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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 426-4412 For S¢le COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo. from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tfn WOOD FOR SALE any type or size. Call 426-1124. De vered. J 7/31-8/21 INDOOR--OUTDOOR CARPET, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at Clean Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426.4702. O8/ltfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Fells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/Stfn FREE KODAK FILM' Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6] 63. 5/25tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote, 4/14tfn HAMLTON WASHER and Gas dryer. Matching set, one owner, od condition. See at 810 So. h after 5 p.m. 426-4461. Mrs. McKInney. Mc8/7-24 ALDER, FIR, any length, delivered Shelton vicinity. Phone 426-8113. B8/7tfn USED ELECTRIC mimeograph ,50. Phone 426-8113 or Inquire 311 Cookson St. B7/24tfn Nil III I II I COLOR T.V. See at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cots 426-4702 ,m i i i ii i, ii i i !x8 and lx!2 Cedar $80 per M !00 lineal or more. 10€ per lineal under 100 lineal feet. Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replacement L Warranty xD WATER HEATEB The Hotpolnt Custom Glssslino wster beater proHdes the ulti- ms rill sutmot|€, sole, effl. qJelt operation. And best of sll f¢ fs xea uy Jo yesr tsol repJamDmeat wsrrsaty. Eells & Valley For Sale MOBILE HOME FURNITURE-- We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Clean Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702.4/14tfn WALL--TO-WALL CARPETS or room.size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Clean Furniture, 4th and Cote. 426-4702. O11/18tfn 1969 MOBILE HOME 20x43 ft. Pay equity and take over contract. Phone 426-2397, Hidden Haven. W8/7-28 USED LOWREY ORGAN. Excellent condition. Bargain for quick sale to. re=sponsible party. Terms or cash. Phone Adjustor, BR 2-5282, Tacoma. T8/7.21 4 INCH BAND SAW, Merry ler, paint sprayer. Heasonable. Phone Hoodsport 877-5431. L8/7-28 BED DAVENO, good COndition, $15.00, also double bed, spring and mattress, $15.00 complete. Phone 426-3649. B8/7-14. STRAW FOR SALE. $15.00 per ton. Nell McDonald, 426-3740. Mc8/7-28 RELAXAWAY, the original "Slim-Gym". World's easiest method of active exercise. For information Call 426-1276. M7/I 7fin GOOD USED clarinet for sale. 426-6948. D8/7 TAKE SOIL AWAY the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. C8/14 SILVERTONE SOLID body guitar and amp. Like new. Both F80. Phone 426-4148. B8/14 1965 PLYMOUTH F;93  excellent condition, 383, 1966 Honda, ] 60, built up $300 a steal. 16 ft. plywood convertible cabin ski or fishing boat, 40 h.p. Johnson motor, $750. with trailer. 16 ft. camper trailer, good condition, sleeps five, $350. Phone 426-6539. P8/14 loader and back hoe, new tires, power steering $2,500. Phone 42G8677. $8/]4-9/4 MODEL 88 WINCHESTER 308 rifle. Complete with 2/4 x scope, sling, case, ammo. Hearing aid. 426-3607. R8/14-9/4 1966 Honda "305" and helmet $450. 1957 Dodge Coronet $150. 1962 Chev. Greenbrier Sports wagon (needs engine work) $350. Oil furnace and 300 gal. tank $60. Flute $25.426-2045. T8/14-21 4'x6' UTILITY TRAILER. new tires and spare $85. Regulation size pool table $100. Phone 426-2686. W8/14 JERSEY CALF 3 weeks old. $35 or trade for rototiller, tools, furniture or ? 426-6953. D8/14 WOOL RUG -- brown tweed 12x21 ft. $60; G. E. electric mixer with juicer; old standard typewriter; Heavy duty 8 inch skill saw with case. Call after 5:30 p.m. 426.2526.8/14tfn 2 AXLE equipment trailer. , 426-2026. W8/7-8/28 FOR SALE -- 1960 RAMBLER, stick, overdrive, very clean, must see, $300 or best offer. Also home built boat 3/4 H.P. motor and trailer $300 or best offer. Want sturdy utility trailer, consider trade 923 Pioneer Way C8/7-28 i Special Doors only or pre-hung units. Interior and *exterior. This Is surplus or slightly damaged stock. All reduced in price Applianee Center 2nd & Cots St. Phone 428-4663 L1urilll¢ItMI¢]Nr,I Complete Home Furnishing Of Shelton 426-2611 Center - ,, , i i, i i i i Nye Building Supply Complete Building Supplies Weekly Specials ALUMINUM SLIDER 30% WINDOWS All sizes available - Most sizes m Stock 6-FT. PATIO DOORS S96" with tempered glass Complete Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints on the Cole Road Phone 426-8224 For Sale _ _v...  =_... vv" - YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523 S3/27tfn FOR SALE or trade: 500 gallon fuel tank. Want to buy 14 ft. boat trailer. 426.6286 W6/Stfn FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426-4412.8/9tfn LOWREY STARLET Organ. Regular $675.00 now $595.00 Johnny's Music Box 205 Cote. 426-4302 J7/17tfn iiii i[ i i i iiiiii iiiiiii Special Hardwood flooring No. 2 Oak shorts, slightly water damaged, $129 per M. LUM||IM|N'I Of Shelton 426-2611 Used Curs 1966 FORD VAN, 30,000 miles. 426-2774. G8/14 1955 4 door FORD, runs well $100. Phone Union 898-2420 138/14 1964 CHEVELLE 4 door. Big 6, standard transmission, radio, heater. Has been maintained in excellent condition by original owner. 426-3465. L8/7-14 1949 CHEV. pickup. Good condition, good rubber. Call 426-2477. A8/14-9/4 1961 VOLVO, $275. 426.4870 evenings. E8/14tfn ii i ...... ,UI00 Cars +' '66 Plymouth Belvedere $1195 '66 Merc Hardtop ..... . • 1595 '66 Ford Wagon ........ 1795 '65 Olds 442, 4-spd ...... ! 595 '65 Falcon Wagon ...... 1095 '65 Comet Sedan ........ 995 '64 Rambler Sedan ...... 695 '63 T-Bird (air) ........ 1095 '62 Vsuxall Wagon ...... 695 '62 C!}ovy II Wagon ...... 595 '62 Rambler Wagon ...... 595 '62 Dart Wagon ......... 695 '6 ! Corvair ............ 395 Boat, Motor and Trailer ............... 695 23 MORE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ! Used Trucks '65 Datsun .......... $1095 '63 F-100 ........... 595 '56 Int. =k-Ton, 4x4 ...... 695 '48 Chev Panel ........ 95 8 MORE TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM ! JIM PAULEY'S BOB -- BUS -- BILL 5th and Railroad 426.8231 ,ill i i i i i i l ,ll Pets, Uvestock v___.- -v   A.  " THOROUGHBRED MARE. Excellent trail horse, good with children. $200. Call after 6 p.m. 426-4563. Z8/7-28 K-9 Klips, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment, 426.8988.8/31tfn SIAMESE KITTENS for sale. 8 weeks old. Males $15, 426-6285. W8/14 GOING ON VACATION? Leave our dog with us if over 20 Ibs. eI-Ru Kennels 426-2387. N8/14tfn REGISTERED BLACK Angus bull, 18 months old. Phone 426-6045. $8/14-21 A BOBCAT is tied far more closely to a specific environment than a fox or coyote, which may range almost anywhere. i [ i i i J iiiJlll iJ i i i i 'ge 22 Shelt0n-Mason County Jmirnal-ThursdaY--August ]4, ]969 RATES 15 words OP leel  $1.50 • 10 cents for each s¢lditlonal word over IS. • FOUR (4) Insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Cisulfied f/eadllno $ p.m. TUOIKlay. Sporting Goods FOR SALE or trade for what have you -- 20' inboard convertible boat, asking $900. 426-3483 before 5:30. H6/19tfn OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-trained mechanics. Hood Canal Marina, Union. 898-2252.4/3tfn GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252.2/15tfn 15V= ft. VACATION trailer, good condition, $575 firm. 426-2020. C8/7-14 Saices INSULATION APPLICATORS AND SUPPLIERS of rock wool and fiberglass blown and blanket home insulation. Call for qvUotation, 943-1360. Willamette alley Co. 7/17 tfn Wanted SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st and Mill. Always buying copper, brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-8626. S6/26tfn For Rent $7.95 RENTS a new piano. Sherman-Clay, South Sound Center, Lacey. Phone OLympia 491-3370. S8/22tfn For Rent. One upstairs apartment for single, quiet person. Inquire 526 Franklin. B7/24 tfn FOR RENT 2 bedroom, unfurnished apartment. Holly Hill Apartment. 426-6593. B7/10tfn FOR RENT -- Trailer space. Walking distance to town. Carport and storage. 426-3242 BS/8tfn FOR RENT - Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. M10/Stfn Services BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893 7/22tfn WANTED -- Alder Loqs. 9" FURNISHED 2 bedroom C.L. 160 HONDA for sale. Call diameter and up. Mason waterfront chalet w/wcarpeting, after 5 p.m. 426-6469. H8/7-14. Hardwood Co. formerly Smith all electric kitchen, fireplace, large 16 ft. BOAT, motor and trailer. Alder Mill. 426-1411. M4/24tfn deck, next to golf course. No 426-4870 evenings. E8/14tfn ...... small children please. References 426-4000.8/7tfn 16 ft. 1967 fiberform, 120 Wanfed F--OR RENT -- ONE bedroom Mercury cruise. E-Z load trailer, like new, $2,800. 877-5286. duplex, partly furnished, also 2 G8/14.21 Will Buy or bedroom furnished trailer. Phone 426-3242. B8/7tfn 3 bedroom Spencer Lake Home, partly furnished. Available August 15 on 10 month lease. $125. Call 426-4957. S 7/31 tfn Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances Kelly Furniture 625 So. 1st 426-2411 WILL DEMOLISH , houses or Wanted to Rent PROFESSIONAL MAN would Reel Estate Wanted EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchanger. 426-6592. 8/18tfn Reel Estate AT] HACTIVE 2 bedroom house, large lot, fruit trees, carpets, fireplace, on Angleside. 426-4877 for appointment. B7/31tfn FOR SALE: Large 4 bedroom home. Downtown. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. 426-2544 or 426-6819 B6/Stfn 50 ft. Island Lake frontage, beautiful wooded lot, nice beach. 2V cleared back lots. 426-3265. P8/14-9/4 M houses, clo----se in. One bedroom country house. Must have some cash. 426-8113 or inquire 311 Cookson St. B7/24tfn TOP INVESTMENT 36 acres -- $12,600. Shelton Valley. Terms. Maple Valley Land and Homes. Eve. call VI 426-6961. M8/14 ASSUME 5/,% Interest. Downtown Shelton. Ideal for family, 3% bedrooms, full basement with rec. room, double garage. Very livable, but could use some "finishing touches." Close  to schools, downtown shopping. New Three Bedroom h°l : baths, fireplace, w/w^OIrd." carport i McCleary 495-341b  L7/24+1, by Owner 3i ous on Hillcrest,_.., remodeled. Call 426-407' ilP, MODERN - 3/4 ACR ,1. c b°rderingla r g, dlmng, ISU-- : hvCreek: Pleat ll bedroom, ge entry. L0lf' 1Vz baths, ,boards anad r  Birch CUl Large fireplace, 3 ca - workshop. Garden and 1• Brush Realffj 150 acre State christ..n Lease for sa,e M.esof 00;00IBB and roads are all,; $5,500.00 includes x':i/ rent. * * * / One Limerick. $4,000.00 of the better back/ Lake arranged. ':/ terms can be . • 'i: • p,antatiOtl> Christmas tree S h =el_ acres close like to rent beach home from $12,700. Pay cash for equity and $45,000.00 cash or buildings, any type or'size. Phone  Sept. through June. Call Seattle assume $10,190 mortgage arranged. , i'Vtlll 426.1124. J7/31-8/21 Help Wanted JournaI.TR 8-22808/14.21or write Box J % The payments $80 month includes m ;OrU;h74i TM CHILD CARE 3 years or over in rncipal, interest, taxes and WNNT  P ornings, befo 51 "Gtll licensed home. Downtown area. '=-=-=-------=----=-=---- TEACHER AND HUSBANDn-ed insurance. By appointment, m Call Ji ? evenings after 6 p.m. B/41", Call 426-8115. L8/14-9/4 ED SOMEONE with furnished house or apartment in lympia943-8579. L7/24tfn St. automobile who wants earnings of Shelton. References. 426.6217. ,, t PIANO LESSONS GIVEN, high about $150 per month. Part-time M8/14tfn LARGE MODERN m school student with professional work. 426-6527 before 7 p.m. 426-8239.backing" Call Cinda Watson,w8/14.10/2 R8/14 TEACHER WANTS to rent -- FAMILY HOME 3A+Ncr?sLTEwoJHornE e  if '  furnished small house or I apartment for school year in 2MILESFROM BABY SITTING in my home, train man for sales position, Shelton or Hoodsport. Clean, DOWNTOWN SHELTON S fenced yard. Phone 426-1567. Shelton area. Fringe benefits. 2 allows pets. Write Merifields, 307 Here is an excellent situatii G8/7-28 year finance plan. Metropolitan Taylor St., Pullman, Wash. 99163. 5 BDRM. HOME the right people., n A : Life Insurance Co. Call 352-0581, M8/7-14 ON 25 ACRES ELECTROLUX SALES & eves. 491-2127. K8/728 under construcuo ., Fireplace -- carpeting -- built-in 60% complete with an i Service. Electrolux bags available. ""---------------------"----'---------- dishwasher. 2Vz baths - separate comfortable 2 bedrOO Free delivery. Call Jack Manley SELL BAUM TOYS  Party Plan! 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. Car necessary. No Del. We train. Real Estate dining room - Large convenient New home includes 38befll utility room -- basement -- barn of living space and can . M8/15tfn Excellent comm. 426-3397  -- pasture orchard, into 3 to 5 bedrooms m, EXCAVATING, HAULING, and MC7/10tfn STEAL THIS LOVELY wooded PLUS 1200 FEET OF room with firepl clearinq. Free estimates. Ph. ---------------------------------------= lot on Pickering Passage. 133 ft. CREEK FRONTAGE kitchen and 426-4378. Gordon B Moore. 011 by 232 ft. 426-4228. B8/14tfn attractive with sp M4/4tfn " Business rtunities FULL PRICE $32,000 A frame .... +   .................... CALL 426-8001 $30,000.00 -_=_-=_=_-___=_-=_=.j=--_=_-u : 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 4 years CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, ;;i old. Drive by 2009 Stevens. Call after 6:00 p.m. speedy, accurate. Precision FOR LEASE- Sh Service L8/7tfn Island Lake rinding. Now at Saeger Motor Station, good location, high Essex 7-8161. E8/]4tfn beautiful 00;JB Shop, HiHcrest. Phone 426-4602. gallonage. Call 426-3322. G6/Stfn ..... Here is a someone for Isla YOU HAVE IT ALL HERE 1/15tfn  propertY.landscaped frontage: BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN Personal Secluded country living three miles from town! cared for 3 bedroom ,v,. remodeling. Roofing, patios, living room, with m'a carports. ,Smaller jobs also. Call  carpets, paneling and .m 1 Osborne s 426-6241. O]/25tfn CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed --384 feet of the choicest Island Lake beach available in one features. Propert $v pregnant teen-age girls. UGN parcel or divided into one 90 foot cleared lot at $140 per foot. unsold for long a Agency. Collect calls accepted. One 90 foot lot uncleared at $135 per foot, remainder with 3 Seethis one soon, if intJi; jl,) ]Paving Contractor-- I Florence Crittenton Home, PA bedroom, 2-story ideally designed frame home with many ASPHALT PAVG I 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, We. attractive features at $40,000. Island Lake -mm, -" ,'tlt * Driveways [ 98178.8/28tfn )drHereo Ii "Sean°-thera"' andscOa (;;#aj l K Parking Lotl [ -=--------------=---- --Double carport, hard-surfaced driveway, beautifully landscaped, float and ramp, bulkhead fireplace, concrete foundation, two BO MBEL.CONET. LOSt = Found ,, large porches, other details you'll like. waterfront lots. _., 'B " 426-4248 * leltom. .... --This property has escalated in value very rapidly in the past f ve fireplace" in living" roo,"" years, will continue to do so. A solid investment for the future, n+,.,. €-) nnn f)O lgarage and carport and it;T(jt LOST DOWNTOWN area 6 steel Cash deal only. Bob Ogden Caliper. Phone 426-8710. H8/14 caT'Ew;l'eil-yc)u fmO Suburban Prooerty :j]llinki.=; i LOST 2 red hounds, Arcadia --interested parties cal1426-4305. D-7/17-tfn iIi INSTALLATION SERVICE Road area. Phone 426-2843.  witrh furifJ',iS 12/2 Acres ty ..... Carpeting- Formica- $8/14.21 Ceramic and Linoleum  BUYER S DELIGHT cleared,bedr°°mfencedh°me'Pr°pe"#tl'& in Pa';aftl#j'i Ideal for gentlema'-.& For Rent $39,7s0 .... $ 7,5o0 .... horse lover. Priced at ' Licensed,& InsuredB°nded "-''------------------------------" JJStor recreationallisted and adream.real retirementLocated AAnglesidefUll.basement home on Phillips Lake prop arty ': FOR RENT One bedroom with 3 bedrooms. (not waterfront) , xi furnished apartment, close to on Lost Lake with You won't believe the - ct IUu :+ Phone426-3155 downtown, adults only. approximately 220' of excellent condition of this Just listed: tra -t" °P!!I References. $75.00 month, lakefront and 2 acres of land. home. Plush carpeting, unimproved properal  3/6 tt 426-4000. W8/7 Cozy 1 bedroom home with fireplace, very cheerful road with lig'=rneri fireplace and plenty of room kitchen, and of course the full available. Has son,,, ,.l-i ' FOR RENT. One bedroom partly for expansion. Could be ideal basement with utility area. timber, and located cw ' furnished apartment. No children for 2 families since there is a Relax in the beautiful back launching pro:;ry;L/ IMIJOIIII or pets. Phone 426-3560. beautiful view location on yard. $1950.00 cash p  Upholstering W8/7-14 upper side of property all offer! cleared and waiting for a $17,000 .... Samples shown in your S M A L L 2 bedroom home second home. You'll enjoy the An attractive 3 bedroom home Low Bank unfurnished $67.50 per month, landscaping and privacy of the located downtown near Water-Front Lots home. Free pickupand water and garbage furnished, location. Let us show you a schools. Approved for FHA 2-Low bank delivery. Phone 426-8390. C8/14 real quality buy. financing, and all ready to go. best location o FOR RENT 2 bedroom $29,500 .... Has almost 3 lots andasmall 1 Inlet, in well -- room rental unit that could i ncluding Phone McCleary 495-3447 unfurnished house with range and Custom-built 3 bedroom, 2V serve as a guest house. Many will go fast so S8/7tfn refrigerator. Next to golf course, bath, and family room home other features -- small creek, Have 75 ft. .... beach privileges. $12. per me. on Mountain View. Separate fireplace, l/z baths, etc. friend or two GENERAL HAULING References. 426-4000. B8/14tfn living room has very attractive desirable fireplace. The kitchen is one to $19,750 .... per ft. Sand - Pit Run - Gravel FOR RENT One bedroom really please the wife. We could Very spacious 3 bedroom Allyn District furnished apartment, close to tell you more about the downtown home with Waterfront Lots 5-Yard Dump Truck downtown, adults only. covered patio, the intercom fireplace, 13/4baths, family room, and Loader - Peat Soil References $75. month, system, etc. -- but why not let and very large dining room. 2-Lotswitha TEL.- FRANK- 426-3153 426-4000. W8/14tfn us show these features to you? This is a good family home on Saltwater 7/31 ' $25,950 .... with easy walk to stores and about 150 , MT, VIEW schools. Nice yard and garage black.topped ,, '' Cozy 2 bedroom home with out back. well wooded. HAND SAWS ELWOOD MANOR 80' of salt water frontage on total price on be & TABLE SAWS APARTMENTS sheltered cove. Really an or $7,500.00 each. excellent retirement $13,500 .... SHARPENED JNBEDROOM Opportunity. Attractive Rambler styled 3 bedroom 2-acres of g year-round view. Let us show home in nice wooded setting, bedroom 1714 Jefferso. (Mr. View) FURNISHED you why we think this one is Plenty of room for kids to play close-in on Ph. 42e-e7  2/17 tin Available NOW. so nice. without worry about traffic, number of merc Lovely panelled walls and property. CheCk No Pets $16,750 .... attractive kitchen cabinets, is a good value. LANE CONTACT MANAGER Neat-as-a-pin. 2 bedroom home Patio space for cookouts. HOUSE MOVING 426-3100 located on approximately 2Vz Practicall acres close to town. Also has home Houses Raised, Foundations or about 165' of creek frontage- $13,000 .... attached and and Leveling 426-6155 just rkJht for a horse or two. How about 4 bedrooms Located Beautifully panelled walls, downtown. Has fireplace, of condition Phone 426-8147 I a r g e c o m b i n a t i o n dining room, large double Priced at $ utility-sewing room with kitchen, utility room, and large want to cash out. 1/27tfn 1- 2 BR Apartments country view. Has unique enclosed yard Terms are fireplace and indoor planters, available to assume good PAINTING and DRY WALL $110 and you'll certainly appreciate contract. Really built for the ANGLE Appliacea, Drapes, Carpets, the open kitchen arrangement, larger family. RESIDENT and Water, G,xbage, Ample Parktng Since COMMERCIAL No Pat= A R O Y D U N N Real Estate 8, J. E. HARRIS JEFFERSON APTS. • On Mt. View 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Bonded and Insured Phone 426-8663 Evenings Call: PAUL CALL 426.8773 12/ t/n DON BROWN - 426-6388 A. ROY DUNN - 426-4601 401 7/4 tin .............