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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 14, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 14, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mr. Realy State says: "'It's Fair lime." And what could be fairer than these home buys? OO00e trade-in plan to transfer your present equity to YOu want to buy ..... Call for more information. Hill OOO00 ! 'PPortunity to purchase a very attractive 2 home for just $7,950. Excellent terms are to the qualified buyer ...... Now!!!! have been thinking of selling, now is the results call 426-2646. 040000 ! o buy this one and with about $2,600. you a low interest loan. Extra large rooms plus a Spotless This immaculate 4 yr. old home, located on the Dayton Road just a few miles from town, has 3 bedrooms, large, finished, double garage and workshop, fireplace, step-saver kitchen and covered patio, $22,500. Compare... Wolere else in town can you find a 3 bedroom home with approximately 1200 sq. feet of living area, 3 bedrooms, fenced back yard and carport for $12,000, financed with FHA financing and a very small initial investment? See us. Sprawling... You'll have plenty of elbow room in this older, one-level home on Hillcrest• It has approximately 1900 sq. feet of living area. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge family room with fireplace, together with a king-sized yard with garden space, fruit tres and berries. A real buy for just $15,500. Spencer Lake... Opportunity knocks•...What a spot to retire! This cozy 2 bedroom home is as neat as a pin with a handy kitchen, carpeted living room with fireplace and a pretty bath with lots of storage. Outside you'll find 2 good sized garages, fruit trees, drilled well and 75' of choice lake frontage. We think it's a terrific buy at $21,500 and we can offer good terms. Like to see it? Mt. View... What an ideal location. This well built home is well located among newer homes and is offered at $24,500. Over 1350 sq. ft. of living area that's all plastered and in excellent condition• 3 good sized bedrooms, ]n/z baths, carpeted livingroom, and a separate dining room. Even a 2 car garage, sprinkler system and lots more for the money..See it now! ! "ng Sites.... of buildingT? We have several excellent sites- s-- plans .... See us soon. Viow o • • • • as pretty as a picture in real life too. home on a double lot can be y'ours your home with Ifimlie Realt ,. full time salesmen service. or Colloo o Spring Road... Conveniently located close to town and the Island Lake area, this newly remodeled 2 bedroom home, sits on 1n/2 acres• You'll also appreciate the large workshop area as well. $]3,000. Terms. The only way you can go wrong is wait. Real Estate FOR SALE in city. 4-6 bedroom house. Needs repair, very large corner lot, garden, fruit trees, shop and garage. Carpeted. Can sell appliances. Very negotiable terms. Must sell, 923 Pioneer Way. C8/7-28 Mt. View... Here's a quality built ranch home, 3 bedrooms, just waiting for a new owner. It's almost new. There is a0 gleaming hardwood floor, a cheery fireplace and a very pleasant floor plan. The price is just $]9,800 and there is good PURDY REALTY Wynwood Center -- P.O. Box 410 Gig Harbor-- 857-2121 Benson Lake 62' of frontage, 325' deep. No bank, level, pea gravel beach with dock. 3 bedroom home, 8 yrs. old. Fireplace, electric heat, furnished, 32'x12' storage and work shop, carport. Drilled well. Asking $23,000 and terms. In Grapeview -- 3 bedroom home with fireplace, electric heat, rotisserie, birch cabinets, 3 car garage and can purchase as much as 8 acres with 285' waterfront in a cove. 9 acres near Allyn 656' road frontage, wooded, $5,950. Sherwood Creek with finished cabin inside and out. Bathroom, stove, refrigerator, hot water tank, sink, electric heater, on high tide can bring boat in. $7,950 and terms. Shelton City limits Brockdale Rd. 6 acres. $1,795. Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; 426-6911 evenings and weekends. l llll i financing available. There is a big  llr-'--  2 car garage, too!! South of Town... Real This 3 bedroom home has so very much to offer with its -' Estate spacious rooms, a multitude of storage area and built-ins, a huge fireplace, and much more, that you must see• Let us take in NEED 4 BEDROOMS Or 3, plus family room? Either ,hour smaller home on trade for is and give you the space yod need. $23,900. Ter-r-rific financing available!! Lotsa Bedroomsl A good downtown location within easy walk of schools, stores, and churches. A very spacious livingroom and master bedroom. A built-in range, oven and dishwasher, olus a garbage disposal. A home to really live in for the unbelievably low price of $11,500. Let's talk terms today!! Some homes have it, Swhdo not. Plan to see tJs verl lovely AngleGle Illlif lJu ha be holjC'ng iut'lffolA sorrhg splLa_I. IlricU Ir yollbt $]00lFJl, IKhalf4 qp00or00, ,2 baths, aiVasllljft rec room, new kitc ca--'binets, lovely carp'Tng and a setting that to repeat, spells charm!! Acreage & Waterfront 123 ACRES... Ideal investment. Old ranch. 4000 feet of year round streams cross the property. 35 acres cleared, 12 miles from Shelton. Just $500.00 per acre, terms! 53 ACRES 5V2 miles from town. Level, good county road frontage. $500.00 per acre. Terms. 40 ACRES -- COVE Over 2000 feet frontage on saltwater cove. Nice stand of second growth timber. Good county road access. Near Grapeview. Priced at $50,000.00. ! 8+ ACRES... Primarily in excellent pasture; 4 acres of tract contains stand o(large second growth fir. Olympic Mt. view from a portion of the property. Only $12,750.00 171/z ACRES... Agate area. Nicely wooded, level. County road frontage. 10 ACRES .... Near Shorecrest, 2 acr cleared, balance lightly wooded. beautiful building site. $ ,500.00. 10 ACRES... 3/4 mile from She/ton. County road through property. Small stream. Just $t,UO0 down, $75.00 a month, 71/2% interest, $8,000.00 total. 5.6 ACRES Close to spencer Lake. Just right for that secluded mobile home site. Easy terms. Priced at $5,500.00. 3.3 ACRES... On Lost Lake road. 351 feet of blacktop road frontage. Nice building spot. $500.00 down is all you need. Price: $3,950.00. ! 50'x66Y How much more room do you need? Walking distance to Lost Lakepublic access. $300.00 down, $30.00 per month -- Total: $2,350.00. 100 FT. HOOD CANAL Just south of Union on State Highway. Outstanding OlymP_ Mountain view. Outstanding terms. 7% interest. $15,uuu. 250 FT. OAKLAND BAY Just two miles from Shelton. Rip rap protected waterfront with tidelands. Lowest priced saltwaterfront we know of, at just $85.00 per foot. 219 FT.-- HAMMERSLY INLET Agate.area near Shorecrest. Low bank, wooded. Owner will consider any reasonable segregation of property. Call for details. DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-8162 VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-650! 426-2646 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH way you'll want to see this spacious, custom-built home. Large kitchen, dining area, 1Vz bath, attractive living room with circulating fireplace, large utility area with an extra room for ironing and sewing. Located on lovely corner lot in excellent Mt. View neighborhood. Priced at $25,000 and a low mortgage of 51/4% can be assumed. 1 ACRE CLOSE IN Here's an excellent opportunity to move into a 3 bedroom home on an acre at the edge of town and go into the nursery business at the same time. The deal will include hundreds of valuable shrubs and plants-- plus the green houses and many extras. The whole thing will go for $14,500-- a steal -- believe us• WALKER PARK WATERFRONT This nearly new home is beautifully decorated with taste and elegance• 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, living room and family room, both have fireplaces. Charming kitchen that opens on to a sun deck and nearly all rooms face the water and an excellent view of the mountains and bay! Concrete bulkhead. $32,500.00 THERE'S STILL TIME To get into this 3 bedroom home near Bordeaux before school opens. It's a dandy value, considering the many features. Large bedrooms a huge family room with circulating f replace, 11/z baths, covered patio, carport, garage and it's on 2 lots. A 5V4% mortgage can be assumed with payments of $106 which include reserves for tax and insurance. Full price $17,500. THIS MAY BE FOR YOU 2,300 sq. ft. of living space. Beautiful large sunken living room, a tremendous fireplace, a truly exceptional kitchen with many extras -- There is so much more -- so why not call right now and we'll arrange to show it at your convenience. Full price is $25,500. LAKE LIMERICK-- NEW Or nearly new 3 bedroom home on the lake. It's quality, it's roomy, has fireplace, bath and a half, 2 car garage and many more extras. It s $26,500 and several ways of financing can be arranged. 12Vz ACRES, $300 DOWN This acreage is close in, nicely wooded and selling for $700 an acre. Owner will give deed release if you want to build before the land is fully paid for. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A downtown home with 22x18 ft. living room, a formal dining room, in fact the house has over 1600  sq. ft. of living space, plus another 1,600 ft. of basement. Hot water heat, attached garage and much, much more. It's $18,500 and a low mortgage (5V4%) can be assumed. You should see it. NEW -- THREE BEDROOM HOMES To be built on Mt. View, and if you quality for an FHA loan, it may require only $100 cash outlay. (You can paint for your closing costs.) They'll have fireplaces, IV2 baths, patio, attached garage and will be fully carpeted. Approximately $135 per month, including tax and  insurance. FHA $17,200. $11,500 MAY SOUND HIGH For a 2 bedroom home, but you'll think differently after you've seen it. It's almost completely renewed inside, new carpeting, panelling, furnace, entirely new bath and the outside even has all aluminum siding. First, see it, then we'll talk terms. IIANN REAL ESTATE 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Evening, Call BOBBLE GOODWlN 426-3503 ii i Legal Publications NO. 10102 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. SONJA COCHRAN, Plaintiff, vs NEAL C• COCHRAN, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said NEAL C. COCHRAN, Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days • after July 31, 1969, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of the above entitled action is for a divorce for cruel treatment. /s/GLENN E. CORNEA Attorney for Plaintiff Glenn E. Correa Attorney at Law 121 S. 4th Street Shelton, Washington 7/31-8/7,14,21,28-9/4-6t INSTRUCTION MEN WANTED to train for HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND MECHANICS You will get your training with a qualified contractor. Operate the D-8, Tournapulls and Grader. The only training of its kind in the northwest. Fill in coupon NOW. West Coast Training Service, Write Box xl00 c/o The Journal P. O. Box 430, Shelton, Wash. 98584 Legal Publkations NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT, APPLICATION NO. t 0309 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That EARL E. ABBOTT and ERNEST F. HAINES of Hoodsport, Washington on July ]5, 1969 filed application for permit to withdraw public round water through a well situated within Lot 14, plat of Blue Ox Beach of Section 1, Township 22 N., Range 4 W. W.M,, in Mason County, in the amount of 50 gallons per minute subject to existing rights continuously, each year for the purpose of domestic supply. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from August 14, 1969. Witness my hand and official seal this 30th day of July, 1969. GLEN H. FIEDLER Assistant Director Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources 8/7-14-2t Real Estate Townsend Really HARSTINE ISLAND 20 acres of good development property. 1220 feet of medium bank gravel beach frontage, including tidelands. 4 acres of sloping land that would make an excellent homesite or mobile homesites. 2 acres cleared and 2 acres wooded. View of the water. HAMMERSLEY INLET 3 bedroom home located close to Shorecrest with 90 feet of waterfront, including tidelands. Carpeted living room, fireplace, electric heat, partial basement, large 2 car garage plus workshop Name ........... Age ....... area. Address .................... Phone ..................... City ............ State ...... Hrs. I work a.m ..... p.m ........ 7/10-i 7-24-31 Real Estate LaBI$$ONIERE Real Estate SUBURBAN SPECIAL Brand new 3 bedroom with carpeted living room, separate entry hall, large country-style kitchen, .utility ,rom, storace room or shop, carport and private patio. FHA $450 down, on this lovely 3 bedroom home completely refinished inside and out. I ncludes hardwood floors, utility room, carport and storage rooms outside. $13,500 full price. 6V2% I N TER EST Payments of only $90.00 per month including taxes and Insurance. You can have these and a lovely 3 bedroom Iome with a fireplace and nicely landscaped yard. Close to grade school for the young family. Ap.prox. $2,000 will put you in within a week. So get settled before school starts Sept. 2! EXECUTIVE HOME 4 bedrooms, den, 2b baths, 2 fireplaces, recreation room, carpeting, lovely large lot very privately tencea and extra arge garage. This. home has everything from hardwood floors and anelling to Outdoor yard ghting. $30,000. IT'S VACATION TIME THE YEAR ROUND at beautiful Fawn Lake just 4 miles south of Shelton. This is a lovely 3 bedroom completely carpeted new home. Built-in range and attached garage. The fishings good too! .01 acre RECREATION ROOM Study, Den, Shop, or Sewing room. If you can think of another use for it we'd like to know about it. It comes with a 4 bedroom home, 3 car garage, extra large lot with lots of trees, view of Olympic Mountains, and much much more. See this one today! ANOTHER FHA This one is only closing costs down, 1 year old 3 bedroom home on large lot already partially landscaped and partly fenced. Built-in garage, and already appraised at $14,250. Why pay rent when it's less expensive to own your home. We have several vacation lots available, and one very desirable waterfront lot at Fawn Lake just 4 miles from Shelton with paved county roads, school bus service, and many more advantages. Also Salt Water Frontage tracts. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished house at Timber Lake. $150 per month. Sorry, no children or pets. Lease available. FOR RENT or lease - 3 bedroom home with fireplace near Bordeaux School. $120 a month plus damage deposit. Call 426.1641 Bev Thomason 426-8615 LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ETTATE - INBURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. AGATE BEACH AREA 200 feet of no bank waterfront including a 3 bedroom home. Excellent fishing, clams and oysters in front of the house. Owner will carry the contract. ACREAGE 80 acres in the Matlock area. Partially cleared, partially wooded with sixty year old second growth. Stream thru part of it. 40 acres in the Grapeview area. Priced to sell on easy terms. wthWihY not s-p-r-e-a-d o-u-t? 5 acres Mill Creek running thru the center. Very well constructed llke new home. Fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, big bedrooms, double garage with lots of storage area and covered patio, Fruit trees and garden, and just outside the city limits. End your search by seeing and buying this dandy home today. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING OR SELLING CONTACT Tom Townsend Townsend Realty 116 N. 2nd • 426-1515 D A N/EL$ EALTY 1618 Olymplo Highway South 426-1600 MT. VIEW LOCATION This lovely home is situated on 2 large corner lots -- excellent neighborhood -- 3 bedrooms- living room is the size you want, but can't get in a new home -- large and makes it easy for furniture arranging -- fireplace -- large picture window -- family size kitchen -- lots of cupboards -- extra large utility room- well-planned home- double garage. $21,500. FAWN LAKE SETTING 2 homes for the price of one. Rent one out and help make payments. Must really see this one to appreciate. Custom built for owner -- 2 lovely homes- well landscaped yard -- waterfront -- bulkhead -- fishing and swimming -- quiet and exclusive. Omy ' $24,500, EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR THIS HOME 3 nice bedrooms -- large main bath -- lots of linen closets -- storage -- kitchen has built-in stove -- bar -- dining area, sliding doors to patio -- carpeted livingroom with fireplace- large utility room -- half bath -- fenced corner yard -- workshop--garage with lots of storage. $19,500. FOR RENT Completely furnished rental, $150. per month. Adults only. Brand new bachelor pad --$100 per month. MASON LAKE 184 ft. waterfront -- low*bank -- well. $80. per front ft. Good investment. SUE M. DANIELS, Broker 426-1600 WALTER GEORGE 426-3530 Associate Broker Logd Publiations NOTICE OF FEDERAL AID SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IN MASON COUNTY A proposal to construct a section of County Federal Aid' Secondary Route 332, Shelton-Matlock Road-Hickson Corner, in Mason County was approved by the Washington State Department of Highways on July 31, 1969. The approved location follows the existing route and extends from Dayton westerly approximately two miles. The scope of the project will include grading, draining, surfacing and paving with asphalt concrete for a finished roadway width of 22 feet with six foot shoulders. The project meets current Washington State Arterial Design Standards. 8/14-1t NO. 2t685 NOTICE OF SURFACE WATER RIGHT APPLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That ROBERT C. FOX of Port Orchard, Washington on July 2, 1969, filed application for permit to divert the public waters of unnamed spring tributary of Hood Canal, in the amount of 0.01 cubic foot per second, subject to existing rights continuously each year for the urpose of domestic supply that he approximate point of diversion is located within N½ of Government Lot 3 of Section 26, Township 22 N., Range 3W. W. M•. in Mason County. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from August 21, 1969. Witness my hand and official seal this 15th day of July, 1969. GLEN H. FIEDLER Assistant Director, Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources 8/14,2 I-2t Real Estate ON HOOD CANAL 140 ft. of waterfront, three bedroom cabin, quiet, secluded, $22,500. 160 acres Xmas trees, two lakes, fine inv'estment, possible development property. 3 bedroom south shore home with 35 ft. of waterfront. $29,500. LIVING IS GREAT AT OLYMPIC VISTA Shumate Roaify HOODSPORT 877-5576 days, 877-5575 evenings SHE LTON 426-8510 . I III IIII IIIII CASE INLET- 225 of beautiful beach plus 2 acres upland. Reasonable price and terms. Owner will carry contract. *** Three Acres -- very nice view property, all cleared. $6,600. INVESTORS We have 150 commercial and investment listings throughout the state. Some real money makers here. Call us for information• WANTED.] to 5 acres with or without buildings. Wanted -- 40 to 50 acres suitable for Christmas trees. Savage Services, Inc. 8tar Route 2, Box 189 Phone 426-664N. REALTY "THE ACTION OFFICE" 21111 N. let St., SRen BEAUTI FUL--SPACIOUS newer 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, Convenient, attached, double garage and paved driveway. LARGE covered PATIO and a SUN-DECK off the Master bedroom. An EXECUTIVE'S HOME on TWO ACRES set against a back-drop of TOWERING EVERGREENS. $25,600.00 and only $2,600. downl OLDER, SMALLER, HOME with a partial basement and attached garage on ONE ACRE VIEW CORNER. In City limits. Asking $11,500.00 -- MAKE OFFERfl 5 ACRES, some trees, $3,750, SMALL DOWNI GOOD BUILDING SITES at Lake Limerick, Shorecrest, Lake Arrowhead and other areas with as little as $100. down. See the MASON COUNTY FAIR for new ideas! SEE US for GOOD REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS! CALL 426-1141 NOW Eventnp G. 3ahn Brush, 3r., Broker 426-888 Albe Wlndell, .ssoc. Broker 426-3681 "Jim" ROush 426-8:12 228 N. lit St., Bheiton " -'' ' ..... ' ge 231 Thursday, August 14, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Pa I