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Local Residents Having Good Fishing
IJLLIWAUP ..... Residepts of
Ayock Beach and environs were
giving the .salmon a run for their
money this past weekend. Next
Saturday is derby day (Ayock
Beach/Salmon Derby, that is) so
they were all getting in practice.
There were lots of boats out,
fishing was good, and some big
ones were landed. Fred and
Dorothy Lane did right well,
caught several over the weekend,
tile largest was a King caught on
Sunday that weighed twenty-one
and a half pounds. David Webb
caught a nice fish too, a twenty
pound King, but expressed tile
wish it (the fish) had waited till
Derby Day to get hooked.
Earlier in the week, Vivien
Olson caught a twelve pound King
under adverse conditions. Needing
a contribution for the Republican
potluck picnic, she'd decided a
baked salmon would be just the
thing. So on Monday morning she
and Wendy gathered i,p some
fishing gear and some rather
weary herring that had been
laying around for three days. Not
adept at running the boat, Vivien
decided to fish right around
home. Completely unfamiliar
with husband Ed's single action
reel, sire decided to let Wendy fish
with it, so got it baited and
started to let a line out when the
salmon hit.
Of course she wound tile reel
the wrong way. And of course
Wendy didn't know how to shut
off the motor. Stumbling over
fishing box, net, and other pole,
the gas can, Vivien got back and
shut the motor off. Meanwhile
the sahnon was getting farther
and farther from the boat as she
continued to wind tile wrong
way. When the thing jumped
almost halfway across Ihe canal
she realized her mistake and
reversed. Reluctantly lhc fish
Highway Improvement Project Due
By NANCY VRAHNOS that is from Twanoh to I01, was
UNION Word has bccn very good. This will depend on
received from Rap. Paul ('<tuner fvhen federal funds now frozen
are released to the llighway
l|l:tl the State l:lighw;ly
(Lmmfission has advertised f()r (k)mmission.
bids on resurfacing the ihJod Mr. and Mrs. John Rebmanand
Canal Road SR 106 from lhe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wanslcy, Mr.
Belf.air Junction to*iwanoh Park. Rebman's sister and husband,
('onner's letter was to Lh)yd A. took a three day trip around the
(k)ok, chairman of the Roads I..oop this last week. Tiey
Committee of the llood (?anal stopped and lookedaround places
Improvement Club. that cannot be seen from the
Rcp. Conner's letter also stated highway. They all thoroughly
that the prospect of getting the enjoyed the trip. They arrived
remainder of SR 106 resurfaced, home in time to go to the
Mental Health Film To
Be Shown Here Sept. 20
A' one act play, "War of
Words," will be presented Sept.
20, at the United Methodist
Church. The play, about signals
children give in response to
martial tensions, is sponsored by
the Thurston-Mason Community
Mental tlealth Center Association
and the Mason County Mental
llealth and Mental Retardation
Planning Committee. Ellen l!sser,
well known in tile area as a
director of tile Olympia Little
Theatre, will direct the pl.'Jy.
Representatives ()1' the Mason
(!ounty Menial I|ealth and Mental
Retardation Planning C, ommittee
will share a booth 'with the
Alcoholism Referral Center at the
forthcoming Mason County Fair
and they will be available for
questions concerning mental
health and mental retardation in
Mason County.
What happens when people
have family and marital problems,
difficulties with their children and
where people in Mason County
can go for help with these and
other personal problems is of real
concern to tile people who'
formed ttte committee.
A brief program, including a
discussion of lhe committee's
acitivities, will be presented at the
lime of the play Sept. 20, and it is
hoped that parents, teachers and
all interested people in the
community will attend.
Rebman family reunion at
Matlock Sunday. Mr. Wansley
during times when not traveling
and sightseeing has been trying his
hick with the sometimes elusive
sahnon, lie was found them and
this last week has brought in a
Silver and a King.
Mrs. Burke Nelson journeyed
to ('cntralia to F'ort Borst Park
Saturday for a reunion of her
family. The family came from as
tar away as tlayward, Calif. and
Montana. Tuesday evening part of
the family came out to the (?anal
to have dinner and spend some
time with the Nelson family.
Rev. and Mrs. Art Beale and
family were dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Bittle. Ray. Mr. Beale is a former
pastor at the Babtist Church in
Shelton. They will soon be leaving
for the Phillipines where they will
be working as missionaries on the
mission field.
Mrs. Gerald Gullickson and her
three chihlren arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Art Krause
Wednesday to visit with her sister.
Friday after work, Mr. Gullickson
came out and they all went tip to
Lake Cushman for a little sight.
'f'he Gullicksons returned to their
home Sunday in Mountlake
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore and
two daughters were weekend
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dean. Mr. Moore is a
nephew to the Deans and they
reside in Anacortes.
began to come in, and the two
fishermen got more excited as
they got occasional glimpses of it.
Next problem looming up was
how to net it. Could Wendy do it':
Perish the thought, Wendy just
wasn't too handy at some things
and this was her first experience
even being in the boat on a
salmon fishing trip. The fish was
making shorter runs out, like
under the boat. So now was the
time. Once in the net, Wendy and
Vivien each grasped the sides of
the net and hoisted the creature
into the boat. It must have looked
pretty big to Wendy who
immediately scrambled up onto
the bow of the boat, inquiring
whether he had teeth, because he
was for sure chewing. He was. He
chewed the leader off. He'd
gotten into the boat none too
soon. But he was the star of the
As a delayed birthday
celebration for his father, Jack
Catto, son John H. Catto of
Seattle brought the three young
grandchildren for a weekend visit
with grandpa.
Ray and Nancy Morris reported
that lots of Red Snapper and Cod
are being taken near the Beacon
Point resort. But salmon fishing
has been slow so far. Sixteen lots
have been sold in their Beacon
Point Development, which she
said seemed to be about par for
the course.
June Lee's sister, Maxine
Temple who had been visiting her
at her Ayock Beach home, died
Wednesday in Mason General
ltospital. She had been stricken
with a heart attack more than two
weeks ago and had remained in a
coma. The same night June too
had been taken ill and an
ambulance was called and both
sisters taken to the hospital
during the night. June was
released from the hospital after a
Maxine's husband was
summoned and he came up from
Oregon and remained with the
Lees until after his wife's death.
June has accompanied him back
to his home where she will remain
long enough to help him settle his
affairs as he plans to sell his hohle
there and join relatives in Texas.
Meanwhile Curtis Lee received
word that his sister, in Marysville,
is ill and Ire was making plans to
go up there.
The Robert Schultzs have had
many interesting visitors at their
resort at Mike's Beach. Last
weekend it was a group from Blue
Lake Ore., comprised of residents
of a whole city block. The
families, with their tots and
teenagers enjoyed skiing,
clamming, and a hiking trip up
the Dosewallips.
Next weekend they are having
a family group from Tigard, Ore.
The diving school from Oregon is
also slated for the same weekend,
but unfortunately there will not
be cabin space. Seems the
Oregonians really appreciate
Hood Canal.
Another interesting group that
recently stayed at the resort a
short lime ago was the Custom
Caper Car Club from Tacoma who
brought their show cars.
Wendy Webb, daughter of the
Ed Oisons, will be spending the
next two weeks at Camp
Kenneydell, the Girl Scout (?amp
on Black Lake. Even though there
is no Cadet Troup in the area,
Wendy has been attending Scout
Camp each summer and it is the
highlight of her vacation.
409 Railroad
Smokeys friends
dora play with matches.
"The Family Shoe Store"
hi00h, wide 'n handsome
'robing hip
Toe slightly widened, vamp cJ., the dly"
er heel somewhat chunky..'ds..,
pant shoe, the sassy rogue, the m'i
all for being where the action is, llL
for now. All for you. $10.99 to "
Now there are 1095
Shoe Club Members'
107 S. 4th
Excitement is a.......
20-inch compact
$1 69 Value
[ " ' | ,'.€& ] Red with white
I / P " trim. Contour
I I saddle
jr.+ 88'p I ..air
* One Size Fits All!
I * 3 popular colors I V : ///' \\;',\'
to choose from.
to'c,oose from. J -
Perk up your car with a new
0.,o,,, 9"
,.ot 12,00
24-mo. guarantee
Portable Typewriter
4-speed, automatic,
dual sapphire Styli.
126 S. 2nd •
Your car won't "pass"
with bald tires!
SAFETY 0014t5
TIRES fed.
4-ply Nylon 7.35x14
Cord Body Blackwall
Knotty eOl[00
Sanded PonderOSa :t
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ready to varnish, "1 ' I 'ti
paint, or stain, t i
30" high.
Great for
the Stadium
A "take anywhere" AM radio. All solid
state. Large circular dial.
Automatic gain control
Black and white or |495
blue and white.
Ray Prouty, OWNER • 426-3111
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 14, 1969