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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 16, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 16, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Iqd PW tions ICE No. 854 DINAN~E IG CERTAIN TO THE F SHELTON, GTON AND NG THE CITY INCLUDE SAID AS, the hereinafter is presently Shelton and Legal Publications Commissioner /s/Michael J. Byrne Commissioner ATTEST: cS/, Helen W. Stodden Ity Clerk APPROVED: /s/B. Franklin Heuston City Attorney 8/16-1t Legal Publkations DATE of first publication Auqust 2, 1973. /s/Patricia M. Fleury PATRICIA M. FLEURY Administratrix of SAID ESTATE WALGREN, SEXTON & KAMPS Attorneys for estate 245 4th Street Bldg. Bremerton, Washington 98310 8/2-9-16-3t IJl=l PuMiutions NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4408 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of MILDRED L. DAVIS, Deceased• The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the _~~~- Legal Publications 10 Ton Tack Coat 15 Ea Catch Basin Inlets 18 Ea Dry Well Inlets 2000 LF 8" Culvert Pipe and other such work as required to complete the project. Work shall commence within ten (10) days after award of the Contract and be completed within fifty (50) working days. All proposals must be made Harstine By CARMEN YATES HARSTINE - The grapevine has been quite beneficial in respect to several families which have become permanent residents during the 1973 summer. Justine (Goetsch) and John Gregory and Other new residents included the Campbell family, who hail all the way from Maryland. Mr. Campbell arrived here last January and recently the rest of the family joined him. They are presently camping while they are as we did and were equally impressed. Prior to our leaving on vacation, Orvaline Olds called with an interesting experience the two Olds families had this summer. In June, Orvaline's deceased are required to serve the on the regular blank forms their three children sold their working on their new home. In mother, Ruth Hudson, and her ntained for City same in duplicate, duly verified, furnished and must be (Callanan Park): PROPOSAL FOR on the undersigned or the accompanied by cash, certifiedRenton home, lock, stock and about two weeks they hope to be grandson, Jim Smith of Phoenix, NEW BANK NOTICE OF HEARING it appears it is to Notice is hereby given that PROPOSED VACATION -- attorney of record at the address check, or bid bond, in the amount barrel and purchased a mobile able to move into the basement Arizona, came to spend several :s of the C ty of Hood Canal State Bank, proposed PORTION OF OLD SHELTON stated below and file the same equal to five per cent (5%) of the home which they have moved section. The new home is located weeks. So when the JimO]ds and its use and new bank, has filed, with theVALLEY ROAD No. 593 with the Clerk of this Court,total bid. Such accompanying said property for Federal Deposit Insurance NOTICE IS HEREBY together with proof of such certification will be returned to permanently to her folks, the south oftheRaymondMcCul]och the Ron Olds family plus Ruth }urposes that the Corporation, an Application for GIVEN: That on Monday, July service within four months after all unsuccessful bidders upon the Martin Goetsch's, property. Athome, but is not a part of the new got together there were four to and become a Federal Deposit Insurance, which 30, 1973, the Board of County beAUguStforever2' barred•1973' or the same will completiOncontract or ofthetherejectionaward of°f thethe present Justine and the three development in that area. generations. Great-~andma Ruth, Commissioners went on record/s/Emily L. Roche bids. The bid bond shall be made children are getting settled in and Pauline and Ike Carlson her daughter (grandma) Orvaline, le City of Shelton, application was accepted for filing with their Intention to Vacate a Sion' ]:HEREFORE,of the Citythe CitYor on 8/6/73.Applicant proposes to engage portion of the Old Shelton Valley EMILY L. ROCHE payable to the City Treasurer, John wig be joining them laterarrived here the middle of last son, Ron Olds, and his two girls, Road No. 593, lying outside the Star Route 2, Box 285 City of Shelton, Washington. when he completes treatment he week from Alameda, CaliforniaBambi and Brandi. Belfair, Washington 98528 The City of Shelton reserves ?r.dain as b usiness at Hoodsport, presently constructed County ROBERT L. SNYDER the right to reject any or all bids is undergolng in a Tacoma for their annual vacation. While Ruth was still visiting, t. The following A ny person wishing to Road, more fully described as: Attorney for Estate and waive all informalities, hospital Their oldest youngster, Accompanying them from Sparks, Emloy Olds parents and I Property situated in comment on this application may "That portion of Old Shelton Jnty, Washington, file his comments in writing with Valley Road No. 593, lying 125'/2N. 5th Sealed envelopes containing Nevada, a sister-in-law, Clara grandparents, all from Sierra Shelton, Washington 98584 the bids shall be marked "Ll.D. Schuyler, will attend PioneerCarlson (wife of the late George Valley, Arizona, arrived for a , the City of Shelton, the Regional Director of the westerly of the Shelton Valley 8/2-9-16-3tNo. 25, Street Paving.' School this fall. s hereby annexed toFederal Deposit Insurance Grange Hall, and located in ~ Contractual document may be Shelton, WashingtonCorporation at its Regional Section 27, Township 20 North, obtained at the office of the City Down at the Hole-in-the-Wall, Carlson). Also joining the visit. Emloy s parents are Warren d within the city Office, 44 Montgomery Street, Range 4 West, W.M,, Mason NOTICE TOCREDITORS Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, the Bacons have arrived to Carlsons complete with camp and Minnie-Opa]Higmanandher r and is hereby made Suite 3600, San Francisco, County, Washington." No. 4412 Shelton, Washington. become permanent residents. The trailer for part of their vacation grandparents are Steve and te City of Shelton,California 94104. if any person N OTIC E IS FURTHER are their close friends, Big and Emmie Rainwater. So with Bambi the provis ons of desires to protest the granting of GIVEN: That a public Hearing IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Dated at Shelton, Washington, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON this 7th day of August, 1973.couple hailed from California and • said property being this application he has a right to will be held on the proposed FOR MASON COUNTY CITY OFSHELTON started their permanenthome Polly Robbins of Sacramento, and Brandi that also made four Jescribed as follows: do so if he files a written notice abandonment in the Office of the In the Matter of the Estate of Helen W. Stodden about two years ago. California. The couple's daughter, generations on Emloy s side of :!n.g at a point on the of his intent with the Regional County Commissioners at 11:00 JENNY B. HUTCH INS, Deceased. Clerk-Treasurer Cathy, and her husband, Doug the fence. But the unusual part ,it line of the City of Director within 15 days of theA.M. Monday, August 27 1973, T he undersigned is the 8/9-16-2t cl point beinq the date of this publication. Theand any interested person mayappointed and qualified personal Driscol, also spent a few days at being that all four generations on • "E" Street arid the nonconfidential portions of the appear at said Hearing to be heard representative of said estate. ~ -_-_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_- ~---~-- the Island Shor'es retreat. The both sides of Ron and Emloy's Idary of the Catholic application are on file in theeither for or against said proposal. Persons having claims against the Carlsons held forth with their families were together all at the ~glencethen°rtherlYboundaryanduf publicRegi°nalfileOffiCemaintainedaS part by°f thethe 1973.DATED this 31st day of July, samedeceasedin duplicate,are requireddulytO serVeverified,the NOTICE OFFoR SHORELINEAPPLICATION L~jal Publi~ltion$ annual beach party last evening, same time, all under the same c Cemetery to the Corporation. This file is available BOARD OF COUNTY on the undersigned or the MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL More about that next week. roof. ry of David Sheltonfor public inspection during COMMISSIONERS OF attorney of record at the address DEVELOPMENT PERMIT aim in Section 13, regular business hours. - MASON COUNTY, We learned recently that Bert O North Range ,~ Published pursuant to Section WASHINGTON stated below and file the sameNotice is hereby given that deceased are reqmred to serve the .; thenc(; northerly 303.14(b)(1) of the Rules and /s/By Ruth E. Boysen with the Clerk of this Court, Earl D. Lincoln has filed an same in duplicate, duly verified, Meyhers passed away in the early Now for an upto-date report West lineof said Regulations of the Federal Clerk oftheBoard, together with proof of such application for a substantial on the undersigned or the Claim to a point Deposit Insurance Corporation. 8/16-23-2t service within four months after development permit for the attorney of record at the address part of July at his home in on the new cemetery road. The August 2, 1973, or the same will construction or development ofstated below and file the sameTacoma. His wife, Margaret, is a man has been out to blow the t southerly of the Hood Canal State Bank ~ be forever barred, concrete bulkhead, fill, boat ramp with the Clerk of this Court, sister to Harry Craft. The couple stumps along the right-of-way for (Name of Proposed Bank) /s/Odus L Hutchins ~rner thereofi thence and pier located at St. Rt 2, Box together with proof of such ~grees 34'44 ' east a By Sydney O. Anderson ODUS L. HUTCHINS 260 Belfair, Wash. within Section service within four months after built a home for their retirement the new road. In the near future 353.19 feet; thence Its Correspondent of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Route 4, Box 353A 2 of Township 22 N•, Range 2 August 2, 1973, or tile same will a number of years ago at the the county will furnish a cat to Lgrees 24'46" east a Record 8/16-1t No. 4409 Shelton, Washington 98584 W. W.M. M a. s o n C o u n t y, be forever barred. Hole-in-the-Wall, but due to Berrs finish clearing and shaping the 40 feet; thence north IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ROBERT L. SNYDg:R Washington. ba,d development is /s/ Linda L• Glassey .~'44" east a distance --~ THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Attorney for Estate proposed to be within Hood Linda L. Glassey health, had to give up those plans, road Anyone interested in t; thence south 28 FOR MASON COUNTY (IN 125V2 N. 5th Canal and/or its associated Route 3, Box 460 The home was purchased last fall contributing a donation toward 5" east a distance of PR ATE)~ OM; Shelton, Washington 98584 wetlands. Shelton, Washington this community project may mail Any person desiring to ROBERT L• SNYDER by the Jack Laubach family. nee south 61:listance of 457.25degrees NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4307 ESTATEOIBN TaERsoNOF THEH. 8/2-9-16-3texpress his views or to be notified Attorney for Estate Early last week Rena them to the treasurer of the club, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF HOLLOWAY, Deceased• of the action taken on this 125Vz N. 5th Gustaffson of New York arrivedMary Baunsgard, Route 4, Box ~ning. the above Property is to be Under the zoning of the City of Shelton 3. This ordinance on the 1st day of ON 4. The City hereby directed to maps showing the and boundaries of conform with this UCED in regular this 31st day in regular eting this 7th day A. Travis T. Kneeland THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SYLVIA GODWIN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of the above entitled estate; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified on said Patricia M. Fleury, or her attorneys of record Walgren, Sexton & Kamps at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Administrator of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of the Court, together with proof of service within four months after the 9th day of August, or the same will be forever barred. THOMAS R• WESTON Administrator Post Office Box 610 Shelton, Washington 98584 B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for Estate, Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. 98584 8/9-16-23-30-4t CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 a•m. on Monday August 20, 1973, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for: L.I.D. No. 25 -- 1973 Street Paving Program The major items of construction are: 1000 CY Embankment 2500 Cy Common Excavation 4525 Cy Ballast 5220 CY Crushed Surfacing 890 Ton A.C. Class "B" Leveling Course 10140 Ton A.C. Class "B" Wearing Course application should notify the Board of Mason County Commissioners in writing of his interest within thirty davs of the last date of publication of this notice. Publication dates of this notice are August 9, 1973 and August 16, 1973. 8/9-16-2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 441 t IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of DAVID L, GLASSEY Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said estate, Persons having claims against the Shelton, Washington 8/2-9-16-3t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Planning Commission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Monday, August 20, 1973 at the City Hall on the application for a zone change for Lots 1-16 included, Block 12 Angleside Add'n to the City of Shelton, in accordance with zoning ordinance No. 862. John K. Bennett Acting Chairman Planning Commission 8/9-16-2t to spend two or three weeks with her grandparents, Jack and Beth Miner. Just as last year, her birthday coincided with her visit to Washington. Upon reading last week's Journal, Beth read the part of our own trip where we visited the Olympic Game Farm outside of Sequim and immediately decided that she would take Rena up there to celebrate her birthday. So Sunday Beth, Line and Rena headed north along the canal in the family fliver. All had equally as good a time at the game farm 308, Shelton. Any contribution, large or small, would be most greatly appreciated. The total number of faces at the annual grange picnic was somewhat smaller this year than it was last year. But it also differed in other ways. Last year there was a greater abundance of people than food. This year just the opposite was the case,. It was a gorgeous evening at the marina and all had an enjoyable and relaxing time chatting with friends and neighbors. THIS REPORr TO BE RETURNED TO THE GOVERNMENT OF MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING 1900 PENNSYLVANIA AVE N W. WASHINGTON. D.C 20226 HAS USED ITS REVENUE SHARING PAYMENT FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JAN. 1, 1972 ENDING JUN. 30, 1973 has the avadabd~ty of revenue sharing funds affected the1 . )Orrowmg reqmrements of your iurisd~ction? I AVQIbED DEBT INCREASE [-~ NO EFFECT IEBSEN~. __ ~ TOO SOON TO Whtch of the following manners did the availabil,ty of Revenue Sharing Funds affect the tax levels of your lUnS- d~chon? Check as many as apply rED INCREASE IN A MAJOR TAX fEb ENACTING hAJOR TAX ['--~ REDUCED AMOUNT OF RATE INCREASE OF A MAJOR TAX. [-~NO EFFECT ON TAX LEVELS [-'-~ TO0 SOON TO PREDICT EFFECT IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER BASED UPON A TOTAL PAYMENT OF $323,218 ACCOUNT NO. 48 1 023 023 MASON COUNTY COUNTY AUDITOR POST OFFICE BOX 400 SHELTON, WASH: 98584 THIS REPORT TO BE RETURNED TO DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING 1900 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20226 (L) DEBT How has the avadabday of revenue sharing funds affected the borrowing requirements of your iurisdiction? ~ AVOIDED DEBT INCREASE ~ NO EFFECT I-~ I TOO SOON TO LESSENED DEBT INCREASE [___.] PREDICT EFFECT (M) TAXES In which of the following manners did the avadabd~ly of Revonue Sharing Funds affect the tax levels of your lUnS- d~ct=on? Check as many as apply. ENABLED REDUCING THE RATE OF A MAJOR TAX [~ PREVENTED INCREASE IN RATE OF A MAJOR TAX PREVENTED ENACTING A NEW MAJOR TAX ['--'--~ REDUCED AMOUNT OF RATE INCREASE OF A MAJOR TAX, r'~NO EFFECT ON TAX LEVELS ~} TOO SOON TO PREDICT EFFECT THE GOVERNMENT OF SHELTON CITY HAS USED ITS REVENUE SHARING PAYMENT FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JAN 1, 1973 ENDING JUN 30, 1973 IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER BASED UPON A TOTAL PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT NO. 48 2 023 001 SHELTON CITY CITY CLERK SHELTON WASHINGTON 98584 $79,164 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES OPERATING/MAINTENANCE EXPENDITU~} CAPITAL EXPENDITURES G/MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES .... PERC-'~NT .... PERCEN| ACTUA~ PERCENT USED FOR ------[~EN-~--------~PER ACTUAL ~~-~E~ENT USED FOR: PRIORITY ~---~u~%r0R ~N;, PURPOSE -- ~ LAND '-0EBT-- E 2c , o=o 15i51,°:.- li~i PURPOSE EXPENDITURES ~ ~T-~'~'--]'OEBT EXPENDITURE J EXPENDITURES [M,,N,tN,NC[ ,,Ewg_R._ E EXPENDITURE5 I I I t"nu | r, , CATEGORIES (A)[ (13) I SERVICES (el[ S[RWCES {O~ Irl I(G) I~Ht ill) ; 4J~ ..... 'B" ......[ e'FE':~i,STZNG"" I E':~;(E) (F) I EQUIPMENT !CONSTRJCT]( I] ACQUI$ rlON I RETIREMENT I OF EXISTING I EXPANOEO ~ ' ,,.., t ~ ICONSTRUCTIOM ACQUISI11ON/ RE REMEN ~~ I SERVICES (C)[ SER ---------------~ I (G) i(H) I (I) -- ] (J) ~~---I---- [ ~ M-~TI-~ 1UBLICSAFETY~L ...... / %1 O/O =~UR;OAS~ONVDT '~ ~ ~ ..... ;~__ yOj_. O/o I I &IucATION $___ ~~~ ~______ ~__~% PROTECTS_ t l ~ -- ~ L ' ' t- - 3 0 12 0 0 0 s I %1 ;1H2EA LTH $ I O~Ol ~ / %[ O//O TRANSPORTATIoN,PUBLIC ......... 15..~ --/ %If )~ ~1 ~2EALTH --$ ~ "-~--' O/OI % 0/0 '___ ---)//0 - 3T--Eo, ~-~_.~ ~" . 6~ ] O~O TRANSPORTATIONS O/o ,/~ O/~ ~EALTH 15 ~ %[ O~ .1 ~aRANSPORTATION $ O/o %1 O/o: O/o , % o ,AL $ $ SOCIAL O O O O REC % ~~_ O/o ~I~LOPMENT $ O/o ' [ )~ I " O/O ~ I SDOC~hPMENT -- ~15 HOUSING& --~ ~ 11~5 HOUSING& - - coMMUNITY $ O O~ O O 6 0 O coMMUNITY $ .O/'0 O'o $ ~ I COvMEM~;~ ~N T O/o 0/~/ O//o O//o L, B R;~iS--'-~ -~-- YO[ )/{/ 0EVELOPMENT __ ~~__ __~~ F -4------+----- d--- t8 0 O " 0 OPERATING.MAIN 1a $ 79,164 °/o % $~4 0 .... ~~ [ 1~BBLIC SAFETY $ I % ! ~ / % l O~ TENANCE EXPEN- $ ~~ ~// PUBLIC SAFETY I $ 1 O/o !]-OO O/O / %1 ' 19 I O (N) CERTIFICATION ,Please Read Instruction 'F'). IIIR,C"EAT'ON I s I %t %1 % ~o O.~N (Please Read Instruction 'F'). I RECREAT-ION $ [ %] ~ ,I O/~1 °/o ---T~ have been advised that a complete copy I[ICULTURE " =ella 0 CULTURE ". have been advised that a complete c pY~ --~ .J._.__ been published in a local newspaper of general ~200THERfSpec,fw .= I 0/[ n O of th,s report has been published in a local newspaper of general libya I t I I records documenting the contents of thisrepon ~ ~ [ %[ (~ ~[ O/o1 O/O circulation I have records documenting the contents of this report ill ............... I$ I %1 %1 %' % ror Pubhc and news media scrutiny. ~991 OrHER(S .... ~.J [ I I ~ and they are open for public and news media scrutiny. [l~ I Certifi/ that I am the chief executive officer 1210rHER(Spec,/v) ~_ J '~' [ -- [ nt [ OL and. AddmonallYwith respectl toCert fYthe entitlementthat am thefundsChiefreportedeXecutiVehereon.Officerl[H[][21OTHERfSpecify)[l~}= Ii %[-• I %1-" I %i-" I ¢. to the entitlement funds reported hereon. I I $ I "/O[ ~ ~1 U/o] V/O Certify that they have not been used in violation of either the I]~ ' ~ -- nave not been used in violation of either !he ~gnTHr:n/e ....... I L / ~' priority expenditure require.ment, l.Section 103) or the matching 111~20THERl$~ecifvll _ I t I I re r or the matching22 OTHER(SDecdy~ ~. equlrement(Section 103) LI -- ~:L~I o.I o-- o., oL .o.,o,,...o, /I .............. = .~ ~ ..%=~ .o ,uo0s0o.0.o ,. ..oo 3 R~_~EPQRT 23 ~.. .... TOTAL ACTUAL ~ U.ES 35,585.80 !~~~ IRevenue sharing Funds Rece" e ..... Ji~ Funds Received o].~ 00 ThruJune30 1973 $ 7~llJ.O~ I! ~ J 1973 ....... S 323," ' . ........ * X Total FundsAvadable ........ $ ,TQil~L ~~~) ~ M~yO1E __ _ .... Chairman Board of County Coraratssioners AVadable S - 64, Ill-~'Gt'&'31t~- PI.IASl PRINT • " ..... $ ~) ,~ I NAME OF NEWSPAPER ~ D E UBL SHED I oa=ance ................. $ ..... -- ---.-JI HAM! OF NiIN~PAINER OAT| IRJIIL,~EO ........ THIS REPORT TO BE RETURNED TO THE DEPT. OF THE TREASURY 8/16-1t I ~ THIS REPORT TO BE FtETURNED TO THE DEPT. OF THE 1tREASURY It Thursday, August 16, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25