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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 16, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 16, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll Thursday, August 16 Club luncheon, noon, Cafe. °astrnasters Club, 6:45 a.m., ers Restaurant. Washington Chapter No. courthouse annex. Commission meeting, 8 COurthouse. Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., son County Democrat 30 p.m., PUD. ton Park Board, 7 p.m., arab Eckert Guild picnic, ),m., home of Mrs. Paul August 27 of Commerce board 7:30 a.m, Hy-Lond Inn. Barracks VWWI and ry District 1 meeting, Hall. August 18 Chapter No. 40 OES night, 8 p.m., Masonic August 19 churches invite you the church of your Officers Association :, Camp McKean on Kitsap Y, August 20 Nm 3 commission Lag, ! pm., PUD conference Commission meeting, COurthouse. ,n Bridge Club, 7:!5 auditorium. '°Oclwill truck in town. '~26-4847 for pickups. pson Pinochle Club, 7:30 Hall. filche Valley Assembly )ol begins, 9:30 a.m. August 21 Club luncheon, noon, COmmission meeting, 2 hall. ~ Washington Chapter No. county health office. lerican Legion and try, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. ¢Cees, 8 p m., airport Use. Club dinner and board ,7 P.m., Hy-Lond Inn. ton Organics, 7:30 p.m., August 22 ;Washington Chapter No. county health office. Son County Hospital Commission, 10 a.m., Use. August 23 ary Club luncheon, noon, Care. Club, 6:45 a.m., Staurant. Chapter No. COurthouse annex. Age Club, 6 p,m., stand aside from ges around it. William J. Brennan FROM )le Biological Noted in rnOsexuals: real studies have me brain is not e or female. The can be made to male or female example, the Pituitary ther steadily emale) is erine or Xposure to group of 30 volunteered m a Study which ical examination ugh many made, most a i n serum and in sperm Possible that may be the bances of the of the body. e either in the ,e hyPothalamic the future, may be thought cal Problem ano 's Pharmacy Ph. 426-2165 St.--426-3327 to 7:30 9:30 to 6:00 The Shelton School Board received one bid each on fuel oil and dairy products, both with escalator clauses, in bid openings at their board meeting Tuesday night. The only bidder on fuel oil was Olympia Oil and Wood Products Company which submitted a bid which was between 50 cents and a dollar higher per barrel than last year. The bid was $5 586 per barrel for ps 300 and $5.166 per barrel for ps 400 fuel oil. The bid also contained a provision that if the wholesale price to the bidder increased, this increase would be passed on to the district. Arden Farms sumbitted the only bid on dairy products, with a provision that if the federally-controlled raw milk price increased, the contract would be open to re-negotiation. Both bids were accepted. Three bids were received on bakery products, with the low bidder, ITT Continental Baking OI Company, being awarded the contract. The firm bid prices only slightly higher than last year and submitted a firm bid lbr the entire school year. Board member Wally Ewart abstained from voting since he is employed by ITT Rayonier. Bids were received from several bidders on furniture for the new high school complex. The bids were turned over to the administration to study and make a recommendation at the September board meeting. , al , In other action Tuesday nigh t: The board accepted the resignations of teachers John and Roxanna Caples and Merry Sims. -Voted to hire several new teachers recommended by Grinnell. -Voted to accept the advice of their attorneys that if a satisfactory settlement of the judgment granted former school psychologist Robert Daly could llOl be reached, the case would be appealed. -Heard Grinnell state he believed three new buses should be purchased later and that it might be necessary to ask for a small special levy if it was determined after the final budget was prepared there was not enough money available for the purchase. Trident study office opens The Joint Venture team which is providing master planning and environmental impact studies for the Navy's proposed Trident submarine base at Bangor Annex has announced the opening of a comnmnity field office. The office, located in the CK Shopping Mall on Route 3, Silverdale, is to provide the focus for public comments about the planning and environmental studies currently underway. Libra from Shelton who recently visited Westwood. Contact Ken in Nevada 2048 "K" St. Sparks, Nevada C&H 10 LB. BAG CRAFT PHILLY BRAND 8 Oz. PKG. ,. RED TAG SPECIALS . ALL WEEK LONG ..... FUT RA FLOOR"N'S" - U ................... .o, Sl HANDI WRAP ..... ,00 FT ROLL35C TACO SHELLS ,3COUNT42c LAWRY'S . C TACO SEASONINGM,x, oz 22 CRYSTAL WHITE DETERGENT CCC ....... 48 Oz. =FuF~ 11 ICE MILK S.OP-R,TE HALF~AL. 58c POPSICLES"s. ....... 6Pack 47c SOUR CREAM.c .L"y.'?.". ..... p,NT63c CHIPS AHOY NABISCOCOO ,ES 49c ........... 1 5 Oz. PKG. HOSTESS 89c DING DONGS .............. ,oPACK HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS \ BOSTON BUTT BLADE CUTS. MARINATE WITH ADOLPH'S FOR PERFECT FLAVOR. "MEAT t MARINADE OLPH'S ;I UALITY FRESH COUNTRY ~4/5 Oz. PK( STYLE, THE MEATIEST. LB \ POTATOES HUNT'S PEELED .6 T,NS$1 TOMATOES .UNT'SWHOLE 29C ........................ 28 Oz. TIN PROFILE BREAD F ..... 45c O ' ° " • 20-3 LD POWER DETERGENT 49 Oz. SIZE I0' OFF LABEL THRU 8/18/AT SHOP-RITE U.S. GRADE "A" S LB. AVERAGE HINDQUARTER ROASTS WITH PORTIONS OF GIBLETS1 WING~,AND NECK INCLUDED. RIMP I,STEINFIELDS SAUERKRAUT I LASCCO QUALITY GREAT | 4 Oz. JAR WITH I PARERIBS JC 1'/~ LB. BAG 35"J 000 SOLID CABBAGE F?!L, ?F, F LAV?R, .............................. LB.1 3¢ RADISHES AD.Ds .z,;. O RS.A!AD.S .................. BUNCH 1 0¢ ZUCCHINI sQUASH...DE':'c!eus ............................. 19¢ ROMAINE FANCY LETTUCE 19< .................................................. EA. DELIGHTFUL FLAVOR ENHANCER 1 0¢ ........................................................ EACH GREEN ONIONS SNACK ANYTIMI: ........................................ BUNCH 1 0¢ DOWNY .F;. R.'5. S.?.,E..,!R.. ,,, oz. BOTTLE$I 29 U.S. NUMBER ONE HEFTY LINERS TRASH CAN(33 gal.) ... 10 s89c GEM POTATOES.THESE ARE TOP -" QUALITY POTATOES CAT FOOD PUSS-N-BOOTS 6 oz. $1 10 LBS. i ................. TINS I Fornn 45 40 16 JUN'72 COOL & REFRESHING NOW'S THE TIME TO SERVE CHILLED ..... CHUNK TUNA CHICKEN OF THE SEA ,,oz65c DUCHESS 10c .......................... 26 Oz. INSTANT YUBAN ...... ,oz.,AR 9SC \ YUBAN COFFEE LB 1.IS ................ 2 Ib,$1w SHOP-RITE, REG., DIPPERS. BBQE HI-C MANDALAY SLICED - CHUNK - CRUSHED SCOTT ASSORTED COLORS BIG 32 oz. BOTTLES RETURNABLES 3 pACK 46-0Z. TIN 20-OZ. 60 cOUNT PACK Harold's Bakery ASSORTED Dinner Rolls DOZ. CHOCOLATE Brownies We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions. Phone 426-3377 We guarantee everything, even a smile. STORE HOUSE: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 DALLY 9 TO 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 16, 17, 18, 19 LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED Thursday, August 16, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page ?