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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 16, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 16, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Fair program MASON COUNTY I AIR, AUGUST 17, 18 & 19 GATE FEE: Adults 5,1.50 for all three days, students to grade 12, 50 cents. Three days of exhibits, contests, concessions, carnival, educational and c()mnlcrcial displays, entertainment. Aeroplane rides (two cents a pound ). Thursday, August 16 Last day to enter livestock, poultry, rabbit ,. ('hristmas trees, gardens and fruit. Friday. August 1 7 1 0 a.rn. (;ate,,, open Exhibits, concessions, carnival Horse show in competition Livestock judging 5-7 p.m. Western band, famil,,, unit from Pu~alitlp, l)ottie Lee and the Nitc Litus Sign up for inch'S horseshoe competition 5:30 p.m. Salmon barhccuc (Miller fainily): limilcd amount, first come. first served. ('()st: 53 adult, 5,2 children. 0:30 p.m. ('rowning of the rodeo queen 7 p.m. Jumping Jill performance 7:30 p.m. Indian dancers from W;.ishillgtoll (k.)rrcclions ('enter. O p.m. I ccnagc dailCC, (clcstc h~,nd, co,,l S 1.50 Saturday, Augus! 18 I 0 a.m. (;ates ()pen Men's horseshoe t()urnanlcnt (fair shoes only) Horse show in compctiti¢)n 1:30 p.m. NRA Rodeo (SI .50 uclult, 75 cent> foiling pin throw, c'OtlplCs" c"/'~2 calcl/. 111Cll'S pic-caling contest, wife calling o~ntcsl, husband calling conic'st. WOlllcn'~, nail I+t)tintlillg contcsl ibring yOLlr ()Wll hallllllCrL Herbert Vonllof has been elected state conunitleeinan by the t{xecutivc Board of ihc Mason County Republican ('enlral 'Committee. tte fills tbe position ,ToWnerly +h~ekl- by the late< Dr+. Judson Hollowly. Volihot will repre. ent Mason A number of the current leaders in Northwest Rodeo Association competition will be among those competing al the Mason County Rodeo Saturday and Sunday afternoons. The contestants will be competing fl)r $775 in added prize money on stock supplied by stock contractor Gary Erb, Roy. The rodeo performances will be at 1:30 p.m. each afternoon and will feature such events as saddle bronc riding, bare back-riding, bull riding, girls' barrel racing, calf roping, team roping, bulldogging and other events. Rodeo queen candidates Julie Olli, Jayni llunter and Paula George have been busy selling advance fair and rodeo tickets since their selection as queen's candidates. The queen will be crowned at 6:30 p.m al the fairgrounds. R,~bert Raines. superintendent of the Washington ('orrections ('enter, will officiate ,:it the cor()llati()n ceremony. "I he NRA contestants a re sc rot-professional and are residents of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and northern California. These members usually bold down a job (luring the week and rodeo on the weekends. The NRA menlbership, numbering in the 600"s, come from all walks of life, salesmen, school teachers, ranchers, engineers and den/isls. Currently leading the Northwest Rodeo Association for all-around honors is Gary Brtthn of Roy, Washington. The bareback br.'. ::::::::::::::t" .:::::iii!ii.:;.:':::::':"::::""'.:!ii:!:iiii!ii!i!iiiii!!iii!i::' :i:i::::. Remember the dates and ioin us for family fun all three big @ SHELTON - McCLEARY Founded 1890 83rd Anniversary 1973 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 16, 1973 1 1 ill icycl samples fn Membership Open to All Active and Retired Simpson Timber Company Employees and Their Families Ken Fredson, Manager SIMPSON EMPLOYEES' FEDERAL P.O. BOX 639 • SHELTON, WA. 98584 4th & Cedar 426-1601 Shelton, Washington 985B~ Each member account insured to $20,000 by Administrator, Nalionai Credit Union Administration