August 14, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 14, 1969 |
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Graduate and Masters Degree
from Central Washington
State College. Taught at Top-
penish and was high school
principal the past several
years at Joseph, Oregon. He
will be vice-principal in the
high school.
Graduate of the University of
Washington in English-
-Speech. He will teach De-
bate and English in the high
JOHN STARK -- Graduate
of Western Washington State
College where he, also, re-
ceived his Masters Degree in
physical education. Mr. Stark
taught and coached at Friday
Harbor, Nooksack Valley.
The past three years he has
been assistant football coach
and P.E. instructor at Simon
Frazier University in British
Columbia. Mr. Stark will
teach P.E. and head the boys'
physical education depart-
ment, along with the head
football coaching assignment
in the high school.
uate of the University of
Washington where he, also,
received his Masters Degree
in administration. Mr. Jack-
son will be the new junior
Plenty of Hew Paint
In Halls of £earnin
T h e r e g u I a r s u m m e r Constaerabl¢
maintenance program is being done to inside
completed on schedule, according buildings. The
to Frank Willard, Director of the halls and
Special Services and Maintenance. Junior High
In addition to the regular the exterior
scrubbing, washing, waxing and Gym,
sealing floors, and minor repairs some
being done by the custodians, the View and
District has completed a number Furnace
of painting projects this summer, rebuilt whet
formerly Christmas Town Beauty
In New Location
Plaid Quartet
MONTE HAAG -- Graduate ED HOPKINS ..... Graduate of RAND PETERSEN -- Grad-
Graduate of Valley City of the University of Northern Northern Montana College. uate of Northern State
State College in North De- Iowa. He taught fourth, fifth Mr. Hopkins previously Teachers College in South high principal. Mr. Jackson
kate. Miss Johnson will teach and sixth grades at Waterloo, taught in Shelton and last Dakota. Mr. Petersen was has taught in Raymond and !1
Iowa, for the past six years, year taught in Glasgow, Man- high school librarian in Crof- Aberdeen and was principal "
English-Journalism in the He will teach in the fifth- tenn. He will teach in the ton, Nebraska, the last sev- at Hood Canal. He wassuper-
high school.
-sixth departmentalized pro- fifth-sixth program at Ever- eral years. He will be librar- intendent-principal of a de-
gram at Evergreen School• green School. inn in the high school, pendent school in Maracaibo,
5helton Faculty Totals 107 Venezuela, for four years. .':_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:r/
The past year he has been
completing his Masters De-
gree at the University of
105 bilrl
Hy-Lond Inn
• now tl
Cheryl Adams is ..,
us, specializing in wig ,. d"
And Penny smith is I"
Phone 4
Cool it...
as you hit the
8inch e
7.50, now
lovelier, happier feet while yoU watch'
If you're one of those women who'd rather bare her
soul than bare her feet, take heart. For Feet's Sake is
here. A whole new approach to foot beauty and foot
health. Ready to help you bare your feet with pride.
To restore the natural beauty that civilization stole.
Ready to make them baby smooth again and feel as
fresh and comfortable as a summer shower. You can
see it happening.
PUMICE SOUFFLl:"Conspicuously reduces rough,
ugly, painful spots. You can actually see the dry rough
skin scuffing off, leaving a surface you love to' touch,
love to show.
TOUCHSTONE'For the tougher spots. A "gritty"
sponge made from specially treated seaweed. Light
as a whisper, but comes on strong. Use in tub.
HEEL-TO-TOE CREAM','Soothes and smooths. Com-
pletely greaseless. Formulated with deodorant and
healing ingredients. Use morning and night.
REFRESHER SPRAY. A cooling deodorant spray to
revive perspired, tired feet. Keeps them dry without
upsetting moisture balance. Use on bare or stock
inged feet.
Ask for your...
of "For Feets Sake"
Evergreen Square • 426-3456 • Shelton
2:30 p.m. Aug. 15 at the school. The teacher supply and choice
Teachers will be the same as of candidates was particularly
last year, Arthur Zehe, upper good this year in most subject j Lanolin Plus
grades and Mrs. Norton Olson, areas, according to Grinnell. I
lower grades. Hair Spray
i Regular or Hard to Hold
Reg. Price
IIlilllq - A#:,.'"'n°w .................... Lotion
Reg. 1.69, O: €
Now ........................
Get-'em-out Anti-PerspirantSproy
of kers Reg. |.69, now ........................ 75'
snea Poll-dent Powder
Shoe Sale! L:rge'7'n°w ......................... 53'
Foot Spray Powder
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.......... Reg. 2.00, now
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Girl's Little Boys'
Saddle Oxfords Wing Tip Oxfords Push- Button Permanent
• "" 1 19
Frost&Tan, Reg. 6,99 488 $izesl0V, to3 Re9.7.99 ¢88 Reg. 2.60, now ...................... •
Save 2.11 NOW Save 2.1 ! NOW ll
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oung Women's Men's - l 1 O's
Bold Brogue Casuals Demi-Boot Reg.., 49 <
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9/8BIockySlip°n or Tte,Heel, Reg. 7.99 SS s Grain Leather Loafers Reg. !1.99 9" ¢oppertone Lotion
Save 2.11 NOW Save 21 1 NOW
...................... 4-OZ. bottle 1 09
Shop Daily to 5:30P.M. - Fri. tii 6P.M. • Charge It. Reg. 1.60, now ........... •
,,.,,. . i m .tt it t t i i
Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 14, 1969
requires "face to face" personal
Pre-registrotion interviews with all teacher
candidates, hiring out-of-state
Pre-registration for new people is usually difficult due to
students in the Grapeview School the long distance the teacher must
District will be from 10 a.m. to travel to interview.
The teaching staff has been two extra elementary and two
completed for the opening of additional junior-senior high
school Sept. 2, according to Louis school teachers.
(;rinnell, superintendent. An Shelton School District
additional one or two elementary administrative teams visited
teachers may be employed when Western, Eastern and Central
the Mr. View School addition is Washington State College
completed, however, campuses, along with the
Twenty-three teachers and one University of Washington,
administrator left the District this interviewing a total of 110
year and one teacher was granted teaching candidates. Lists of Back School
a leave of absence for the school openings mailed to colleges in ten GO tO • • •
year. The 161 teacher ...... states produced 1,050 letters of
administrator staff has been application for teaching and GJ d C f
increased to 167 for the coming administrative positions in amorous an are ree
school year. One additional Shelton. Interviews were held
vice-principal has been added to with 485 teachers who were asked Helene Curtis just invented a wig,
the high school, one remedial to come to Shelton during the wiglette, and fall that are so glam-
reading teacher will work in the week and on Saturdays in the orous and carefree you'll proudly
elementary school, along with months of April, May and June. A wear them everywhere, day-time
total of thirty-one teachers and or date-time. Each shade is a
administrators were finally blend of several different colors,
employed. So it looks as natural as your own
The school administration hair. Feels just as natural, too.
attempts, through the Yet Nature Blend of Modac 53 tm
employment of teachers from a
variety of colleges and balancing requires half the care.
beginning and experienced Nature Blend behaves like you
teachers in various fields, to wish your own hair would. Helene
maintain a varied staff balance. Curtis has permanently curled
For the first time this year a good each hairpiece so your style won't
variety of out-of-state teachers wilt in the humidity. Curls won't
with varied backgrounds and even shampoo away. In fact, Na-
' abi!ities were employed. Cure Blend never needs setting.
.... , , ,. tot of ,13,,tai¢Cmnced ...... Create dozens of styles simply by
teachers were employed from the
following colleges: Washington brushing and teasing the thick
State University, two; Western tresses. That's a few styles more
Washington State College, three; than you can expect from your
Central Washington State College, own hair! •
three; Eastern Washington State Nature Blend is static-free (no
College, two; University of fly-away ends), non-allergic, and
Washington, one; Colorado State non-inflammable, too.
College, two. Come in and see what Nature
Sixteen experienced teachers
MICHAEL SIMS .... Graduate were employed from various Blend can do for you. All the bet-
of Colorado State College. districts in the State, but, also, ter if your own hair becomes
Mr. Sims will teach Bqsiness representing Montana, Iowa, jealous!
Education and Math in the North Dakota, Nebraska, New
high school and assist in foot- York and Canada. The two
ball and wrestling, administrators employed received
their education in the State of
Grapeview Sets Since the school administration vergreeM I NEW FROM VITAJTH ®
See Vou00'
As Others S
• for Deflect maedP
• Slay cool No hot
bulbs NO glaf¢ No
trobcs,tt ShadoWS
• Swivel/lf[Of fronl
regular tO me. QIIytn{I
• Adlu,t tO any angle
Reg. .