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Scout Group Goes On Weekend Hiking Trip Into Mountains
IIyl}ONA O'NEIL nobody got seasick. Couldn't ask Pinochle Club Tuesday night. And
T - The Weeblos
it again. Saturday morning
little group gathered
fire hall and set off
for a trip to Snow Lake.
of the group included
leaders and assistants
d Mrs. Ed Johnston and Mr.
rs. Rick Sharpes. The eager
f youngsters included
ozier, Jessie Sharpes,
Faylor, Clay tlogan,
and Eddie Diamond.
carried a heavy pack
leader carried an extra
spike nails. As soon as
:hed their destination the
PPed out those nails and
raft. Well everyone
a fish except the raft
It took the troups three
hike in and one hour and
minutes to hike out. The
of the excursion
She is sporting
. SiZed bruise as evidence of
on the trip. All in all
Was a real success and
is looking forward to
a group of four men
Neah Bay and a
of salmon fishing. Jim
Ernie Phillips, Jim
en, Sr. of California, and
Jr. went out on a
Pleasure boat for three
pretty good and
for a better trip. They brought
home Silvers and ttumpies
averaging eight and nine pounds.
Rest Awhile reports fishing has
been real good down there lately.
Last Friday fishing was better
than average and Sunday ten
salmon, the biggest weighing in at
14 pounds, were brought in.
There were others at ten and
eleven pounds. Monday Ed Bisset
landed two, one weighing 15
pounds and the other eight
pounds. Ninety per cent of the
fish seem to be coming in on a
"wiggle tail" plug. The white plug
looks just like a herring darting
through the water and really
draws the salmon's eye.
By now most people here in
Hoodsport are aware of the fact
that Dutch and Gall Notenboom
are being transferred from the
Hoodsport Forest Service District
to the Lake Wenatehee District.
Judging from all of the going
away parties and celebrations,
Hoodsport has never been so glad
to see a family leave. There was
the party at Jim Jayne's home last
Friday evening. Thirty friends
showed up at that one. The
highlight of the evening was the
lovely cake specially designed to
suit the occasion.
Then there was the celebration
at Bible Study Tuesday morning
and then another to do at
of course there will be a Forest
Service party in their honor Aug.
22. All the fuss is hardly an
expression of joy over their
leaving. Better yet consider it a
bombardment of best wishes for
good luck in the future.
Rose Millo's granddaughter,
Charlene and her husband Bob
Dunham with their three children
Danny, Joe, and Julie, spent the
week in this area visiting relatives.
Bob is the son of William Dunham
from the Skokomish Valley.
Father and son even had a little
time to do some salmon fishing in
the canal while he was here. Mrs.
Dunham and the children flew up
a week ahead of her husband. Her
father, Joe Hansen of Portland,
Ore. also spent the weekend with
the family. Add to that a
Wednesday night visit from Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Hansen of Shelton,
and that's a bundle of company.
Bob Dunham is in the Air Force
and stationed at Fairfield Air
Force Base in California.
Rose Mille has sold her trailer
here and is moving to Shelton
where she has purchased another
trailer and will be at the Lakeburg
Trailer Court. She is moving to
Shelton simply as a matter of
The Jim Jayne family had
house guests from Brayton, Iowa
Is Completed On Section Of Road
N - The first
)ad from Hoodsport to
is open again after
3f Work, straightening,
and surfacing. There
been an elaborate
ly to celebrate the
of this project - I'm
sure there was general rejoicing all
along the way, and special
rejoicing from the folks living in
the homes near the road. Believe
me, after months of eating and
breathing dust, these folks know
more about "True Grit" than the
author of the book, and could
add a few chapters of their own.
Buildings Destroyed
Fire Over The Weekend
There were two
the week. The
[touse across
Dan Gleeson place
esday night. The loss
tons of hay which
Sunday morning at I
'ens place about two
Park burned.
rs. Pierce and family
:here, but no one was
the fire started. Both
COmpletely burned
Mrs. Lee Gundersen
Nancy and Mary of
over night guests
ne Evers home near
and Wednesday.
rsens were dinner
and Mrs. Elvin
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin and
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing
motored to Spirit Lake and Mt.
St. Helens Thursday. They visited
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lovette and
family at the Salmon Hatchery at
Toutle Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradherry
enjoyed two days of charter boat
fishing from Westport last week
and got their limit each day.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin
spent Sunday with Mrs. Floyd
Sherwood of Satson.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley,
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Mrs.
Augusta P. ortman and Carl
Portman attended the golden
wedding anniversary party in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Valley at their home in Agate
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs.- Augusta Portman and Carl
Some of us who have lived in
the Cushman area for more than
20 years -- welcome this
improvement, as we recall the
times during the winter months of
ice and snow, when there was
always the question .... "will we
make it back up the hill"? There
was never a question about
getting down the hill- although
it may have been backward,
sideways or zig-zag, and hoping
someone else coming up the hill
didn't need his half of the road.
From "native" to tourist, we
all thank the tax payers, engineers
and anyone else responsible for
the new road.
it seems there is never a dull
moment in the Cushman area,
especially during the summer
months However the air and
ground activity brought about by
the crash of the plane last
Wednesday, was most unusual.
The last fatal crash, was a few
years ago on Dew Mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer and
children of Wasilla, Alaska, have
been visiting the Dick Endicotts.
Mrs. Spencer is the former Faith
Gray, who grew up in the
Hoodsport area. These have been
"happy family days" for the Gray
families, with "Pop" Gray
surrounded by children and
grandchildren. Faith and John
met at remote Pedro Bay on Lake
llliamna in Alaska, where Faith
was a Missionary nurse and John
was teaching. They have just
Portman were Sunday evening returned from a visit with John's
i supper guests of Mrs. Marie folks near Houston, Texas, and
McKay of Shelton. will soon leave for the Northland
Yes Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe - where John will again be
and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy teaching in Wasilla.
Ilnder Bridges and daughters spent The gulls have found, Lake
Stl,..jl__ = - SundaYhome. evening at the I. C. Ford Standstill the perfect picniCand
118dln][- area with meals prepared
Administration is
the veteran to have
bn checks arrive on
John B. Kirsch,
the Seattle VA
said today.
experience going
of a century
C.l. Bills, Kirseh
of delays would
if veterans
their part of the
k...and did it
who was in
Semester followed
tnd returned his
Attendance at the
term, he has
to do before his
arriving this fall,
College registrar
and promptly
the VA.
did not return his
.Attendance, he
tmmediately to
of delay. If the
the veteran
VA office that
for the first
have changed
- must be
a proper
;ibility from the
Submitted this
ge registrar
ed certificate
Payment for
nd October is
the first check
in November.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley waiting! We aren't sure what law
spent Friday evening at the
Eugene Rossmaier home near
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
attended the wedding of Carol
Durst and Rodney LeGarde
Saturday evening at the Methodist
Church in Shelton and attended
the reception at the Dayton Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson of
Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs.
Lud Rossmaier Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and
Susan were Sunday dinner guests
of the Bill Crisman family of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacobs and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobs spent
the weekend in Vancouver B. C.,
to visit Andy McGarvie who is in
the hospital there.
Matlock Grange postponed its
regular meeting Aug. 15.because
of the Mason County Fair. The
Grange will put a booth in and
also take part with Agate Grange
for the food booth at the Fair.
The Ladies Club will hold its
picnic at Schafer Park Aug. 20
with a potluck lunch. The club
furnishes coffee and soft drinks.
Club members and their families
have been invited to participate.
would apply in this case? A great
blue heron has become a
permanent resident - guess he
figures that fishing has never been
this good before! However, the
swimmers and friendly ducks
don't mindthe strange visitors --
there seems to be enough space
for all.
The hydroplane races Sunday
on Lake Cushman brought
boating enthusiasts from far and
near. This is becoming a popular
entertainment for this area - and
something that was not permitted
on this lake a few short years ago.
However a couple of Cushman
kids took to the lake with a little
hydro named the "Blue Streak,"
(and a few other names applied
by the fishermen) it was capable
of perhaps 35 mph., and made
quite a "rooster tail" as it skipped
over the water, guess the little
boat was about ten years ahead of
the present sport and couldn't
compete with these "hot
models," but it tried!
PTARMIGAN begin changing
color in the early fall. When snow
comes they are almost invisible.
You Should Know...
this week. Jim's sister Marge, and
her husband Spike Walker with
their four children John, Bill,
Sarah and Joe live on a farm near
Brayton, eighty miles west of Des
Moines. While they were here
their son Bill celebrated his
birthday Saturday. Sunday they
took a ride through the National
Forest and Monday they took a
trip to the Bremerton shipyards
and toured the battleship
Missouri. They left for home in
the middle of this week. Because
of a months worth of snow days,
their school is starting Aug. 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thurmen, Sr.
of El Cajon, Calif., drove up last
week to visit their son Jim
Thurmen and his family on Finch
Creek. They had hopes that their
expected grandchild would make
his appearance while they were
here, but no such luck.
Hygra de
est \\;/irginia
Beg. or
ThiCk $ice
Hygra de
1½ Quart 14 oz. bottle
3 btls.
Grade AA Dozen
24 oz.
ooxs0000 3o8S,
15 oz.
Slim Jim French Fries 20 oz. pkg. 19'
Faultless Brand 58 ¢
22 oz pkg
Maj orette Lo ng 3 / 89 <
22 oz pkg
Stokely's Brand 9 <
8 oz tin
Spray Starch
Tomato Sauce
Dill Pickles
Cocktail Shrimp
Cake Mix
Laundry Aid
Kerns Reg. or lJ¢
Kosher 48 oz jar
Peter Pan Brand41/2 oz tin 2/89 <
Pillsbury Angel Food 56 <
15V2 oz pkg
Brlon Pre-Soak 76 <
20¢ off 38 oz size
Johnsons Lemon
Furniture PolishP,edge ,4ozsiz.$1.23
Beef Lasagna ne..ey's Brar, d
24 Jztin 53 <
Lima Beans ne...'s with Ham
24 OZ tin 53 <
,m rIF All hrmds (3 Ib tin $1.8911 q I
Highland 00owee 0b ti. i,+ tin
Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 1 1 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: ...................... 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: ................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
-Thursday, Auqust 14, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Page ;!