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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 16, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 16, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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opens gates (Continued from page 17.) performance at 1:30 p.m. to be followed by a variety of contests at the fairgrounds, including husband and wife calling, rolling pin toss, couple's egg catch, pie-eating contest, and women's nail-pounding contest. The fair closes and exhibits are released at 6 p.m Sunday. There will be a carnival and concessions at the fairgrounds all three days of the fair. Lake Limerick Andy Barber '0ching staff complete teaching staff for the School District has been for the opening 4, according roll, superintendent. 12 teachers will be o replace those who retired erwise left the district. As 10, ten of the 12 Open had been filled. )f Openings were mailed in six states and approximately 5,000 ion for teaching 0.ns in Shelton. Shelton trators held interviews teachers who were asked to Shelton during the and summer. Local ;trators, also, conducted tPus interviews at one in the state this year. School adnrinist ration Pts, through the of teachers I'rom a colleges and balancing g and experienced rs in various tields, h) By CAROLYN FISHER LAKE LIMERICK - Here ! am, folks, still in Post Falls, and after a conference with my better half" will be staying through the big whingding her3 called Post Falls Days August 10, 11 and 12, put on by the volunteer fire department to help payfor equipment, etc.tlusbandwill probably join us all on this momentous weekend with the raft races, bicycle race, parade, booths, free pancake breakfast Saturday rnorning and many other events reminiscent of our Forest Festival with a different twist, no log rolling, but water sports instead, including water fights. I hear the teen club has purchased and had installed a slide on the raft off barbecue island with the aid of Tammi Kellogg who is still accepting contributions at the Pro Shop and St Andrews Drive, Shelton, 426-8387. I've bad quite a time lately with pulling weeds, polishing grandpa's car and fixing grandma's clothesline, but love to keep busy. We just finished polishing the car and I'm as orange as tire old station wagon a varied staff balance, that was heir to the shining. We • '~chers hired are from found out something useful up n or Oregon since the here from an old farnler, a remedy tbr yellow jackets, a adminish ation required ~,tce" recipe, even. You place some pork personal interviews acher candidates, liver in an old tin with water for SUpPly of leachers Rn two days in the sun where it will toj¢ ts was part cul~rlv turn black. Put it in an old paint ',a.!r this year, according can or a can with a wire handle, Uell. and hang it in the area where they range By DORA HEARING MATLOCK - This is Mason County Fair week, August 17, 18 and 19. Matlock Grange will put a booth in and Matlock and Agate Granges together have a food booth open to the public. Ten ladies from Matlock Ladies Club and two visitors toured Hoquiam castle last week Iclp Wednesday. They all had droner afterward at the Colonial House. l,ater in the afternoon Mrs. Robert Trenckman look Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, Lisa Rossmaier, Mrs. Edward Townsend, Mrs. Conda Dick and Mrs. Elvin Hearing to Ocean Shores t~ show them tire new home of the Trenckmanns. August 22 the Matlock Ladies are prevalent. Do keep the liver up high enough while it is fermenting as to not poison pets, and you will be surprised how short a time it takes for the bee,, to dewmr the liver and die, often times taking some back to the hive doing even a more thorough job of ridding you of the pesty, vindictive carnivorous apiaries. We have a marvelous view here from mother's home of tire new million-dollar bridge across the Spokane River. Wc are the last street before the bridge, a huge and awesome span, and on the corner. The city park is just across it. A marvel has happened as my five-year-old has lost his fear of drowning here and has learned to swim. Out of determination and necessity I would say, as we go swimming every day. It is very hot here. When you are at 70, we are 92 and can't say I don't miss my home and you all, but will be home soon and want to hear 'all the news. Post I:alls was cited as the biggest little city this year in population growth as it went fronl around our population of 6,000 to over 14.000 m one year. I miss the beauty of tile desolate wilderness thai was here years ago on our last visit, myself. The kids arc really enjoying the vacation and show mental growth with tile new adventure. Me. I'm too old to grow and too fond of house and home. We took in an attraction up here with grandpa's help that you might like to take in if you are up Cocur d'Alene way on vacation. It is called tire Snake Pit and features tire largest king snake in captivity. Remember a cot, pie of years ago when Big Ben escaped from his cagc and they called the entire fire departnlent to replace him? He is over 18 feel hmg now and as ornery as ever. Also, there are District Judge Franklin K. I ' for Superior Court (non-partisan) "See you at the fair... Saturday." (Pd. pol. adv.) in air Wl ac les Club will picnic at Schafer State Park. The men are welcome. Mrs. Mae Walker of Missoula, Montana, and Mrs. Edith Cesena of Pebble, California, visited the Rodger Painter fanlily at Maple Glen, and the i.C. Ford and Elvin Hearing homes Sunday. Mrs. Walker was the former Mae Painter arid Mrs. Cesena was Edith many other snakes, the cobras, rattlers, dianlond backs, but our fawmte was a rhinocerous iguana, which looked like it has two large bones m the forehead region like a rhinoceros and bright almost irridescent blue spines from neck to tail. He was scratching his window, up on his hind legs and frightened the children until tile curator told them that she leads him about on a leash and is as tame as a dog, climbing the cage only ira desire to play with the people. THERE IS nothing more ftighttul than ignorance in action. Johann Von Goethe Painter. They lived at Matlock 50 years ago. Mr. Andrew M Bushell of Seattle was a weekend guest at the William Barnes Sr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Carl Portman joined the group for a picnic and reunion at Falls Park at Tumwater last week Thursday. it was a teacher and pupil reunion. Hazel Wood Downer and Mabel Burgeson Wiggons both of Seattle taught school at M.M. Knight and Beeville 60 years ago. Other friends present were Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Portman, Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. William Harris of Montesano; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Winkelman and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gronka and Mrs. Henry Sandstrom and three daughters of Olympia. Mrs. Betty Snrith and son, Brian, of Seattle, were weekend guests at tile Zane Dick home. Lynn Fitting of Orting spent the past week at the Grant Siehl honle and Douglas Siehl went to Offing to go camping with his cousins for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans and son of Shelton were Friday night callers at the Edward Valley home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley and Terry Diggle spent Saturday night at the Rodger Spalding home. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tupper and children of Montesano and Mrs. Tupper's folks, Mr. and Mrs. John Heirlan of "Boise, Idaho, were Wednesday visitors at the Dick Tupper home. Thursday Mrs. Dick Tupper and Susan motored to Tacoma and spent the day at the Bill Chrisman home and left Susan to go camping with the Chrismans at Bumping Lake. Come see us at the fair. We'll be there with boats & accessories. See our 18-1/2 ft. fiberform Bimini, and the 19 fl Boston Whaler. SPECIAL FAIR DAYS PRICES! UNION 898-2252 See you this Friday, Saturday & Sunday at the Special fair sale prices on Lowery organs Lowery Berkshire WasSZSas ................... Now $199s You Save $540 Lowery Lincolnwood WasSa64S ................ NOW $29gs You Save $650 Lowery Theater Spinet Was $1895 .............. NOW ,lSgS You Save $300 Low'ery Holiday Deluxe Was $1895 ............. NOW $1sgs You Save $300 Bank contract with approved credit. 205 COTA STREET 426-4302 400 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, belted WSW tires, AM radio, heavy duty suspension, tinted glass. 35725 235 232 plus tax and license Me, 1 ival Princess yle et our displ Mt. View at Kneeland Center II ang I$ com|n Thursday, August 16, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 1 9