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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 16, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 16, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE ). 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday ,J For Sale For Sale FIREPLACE heater, our cabin. New, Vz price, $100. Call ~pt Saturday, APPLIANCES, TIRES, over 150,000 items delivered in Hoodsport. Sears Catalog Sales Merchant, phone Hoodsport 877-5252. 7/12tfn :AMPER. clarinet, Call evenings NEW 10-speed bike :on, must sell 6-3524. C8/16 ALE, Swanson's ~ugust 17-19, c. household novelties, bicycles, ELECTRIC fan watt wall heater 240v ]dition, $30 IALE, clothes, infants, 10, Army misc.; double bed and machine, lots of Friday, 213 72. $8/16 Loader 2]/4 yd. :roit, airbrakes, 2, Westport. YARD SALE Rt. 3, Box 237, clothing, furniture and misc. (old Arcadia Road) Thursday Friday. W8/16 YARD SALE Friday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 927 Bayview, children's clothes, toys and misc. M8/16 50% OFF on larcj; ready-made frames and some art supplies -- artist, check the bargain table today. Photo Center, 124 N. Second. Mc8/16-23 TWO GELDING horses both are good trail horses one excellent for beginner. Saddles and bridles included. 426-1548. K8/2-23 CORD WOOD for sale. Any length. Call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550~ E10/ltfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn PASSING FANCIES by Jan Danford. An illustrated book of ONE gallon of root beer to verse and prose. $1.95 at the Thorson 2323 Adams. Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn IFIC the way we're FOR SALE- Large selection of reconditioned ranqes, Lustre to clean rugs refricjerators, washers, dryers. Rent shampooer, Coast Store. C8/16 Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn "DOING band, ruby "~g; matching set. By MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at autiful. Cash $50.Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn ~ALE at Van Laanen l~(~t 18, 10. Call pier blocks 50 426-4311, 824 CRIB, CONVERTS to youth bed, $40. CR5-3306. R8/9-30 SHELTON JAN ITOR IAL Service, carpet cleaning our specialty, phone 426-8936. $11/30tfn DIAMOND WEDDING band and SALE, furn ture and engagement ring. A Keepsake set. ~rticles ]524 Mason St. /Plst,~-(~ Monday and A bargain at $300. 426-4998 evenings. D6/7tfn ED ROCK for your or the permanent concrete paving. p h o n e ; .426-3344. FE ORGANIC food pen_h~, -.c osme t ics and Eal Gorr Anderson A7/26-8/16 'ObGE Coronet, 4-speed, ts, good condition, Shetland pony, K7/26-8/16 B INATION 10" jointer with 1 hp 3:30 p.m. daily SALE -- shop tools, ssor, spray guns, ~, and some misc. rd and coin-op pop and Sunday August to 4 p.~. 2006 426-9190~ Turn North, on to G H8/16 D sale, misc. items, 2. 9-5. 301 East B TOp SOIL i'sh Valley, good no rocks. ~Pplied this dirt for a~d gardens for 25 Ueliver by truck YWhere. Call after 5:30 call F.E. Ogden. 4/12tfn Iluilding Materials * Sand & Gravel Crushed ROck Ready Mix WALLPAPER -- COMPLETE selection. Lowest prices available. Coast to Coast Store, 123 South Second. 6/7tfn MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears 426-8201. S2/8tfn AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the Tropics Ballroom, (Schneider's Prairie). Call Olympia 943-6140. D3/10tfn 1972 TIGER 10 speed. 25" frame. Extra-low first gear. Excellent condition. 426-1513. N8/2tfn AIR CONDITIONERS in stock. Call Norm at Sears, phone 426-8201. 7/12tfn RUMMAGE SALE, everything must qo, any day through Aug. 25. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 1313 Cota St., No. 22. 68/9-16 NEW TWO bedroom cabin, Olympic Mts. and lake view at Trails End Lake, Renton AL5-8719. G8/9-30 NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on continuous aluminum gutters. 426-8201. S6/14tfn FOR SALE antique dining room buffet, excellent condition 426-9600 evening. M7/19-8/9 CEDAR FENCING call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550 [or free estimate. Running foot approximate prices 3 ft $1.35, 4 ft. $1..55, 5 ft. $1.85, 6 ft. $2.15. Includes labor. E5/2tfn SAND AND For The Finest In: * PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL [ ;0u.-C] ARE WELCOME LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/3ttn POURS LCOME SPATcHED X TRUCKS | & Park Street 2/1 ltfn Lost & Found LOST BROWN wallet, either in Belfair State Park or Terra Linda laundromat. Appreciate return of personal contents and cards. No questions. May be left with park ranger or sheriff. W8/16 Used Cars 1965 FOUR-DOOR Ambassador sedan, power steering, power brakes, new tires, radio, speakers front and rear. New tires, runs beautifully, $300. B8/16 '67 COUGAR, 289 3-speed automatic, power steering, power brakes. Call 426-9495. L8/16-23 1970 EL CAMINO pickup, mag wheels, good condition. Call Westport 268-3922. C8/16-9/6 HARDTOP FOR a C J5 Jeep, call 426-2745. $8/16-9/6 ONE 1965 F85 Oldsmobile, one owner, very clean. $795. Call 426-4630 after 4 p.m. B8/16-9/6 63 FORD station wagon good condition, $325. 426-6146 after 5 p.m. F8/9-16 1961 GMC, V-6, four speed, good condition, V2 ton travelall $495. 426-8320. W7/12tfn 1942 DODGE 4x4 off and on road shake truck, has 15 ton winch, 426-1494. H8/9-30 Pets, Livestock PUPPIES FOR sale, $10 or reasonable facsimile. German shepherd and Samoyed crossed. Would appreciate good home with plenty of room for exercise. 426-3516. W8/16-23 APPALOOSA AND Welch gelding, 13 hands, good with children. $200, best offer including tack. CR5-3397. $8/16 S IAMESE KITTENS, 8 weeks old. $20. Call 426-8312. DB/16tfn FOUR POODLE puppies, one male, three female. Phone 426-4549. K8/9-16 FOR SALE registered St. Bernard male puppy. Call 426-2723. K8/9-16 DOG CLIPPING, call Mrs. Scott 426-2868. S5/10tfn '72 Dodge Coronet 4-dr., 318 V8 eng., pOwer steering, air cond., war- ranty remaining ........ $3,145 '72 Dodge Demon 6 cyl. engine, power steering, air cond ....... $2,945 '72 Plym. Duster 6 cyl. eng., power steer- ing. air canal .......... $2,895 '71 Dodge Coronet 4-dr., 318 V8 eng., power steering, vinyl top, 29,930 m,es ................ $2,375 "69 Dodge Polara 500 2-dr., H.T., automatic speed control, air cond., bucket $1,595 seats ................ '65 Ford 4-door sedan ........... $265 PLYMOUTH * CHRYSLER DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS BUd Knutzen eves. 426-4780 Front & Railroad Sporting Goods 1973 HARLEY Davidson 350 Sprint scrambler, 650 miles, 3 months old, $825. 426-8625. 08/16 25 HP Johnson, excellent, $200 or best offer, 426-8640. M7/5tfn BOAT AND trailer, $400. A8/9-30 9's FAIR HARBOR MARINA Grapeview - 426-4028 Boat moorage, rentals, gas, bait, snacks, ice, small line groceries. 7/26-8/16 Used Can '62 CHEVROLET 6-cylinder Cascade canopy with dinette, best offer. 426-1557. D8/16 1959 CHEVROLET ¾ ton 6-cylinder, four-speed, 10' Sportking camper. $1,000. 426-2211. R8/16 '70 FORD half ton V-8, ps, pb, heavy bumper, also small camper ideal for two, excellent shape, $2,895. 426-4638. B8/9-30 1965 4-DOOR Ford Galaxie 500. Red, black int., pb, ps. 426-3004. R 7/26-8/16 FOR SALE 1968 Ford Galaxie fastback 2-door. Very good condition, one owner, $985. 877-5454. 18/16-23 1972 Duster 2 d,. .... sO%.Q .............$2,850 1972 Maverick 4 dr ....................$2,495 1971 Custom 500 4 dr. air ............... $2,095 1971 LTD 2-dr. hardtop with factory air .... $2,725 1971 Montego 2-dr. hardtop ............. $2,095 1971 Torino 500 2-dr. hardtop with air ..... $2,595 1971 Torino 500 4-dr ................... $2,395 1971 F100 V2 ton . . . (1 truck) ........... $2,695 1971 Gal 500 2 dr ...................... $2,395 1971 Maverick 2-dr ..................... $1825 1970 Maverick 2-dr ..... sOI-O ...........$1,695 1970 LTD 2-dr. formal .................. $2,195 1970 Plymouth Valiant ................. $1,995 1969 Mercury station wagon ............. $2,450 1969 Chev Carryall ..................... $2,395 1969 Super Bee Dodge • . •¢jOI,O ......... $1,795 1969 Galaxie 500 4-dr .................. $1,295 1969 Buick 4-door .................... $1,295 1968 Toyota ......................... $1,195 1968 Comet ................... • ....... $1,150 1968 International Carryall .............. $2,095 1967 Comet 4-dr ........................ $795 1965 F250 ........................... $1,095 Open 'til 7:30 Man. - Sat. JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Kneelond Center Phone 426-8231 Pets, Livestock RHODE ISLAND red laying hens, $2 each, 426-4941 Matlock. G8/16 FREE SMALL female German shepherd. 426-2472 or Cameron Apts. No. 25, Second and Grove Streets. C8/16 DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointments, call Mrs. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17tfn AKC DOBERMANS, reds, blacks, excellent line, 9 weeks, $75 and up, 426-5648. M7/26-8/16 Farm Slaughtering Custom c:,ttmg and w~,:lpt)lng. Old fash~o,,ed CLIri~lg done arid peppe, oni and sausage nTacle. L~vesto.:k bought, soi(I ,~nd hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B.J, Probst 426- 1415 Kdm ilche Curtiss Breeding Service ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Dairy and Beef LENNY LETT 357-4143 tfn Wanted 1,000,000 FT. per month- alder saw logs. 7" diameter and up. Highest prices in area, delivered to Lima. Lindcll Enterprises, days 264-2358, Herb Schumacher, 426-5444 after 7 p.m. Will buy stumpage and have loggers available. L6/28tfn ALDER LOGS wanted, 7" and up, we'll pay premium price year around. For more information call Mason Hardwood, 426-3464 day, night. M6/2]tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Co. Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling stumpage and land. 4266350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tln Help Wanted $100.00 WEEKLY possible addressing mail for firms -- full or part time at home. Send stamped selt-addressed envelope to COMMACO, Box 157, Round Rock, Texas 78664. C8/16 BUS DRIVER needed at Mary M. Knight School, good driving record essential. Must live in Matlock area. Applications taken until August 20. 426-6767. K8/1~ WANTED BABYSITTER. my home, one child. Four days a week, own transportation, phone 426-2704 after 6 p.m. G8/9-16 NEEDED RESPONSIBLE girl or woman for about 2 hours of housework and 2 hours of sitting with elderly mother from 3 to approximately 7 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Steady job as I work at Fir Lane on these days. Live-in considered, Lake Nahwatzel, 426-3648. H8/2tfn KI N D AN D competent older woman to share modest country home and supervise two nice little boys, one school age for working parent. Board, room, reasonable wages, home privileges. Write Box 64, c/O Journal. 8/2tfn IBM TYPESETTER Opportunity for on-the-job training if your typing speed is 70 wpm or better. Newspaper production experience helpful but not necessary. Variety, excellent advancement. For an appointment call Lee at 426-44 12. Work Wanted WANTED: WORK! Experienced carpenter, painter. Reliable, honest. Write J. Watts, 1302 Field Rd., Bow, Wa. 98232 or call 766-3241. 8/2-23 WANTED: WORK! Ex GI experienced milker, carpenter, painter, truck driver. Reliable, hard working. Write C. Watts, 1302 Field Rd., Bow, Wa. 98232 or call 766-3241 8/2-23 WANTED SAWMILL or milling LICENSED CHILD care Mt. View components. 426-1710. K8/9-30 area, 426-6576. K7/19tfn TIMBER WANTED highest prices paid. We will pay our $65 per thousand and higher for good quality fir, and hemlock. Sell now while tog market is at its highest ever. Free estimates, Taylor Bay Logging Co., call Jack Perelli or Rex Dempewolf, TR6-5238 or TR6-8024. Write P.O. Box 106, Port Orchard, Wa. 98366. T4/12tfn Ca s of anks We wish to express our heart-felt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral offerings given us during the loss of our loved one. from the family of Bill Lundquist Mobile Homes INTERIOR EXTERIOR painting, texture and glitter. Free estimates. Phone 426-5741. P3/15tfn LICENSED CHILD care- Agate area hour or day. Experienced sitters. Call 426-6]52. F6/29tfn Personal KEY TO unlock cigerette habit. Action. Send habit money to feed hungry child. Ask God for help. Quit the easy way like I did. 426-4947. R8/16-23 PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Service, marriage and family counseling. By appointment only, phone 426-4034. F8/i6tfn REDUCE EXCESS fluids with Fluidex -- lose weight with Dex-A-Diet capsules at Nell's Pharmacy. 05/31-9/13 ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and referral center 428 Birch St., Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn $500 FOR equity in 24 by 56 like new mobile home, 426-8339 after 5:30. $8/9-30 8' BY 35' trailer furnished, $1,900. 426-3103. O6/21tfn MOBILE HOME wheels and axels for sale. 877-5527. S5/10tfn 36x8 NASHUA 2 bedroom, gas, hot water and stove, must sacrifice $2000 investment in trailer, $1700 firm price. Phone 877-5434. G5/]0tfn Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE FAMIL -, one child, needs clean larger unfurnished house in Shelton-Olympia area. 275-3604, Belfair. P8/16-9/6 Mobile Homes FHA MOBILE HOME FINANCING Example: 12 x 64 2-Bedroom Selling Price $8,795.00 Sales Tax 439.75 Total Price $9,234 75 Down Payment 579.50 Amount Financed $8,655.25 120 Monthly Payments of $ 93.53 7.97% Annual Percentage Rate Now two locations to serve your housing needs. Taylor Towne - 426-5568 Gorst - 373-5001 Open Daily 9-5 Closed Sundays in consideration of our religion - our families - and our health. For Rent rvices FURNISHED TWO bedroom beach chalet, five minutes from town, wall to wall carpeting, deck, fireplace, electric heat. $]35. References and deposit required. 426-4000. B8/16tfn DAY & SONS custom rotovating, lawns, gardens, farm work, clearing and blasting. Licensed. 426-8750 or 426-8887. No job too large, no job too small. D6/21 tfn TWO BEDROOM house downtown. $85 per month. 426-5482. C8/16 TWO BEDROOM, very large, west side Olympia. Very near Route 101. Dishwasher, free TV cable, shopping center, bus stop, children, pets. $169. Phone 352-0483. V8/16tfn OLDER 3 bedroom furnished home on Hammersley Inlet, available Sept. 4 to May 31. $150. Kent 1-631-1824. K8/16-9/6 BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom A-frame, fireplace, carpeting, range, refrigerator. $125.00 per month includes water and garbage pickup. No pets, references. Mann Real Estate, 121 Railroad, 426-6592. 8/16 THREE BEDROOM home partially furnished, $125 a month plus utilities, 314 Wyandotte. $8/9-16 FOR RENT three bedroom, carpeted, fireplace, furnished or unfurnished. Union 5th Street McReavy Road, gold and brown house, available immediately. $819 FOR RENT lease or sale immediately, located Harstine Island IHSOOD crawler with 4-1 drop loader. Bill Hunter P.O. Box 78203, Seattle, 98178, phone 772-6828. HB/9tfn FURNISHED BACHELOR unit for single only, $65. One bedroom apartments; one furnished, up $90; one unfurnished down, $95; references, no children or pets, all downtown. 426-1205. DB/9tfn FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment, w/w carpeting. Close to downtown, water, garbage and cable TV furnished, $90. 426-4000. SB/9tfn EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS women and children's clothes, formal and casual wear, call anytime 426-1312. M8/9-30 HORSES BOARDED, on Shelton - Belfair highway 1.4 miles before Allyn. Pasture, paddock and stalls available, feed grain and hay, CR5-2446. A8/9-30 C-BAR-J RANCH, horses boarded, stalls and runs. Many trails for riding. Also standing for Appaloosa stallion service "Coffee Cups Bar Fly." Double bred Top and Bottom, Sundance 500 bloodlines. Call 426-2720 after 4 p.m. 6/7tfn HORSESHOEING -- JIM Brummitt - extended service call 357-6151 B3/29tfn AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work guaranteed. Phone 426-4322, 1202 Cota St. R7/2Otfn BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antioues • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 795 Phone 426-2S01 Swimming Pools Septic Tanks Bulldozing, Backhoe GLEN PARR 426-6539 Shelton 8/6tfn FURNISHED MOBILE home for couple for the winter. No children. 426-1019. M8/9tfn FOR RENT, furnished studio apt. for single adult, .at Lawton Apts. referenge~ re~4irred, 426-2121. L7/26tfn" COMPLETELY FURNISHED apartments, $50 to $65 per month. 426-5892. SB/2tfn PROFESSIONAL OR business space for rent or lease, downtown, 900 sq. ft. 426-4481 or 426-4895. W9/28tfn 1, 2, and 3 bedroom furnished apartments, no pets, available now. Edgewood Apartments, Hiway 101 above airport. 426-5093. E 7/26tfn THE 1130 E. FAIRMONT ~:all 426-2879 for free estimates, t ]/9 tfn Painting - Taping Texturing - Wall Papering Woodwork Pre-finished LICENSED & BONDED FREE ESTIMATES Heinitz Painting Co. Chuck Heinitz 426-4841 FOR RENT." trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/Btfn UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom mobile home, no pets, 426-3242. -~/19tfn One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, draPes & appliances, no pets. 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 2 or 426-1916 "7/]2tfn John Mokoviney -- Quick Service -- Excavating -- Back filling & clearing 426-1289 5/3-9/27 Real Estate Wanted MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 tfn One of a kind apartment with all the features of a house. Ground floor 3 blocks from downtown in a quiet garden area. Large living room with carpeting of your color choice. Pass thru to Pullman kitchen plus a den & oversized bedroom. 2 baths each with its own dressing room. All rooms are fully carpeted. The heat & hot water are included in monthly rental of $210. Call 426-2121 or see at 723 Pine. L8/2-16-3t Se kas EXCAVATING, GRADING, land clearing and logging. Call Brush Excavating 426-8768. B8/9-30 RETIRING VETERANS hospital administrator wants good buy from owners in quality modern home, would consider long lease, 1-JU4-5327. S8/17 WINDOW WASHING commercial and residential, reasonable rates. Phone 426-3516. W8/9-30 Real Estate WE HAVE out-of-state buyers looking for homes, farms, acreage and commercial property. Some with all cash! Yours may fit their needs. Tell us about it. Call John Brush. Brush Realty 426-1141. 5/10tfn 10 Acres & Now Homo At Agate Secluded and wooded this large bedroom home just completed, built by fine builder has daylight basement and lots of room. Shown by appointment. On fine blacktop road. Cash out $45,900. 0=to - ea Hilcmt A 1-bedroom home just listed. 2 lots fenced in. Fine garage, room for shop. Extra nice neighborhood. Lovely lawn and trees. Fine patio & grill. Only $13,950. Stewart Realty SHELTON 426.5000 Thursday, August 16, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Page 21