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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I gNDERFUL B $afeway Frozen Food Buys! Sale starts 9 a.m. Wed- nesday August 13 tkruugk Saturday Au- gust 16 in Shelton We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers. !iiil !: Large, Well Filled Ears, No. 1 Fancy C ears Fresh Prunes "° now 2,+, 29 + Pears Bartlett F.resh, Peak Season, Can Now 2++.o¢ for i-1 Red Green I Leaf Lettuce oru.,, 2o,29 Large q Cucumbers +,z+ 2For29 • • Pure Grapefrunt Juice Florida Qt. 39 + Thick € Green Peppers M.,+o 4For39 • Large Size Blueberrnes o, 39 C Airway, 6-oz. Cocktail Shrimp ArctiCMaid 4,,OZca. 35 ¢ orn Instant Coffee Delicious Jar 75 c ,°, ,0o. Oil Marshmallows pu,t e, 19  Coffee Tone No. Oa=,vLucer"e ,OZja, 59 Black Pepper Crown +oz i!h!i 49 co,o. C0n35 ¢ C Detergent White Magic+, ,++ .o,.,,. 45' ft. Sno-White Salt Plainor 26-0z. c Iodized Pkg. 10 Town HouJe Veg,etahles Mayonnai? Nu Made  Town House, Cut Spears  3 e Smooth P';43* Or nge Asparagus Instant M,Ik FrLe:he3ste 'kQ;: Sl '+ , '++ + Ir w_ Dinty Moore Ju= € e neet :brew Ou+,k.e°, +";/,/,63* TONnl.H;aseA,dh= Tomatoes w';oW,:,";% 5%sSI °° 11/ C 41m _j_e__ __ King 0scor ., +.+or SlO0 Sauerkraut .:= 6'++:0:; Sl0O 3arolnes Snack Treat  Cans 46-oz. Can V '+ +++ ++++++++ Pillsbury Flour 98 All 10-lb. C Peanut Butter :#I, ;,; s 119 Purpose Bag Empress 4+1b.$149 Cake Mixes 29 Strawberry Jam +c,, T+n Be!ty Crocker 18-oz. Luncheon Meat DKa:h +2:42  AsstdVarieties Pkg. Oven Joy Bread Busy B.oker Cookies Snaps Ass°rted :9rcieties 49 c Fresh 221/2-oz, 9C Chunk Tuna 25 c Baked Loaf 2 Bumble 6 !-oz. Bee Can i Dried Beans Town House Large White, Idaho Red, Baby Limas, Pinto, or Blackeye Peas 35 c Potato Chips P= '000:z0039 c Nestle's Qu,k c Big Family Ass't Banana Squash Fam"ymze iblO € ....... Garde Portions +, = ' • . .... r ....... Dazr)/De/Jcatejen Orange Juice Be, as ,2oz Froo Con39  SNOW STAR Baby Beets n Fresh  410  I C o.°+wo .++... C b B AR FrozenBel-air +o++100 ce ream - U e utter c Grape Juice 3 Cans Asst'dFlavors Gal.$1.18 lucernelb. 69 Shady Lane 'b. VV Tater Treats Bel-air 16-oz..$100 Hal! LLA 3Y Po,a,oo 4 P+. C X | F h +n° +°, C o. res Cottage Cheese o,,. o° 25 Sliced Beans Bel-air 9-oz. In Sauce +29  Potatoes Washington Reds Clean Washed ,0.,+.,49 + Bag Oranges Sunkist Sweet Valencia Carrot Salad Lucerne 16-oz. 39 + Bel-air Cut Corn ,n+u,,°, ,0+o 9 + with Raisins Ctn. Sauce Pkg. 2 Bel-air 10-oz. Lucerne 6Y2-oz. 49 c Mixed Vegetables,°+ou+o p+29 c Cream Topping Rich Ctn. Fresh Milk +, Time GaI.OO C Homogenized Ctn. f. Bel-air Spinach CreamBelair' Insauce 10-OZ.Pkg. 29 c Miid Chedda c+++o + 85c Green Peas ,o+u,to++o++ +k+29 c r Safwoy Bel-air Frozen 10-oz. = SWANSONS TV Dinner Choice of Beef Chopped Sirloin or Swiss Steak Raisin Nut Bread Skylark 15-oz. IC Fresh Loaf  7 Hamburger Buns SesameorPlain Pkg.o, 8 f7r)Oc BearClaws . Wr+,,', ° 4Q Freshly Baked of 4 .__C Mrs. Wright's Donuts P+ Oven Joy Bread ;:C,'; '+(:,;+ 29 + -? ;tlt__.F and B____, ,t !ds Bayer Aspirin ';: .;;+73 c DISCOUNT Health and Beauty Aids Was 11-oz. GilletteFoamy ,,, Can 97' Mii A " pt" 97 Was 18-oz. r € cr n ntlse IC =,., ,,,. Arrid Extra Dry ,,.,,w" ,.,.c. s1'8 Dristan Tablets w. $1.t Btl. s 10, 0f24 Game Hens Manor Hogse Am A U.S. Grade A V ,,o. 14, C lib. i Safeway Meat Values T-Bone Steaks uo,c,o+.. + SlS Fresh Spareribs One,Tr.+ ooo, + 79 c Beef Short Ribs ,b 39c Chuck Roast ,on+,+s, 89* UcS o¢Ae ' Choice Beef lb. Sliced Beef Liver ,::::: +49c Fried Chicken Pre-Cooked 79' + Ready to Eat lb. Sliced Beef Sha -'+ o IIK, S So°p m. 59 c. Chipped Beef O,u.+so s,:::o0 Boneless Stew o+.+,..,  89 c .... Fresh f yF k • Boneless 8+oz, C) t C Ham Sl,ces +,°zoo+u+, ++"" Sa ewa ran S Sp::;;s 12-oz+ 49' Sliced Bologna ++,;;2+ 12-o/. L/:c Pkg. Salmon +°+ dP n I Cll __ II_ Premium • zoo urou a nUCK auG,,,, +69 + Sltced Salami +.., +.o, Aoc Pkg.l" Z f,, , a,,-.,, . or Perch Fillets +79 c 'F e I ___ Boneless Choice $149 Whole  A/,. ole t-llleTS BreodeH&Cooked lOp 31rloIn BeefSteak lb. Pinks l 1  ,, ,,... r-. n Copto+,' 1,.lb.O c 3-51bs. _ J 7 vvnmng rlsn choi¢, Pkg.,,,,// lb. W -- r':..L /'_1.^. Captain's Choice 12"°z ")L'31c Bar-S Bacon Sih:(ekd lb. 79 c _ , /111 ,..J I Fresh Frozen Pkg. )7 Chuck Steaks U.S.D.A. Choice Beef, Aged for Flavor € Brylcreem Hob Dressing 4 -oz. "0 a € Was $1.19 Tube t[I 7 Prell Shampoo wasLiquid$l '"z'*OOCBt'. gg Page 10. Shelton-Mason Countv Journal - Thursday. Auoust 14. 1969 (.COPYRIGHT 1960. SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED ii i::+:: :.i . ............................. SAFEWA Y LOWERS EVER YDA Y BEEF PRICES