August 14, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 14, 1969 |
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Friday evening last a
fellows whose names nudge
sports falls of three decades
these parts connuned for an
long known as "old-timers
ball park.
:and aching muscles were
tortures they once manipulated
in those Long-ago days when
Shelton diamond duds in
t league competition.
a small percentage of the
Column _ like Warren Earl,
Doc Shimek. Paul
Ed Faubert, Walt
Keith Campbell, Babe
of their generation - will
of the names heard over the
system at Cheney Field
aCOma's 1969 old-timers ball
think of it, a slightly friskier
of Jack Stewart, Wilbur
and Stan Armstrong, Omer
I)an Cornficr, Floyd
dozen or so more of that
Were just coming off or entering
athletic careers when that
enjoyed its hey-day down
timber. And then there are'
Bab Stewart, llunky
on Paulson, asker Erickson,
a few others still living around
the local talent on the
of the true "natives", then, if
Lefty Isekite and his
reball, Bill Libke and his
AI Pentecost and his
w curves, Arnie Levenhagen
Atwood helping Bill Libke, with an
occasional stint from Erickson, on the
mound; and Bud Borst teaming with AI
Libke behind the plate.
In 1936 Olympia replaced the Gibson
Cleaners, otherwise the Northwest League
retained the same identity. Pete Flagstead,
like Tobin an old pro catcher with his youth
gone, managed Olymlfia. It was quite a
rivalry, until Flagstead slid into home one
night early in August in a game at Olympia
and snapped a small wrist bone in Tobin's
throwing arm. The mishap had a debilitating
effect on the Loggers and they skidded to
fifth place. This late-season toboggan ride, a
depressing timberworkers strike during the
summer, and the heavy cost of importing so
much outside talent tolled the death knell
of semi-pro baseball in Shelton. There was
no Northwest League team here in 1937 or
anytime since, although a completely
local-talent team played in tile then
n|uch-weakcned Timber League until World
War "
F'riday night's old-timers game in
Tacoma serves as a fitting goad to dust off
the memory of baseball's "good old days" in
Shelton. They never will be equalled.
the Timber and Northwest league Loggers is
complete withou! including the names of
two non-playing figures, Nick Doherty and
Gas Graf. The Hurculean task of raising the
sizeable sums inwflved to bank-roll those
teams in a small town along with all the
myriad details of the business end of the
operation fell on the willing, energetic and
capable shoulders of this pair of Shelton
Girls Tennis Gott Oil Captures District Fastball Championship
Turnout Set Like a carbon copy of history Harry Leons to load the bases at
twelve months past, the Shelton 3-3, then another wall< to GottOil 1 O0 000 0- 1 36 Senators O01 I 1 0 0-.3 71
Next Week
First turnout of the year for
the Shelton High School girls'
tennis team will be held Monday,
August 18, at l0 a.m.
Interested girls are asked to
report to the SHS gym with
suitable clothing and equipmem.
Girts who played on the team
last fall are expected and others
who turned out for spring
practice are urged to report and
try out for the team.
Bowling Leagues
Slate Meetings
Two organizational meetings
are scheduled for bowlers
interested in league competition•
Sunday night, August 17, at 8
o'clock, the Sunday Night Mixed
League will meet at the Timber
The Women's Commercial
Bowling League will meet
Tuesday, August 19, at 7:30 p.m.
in the PUD Auditorium and
welcomes keglers interested in
bowling at 9 o'clock Tuesday
Boat Races
Due Sunday
The Sixth Annual Outboard
Races at Union are slated Sunday,
August 17, at 1:30 p.m. Thirty
boats in six classes will compete
in the popular llood Canal event•
Athletics last weekend retained
the District fastball championship
they'd won in 1968 under the
name of Gait Oil by snatching a
title tilt from the Olympia
Senators which seemed beyond
The A's rallied for four runs in
the bottom of the sixth to nip the
Senators, 4-3, Sunday afternoon
after having lost a 4-0 decision
just ahead of it.
The Athletics win came
through the winners bracket by
capturing two easy victories
Saturday, 9-1 over the Flying O's
and 4-1 over the Senators. Bill
Nutt pitched both games and
tried to make it three straight by
going in the Sunday opener, but
his teammates couldn't produce
any run-support against Gale
McGrath's fine pitching, garnering
one lone blow in the shutout loss.
The District title rally in the
finale was constructed on Jim
Witson's lead-off single, Rick
Meyer's triple, Bob Tobin's single,
a fielder's choice, a Senator boot,
Ran Mickelson's single, a walk to
pinch-hitter Bill Nutt forcing Tom
Marshall home with the victory
Nutt then relieved starter Dan
Kaufman and closed the door on
the Senators in the top of the
seventh to preserve the lead and
earn for the Athletics their second
straight District championship plus
a berth in the state tournament
which opened today.
Nutt was chosen as the
tourney's Most Valuable Player
and joined teammates Meyer,
Mickelson and Leans on the
tournament all-star team.
Two other Shelton teams in the
District tournament,. Gott Oil and
O.K. Rooters, were eliminated
early in the going.
The Athletics were in
competition as Olympia Fastball
champions, having attained thal
elevated honor by winning their
final three league games last week.
two over the Olympia Brewers,
4-1 and 3-0, plus an I I-2 triumph
over the Flying O's with Nutt
pitching all three games.
The District games short scores:
Golf Club Calendar
Sonny Lowe and Bean Daniels,
frequent winners of the Shelton
Golf Club Team Captains
tournament in past years, were
the first to qualify for the finals
of the 1969 event when theY
defeated Bob Coots and Jack
Stewart in a semifinal match last
The title-seasoned pair now
the club championship
tournament is under way now
with next Sunday the deadline for
entering and a week later the end
of the 18-hole qualifying play.
August 20 brings the next 191h
Hole Club dinner meeting, at
which two holes-in-one arc
ticketed for celebration (those by
Harry Peterson and Rocky
Hembroff in July). Then on
August 28 the next monthly
Brewers 123 ! 03 x-9 54 Athletics 000004 x-472
Batteries: Brescher, Young ,(3) Batteries: Keller, McGrath (6) and
and Richards; Michalak and Hill; Kauffman, Nutt (7) and
Michael• Leans.
R HE [Ti'
Flying O's 00330 I 0-7 9 !
OKRoofers0 I 01000-2
Batteries: Carlson, Bert (4) and
Serrechia; Warren and Sampluski,
Minoza (6).
FlyingO's 0000100-1 12
Athletics 270000 x-9 I01
Batteries: Bratton, Bert (2) asad
Rabideau, Bratton (3); Nutt and
Senators 1000000-1 33
Athletics 000040 x-4 40
Batteries: McGrath and Hill; Nutt
and Leans.
Senators I I 02000 - 4 94
Athletics 0000000-0 I I
Batteries: McGrath and Hill; Nutt
and Leans.
WED, - 7 to g p.m., Family
FRI. - 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
8at.. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.,
1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., Matinee
8 p.m.. 11 p.m., Evening
81.N.. 1:30 p.m.. 4 p.m.,
Olympia • 352.9943
On your Ford, Chev,
Plymouth or other
small American Car,
We will: "--
eTurn Drums (4)
• Overhaul all wheel cylinders
elnstall Lining • Bleed & Adjust
,ded pitcher), Art Berg, Tiny Port Townsend this weekend stages Jerry Vermillion await the result of the other mixed two-ball competition and
(once' aJ°hns°n'SheltolS°nn" Bailc"llmsc this " 7,state's biggest salmon derby. More than App.olnrea" " " " " $ 00
$2,5n0in prizcs (top l.rize is $1,00Ol will be IO semifinal pairing, between the potluck dinner is dated.
Don Pauley-John Long and Ran ....... : All for
nnorL , awarded presulnal, lylnpersonbyGov D,ul Natloncll Grou
egion baseball coach), ' ' " ' "*' ' " '!' • • p Sanford-Ray Rice teams, to learn iil ............................... !:::::i#!i - " other cars
[rrywk: ..... , ,, " , L2vans at 300 p n St, rlday You'll ]lave to who they'll play for the ' !I ' i! ii ! Only 1 slightly higher
rote, Nero Hail, t,eorge - .... ,." • , ; ....... Jerry Vermillion, Director at championship, sanford and Rice
qeminin,, Bernie Morrison hurry to enter it you haven t alreaoy 1orme --Ietics n ....... all made it to the semifinals by
. 'd,, " ' .' , . . ' . - - ___ Atn • a a neaa oasKetn r
xns, Tubby Bolen, Tommy deadhne is Friday. Mrs. Jean Foster, 22 t) coach at Saint Martin's College, prevailing over George ttermes
achnik Taylor street, l'ortTownsend, nn,st have the has been appointed to two and Jim Archer in the last Hurry! Offer good from
.°gger riuuinu in those halcvon $1 I entry fee b tomorrow. Fishing hours committees of the National quarterfinal,match..last, week.
e ,,,:aU-,£, ,' "' / *'r'" :•30 •1 Ill l(' 3"00 ' Ill both .,*ur,la ,, Association of Intercollegiate " mt00t0,r. August 11-30 at
. 'IUlA'I¢..[tS Wllen bllelton .-" , .... t .... ,,,t u s "tics.
!!enge.d tile best semi-pro and S.unda. , ...... ,, , ., mt)ermillion is currently serving BEST BALL FIELD
m thns Ever,reen s h II you re lOOKing mr a nlgger oundle, mn of lstnct SLOW TO FILL UP "We'll bring you a video IdllhUIJl BIAmlUlImlBIIIk
• : " g ,•tale wit ' " ' , " as chairn, the NAIA d'. "" Shelton Golf Club's first annual tape of that last play . . , dPVlnlIl e ni00nrlim, lO
SS • • • ) ' ., , , • ". , •
• Frank Tobm (hd also, but however, l orl townsend s Canadian basketball t;ommtttee. He will Bayshore Best Ball tournament is But first a video tape of lt & Railroad
s he was content only to be neighbors across the straits of Juan de Fuca serve two years on, the NAIA only ten days away now and , that last commercial!"
tla • "', " , • • Independent Colleges ('ommittee
Y nmht and watch flop the at Vancouver are altering $55,000 m pnze , . there's lots of room for entries
hi , • , • and will also serve on the ,.,..,,,m...-B..-m-.m..i...,m.,m.-.,.- = - i-.,.m-.i..,,,m
s somewhat ,,oun,,er money (with a $ 5,000 top) also tins ........ al yet in the 64-team field limit.
. * : . - . . .* uomestnc ann nnternat]on' Only 20 teams, the majority from
endeavored to recaot nre weekend Tins has to be the most lucrative v n C '
• , t • • * De eloment ommuttee, the home club, had posted entry
lon,-tone reflex T l i salmon derby ever Interested 9 ('ontact B C
, _ , es. _oJ.n ............ fees and forms as of last Sunday,
neitonu| 9 , Salmon I)clb >81 llo]nby st]ct, l G me Hunt
• I '5 aqd managed 3' ' ', 5, , - : ,' B'a O pro-manager Ray Walker
r two seasons. Vancouver I, Canada 985-2493. • g a .i 11 reported. , OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON
folio Intlst have conjured un ' Your Shelton Athletics came through mro Available The event is open to all '
ibralce illllOll, |htqoo ........ - ,..,11 like champions lo beconle chanlpions of the, 1969 Big Game tiunting Season amateurs but teammates must I EVENING CLASSES I
the 1935 Loeeer band which Olympia F:lstball League last week, winning pamphlets and big game tags are have handicaps within seven
°rthwest -- :il ...... • the three final games on their schedule to now available at over 900 license strokes. The best ball will be held
" series" LeaUewith lille_ In il ......... dealers_ . in Washington.. . . says the August 23-24 with 18 holes each It SEPTEMBER 1. • • • • . DECEMBER 19
anle ,i ,.: 'T'l oag me mp rnng m)m ulympm urewery. ; ' " day. Shotgun starts are scheduled _
[/ ' . liIKIIllil. /lie .... State Game uepartment.
on the fils .... " .., ' , , Two ol the crucml victories were over the the huntin- -am-hlet includes at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. both
,. ".'[ Ililll wl[n it I--t .. - ......... V' I' " " days. A total of $1,000 in
npPed to fourt h ,,, .,,, _1 Brewers, 4"-I and J-o, plus all easy I I-Z, complete season dates on all big merchandise prizes has been
econd by" "', ,7 ".' "',' ,"%. laugher against the Flying O's. Tireless Bill game. Complete season dates for
Cries th,,nl£1,.lKlll),'lt, [?()IK a,, ,1 Ntltt pitched all three ganles, in a span of grouse as well as the early chukar Club'sgUaranteedl9thbYHolethe SheltOnClub (men'sG°lf II 353351 CostFederal TaxatiOnAccounting 7-8:307"8:30 TTh*M W StaffMr" DamitiOMr. Frazier "
........ .,,,u, Lm--- | BUSI NESS ADMINISTRATION: ' _ . _
h:- " : .... four even;nos partridge seasons are also defined, division). 115 EconomJc Geography _/_ T Th Mr. Anderson !
L.ntllllg il DCrSOIlal Dillnacl¢ ., ' " . , . , . , Included with each 1969
'rot, 3 n • ' ". ., ' Keeping till) ol Shel[on s sunlmer .... ;n ..... "' ....... '- ......... AUGUST BUSY MONTH i 248 Linear Programming /-8:30 T Th Mr. i'oege . I
, --u victory SqLlarlllg [ne ., . ..... ..... .- .... s v,,,,,v,, ..... ,,c ,,,ca FOR SHELTON GOLFERS • 365 Govt. Regulation of Business 6-7:30 T Th Mr. Claoaugn I
,nt th,, c. , ..... COlltcinporarlcs m tle ulymplc (onme MaCK legal descriptions of all bi ame
. -uC llnill galne [o YaKlnla. , . , . ........... g g I CHEMISTRY:
€OI1 it o .......... League, file co-ctamplon,entral and boutn managementunlts. In additi°n t° the nearing I 351 PrJnciples of Chemistry 7-8:30 MW Staff I
0Rt "' .'/' II1 il WIlU SILIgles[ I11 V;t,..,v, t ......... r,,;h.,I t,, o,,* ..... ,.,, ¢,,r ;, Only the starting date (October Bayshore Best Ball highlight and ECONOMICS:
"t and Levenhagen pitched ........ ' .................. )., ,,., ..,e.,y '2" :_' 11) for the upland and miratorv the current Team Captains ! 101c Principles of Economics Z M W I
'Cept in t . , 4,, ,. post-season tot rill 111t.'11[ COlllpetltlon 5ou[n " bird seasons is s;" o .. :
i- wo Illlllngs. YaKilnil ' '. ' . . _ . ,, • ., game ," "," " ".nown n' tins tournament now in progress, I 1 lb Economic Geography / y Th Mr. ngerson' I
tt the , v, ..... i r ...... th,, bowed out ol the (.'oilnle Nlack sudden-dea[n publication. Closing dates, bag several other events are scheduled T 380 Hist. of Economic Thought 3 Th Dr. HarKany V
• ','i'"st;':eci"tli'r'ot'':h state tournanlent in its opening game, losing limits and shooting hours for this month to keep Shelton I 410 Public Finance o, Mr. laurrows 1
"enh,lgcn . ,gg g ' ' e Pi, -• " , . upland and migratory game birds
I 365 Govt. Regula(ion of Business 7-8:30 M W Mr. Clabaugh
allies tr, h,,I,I h,, I .... I th,, to Mt. Taholnd ol th erce County Mack ......... , golfers occupied.
',S'" " ........... " '" ........ • - . . . .... , • .. • wilt ne estannsneu at the .... State Sign-up and qualifying play for 1 EDUCATION:
tructed League, 5-3. (enttat wctlt d inherent route, Game Commission -" • FA$31 Art in Elem School (2 cr ) 3-5 T Mrs Roberts I
" " eli " , ,'. meeting I 31_7 Teaching of'Reading ," 3 M W Dr. "E_'ichert I
rile out , electing to play Am can Legxon bail, and Au ust 19
, of the Timber Leat, ue ......... " ' ' g . • I[ Hist32b Egciric N.W. Hist. & Gov t. (2 cr) 7-9 1"_ Mr.¥ I
i-rthwest- rcmt'" ' "nn 1 )35 wnth" represented., the 3rd District (Kitsap,. .The 1969 Upland and Used rs i 349 uem.ocial Studies (2 cr) 4-6 Jn r..,cno.rt I
agham B ......... --,- T ........... Jetlerson and ('lallatn counties) ill the Area Migratory Game Bird pamphlet I 384a pec. ec. Methods, Eng. (2 cr) 7-9 M rr. uunstan . I
I, ' lk. IIIIL./II, I¢I...UIII¢I will n .... " ......... ENGL SH:
",; , , t ut oe avalxaoLe until the
-leane .... • ....... , - 1 tournament at Everett. After Brian Wrigh " O 221 Intro. to Literature 3 M W F Staff
' 14_ oi eat[le. 111c year ., , ,. , . ...... ,, , latter part of September Judeo-Christian Literature 3-4:30 . T W Mrs. Ber9 T
• "unler Tayh.)r as nlanagcr sou[llpawecl kTcillral [o an 1 I-wnlnlng o-a • '66 Plymouth Belvedere $1195 . FINE ARTS: I
,,tniShed .sec,,,,,.,a ,,,;" ..,,.,,,,,, ,,,,""'""- ..... victory over .Kent in the tourney opener, "/'F'tt-MY''-- IX:N'I" LEAVE' '66 Merc Hardtop ........ 1595 i 131 Art in the Elem. School (2 cr) 3-5 T Mrs. Roberts i
aeague schedule with marks Central lost Its next two ganles, 10-1 to -Mpv) '66 Ford Wagon ........ 1795 • GOVERNMENT:
""W" This WilS. the firs'., ye,,. ..... I.l/.fl"' Me;.ldowda]e and 8-2 to Kent. Kent went_on3 ........ k.._ENJ '65 Olds 442, 4-spd ...... 1595 Jv 293366 AmericanLegislativeGOVernmentprocess 77 , TM Thw Mr.Fr. BertrandJ°hns°n It
holesale imnorts of talent to win the Area I title with 4-3 and 12- L,_.'/ " _.. '65 Falcon Wagon ...... 1095 HISTORY"
With pin-era lilac J ' s " ',1 victories over Meadowdale for a berth in the _., '%J' ..,,,'Tfllv, g '65 Comet Sedan ........ 995 I : Ancient H story (2 cr 7 T Fr Meinrad
i- -. y ' .' • alne.L tOlc " 4j ,(d ............ 301 . f . .
" the out" .... ,,, • , ,-. , Alnerican Legion state tournanlent at _..'-'/'t1 , '64 Rambler Sedan ...... 695 I 351 Colonial Hist. o the mermas (2 cr) 7 Th Fr. Meinrad
a nleKl; fleming, uoug . . " ...... .... .,.,.....t._ :f.
uead) and Morrison in the Yakinla last weekend " " '63 T-Bird (air) ........ 1095 " LANGUAGE: I
101 Elementar Greek (2 cr) 4
i y . T Th Staff It
tth manager Taylor at third - - '62 Vauxall Wagon ...... 695 • 201 Intermediate Greek (2 cr} 4 M W Staff |
;attching; Libke, Levenhagen / --"" '62 Chevy II Wagon ...... 595 II 103101 ElementarYLatin CompositionLatin (5{2Cr)cr) 43 MM WF F StaffStaff Ill
101a Elementary German (5 cr) 3 Daily Fr. Alphonse I
before (19;3) Libke, hns '62 Dart Wagon ......... 695 I 301 Adv German Conversation .
Catcher (now dead) and '61 Corvair ............ 395 • and Com"osition 4 M W F Mrs. Wilhelm |
I 321 Survey o(German Literature 3 T Th Mrs. Wilhelm T
aarnett were the first Logger Boat, Motor and I 201 Intermediate French (5 cr) . 3 " Daily Fr. Timothy |
e.C°ma in a lineup which won Trailer ............... 695 , 101b Elementary,Spanish ( cr) 3 DMaiJy Miss Grandadam I
:gtle title with Bab Stewart, I M/lil, IJm l 321 Survey of Spanish Literature .1 wr Mrs. errera i
' Harry DeShields, manager I [ ''ll'll 23 MORE CARS I 484 Probability & Statistics (5 cr) 7-9:30 M Fr. John A
V A two. semester, program for secondary teachers, sponsored by the
i,.agmg Spike Fredson (also I | 1 i'JlldlPl | TO CHOOSE FROM ! i at,ona0 Science Foundation) TBA - " "
"'Ueld; Hunky Schumacher, I ' I Idk Y00LT00l I 485 Structure of Arithmetic TBA t-r. Jonn ,
¢1 d asker Erickson (coming I I - ...... " 7. I
, g eareer terminated by arm lill00ml/ Used Trucks • 201b General Phil°s°phy 6:30 TTh Mr, Parker ''
'65 Datsun .......... $1095 285 First Aid, Athletic Injuries (2 cr) 7-9 T Mr. Acuff i
Ph siological S yC. o ogy _-10 M Mr Irish I
313 Y . .
I '56 Int. -Ton, 4x4 ...... 695 350 Abnormal Psycl3ology /-10 T Mr. Irish
'48 Chev Panel ........ 95 It SOCIOLOGY" v
i 314 " Social P]ycbology 7-0 T Staff il
Yllpi¢ Hwy. No.- Mr, View II The 00'ortt-wes "'"' °' ' ll L 8MORE TRUCKS i 325 crlmino gy - w Mr, Timpani I
TO CHOOSE FROM ! 1 332 Public Address in merica 3:30-6 T Mr. Larkin
387 Advanced Reade WorKshop (1 cr) TBA TBA Fr. Cyril i
'l00h% . . I IS great the way it , THEOLOGY: ' V
352 Current Theological Trends (2 cr) 7 M Dr. Overman |
IS.Automotive Serwce JIM i 400 ReadingSemlnar (2 cr) 3 MW Fr. Matthew I
'A intment Call *, ur r f r 3 cred,ts unless othermse noted
Ico sesa e O . ' " " I
Please don't litter. PAULEY'S I REGISTRATION: Room325, September 3rd. 8:00a.m. to8:00p,m, i
PPO 426-300J'1 O-ympial B --'- .C + Room 325, September 4th. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. :
rewmg ompany BOB--BUS--BILL , St. Martin's Collece 49124700 :
Registrar Extension Lt
I Tu mwater, Washlngton 5th and Railroad 426-8231 I.,,,m..,i.m,..,m,.,q,.m..m.' Co-ordin;tor of :vening__ Classes' .Extension __ 311 m,..,i,,.....,i ...l.m..a.,,i dil
Thursday, August 14, }969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 9
' i