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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 16, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 16, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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COMPLETE FARM & GARDEN CENTER )I- )q. • SHELTON-2121 OLYMPIC HIWAY N.-4126-3341 MARY ANN FOLSOM isa SUSAN WILLIAMS is a JANET LEMON is a graduate OHNSONisa i C • 0raduoteoft e On,ve.s,t o* 0r.uate of *he On,vers,* o. of ashin.ton StoLe 0r.duate o* u*heran ounty Fanr Utah majoring inelementaryPuget Soundandhasstudied University with a major in University with a major in! SPECIALS education. She taught a yearat the Honolulu Academy of elementary education and a social studies and a minor in HASKELL is a REBECCA LOHMAN is a in Olympia and will teach Arts. She has an art major minor in child and family music. She will teach one iUa.te of Central graduate of Central one-half day of remedial and socialstudiesminorand studies. She will teach a section of kindergarten at T~gtOno- majorStatein Collegespecial withWashingt°na majorStatein Collegespecial reading" "m one of Shelton s will teach art in the junior primary grade at Evergreenschools°ne of the elementary :** The Panther Cutter =* e'-' and a minor in education for the elementary elementary schools, high school. Elementary School. . - cOnomics She will school She taught special : 14"SEAT ~~:~: Secondary special education handicapped ~ • 5-yr guaranteed tree ./~~ VL. • ,un handicapped classes in Merizo, Guam, the • ~ • 3/4conventional rigging. :i~li~ past year. She will teach e sarr e regular elementary school Bus rout remain th :~ • Weight- 221bs. l~,~ilL~~lllill ; " Quarter horse bars. i~HnlR • Hand rubbed finish, i~ll/l~'~l~ classes in Shelton. .~ The Shelton School District 10l South Lost Lake Bus .0, Eugene Holman, ~. Sug. Reg. $181.90 !|[Immll~l[/~FJ buses will run at the same timesBus 2 Imogene Swearingen, Bus 6, Jeanette Haselwood, driver-Arcadia Road. q/li~ ..... ~ and the same routes as at the driver - Dayton Road to Sharp s driver-Cole Road. Bus 21, Georgie Barrett, ~ $124 : ..... ........... ' '~ ........... ~ ~">"~ close of school last year, Corner and back. Bus 7 Wilma Bowman, driver driver - Potlatch and Hoodsport. ~- SPECIAL -~'t~ ~. E:::'~;~"'~:~: according to Lewis Taylor, Bus 3, Lillian Dale, driver -- Beverly Heights, Capitol Hill .................. ~ -- I i ~ ~..~" supervisor of transportation for Cole Road, Arcadia, and andnngleside, r ................ ,~ ..... .... the district. The buses, drivers and Angleside Bus 8, Fay Warren, driver-- ( _ .... -- .. , ~ TOP FORM I G~nd Champion : ~ ....... ~,.::.~;~;~ ...... the general " hey cover are: Bus 4, Lois Pearson, driver- l~reclson Koad, g "K anal F " ' , SH00 FrY i COAT BRIGHTENER ~" .... ~"~ ~ilil;iii;i::~;::ii{ /~ ~ i areas t " "~ ' '~ - Deli--ht Par" " C Arfenrlon. Arcadia ~- .... ~ /~: ............. ..... OysterBUSl'BayRea Brown,Road, Kamilchedriver- McReaVYspring Road.R°ad' Johns Prairie, MillBusCreek.9, Denny Davidson, driver ~ Peni nsuJa Residenls': : I AND CONDITIONER ~.,~.,~ ~ Point, Ryan Road and Highway Bus 5, Mary Helser, driver - - Harstine ferry and Agate area. I 1A/A&ll-- : ~ Rids horses of flies and ticks. I With or without ~;~ Bus 10, Lucille Magnett ~ ..w.~ilT : ~ Wipe onrepellent-Reg-$3-75 | fl,,renellent ~;)I t ........ I ii;~: .,. n n .. ' ' Northcliff and airport. . .. m..m-.n,~ , driver- Skokomish Valley, ~ RI~I'I'I~D ' : °" II t bchooI tames are told Bus ll, Edith Willis, driver- ! ROADS? : All classes of the Shelton loads can be ba,anced and Panhand'e Lake, Little Egypt, } , : $~1~98 Special. $195 ~i~ . ! ~'iii schools will open for the fall term schedules completed. Shelton Valley. ,_ . 11)I- Fair S ecialp -- Qt. | IS-oz.. .... .-4J I~.1t. on September 4 for a full day of The cafeteria will be in Bus 13, Veta Holtorf, driver $ Be at commissioners, I , ICKERT is a CHRISTINE KRAMER is a school, accor~ting to Louis R. operation the first day, according Kamilche Valley, Highway 101 ~ meetinQ- ', DON'T MISS THESE TACK SPECIALS : i~te of Central g raduate of Western Grinnell, superintendent. " to Georgie Barrett, supervisor of South ~ "" ' • ay, g 0 , i n State College in Washington State CollegeThe opening and closing time cafeteria. Lunch prices will be 35 Bus 17, Jane Maschner driver Mond Au .2 ' will be the same as last year, as cents in the elementary schools nd Lake ! A ,,,,,, -- ' ~ ~" I"' home economics,with a major in elementary -lsla . " Nylon Rope Halters Reg. $3.50 ...... Only $2'9 : i~l! teach home education and a minor in follows: (grades 1-6), if purchased by the Bus 18, Ileene Twidwetl } Yo~U aomo ~ ,n junior high and sociology. She will teach in Evergreen ElementarYt - two-week ticket, or 40 cents if driver - Gra-eviewp and Baysn~r'o e. -¢-~------------------------- Lead Ropes Reg. $1.75 ................ Only $144 grades 1-3, 9 a.m. o 2:50 p.m.; purchased by the day. Prices in ne high school pep one of Shelton's elementary grades 4-6, 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.; junior and senior high will be 40 I ~ • -i R .hi (No. 1610 & No. 1611) $=~118= ,schools. kindergarten, morning session, cents whether by the ticket or by i LeaTher Ilnales Brown or black, reg. $9.95 Only ~ :~. 8:45 a.m. to 10:40 a.m., the day. Milk, if purchasedI TII~I~III:Y'C~ ~1 II"It~lt I/l:p&nl : 12 50 Ill ~mi'u ~a~lr"~,,liV m~,in~-'~mn afternoon sessions, : p.m. toseparately, will be five cents per | ~" I .... ~ " ~" 2:50 p.m. half pint. Milk is included with I • )d : ,chool Mountain View Elementary- the lunch as part of the regular | 1817 Olympic Hwy. No.- Mt. View : BERMUDA I t*** tdaen : grades 1-3, 8:50 a.m. to 3 p.m.; lunch price. Lunch and milk | )t- ] ~ )1" ~s registration grades 4-6, 8:50 a.m. to3 p.m.; prices are being held at the same | kindergarten, morning session level as last year. i Ir~_nmn/ndFn h..dFnmndFiV-- ¢--,,ViC,= ROCK i True temper, single ;asses in the Hood Canal Potlatch. 8:50 a.m. to 10:50 a.m., First grade and kindergarten | vv,,~ip ~,~ r~u~,v,nv~,~ ,~ ,~,~ ~ II- White crushed rock for | or double wheel. I~" decorating flower beds Reg $6 69 -" ,tbsis~r{ct will begin Pry-registration is available at afternoon session 1 pom. to 3 p.m. room assignments will appear inn I :~ ' " " Bordeaux Elementary- grades later edition of the Journal. i ........ * walk ways, etc. i '. ""nalf-daysessionis the main office any weekday l-3,9a.m, to 3 p.m.; grades 4-6, 9 i I~or xppolnl[menlc ti~i| i • $ 33 ~011OWed by a district from 9 to 3 n m Parents new to l~ngh the area with entering are a.m. to 3:15 p.m.; kindergarten, IGNORANCE IS the night of the I n;ol cafeteria willasked to pry-register. Parents of morning session 8:50 a.m. to mind, a night without moon or i Ai~ T.n v .... $u77 SPECIAL =a eptember 6 kindergarten students are 10:50 a.m., afternoon session 1 star. I .......... " • , - " Confucius • t, endent John Pillreouested~ to brin~ their children m_~pom. ~" REEl i 'h-at with the situati°n '°'sch°°' Septem~ber 5' stay f°r 'uni°r high sch°°' - 9 a'm" t° '~~:~-- ~ F!,F 3:30p.m. REE REEl F present and seemindv orientation and then take the Senior high school - 9 a.m. to i each da " '~ Y w,th spiraling child home. 3:30 p.m. ,1~ qt~ : 60 ft. of ½ plastic hose with purchase of : Unavailable items for Bus routes will be the same as Ogram, it is difficult last year on all routes. Some The bus routes will be the ~ an hose reel in stock. long the cafeteria minor changes will be made to cut same as last year on all routes, _ • y ~=. :~ according to Lew Taylor. ~l~ll~lli .l~ql~~ Td ~J~ :~ )(" r~ Operate. To begin costs by five percent as requested transportation supervisor. Some"1~ ~ ~i Vl]~"~" ~ lim~. J" , 2 styles to choose from: ~A~..~ : tur lunch will be the by the state department of public minor changes may be made after ~ -- • ~ ~ .,a,,,~_~/'~" ~" '~ ~. Year, 35 cents for instruction. Some stops will have . I~ libra' ~ -'-- ~nd 40 cents for to be doubled up to save gas and school begms to prevent bus ~m"t ~ . ( U~[~I~ * ~i 't overloading and to shift some l . ITS__.__ I No, 400 Wall Mount s|29s * ,acre w illnotbeany time. The district has five buses youngsters to avoid heavy ~11~kl ~1~1~--~ I ~.~ d L ~ :r t!'e cost of a lunch and buses almost 100 percent of classroom loads in a particular I |11~,, ~ I fli No. 320 Hose Reel $22" utah and white its students. building. School operates 8:30 a.m. to Bruce Jaros, assistant ~ll;V gi~l~ 1%1 ~ ]r ~N With removable caddy ..................~ ,,,L'~. :of the district will 2:35 p.m. with kindergarten a ;r 4 for an all-day half-session. Parents must return superintendent, requests that any ~ ~ ~ ~" 9 to3p m The kindergarten students home after youngsters new to the Shelton ~i : mg Special s ** ests for lunch bv the half session. Car pools are district register before school ~ I o n ~, II Women's Club at usually in order. : starts. This isimportantsoclass Shop nn the II Home Canner ~ No. 74003 ~911 ~" • coolness and convenience :**" AppleTjarrack. 20 Qtcorer..........& Sheer" ~1~ ~ Ea.:~r 5th & Fmnkhn of your home, whnle , Chrome plated ............ 79 Ea.: )I- )I, II f now, you can buy all your a rnnly's vntamnns and household tlrugs at savings of up to 60% For OVer 40 years Hudson has served millions of Americans 3 from coast-to-coast with quality-tested vitamins and roDrietary drug products Now, we are pleased to make the line available to you.., at prices that will make you feel good. hopping for n by using Satisfaction '~ " Sears has a 2a-Hour Shopping ice Just pick-u your hone at any hour and DIAL 9 Cabbage Cutter --e- * / With serrated edge ........ 3 Ea. )I, ik ~ ' )F ;~ Strips corn kernels $1JYY : Kernel Kutter 1 ,"~:' off with one stoke ...........• v~ i - ood Mull .......... Only 4 , : THIS WEEKEND'S " i FISH SPECIALS :- -"= GIo Lite Tetras... Ea. If J i i Kul, Loachs ..... 3315 Ea. |i i" Check our tanks forSpeclols l Hlllg4 T = l I. 111" i. SEE OUR NKS FOR OTHER SPECIALS "" | MANY TA ~,. ~u~u~n~un~u~n~n~nn~n~n~n~mnn~n~n~u~u~ ~t~ AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR i SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! )i" I A COMPLETE FARM & GARDEN CENTER : xF • AND PET SERVICE * )i- XF • SHELTON-2121 OLYMPIC HIWAY N.-4126-3341 -* )t- )I- FREE ARK NG-OPEN SUNDAYS )i. Thursday. August 16. 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13