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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 16, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 16, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DIVISION ONE - on - MASON LAKE • Every lot a waterfront tract. • Big spreading cedar, fir and dogwood trees. • Pure, clear water piped to each lot. • Electricity available to each lot. • Telephone service. • Community access area. • Blacktopped county road to each lot. FREE BROCHURE 2201 Oly. Hwy. No., Sheiton, Wa. NOW GREATLY REDUCED! 91/2 acres with 420' waterfront on the South Shore of Hood Canal. Owner has cut the price by $7,500. Close to canal yacht basin. Think of the possibilities! First time offered at this price. $44,500. BUY ONE OR ALL THREE! Three 5-acre tracts on Arcadia Road near Shelton. Available for minimal down payment on a ten-year contract. Newly listed at just $5,500 each. i ONLY 8 OWNERS ON 40-ACRE LAKE! Two 21/2-acre parcels just four miles from Shelton. Deep spring-fed lake with large cutthroat and bass for the fishermen in the family. Power to property. Just two miles to public saltwater boat ramp. $8,900 ea. with easy terms or will sell together. YOUR OWN BEAVER POND! Five acres above Union with frontage on two paved ~oads. Beaver pond covers nearly an acre. Approximately ten acres is cleared. Terms negotiable. $14,250. 40 ACRES WEST OF OAK PARK! Road and culverts are in. Survey completed• Could be split into six parcels. $50,000 with terms or less for cash. 4 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU~ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! [~{ A[ TO[~ " OOOH P. O. BOX W, SHELTON, WA. If you w~sh to sell, please call the office convement to you~ area. SHELTON 426-5588 * BRINNON 796-4603 * HOODSPORT 877-5576 BELFAIR 275-2826 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Legal Publications View and Waterfront Recreational or Residential Sites!!! Where? Take Highway 3 north about 10 miles to Rustlewood sign from Shelton. The Views Are Magnificent! PICKERING Passage washes the community beach and individual waterfront ownerships. A community cabana and concrete boat ramp have been completed. Here You Will Get the Surprise of Your Life RUSTLEWOOD is a planned location tucked away in the natural woods of Mason County. All utilities are in place -- sewers, water, telephone, electricity. ALL UNDERGROUND. Paved roads wind their way through the trees to all lots. Who Can Purchase? Nearly anyone -- very easy contract payments can be worked out. Attractive cabins and mobile homes are encouraged. NOW OPEN FOR YOU TO VISIT -- 7 DAYS A WEEK• PLEASE COME OUT AND VISIT WALT CLAYTON OR JULIUS STOCK. CALL OR WRITE US FOR A FREE RUSTLEWOOD BROCHURE AND MAP. at Wynwood Center Gig Harbor, Wa. 98335TELEPHONE FU3-2404 Evening 426-691 I 857-2121 Picture Perfect Inside & Out 3 bedroom basement home, separate dining room. Poor health forces quick sale. $21,500. 426-55S5 LAND & HOMES EVE. 426-4849 BOB 426-4983 DOUG PRICED Large 4 bedroom home on 4 city lots has well with new pump -- buy as is or will fix to suit. 4 bedroom on 3+ acres, fenced, well & quiet 4 miles so. of Shelton. After 5 p.m. J.W. Dosser -- 426-8427 NEW LISTINGS 3 bedroom 11/2 bath newer home at Holiday Beach, clubhouse plus 250 ft. community waterfront, $27,500. 3 bedroom, lib baths with 80 ft. prime w/f, large living room with fireplace, $49,500. Jorstad Creek -- 3 acres, 3 bedroom home with large recreation room, 11/2 baths, ideal family home, $32,500. I | Name__ Date , 197__ Address Phone ONE WO RD IN EACH SPACE Hookups for 3 trailers or campers plus 22'x24' garage, power & water near, canal access, $8,500. 2 huge 100x215 ft. lots on hill above Hoodsport. Ideal for homesite or trailer living, $5,500 & $6,250. Union 898-2145, Hoodsport 877-5211 so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the said Court. The object of this action is to quiet title in plaintiff to real estate in Mason County, Washington, described as: The North One Half of the N.W. one-fourth of the S.E. one-fourth, of the S.W. one-fourth of Section Five (5) Township 22, N.R. 1 W. W.M., containing five acres, more or less. against the claim of the defendants and any one of them. ARTHUR & HANLEY Attorneys for Plaintiff /s/By Terence Hanley OFFICE AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS: ARTHUR & HANLEY 400 Washington Bremerton, Washington 98310 TELEPHONE: 377-4481 7/12-19-26-8/2-9-16-6t 8/16 COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST .01 ACRE FAMILY ROOM: Plus 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, separate utility, separate garage, carpeted + hardwood floors, fenced yard and much more. $24,750 and qualified vet can assume existing GI loan. MT. VIEW NEAR THE PARK: Almost new shag carpeting, 11/2 baths, recently remodeled kitchen, attached garage, completely private backyard with patio deck. This is one of the best built homes in town. See it by appointment. $29,950. NORTH BAY: 2+ acres with 260 feet low bank waterfront. Also highway frontage. Call today -- less than $100 front foot @$20,000. NEAR TOTTEN SHORES: View lot w/60' waterfront by 230' deep. Only $6,500. Good building site. SHELTON VALLEY: 60 acres or smaller down to 8 acres• Good site for hillsidehome w/view of valley and good access. Just a few minutes from downtown Shelton. DAYTON AREA: 20 acres w/year-round creek, $10,000 w/only $2,000 down on R/E contract• FOR RENT: 1 br house, no children, no pets, references and deposit required. AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. Call 426-1641 Bev Thomason 426-8615 Keith Anderson 426-4379 Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS :. _%%%%%~.. _~.. _%%%%~ _ Business Opportunities Restaurant & Lounge Excellent lease only $190/month, can be assumed with 4 years to run with option to renew. Recently remodeled. Owner wants to retire. 1973 business shows big increase. Call for appointment to discuss this opportunity. $20,000 down. Land Investment 700' saltwater front with 30 park-like acres, small lake. Sand-pebble beach and includes tidelands. This property has been in an estate for years and first time on the market. Located at Arcadia Shores in Mason County. 15 minutes to Shelton-Olympia freeway. Good access and county road borders two sides of property. 13% down at 71/2% interest. Also 10 and 9 acre tracts same area. Timber & Investment 155' no-bank cove with 12 acres. Marketable fir trees on uplands. Located on Hammersley Inlet near Agate Store. Has 4-room beach cottage. Good access county road. $4 5,000 appraisal in 1971, 20% down at 7V2% interest. Also 200' saltwater & 6 acres for $30,000, terms. Off Arcadia Road 4 miles to Shelton. Waterfront Home 70' pebble beach, no bank. 3 bedroom beach home, with Bayshore Golf Course behind property. Water skiing, fishing, swimming, clams & oysters. 4 miles from Shelton, private dead-end road to property. 30 minutes to Olympia. $39,500• 5% to 10% down to qualified buyer. For mobile home parks, apartments and income properties call for details• H.M. Tokos Realty 79 South Sound, Lacey Office: 456-4460 Eves: 426-8460 Shelton Legal Publkations NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners, Port of Allyn, will hold an informal hearing for the Victor Port residents, on the possibility of being taken into the Port of Allyn district. Hearing to be held at the Victor Fire Hall at 8:00 P.M. on August 23. All Victor residents are urged to attend. /s/Ellen Palmer Ellen Palmer, Clerk of Board Port of Allyn 8/9-16-2t NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee will, on Friday, September 14, 1973, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the front steps of the Mason County Courthouse in the City of Shelton, State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable at the time of the sale, the following described real property situated in Mason County, State of Washington, to-wit: That part of Shelton Donation Claim No. 37, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Laurel Street North 61 degrees 31' East 340 feet from the southeast corner of Lot 3 in Block 24 of Mountain View Addition to Shelton as recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 41; running thence North 61 degrees 31' East 100 feet, North 28 degrees, 29' West 60 feet and South 61 degrees 31' West 100 feet to said Westerly line of Laurel Street; thence South 28 degrees 29' East along said Westerly line of Laurel Street 60 feet to the point of beginning. which property is described in that certain Deed of Trust dated February 1, 1972, and recorded February 8, 1972, in Reel 89, Frame 67 of the records of the Auditor of Mason County, Washington, under said Auditor's File Number 266861, from James C. Patten and Terry k Patten, husband and wife, Grantors, to Pacific National Bank of Washington, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Firstbank Mortgage Corporation, as Beneficiary. The beneficial interest under said Deed of Trust was duly assigned to Federal National Mortgage Association, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States and said corporation, as Beneficiary, has County, Washington. elected to seek satisfaction of the Legal NOTICE OF PUBI HEARINGS WILDERNESS UNITED ST DEPARTMENT INTERIOR National Pa OLYMPIC N PARK, WASHINGTON Notice is hereby accordance with the the Act of Septembe Stat. 890, 892; 16 1132) and in Departmental pr( identified in 43 public hearings November 1 and 3, purpose of receiving and suggestions as appropriateness of the establishment within Olympic Wash ington. The hearing will be Courtesy Room of Federal Savings an Association, Broadwa Streets, Aberdeen, beginning at 9:30 a.m. hearing will be held on 3 in the Little T Peninsula College, Avenue, Port Washington,starting at The wilderness Olympic National 834,490 acres. All lands for wilderness are within the exterior the park. Olympic is located Peninsula in th~n of the State of Washin Packets master plans, maps d, preliminary proposed wilderness draft envi statements for the be obtained Superintendent, National Park, 600 Avenue, Poorrt Angeles,' 98362, from tht Director, Pacific Region, National Pal Fourth and Pike Washington 98]0]. Descriptions preliminary boundaries of the areas pr~ establishment as available for review in offices and in Room 1 Interior Building at Streets N.W., Interested inl representatives of and public officials are express their v=ews in the a hearings. In order to on the hearing prc the Hearing Officer Superintendent, National Park, 600 Avenue, Poi't AngeleS, 98362 by October 26, Time limitations necessary to limit oral presentations to one person the made in behalf of an An oral statement may be supplemented complete written may be submitted to Officer at the presentation of statement. Written presented in petS( hearings will be curl! inclusion in the hearing records. materials so hearings shall be determinations that appropriate for inclUS transcribed hearing re extent that time is presentation of oral those who have given advance notice, Officer will give othe opportunity to be After an explanZ proposal by a the National Park Hearing Officer, possible, will adhl following order in cal presentation of or (1) Governor No. 4390 Now, therefore, public notice obligation by advertisement andhis representative. ......... I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF is hereby given that on the 24th sale for reason of the Grantor's (2) Members of I THE STATE OF WASHINGTON day of August, 1973, at 10:00 default on the obligations secured (3) Members I FOR MASON COUNTY o clock A.M. of said day, at East by said Deed of Trust, and the Legislature. In the Matter of the Estate of Door of Courthouse Mason covenants therein contained, (4) Official ! | MABELG OLSON, Deceased. County, Washington, I will sellwhich default is the Grantor's the counties in I I Notice is given that the the above described property at failure to pay when due, the proposed wilderness • g ! ! undersigned is the personal public auction to the highest followin amounts which are now (5) Officials of Just fill in this easy-to-use order form and then mail to the Shelton-Mason representative of said estate; all bidder for cash, or so much =n arrears: The monthly agencies or public b( I I persons having claims against thereof as may be necessary toinstallments due for the months . .(6 ) OrganS; • [ County Journal, Box 430, Shelton, -- -, u-Wash;n'*on 98584. decedent are required to serve the raise sufficient to satisfy said last of July August, September, a,pnabetical order. same on him or his attorneys at above named amount, together Octobe'r November and (7) Individuals in I ! their address, and file with the with increased cost and increased December ' 1972, and January, order. Clerk of Court together with interest. . February,'March and April, 1973, (8) Others not I proof of servce within four II JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ORDER Services ~l Want To Rent 11973. I hereof monthsFirst or after the publication the same first will publication August be barred. 2, this Sheriff County, Washington Dan Dated 20th McNair day at of Shelton, of Mason July, Washing,on, 1973. delinquent in late in the the In order to cause a charges sum sum of of monthly $3.04 $152.00 on each each. installments each, of plus said remaining notice, Date: Associate Dir, /s/Stanley Aug to time. 1, the 1973 W. el H | ~ For Sale ~l Pets, Livestock ~:ij Personals ~ Work Wanted [~ For Rent JAMES M. OLSON discontinuance of the sale of I [--~ Cars Used [.=1 Sporting Goods [__]Instruction [~ Business Opportunities [~ Real Estate WantedI WALLACE & BEST Sgt./s/By Sclt. Nat StairSNat Stairs which notice is hereby given, the National Park Attorneys for Estate Deputy. aforesaid default must be cured 1I--7 Wanted [_1 Mobile Homes [__1 Help Wanted L__I Lost&Found [~ Real Estate 1 304 Medical Dental Bldg. 0 Darrell E Phillipson prior to the time of sale set forth Bremerton, Washington 9831 Kent, Wash. hereinabove. | | 8/2-9-16-3t Attorney for Plaintiff. The sum now owing on the I - 7/26-8/2-9-16-4tobligations secured by the said I .... Deed of Trust is the outstanding NOTICE OF principal balance of $17,939.96, FOR SHORE together with interest thereon at MANAGEMENT SU I NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE SUMMONS BY the rate.of seven percent (7%) DEVELOPMEN~ GENERAL EXECUTION PUBLICATION No 11522 per CAUSE No. D 40361 IN THE SUPERIC)'R COURT annum from June 1, 1972, and Notice is herel: I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF O F T H E S T A T E O F such other costs and fees as are Simpson Timber ( provided by statute, filed an applica THE STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON FOR MASON i~lo action is now pending insubstantial develop IN AND FOR KING COUNTY COUNTY I any Superior Court to seek for the const BARBARA ARLEE SEBREE RUSSELL EDWIN SWANK, satisfaction of the said obligations development of re Plaintiff vs. LAURENCE DEAN Plaintiff, vs Lilly Mae Roundtree, I SEBREE Defendant TED ROUNDTREE and JANE by reason of the Grantor's default existing access docka ......................... Under and by virtue of awrit DOE ROUNDTREE, his wife; on the obligations or covenants Plant for the h' I of General Execution issued out JAMES ROUNDTREE and JANE secured by said Deed of Trust. maintaining and i of the Superior Court of the State DOE ROUNDTREE, his wife: The above-described real input conveyor area of Washington, holding terms at MAE OKIHARA and JOHN DOE property will be sold to satisfy pond located at: I Seattle, in and for King County, oKIHARA, her husband; the expense of sale and the Timber Companl in said State, and dated on the BONITA BROO and JOHN DOE obligations secured bv said Deed fronting on Oakland I 21st day of May, 1973, on a BROO, her husband; ELSIE of Trust as provided by statute, to Shelton Creek v~ judgment rendered in said Court GATTT~N anhd JOHN DOE 5aid sale will be made without 20 of Township 20 I on the 11th day of May, 1973, inGAT er husband; warranty, express or implied, W.W.M., in shel favor of the above named SHIRLEY R~:AD and JOHN DOE regarding title, possession or County, Washi~ Plaintiff, and against the aboveREAD, her husband, the encumbrances, development is pro I named Defendant, for the sum of unknown heirs of any of which DATED this 30th day of within Oakland Ba April, 1973. associated wetlands. Two Thousand Three Hundred maY be oeceased; and all the /s/Theodore D. Schultz Any person I Ninety and no/100ths n~rsons or parties unknown ~- r Theodore D. Schultz express his views or' ($2,390.00) Dollars, together claiming any=ght, title, estate,"Trustee' of the action tal with an attorney's fee of -- lien or interest in the real estate STATE OF WASHINGTON, application should | Dollars and costs of suit taxed at described in the complaint herein; County of Thurston, ss. City Engineer in -- Dollars, with interest at the rate I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Enclose check or money order for correct amount. The minimum charge is $1.50 for the first 15 words. Additional words are 10 cents apiece- the amount for the total ad is printed below each additional space. 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 I Defendants. 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.80 of --" per cent per annum fromTHE STATE OF On this day personally interest within I date thereof, or $--, and appeared before me THEODORE last date of amounting in all to the sum ofWASHINGTON, D. SCHULTZ, to me known to benotice. Publication Two Thousand Three Hundred TO: Each and all of the above the individual described in and notice are 8-9 I and Ninety and no/100 Dollars, 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 I plus costs of sale. | Which said writ of General Execution was to me as Sheriff of | Mason County, Washington duly I directed and delivered, and by NOTICE OF| I which I am commanded to sell at Public Auction, according to law the following described property, to-wit: |1 Immll imm mm mm m lim iim m m m m | im m mm mm m mm m m I mmllm ill m im i ! m m I im im mm Im m m Ii m mmll Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 16, 1973 I I I I I Lot 12, Plat of Colony Surf Division No,. 6, as recorded in Volume 8 of Plats, at pages 117 and 118, records of Mason named defendants: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 12 day of July, 1973, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer on the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 30th day of April, 1973. /s/ Clifford L. Stilz, Jr. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Olympia. 8/16-23-30-9/6-13-5t The regular Commission 16, 1973 has Shelton Port ps/By Oliver J. resident