August 16, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 16, 1973 |
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The Shelton School Board
voted Tuesday night to close the
Kamilche School and bring
students from that school district
in to the Shelton elementary
Superintendent Louis Grinnell
made the recommendation to the
board after stating he had been
informed the Washington State
Board of Education, at its
meeting last week, had approved
the consolidation of the two
districts as had been
recommended by the county
committee on school district
Grinnell said the Shelton
administration had studied the
situation since last spring when
the final action now taken
appeared just a matter of time.
He stated the recommenda-
tion was based largely on the
economic difficulties of operating
a three-room school and providing
the same services to those pupils
as is provided to other pupils in
the district such as a full-time
principal, secretarial help, special
education nrograms, band and
other things.
The board received a petition
signed by about 60 persons from
the Kamilche area asking that the
school be continued in operation
for kindergarten through the
fourth grade.
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Grinnell said students from
the Kamilche area would
primarily attend Bordeaux
Elementary School, although, if
the parents desired, they could
have their youngsters attend one
of the other two elementary
He stated the Shelton district
had adequate space in its present
elementary buildings to
accomodate the students from the
Kamilche area without
overcrowding any classes.
He told those from the
Kamilche area who attended the
meeting he would have the
transportation department go
over the bus routing and hoped
bus service as it had been
provided previously could be
Maintenance work
done on schools
The regular summer
maintenance program is being
completed on schedule, according
to Frank Willard, director of
special services and maintenance.
In addition to the regular
scrubbing, washing, waxing and
sealing floors, and repairs being
done by the custodians and
maintenance crew, the district has
completed a number of painting
projects this summer.
Considerable painting has
been done to inside and out of
various buildings. The painting
includes rooms at the junior high
and Angle building, the interior of
the high school gym. along with
the repainting of some classrooms
at Evergreen, Mr. View and
Bordeaux, plus the halls at
Charlie Hall, Branch Manager of Capital Savings
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Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday. August 16, 1973
• •
APPLETON, ridden in the Western championship class by William Martinelt,
was acclaimed as high-point half-Arabian gelding of the recent Canadian
national show.
• ,j
. ;: "# *t .'
ROYAL AAKA was named as high-point purebred Arabian gelding at the
Canadian National show of Calgary. He is owned by Martinells Arabians of
Shelton and ridden by Mary Duckham, also of Shelton.
Once again Martinells
Arabians have taken home to
Shelton a tableful of trophies.
sweeping the Canadian National
Show of Calgary held from July
24 lhrough July 28 with 580
horses participaling.
Royal Aaka, the purebred son
of the blind stallion Silver King•
placed in all open classes entered
He earned a spol with Ihe lop Ion
Canadian national coslumc
horses, within which group no
individual rating is given. Hc won
first place in the English pleasure
geldingclass. Hc wa~ nanled
reservechampion Canadian
natioulal pleasure dliving ho,sc
and high-poinl purebred Arabian
gelding of the same show Ihat
proclamred him ('anadian national
champion gelding in 1972.
The four-year-old cheslnut
was ridden by Mary Duckham of
Shelton and driven by his trainer,
Ran Palelek of Vanlage,
Now with us,
Candy Pauley
103 W. Railroad
Appleton, acclaimed as
reserve chanrpion Canadian
national half-Arabian gelding, was
shown in halter by Palelek and
ridden by Mary Day of Olympia
to win in the lady's side-saddle
The six-year-old grey won a
place wilh the lop ten costume
honses and wenl on Io lake first
place in the class, Ridden in the
Western ('hampionship class by
William Martinell, Appleton
placed fiflh. He was honored as
lhc high-point half-Arabian
gelding of lhe show.
Applelon is the son of
Matlinell's Robu Baha. now
deceased. In his only lWO shows
lasl year, the half-Arab won a
championship al halter and was
named reserve Pacific Slope
champion gelding, reserve
champion Fmglish pleasure horse,
and champion costume horse. As
high-petal gelding in almost every
show entered this season, his
winnings are too numerous to be
The two Martinell geldings,
well-schooled in every phase of
performance, have taken trophies
in each of the five shows entered
this year prior to the "Calgary
event. They are now in Oklahoma
City to compete against more
than 800 fine purebred and
part-bred Arabians in the U.S.
National All-Arabian Show
scheduled for August 20 through
August 26.
In addition to the two show
geldings, the Martlnell
establishment includes two
purebred mares and a
three-month-old filly sired by
Mesquite. Martinelts Arabians is
owned and operated by Virgil and
Barbara Martinell of Shelton and
their son, William.
The Legion of Merit, for
which each gelding has amassed
more than enough points to
qualify, will be presented to
Royal Aaka and to Appleton in
ceremonies to be conducted at
the Daffodil All-Arabian Show
slated for April at Spanaway.
7 miles
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3 bedroom, 2 bath. Practically new
home with 66' of lake frontage.
year-round home with wall to wall car
appliances, drapes, etc. Will consider lease
option to buy.
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