia the Gardens ': Regional Office, said today that insurance never go up. Permanent information about, the various Falls Closed more than lfalf of the 101,000 policies also have loan, government life insurance Brewery. Back to " Washington veterans who hold cash-surrender, paid-up and permanent plans from their the small-frY County Engmeer J, C. Bridger $764,765,000 worth of extended insurance values€ nearest VA office, Kirschsaid. Disney's"LoVe said this week, work will be in government life insurance have Family progress next week on work on not yet converted these policies before coming the Mill Creek Bridge on the from term to a permanent plan. Youngsters Take Bus w.o they a Arcadia Road. In 1968, he pointed out, truck home The bridge will be undergoing Washington veterans paid youngsters were F S I Z V i it extenswe repair, Bridger said, and $12,120,000 in premiums *o keep or eatS e oo s ,,a.O oo,+ will be closed during working both term and permanent hours several days. government policies in force. Between 30 and 33 youngsters George Magee, director of the car after the tel . Further announcement of the World War I1 and Korean and six adult chaperones spent Multi-Service Center, was in completed this exact dates of the closure will be Conflict veterans hold most of the the day Tuesday visiting the charge of arrangements for the following her made later, he said. term policies, Kitsch said. Now at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. outings, last month. an average age of 49.7 years, The trip was sponsored by the There ' ..... Krise World War 11 veterans in SheltonMulti-ServiceCenter. the co Washington who have not The bus left from the ight morningstarti converted their insurance will Multi-Service Center, Second and Margaret Wr All able ''' -Chralnle  soon find their National Service Grove, at 8:30 a.m. and returned turn out and Life Insurance premiums going up about 5 p.m. Receives Degree A hot lunC information ca: - r,v -,rro"'e'= as aresultofadvancingage. The youngsters took sack Margaret Ann Wright, of Permanent insurance costs lunches. Sheiton, received her B. A. degree JODI ARCHER poses with three of her her family and finds the additional criticism Another trip for youngsters in in secondary education from St. paintings. She is one of four artists within helpful. Prosecuting Attorney John C. the 6-12 age group is planned to Martin's Coilege in Olympia. Organs Ragan asked the.court to dismiss -- -----------------v-- Pt. Defiance Park in Tacoma next Mrs. Wright earned her degree second degree burglary charges TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Tuesday. after completing the summer Rent or C t i i ty P i t i A h L i g Last week, a group of teenagers semester at SMC. llf red v rum nen n rc er nee e against Michael Krise, 18, Sh¢lton WANTED -- woman to babysit in went for a one-day outing to last week. my home, references if possible. JLuIt¢'Ul pc'/ One painter in the family begin painting, though, until two Jodi has shown her pictures at Ragan told the court Kris¢ was Call 426-2551 after 5 p.m. D8/14 Twin Harbors State Park. frequently breeds another. Two years ago when she registered for Heines Broiler and through the St. sentenced from Wahkiakum artists on a family tree would lessons. Edward's Woman's Club, As a County on a similar charge so he 1955+G.M.C. % Ton Pickup. 165 Julia At Fair hp. Cummins diesel engine. One Liquor Mini= certainly hint of a third. And Now she completes all her result of these displays she sold was asking the charge here be old sawmill. Phone 426-3708. Rep. Julia Butler Hansen will three such creative persons all of works in oil, using the brush three of her works. Her paintings dropped. A8/14 be at the Mason County Fair next Open one heritage would definitely technique. An attribute to her will be in the window of Meil The charges had been filed WANTED -- Housekeeper for Licenses Saturday afternoon, it was Wed. indicate a streak of alent running Chevrolet through next week. against Krise last spring and he elderly gentleman in Olympia. announced Tuesday. 205 Gate through the entire ancestry. Jodi The creative ability so was arrested by local authorities Live in. Room, board and Are Asked Archer, from just such a'family,  dominate in Jodi's bloodline before being turned over to compensation. Phone 426-3667. fi,,4m,,=,i,=,,,9,,,,.,,=m" fairlYmother,WellauntProVeSandthis theorY.sister all paint,ller P'I TI lrArL!$d'$ appears in other areas of her" Wahkiakum County along with G8/14.21 i The State Liquor Control=, MIN6 TREE artistic endeavor in addition to two others from Mas County. SLIM GYMS?? -- They're here! Board this week announced it has and Jodi's early start at drawing Jr-- ..... + her painting. Only a 7th grader, You've seen them on T.V. It's the during a pre-school a'ge indicates ,  MIrNIO : +: . she already writes poetry and ------- ............ ------- "fun" way to keep in shape! Why one application for a new Class H the artistic ability prevalent in her versatility. ,odi features a varicW enjoys drama, illi p;bli(; tl);; not call Maxine for , free home liquor license in Shelton arid one I family., of subjects, covering scenery, Jodi lives on Angleside with her demonstration? No obligation, request for permission to transfer 426-4694. B8/14-9/4 'WI '/ L J OO*   *=*O'* '* ' " .  ..' "r"' + .' ..  ' ' r . . , , , Mr. and Mrs. Fred to a new location. II be , +l!¢tu" +',intt'rtgs 'odl ¢laims.tte+itlillft'Itltl+tttll+sileIS,++++. +'++r, ++hutwo+--e+,nd+ . NOTI+E with Shelton Trailer Sales at the D.The new request is from Earl :Owen for the Hy-Lond Inn. €I.O$I i :++ has always drawn. She didnt but paints a little of everyihing, one sister. The State of Washington, airport. Skyline Kit, Budger, the formerSheltonHotel, atFirst Department of Fisheries, with its Builtmore. Ted and Donna • Kidney Group ow. forces, will repair and replace Wagner. 426-1486. $8/14 and Railroad. I as necessary, the pipe, fittings, The request for transfer is from and pumps for the salt water 5 ACRES. Nice three bedroom Cleo Fisher of the Cote Grill to l system at Hood Canal Hatchery. home 7 years old. Fireplace, 1% transfer the license she holds to a Work will gtart wlthln 60 days for baths, $16,000. 426-4084. location at Second and Cote and I . co,t out to .x. s6,00000 m/4-9/2 August 18 State Department of Fisheries to name + the business the Sturgeon i Thor C. Tollefson, Director 36 in. Chain Link fencing Seafood House. ru completely installed, $1.25 per l 8/14-1t running foot. Call Sears 426-8201 Anyone who wishes to support . th NO. 4035 and ask for Norm. $8/14-9/4 write°r opposethe Statethe applicationSLiquor Controlmay i September 2 ,- NOTICE TO CREDITORS  Board in Olympia. L  =..= .i. ..,m, 9m. 9=.,  =. ""  (IN PROBATE} heating needs- furnace, In the Superior t;ourt of the baseboards, etc. Call Sears. State of Washington for Mason 426-8201 ask for Norm. C°ItYl:HE MATTER OF THE $8/14-9/4 T M Ste ens .o.+.o,o.,e+. installation-your choice of • " B idge CI b C i I ' .,+ undersigned is the high.lows, tweeds or shags for omm ss onec r u arn va of the estate of Andrew Hopland, 426-8201 ask for Norm. PUD d , °eceasea'Pers°nshavingclaimss8/14"9/+ MATTRESS A Shelton senior at Eastern Meets At Use To ,,,,,,, the deceased are required to serve the same In duplicate, 61 ft. FRONTAGE on FAWN Washington State College, 'Ferry The winners in Monday night's ,,,j duly verified, on the undersigned Lake. Water, power and phone R or the attorney of record at the lines to lot. Ready to build or to M. Stephens, who received a bridge game with ,l tables were aise Fun s address stated below and file the place a mobile home. $6,950. bachelor of science degree in for North-South tenure Dudley same with the Clerk of this Court, Yes, will talk terms. Mann Real geology with high honors at the and Evelyn Wills, Aubrey Wills A group of local youngsters together with proof of such Estate. 426-6592 eve. Call Bobble close of summer quarter, is also to and Col. Dudley, and tieing for raised $ 2 0 for muscular service within four months after Goodwin 426-3503. M8/14 be commissioned an Army second third Mr. and Mrs. Warren Russell dystrophy recently. 31 July 1969, or the same will be forever barred. =,, i ,, lieutenant in ordnance through and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Quimby. The girls donated all of the cup MAGNA .OPLAND,Executrix NEW Close Out the EWSC Reserve Officers East-West'winners were Mr. and cakes, cookies, pop corn and soft 528 Laurel I Shelton, Washington 1969 DODGE PICKUP Training Corps program in Mrs. Rex Umphenour, Tom i drinks for the event. Most of the + 98584 ceremonies at the College Friday Halpin and Yes He, Mr. and Mrs. prizes were donated also. About B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON morning. William Pethel, Gusti 25 youngsters and several parents Attorneyfor Estate $2345 Sale Stephens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Goldschmid and Kay Jackson. attended. Angle BuiJdin Charles C. Stephens, 707 Cedar, is The youngsters planned all the Shelton, washmgton 98584 1967 DODGE DART G.T. a distinguished military student games and drew up a draft of how 7/31-8/7-14-3t V-8, Automatic, Radio. Excellent Condition. and a graduate of Shelton lfigh the games would be set up on a Shoo, Minister Takes vacant lot. They spent two days $1795 setting up the booths, doing all of Smokey Sa'y., Chance Youths Take Church the work themselves. 1966MUSTANG Don't miss this Once-A-Year Edith Densley, daughter of Mr. 3-speed, V-8 Rev. Travis Lawrence, pastor of and Mrs. Ray Densley, served as - $1545 fo 0 A Lifeti Buy! Seottle Trip +.o,,oo. Northside Baptist ringmaster, assisted by Julie r a nce-ln- - me • Church for the past 16 months, Munsell, Patric¢ Muns¢ll, Karen 1965POLARA Seventeen Skokomisli Junior has accepted a call as pastor of Kingery, Kim Wright and Jim 2-Dr. Hardtop. liealth Club members from the the Trinity Baptist Church in Densley. Real €lUn reservation, under the direction of Ukiah. Calif. The carnival, h¢ldAug. 7. ran Sl Box Spring & Matt During their time in Shelton, from 6-8 p.m. and featured games 39S William McGhee, visited the Rev. Mr. Lawrence worked during such as beanbag toss, ring toss, Seattle Woodland Park Zoo the week at Merv's Tire Shop and novelty booth, bowling on the 1965 FAIRLANE Monday and returned on the Mrs. Lawrence worked at Millers. 6.cyl. stick Bremerton Ferry. green, cupcake walk, cookie, pop Their son, Larry, a 1969 graduate corn and soft drink booth and a $995 This was the finalouting of the of Shelton High School, will penny pitch. summer from the youngsters, but, attend college in California as will 1964 PONTIAC some are now enrolled in the The girls got the idea for the 9-Passenger Wagon. their daughter, LaJuan. carnival from the Brakeman Bill Tldlte lie; /lbllfa I?t'o¢l Motor Rebuilt Mattress: 312 Coil Count rhythm band which practices The church had a surprise and Crazy Donkey TV show. i weekends at the Skokomish potluck dinner and presented a $995 Box Spring: 75 Coil Count Health (;enter. There will be a rummage sale gift to the Lawrence's the Quilted Tops afternoon of Aug. 10, their last 1963 FAIRLANE Pre-Built Border Aug. 24 at the center. The next Sunday in Shelton. "GOD'S LOVE FOR 4-Dr. sedan, V.8, Auto. dental clinic will be Sept. 21, the HUMANITY" Real Clean. Aug. 1 7 clinic having been +°+**+ CASH "" Mrs. Ben Sayler of Skokomish Florence Mayberry, and Mrs. Mildred Oberg of speaker 1963MONZA Chehalis drove the cars oa the zoo  e,=k.t S--", 4-,,., t,,,,. SOLD IN SETS ONLY trip. Presented by the $395 Iro Your -_-.-.- - -_-_-_-.+--_- Baha'is of Shelton SEE 'EM AT RIDING LESSONS PROPERTY *.," ebby Shawver Wrtte:  Sunday, Aug. 17-- 3 P.M. PAULEY KELLY FURNITU $2.00 per Session ". O. BOX 114, 8heltoe ' Memorlal..,, DODGE Wallklngto 111414 2nd & Franklin Front & Railroad 1st & Mill , 426-3897 No Chlrge For Admission 426-8183 . A _  v I I Page 8- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 14, 1969